Get the astro symbol for your sign with our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes, by Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes July 17 2017 ladybugs Strong eye astrology

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Ladybugs. It’s time to herald in good luck. Feel abundant, well taken care of, and secure. Nestle into a comfy cove, and ease into a feeling of relaxation. You’re fine. All is well. Slow down a little bit. Attune to the rhythms of nature as much as you can and take deep breaths. It’s time to feel grounded and remind yourself that scarcity is a myth. You have the same abundance within you that is echoed in the abundance of leaves on the nearest tree.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Rubik’s cubes stretching as far as the eye can see. Puzzling something together. This month ahead brings you on a journey of defining yourself in a new way. Validate yourself. What does that mean to you? A question— how many times in a day do you take credit away from yourself? Give that credit back. Do you allow other people to take away your power with a word or a glance? Change your perception. This all might seem like a puzzle, but keep working at the solution. Build yourself up so that your pure light shines from within. There is a way to do that while still remaining gracious and kind.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Marshlands. Still waters. Below the surface there is an active ecosystem of fish, frogs, roots, weeds and microscopic life forms. It’s a busy world down there. Your dream world may be busy too. Your subconscious mind is ripe for change. Pay extra attention to dreams, symbols and feelings. Look for opportunities to think of the past, consider forgotten emotions and allow deep healing in the furthest reaches of your psyche. Make space for quiet intention-setting.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A unicorn high-stepping at the edges of a frothy sea. Change your perspective. Do it now! The world is much more magical than you think. Much more is possible than you think. What has been “proven” can absolutely change. Shake yourself out of a boring, mundane reality and LOOK for the magic. This is not a time to be staring in the mud. You’ll miss the vision of the unicorn emerging from the sea.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A spiderweb of gossamer threads catches the light. The spider builds a web carefully, strand by strand. The next day she nonchalantly moves on to the next project— a new web. She doesn’t worry about all of the work she did before. She keeps looking for an improved location, technique and result. You are entering an ambitious new phase. Keep working. Keep looking for a higher building site, just a little bit closer to the light source. Every spider knows that’s where the moths are.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Hang gliding. Seeing new sights. You are on a massive quest for exploration and freedom. Adventure is your food and water. A new way of thinking is your shelter and warmth. Get outside of yourself, get beyond your everyday. Look for higher meaning. Seek a greater philosophy. Let that drive you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A brilliant bouquet flowers. Appreciation of the sensual experience of life. Look closer for beauty. Look deeper. Don’t just see the flowers — smell the flowers, dream of the flowers, eat the flowers. Get really present and merge into the experience that life is offering you. Don’t distract yourself with overwhelming goals or “future thinking” right now. Being fully present will allow you to truly make an impact.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Swans going fishing. A pair of monogamous swans taking on their daily task of finding food. They float along and have fun together as they meet their needs for sustenance. They make it look easy. You are learning to balance work, relationships and play. You are learning to go with the flow. You are creating space to be your true authentic self, while allowing yourself to be seen in relationship. Let it be known to the world that you are magnanimous, gracious and strong, just like a swan.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A telephone made of tin cans. Gathering new information, clearing up confusion, trying to make improvements. There’s a lot of work and a multitude of details to take care of. Is it possible that you’re working with out-dated technology? Focus on your systems and organization. If you can get the details in good order, you’ll have more space for fun, creativity and playfulness.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Kickboxing. A flurry of activity. Let yourself be wild. Be on fire with creativity and action. You’ll feel burned out if you’re denying yourself of fun. Make time for fun, joy and lightness. The more that you explore your playful, creative side, the more you’ll learn about yourself. The “kick-boxing” symbol means that you are taking something on. Find your motivation to take on your next project by asking yourself what would be fun to do. What would feel joyous? That’s how you kick it into high gear.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Pulling a rope in a game of tug-of-war. Hold on. Bear down. Staunchly protect your boundaries. Instead of rushing forward or starting new projects, take some time to be sure your basic emotional needs are met. Do you know deep within that you are worthy? Do you love yourself truly? Prove to yourself that you love yourself by allowing space for your feelings. Even if they are not comfortable! You need to hold on for a little bit here so that you recognize on deep levels how strong and supported you are.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Using a megaphone. You are ready to send a message. What are you consciously deciding to bring into your life? Call it out. Tell the universe. Say what you want. Say how you want your relationships to feel, how you want your work to feel, how you want your money to feel, how you want your health to feel. Shout it out from the rooftops so that you are very clear on your intentions.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Get the astro symbol for your sign with our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes, by Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes pink fields strong eye astrology

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Fields stretching into the distance. Cycles continue. Time goes on. It’s hard to see what’s in the distance. So just keep moving through the cycles. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Trust in the continuation. It’s not precious. There are no wrong answers. This awareness that cycles continue can give you a feeling of spaciousness. There is so much room to make mistakes, learn, play and love.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Riding a ferris wheel. Embracing excitement. Grabbing for joy. Looking for the glimmer of humor in every situation. Understand that there ups and downs and that it helps to keep looking for that higher perspective. Sometimes riding the ferris wheel is scary. At moments it’s thrilling. Accept all of the different facets, and meanwhile, try to have a good time.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Building a sand castle and the sea washes it away. The emotions are coming and going. Can you allow all of them? Staying busy will help. Give yourself a task and try to follow through even if the environment keeps changing. Maybe this pressure will allow you to come up with a brilliant new innovation.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A glimmering window at the top of a castle tower. Upgrade the way you have been thinking about things. This is your time to climb very high in your career. Ambition is a very good thing right now. But you may have to look at your beliefs and change some ways that you have been thinking about things. The more flexibility you have, the easier it will be to go higher in your career.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A blue whale swims in deep waters. Internal peace and steadiness. You have so much power. Have you been separating yourself from your power? Meditate on the ancient power of a massive blue whale. That is what emanates from within you. So strong. So stable. So worthy. Remember your strength.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Zig-zagging neon lights. Surprise yourself into a new pattern, Let something end, let something new begin. Step into the spotlight with a new routine. It can be hard to let go of an old way. It’s possible that right now it doesn’t seem like there is any room for mistakes. So take the leap and force yourself into a new facet of your identity. Be brave.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Picking blueberries. A sign of richness and pleasure. Find a sense of nurturance in your relationships that feels deep and integral. Emotionally secure. Compassionate. If these ideas seem natural and easy, then all you have to do is appreciate and enjoy them. If receiving nurturance in your relationships still seems foreign then it’s time to make space for the belief that you deserve true acceptance from others.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Riding horses in a hunt. It’s time for new way of living, new habits and routines. Some changes may seem so sudden, as if galloping horses have completely overtaken you. The hunt is on and you are swept up in the excitement. Making changes all at once. No holding back. Ride with any momentum that you have right now.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A telescope pointed at a cloud. Zero in on the thing that has been vaporous, hidden or confusing. What are you in denial about? It has something to do with being completely yourself. Are you appreciated? Are you able to shine in your true creative form? A change may be coming in your public identity that will support you becoming more of your true self. Allow the clouds to part and the sun to shine through.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A baby kangaroo. Growing and learning to leap. But you may still be at a stage where you must receive tender care and nurturance. Who gives you that nurturance? You can give it to yourself. The more that you take care of your inner child, the more easily you will be able to expand.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Drifting along in a boat. Waiting for new developments. It’s okay to float and drift. Maybe restoration is in order. Relax and take care of yourself. The more you relax, the more you will be able to think about things in a new way and let go of old patterns. Drift along in a meditative state. Don’t reach for distractions like TV, food, alcohol, drama. Look for true relaxation.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Using a jackhammer. Tension, action, loud noises, extreme measures. But for what? The underlying reason for this chaos is that you learn to love yourself more. So that you truly know your self-worth. Keep digging in. Let the activity be intense, but focus on believing that you are inherently valuable. Your soul wants you to remember that you are enough.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The 2017 Capricorn Full Moon is an opportunity to set loving boundaries, trust in our security, and celebrate just how far we have come, says Sandra Sitron.

2017 capricorn full moon mountaintop journey the numinous yoal desurmont

Full Moon :: July 9th 2017 :: 12:08 am ET :: 17 degrees Capricorn

As the earthy 2017 Capricorn Full Moon faces off against the watery, sensitive Cancer Sun, this lunation is a rare opportunity to harness emotional compassion and logical detachment simultaneously. Move back and forth between these two opposites. Each one supports the other … 

Systematic Capricorn wants you to know who you are, and set boundaries with integrity. The more that you know yourself, what you need, and what you will allow—the more you can feel safe to open your heart and be vulnerable.

Open-hearted Cancer wants you to soften and glow with love. The more you can trust that love flows to you from family, friends, and lovers, the more you can believe in your own inner strength.

Look up at the Sun and the Moon and see the archetypical Father and Mother. In the ancient understanding of these archetypes, Capricorn is Father—supporting and protecting. Cancer, the Mother, nurtures and loves. Imagine the Moon and the Sun surrounding you with motherly love and fatherly protection. 

It will be helpful to feel supported by your luminary parents, because at this Full Moon the planets are arranged in a tense configuration … 


Pluto urges the Moon to step into the fire of transformation and let the past die away. Warrior Mars goads the Sun to get defensive. At the hub of all of this frenetic activity, happy-go-lucky Jupiter acts as coach and referee. He is optimistically convincing all the players to work together to find creative expansion and a new way forward.

Those defense systems have been created for different reasons. Your job now is to be very practical about how they are set up. Clean your weapons. Disassemble them. Put them in storage. Lay down your arms. Notice where your systems of defense are firing. Press the deactivation button.

There may be conflict at the 2017 Capricorn Full Moon. Knowing this, can you set up a post as an observer in your own mind? Can you watch yourself as you reach for a defensive word or attitude? Drop it. Find a different way to react.

Time is your friend in this endeavor. If a strong emotion comes up, take a time out and wait for emotion to subside so that logic can come forward. By giving yourself time to think, you are more likely to react in a way that feels productive.

And remember, despite the challenges, it’s still a time for jubilant celebration! The themes during this Cancer moon cycle have been about opening your heart, learning how to nurture yourself, and taking good care of your inner child.

Take this opportunity to celebrate any progress you’ve made around letting yourself be vulnerable, either in this moon cycle, or in the last year. 


Full Moon conjunct Pluto
Bees swarm the tallest daisy, overtaking it.
Birth. Sex. Death. Rebirth. The cycle continues. Every transition is a chance to let go of what you knew and make space for something new.

Pluto is urging you to let go of control but this is a tricky subject. Sometimes it’s obvious when someone is being controlling. But sometimes controlling behavior is cloaked as “advice.” Often, it can be hard for sensitive people to let other people have their own emotions. The hidden inner dialogue can sound like, “If I can make you feel better, I’ll feel better too.” So without knowing it, a sensitive, loving person can actually be trying to control the people around them by “helping” them feel better. And that takes up a ton of energy!

Every time you consciously let go of control this weekend, you create more space to grow. Even though giving up control may feel uncomfortable, in the long-run it will help you see yourself as an authority. It will help you flourish in integrity. It will help you stand up a little bit straighter, just like the tallest daisy.


Full Moon opposite Mars
Lava flows from the opening of the volcano.
Eruption. Find a way to expand beyond your boundaries. Move forward with action. Feel the fire of creativity and self-expression. Flow freely, fueled by the force of your own motivation. Take on the challenges that you’ve been circling. Wherever there was hesitancy, there can be forward movement. But don’t forget about care, compassion and open-hearted love. Choose a path of heart-centered action, not a fire-river of destruction.


Moon and Sun T-square Jupiter
Primary colors.
With the basic building blocks of color you can create any hue imaginable. By sticking with simple basic tools, a limitless myriad of expansion is possible. So if your goal is growth, find good tools and trust them. Gratitude is a tool that works. Asking for help works. Loving yourself works. These are your primary colors. Let them help you expand.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Capricorn Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 17 degrees Capricorn …

Aries or Full Moon in the 10th house
What new systems would support your productivity in your career, or your life in general?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 9th house
What is your mission statement? Why is this important to you—and to the world?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 8th house
What are you ready to let go of? What could be birthed in its place?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 7th house
Is there room to open your heart up more? How will letting others in help you?

Leo or Full Moon in the 6th house
Are you ready to create a healthy new habit? What impact would this have on your productivity?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 5th house
What area of your life would benefit from more joyfulness? Can you feel it already?

Libra or Full Moon in the 4th house 
What does your inner child need today? What can you do to nurture yourself?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 3rd house 
If you let curiosity run wild, where would it lead you?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 2nd house 
What can you do today that would help you feel more grounded and secure?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 1st house 
Confidence comes from within. Is anything blocking you from feeling fully confident?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 12th house 
Listen for the part of you that is the most hopeful. If this part could talk, what would Hope say to you?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 11th house
How can the input of your community help you solve a problem?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Get this week’s symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous Weekly Horoscopes Sandra Sitron Strong Eye Astrology Rushing water

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
The dam breaks and the waters rush forward. Allow the flow of emotions. What a different experience it would be to ride the waves of emotion with a sense of acceptance. Set up post as an observer in your mind. Notice when a rush of feeling comes through. And coach yourself along with kind words of acceptance. When self-acceptance is intact, you can let the rushing waters of your heart pool at the feet of a loved one. Make your emotional experience into an offering. Create intimacy by sharing your feelings with a partner.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Horses eating grass. Keep it contained. Keep it simple. Don’’t try to take care of anyone else. Just take care of yourself. Be a little bit methodical and plod along through the sweet grass, making sure to eat your fill. Put your head down and ignore the ups and downs of life as it swirls around you. Stay focused on the simple things that help you feel nourished.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A coral reef. Multitudes of fishes swimming in and out. An ecosystem teeming with life and a bright myriad of colors. You are the coral reef. Nurture liveliness. Let yourself feel joyous. Allow a heightened sense of creativity to course through your veins. And share. Share your self-expression with a sense of collaboration and fun. Watch your efforts multiply.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Staring into an elephant’s trunk. Learn about the behaviors of the maternal pachyderm. The elephant is steady, protective and patient. Can you infuse your day with this kind of energy? Coax out your inner child, and remind her that she is safe and supported. Be patient with yourself to create spaciousness and emotional stability.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Geodesic domes. Innovative architecture. Support beams connect in surprising ways, forming a protected space. You can make connections that will offer you the same kind of shelter. You can make social connections that surprise you into a new way of thinking. You can take a class that may invigorate your mindset. Look for new ways to connect the dots.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Breathing roses. A warm, earthy and fragrant smell. A rose petal essence that wafts through the air, offering relaxation and helping you open your heart. Connect with the Earth’s natural medicine. Put your bare feet on the ground. Linger near a garden. Let the pace of your energy align with the heartbeat of the Earth. All of this to gain a feeling of being grounded and encourage your strong sense of self-worth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
The interlocking gears of a clock. You are keeping time. The earth-bound limitations of time offer you a constraint against which you can map your progress. But don’t let your inner-clock become a burden. There is enough time. Comparing your progress to other people’s progress won’t give you more peace. Worrying about whether you are “on time” won’t make life more magical. Choose a different thought. Practice being in the moment. The moment is spacious.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Rainbow jet streams left in the wake of flying unicorn hooves. Keep prancing along, but put a little more magic in your step. Where can your imagination take you in a day-dream? Frolic on rainbow hooves through symbolic realms. It’s time to firm up your spiritual foundation. If you need an access point, try meditating. Let mindfulness make your everyday existence more magical.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A gust of wind. A candle is extinguished. Movement. Change. Beginnings and endings bring new ways of thinking about things. Let yourself settle into a new environment. Give yourself time to let your eyes adjust to the light. Make room for the change that is coming, or the change that already came by creating a mindset of flexibility and positivity. What is the most hopeful thought you can have right now? Maintain a feeling of faith.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Pepper falling from a mill. Grind the pepper mill. There is some work to be done. But the rewards aren’t far off as the pepper falls plentifully on your plate. Pepper your day with moments of surprise. Keep things interesting. Add immense flavor. Don’t get overrun by a work cycle, but do let the work feel interesting and innovative.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
An ice igloo. Travel to the ends of the earth. Envision an opposite way of living. Why? Because it will give you perspective that you can bring home with you. And when you do, you can see more clearly how to direct your energy. When you reach the other side of the Earth, in your mind or in your physical travels, immerse yourself in it. Adapt to a foreign environment or a foreign mindset. What you need to do is expand your way of thinking about yourself so that you can harness a philosophy which will serve you in your future endeavors.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A camel walking across a desert. Store up your resources. Conserve your energy. There is a long road ahead and in order to make the journey, you need to be somewhat practical. A part of that practicality is the basic understanding that you need to let your emotions flow, Don’t keep that water stagnant for too long. At the same time recognize your emotional security. You keep taking care of your emotions and you will be able to easily complete the journey.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


What’s the cosmic symbol for your sign this week? Find out in our Numinous weekly horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes dressage horse strong eye astrology June 25

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Showing a horse in a dressage competition. It’s time to compete. Show off your skills. Shine. You are supported — it’s not just you out there on your own. Sit tall and sit high on your prancing horse. Look for a way to feel confident enough to put yourself out there. Is it scary to be seen and lead the way? If it is, that’s okay. But if you don’t do it now, then when? And what do you really have to lose anyway?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Mowing the lawn. Do something routine that lets you get away from it all and have some time to daydream. You need to go inward. Allow yourself to recede. You can mask it by doing everyday chores, as the symbol suggests. But do break free from the mundane world and let your imagination take you on a journey. Too much time spent chained to the grind or the social media feed will suck the joy out of you. Replenish.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Writing in hieroglyphics. Ancient languages. Future languages. Early written languages were a huge breakthrough in communication, which had previously only been spoken. It’s possible that reading and writing even changed the way we humans use our brains, by helping us think more abstractly. You may be ready for a mindset shift right now. How can you advance into completely new thought territory? Get outside of your norm and communicate with a new group in a new way. Surprise yourself with innovative thoughts and ideas. Be inventive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Jumping on a pogo stick. Higher and higher. You keep reaching for more, And it looks like you can have fun while you’re doing it! Don’t stop, you’re just getting started. If you keep jumping like this, you may find yourself on a new platform. And you may find that you have a new audience. Let it be a game and let it bring you lightness.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Fireworks—wheels of light spinning off into the air. Illuminating the sky? You? Yes. Do it. Get out there and light it up. Share your most fiery message — your spirit, your ideas, your philosophy. It’s not time to hold back. It’s time to light it up. Just take action. You know where you belong right now. Where everyone can see you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Waves on the surface of the ocean and stronger currents below. What are the waves on your surface? Meaning, what are those minor emotional irritations that are easy to ignore or resist? If you ignore the surface waves, they will show up as bigger problems—procrastination, resistance or confusion. If instead, you follow the emotions down to discover the deeper emotional patterns below, you might experience a breakthrough. Learn more about your patterns so that you can heal. Experience calm, peaceful waters.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A ship with full sails. Can you find a way to communicate with love? Even when under pressure? Even when irritated or fatigued? Sail forward quickly. In astrology, the Air element represents communication (among other things). Let your communication propel you forward. Fill your sails with the desire to connect. Let nothing get in the way of creating harmonious partnership.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
You are a cannonball. Ready to fly. Position yourself well as you move into battle. What’s the battle? Think of it as your upcoming challenges. Now, what would help you position yourself to take that on? Do you need to carve out time? Get help? Take care of some details of your life, like nutrition, exercise, organization? A little planning and positioning can go a long way.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Instead of a bouquet of flowers, you hold a bouquet of dancing butterflies. Are you ready to become more dynamic? More joyful? Even more than you imagined possible? Look for the unexpected in everything. Look for opportunities to be creative, intuitive and playful. Find the people who will appreciate your zany, unique, individual, self-expression. Maybe they will even give you a little recognition, and wouldn’t that be refreshing?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A child’s drawing. So innocent. So perfect in it’s fresh and unencumbered expression. That part of you is still there, deep inside. That pure, unconcerned and vital part of you. Connect with your inner child. Remind her that she is safe, that life is a blast. Let her remind you that other people’s opinions don’t matter. She knows what the opposite of self-conscious is. Let her teach you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Skiing down slopes. Your curiosity helps you build momentum. This is one big learning adventure, are you ready to hit the slopes? As you slalom in your imagination, you groove lines in the snow. Those lines are the synapses in your brain, the connections of the dots. What do you need to learn about? What ideas do you need to connect? What neural pathways need to be formed? Do it with speed, adventure and finesse.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A hedgehog eating grass roots in a meadow. The hedgehog knows how to protect itself while keeping cool, calm and in control. This tiny spiny mammal has a built-in security system. When danger nears, it simply rolls into a ball and is protected by it’s spiky spines. How efficient. You are capable of taking care of yourself too, as long as you just keep things simple. Don’t stress out about money or let your self-worth tank. You are safe. You are protected. You are abundant. Call on protective and healing hedgehog medicine to help you feel grounded.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Settle into your cozy zone and wrap yourself in a cosmic hug. The 2017 Cancer New Moon wants you to harness the power of your feelings and know that you are worthy of some super sweet loving, says Sandra Sitron.

Photo: Benjamin Combs

New Moon :: June 23rd 2017 :: 10:32 pm ET ::  2 degrees Cancer

This New Moon wants you to learn that you have emotional stability—you can feel your feelings, express your feelings, process your feelings, and move on.

Just as the waves of the ocean keep on coming, you can let yourself ebb and flow. The ocean tumbles and moves but it is vast and powerful. Allowing yourself to process your feelings can give you power and security too. 

Carry a basket. Fill it with nostalgia. A glass jar filled with a dream. A fragment of a memory. The outline of a kiss. A love note and sticky lollipops and glitter that won’t go away. Devoted puppies, a collection of ribbons, and a foggy window. Put your love for others and your love for yourself into the basket. Put the basket on your alter as an offering to the Moon.

The Cancer New Moon has got you gathering up the memories of things that help you feel close, nurtured and taken care of. Cancer collects nostalgia because it feels like home. It feels like nurturance. The metaphorical basket holds proof for your subconscious mind that you are loved. 

Let this energy help you set intentions for loving yourself, nurturing your family relationships, and settling into your cozy home zone. Learn to nurture your inner child. By taking care of that little one, you build up real emotional security within yourself. Bring your inner child to work with you. Bring her to yoga. Take him grocery shopping. Remember a time when you needed nurturance and visit that baby version of yourself with a kind word and a hug.

Let this moon phase inspire you to wrap yourself in a bear hug and hold yourself tight. You are dear. You are darling. Find a way to believe that you are worthy of nurturance and love just because you are alive.

Affirm this truth for yourself and let the gossamer moonlight of it shine out of the cracks in your armor … 


New Moon conjunct Mercury
A spider writes words in a web.
The nurturing New Moon is drifting close to quick-witted Mercury. This aspect inspires us to communicate the message of our heart. Speak what you feel.

Charlotte the spider from Charlotte’s Web is a maternal friend who nurtures Wilber the pig and saves his life through quick wit and well-placed words. What part of yourself do you need to rescue with your words or thoughts? What matter of the heart do you need to speak aloud? What emotion could use a little logical reframing?


New Moon conjunct Mars
Riding a zip-line.
Momentum is building. At this Moon phase you get an opportunity to set intentions in motion. The conjunction of the Moon with Mars is going to put some serious fire behind these intentions. Craft them well.

Stay focused on your goal, just as if you are riding that zip-line. There is one route to take, so fly! Don’t get distracted by unnecessary aggression or self-flagellation. There is too much energy that can be used to plant new seeds and help them grow.


New Moon square Chiron
Handfuls of cotton swabs.
The cotton is clean and you are ready to tend to those old wounds. The New Moon is giving side-eye to the wounded-healer Chiron. Chiron reminds us of our old wounds, so that we’ll remember to heal them. The sensitive Moon may not appreciate Chiron’s relentless assertion that the past must be healed. But she’ll agree that this Moon-phase of fluid emotion is a good time to get those feelings moving.

Seek out cathartic release. Find the energetic, spiritual, mental, physical and emotional support that you need. Remember that most kinds of healing — whether it’s a bruised knee, a broken heart, or an ancestral wound — are like peeling the quintessential onion. Take steps and allow it to happen in its own time. Let the New Moon energy help you nurture yourself in the process.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Cancer New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 2 degrees Cancer …

Aries or New Moon in the 4th house
What thought needs to change for you to feel more at home in your body or in your space?

Taurus or New Moon in the 3rd house
How can you activate your curiosity? Write down three questions you would like to investigate the answers to.

Gemini or New Moon in the 2nd house
Is anything blocking you from developing your self-worth?

Cancer or New Moon in the 1st house
What are your goals for leadership this year?

Leo or New Moon in the 12th house
When do you need to get out of your own way? What blocks are you allowing to confuse things?

Virgo or New Moon in the 11th house
What are you ready to contribute? How are you feeling called to be of service?

Libra or New Moon in the 10th house
What structure do you need to create for yourself this week?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 9th house
Make a list of the books, quotes, authors, philosophers, teachers and resources that inspire you. Keep it as a reference.

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 8th house
What are you ready to release? Find a kundalini yoga kriya online to help you divine the answer.

Capricorn or New Moon in the 7th house
Is there a relationship in your life that could benefit from more balance? Would it be helpful to set a healthy boundary in this relationship?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 6th house
What healthy habits are you ready to begin with a view to committing to?

Pisces or New Moon in the 5th house
What can you pour the heart and soul of your creativity into today?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes bunny in field The Numinous Strong Eye Astrology

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A bunny hopping through the field. A bunny can be a little skittish. It’s time for you to create a feeling of inner-peace and calm. Look for proof in your environment that you’re secure. Nestle into the present moment. Find serenity. The bunny also symbolizes fertility. From your calm, peaceful state of mind, what new intention are you ready to incubate? Create and cultivate a vision for your future self.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A dinosaur making a smoothie. What has to become extinct for you to improve your health? What old idea has to be released? This is a time for you to make changes deep within. Set intentions for those changes. What is the new way of life that you are ready to create? Now look deep within for an old, archaic way of thinking that’s blocking you from making those changes reality. Let the old conditioning, belief or outdated thought pattern die away.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Exploring a cave. Going deep into the mind cave. Finding treasures— natural crystals, forgotten jewels, ancient rock formations. This is a time to incubate these crystalline new ideas. Explore your inner world with wonder and abandon. Find the inspirational idea you’re seeking and then let it develop. When the time is right you’ll be able to bring it forward and share it with the world. But for now it’s time to explore. Look for inspiration and hold space for new ideas.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Looking up at the trees and noticing the pine cones way up in the branches. Reach higher for the seeds. The seeds represent the power of your potential. To “reach higher” means to get perspective. Spend some time thinking about your trajectory. What are the big-picture goals, especially as related to career? Can you treat these goals like delicate and powerful seeds? Focus on the seeds and then get out of your own way. Don’t let fear of failure, doubt or self-criticism stop you from reaching higher.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Riding a jet ski over the waves. You may be going over bumpy waves, but you can still have fun. Stay focused on the fun. It’s tucked away in every corner of the world. There is a joke hidden in everything, if you can only find it. A sense of lightness and adventure will keep you progressing. It’s time to set intentions for adventure and exploration. Explore the world and explore your mind until you find a mission statement that will keep you afloat. The goal is to develop a lifelong philosophy that can carry you over any bumps life brings your way.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Gathering around the campfire. You need to open yourself up to others and develop true intimacy. Bring your sleeping bag over to the campfire and get ready to trust and share. Set intentions for trust. What does that mean to you? Let go of the pain of betrayal and restore through intimacy. Share your story. Feel the love and support that can come your way when you let down your guard. Stories can heal.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
An elephant drinking fresh water. An elephant can symbolize a memory, and the fresh water can symbolize a new emotional pattern. This is your time to create new patterns in your relationships. The elephant never forgets. But now this elephant is being refreshed. What memories of relationships need to be refreshed? What’s your vision for how you want relationships to feel? Set intentions to develop completely new, healthier relationship patterns.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Picking flowers for a bouquet. You’ll give the bouquet to yourself, which means that you are building up your self-approval. Help yourself feel grounded in your self-respect by stabilizing the details of your life. Pick the flowers one-by-one. Set healthy, beautiful habits one-by-one. Get every drawer organized. Set a routine for your health and wellness. Improve your life. Create beauty in the details.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
The spiky graphic lines of an EKG reading. Put your heart into it. What makes you feel truly alive? These are the things to focus on and set intentions for now. Your joy. Your self-expression. Your creativity. Make a pact to explore your central creative needs. Maybe that means more time in nature, more time resting and playing or more time making. Let your experience of joy spike to new levels.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Making pancakes. Is there a craving for family time? This is your moment to crete new patterns with family, at home or in your connections with your ancestors. Find ways to nurture these relationships and spaces. Be yourself—don’t lose your identity—and at the same time feel very close to your place of origin. Healthy new intentions relating to home and family will help you expand your sense of emotional security.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Playing tag in the schoolyard. Connect with your ideal friends and community. It’s time to set intentions for positive personal influencers. It’s often the case that we take our friends or community for granted, but the influence of these people has a massive impact on the way that we think about things. The people in your circle, your friends’ circles and even in your friends’ friends’ circles can affect what you eat, what you think and how you speak. Take some time to dream up and create a vision for the kind of community you want to be a part of. And reach out to your friends to show your appreciation.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
The wheel on the riverboat is turning. This is time for continuity. Don’t stop. You’ll lose your momentum. It may not be completely clear where the river will take you, but keep churning through the water. Find your sense of security in the routine habits and movement that you make. Don’t look too far ahead, just stay centered on the moment. Dedicate yourself to the moment. To paraphrase Eckhart Tolle, too much future thinking can cause anxiety, and too much past thinking can cause regret. So stay present and stay in motion. That’s where you’ll find your joy and security.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Get this week’s symbol for your sign with the Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …

Numinous weekly horoscopes June 12-18 2017 Sandra Sitron Strongeye Astrology Strong Eye Astrology Ruby Warrington The Numinous

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Sharing a meal. Show true hospitality to the people or situations that are challenging you. Whatever you are struggling with, throw the door wide open to receive the lesson. Show it a seat at the table. Welcome the experience.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Jumping on a trampoline. Jumping higher and higher, almost as if you are trying to jump out of the atmosphere. Looking for a higher faith or purpose or connection. Transcendence. Use some kind routine or practice to help you find the spiritual opening you are seeking.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Birds singing in the trees. Sometimes when the birds sing, it’s almost as if the trees themselves are singing. Blurring the boundary between the birds and the trees. Raise your vibration. Can you become so full of joy and creative self-expression that you become joy?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Laying bricks. Brick by brick you build yourself up. Start with the foundation. Make sure that you have good habits for working with your emotions. Is there any feeling that needs attention or healing? Give yourself time to feel and express.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Playing hopscotch. Keep your mindset light. Don’t get too caught up in one problem. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Just keep hopping along. Move along to the next idea. Make it a game. You’ll accomplish more through play and lightness then you will through self-criticism.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Putting post-it notes up on the wall. Organization and practicality. It may be time to back up a little bit and get things a little more organized. Make sure that you are getting your basic needs met. Make things systematized and structured. Have a plan. Follow through.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Standing at attention. Take yourself seriously. You’ve got to have respect for yourself first. Then you can attend to creating respectful relationships. Make sure to express yourself in all of your relationships. Say what you’re thinking in a way that doesn’t put the other person on the defensive, but gets your point across.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A parrot eating food. Taking good care of yourself will help you be bright and confident. The parrot energy is helping you speak your mind and get attention. It’s a little bit fun and flashy. By taking care of yourself physically, you’ll feel ready to go out and take on the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A light bulb turns on. Innovative ideas and new directions are headed your way. Make sure you’re ready to gather the bright ideas as they flow in from the collective consciousness. Have your pen and paper handy. Keep your mind clear and curious. Look for inspiration everywhere.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A shooting star. What are you wishing for? Would you be ready to say it when the shooting star gleams by? Would it be right on the tip of your tongue? Make sure you have your dreams defined. It’s much easier to manifest your ideal life when you know what it is that you want.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising 
A high speed train. There’s more exploring to do. Zip along, fueled by the desire to know answers to the big questions in life. Why are we here? What’s the meaning of life? Why do we humans have different experiences? Travel to find the answers.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Laying in a field, watching the clouds drift by. Letting go. Watching old emotions release and drift away, just like clouds drifting in the sky. Leaves floating on the surface of a lake. The emotions come and go. Experience them and release them. Open up to forgiveness.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Since the May 25th New Moon in Gemini, we’ve been exploring different versions of the truth. With the 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon, we’re asked to put that exploration to work and rediscover our soul mission, says Sandra Sitron … Artwork: Andreas Preis

Full Moon :: June 9th 2017 :: 9:11 am ET :: 18 degrees Sagittarius

As the Sagittarius Full Moon opposes the Gemini Sun, we’re asked to explore how we form our beliefs. Get really honest with yourself. Ask yourself the hard questions so that you can create awareness: 

Are you feeling scattered because you’re caught up in the details? 
Are you comfortable with being inexperienced, the fool at the beginning of the journey? 
What’s your “why?” (aka mission statement) 
Are you willing to let things be messy, if it means that in the end you will understand something profound?
What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing? Is there an emotion or belief that has been hidden from view?

Gemini is the feisty sprite—the shopkeeper in the marketplace, the community leader in the town hall, the reporter getting the scoop. An air sign, Gemini wants to bring people and ideas together. It’s basic, logical and conceptual. Gemini zips through town, fueled by curiosity, collecting perspectives.

Sagittarius is the galloping centaur who wants to learn about the big picture. What is the point of being alive? What does it mean to be human and how have different cultures answered this question? What is love? What is time? Is there meaning to any of this?, asks Sagittarius. 

This Full Moon is high energy because the two opposite signs are seeking balance. Sag is seeking the higher truth, but the potential pitfall is that getting too attached to one truth can veer close to fundamentalism. Gemini is gathering information and making connections, which can become pointless without Sagittarius’ wide-angle perspective.

The aspects to this Full Moon want you to find a system that helps you expand. When you have a philosophical truth that you can center your life around, you can bounce back from challenges because you understand the arc of your own divine direction—you have perspective. Make it even more magical by remembering that it’s okay not to know everything.

The gold of this 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon is that it’s helping you create faith and meaning …


Moon conjunct Saturn
A tower of giraffes.
Giraffes symbolize the ability to obtain things that might otherwise be out of reach. You are ready to reach high, but you might need a different structure or system in order to do so. To reach higher you need to build yourself up. Watch out for self-criticism. Speak sweetly to yourself, just like the gentle giraffe. Surround yourself with others who are supportive. Remember that you’re not alone.


Moon square Neptune
Beam me up Scotty.
Are you ready to transcend? Are you ready to go beyond what you know? Can you trust in the process? During this Full Moon, exercise your intuition and creativity. Use your third eye to look deeper. Let your intuition, wildness, animal instinct, creativity, hope, and faith be your focal point.


Moon sextile Jupiter
Red parrot feathers floating down from the sky.
Parrots bring in new growth and new direction. Expansion and easy optimism are possible. How do you align with luck? You’ve got to fly higher to reach the vibration of luck. Reach up to grab the brightly colored feathers.

Speak, just like the parrot. And be sure your words represent your philosophy and that they reflect your positive intentions.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 18 degrees Sagittarius …

Aries or Full Moon in the 9th House
How will you explore today?

Taurus or Full Moon in the 8th House
What do you need to let go of?

Gemini or Full Moon in the 7th House
What lesson is a relationship or the concept of relationship teaching you?

Cancer or Full Moon in the 6th House 
What healthy habit are you ready to make space for?

Leo or Full Moon in the 5th House 
How can you let your creativity shine out into the world today?

Virgo or Full Moon in the 4th House
What can you do to nurture yourself more?

Libra or Full Moon in the 3rd House 
How can you be more moderate in your thinking?

Scorpio or Full Moon in the 2nd House 
What belief or concept would help you feel worthy?

Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 1st House 
What’s your next step when it comes to building up your confidence?

Capricorn or Full Moon in the 12th House
What are your dreams trying to tell you?

Aquarius or Full Moon in the 11th House 
How can you make an impact in your community?

Pisces or Full Moon in the 10th House
What’s your mission statement when it comes to career?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Get this week’s symbol for your sign with the Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …

NUMINOUS weekly horoscopes June 5-12 2017 Strong Eye Astrology slow dance

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Dancing close. It’s time to reach for a connection. Sometimes, our relationships are our greatest teachers. Whatever the lesson is, take responsibility for your experience so that you can find your internal power. Carry a sense of optimism into your relationships. Bring the love with you, and you’ll always find it there. Create a philosophy that says, “I don’t let other people’s moods tell me how to feel. I love myself and as I move through the world, my love expands.”

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A rushing waterfall. Cleansing the spirit. Wash yourself clean by making sure all of the details are organized. Literally clean your home and your body. Plan out your meals for the week ahead. Pay attention to your nutrition and exercise. Be a busy bee, getting everything settled and sorted. These healthy foundations will help you feel refreshed and even optimistic.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Writing in cursive. You’re doing things with an extra flourish. Allow yourself to be even more showy and creative. Have you been spending enough time in the limelight? You deserve a gold-star, so make sure that the world knows it. Sometimes you have to really push yourself to get out there and get that recognition. Do it! It’s what you’re here for.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
An earthworm churning the earth. You’re making sure that you get all of the nutrients you need. Does your environment serve you—do you feel sheltered and safe? Do you have a support system— family and friends who listen to you, see you and hold you close? Do you have opportunities to nurture other people? If any of these areas need attention, begin by deciding how you would like it to be. Create intentions for home, family, intimacy and nurturance. Make sure that your environment supports your growth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Sailboats racing across a channel. Let your mind move faster. Explore new ideas. Brainstorm. Look for solutions where it might seem that there are none. This is your time for learning. There’s pressure on you to “apply yourself.” You can do that. And you can also get a little more cheerful about the stuff you’re learning. Be thoughtful and ethical, but also increase your sense of fun and adventure.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A leopard waiting on a rock ledge. You’ve got a stable foundation, but you’re ready to jump. The last couple of years have been teaching you how to provide for yourself. You’ve been learning how to get yourself all stable and secure. Now it’s time to take a leap. Nothing irresponsible, but maybe a little bit wild. By leaping forward, you’ll come to understand just how strong you’ve become.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Fireworks in the sky. Celebrate yourself. You’ve been learning how to view yourself as an authority and get your message out there. But don’t forget that you’re a nature-loving, soul-seeking, zestful adventurer! You need a chance to bound joyfully across the vast and glorious Earth. You need to let loose and remember how to play. Search for a sense of optimism in everything you do. From that place of uplifting self-confidence, imbue your day with an air of celebration.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
An ostrich with it’s head in the sand. This symbol represents oblivion, but maybe it’s just asking you to seek a different perspective. View your world upside-down. Instead of relying on logic, become a little more intuitive. You’ve got to look at things in a new way. And if do happen to be doing that oblivious ostrich thing, this advice definitely still applies. If you’re feeling very foggy or confused, binge-watching TV, or reaching for anything compulsively, that means it’s time to tap into your intuition.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Vetiver grasses blowing in the breeze. Vetiver is cleansing, grounding and stabilizing. You’ll want to be grounded and stable because it’s time for a new approach. Open your mind to fresh possibilities. You’re ready to get into the jet-stream of Aquarian innovation. The breeze is blowing, so let the wind carry you to new heights of consciousness. If you open yourself up to it, you can think about things in a new way. Keep your feet on the ground, but let your imagination break free.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A school of fish. Intuitive leadership. Who leads the school of fish? How does that level of synchronicity develop? To us humans, it may look like just a keenly developed instinct. A survival skill. But how does it feel for the fish? Does it feel like being part of one big living thing? Is it an incredible feeling of connection? You’re learning how to shine as a leader. Use your sensitivity and your intuition to choose actions that feel perfectly in sync.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Hot air balloons in the distance. Journey far from what you know. Allow your sense of adventure to take over. You can see new things, you can learn new things, you can reach new levels of joy. Don’t let yourself get stuck in beliefs that you never agreed to. Reassess everything. Let go of the beliefs that need to be upgraded. Ride a hot air balloon to the wisdom that awaits you just over the next hillside.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Freshly planted seeds lined up in even rows. You know what you’re doing. You have all the facts. You have the science backing you up. But it’s never a sure thing, even when you’ve done all your research. There are still variables. The rabbits might attack in droves or the sun might hide behind the clouds. The important take-away here is that you can’t control everything. So why try? Do your best, let go of the rest. This is how you cultivate inner peace.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Get the astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes Strong Eye Astrology

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Playing a game of croquet in the garden. Taking aim and making contact. Harness a sense of self-direction. What are you aiming for in relationships, work and health? Take note of your surroundings. Notice your limitations. Be intent on your purpose. Play fair, and be assertive. Focus on the fun of the game. Find enjoyment in knowing your strengths. Try not to see others as limiting you. Look to those around you for new techniques and wisdom.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Dreaming in a meadow. Let yourself be transported. Take time away from it all to let your daydreams flourish. You need to let yourself transcend your everyday concerns. Find spiritual escape. Choose the thoughts that will make you feel uplifted and connected. Choose to dream a little bit more. Decide to be hopeful and faithful.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Riding an old fashioned bicycle. Inventions transform the quality of life. Can you be more inventive? Can you approach the issues in your life with a curiosity? Will you see every challenge as an opportunity for creative problem solving? Don’t get caught up in the details, instead, zoom out and see the big picture. Create a vision for progress. Don’t try to stifle your creativity. Broaden your mind and think big.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Hamsters storing food. Settle in. Make a cozy nest. Give yourself what you need so that you can grow. Your structured security will be the foundation that will allow you to expand. When you take action at work or out in public make sure that you remember how supported you are. You have everything you need, so the actions you take out in the world can be fueled by a sense of security instead of a fear of scarcity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
In the distant sky, the clouds drift apart and the sun shines through. Look up. What are you aiming for when it comes to your ideals, philosophies and ethics? Can you walk your talk? Can you take your concepts of how you would like your world to be and bring them into your daily thoughts and actions? Notice the advice that you give to others and implement it for yourself. Bring your attention to your own mindset instead of distracting yourself with what other people should be doing. Move your fantasies and ideals down from the clouds and activate them in your everyday life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Hopping across lily pads. Hopping represents lightness. The amphibious frog signifies a blend between the elements Earth and Water. Earthy, rooted, security helps you swim through your watery emotions. Move through your emotions with lightness. Keep letting go. Over and over again. Hop, hop, hop. It’s time to shift aeons of unprocessed emotions. Just go for it. Make it feel safe by getting grounded through routines, disciplines and structures.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
The wise Sage waits in a cave. You are growing wise and connecting with your inner knowledge. For whom are you waiting? A soul mate? A teacher? A student? Some kind of business partner or friend? As you grow more stable in who you are, this other person makes progress on the way to meet you. Hone your skills of diplomacy and your skills of leadership. Be comfortable with yourself and be ready to explore the challenges and benefits of partnership.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A child makes potholders on a small loom. Pay attention to the details. Get your work, home, heath and habits in order. As you do so, you may encounter objects or emotions that take you on a trip down memory lane. This may bring up subconscious associations and triggers. It’s time for you to work through any hidden emotions or subconscious blocks so that you can come into your own next year. Confront nostalgia head on. Find your source of power by putting energy into changing and improving your health, habits and environment. Make space in your actual environment so that you can move mountains in your subconscious environment.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A chemist in the lab. You are learning to honor yourself for your own uniqueness.You are special just by being alive. If you’ve been paying a lot of attention to the problems of the world, it may be helpful now to place your attention on yourself. There is more to be learned from within. You can’t save the world. but you can make improvements in your own life. Those improvements will have a greater impact than you can imagine. Make the change within yourself to be an alchemist out in the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Head down, working in the field. Diligence. Hard work will take you far. You are planting seeds and you must have faith that they will grow into healthy crops. Pay attention to your home, family or emotional security and put in some solid efforts in these departments. That work will later pay off through self-respect and a sense of personal authority in your career.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
The wheels way up in the middle of the air. Your understanding of your spirituality, religion, or dedication can help you define your direction. Discover new beliefs through travel, reading, or some other kind of explorative journey. Then bring the fire of your beliefs into your daily thoughts. Begin or continue a practice of daily affirmations or journaling. You are making progress. Affirmations, prayers, mantras or journaling will help you understand your progress. Get inspired by the idea of forward motion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Soaking your feet in hot springs. You have traveled far. Now it’s time to rest. Settle in, make space, slow down. Mellowing out the pace will help you feel more secure. You’ll need this space and time so that you can process any emotions that need to be processed. And at some point this month you’ll want to take stock of your resources— your sense of self-worth and your financial worth. These are big endeavors, so for now, restore your energy. There is no rush. You have all the time in the world. Let yourself luxuriate. Doing so will help you feel grounded and prepared.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The message of the 2017 Gemini New Moon is to turn it on, tune in, and let curiosity lead to inspired possibilities, says Sandra Sitron.

2017 Gemini New Moon Ruby Warrington Sandra Sitron The Numinous Strong Eye Astrology
Get a brand new workbook for the coming Moon phase when you join Moon Club! Sign up here.

New Moon :: May 25 2017 :: 3:46 pm ET :: 4 degrees Gemini

This New Moon brings you to the entrance of Curiosity’s sanctuary. You may be hovering just outside an idea, searching for an entry point. Make a pact with Curiosity and let her guide you into the diamond encrusted center of your next big innovation.

Follow the trail that Curiosity carves for you. She’s an effervescent leader.  Blithe and animated, she’ll teach you all about Gemini New Moon magic. She’ll remind you that this is a time to learn. A time to sharpen your mind. A time to connect with those close to you. Siblings, friends, neighbors, co-workers, the community board, the local coven.

Gemini is the sign of the Twins and is responsible for two important Air element topics: mindset and social connections. It’s time to set new intentions in these areas of life. When it comes to mindset, how do you want to be curious? Where are you ready to learn? What is your next innovation? What inspires you? What beliefs will you expand, shift or invigorate in the coming year? 

And in the area of social connections, how do you want your friendships to feel? Which relationships will you put fresh energy into and which ones will you let go? What conversations need to take place? What connections need attention? What kind of local community organizations do you want to participate in?

Turn your brain on and up. Get off the couch, turn off the TV. Go connect some synapses. Show up to the pot-luck. Bring Scrabble. Curiosity will help you meet and mingle. She’ll remind you that every question you ask brings you into closer connection with the people around you and the world you inhabit. 

Curiosity has a Gemini twin sister, Inspiration. Curiosity leads you to the idea, and Inspiration takes it from there. Inspiration will stimulate your creativity. She brings gifts— ease, dedication, focus, and fun. She nurtures and guides you, helping you complete the creative work, live in your purpose, and invigorate your world. 

The aspects to the New Moon signify transformation, connecting to the feminine, spiritual awakening, and buoyant expansion. The Gemini New Moon asks you to bring curiosity and inspiration to these arenas. Set intentions for lightness and learning. Let your winged feet and mercurial mind carry you forward.


New Moon trine Jupiter
Balloons drifting high into the sky. 
Buoyant, bold, uplifting energy can help you reach for your dreams. Fill your balloons with positivity and watch them float to the zenith. This aspect removes limitations. With nothing in your way, what is possible?

The energy is harmonizing and expansive. It gives you the chance to open your world up to new realities.


New Moon square Neptune
A crystal forms under the crust of the Earth. 
You are incubating pure magic. This aspect funnels enchanted and ethereal vibes. Channel the energy to get closer to your spiritual truths. Ask to be transported beyond everyday anxieties or fears. Find connection to crystalline source.

There is another facet to this energy which can create confusion or fogginess. Set intentions for clarity and spiritual connection.


New Moon semi-square Venus
A rose blooms where no one ever goes. 
Consider your deep inner connection to your feminine nature. Is there anything that needs to be ironed out? Is there a subtle denial of the feminine that is impeding your ability to connect in the way you would like to? It may be time for a new mental pathway to be forged. A new altar to Venus could be created.


New Moon sesquiquadrate Pluto
The blacksmith heats the horseshoe.
The horse can’t walk on this shoe. A solution is necessary, so the blacksmith gets to work. Heat up your internal furnace. It’s time for a minor transformation. The adjustment needs to be made because of a frustration. Where are you frustrated and what do you need to change? It’s not possible to move forward without bringing through some changes. Get to work.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Gemini New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 4 degrees Gemini …

Aries or New Moon in the 3rd House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of communication and learning. What aspect of your life could benefit from a fresh dose of curiosity?

Taurus or New Moon in the 2nd House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of financial worth and self-worth. What new intentions will you set for your finances?

Gemini or New Moon in the 1st House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of identity. What is blocking you from thinking about yourself in a new way?

Cancer or New Moon in the 12th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of intuition, compassion, and spirituality. How can you make your spirituality a bigger part of your everyday life?

Leo or New Moon in the 11th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of friends, community, and the future. What social connections are you ready to invigorate?

Virgo or New Moon in the 10th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of career and the public sphere. What ideas would you like to share with the world?

Libra or New Moon in the 9th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of philosophy, beliefs, travel, and higher learning. What is your mission statement?

Scorpio or New Moon in the 8th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of evolution and union. What are you ready to let go of?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 7th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of relationships. What conversation do you need to have with someone you are close to?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 6th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of health and habits. What positive habit will you begin?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 5th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of joy and self-expression. What inspires you?

Pisces or New Moon in the 4th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of home and family. How can you make your home into a mentally and creatively stimulating place?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Get this week’s symbol for your sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes Sandra Sitron Strong Eye Astrology

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Jumping hurdles. Precision and lightness. Get very precise about the hurdles you want to jump this year. Set specific goals. Then bring in lightness. Think about how fun it will be to meet these goals. Make it pleasurable. Meditate on the expansion that is possible for you right now. Be present in the moment. Remember that the athlete understands the layout of the entire race, but focuses only on the upcoming hurdle.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A shooting star. It’s time for hope. Remember that you don’t have to find proof to feel hopeful. Allow time for quiet reflection. From that space, reconnect with your hopes and dreams. What will your wishes be when you see the shooting star? Just before you fall asleep, recite your hopes and affirmations to yourself. In that dreamy, half-sleep, your affirmations will sink into your subconscious mind. From there, the visions and dreams will grow into reality.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A basketball player passes the ball. Unity. Working together. Who is on your team? Focus on community. Find your people. Your friends and even your friends’ friends have a surprising impact. Make sure that it’s what you want. Take stock of your community. Have some fun reaching out for help and finding new resources within your circle. Maybe it’s time to make some new friends. Connect with new people through ideas and activities. Understanding that you have a network will help you move forward.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Zipping up a zipper. Get everything in order so that you can make progress. You have a chance to get more structured and disciplined. That will help you in your career. Get clear about your career goals and discover what you will need to make those goals a reality. Start setting yourself up for success by planning. Know where you are going and believe that it’s possible.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Playing a chord on the piano. If you’ve just been playing the notes, it’s time to bring it all together. Make your offering more nuanced. Put some life into it. Believe in it. Use your creativity to go even further forward. You are moving from the beginner stage of learning the notes to the more advanced level of bringing emotion and depth into the song that you’re playing. Ask yourself these questions, what is your emotional purpose for doing what you are doing? What is the need? What is the mission statement? Stay aligned to the bigger picture.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Navigating the river and following it all the way to the lake. Emotional responsibility. Follow the threads of your emotions to their source. Keep looking for patterns in your life. Reflect and discover the root of the pattern. Create space to feel everything that needs to be felt. But don’t stay stuck there, keep on navigating the river. Keep moving. Use energy work to support yourself in maneuvering through the old feelings.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Perfectly round balloons. A celebration. What relationship needs to be acknowledged and celebrated? What is a celebration? How long can you extend the feeling of joy? Happiness is another emotion that we don’t always dedicate ourselves to. Make a pact with someone you’re close to. Decide to truly celebrate your relationship. Doing so may make your whole world seem brighter.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Salamanders sunning themselves on a wall. Restoration and rebirth. The lizard symbolizes regeneration. Start out by sunning yourself. Slow down. Rest. Meditate. Pay attention when you eat. Get into a healthy daily routine. Give yourself a solid foundation by practicing good self-care. From there, begin to regenerate and discover your next stage of growth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Grasses blowing in the breeze. Gentleness. Play. Fun. Softness. Create more space for these concepts in your life. Begin by noticing how you speak to yourself. Do you address yourself with softness and gentleness in your voice? When you talk to yourself, joke around and be breezy. Creativity comes from a mindset of spaciousness. You are ready for more creativity. Find it by being playful and gentle.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Finding a lucky penny. You may be discovering your hidden talents and potential. Think back to the things you loved as a child. There may be something there that can help you create joy and abundance in your life now. Or it may be an attitude that you had when you were a child that you need to reinvigorate. You already have all of the luck that you need.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Choosing food from the cafeteria buffet. Sampling a variety. Give yourself an array of vibrant options. Don’t worry too much about narrowing down right now. Take stock of ALL of the possibilities. Learn. Explore. Have fun. There will be time for decisions later. For now, see everything with fresh eyes. Cultivate curiosity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Vacuuming up the dust. The major construction is almost over. It’s time to vacuum up the sawdust and start applying the paint. Is your foundation strong? Do you believe in yourself? Are you feeling secure? Set intentions to feel worthy. Remember how you are strong. Notice that you are deserving. Find your true security within by believing in it. Then start dreaming up new levels of abundance. You’re building a house. What do the details look like? Trust that you can have what you desire, then become the architect of your dreams.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology


Taurus :: Taurus Rising
The sun setting over rolling hills and fields. Be soothed by the idea of persistent cycles. You are always evolving to a new level of development. You are continuously changing although the pace may seem slow and the development hard to see. Know that you are growing and it’s safe to let go of the old ways. Know that you are steady at your core. Steady like the moon and stars in the sky. Steady like the sunset and ocean tides. Ever changing and ever strong.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Hands in the air, palms open, hiding nothing. It’s time to be perfectly frank. Open. Forthright. There can be a quickness and a lightness to your honesty. This is not a surrender and you don’t have to defend yourself. You are just learning to be you. Be your true self. This will help you in your relationships and your community. Find a philosophy of truth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Brushing a horse. Maintenance. You are taking care of your biz. You are getting things in order in every area of your life; health, work, home, relationships. Get your systems in place. Self-care. Drink your green smoothie, clean out your closet, systematize your finances. Focus on the practical details now so that you can expand later.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
The stem of a flower. Delicate and beautiful, the stem of a flower normally goes unnoticed. It’s the bloom that gets all the attention. This symbol is about integral grace. Start from a philosophy of inner harmony and peace. Let that central peacefulness give you resilience and strength to blossom in full creative glory. Inner harmony leads to beautiful outer expansion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Zig zag down the mountain. Find a new approach. The mountain is familiar, but the route is new. The astrology says that you’re finding a new approach to old conditioning from your childhood, home, or family. Let the old habit or patter die away and embrace a new path. Surprise yourself with a zig zag pattern that is totally new. It may be more efficient than the previous approach.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A tornado takes you to Oz. It’s time to visit new horizons in your mind. A force in your life (the tornado) needs to be approached with structure and discipline. Be mentally strong as you encounter the surprises in Oz so that you can move forward on your journey. You’ll end up in a new place with more confidence than before.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Diving with sharks. Maybe you can be a shark too. Sleek, powerful, self-sufficient. What are you taking a bite out of? What are you digging into? Where are you applying force? Get out of your comfort zone. Let your bite, grip, and strength surprise you. Convince yourself of your value. Steady yourself by knowing your own worth. Let your strength come from your internal sense of worth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
In between rows of wheat, a path is visible. Surrender to the path. Move along, move forward, move ahead. Let the path take you. In this surrender there is an acknowledgement that you are committed. You have decided. So now go. Don’t waste time wondering about your direction. It’s clear. You don’t have to stay on it forever. But just for now, let the journey be your teacher.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A stained glass window. Innocence. Naïveté. Push anything out of your mind that weighs you down. Train your thoughts to be light. Gaze at the beautiful colored light and clear your mind. Take a wildly different approach by being gentle with your sweet, innocent self. You are just one person. You can’t do it all. Lighten your load of responsibility and give yourself some time to be carefree.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Craggy cliffs on the side of the mountain. Unexpected adventure. Allow the journey to reveal itself to you. Know that the goal is more important than the obstacles. Feel dedicated to the adventure of it all. Cultivate the mindset of the explorer. Activate your desire for surprise.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Leaves floating on currents of wind. Notice the quality of the air around you. Notice the invisible. One of those invisible things is your energetic field. You make currents as you move through the world. Connect with the idea that you are bigger than your body. There are fields of energy surrounding you. You may desire energy healing or clearing. Or you may decide to meditate. Feeling connected and tuned in to your energetic systems will help ground you in your personal power. Surprisingly (or not) this will also have a positive impact on your career.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Strawberries and diamonds. Name the thing that brings you delight. You must know what makes you delighted and you must put it on your vision board. It’s got to be in the viewfinder. You are ready to build a philosophy that can make your life more joyful and enlivening. It just comes down to whether you decide to call in the vision or not. Free will baby. Will you choose to walk toward the things that bring you joy? Will you write “I am deserving of delight and joy” into your personal mission statement?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The 2017 Scorpio Full Moon is an invitation to let go of control and upgrade your relationship to your personal power, says Sandra Sitron

Scorpio Full Moon Moon Club Sandra Sitron The Numinous
Join our monthly virtual Full Moon ritual when you sign up for Moon Club!

Full Moon :: May 10 2017 :: 5:43 pm EST :: 20 degrees Scorpio

The 2017 Scorpio Full Moon is a mama cat pushing kittens forward with her nose. You, little kitten, are getting nudged. Gently guided toward the game, the snack, the nap. O, abundant world! You have everything you need. That’s the first thing this moon wants you to know.

And now you are growing into a tiger … and the moon keeps nudging you forward. As a tiger you aren’t afraid to go all-in. You know how to fight, to feast, to make love. You can go to powerful extremes. But the moon keeps nudging you along and now you reach the height of bravery. You become brave enough to let go of control … and in doing so find that you are stronger than before. And the moon keeps pushing you forward to a wild and spiritual surrender so that you can continue to evolve. Transcending even your own ego.

The 2017 Scorpio Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Taurus. The invitation is to find your footing. You are learning that you are stable. The Taurus Sun has got you covered when it comes to stability, resourcefulness, and a strong sense of your personal value. But the Scorpio Moon is asking you to take a leap.

Scorpio is the sign of emotional union. Scorpio rules merging, bonding, two becoming One. Two understanding each other’s deepest motivations and feelings. Because this is all very intense, by default Scorpio can be expressed through power and control. It’s initially scary to merge with another person! So the lower vibration of Scorpio tries to do so without surrendering any power.

The evolution of Scorpio describes learning how to let control die away. Releasing. Purging. Letting the urge for power fade. This is the journey to the higher expression of Scorpio. A continuous practice of letting go. A continuous practice of reaching toward another person with understanding, while refusing to attach to the outcome.

The Scorpio Full Moon may test your relationships. You may find yourself thinking: “I need to do something about this! I need this to go a certain way! I need you to act a certain way!” And then breathing out: “I don’t need to control anything. I release any desire to pressure you to do/say/be anything. I make myself right sized. This leaves me with the energy to live my own life in the most fulfilling, happy and bold way.”

Continue to release during this moon phase. Open yourself up. You can’t control it all. Sometimes you need to let go and walk into the fire of change. There’s nothing you need to hold on to; you have everything you need for the journey. It may feel as if you’re being stripped bare at moments. But that’s exactly how you will know your strength. Just let go.


Moon sextile Pluto
A white dove flies overhead on an autumn day.

Peacefully letting go of a season. Harmoniously closing a chapter. The Scorpio Full Moon is making a pleasing aspect to Scorpio’s ruling planet Pluto. Scorpio and Pluto are in charge of the cycle of life. Birth, sex, death. Getting comfortable with the cycle of life requires getting comfortable with change. This easy aspect allows emotional ease and fluidity around transitions. Use this energy to help yourself release in any way you are ready to.


Sun trine Pluto
The elephant looks in a mirror.

Another pleasant aspect between a luminary and the planet of evolution. Look closely at yourself. It may be that you feel called to take an inventory of your life. What is ready to die away? What no longer serves you? What relationship, responsibility or belief no longer matches your image of who you are?

The trick with this symbol is that the elephant is BIG. It can seem immovable. But as it looks in the mirror, it’s doing an assessment. Even the most stubborn habit, pattern or belief may be ready to move now. No matter how massive or rooted it is. Allow the Sun trine Pluto aspect to assist in your release process. Ritual is a way to clue your subconscious mind in on the changes you are ready to make. The subconscious reacts splendidly to the symbolism of ritual. Create a personal releasing ritual that will allow you to let go completely.


Moon trine Neptune
Fairy dust.

Trust your intuition as you move along your path. If you listen, you will know exactly what to let go of during this powerful moon phase. You will know exactly how to let go of what’s no longer serving you. Neptune can carry you through the veil that separates logic from the intuitive realms. Let yourself be carried on a stream of fairy dust. To prepare yourself, begin with deep relaxation and quiet time. Ask for your mind to open up in new ways. Ask for guidance. Allow creativity and intuition to come forward


Use the following invitations by sign to journal more deeply on the message this Scorpio Full Moon has for you. For the most accurate reading, look at your birth chart to see which house holds 20 degrees Scorpio and also read for that house. ***Don’t have yours? Do your chart for free here

Aries or 8th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of evolution and union. What does control mean to you? Where are you ready to practice letting go of control?

Taurus or 7th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of relationships. How can you let go of a specific outcome in a relationship? How would that bring you more energy?

Gemini or 6th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of health and habits. What habit needs to be transformed? What emotion is keeping you tied to the old way?

Cancer or 5th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of joy and self-expression. What part of you is blocked from self-expression? Is it time to let go of that block?

Leo of 4th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of home and family. How can you let go of control when it comes to your family? How would that bring you more energy?

Virgo or 3rd House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of communication and learning. Where do you feel stuck right now? What new way of thinking would help you move forward? What old idea needs to be let go of?

Libra or 2nd House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of abundance and self-worth. What block to your self-worth are you ready to let go of?

Scorpio of 1st House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of identity. How can you let go of control when it comes to how other people perceive you?

Sagittarius or 12th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of intuition, compassion and spirituality. How can you get the support that you need to deepen your intuition?

Capricorn or 11th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of friends, community and the future. What new vision are you ready to welcome in? What old vision needs to be released?

Aquarius or 10th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of career and the public sphere. What do you need to let go of when it comes to your career?

Pisces or 9th House
The Scorpio Full Moon is in your area of philosophy, beliefs travel and higher learning. Are you aware of a belief that is ready for an upgrade?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here and follow her on Instagram.