The 2018 Gemini Waning Moon asks us to cleanse, clarify, and use honest assessment to clear the decks for a new cycle, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Photo: Qi Bin
Waning Quarter Moon / September 2 2018 / 10:37pm EST / 10 degrees Gemini
As La Luna wanes back to new, she travels through Gemini and makes a 90-degree angle to the Virgo Sun. This point in the monthly lunar cycle asks us to check in and consider what’s served its purpose and is ready to be laid aside as we begin to train our sights on our next lunar manifestation.
With Mars now direct, and Saturn also about to station direct on September 6th, we currently find ourselves with exceptionally productive potential. And with the Gemini Waning Moon’s ruler, Mercury, now direct and finally clearing his shadow at the time of the Quarter Moon, we have the green light for communications of all kinds.
Following the cosmic challenges of the past eight weeks, this could feel like a welcome relief! The Gemini Waning Moon not only marks the halfway point between the Pisces Full Moon and the September 9 Virgo New Moon, but on a deeper level, it asks us to make sense of all the places we’ve been before we begin to move forward …
//The Cycle// While this Moon marks the halfway point between the recent Full and upcoming New Moons, it also marks a culminating moment going back over two years. Think back (or actually look in your cal or email inbox) to June 4, 2016, when we experienced a New Moon at 14 degrees Gemini. This New Moon seeded what we are seeing come to fruition in our lives now.
Choices made then have profoundly informed where we now find ourselves. Who was in your world? Where were you situated? What were you working on? And what intentions from June 2016 are coming to fruition now? What do you still want and need?Spend some time considering the connection between your present-day reality, and events of June of 2016. Acknowledge the chapter that’s closing, and the fresh beginning you are about to step into with September 9th’s Virgo New Moon.
//The Transits// With Mars and Mercury now direct, and Saturn about to station direct too, forward movement is upon us. However, Venus, the planet ruling love and beauty, stations retrograde on October 5th.So pay close attention to what’s emerging now, as the Gemini Waning Moon foreshadows the Venus Retrograde curriculum.
With Mercury currently in a sextile (supportive aspect) to Venus, and Neptune opposing the Sun and squaring the Gemini Waning Moon (more challenging energies), moments of discomfort could birth intuitive hits about the lessons in love and abundance that you’ll be gifted during the upcoming Venus Retrograde.
//The Square// Mercury rules both Virgo and Gemini, and these mutable signs tend to live in their heads so you could feel a wee bit mental during this Moon. But rather than living in your head, capitalize on the Gemini influence and journal. Think back to 2016, and consider what choices you made then that influence where you are now. If needed, make lists. Be mindful of rumination. Then get out of your head and into your heart.
//The Opportunity// The Gemini Waning Moon is closing an old chapter. So give yourself time and space to appreciate where past challenges have brought you to today, and let your head lead you back to your heart. Getting honest with yourself about your exact wants and desires now will also support you as we move toward next week’s Virgo New Moon. It’s a special one, so you want to be READY!
For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit
Virgo Season 2018 will teach us the meaning of hard-earned, earthy worth. Bess Matassa introduces the key aspects of the season … PLUS Numinous resident astrologers Bess and Sandy go deeper on the themes in our all new Astrocast podcast
Step into the witchy sanctuary of your inner knowing. Virgo Season 2018 invites you to move to the rhythm of a more private dance, and wed yourself to an unshakable code that gives nothing away for free. It’s a subtle, soft-lit season for exploring your most elemental self, for divining your personal emotional weather patterns, and for rising to meet the moment with whatever resources you have on hand.
With Saturn and Mars stationing direct in Capricorn, and a tasty Grand Trine happening between the zodiac’s earth Goddess power trinity (Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus), it’s a moment for embracing magical realism. How can you reframe the constraints and contours of the right here, right now, as the solid gold containers that support your creative liberation?
Venus also begins a slow roll through the leather and latex of intimately intense Scorpio this month, bringing a reminder that pleasure and pain don’t have to be polarized. That when we release judgement about our carnal cravings, a dose of friction can feel really good.
So plunge your hands into the rich chocolate earth, and bow at the altar of your own flesh and bones. Remember that your beautiful body is made of exactly the same stardust and precious stones that built the whole Universe, and that when the conditions are precisely right, there is magic to be mined in every moment…
Listen to the full Virgo Season 2018 report from Numinous resident astrologers Bess + Sandy HERE and get more on the season’s 4 key astro events from Bess below …
Sun and Mercury in Virgo (Sun in Virgo 8.23-9.22; Mercury in Virgo 9.5-9.21) // Signature Scents
After the over-the-top glamorama of Leo Season, Virgo Season 2018 reminds us that divinity is in the details. While Virgo’s ability to parse out and assess can sometimes come across like crystal-cut critique, in its highest octave of expression this season urges us to embrace the full range of the tastes and particularities that make us human. Explore your own distinctive essence and sport it close to the skin with a signature scent. What is it that only you can contribute to this scratch and sniff world?
Mars and Saturn station direct (Mars direct in Capricorn 8.27, enters Aquarius 9.10; Saturn direct in Capricorn 9.6) // Shoulder Pads
Mars and Saturn’s forward movements mark a moment of cosmic mojo, as we power up to face what frightens us and get schooled in the sweaty sweetness of the long haul. With Mars also entering Aquarius mid-month, braving your body against the bedrock of limitation will liberate future visions that are built on solid ground. Let constraint feel creatively juicy, as you play with shapes fit for ruling your personal corporate kingdom.
Grand Earth trine between the Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus (8.23-8.26) // Classic Hollywood Sirens
Virgo Season 2018 hosts a majestic meet-up between the zodiac’s luscious earth babes, and the invitation is to lotion up your life, and feed your senses with second and third helpings of everything delicious. In this energy, you have nothing to prove, so allow yourself to move more languidly through the world. Pamper yourself silly, be perpetually ready for your close-up, and channel the fine art of receiving with a nod to Classic Hollywood Sirens.
Venus enters Scorpio (9.9) // Björk’s Human Behaviour
As Venus begins its long sojourn through the Scorpionic underworld (where it will remain until October 31st, after stationing retrograde on October 5th), we’re asked to get ripe and real about our carnal cravings and our desire for intimacy. This transit plunges beneath the surface of superficial love affairs to rock us to the red-hot magma core. Think soul-shaking, transformative partnerships, to a soundtrack of triple Scorpio Björk’s classic crash course through the human experience. Welcome to the romantic jungle.
Read more from Bess on the styles, scents, flavors, and sounds of Virgo Season HERE.
August 7, 2017 :: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse :: 15 degrees Aquarius August 21, 2017 :: New Moon Solar Eclipse :: 28 degrees Leo August 25, 2017 :: Saturn stations direct August 12- September 5th, 2017 :: Mercury Retrograde
The only constant is change—and during the August 2017 cosmic craziness, massive change is upon us.
Mercury retro will only sweeten the Eclipse Season pot. While this retrograde often gets a bad name, it’s actually a critical time to slow down, and connect deeply with the internal, intuitive voice that supports our soul’s growth. It’s potent medicine for those of us who live in the frenzy of go-go-go!
Thankfully, the August 7 Full Moon Eclipse positively aspects Jupiter—the planet of good luck, fortune, and abundance. This combo suggests that while this period is unpredictable in nature, benevolence still abounds.
The August 21 New Moon Eclipse trines Uranus, and will be responsible for MAJOR breakthroughs and a shift in power. At the end of the month, we’ll find ourselves in very different circumstances on a personal, and maybe even political, level. Given how close the Sun will be traveling to Mars, things will move fast regardless of Mercury in retrograde.
So move forward fearlessly, but do so with a deep connection to your WHY, and your key personal values. Keep on open mind, and understand that the only constant is change.
Now’s not the time to hold the reins too tight or overreact to anything. Mind your thoughts, words, and actions. Stay centered and focused on what matters most. Let the rest go!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit
Eclipses are like turning off the internet router and then restarting it. Few people understand why this makes the wifi work again—but it always does!
The focus of the August 2017 eclipse season “reset” is on your inner King or Queen archetype. Leo, king of the jungle, is on the hunt within you—helping you flush out your confidence, worth, and purpose. It’s time to refocus on the core principles that keep you balanced.
Begin with an in-depth review of the last 6 months.Look for the moments when you felt as if you gave your authority away. Notice the King’s shadow archetypes of the Tyrant and Weakling, and be very gentle with yourself if you notice fear, aggression, and insecurity coming up within you.
This review period will be supported by a number of other astrological events. Starting August 3rd, Uranus takes a review period to help you make changes internally. On August 12th, Mercury retrograde asks you to remember what you forgot. Saturn lurches forward again and inspires you to get to work on August 25th.
The king doesn’t have to prove himself. He’s born into it.What are you born into? What is your spiritual birthright? Where can you turn up the volume on confidence, worth, and purpose in your life? How can you survey your kingdom and shine brilliantly out into the world?
Want more wisdom? Check out Sandra’s SATURN RETURN WORKSHOP, a 7-week course for navigating your Saturn Return that’s available through midnight August 4 2017. You can also book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
With all the fire in the sky this month, it’s important to consider the two extreme expressions of Leo energy: as symbolized by the Thoth Tarot card “Lust,” and the Rider-Waite Tarot card “Strength.”
Both rule Leo, but one card has our passions so inflamed that we are naked with lust, riding a lion, not paying attention to where we are going. The strength card has us taming the same lion, and he’s calm and cool but ready to strike if needed.
To help contain the fire, we need the rich mineral soil of earth; Saturn direct helps us learn that we only have so much time and energy. The August 2017 eclipse season helps us harness this energy to break our own hearts open, burn off what’s no longer useful, and create space to feel deeper layers of authenticity and true innovation—using the rational, Aquarian energy that balances Leo season.
Working with both Saturn and Uranus during the August 2017 eclipse season time allows us to tap into a more holistic and effortlessly creative existence, so we can truly write our own story—andtransform from selfish savage to selfless hero. The more we can create from this place, whether through art, business, or our communities, the more we can empower both ourselves and those around us …
Danielle Paige “There is no good or bad. There is no fluff. You’ve signed up for these fated events …”
So, what’s an eclipse anyway?Eclipses mark a major shift in the electromagnetic field. And because we are all energetic beings, we will all feel … something. Whether it’s up, down, hyper, sad, emotional, ungrounded … these feelings will be accompanied by an urgency for change.
How can you tell if the major August 21st eclipse will affect your chart?Calculate your chart for free HERE and look to any planets or points within 3-4 degrees of 28 degrees of Leo, or in aspect to that degree (especially squares, oppositions, conjunctions, and trines). Thankfully, eclipses don’t directly aspect everyone’s charts because if they did, we’d be completely overwhelmed by major changes every 6 months! However, we all have Leo somewhere in our charts, so some kind of shift WILL occur …
Look at which house is ruled by Leo, for an indication as to the area of life most affected by the August 21 eclipse.
If there is a direct aspect to this eclipse in my chart, what’s going to happen to me? Whatever planet is involved with 28 degrees of Leo is getting “eclipsed,” which means it’s time to change how that planet’s energy is used. Sometimes it’s an obvious change like the end of a relationship or a work shift, but sometimes it’s less obvious inner work. Regardless, it’s your chance to move up the spiritual ladder.
The August 2017 eclipse season reminds us there is no good or bad. You’ve simply signed up for these fated events in order to move you along your spiritual path (a.k.a. your life!)
How long will this take? Is it just happening on the day of the eclipse? Give it time. There may have been a build-up to a decision made on this date, and / or events may unfold over the following 6 months. Sometimes it takes a year or more for the impact of an eclipse to be fully realized. Combined with Mercury retro, some of the events will likely be delayed until the end of September/beginning of October.
One thing is for sure: the August 2017 eclipse season is a big turning point for us all, individually and as a collective. Stay open to the excitement and know that there’s nothing to fear!
To find out more about how Danielle can use your personal birth chart to help you discover and heal your inner blocks, and find your purpose, follow her on Instagram, join her private Facebook Group, and book a reading HERE!
Art: Paul Tuccillo
Bess Matassa “Grit, glory, and the gamble of experience …”
Fire up your muscles, slip into your most aerodynamic leotard, and get ready to take your passion and make it happen.
With Mercury retro in earthy Virgo and Saturn stationing direct, the smoking hot Flashdance sensations of August’s celestial landscape are a very particular brand of Rust Belt fire. Think welding, forging, and sweating it out for the sweet steel work of finally birthing our dreams into physical form.
As our wildest visions incarnate into brick and mortar, it can feel like both a loss and a find.The hot tar of our individualistic Leonine souls has to adjust to the shape of the collective’s Aquarian road. We are asked to rise early woken by our individual will, pack our lunchboxes well, sharpen our tools, and step into the Olympic training gyms again, and again.
So sidle up to the starting block in your neon leg warmers and sparkling new sweat bands and flex muscles that have been lifetimes in the making. Feel deeply into the storehouse of your blood and your bones. And then crank up your silver-studded boombox, step into the floodlights, give it up, and turn it loose. All bets are off. And in a world made of equal parts steel and rhinestone, you’ve got nothing to lose.
August 2017 Eclipse Season Mantra: My heart is a muscle and it’s time to get to work. Theme Song: Irene Cara’s What a Feeling Style: Jazzercise meets boardroom bizness. Bodysuits paired with high-waisted pants, high ponytails, studded earrings, metallic statement pieces, and steely blue eye makeup. Flavors: Stripped down fortifiers that build good bones; tall glasses of coconut milk, dark leafy greens, and piping hot spicy stir-fry cooked in cast iron woks.
Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Bess here or follow her on Instagram.
Crystal lipgloss is a thing. Plus a link to our virtual Full Moon ritual, a facial for the soul, and a shout out to Shaktibarre…
Attempting to pout in my new Ruby crystal lipgloss by Gemmed
:: MONDAY :: A box of goodies from Goddess Provisions, INCLUDING a lipgloss by Gemmed named “Ruby” containing actual crystal dust (Labradorite, Moonstone, Opal, Pyrite and Sunstone). I mean. Goddess Provisions is a subscription service where you receive a box of 4-6 high vibe items—snacks, tinctures, crystals etc—by mail each month, all 100% vegan and cruelty free, and all in aid of inspiring your spiritual practice. And there’s lipgloss. #magicmonday. Find out more at
:: TUESDAY :: Not really a lot going on in the Mystical stakes. Except for quite a few phone calls and emails back-to-back about moving stuff forward that’s felt stalled for MONTHS. Thank you, Saturn direct.
:: WEDNESDAY :: Hosted my virtual Full Moon ritual with Alexandra Roxo! For starters we had almost 300 people sign up, which blew us both away and was a reminder of how excited people are to come together to share their Moon manifestations. FULL Moons are a time to celebrate what’s coming to fruition in our lives, and for me, the Aquarian vibes of this Moon have been very much reflected in all kinds of collaborative efforts beginning to take shape. So y’know, watch this space!
Another fave take-away from our ritual? A new daily practice of smudging down my technology. For real. If you think about it, our computers and phones are interacting with energy from hundreds, if not thousands of people every day. I first tried it out when I found myself going down a really low-vibe comparison hole on Instagram. Giving my iPhone a quick sage wash spiraled me right back UP the Unicorn horn—you might wanna give it a try! You can listen to the recording here.
We’ll be hosting our virtual rituals monthly. Look out for details!
:: THURSDAY :: A beautiful, nurturing facial with Melanie Herring. Describing her practice as “skin therapy, soul deep,” Melanie sees the skin as a doorway to the inner realms of healing, and incorporates intuitive energetic work while simultaneously nourishing the body’s largest organ of detoxification…the skin. “It’s sacred work that honors the vulnerable nature of being seen,” she told me.
Facials are not something I regularly indulge in (see my use of the word “indulge”!), but as I relaxed into a semi trance state on Melanie’s table I was reminded—yet again—that regular self-care is actually one of the cornerstones of a truly balanced life. Also, how did the simple act of being held and cared for by another human being become a “luxury”? Today reminded me it’s a necessity. Discover more about Melanie and her work at
:: FRIDAY :: Excited for the opening of Shaktibarre tonight, a new yoga+barre+activism+sustainable wellness space in Williamsburg. I met founder Corinne Wainer at a Lululemon event back in May, and was blown away by her vision and her sheer balls! The woman is committed to finding ways to make yoga and other wellness practices available to all, and so the studio will offer sliding scale pricing as well as host regular free community events. Hell to the yes. (And future Shakti-Numi collaborations to follow, no doubt!) Find out more and book a class at
In the late summer of 1938 three young, French nationals, Genevieve and Bernard de Colmont and Antoine de Seynes, arrived in America to take their kayaks down the Green and Colorado Rivers (a feat that had never been attempted before). This French Trio brought with them state-of-the-art kayaks, cameras, camping gear and, because they didn’t trust American drinking water, all the beer they could carry. This was no small feat, as they would have to paddle down 900 miles of very rough water. Three months later they rowed into Lee’s Ferry, Arizona river-worn but transformed by the experience.
Saturn turned direct in Sagittarius on August 13. Do you feel a new sense momentum? Retrogrades often remind us to slow down, practice patience, to revise our to-do lists and check our supplies, twice. And with Saturn direct and moving again, warmed also by the energy of Mars in Sagittarius, the time is ripe to set sail on an adventure/venture that’s been some time in the planning. Like the French trio, the time has come to point our paddles downstream.
Saturn direct in Sagittarius is not however, about doing things fly-by-night. Preparation is extremely important, as Saturn wants to methodically build the right foundation, to make sound calculations, and to consider any and all costs involved. The French trio was well prepared for their journey; dear readers you must do the same.
Sagittarius housing both Saturn and Mars insists that the intention with any ventures put into motion now is to grow, expand, and learn. It’s time to take that class, to fly to Indonesia for a yoga teacher training, to learn a language, start a non-profit, activate a latent passion. But by all means ground each activity with common sense, a good plan, sturdy walking shoes, and plentiful supplies of your beverage of choice.
Below, a Saturn direct in Sagittarius reading for each sign…
The French trio, Genevieve and Bernard de Colmont and Antoine de Seynes, ready to set off on their trip
Aries: MOMENTUM and HIGHER GOALS How do I incarnate a dream? Master fantasy author J.R.R. Tolkein took the world he created so seriously he developed a language for its characters. Although you may not be creating a language you are encouraged to take your visions and dreams seriously enough to let them spill wondrously, and almost fully formed, out into reality.
Taurus: MOMENTUM and OTHERS (Intimacy) We know our Taurus friends to be enduring lovers. During this Sagittarius season take your love-style to the next level by considering this juicy word: interdependence. Blending with others in your life will have you smiling and learning in deep and beautiful ways.
Gemini: MOMENTUM and RELATIONSHIPS There is no truer test of the solidity of a relationship than when you travel together, especially internationally. Dearest Gemini, go there with your lovers and closest collaborators and take on the test of your commitment to each other. Hint: travel with books and b-line it to a beautiful body of water.
Cancer: MOMENTUM and WORK Focus, direction and goal setting at work make it much more enjoyable to meet friends after work for sweet down-time and sparkly conversation. And when you’re truly invested in ALL the things that contribute to your wellbeing, you’ll find yourself with boundless energy for being of service in the world.
Leo: MOMENTUM and CREATIVITY Think of food as the Muse dear Leo, and you as its apprentice. Dream up new recipes, seek out exotic cuisines, let your Muse take you to happy soul-inspired meals and even late night binges watching with Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown. All in the name of sheer, unbridled pleasure.
Virgo: MOMENTUM and HOME In The Wizard of Oz, a girl and her dog end the movie with your new mantra Virgo: “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.” Find a luscious pair of soft, ruby-colored slippers and dig deep into the magic of your private sphere—the secure bedrock of your grandest plans.
Libra: MOMENTUM and COMMUNICATION Learning what to say and when to say it is your daily practice right now, and has you craving good ole fashion conversation. Finding your voice is imperative and although it might be a little squeaky from underuse it’s a tool that gets stronger the more you use it!
Scorpio: MOMENTUM and MONEY Do I believe I have something valuable to contribute to the world? Yes I do! The world right now dear Scorpio being your vibrant, local community. The mantra think global, act local is yours for this transit. Your innate talents + manifestation gives you a successful glow.
Sagittarius: MOMENTUM and SELF-IMPROVEMENT What do you want dear Sag? There are an abundance of opportunities but I’d consider focusing on the long game. Dust off the passport; pull out your suitcase for you may be taking a solo, soul-searching trip in the next month or two. A much-needed check in with self is the right ticket.
Capricorn: MOMENTUM and SOUL You are ready to take your spiritual life to the next level. A died-in-the-wool pilgrimage is in order even if you never leave your home. Honing this numinous part of yourself, could also find you working your solid magic on or off the yoga mat. Write down your dreams.
Aquarius: MOMENTUM and COMMUNITY What is the sweet cause you are cheerleading and feel most passionate about? Use your innovative magic to whip a grassroots idea into shape and see it ride off into the sunset, banners waving. The disempowered are relying on you. It’s time to take your ideas to the streets!
Pisces: MOMENTUM and MY CALLING The big picture talent of Pisces comes out and takes its place as part and parcel of your life’s work. Finally your unique vision merges with what you consider to be your sacred calling. The details come into focus and you find yourself magically incarnating one solid brick at a time.
To book a session with Shari or for for more information please find her at