Scorpio Season 2018 is awash with opportunities to let our tenderest emotions out, in the name of our collective healing, says Bess Matassa …

The Numinous Scorpio Season 2018 Bess Matassa astrology woman sunglasses bath
Photo: Joren Aranas

Slip into the hot tub cauldron clad only in your charcoal masks, Numiverse. Scorpio Season 2018 asks us to uncover the profound pools of pleasure that are present when we go beyond the surface, and to fully feel into the wet and wild whirl of our desires.

With Venus retrograde traveling back through Libra’s heart-shaped castles in the sky, and Mercury and Jupiter adventuring their way through barebacked Sagittarius, there’s a magic carpet quality to the Scorpio Season intensity this year. Rather than a burn-it-to-the-ground funeral pyre, can you treat your transformations like a technicolor trip of shifting forms and stop-motion emotions? Scorpio Season 2018 invites us to relish the full-throttle ride, without having to empty our tanks.

As powerhouse Mars enters Pisces, and the North Node of collective calling slides into Cancer, we’re being ushered to fight for our tenderest feelings and to come forward exactly as we are. It’s a time for remembering that forgiveness is a secret source of badassery: proof of our capacity to make peace with ourselves, so we can extend our humanness to others. Lubricate, loosen, and liberate the parts that are shrouded with the most shame and fear.

The stakes are high, whispers Scorpio Season 2018. We’ve only got one round to make it real in these bodies. So mix your hardcore with your softest self, and risk serving it up real and raw.

Listen to the full Scorpio Season 2018 report from Numi resident astrologers Bess + Sandy on SoundCloud and iTunes and read on for the quick and dirty on the season’s 4 key astro events …


The Numinous Scorpio Season 2018 Bess Matassa astrology disco ball rave
Photo: Sarthak Navjivan

Sun in Scorpio (10.23-11.22) and Venus Retrograde in Scorpio Enters Libra (10.31; stations direct 11.16) 90s Dance Music

The Scorpio Sun, combined with Venus retrograde in Libra, invites us into the drama-drenched stylings of a teenage dream. Riding the waves of bittersweet emotion, we’re invited to stay present for every dip and rise on the rollercoaster without having to assess its “rightness.” The grand finale of Venus Retro wants us to consider the way we assimilate pleasure, while harnessing the power to police the doors to our boudoirs when necessary. What is love? Let the pumping, plumped-up beats of guileless 90s dance music lead you on a solo, sweat-soaked journey, as you relish the rhythm of the night.


Mercury in Sagittarius (10.31- 12.1; Stations Retrograde 11.16) and Jupiter enters Sagittarius (11.8) // Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

We get a powerful hit of energy from the zodiac’s wildly nomadic pony this month, reminding us to find magic and meaning in every moment. As we slough off old skins, we must also become the seeker, racing across the open plains of our next adventure. Dance with your “whys,” and recapture a sense of sparkling curiosity amidst the detritus. These planets in Sagittarius urge us to roll the dice and risk expansion that blows the lid off our limiting beliefs. Let young Virginia’s infamous turn-of-the-century letter to the New York Sun (linked above) remind you that a mystically meaningful world is perpetually pulsating just beyond view.


The Numinous Scorpio Season 2018 Bess Matassa astrology Enya album cover

North Node Enters Cancer (9.30) // Enya

The North Node’s journey charts our collective destiny. Shifting into Cancer’s blue lagoon this month, this call to embrace cardinal water energy urges us to fight for the vulnerable, and to use the intensity of our feelings to reshape the landscape that surrounds us. While sometimes written off as frivolous fairy fluff, Enya’s potent pipes transport us to a melodious cave that’s both soft-lit and surprisingly badass. Let her languid croonings remind you that you have ever right to sing out from your wellsprings of sentimentality, and that yin yearnings have a prime place at the table of social change.


Mars in Pisces (11.15-12/31) // Jacuzzis

After this Summer’s Mars retrograde schooling, we’re poised to harness our power. In Pisces, this penetrating planet is asked to act with both courage and compassion. Let your motivation stem from your most secret waters, and allow your actions in the world to feel like the call and response of salt soaks on the shoreline. There’s nothing to do and nowhere to go until you’re urged forward by a much deeper siren song. An invitation to slip only into actions that fit us like a second skin, Mars in Pisces reminds us that fighting for our right to some sweet retreat can feel luxuriously healing.

Want more on Scorpio Season 2018? Listen to Bess and Sandy Sitron’s latest podcast HERE.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with Sandy Sitron’s Numinous Weekly Horoscopes …

ruby warrington sandra sitron sandy sitron the numinous material girl mystical world numinous weekly horoscopes october 22-28 2018 gabriel jimenez
Photo: Gabriel Jimenez


Scorpio // Scorpio Rising
Flipping through the pages of an old book. Review the history. Is what happened back then, the same thing that’s happening now? The current focus is on breaking into new relationship patterns. To do so, you’ll need to get very familiar with the architecture of those patterns. When it comes to your relationships, what cycles do you continue to repeat? Look at your record and then grab that book and start scribbling new pages. You can rewrite your story.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius // Sagittarius Rising
Rehearsing your lines. What if life is a rehearsal? When we feel like we need to perform, the ego gets all activated. If this is a rehearsal and we’re just practicing, we can dissolve some of our fears. Enjoy the practice. Take some of the pressure off yourself. You’re just doing the best you can with what you’ve got. Play and participate with a high level of engagement, but keep it light.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn // Capricorn Rising
A bloodhound on the trail. Discovery! What will bring you more love, more joy, more ease? Get on the trail. Visualize to manifest. You don’t have trudge through a monotonous daily existence. You can find a better way. Use your magnificent mind to help you track down and manifest a more joyful reality.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius // Aquarius Rising
Signing a peace agreement. Create your own ritual for peace. If there are people you want to make amends with, invite them to join you around the hearth fire and welcome them home. If there are parts of yourself you are warring against, organize a ceremony to honor them and create inner peace. When your inner world is harmonious, that energy will radiate outward rapidly.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces // Pisces Rising
A chemist jots down an equation. Before you can make something new, you need to get clear about your ideas. Take notes, brainstorm and double check your answers before you go into the lab. This is the time to think, study, read, learn, listen. Get the equation just right before you begin. Stimulate your mind so that new ideas can flow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries // Aries Rising
Shoveling out a deep hole. It seems that you are about to plant a tree. There’s something you’ve been tending to that’s ready to receive more space and attention. Let the root system establish. With every effort you put in, you’ll feel more stable and secure. Stay focused and fixed on your goals. Consistency is key.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus // Taurus Rising
A bouquet of sunflowers. These flowers are unconventional, wild, and tangled. You don’t need to do anything but admire them. Admire the beauty that you are and that exists all around you. Slow down and see/feel/touch/taste beauty. Appreciate. This will raise your vibration and help you arrive at new conclusions that might just blow your mind.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini // Gemini Rising
Cupping your hands to catch the stream of water. Reach toward the emotional flow. Tenderly focus on your feelings. It’s easier to skip over them. But now is the time to sit with them and let them move. Get good at saying the name of each and every feeling as it flows pasts your consciousness. That’s all you have to do. Reach out a hand and make conscious contact with your emotions.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer // Cancer Rising
All of the ants work together in the ant hill. You don’t have to do anything alone. Why is that doing things alone seems so much easier? It wasn’t always this way for humans. Find your community. Collect your group and connect with others who have the same goals. It will feel so centering now. Collaboration just might be the answer for whatever is coming up.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo // Leo Rising
A bear in a circus. It’s time to perform. Is there something about performing that feels unnatural? Bears aren’t meant to perform. It’s humans who force them to. Are you feeling forced? For you, performing should feel like love. Like sharing your soul with the world. Notice what feels natural and what feels forced. Try to find inner peace so that you can shine your light.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo // Virgo Rising
Sewing a quilt. To sew a quilt, you need to have a plan. What is the end result you desire? Pause for a moment and connect with some goals. What is your mission statement for these goals— why do you want them? The more heartfelt your process, the better. A quilt is made up of many parts. Work incrementally toward these goals, paying attention to the details as you go.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra // Libra Rising
A camel’s humps. What emotions have you stored away, like water in a camel’s humps? Carrying water works for a camel, but holding on to old emotions will not work for you. If you stop to pay attention, you’ll likely notice the impact it’s having. The moment is prime for releasing and letting go. Don’t be embarrassed and don’t be too busy. Make time for your feelings.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandy here or follow her on Instagram.