Want to make space for your deepest desires? With her new signature offering, “Room Service,” Moon Club member Morgan Greenseth is using her interior intuition to design healing hotels …

A healing hotel is …
“A hospitality space infused with intention and sprinkled with playfulness that allows guests to maximize well-being. Combining 12 years of interior design experience with feng shui principles and sheer intuition allows me to identify and create energetic shifts that bring the space into alignment with growth and dreams.
Everyone should have access to spaces that support them and encourages exploration and expansiveness. I use design as a an intuitive would use Tarot cards; I look to the aesthetics to tell the story of its owner’s deepest desires.
The project started while I was assisting friends in upgrading their apartments. As I helped them move, purge, or add to areas of their rooms specific to bagua and feng shui principles, things shifted in their lives. While working with my mentor, Elana Kilkenny, I realized that I should be combining this with my other passion—hospitality design.”

Spaces are energetically alive …
“Spaces are living and we are directly affected by the spaces that surround us.
When it’s working well, design and structure help the flow and contain gentle guides that activate the space in specific ways. When a space does not have this thought or energy behind its birthing, we feel it. It’s a stagnant, almost “dead” feeling and people do not want to be there. We may not be able to point specifically to why we don’t feel comfortable or energized in a space, but our innate nature tells us.
Just as we change and grow as individuals, so should the spaces around us. By working with space to align with our intentions, we are utilizing another modality of healing. We infuse more of what we want and love, and more of our ability to grow in our environment, which helps thing manifest.”
The big mission …
“My mission is to bring life and energy back into hotels—to transform them into living and healing spaces. What’s better than to fly off to vacation AND have a hotel room that aligns with your intentions? A space that assists you in furthering your dreams, while you play, swim, and renew.
We tend to focus more on ourselves when we’re on vacation, which makes it all the more important to stay in a space that supports us. In turn, having happy, healthy, healed guests creates wonderful community relationships between the hotel, the guests, and the locals. It’s a new format for a retreat-style stay, but where the guest is in charge of the length of time they need, whether it be a weekend or a full week.”
The Moon Club inspiration …
“It’s inspiring to have a community of people that support you. Even if it isn’t in person, you feel it. It’s a space where I can ask questions or come to understand why I might be feeling a certain way.
I personally love working with the Moon phases and encourage my clients to purge, set intentions, and align their spaces with these cycles. The reminders of these phases and the circles that are provided are a wonderful way to bring about community and awareness, especially during these challenging times.”

Discover more about Morgan’s spatial magic by contacting her here and follow her divine design inspo on Instagram. She also offers vision board services, Goddess circles, and private home consultations by request. **Want to start manifesting your own dreams? Sign up for Moon Club and join our tribe of cosmic change makers at Moonclub.co