The Empress card wants us to get grounded, get sensual, and to settle into receiving, says Lindsay Mack …


Transformation, or the Death card, asks: what needs to die, in order to step into your fullest self? asks Lindsay Mack


Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot …

numinous monthly tarotscopes october 2017 numinous tarotscopes ruby warrington lindsay mack material girl mystical world starchild tarot

Ten of Swords, Rx

Happy turn around the sun, sweet Libra! This is a month of transformation and integration for your whole sign. It is a cosmic fresh start. Don’t let this card scare you—it’s bringing nothing but good tidings your way. There have been so many dark moments for you this year, Libra. Now, believe it or not, the sun is truly going to start shining on your life. Difficulties will begin to melt, old patterns will begin to shift and change. You’ve already done the work, loves. This month will be a beautiful new beginning, one that will prove to you how much you’ve transformed over the last year.

Ten of Swords Rx is much softer, much kinder, and much more positive than it’s upright sister. The upright energy of Ten of Swords indicates a moment in our lives when we need to simply do, not think. This card leaves us zero room for victimhood, rumination and indecision. The old way is done and gone—there is only forward, into the new and unknown. The reversal, Libra, is a signal that you’re about to reap the fruits of having gone through that intense journey. It is done; you made it, whether you knew it or not!

Each one of you, in a critical moment, chose what was necessary, instead of what was easy. You said yes to wherever your soul was calling for you to step up, despite the discomfort—and it is going to be paying off for you in spades. You’ve been warriors, and now it’s time to move into transformation and integration, taking all that you’ve learned and channeling it into wisdom that you can share with others. Bow to yourself, loves. Honor your work, honor your courage, celebrate your soul growth. You deserve it, and then some.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords is here to help you ground, Scorpio. To help you root back down into your communication, your truth, and your trust in life. Queen of Swords is ruled by water and air—she is a fierce archetype. She shows up when life feels a little too ungrounded, when our mind and heart can turn in on us, flooding us with confusion. If even a sliver of us is out of alignment, she is there with her sword, ready to slice through any BS that doesn’t serve us. She is the energy that arrives when both our thoughts and emotions are contractive and limiting.

We may feel that we don’t know what’s going on, that we can’t quite find our footing. Over and over again, Queen of Swords will show up in those moments and help us expand and trust in ourselves again. You are ready for this deep clearing, Scorpio. Many of you have been working through some very old, calcified belief systems in this recent Pluto Retrograde (which began April 20th and ended September 28th). It is time to both release the lessons, and the old karmic patterns that you were made aware of again — and it’s time to begin a new leaf around communication.

Confidence in speaking your vulnerable truth is really what Queen of Swords is here for this month. She is here to help you open your heart and your throat chakra so anything that blocks you from sharing in moments of contraction can be cleared. Even if you are a clear talker, Scorpio, that doesn’t always imply truthful, emotionally rooted communication. Why is this so important? So you can begin to receive more guidance in the difficult moments of your life, rather than holding everything in. Do the deep work, let your truth shine, feel the support all around you.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Three of Crystals, Rx

If you don’t like the way things are going in your life, Sagittarius, do something about it. I’m serious! This is the month to make a change. If you’ve been waiting, unsure, contracted and scared, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for to take a leap into something new. If you’ve been planning on that all along for this month, congratulations—you are right on! Now is a time to begin to embrace an exploration of self, to tune in with what doesn’t work, and stretch a hand out to whatever might make your soul sing.

You may not receive the kind of clarity of purpose that you are longing for right away, but you will have started a new chapter. Just by leaving what doesn’t serve you any longer, you’ll be half way there. Three of Crystals, or Pentacles, is a beautiful energy, one that usually shows up in a reading when we are doing exactly what we are meant to be doing with our lives. It usually feels like that, too! There is a true sense that we are working in a way that is in alignment with our soul purpose.

The reversal isn’t that things are out of alignment, necessarily, but they might feel funky. It might feel tough to pinpoint the source of the discomfort and unrest around our place in the world. It usually means that we are ready to expand to the next level, ready to upgrade—and with this reversal, it usually means that we must leave something behind in order to do so. So, my loves, don’t complicate it this month. If you need to end something, end it. If you need to speak your peace, speak it. If it’s time to quit, time to move, jump in and trust yourself. It’ll pay off in spades.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.



October is another profoundly transformative month in a series of many for you, Capricorn. You have definitely been riding out some major changes over the last year. I invite you to reflect for a moment: where were you last year at this time? Six months ago? One month ago? I guarantee that the evolutions that you have moved through are markedly profound, whether you were feeling them internally or externally.

How did this last year change your life? How did it change you? What did you have to do—or not do—to get where you are now? And, perhaps most importantly of all, what are you still being called to release, or surrender to? Where are you ready to bloom open in a whole new direction? It will be crucial for you to meditate on these inquiries in October, Capricorn—the Death card is here to help. Transformation, or the Death card, is nothing to fear, just like change and loss of control are nothing to fear. The ego hates the feeling of not being in the driver’s seat, but the soul is right at home in the unknown.

You’re beginning, slowly but surely, Capricorn, to value your intuition over your will. This is truly the crux of what The Universe has been guiding you through for the past year. It’s certainly not to say that your amazing discipline and work ethic won’t still be a foundational part of you. You’re just building in new gifts, getting a deep lesson in pausing and surrender before stepping into anything new. You are continuing your process of being cracked open again and again, all to drop you into deeper alignment with your intuition. Keep reflecting on how much you’ve changed—the Death card will only be furthering that transformation this month.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Seven of Wands

Sevens in the Tarot are invitations to do inner work around what feels like an external situation. Seven of Wands is specific to identification with a role, position or title, usually one that has shifted from under us, or that we have outgrown. Where in your life is it time to redefine yourself, Aquarius? October will be the month to find out.

Where in your life is your ego most identified? Take a moment and feel that question resonate through your body. Is it a name, a title, a position, or a role you play out in your life? Is it your sexuality, your economic status, or your job title? It is the need to be coupled with another, or defined by a relationship? Is it the need to have specific commitments, or no commitments at all? Do these identities feel freeing to you, or limiting?

If you are defending a position, or aligning with an identity that you’ve already outgrown, bow to it and honor it — no shame or judgement in that whatsoever. Just understand that Seven of Wands is here to offer a potent liberation in that area, a gentle homecoming to the infinite nature of our being. It is a reminder that it’s safe to let things go, to change our minds, to relax into something new. Identities are beautiful, but when they begin to limit us, we need to go down to the roots and investigate. October will be inviting you into just that kind of work, sweet Aquarius. Welcome it’s presence—you are the kind of spirits who cannot be tied down when it doesn’t feel right! It might be intense to let go of an old title, identity, or role that you cherished, loved, and found yourself in, but if it doesn’t resonate any longer, it’s time to shed it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Ace of Wands

October is your month, Pisces! Ace of Wands is an incredibly expansive energy, one that feels like a rebirth of self. It is an artistic explosion, ripe with focus, clarity and inspiration around what we love, and most desire to create. You have been in some deep cocoons over the last few months. Now, you are fully out of your chrysalis, your beautiful new wings shimmering in the sunlight. Now is the time to make, to birth, to create and to spark the flow of your passions. Ace of Wands brings divine inspiration, huge new ideas and very exciting opportunities. You deserve them in spades, loves. Seize your flame and run with it.

The wild, raw, creative juices will be flowing—your job is to give them structure. If you are making music, block out time every day to play and record, whether you like what you’re doing or not. It’s the doing that matters, not necessarily how we feel about it. Over time, that discipline pays off! The same thing goes for anything that you are breathing creative life into. Don’t think about it too much, just let yourself get your hands dirty. Play, experiment, and let it be joyous. Be sure to intensely protect and defend your sacred creative time—when the work knocks, answer.

Ace of Wands in your month of October will really feel like you’re turning a new leaf. Your souls have been waiting for this moment, when your internal process can finally join hands with an external expansion. You are ready to birth something new and beautiful into the world, something that only you could bring. Celebrate the shit out of that, and enjoy every moment. If there was ever a time to feel the fear and do it anyway, this is it.


Ace of Cups

The entire month of October is a beautiful heart opener for you, Aries. Again and again, you will be flooded with opportunities to fall in love with your life—and yourself. Things have shifted for you since you moved through the Akashic Records card in September. Karmic patterns were totally shifted, new cycles were born, and the potential for expansion was, and still is, enormous. Those of you who said a courageous yes to those invitations have begun a transformation that will continue to unfold in the coming months. It begins here, in October, in the glorious energy of Ace of Cups.

Ace of Cups is a gentle and gorgeous invitation to open the heart to a new level of love and intimacy. It is a truly advanced level of emotional connectivity. Everything you touch this month will have the potential to be medicine for your heart chakra. You are changing, Aries—softening and blossoming, open to ease and grace in a way you’ve never been before. You moved through a mighty process this year, and things are truly beginning to shift in another direction for you. The old things that used to matter and control your life are largely processed. Now, what you’re left with is pure potential, and pure open heartedness.

Say yes, as often as you can, to anything that brings you into oneness with another, or with yourself. Drink of the cup that is the wellspring of your innate lovability and worthiness. Ace of Cups has a beautiful ability to connect us with experiences that expand us. Be open to sudden, random acts of kindness. Be open to meeting new people—perhaps deep new friends, or a beloved. But most of all, be open to embracing the wisest, fiercest, gentlest teacher on the planet: your own sacred heart.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups is such a delicious energy for you to be flowing in this month, Taurus. It is the perfect card for you, beautifully aligning with your earthy nature. This month might feel like an interesting mix of busy and dreamy, which is just the way you like it! Busy with what life will be asking of you in the day to day—dreamy with your hopes and desires for the future. Indeed, nines in the Tarot are always about wrapping up, clearing an old pattern while simultaneously preparing for a new cycle to emerge. That’s why October might feel like a funny blend of energies in moments, but I promise you’ll most likely enjoy every moment of it.

Nine of Cups is the wishing card. There’s an air of mystery and magic wrapped around the very essence of it. It’s true—when we flow through this card, it’s almost like moving through New Moon energy. The time becomes ripe to plant seeds of intention for the future. We are encouraged to dream big, to wish big, to let our hearts run wild with delight. Nine of Cups is rich in potential and possibility, so let this energy take you far! What will be asked of you this month, Taurus, is to seriously upgrade your wishes in this life.

You will be drawn strongly into upper limit issues, areas of sensitivity around money, love, and general ease and grace in your life, all to investigate where you’re being called to upgrade. This card, and this energy, is where we want to step out of our comfort zones, to dream bigger than we ever have, to ask for more than we ever have. It might feel scary and vulnerable, but that’s our work in the Nine of Cups: to identify discomfort, and let our wishes bloom accordingly.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Tower, Rx

Here you are in the energy of the mighty Tower again, Gemini—the second time in the last few months. That’s a lot of deep recentering and clearing! Fortunately for you, The Tower has shown up reversed for your monthly medicine, which is a much softer energy. Let’s drop into why that is, and what it’s bringing you. For starters, you are changing, Gemini, that much is clear. There are very, very big things at play, most of them happening in a very subterranean way right now. Think of tectonic plates shifting beneath the ocean, slow, powerful, and ultimately transformative.

It is absolutely time to ask some big questions. Is your life fulfilling you? Making you happy? Do you feel like you can release some of what holds you in places of overwork, exhaustion, or even burnout? In other words, Gemini, are there aspects of your life that you used to adore, and just don’t anymore? If so, that’s okay! Just admit it to yourself. That’s part of why The Tower is here, working with you this month—to help guide you through the slow process of waking up to what you’re truly, in your heart, ready to say goodbye to.

The Tower comes to free us from something we are no longer meant to walk with. The reversal is much softer, and lives firmly in the internal realm. In other words, Gemini, you will be experiencing the clearing of The Tower in a subconscious way this month. Pay attention to your dreams and feelings, look deeply at the structures of your life, and of your inner experience. Let the process flow on its own time; commit to being a quiet, curious observer of your internal landscape. There is much for you to see this month.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Six of Crystals

Where are you in your relationship to receiving right now, Cancer? October is presenting you with an important opportunity to pause for a moment and consider this. Are you burned out? Bored? Feeling overextended? Are you truly receiving as much as you give? Are you talking yourself out of being “ready” to be of highest service, feeling like you have nothing to give to others at this moment? To get clear on where the current energetic levels are in our lives, we have to ask these questions, and follow them down deeply.

We might not feel burned out, but we might be feeling anger. We might not be angry, but we might be feeling distracted in our work. No matter what, it shakes out to the same thing: there is an energetic balance in our lives with our giving and receiving. It may be profound or slight, but no matter what, it is important that we pay attention in order to correct it. Wherever you are in this moment is perfect, Cancer — even if it’s a tough, or highly unbalanced place, energetically speaking. It’s here to teach you something, and Six of Crystals, or Pentacles, is here to help facilitate a greater embracing of that balance, a sacred ebb and flow.

In Six of Pentacles, we receive by giving, and give by receiving. The healer gets a healing, and the person offering it gets filled up by serving another person. What this card truly offers us is the wisdom to know when to fill our well when we need it, and to only serve another when we are at an overflow. Begin this revolution with yourself, Cancer. How is your well? Whatever you need, giving or receiving, may you be overflowing and abundant this month and always.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Knight of Cups

Sacred balance is your medicine this month, sweet Leo. Everything you do in October will be in service of recalibrating your spirit, helping you to feel more deeply aligned with your life path, and your purpose. Part of this will be facilitated by leaning into the soul essence of the Knight of Cups, who invites us to live in as much ease and grace as possible, even through contraction.This archetype reminds us that even the toughest times can have a stroke of beauty in them. You have spent the last few years considering this idea, learning to trust goodness, letting yourself sink deeper and deeper into receiving.

It can feel scary to be willing to choose grace in difficult moments, to lean into our faith that things will recenter, even in darker times. And yet, slowly but surely, you have created a life where that is beginning to be the norm for you. Your nervous systems have really gone through a powerful upgrade; new neural pathways have been formed. Knights bring movement and messages, powerful invitations to embody their essence and infuse it into some part of our lives. Letting things be amazing without worrying about what’s coming next, or without panicking that it will all fall apart—that is your task for this month and beyond.

This is what is getting cemented in you this month, Leo—a rebalancing of heart and head, of mind and soul. Choosing to align yourself with grace and beauty, even in challenging moments. Root down into yourself and feel the fullness of the support all around you. Doing so will open you up powerfully to the realms of imagination, the mind, and the dream space. Let it be beautiful, and inspiration, abundance and new opportunities will flow into your life.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords is a perfect energy for you to be flowing in this month, Virgo. It’s got your name all over it: potential for inspiration, clear mindedness, powerful downloads, and massive opportunities to make great headway on any ideas that feel deeply exciting and aligned for you. It’s a wonderful blend of your natural sensibilities, and the organic potency of this card. Embrace it with all you’ve got; it’s bringing some wonderful things your way.

Put simply, loves, the presence of the Ace of Swords is a powerful indicator of new ideas and new projects on the horizon. It could present the opportunity to study, channeling new things, absorbing exciting knowledge from others. It is often an indicator of major ideas being ready to come through us. No matter what, it’s nothing but eureka moments and strokes of genius with this card. Expect to be intellectually stimulated, and to have many different sources of inspiration flow through you as the month goes on.

As with any Ace, this energy is a gift from Divine that we have to reach out and receive, rather than assume it will just be placed in front of us. Empower yourself to work with this energy in a really intentional way. Take time to inquire deeply, Virgo: what kind of life scenarios best facilitate clear thinking and powerful study for you? Whatever they are, wherever they are, say yes to them, and take the first step. We want to be focusing on the mind and the heart being as open as they can to these downloads. We are also encouraged to say a gentle no thank you to anything that distracts or does not serve us at this time. Ace energy is powerful and magical, loves. Let yourself be fully available for it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Six of Wands is asking us to embrace being seen, to trust our voice and bring our vision forward, says Lindsay Mack …


The Emperor asks, how will we serve our soul promise to the Earth? It’s a week for some deep self-enquiry, says Lindsay Mack


The Ten of Crystals (Pentacles), reversed, is asking us to seek the support we need, says Lindsay Mack …


As we stand on the edge of a new seasonal cycle, the Ace of Swords wants us to get ready for the lightening bolt and act on creative inspiration, says Lindsay Mack. 


Cast and channeled by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot

lindsay mack wild soul healing starchild tarot ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world numinous tarotscopes september 2017


Queen of Wands

Happy turn around the sun, sweet Virgo! You are celebrating your birth month with one of the most exciting and beloved cards in the Tarot, the Queen of Wands. Ruled by the dual elements of fire and water, Queen of Wands is all things. She is the witch of the deck, the alchemist, the sexual goddess and the spirit of creative genius. She is a direct channel to Divine, she trusts her intuition, and allows her creativity to flow from her like rainwater. She is quiet about it, too. Indeed, Queen of Wands doesn’t need to talk about these aspects of herself — she just is, beaming her magic out into the world with every step she takes. You are being asked to embody Queen of Wands energy this month, sweet Virgo, allowing yourself to walk through the world radiating these qualities. Rather than wholly relying on your beautifully honed intellect and ability to analyze, you’re being invited to allow your inner knowing to guide the way even more deeply this month.

This shift in energy will organically lead you to some totally new experiences in September and beyond. It is making way for new collaborations, new ideas, inspirations, moments of brilliance and a greater felt experience of total empowerment and personal magic. This card’s reach is transformative. Your only job is to be willing, loves. Willing to allow this alchemical energy into your life, willing to let it sit at the table of your heart. It will be helping to literally redefine your sense of self, and your beliefs about what you are capable of. Leave room for mystery this month. Embrace wabi-sabi in all things. Push against your comfort zone, trust yourself in crucial moments, let the fire and water within you, the passion and the deep knowing, dance as one. The result be will amazing.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Ten of Cups

Rejoice, dear Libra! Do a little dance and get excited — you are moving through the amazing Ten of Cups this month, an energy that you have earned with your hard work, one that is enormously deserved.

Ten of Cups is romanticized for a reason — it’s pretty spectacular. It represents the joyful end of an emotional cycle, typically one that has been rife with inner turmoil. The journey in the Cups from the Ace to the Ten is an intense one, filled with many lessons. In the Cups, we learn to move through great loss, we learn to trust our intuition (even through the din of fear and huge emotions), and we open ourselves to love, to the perfection of the beauty all around us. Ten of Cups is the payoff to this struggle, and it can come into our lives in many ways.

Ten of Cups can be an experience of getting everything we want, our dreams coming true, and living happily ever after, but that’s not always the case. What Ten of Cups gifts to us, above all things, is the opportunity to genuinely love, accept, and appreciate the present moment, giving thanks for all that we do have. You have the opportunity to taste the fruits of trust and peace in your life, Libra — even if you aren’t where you’d like to be, even if you don’t have your beloved by your side yet, even if you are still learning, still figuring stuff out. Wherever you are is perfect, and you get to practice leaning into that, regardless of where you are in your life, which will only make you more available to greater joy and more blessings. This is the true gift of Ten of Cups, and — dare I say it — the key to a happy life. It’s an invaluable lesson. Be here for it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Knight of Wands, Rx

Knight of Wands reversed has a very important message for you this month, Scorpio: have more fun. This archetype is letting you know that life has become too starchy, too devoid of play and spirited joy. September will be your opportunity to change that in a lasting way. Much is spoken of your intensity and sexual energy — you are also spectacularly hard workers. When that fixed sign work ethic drifts too far left of center, it can turn life into one big responsibility, with no moments left for relaxation, or restoration, not to mention fun. Be willing to look deeply at your beliefs about play. Is it just for kids? A waste of time? Does it make you anxious, believing that your time could be spend on more productive things? If so, it’s time to recenter from the foundation up. You not only need moments of unstructured creative time, but you also need to shake things up with some fun. Whether that means working on a side project, playing on a basketball team, taking a weekly class, or taking up ballet, it doesn’t matter. Empower yourself to shift your relationship to the value of fun, whatever that means to you.

Knight of Wands is a being that moves through the world with the desire to bring great joy to those that he comes into contact with — he wants to have an impact, wants to be seen and remembered. You are giving this gift to yourself this month, Scorpio. Show up for yourself on a new level, and be willing to get really uncomfortable with how much fun you allow yourself to have. The benefits of this shift are invaluable. It will infuse new life into your work, will open your intuition, and will reconnect you with your loved ones. This month, commit to the hardest work of all: play.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Two of Swords, Rx

September is all about self care for you, Sagittarius — both making it a priority in your life, no matter how busy you are, and upgrading it to a new level going forward. Two of Swords is a very powerful and important energy, one that offers us a crucial barometer around our brain chemistry, mental well being, and energetic boundaries. When we receive it in a reading, we need to clear, take space, process things mentally, and return to our center. This card employs a fierceness of spirit around self care that, unfortunately, can be misunderstood all too easily as someone who is too cold, too distant and stand-offish. Two of Swords, however, invites us to pay it no mind — she encourages us to take the space and time we need without explanation.

Put simply, loves, you need to take some space and it’s not happening. There is a need for greater gentleness around the nervous system that’s not being honored. So, what do you do with this information? Inquire around where and why that might be, and make changes accordingly. It’s not because you did anything wrong, or you aren’t paying attention — quite the contrary. It’s most likely because many of you are in deep process, evolving along with everyone else on the planet, and what used to work for you in terms of self care now needs to be expanded and reevaluated. It’s that simple. Whether it’s bodywork, more time in nature, upping your hydration, tweaking your diet, or just more restorative time in general, Two of Swords is calling, and it is crucial to heed her invitation. Make zero apologies. Do not explain yourself when you need space. Trust your intuition around social media, your phone, or the company of certain people in your life. Take the space, and see how much more supported you feel.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Page of Swords

I have three words for your September, Capricorn: Go for it! Whatever you are envisioning, planning, creating or dreaming of, go for it. Divine timing is on your side to make almost anything happen this month. Gather your courage, center yourself, and seize the chance to birth your next great project, task or idea into the world. Committing to these energies may stretch you to your limits in many ways — but what excites you more than that, Capricorn? What thrills you more than a juicy challenge, and a chance to work hard on something that stimulates you? Page of Swords coming together with Virgo season is going to unfold like a dream come true, offering the perfect support system for you to birth these ideas into the world. Take advantage of it.

Page of Swords is a powerful archetype, ruled by air and earth. He is someone who has done the work mentally and energetically to ready himself for something new. His hopes are high, his vision is clear, he feels good, and he is chomping at the bit to have his “shot.” He has knowledge he wants to share, thoughts he wants to communicate, people he deeply wants to serve. The air/earth combination aids him greatly in being able to accomplish this, grounding his visions with enough practicality to make them feasible. In other words, Capricorn, go for it. You are ready. You have moved through the big contractive energies of the last several months, learning your lessons, trusting in timing, learning the art of leaving room for mystery — now you get to move forward, armed with the wisdom gained from the last cycle. If you are feeling scared, ask for support around your next big steps. If you’re willing to be bold and brave, you will have everything you need to make it happen.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Two of Wands

September promises to be a very delicious month for you, Aquarius, ripe with potential opportunities and exciting choices. Two of Wands is an energetic fresh start, and represents a time when the possibilities of our life expand enormously. We begin to have options where we didn’t before, and our interests may be aroused in many different directions. Your sacred opportunity this month will be to make some very important choices around your next steps. This might feel tough in moments, because any path that Two of Wands offers brings something amazing. It’s really a win no matter what, which is is an awesome situation to be in.

Two of Wands is about letting our hearts be guided by the wisdom of our experience, a choice that is largely guided by an earned instinct. You are changing, Aquarius. You have been through a deep journey in the last year, and some of that is beginning to shift. The skies have been very changeable for you this year, bringing you into some powerful lessons and, in some cases, extraordinary change. The path ahead is clearer, brighter, more rich with possibility. Any rut that you’ve been in, energetically or otherwise, is most definitely coming to an end. Life is going to start getting a lot more exciting, the future opening up in some amazing ways. You may feel like you’re at a crossroads of sorts this month, Aquarius, but it won’t be a painful one. The toughest part of Two of Wands is figuring out where to point our compass because every option feels wonderful.

If you can gently temper the excitement you may feel with a little reflection, it will help enormously. You will make the choice that’s best for you, Aquarius. Trust your heart, and give yourself time to drop into what your soul is really longing for.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Five of Cups

You are moving through Five of Cups this month, Pisces, and I won’t lie to you: you’re going to be swimming in some deep waters. But when has that been a problem for you? You are the most experienced deep divers in the Zodiac, regularly swimming into parts of the heart and caves of the soul that many never visit in their lifetime. You are being invited to embrace this part of yourself — it is one of your most awe-inspiring superpowers.

Five of Cups is a kind of emotional contraction, a lesson we move through in order to more deeply trust in the temporal nature of our emotions. Being in Five of Cups can often feel like we cannot see the way forward, that we will be stuck in a situation forever. This card can arise around a totally innocuous inner experience, or it can be as blunt as grief over the loss of a loved one, heartbreak, or a flood of old emotions returning. In the traditional Smith-Rider-Waite card, we see a man grieving over three spilled cups, his back turned to the two full cups behind him. The medicine of this card is inviting you to turn to the “full cups” in your life — what awaits you, and lives on the other side of your emotional experience. There, a treasure awaits, one that will contain what you need in order to move forward.

These treasures are earned through the power of your soul work, Pisces, and enrich every part of you. They strengthen your gifts, expand your intuition, and bless you with greater wisdom and deeper knowing. September is one of those months, one that will invite you to dive deep, and certainly one that will yield its weight in expansion, inner richness and golden wisdom. Trust it, and take the leap.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Akashic Records

September is your month, Aries. The path ahead is bright, clear, and practically golden in its potential. Take advantage of it fully, leaning into every bit of the magic and alchemy that await you in the upcoming cycle. You are moving through the Akashic Records card in September, and put simply, it’s a really, really big deal. This card showing up in a reading is extraordinarily rare, and the medicine it brings is highly advanced and deeply effective.

The Akashic Records themselves are a kind of Universal file folder of divine information. When we tune into the Akashic Records, it is said that we can gain wisdom and answers around anything in the Universe that has ever been, or ever will be. You are in this kind of powerful energy this month, Aries, and it is guiding you toward your next big expansion, both as a collective sign, and as individuals. Know that you have the power to shift your karma this month, to change the direction of your patterns — the potential is endless, and promises to be incredibly magical.

The month ahead will be full of spectacular blessings and opportunities to expand exponentially, but you have to work. You have to show up, doing your part. Whatever you bring forward, Divine will double it. This is the month to say “fuck you” to fear, to doubt, to past pain, to old traumas that have been holding you back. Show up, shine your light, share what has been in your heart, and take the next step in your soul’s evolution. It’s going to take everything you’ve got, but you’re up for it. Rather than thinking of it as an intense or draining time, think about yourself as a kind of athlete, training for the Olympics. You are ready for this — you can do it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Five of Crystals

You are moving through the advanced medicine of Five of Crystals, or Pentacles this month, sweet Taurus. It is here to let you know that what you want — what you’ve wished for and longed to manifest — is coming. It is on its way, being hand delivered to you, and you are being asked to be trusting and patient with its arrival time. It’s tough, but you can do it.

Five of Pentacles is an advanced energy because it typically asks us to move through a challenge of some kind. It will also ask us to stay very centered through the unfolding of it, rooted in our truth. It doesn’t matter where this card shows up in your life, it’s job is to test your trust, and to help you relax into this moment, unknown as it may be. Empower yourself to stay as cool as you can. Five of Pentacles never lasts long, and it’s usually totally up to us as to whether it’s a slightly uncomfortable experience, or a dreadful experience. Your choice, loves — choose wisely.

Fives in the Tarot are always contractive. They literally squeeze us in order to expand us, readying us for a birth of some kind. When we resist a contraction, we are just uncomfortable for a longer period of time. When we give into them, surrendering and honoring the lesson, we make room for new. Five of Pentacles is often unfairly thought of as a card of money trouble, which is such a limited view of it. If it does affect your abundance this month, Taurus, it is only an energetic sign that you are expanding, preparing to receive more. Get curious around what you might perceive as setbacks and delays. They really are bringing a gift. Once trust in the timing is infused, everything you’ve been waiting for will flood right in.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.



You are cycling through the Death card this month, Gemini. September promises to be a deep time of powerful renewal, incredible lessons, and — of course — releasing what no longer serves your life. Whether this sacred death is a external one (marriage/relationship, job, apartment, a big move), or an internal one, space is being made for something new to grow. Trust it with all your might, sweet ones. There is nothing to fear from this card, I promise you. As much as you might not want to say goodbye, the thing you are releasing can serve you better in another form. Death never comes unless it’s truly time for that aspect of your life to go.

Ruled by Scorpio, the Death card never bodes an actual, physical death. The Death card is about an energetic death, about spiralic change and the turn of the wheel of life. It is in a snake shedding its skin, in the changing of the seasons — the last golden leaf falling from a barren tree, preparing at last to rest for the winter. It is the transmutation of one thing into another, and the honoring of that process. We eat food, then we become food. The weeds in our garden can become sacred compost, fertilizing the new, encouraging it to grow. This card brings transformation to all who are touched by it, letting us know that an old part of us must die away in order for us to move forward, growing as we need to be. Because this card represents an ego death, it can be intense for us to move through it. Honor any discomfort that may come up for you around it, perhaps even grieve it in your way, but no matter what this is coming up around, it is making space for something amazing to come in. Trust and release.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Four of Cups, Rx

September is a kind of review for you, Cancer, one in which you will be called upon to be very present around your emotional boundaries. What you say yes and no to this month will be of the utmost importance to consider. Your reserves will be precious, so it will be crucial to make sure you are moving forward with something only when you truly feel good about it. Saying yes when it’s really a no can have some consequences this month: think getting sick, feeling drained, etc. You all have so much light to share, but your nervous systems need a lot of down time to regenerate after being out in the world. That’s okay — just honor it. Four of Cups is a sign that that honoring is not happening as it needs to. Now you have to check in around why that might be.

Four of Cups reversed is a powerful energy, and one that can be challenging to anyone with a heavy fear of missing out, whether it be on experiences, opportunities, or relationships. It comes at a moment when we are emotionally full, and in order to digest our feelings and experiences, we need to take a gentle break around mindless intaking. We have to integrate. Honor your need to take this time, Cancer. If you continue to drink while you’re still hungover, you’ll always be sick. Honor your instinct and your truth, allowing your words to be a reflection of that. Trust that you can miss nothing that is meant for you, giving yourself the gift of pausing long and hard before you commit to anything this month. September is a reset, and a chance to heighten your integrity and personal commitment to your self care. Embracing it will bring in more abundance than you could ever imagine.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Nine of Swords

You are moving through the medicine of Nine of Swords this month, Leo — diving deeply into a powerful invitation to face your fears and find a sense of personal equilibrium in a time of uncertainty. Indeed, nothing in the tangible realm will necessarily be in flux, or creating an external source of fear — in other words, the fear brought up in Nine of Swords may be coming solely from your own mind, but that doesn’t make it any less legitimate. The experience can be uncomfortable, no matter what. The work you will be welcomed into this month will be to pull up a chair to your fear, invite your doubts and “what ifs” to tea. To listen to yourself, and inquire around what might be happening in your mind that you don’t necessarily want to hang out with all the time. Honoring this invitation will be a deep liberation to your spirit, empowering you to not only face what scares you, but to befriend it. Once we face a fear, it becomes an ally, one that can provide enormous strength and self compassion. Trust what it’s bringing, and allow it to really transform you this month.

Often, Nine of Swords arises in a reading when we are about to do something exciting, awesome, or expansive. The brain can get frightened of losing control over us, and can pump out all kinds of fears, doubts, terrors, “what ifs,” and nightmares, all to keep us in familiar territory. It will be crucially important to ask yourself if you are in one of those times in your life, Leo. If so, Nine of Swords is, dare I say it, a very positive card bringing a very important message for you. Face your fears, and find excitement and empowerment on the other side of the journey.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Lovers is an invitation to show up for sweetness, to help us navigate the intensity of Eclipse season 2017, says Lindsay Mack



Cast and channeled by Lindsay Mack, using the Starchild Tarot.


Happy birthday, sweet Leo! The Hanged Man, or Perspective, is blessing you with its presence this month. It’s gifts to you will be some profound invitations into surrender, patience and transformation, all centered around what you have no control over—anything that you cannot change or rush in your life at this time. You will most likely experience some intense (and awesome) shifts in August, thanks to the eclipses and potent Moon phases. Trust and welcome it all. The Hanged Man is clearing the way for greater alignment with your soul’s highest and best, offering you a sacred perspective shift around divine timing and trust. If you surrender to the medicine of The Hanged Man this month, Leo, it’ll change your life.

The Hanged Man prepares us for Death—literally. It is the card that precedes the Death card in the order of the Major Arcana. Ruled by Neptune, it takes us into a very Piscean world, inviting us to literally ‘hang out’ with whatever arises in our lives, internally or externally. It is yoga off the mat, asking us to hold the pose during difficulty or intensity. For you, Leo, this is an amazing thing. The Hanged Man is an exceptional card because it asks us to say an empowered yes to life—to voluntarily choose to hang out with whatever evolutionary process we are in.

This experience is life changing, because when we say yes to life, we simultaneously say no to victimhood, allowing all that doesn’t serve to die away. Soon, you will taste the fruits of forward momentum, joy and expansion, but for this moment, The Hanged Man is preparing you to receive these things in a more empowered and clear way than ever before. Surrender to whatever arises, cultivate patience, and hold the pose of your life.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Eight of Crystals

You are in your element this month with Eight of Crystals, or Pentacles, Virgo. The perfect card for your sweet, sturdy sensibility. Your invitation for August is to keep your nose to the proverbial grindstone. Whatever you are working on, creating or learning, throw yourself fully into being a student. Completely release attachment to the future, dropping and forgetting about outcomes and perfection. This is a month to let your hands get dirty. To fall and get back up again, and again, and again.

This is a time to be centered firmly in the present, in your work, opening your arms to humility and the gifts of apprenticeship. Work, practice, repeat. Although you may be tempted to skip this step in your process, it is this commitment to being a sacred student that will propel you into the next level of your mastery. Don’t let it pass you by. Surrender to the inward pull, into this deep place of humble repetition. The more you honor this invitation, the sharper and more refined your skills will become, readying you for a big expansion.

We so often forget to give credit to the power of action when we reflect on our desired intentions. We may wish for big writing or artistic opportunities, greater abundance in our businesses, all of which is perfect. But, we have to ask ourselves — are we making art, or just waiting for the gig to drop in? Are we writing, or waiting for the book deal? Are we practicing our craft, letting ourselves be wildly imperfect in order to learn, to become masters? Eight of Pentacles is your chance to live your intentions and dreams this month, Virgo. Saying yes to this card will change your life. Start with wherever you are, and just keep going.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Four of Cups

You may very organically feel like you need a break this month, Libra. If so, I encourage you to take it where you can get it. Whether you feel called to cool it on the dating front, in your career, socially or otherwise, trust your gut and take a breather. Check in on where things feel too intense for you, and let them go for a bit. Whatever you release will come back to you tenfold, if you allow yourself the gift of a sacred pause. Let August be as insular, as cozy, and as sweet as you desire it to be. Four of Cups is ready to support and nurture you through this process, so allow yourself to breathe as you need this month, reflecting and readying for the next phase of your life.

Four of Cups is a card that invites us to turn our attention inward in order to process something emotionally. It is often interpreted as a warning around self sabotaging behavior, that we are missing the signs and gifts all around us—it might be how it feels, but that’s not really the truth. The soul knows the value of wise breaks, knows when it’s time to go within. The soul can teach us about the gifts of a pause, and of trust in the timing of things.

The soul knows we can never miss something that’s meant for us. The potential alchemy of this card is strong, sweet Libra. You just have to invite it in, trusting its medicine. August is going to be intense. Beautiful and transformative, but intense. Four of Cups is a chance for you to meet this intensity with ease and grace. The gift it’s bringing? Preparing you to launch forward, clear, refreshed, and inspired. Seize the opportunity.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Wheel of Fortune

August is going to be an incredibly important cycle for you, Scorpio—I cannot emphasize that enough. Not only are you moving through the magnificent Wheel of Fortune this month, but you’re doing it during a profoundly transformative time, one filled with great potential for new beginnings. The Wheel of Fortune, ruled by Jupiter, is a sign that change and transformation are at hand—our path is about to be shifted. In order to allow the cycle to unfold, your job—and it is a crucial one—is to stay the hell out of the future, no matter how difficult, tempting or torturous it feels.

Wheel of Fortune is a co-creation with Divine, and our part of the work in the co-creative process is to focus solely on the now, offering our attention to anything arising in the present moment. Let the alchemical process happen behind the scenes; you just keep your head focused on what’s in front of you. This will facilitate the most positive and graceful turn on the Wheel, and will allow you to let the medicine of the upcoming Eclipses to move through you. The month of August contains within its days two potent eclipses, several huge lunar transits and a Mercury Retrograde—no small shakes.

These transits are striking all of us on both an individual and collective level, but for you, Scorpio, it will be centered around rewiring some of the ways you’ve been moving through the world. It might be time to upgrade your worthiness, to look at your relationship to money, or perhaps to admit that you’ve fallen in love, or out of love, with some aspect of your life. No matter what, deep changes and powerful upgrades are available to you this month. Make a gentle commitment to simplicity, to presence, and to restoration—everything will unfold from there.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Ace of Swords

This is a powerful month for you, Sagittarius, especially in the realms of inspiration and the cultivation of new ideas. Get ready for some beautiful expansions. Ace of Swords is blessing you with its lightning sharp clarity in August, opening your life to brand new ways of thinking. This card promises to inject a good amount of freshness into your routine, shaking things up in a welcome way. You are getting ready to make some bold changes, Sagittarius. Like the promise of the rising sun, the upcoming shifts are inevitable, exciting, and lie right over the horizon.

Ace of Swords is helping you to prepare for this by stoking the fire of your intellect, and planting the seeds of brilliant ideas, new inspiration, moments of genius and strokes of incredible insight. Whether you know it or not, you are being prepped for a whole new level of personal mastery and greatness. The work for you this month will be to trust in the medicine of the present moment. The work you will be doing in the Eclipses this month is helping to open the doors for this major forward momentum. This is a time of preparation for your next great expansion in life, but you must allow for the time to dream it before you step into it, for the visions and brilliant ideas to come through before you take action.

It’s very important not to put the cart before the horse this month. You might have moments where you feel like you aren’t moving anywhere, or like nothing’s happening. Honor those experiences, and stay the course. Aces are divine gifts, but ones that must be taken and implemented in an empowered way, of our own free will. Trust in the flow of timing, and lean into the aligned power of this amazing card as much as you can.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Ten of Swords

It is time to shift your mentality, Capricorn. In some way, no doubt aided by the intensity of the eclipses and lunar transits in August, you will be invited to make changes in how you’ve been relating to your thoughts. This shift in your mental scope will prove to be monumental for your growth, and crucial for your next steps. In some way, whether large or small, your mental perceptions have not been fully serving you. The presence of Ten of Swords is a signal that a change in this area of your life is near, and if honored, will be transformative.

The ingredients to facilitating this shift will be your willingness to surrender control, and your willingness to be vulnerable. Communication around this aspect of your life will be key. Asking for help and support, when needed, will be paramount. Let yourself soften into the support of those around you, allowing the shifts to be as easy and as graceful as possible. Any ten in the Tarot is a fresh start. There are tens that are joyful and momentous, like the Ten of Cups or the Ten of Pentacles—and there are more karmic Tens, like the Swords and Wands, that require us to make changes in order to move forward.

Something is not quite working, and in order to move forward, we must adjust it. This is where you will find yourself this month, sweet Capricorn. Ten of Swords is not a nightmarish symbol of pain and suffering, but a Death-like release from an old pattern that was no longer serving you. The vulnerability is part of the key that unlocks the door to this change. Let yourself be rebirthed, Capricorn. Release all that no longer serves you. Be vulnerable and raw. It is time and you are ready.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The High Priestess, Rx

August is an interesting and unique month for you, Aquarius. It might feel a little foggy and confusing in moments, but this is to be expected from the inward intensity of The High Priestess reversed. Your invitation is to float calmly in the fog, to let things be directionless and unclear in moments, without panic or worry. Just be. Often, if we receive this card reversed, it is very important to do nothing for a little while, allowing the mist to clear before we can see the moon again.

The High Priestess is ruled by the Moon. She is as watery, as changeable and as deep as they come. If we receive her in a reading, it is a sign that we already know the answers to our question. This archetype is deeply connected to our intuitive knowing, and requires us to cultivate an enormous amount of stillness and inner quiet to receive this deep answer from within. When we receive her reversed, it’s like there is a cloud cover over the light of the Moon. We just can’t hear or seem to get down to the core of our intuition. Our card pulls might seem totally confusing, our channels might sound like there’s nothing but dead air between us and our Guides. If so, it’s okay.

As stated before, just be for a little while. Laugh, bake bread, see friends, make love, see a movie—get back into life in a present way. Don’t worry so much about the future, or what’s to come. Focus on having so much fun that you forget how deeply you were straining to know or hear something. The more you take the pot off the stove and let it cool down, the clearer things will become. No pressure this month; just live.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Two of Swords, Rx

Are you taking care of yourself, sweet Pisces? Are you honoring your sensitivity, treating your head, heart, and body as they deserve to be treated? This month will be a time to review the effectiveness of your personal boundaries, and may include some clear wakeup calls to make adjustments for the good of your nervous system. You may feel called to take some gentle breaks, to keep your distance from certain people in your life, or to be less social as you see fit.

It all depends on how you feel, and what you feel called to implement. It may be important for you to review what’s important to you, and to state your needs, in spite of whether they disappoint others. Those who love and appreciate you will understand. August is a profoundly important month, and in many ways is acting as a mirror for you, Pisces. If something in your life is not working for you or serving you, it is going to be reflected back to you in a very straightforward way so you can make changes.

Two of Swords is an invitation to go within in order to offer ourselves the gift of a mental break. It is a wise pause, a breath in the midst of a strong stress response, a decision to stay home instead of going out and getting wasted. The reversal indicates that we have been blowing past these invitations to pause, perhaps out of resistance, busyness, or fear. Honor what you need, and set down roots this month to live your life in this level of integrity to your soul. You are uniquely tapped in and sensitive, Pisces. Not everyone is going to immediately understand your need for space and reflection, but they will once you begin to communicate about what you need in a clear and empowered way.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Chariot

Blessed be, sweet Aries! You are moving through the powerful flow of The Chariot this month, setting the tone for a profoundly transformative cycle. The Chariot is considered to be the only true omen of greatness in the Tarot—when we receive this card, we can rest assured that beautiful things are on their way to us, borne on the back of our hard work and focus. Receiving The Chariot in a reading indicates that we are ready to shine, that the time is ripe to move forward, to share our voices and our gifts in a whole new way.

It is a wonderful signal that the projects we are working on, nurturing or in process with are about to expand forward with us, blooming into fullness. It is an earned victory, flowing from our courage, persistence and commitment to personal alignment. The last six months to a year have been particularly tough on you, Aries. Your whole sign has really been moving through a complete identity shift, and you may have been feeling (in spite of how resistant you were to it) called more into the cocoon than out in the spotlight. Well, things are about to change in that regard.

Your time in the cocoon is almost at its end, and you are about to emerge as a beautiful butterfly, completely transformed down to a cellular level. It’s all a part of the natural unfolding of things for your sign’s evolution. In fact, the only part of The Chariot that can sometimes be a challenge is that, due to its ruling Cancer, we have to leave our protective shells in order to step forward into the world, renewed and reborn. You are changed, Aries, ready to meet your destiny in some way this month. Rise to meet it; the timing is perfect.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Page of Wands

What a lovely energy to be moving through this month, Taurus! August is a kind of delicious reset for you, borne from the fresh frequency of the Page of Wands. Expect a flood of new ideas and inspiration this month, and to go about bringing them into earthly form in a totally new way. Page of Wands is an energetic burst forward, tempered by earned wisdom and intuition around divine timing. Dually ruled by earth and fire, this archetype has learned to master his wildness, stoking the flames of his passion in a totally aligned way. What this means for you, Taurus, is a lot of forward momentum without scraped knees.

You’ve gained so much knowledge from your past experiences — you are now empowered to act from that wellspring of wisdom, even while leaping into the next great adventure of your life. Things may seem like they are shifting wildly this month, and you might feel that you are moving too fast. It’s all perfect. Trust the momentum, and the opportunities that present themselves to you. You are ready for every moment of it. August is a crucially important month, energetically speaking. We are moving through some massively potent eclipses, lunar transits and a Mercury Retrograde, all supporting our collective and individual awakening and evolution.

Everything that doesn’t serve us is being stripped away. For you, Taurus, what your sign is really ready to shed is the resistance to expansion, receiving and the manifestation of your gifts and worth. No more playing small. Everything happening to you this month is focused in that idea—making room for you to shine more brightly than you ever have before. You can think of August as a sacred Road Opener, of being blessed by Ganesha. Set yourself free, and leap forward, trusting the paths that open up for you.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Tower

You are in the profoundly transformative medicine of The Tower this month, Gemini. Be prepared to be shifted in the grandest and most rooted of ways. Ready yourself for anything that is not serving you to be stripped away for something new to grow in its place. Let’s get something straight right off the bat: The Tower, despite its extreme reputation, does NOT bode disaster, horrors, calamity or pain. The Tower is the most intense stripping of ego identification in the Tarot, so it can often feel like we are dying, being punished, or that something bad is happening to us.

It is, in fact, the most profound liberation of the soul’s truth in the Fool’s Journey—a total reset. This card’s presence is particularly profound this month, due to the unfolding of the eclipses, lunar transits and Mercury Retrograde. Trust whatever it brings and let it come. You’re only losing what you outgrew long ago. Some aspect of your life that you know is out of alignment is coming to a crashing halt this month, sweet Gemini. If you are wildly out of alignment, the halt will be huge. If not, the shift be lighter, but just as powerful. This is what it is to evolve on a soul level.

The brain and nervous system inevitably freak out, because they are committed to keeping us safe and in what we know. It’s only from the perspective of the ego that this card will feel like a death; the soul knows that it is the greatest freedom. Feel all the feelings, and shed whatever wants to be released in this month. It is making room for something new, perhaps at the root level, to grow and be nourished in your life. Trust the crumble; let it burn.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Hierophant

August has the potential to be a deeply transformative month for you, Cancer. The Hierophant is a profound initiation, shaking us loose from the bonds of hero worship, and dropping us squarely into the heart of our own truth, channel, and compass. We become our own wise teacher in this card, shedding doubts and fears that have held us back. We may refine our message in this card, too, if we are teachers and space holders ourselves. Have you been sharing your light with the highest integrity, Cancer? Reflect deeply on that. If not, The Hierophant will guide you home to your center.

The month ahead may feel bumpy in moments, but it will all be worth it for the clarity that awaits you on the other side of this card’s medicine. Expect to go deep within in August; question and review everything. Get clear on the difference between the rhetoric of the brain and the vibratory truth of the soul. Wake ups, a-has, and eureka moments will all be a part of the fabric of this cycle. We are collectively moving through a very powerful initiation in August, aided by the potency of the eclipses, the lunar phases and Mercury Retrograde.

Nothing to fear; it’s all here to help us shed, reflect and step forward in our lives in a renewed and aligned way. Think deep and powerful awakenings. Expect expansions of the heart, clarity of the soul, and—most importantly—the shedding of any doubts and beliefs have kept you from being your own master and guru. You have your own unique gifts to bring into this world, Cancer. If you have not been drawn into this process already, you will be invited to take an inventory of your core beliefs, and whether or not they are serving you. It is a crucial step for your path ahead.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.