The Eight of Wands tells us something is ready to move, and fast. Meet this energy with action, says Lindsay Mack


The Nine of Cups invites us into expansion, says Lindsay Mack—it’s a week to wish upon a star!


Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot

Numinous Tarotscopes July 2017 Lindsay Mack Wild Soul Healing

The Moon Rx

The emotional waves run deep for you this month, Cancer. Between this card, and the already powerful frequencies of the upcoming eclipses in August, you are going to be diving into some very potent places during this particular cycle of your life. Trust every moment of it. It’s here to help you release what no longer serves your highest expansion. It’s also here to help you trust yourself more intimately, and to know that there’s nothing to fear from the dark, the power of our inner waves. There are some beautiful treasures under these waves for you, Cancer.

The key will be to bravely explore them without fearing that you will drown or lose yourself. In fact, the more you surrender to the waves, the more you’ll heal, expand and discover. The Moon card, even without the reversal, is one of the most advanced and profoundly immersive cards in the whole Tarot. Ruled by Pisces, it is the card that beckons us to travel out to the deep sea of our being, far past the shores of our comfort zones. It calls for us to swim below the waves of our ego, into the shadow of our subconscious. This card is aiming to teach you how to traverse the darkness with ease and grace, Cancer, floating with whatever arises.

The reversal of The Moon card contains an even more powerful medicine, because you may very well be moving through some big brain chemistry on top of the already intense frequencies. If that’s the case, it’s all good. There is no thing to fear; you were literally born for these experiences. Embrace the void this month and hang out with whatever arises for you. Move from the mind to the third eye, focus on dreaming, floating, surfing, rather than resisting. Jump right in and explore.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Nine of Swords

Imagine for a moment, Leo, a child waking up from a nightmare, or seeing a shadowy figure in their bedroom at night, believing it to be a monster. What is the only way to definitively prove that it’s a pile of laundry, instead of a monster? Light. We have to see to know. We can flick on a lamp, shine a flashlight over it, any source will do.

This is the empowering invitation of Nine of Swords for you, Leo—if you find yourself deep in any kind of fear fantasy, anxiety or waking nightmare this month, flick the proverbial light on. Don’t ignore it, or push it away. Don’t stay frozen in terror, your hands over your eyes. Practice inquiry, take deep breaths, and look deeply at the root of the fear. The only way to absolutely know the truth when the brain is inviting us into anxiety is to look directly at whatever the core fear is. If it’s a monster, we can deal with it. If it’s not a monster, we are relieved of the panic. Same goes for how we shake ourselves out of the webs of a nightmare.

A glass of water, a cup of tea and some deep breaths can be genuinely transformative to our nervous systems in moments like that, helping us to relax into truth again. We need to turn the light on to do this. Looking at facts, moving our bodies, asking questions, and emphasizing self care are all deeply potent ways to shift our inner landscape, making fear our ally, rather than something that paralyzes us. This is going to be a deeply important practice for you this month, Leo, because you get to clear away any big fears that have been holding you back from expanding. Be brave, turn on the light and look at the truth.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

The Lovers

This is a juicy month for you, Virgo! Things are flowing and grooving in a really lovely way, and I recommend embracing the energy wholeheartedly. You are starting to receive what you’ve wished for in a very tangible way, all because you’ve done such deep work on receiving over the last several months. The Lovers card has everything to do with this idea of receptivity and gifts. It’s invitation to you will be to trust the beauty and loveliness that surrounds you—it is, after all, a mirror for you.

What this means, Virgo, is that anything in your external world is a match for your internal world. Anything magnificent that you see, from the face of your lover to a beautiful sunset, is an aspect of yourself, one that you’ve forgotten belongs to you. The work for you this month will be to remember and reclaim the power of that truth. The Lovers is ruled by Gemini, and when it arises in a reading, it’s an invitation to love ourselves, and to see everything that surrounds us externally as a mirror for our internal life.

This card can be quite powerful, especially when something magnificent comes into our field, and we are forced to consider that the kind of light and beauty we are gazing upon exists somewhere in us. The Lovers is a great teacher, helping us to receive a level of love and truth that might even feel a bit uncomfortable in moments. If you are willing to embrace this idea, Virgo, it will be wildly transformative to your ideas of who you are, how beautiful you are, and how much you deserve love. If you are believing something that’s not a true reflection of your being, this card will come in and change that. Open your heart, open your eyes, and see what you can learn about yourself this month.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Five of Crystals, Rx

The skies are parting, sweet Libra. Once stormy and gray, they are making room for the sun to shine through. Whatever cycle of victimhood, heartbreak, or pain you’ve been moving through as of late is coming to a gentle close this month, liberating you to live your life from a place of trust, joy and abundance. In other words, things are going to start moving—finally! July is going to be a deeply powerful month for your inner life, and may very well shower you with tangible blessings. In other words, life is starting to unfold in the best possible ways, so prepare yourself for some really lovely expansions this month.

Five of Pentacles is a deep contraction card, one that can arise around money, abundance, forward momentum and victimhood. It can really bring us into a dark place of lack, believing that what we desire and have wished for will never happen or find it’s way to us. The reversal, which you have this month, Libra, is the exact opposite. It is the shift from dark to dawn, the loosening of the intensity of mental discomfort, and the softening of the brain chemistry that can keep us so locked in fear.

The door that was keeping you from leaping forward is now unlocked, so what will you do with it? This is a month to get real with yourself on your dreams. Do you still want what you wished for? Has the dream changed? If your heart now wants something different, or if something unexpected comes into your world, think deeply about it and really get clear on what you want. There’s lots of room for play and movement now, so you might as well refresh yourself on your desires. The path ahead is clear, Libra, just make sure you still want what’s at the end of it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

King of Wands

July is your month, Scorpio. There is so much power and forward momentum possible for you during this cycle of time, especially in the areas of career, public image, and creativity. King of Wands is a trailblazer, a powerful leader and a passionate being, one who shares his gifts with the world his way—not the expected, typical way. This card is a dharma card in many interesting aspects. King of Wands is an invitation to finally give up the proclivity to do things the way we think they “should” be done, or the way it’s always been done, and do them in the way only we can.

It’s time to take leaps and risks, to show the world what you do—if you are willing to be courageous, it’ll pay off a hundred fold. Ask yourself where this idea resonates for you most. Is it time to quit your job and work for yourself? Is it time to own and honor a truth you’ve been swimming around, afraid to look too deeply at it? Perhaps it’s time to share your art and work with the world in a more public way. Whatever it is, you are ready. All you need is to believe in yourself, which is the deep teaching of this month’s medicine for you.

You have everything you need, Scorpio, your heart guiding the way. Trust that that’s enough. No one is going to tell you when and where; no one will give you permission. You must reach for what you want and know you are worthy, knowing there will be no tangible guarantees. It doesn’t matter. You must take the risks anyway. You have a deep offering for this world, something only you can bring. We need your gifts, so cultivate your courage and start sharing them boldly.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Queen of Wands

You are going to be invited to get better acquainted with your inner witch this month, Sagittarius. You are going to be invited to step more boldly into the fire, passion and sexuality of the Wands, and simultaneously, to swim deeper into the intuitive knowing and sensitivity of the Queens, which are ruled by water. Indeed, the Queen of Wands is considered to be the alchemist of the Court Cards, and the witch of the Tarot. She is ruled by your sign (Sagittarius), and by the elements of Fire and Water.

This is significant, because unless you are making steam, there is no practical or organic way to hold water and flames in your hand at the same time. Queen of Wands can do it, though, because she is a living embodiment of both the passion and the depths, the carnal and the gentle. These two things exist in you, too, Sagittarius, and July will offer you the beautiful opportunity to rebalance those two things within yourself. If you’ve been a bit too hard and hot lately, it would be wise to reach for what cools and softens you. If you’ve felt way too wavy and in the depths, it’ll be wonderful to come back to the flames a bit more.

The Queens in the Tarot are all about the inner landscape, and embodiment, so this month is less about what you are saying and doing and more about how you are living, what you believe yourself to be. It’s time to know you are a Queen, Sagittarius. It’s time to dance in the fire and swim in the waves, as witches do. It is important to reiterate that the thing within you that blends and binds these two elements together is alchemy. If you allow your inner magic to be expanded this month, it will be deeply transformative for you.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


It is time to take a sacred leap into the unknown, Capricorn. You are ready and there is no better time to take a chance. The old ways you have been living and moving through the world are no longer serving you—you have outgrown them. Expansion is your next frontier now, so know that this month is a perfect time to come fully into your light and fully into the next phase of your life.

In truth, I don’t think this card and it’s medicine will come as much of a shock to most of you. You have been ready, waiting, and preparing for this moment for months—doing your work and moving through big cycles of evolution and growth to prepare for this moment. Now it’s here. Everything in the Universe is fully supporting you, so what will you do with this golden moment? The choice is fully yours: ease and grace, or resistance and fear? Being at the edge of the cliff doesn’t mean the work is done for you — you will have to commit and take the leap.

Starseed is The Fool card, and The Fool is where it all begins. It is a leap of faith, one that births us onto a new path, one that is in deeper alignment for us than ever before. This card is both a beginning and an end—a new cycle beginning just as another ends. For this month, it’s all about showing your true self now, Capricorn, not hiding under the shadow of anyone else. It’s been deeply hard won over the last year or so, so let your colors and gifts shine. Show up as only you can. Take the leap and share your gifts with the world.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Six of Cups

This month will contain a powerful mix of emotional experiences for you, Aquarius, which is to be expected from a card like Six of Cups. This card has many colors to it, but mainly speaks of opening the heart to more intimate expression and greater receiving. There is often something to give away in this card, usually of an emotional nature. If you have something to say to someone in your life, it’s incredibly important to share it—even if it feels intense or vulnerable to do so.

If you love someone or feel passionately about someone, let them know it. Drop into the tender openness of a little child, and offer them what’s in your heart. If they receive it, great. If not, it has nothing to do with you. You will have acted from a place of deep vulnerability and courage, and that’s more important than any kind of validation could be. Another way this card is going to be showing up in your world this month is through a sense of nostalgia, partially because there are some big changes on the horizon coming up for you.

Whenever we leave something behind, or undergo a huge shift—internally or externally—the mind scrambles for feelings of safety and familiarity. If you find yourself dreaming of a particular person, of your childhood home, or of a place you’ve walked away from, trust that it’s absolutely appropriate to feel those feelings, letting them move through your whole body. Important to feel them, but to not take it as a sign to go back to whatever you’re longing for. It is only forward from here, sweet Aquarius. The biggest invitation for you this month is to stay close to your heart, to feel the big feelings and say anything that needs to be said, awake and alive in your body.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Four of Swords, Rx

You are coming out of some deep waters this month, Pisces—expect some true joy and lightness during the course of July. Any four in the Tarot is kind of a mini break in whatever suit it arises in—in the Swords, it represents a mental sabbatical. It’s a time when we might be called to step back into ourselves a bit, honoring solitude over socializing. The point of such a break is to clear the mind, releasing mental attachments, and coming back to ourselves whole and rested.

The reversal of the Four of Swords indicates that our time in this seclusion is over. The door is open, the mind is clear, and we are ready to go out into the world again, refreshed and renewed. This may show up for you in a few different ways, Pisces, all relating to wherever you’ve been called to keep an energetic distance as of late. If you’ve had a knowing to get off social media, or to drop back from a more public image, you might truly feel ready to be seen again, and to engage more deeply with others.

Four of Swords Rx may show up in your dating life, or in deep friendships, bringing in new people after a long period of being solitary. However it shows up for you will be beautiful. The only invitation being presented to you is to trust that it’s safe to come out of the little cave. It’s very much akin to taking the cast off of a broken bone that’s just healed. It is wise to move gently and slowly with a freshly healed bone. This is the same as when we come out of any four, especially the Four of Swords. Go gently and slowly, trusting that you are ready for the next step.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

King of Cups

You are being invited to up-level this month, Aries, specifically around the areas of emotional wellness, sacred leadership, and holding space for others. You will be called upon to step forward in these areas this month and beyond, expanding the way in which you show up in the world and how you care for others around you. King of Cups is a wise man with an all-knowing soul. He represents a leader and master, as all Kings in the Tarot do, but specifically in the psychic and emotional realms. He is the holder of space, and the teacher of healers everywhere.

The King of Cups is able to do this because he has learned to hold two experiences at once: his own, and another’s. It is the space we are in when we are truly in alignment with our guides, receiving what is in highest and best for ourselves or another without our own human perceptions bleeding through. King of Cups is a zen master, and has arrived in your cards to invite you to embody his way of moving through life this month, Aries. To be available to learn deeply from this card’s medicine will help you expand through those energetic teachings. Bringing them fully into the world into your own way is what July is all about for you.

Everyone holds space for another person in this life. Some do it for hundreds of thousands, some do it for one. Whether you’re deeply caring for a parent, a child, a patient, or you’re speaking at a conference of 900 people, King of Cups will be by your side, assisting in your channel opening more deeply, and up-leveling you in the way you care for and offer wisdom to others. Trust it, and go on the journey.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Page of Wands

The pages in the book of your life are turning, sweet Taurus. Change is on the horizon, and a new chapter is beginning. It is time for a whole new phase of your life to begin, birthed out of your courage, willingness, and worthiness. Page of Wands carries a dual elementation of Earth and Fire, a perfect match for you this month. When we receive this card, it represents an omen of change, but in a way we’ve never experienced before. The grounding of the fire in Page of Wands creates a beautiful blend, enabling us to be rocketed forward by our passion and desire for something new while being simultaneously rooted by the Earth element.

In other words, Taurus, you are fully completing the karmic lessons of the past and moving forward, renewed and ready for the next steps. Page of Wands is the medicine that will take you there. The kind of change that this card brings is deeply personal, as it represents the readiness to move forward energetically without being tied to the past any longer. It will be important to look deeply at any areas where you need to close a circle or a gap in your life. It could be with a relationship, or another person.

In that case, it will be important to express yourself, write a letter, do a cord cutting, anything that helps you release that person with love. If it’s a way in which you’ve been living your life that no longer resonates for you—poor communication or boundaries, playing small, charging less than what you deserve—do a deep dive on the beliefs underneath those choices, and gently start to rewire them. You are finished with these old patterns, Taurus. As soon as you’ve released them, you’ll be off like a shot.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

Three of Cups

You are in your flow this month, Gemini! Three of Cups is the perfect card for your sign, and brings a simple but sweet invitation for the month ahead: enjoy the company of the people around you. Step out of your comfort zone. Collaborate, share, commune and dance with the people you love. It is not the time to be in Hermit mode. Even if you’re feeling solitary or broken-hearted, I promise you will feel nourished by group energy whenever you allow yourself to be a part of it. If you’re short on friends, this is the month to take actionable steps to change that. Join a Moon group, a book club or an improv group—whatever feels good to you.

Also, you are in your zone of genius when you are connecting people together, so instead of joining someone else’s club, why not start your own? These are all things to consider this month as you flow through this beautiful energy. The ideal situation for you would be to create something special with the people around you, something aligned, fun, lovely and nourishing to all. Three of Cups has this kind of collaborative spirit behind it—if you can let yourself have fun and enjoy, it will be an incredibly healing month for you.

The fun of this is what it’s all about, Gemini. Although you have the reputation of being social butterflies, it’s not always the easiest thing for you to loosen up and enjoy your own party. Practice letting go, being a little too vulnerable, laughing a little too loudly, leaping out of your comfort zone a bit. Those who get the honor and privilege of your company will only love you more for it, will only encourage you to laugh even louder and loosen up even more. Play this month, Gemini—it’ll bring lots of love your way.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Strength card is back, and the invitation is to leap into something a little scary … but exciting, says Lindsay Mack.


The Knight of Swords brings rapid, targeted action, and a week to manifest some magic with our moves, says Lindsay Mack


The Universe, or The World, signals the ending of a huge karmic cycle. We’ve learned all we need, and it’s time to trust what’s next, says Lindsay Mack


The chariot reversed is an invitation to rest into the unknowable and trust in unexpected manifestations, says Lindsay Mack. 


Cast and channelled by Lindsay Mack using The Starchild Tarot.

Ten of Cups

Happy birthday, sweet Taurus! You couldn’t ask for a better card to kick your new year off with than the Ten of Cups. Ten of Cups is a harvest of the heart, an unfolding of our deepest wishes. Even in small ways, this card bodes a manifestation of great happiness and personal fulfillment. It is time to birth something new, to be open to major life upgrades. To truly embrace this beautiful energy, you will need to stretch out of your comfort zone a bit, and really ask for what you want. This process will be a little different for each of you.

For some, it might be time to practice deep gratitude for all the gifts and blessings you already have. This alone can be a huge leap of faith, because it requires us to release the belief that if we aren’t pushing or striving, nothing will change — which is not true. If you see yourself in that belief, Taurus, I promise that acknowledging the abundance of what’s already here will bring nothing but more goodness into your life. For some of you, it might be time to look around you at what needs upgrading. Are you seeking a great love or a nurturing community? If so, honestly look at how often you step out into the world, making yourself available to that. If you’re seeking light and expansion, how might you step out of the dark in order to receive it?

This month might be time to significantly raise your rates, speak your truth, quit your job, or start a new relationship. It all depends on how willing you are to honor your present circumstances, shifting anything that’s not in alignment. Lean into this energy, soaking up all of it’s goodness with a celebratory spirit. You deserve every moment of loveliness that it will bring.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


King of Cups

King of Cups is inviting you into tenderness this month, Gemini. If you have something on your heart, you are advised to share it. If you have a longing, feelings for someone, a wound, or a confusion that you’re holding onto, you are advised to share it. Some truly profound gifts will be able to flow to you this month as a result of speaking your deepest heart’s truth. You may finally get clarity, understanding, illumination or closure around something that has been causing you pain.

You may be able to begin a forgiveness process, to spark a relationship, to deepen an interaction — a profound liberation of the soul, all from simply sharing your inner experience. This is how King of Cups is flowing through your month. It is inviting you to honor your emotions and express them clearly, even if you find it particularly difficult or scary. King of Cups is a master of emotion in the best possible sense. He is able to share himself and receive from another in equal measure. When we get this card, it means that it’s time to level up in a very intimate way. It is time to share more of our deepest selves, to shed emotional weights that we are no longer meant to carry.

Speaking our truth during shaky moments enables us to step out into the world with our hearts soft and open, willing to receive all that life has to offer us. It is the most effective way of communicating to the Universe that we would like more honesty in our relationships, more commitment from those around us, and more soul centered connections all around. Be a mirror for what you desire, Gemini. Soften into your truth. Communicate what’s on your heart, and it will have a profound ripple effect on your relationships, your emotional well being, and your life path, all for the better.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Nine of Wands

You will be mastering the art of grace under fire this month, Cancer. Nine of Wands is a very powerful card, one that may propel you into lots of projects and exciting work in the coming weeks. This card demands that we rest and review in equal measure to our work, creating an interesting dynamic. The awesome opportunities and collaborations coming your way this month might be just as exhausting as they are exhilarating, so it will be essential to strike a sacred balance of give and take within the month of May.

One of the ways you can best facilitate this balance is by asking for help when you need it. A major teaching of Nine of Wands is to gently transition out of being an island, something that you can be prone to unless you’re careful, Cancer. Make sure you stay very honest in your communication throughout the month, and ask for the support you require in order to keep pace with your life. After each big expansion of energy this month, it will be important to take a breather in the wake of the activity to prepare for the next big hurdle.

This space will offer you the chance to refill your personal well, and to reflect on whether you would like to repeat the experience. You get to do a lot of work in the realm of empowered choice this month, loves — don’t be afraid to bow out of something if it’s truly not in alignment for you. Mainly, however, you’re going to be invited to keep up with the pace of your life, which is most certainly going to speed up in some great ways. Take advantage of every moment. Trust the process, ask for support, take breathers when you can, and enjoy the overflow of abundance in your life.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Sun

You’re on a roll, Leo! The Sun card in your pull for this month is a sign from the Universe to keep going; you’re on the right track. Take this as a beautiful confirmation of your hard work. Continue to walk forward, releasing what no longer serves and stepping into all that you are manifesting. Focus on repetition of the mundane. If you’re writing a book, for example, write every single day, regardless of whether you feel it’s good or not. Resist the desire to complicate or shake things up in your creative life too much.

This month is about cultivating an inner steadiness, moving from apprentice to master in some way. If you can continue to chart the course you’ve set for yourself, there will be an incredible payoff. The only thing to do is to keep moving as you have been, to chop wood and carry water, kicking ass and taking names as you do so. The Sun is an amazing energy, one that promises a reset, a rebirth, and clarity around what was once confusing. To this end, Leo, you’re being invited to trust yourself more deeply than ever before. Whether you know it or not, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Once you stop wasting energy on doubting the reality of your life, things will really start flowing! You have the potential to make some huge strides this month, but only when you are willing to consider that you already have everything you need. You are enough. It is up to you to level up and to honor the value in sacred repetition and inner trust — returning again and again to the drawing board until you’ve birthed whatever you’re working on. This practice will help you see the light in a space that was once just dark. You got this — just keep going.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Eight of Wands

Get ready, Virgo — things are about to start moving fast in the best possible ways. Eight of Wands can come in like a speeding train, propelling us into the next phase of our lives, seemingly overnight. What you’ve been dreaming of and wishing for is about to truly bloom open, fully manifesting itself in your life. The time is ripe, the path is clear and you are ready, whether you know it or not. It is time to take action.

If an opportunity comes your way, seize it and know it will take you far. If you have something to offer, to share, to say, the stage will be set for you to do so. You’ve put in the work, and you’re about to be rewarded for it. Get ready to move with this powerful pace! You’ve been in a bit of a holding pattern as of late, Virgo, something I’m sure you would agree with all too heartily. You have been asked to be patient, to honor divine timing, to keep stirring the pot on what you’ve been brewing. It’s all been in alignment, because the delays are about to vanish. Everything is going to be moving in a much clearer and smoother way, and you will be able to take full advantage of this flow in your life.

The big key to navigating Eight of Wands energy this month is to remember that this is what you asked for. You set some powerful intentions, dreamed really big, and the Universe heard you. Step up to your vision. Take care of your body and nervous system this month, say no to anything that might be a distraction. Channel this raw power into useable energy, keep busy and productive, and you will have an enormous amount of abundance to show for it.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Temperance, Rx

The month of May will present an incredibly important cycle of inner work for you, Libra — a deep spring clean for the soul. Before you can move forward in your life energetically, you will be invited to review a few things one last time before you’re ready to clear them away. Honor this — trust the process and the timing. It is a good thing, even if it might not feel that way. You are not falling behind or being delayed, merely being invited to check under the bed and in the cracks one more time before you step away from them permanently.

When we receive Temperance — a card of rebirth and soul surrender — in a reversed position, it means that we still have a little more work to do in the Death card, which is the card that precedes Temperance in the Major Arcana. You are still rebirthing, still leveling up and still moving forward in a very expansive way, just releasing a bit more before you can fully step up to that new place. As you prepare for this evolution, your job this month will be to embrace the releasing work — everything you’ll be letting go of this month cannot come with you on the rest of your journey.

Unworthiness, self sabotage, old addictive patterning no longer have a place in the driver’s seat of your life. It is time for them to get into the backseat, for you to say yes to your soul, embracing truth rather than fear. If you resist, it’ll just take longer. If you surrender, practicing presence in the face of any shadows that come up in order to be cleared, there will be a liberation. Birth, change and expansion lie on the other end of the tunnel, Libra. All you have to do is walk through it one last time.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Hierophant

This is a big month for you, Scorpio, all around upgrading old belief systems to follow the point of your own wise compass. It is time to take a deep inventory of where, if at all, old inherited beliefs are guiding your choices, instead of your truth. Look at your expectations of yourself around family, obligation, work, money, the whole nine yards. Are you placing your choices in the hands of someone else? Does your present state match the truth of your soul? If not, it’s time to make a change.

The work around this area is coming up so you can be liberated into a more aligned life — there is some major soul excavation to be done here. The Hierophant card will be helping you, highlighting any places where an untrue belief has taken root in your life. Your work this month will be to gently and repeatedly pull the old belief up from the dirt, planting new seeds of truth that will blossom in the garden of your life, nourishing you from the soul up. Within the energy of The Hierophant, you have the potential to make enormous internal shifts, which will then bring about welcome change in your external life. Inner work to facilitate outer transformation — that is what the invitation of May is all about.

You are learning that you are all you need to create expansion in your life. You’ve had the tools, power and gifts all along. The door has always been unlocked and open, ready for you to walk through. You don’t need permission. You don’t need a master, guru or teacher to tell you “when.” It’s always been you. If there is any part of you that doesn’t believe that, then right on — you’ve just uncovered the work to be done.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Seven of Wands, Rx

What is a warrior without her sword? What is a fighter without the fight? Where do we put our power and fire when there is nothing to defend against? This month, Sagittarius, you get to answer those questions. You are being invited to elevate the frequency of your inner fire, shifting it from fight to flow. You might experience some momentary setbacks, delays and frustrations this month. This is all to facilitate the releasing of old defenses, some so deeply buried they may feel prehistoric. Indeed, loves, your sign is arguably the most advanced of the fire signs, and thus, you have some of the most advanced and challenging work to do around your fire.

The repeated invitations into vulnerability — a space you’ve been called to many times over the last year — have all been building to this. Seven of Wands asks us to defend and move through setbacks. When reversed, it asks us to surrender. Rather than defend against anything, allow your walls to drop and the heart to soften in moments when you feel stuck or defensive. Instead of forging ahead, charging at a block, drop your weapon and look at the situation closely. In that space, you will find an inner fire within you that can never be extinguished, one that doesn’t need a challenge in order to burn brightly.

The gift of an unshakable trust will start to bloom within you, and you may find your attention being drawn more to the present, to to the gifts of patience and surrender. This is the essence of the medicine that Seven of Wands reversed is bringing you, Sagittarius — a powerful dose of peaceful warrior energy. All will happen in it’s due time, and within the space between what you desire and what you currently have, there are profound lessons to be honored.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Four of Crystals

Heed the call to go within this month, Capricorn. Decline the RSVPs and simplify your schedule. Your soul may be longing for a little space and time away from people this month, so give yourself what you truly need without guilt or explanation. Four of Crystals, or Pentacles, can manifest itself as a need to strengthen our energetic boundaries, to go deeply into ourselves to clarify our next steps. This card’s essence offers us the chance to purge and release anything we may be carrying that’s not actually in alignment for us.

Taking this time and space is going to help you to remember what’s really important. It may not look that way on the outset — you might resist this inner call at first, feeling that you “should” be showing up, doing more, ticking things off your to-do list. Honor your truth. Go within to get clear, not only on your next steps, but on what you value and where you’re placing your energy. You will be richer for it than if you denied yourself what you really need — a tune out in order to tune in.

Four of Pentacles is sometimes unfairly labeled as a card of materialism or greed. The image on the Smith-Rider-Waite seems to suggest this: on it, we see a man clutching four golden coins, dressed in finery and a crown. That is not your truth for this month, Capricorn — Four of Pentacles showing up in your monthly pull has nothing to do with wealth or financial patterning. It DOES have everything to do with making room for the new, as well as releasing any habits that are keeping you busy just for the sake of being busy. May is the perfect time to review your priorities. What do you want to spend your precious energy on? Go deep within and find out.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Three of Wands

If you’re bored, Aquarius, then do something about it. If you’re stifled, stiff, trapped in the same boxes you’ve been in for years, step out and try something new. If you’ve been longing for a sign or a reminder, this is it. You don’t have to throw the old boxes in your life away, but you can change what you bring to them, what you’re learning about, and the routine of your life. You can do this at any moment, something you’re being invited to remember this month. When we pay attention to our inner lives, the external will shift and transform to match it.

If you can empower yourself around your current circumstances, you simultaneously prepare yourself to leap into the new. This is the sacred energetic dance of the Three of Wands, which has arrived in your pull for the month with this very invitation. It is time to say yes to a new adventure, loves. Your soul is itching for new landscapes to see, horizons to explore, information to absorb. It might be time to go back to school, move to a foreign country for a year, or change your job entirely. Your spirit is hungry for something fresh and stimulating, so be sure to feed it as often as you can.

The tricky thing is that it’s not fully time to release the old, which is good practice for you. You’ll be stepping into the new as you outgrow your current circumstances, crowding out whatever you’re ready to let go of. This balance will help to foster inner trust, as well as assist in helping you to not make impulsive decisions from a place of boredom. Just remember not to rush the daydream phase — stoke the fire of your wishes and visions, then make your first move.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Akashic Records

This is a deeply powerful month for you, Pisces. Akashic Records is a rare and beautiful energy to receive in a monthly Tarot pull such as this. It is going to be guiding you to some very magical places in your expansion over the next cycle. Akashic Records is inviting you to drop into your dharma, Pisces — who are you (really), and what are you truly here to do? How are you meant to be of service? How are you being asked to show up in the world? The answer to these questions might look different from what you want, or what you might initially think.

You’re being asked to dive down past your preferences and limitations, open and available to see the bigger picture of why you incarnated here on this plane. The information you gather in the Akashic Records will be crucial for potential transformations you may make on your journey this month. This card will take you into some deep waters, but you’re used to swimming in depths such as this. You’re being invited to clean up even the smallest splinters of ego around your soul path this month, surrendering any aspects of your life that feel blocked and stuck. You are making room for sacred abundance to flow into your life, for God given gifts to come through you so you can help and serve others.

This level of dharma can only be attained upon surrendering to a higher level of truth within ourselves. What is the very thing you avoid looking at, Pisces? This is the key to not only your service, but that which you desire on this plane. Your soulmate, a career change, a conception, an expansion in intuition — all possible this month through this inner shift. You are the treasure you’ve been seeking, Pisces, so dive deep.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Ten of Crystals

Ten of Crystals, or Pentacles, is a glorious energy for you to be moving through this month, Aries. There will be much to celebrate, and it will behoove you to keep your focus trained on the present, and out of the future in order to be here for it. It’s not the easiest time for your sign right now, loves. You may be feeling ready to go, full of vigor and energy, but it might seem that the Universe keeps trying to slow you down. This duality is uncomfortable, but totally appropriate. The Retrogrades are bringing you into review, which is very important, while the building energy within you is asking to be channeled toward deep work, self care and joy.

This “push/pull” frequency is pretty intense, but Ten of Crystals is (thankfully) coming in for some big love this month. Your invitation in this card will be to honor all of your hard work, recognize how far it’s gotten you, and rejoice in all the abundance it’s brought into your life. Ten of Pentacles signifies major blessings, a glorious experience of truly recognizing that a lasting foundation has been laid with our repeated work and efforts. Now, you get to bask in the glow of it before you move onto the next great conquest. Of course, it won’t all be rainbows.

Will there be moments of discomfort this month? Yes. Will you occasionally forget about the joy and slip into worry and anxiety? Of course. Why would you believe otherwise? Anytime we reach a new level of soul joy, of goodness and abundance, the brain inevitably freaks out and invites us into contraction. No matter. You can find rest in discomfort. You can embrace joy no matter what. Celebrate all you are, all that you’ve worked for, and all that’s to come. Stay in truth and every moment will be a gift.

Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


The Eight of Wands suggests something is in transit energetically. Now it’s time to move with the shifts as they show up, says Lindsay Mack in her Numinous weekly tarotscope…