Get an astro symbol for you sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes Sandra Sitron Strong Eye Astrology

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A rushing waterfall. Expand through and out of yourself. How? By letting yourself feel your feelings. Let them flow. Urge them out. Make safe spaces for your feelings to flow through. You can move through so much healing now. You are worthy. You are loved. Learn more about the concepts of letting go and forgiveness. This will create expansion. Shake up your bedrock by reaffirming that you are worthy. Realize that you are safe.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A crystal palace. Stand up straight and tall. Your individuality is crystalized. You are defined. You know who you are. You are ready to burst through to a new, higher level. This is a time of great expansion for you. Your growth is supported by showing compassion for other people. When you are secure in your own identity, you can become a great diplomat. Take the time to learn what other people need. You can work very well with other people right now for conflict resolution and growth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Gold star stickers. You are ready to create sparkly magic in your life. You may have to surprise yourself a little by finding new spiritual inspiration. You can really blast open now creatively and spiritually. Find new levels of love. If you’re feeling blocked from love or emotion, then try to find out what is ready to come to the surface. Set aside time for self-inquiry. Your explorations are supported by a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you’re taking good care of your body so that you can go on a spiritual journey.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A glimmer of light. The biggest, brightest love you’ve ever seen is ready to shine forward. You have to invest in your future. You have to prepare for how you can feel connected to a larger community. There is energy for you to break into political action this week. Do things that surprise yourself and make you feel connected to love. You are supported now by using your creativity. How can your personal joy and talent contribute positively to the world at large? Giving your talents and gifts to serve the greater good will spur you on to further expansion.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A mountain climber. Make sure you are in full integrity. Center yourself by focusing on work that’s in alignment with your values. This process will help you discover how you can shake up your career. Keep climbing with bravery and trust. Stay dedicated but simultaneously open to change. Give it your all. The people who are closest to you and a comfortable home space can offer you so much support right now. Feel supported at your base and be ready for exciting change in your career.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Garlands of flowers. Center yourself by understanding how connected you are. Can you feel the love that resides in your connections? Your social network can offer you so much support as you expand out into the larger world. You can expand right now by interacting with different philosophies and cultures. Enrich your understanding of humanity by interacting with art forms from around the world. You are read to blast open your consciousness right now and bring something creative back to your local community. You are looking for deeper meaning.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Galloping horses. Are you ready to experience true power? True power comes from being able to let go. From being able to step back from control. From feeling centered and worthy. This is where you are finding expansion right now. It’s in your understanding of how worthy you are. The process of building up your self-esteem will bring you so much personal power. It’s time for you to flourish.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Two mallard ducks swimming in a pond. This is a time of getting to know yourself. Are you ready to love yourself the most? Are you ready to trust yourself the most? You’re learning to take a stand for your own needs, which in turn can help you build better partnerships. As you find new ways to center yourself now, you’re simultaneously able to create peace in your external world. You can then enjoy swimming on calm waters with a partner.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A buried diamond. Look into the depths of your emotional patterns. Bring what you find to the surface and polish it with your tears. Find ways to feel more. Feel all of the feelings that you couldn’t feel before. It’s easy right now. What used to be like digging into hardened, frozen soil, is now like running your fingers through sand. You have access. Use this access to your feelings as a way to invigorate your body. Move the emotions so that you break through into optimal health.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Hover-craft. Go beyond. Realize that nothing is about you. Nothing is personal. You have an ability to do big work on a world stage. You can move a message. You can flourish in a greater community and that action will serve the world. Expanding out into the world will help you find new creative expression as well. You’ve got gifts and you can shine bright. Surprise yourself with your own talents.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Vertebrae in alignment. You are able to get into definite integrity right now in your work and your life. Think of yourself as a leader. You can produce things that can really help other people. Expansion comes right now from realizing that you’ve got what it takes. You are stepping up to the plate and it’s helping other people. To let this sink in completely, you may need to invigorate something at home or in your most close relationships. Surrender to the feelings that need to be felt. Your emotional base is going through an electrifying change, which can help you carry more responsibility out in the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Moonbeams. Get as big and bright as you can. What if anything is possible? What if no dream is too big? How can you become more optimistic? If you are optimistic right now, your energy can reverberate through your whole community. Your attitude can influence others positively. Focus on a dream and then send a message that’s designed to invigorate. This process will make you feel so connected and alive.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse is asking us to JUST BE, and allow for a cosmic re-set, says Sandra Sitron

Moon Club Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse
Learn how to work with each Moon phase when you sign up for Moon Club! Click here to learn more

New Moon Solar Eclipse :: February 26 2017 :: 10:00 am EST :: 8 degrees Pisces

It is time to clean up and restore before the next astrological year begins. Gather yourself in your center. Honor your emotions. Sit with yourself in a quiet cave and heal. To look inside of yourself for the truth. This is your moment to draw back the curtain and see into your own soul.

As we, the Sun and the Moon, come into alignment, let go of your assumptions. Let yourself see the truth. This is not time for practical thinking. The information coming through now is more like poetry. If you hold a great appreciation for logic, take this moment to feel the spaces between words. Drift a little instead of trying to rigidly hold onto a concept.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse is in Pisces. A new moon happens every month when the Sun and the Moon are at the same degree. When this occurs, the moon looks dark, making it a time for quiet contemplation and healing. It’s a time to set new seeds of intention. When the Moon and Sun are both near a lunar node (orbital plane), a solar eclipse can occur. This happens about twice a year. Part or all of the Sun’s light is obstructed from the Earth’s view (whether or not you can see it depends on where you are located on earth.)

In astrological terms, this configuration creates a massive “reset.” It is time to bring in new energy and a new perspective. With this New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces, we are planting fresh seeds of compassion. We are learning how to heal ourselves and others. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It holds the experience of all the other signs. The old saying “put yourself in someone else’s shoes,” fits in here. Pisces has walked all the walks. And as such, Pisces energy holds compassion for the entire human experience.

You may find yourself extra sensitive during this time. This can feel overwhelming, so you may decide to slide away from all the feels like a slippery fish. Take notice if you see yourself trying to drown out emotion with any kind of compulsive behavior. Instead, can you just sit with the feelings? This is a time to “go through something” rather than “get over something.” Follow your intuition closely. Keep checking in with yourself. Let yourself be however you are. This is the essential first step of healing.


New Moon Conjunct Neptune
A sea anemone waves in the depths of salt water.
Find yourself floating with sensitive awareness. Sink into senses you don’t normally use. Trust what you know. Sensitivity is heightened here. As is magic, enchantment, illusion and confusion. Find your path through the fog by trusting your inner light. Your power is in what you feel.

New Moon Conjunct Mercury
Sparkle emoji.
*ding* That special sparkle! That glimmer of light! As the planet that rules thinking and communicating is lining up with the Sun, Moon ,and Neptune, a new awareness can shine through. Maybe even with a hint of glitter. The clarity you are looking for is just within reach, but you may have to follow your intuition to find it. As wounded healer Chiron is hovering on the outskirts of this stellium configuration, your conceptual clues may trigger old wounds. Leading from pain to revelation to healing. Choose to see clearly so that you can allow this process to unfold.


New Moon Semi-Square Mars and Uranus
Looking through a telescope at a bomb hitting the surface of the ocean.
Boom. There is some explosive energy here. As you let your emotions flow freely, steer toward compassion for yourself and others. Focus on this. Do it so that if turmoil hits your emotional waters, you’re ready to objectively focus on love.
The energy of Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries is creative, fast and electrical. Your instinct may be to make quick decisions. As the symbol represents “keeping an eye on things,” lean in the direction of patient observation when you can.

New Moon Sesqui-Quadrate Jupiter
A balloon seller at the fair.
Get on the optimism track whenever you can this weekend. Jupiter is bringing in expansion and healing. As the ancient ruler of Pisces, this energy can help you see the best in everyone. Stay positive. With just the right amount of helium balloons, yuo may even achieve lift-off. You never know.

Take quiet space to feel your feelings. Focus on compassion. Honor your sensitivity. Following your intuition leads to clarity. Practice love and optimism to help you remain peaceful in times of turmoil.


Use the below questions to get deeper in your journaling practice for the Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 8 degrees Pisces…

Aries or Moon in 12th house
How can I drift a little bit more? Where in my life can I choose to receive instead of taking action?

Taurus or Moon in 11th house
What is one way I can funnel my compassion into an action that serves the greater good? How would this serve me too?

Gemini or Moon in 10th house
Can more compassion for myself positively impact my career? How would I envision this happening?

Cancer or Moon in 9th house
How can I expand my worldview by bringing in more love? Can I focus on channelling compassion to someone who lives far away from me?

Leo or Moon in 8th house
What feeling is demanding more attention? What would it be like to sit with this feeling? What am I not seeing right now?

Virgo or Moon in 7th house
How can I serve another person through my words or attention? How can also I bring more attention to my need to be compassionate with myself?

Libra or 6th house
How can I make self-care simple? What are a few things I can do every week that are easy and show how much I love myself?

Scorpio or 5th house
What is a gift that you can share with the world today?

Sagittarius or 4th house
When am I most encouraging of myself? How can I be more like a “good mother” to myself?

Capricorn or 3rd house
What practice helps me get out of the way and allows my words and thoughts to flow intuitively?

Aquarius or 2nd house
How can I show myself how much you value myself? What feels like luxury to me?

Pisces or 1st house
Where in my life do I need to illuminate a sense of hope?

Feeling like you need really do need a cosmic re-set? Sign-up for Sandra’s FREE mind-body astrology e-course at this link!


Your Numinous weekly horoscopes—direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

numinous weekly horoscopes pink rose close up

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A bed of roses. Roses help you open your heart. The rose thorns symbolize healthy self-protection. Can you open and protect? Heart opening helps you connect with your true state of being- you are love and light. Meditate on the rose. Let yourself drift in any way that you need to and don’t judge yourself now. Just let your decisions come from a place of love and not fear.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A beaver builds a dam. Intuitive leadership. Trust that you know what to do. You’re prepared. You are supported. Create channels that will help you connect with your intuition. Sometimes confusion comes when you’re ready to connect on deeper levels. Let any confusion drift around you, and then dive into your own depths to lean how to act and lead. Trust that you have everything you need inside you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
The rainbow connection. A rainbow portal that links here and there. What is the meaning of this? Break through into a new state of consciousness. Electric energy can expand your mindset this week. Follow the rainbow to a new state of logic. Don’t let fear hold you back from opening up to greater awareness. Be open to surprises. New perspective opens up the channel for hope to flow in. And hope is what you need.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A ferris wheel. Riding up to the top. You have the ability to go high. So do it. Let yourself be seen. Let yourself advance. Take the opportunity to be in full integrity. You are in the spotlight now. Your career can expand in the direction that you’d like very easily right now. Set your goals and career intentions. How do you want to feel at work? Allow yourself to be exactly who you are and enjoy the ride to the top.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Fragrant herbs burning. Make your alter. You have to seek more meaning. Ask for answers. You don’t have to know everything now. But you do need to dedicate yourself to learning. The alter is your designated space for prayer and offering. These actions can remind you that you’re supported in your quest of higher learning. Expand your mind while feeling nourished and secure.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Stained glass fused together. Merging. You are ready to go deeper into your own emotions. You are more ready than ever to explore the boundaries of another person’s being. Be present. Be open. Find out that your understanding of magic can deepen when you’re challenged to let go. Notice all the places where you are trying to maintain control. What would happen if you relaxed? There are so many surprises ahead. Welcome the journey with an open heart.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Teeth crunching. Symbols of nurturing and anxiety rolled into one. Take care of yourself. Feed your soul. Look deeper into any anxiety that may be swirling. What’s underneath? It’s often fear. Step in a different direction by calling in more love. Just switch. Lean into love. Give yourself more empathy. If you are being hard on yourself, it can be helpful to remember that there’s not just one right way and one wrong way. You’re doing just fine.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Bouquets of peonies. Get interested in the details of your life. Your health and wellness. Your schedule. Your workflow. You can’t always be pushing. Now it’s time to start at the base and build some systems of organization that will make your life easier. The peonies are lovely flowers that remind you to enjoy this process. Enjoy your life. Make more space for fun and beauty by minding the details that make everything better.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A coiled snake. This symbol can represent the creative life force. Build yourself up by creating a sense of anticipation. Get excited. Then live your life in full creative expression. Don’t start this tomorrow or the next day. Do it now. Find a way to live in fullness. Burn through staleness. There’s no time now for old habits that feel boring. It’s time for life, dance, color, expression and fun.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Stones in a riverbed. The stones grow smoother with time. There is a sense of history in a river. Maybe this is a time of sweet nostalgia. Look to your past. Notice how much you’ve grown. You are an evolving creature and you don’t have to repeat old patterns. Find a way to treasure the parts of the past that are meaningful to you. Honor your present by creating a ritual that can remind you of how far you’ve come.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
An opposable thumb. Take stock of your true dexterity. You are adaptable and innovative. You have the ability to learn a lot right now. You can make adjustments. Connect the dots to find new solutions. Anything that you need is right at your fingertips. Trust that you are mentally equipped for the tasks at hand. You know what to do and how to do it. Embrace your logic and your intuition. Take advantage of this time of heightened mental activity. Trust your adaptability.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Grazing cattle. Eating grass is a symbol of groundedness. Cattle are a symbol of sustainability. Feel grounded and sustained. You are worthy. You deserve to feel safe and well. Do little things to feel grounded in your body. Drink plenty of water and eat slowly. This will help you access your inner resources. Remind yourself of that you’re supported. Remind yourself of gentleness. Your sense of personal wellness helps the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Your Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes Strong Eye Astrology The Numinous angels trumpets

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
The symphony plays. You have a chance to put all the different parts together in the right order. You’ve had a lot going on. Now it’s time to be gentle with yourself and decide which thing to do first, which to do second, etc. You get to decide when to rest and when to act. You’re ready bring it all together, like a conductor cueing the players. Try to go with the flow in this process. Follow the next clue. Watch your path light up ahead of you. Trust that you know what to do.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
The fog lifts. You are ready to step forward into more clarity. The way through is by acknowledging your feelings and giving yourself lots of alone time. Don’t try to push too hard. You can let yourself drift in the fog and when the time is right for action, you will know. Watch for signs, symbols and synchronistic. These are messages from the other side of the fog.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A sharp breath in. Remember that you’re alive! You came here to define yourself and claim your individuality. Connect with excitement and openness. Practice happy baby pose and try to really see yourself as that happy baby. This liveliness will lead you on the right path to connect with like-minded folk. Communing with others who hold your values can help you stay in an enlivening frame of mind. Your positive energy is vital right now. It will help you spark a revolution.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A bird calls from way up in the tree tops. You have to align with your goals. Set your sights high. Find your orientation by creating more vision. Step back a little bit from busy-ness and find your perspective. This will help you with your attitude and your energy levels. You need to be able to use your energy in a focused way right now, and so direction is key— set goals. Your actions must be authentic and aligned. You’re extra visible right now, so let people see your dedication and integrity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
The palm tree bends in the wind. Let yourself drift. One way to be strong is to be flexible. Have a mission statement- something simple and concise. And then let everything else become an adaptation. Whatever project you’re working on, or whatever is on your mind, ignore the real-world details for a moment and just try to see the deeper purpose. Then allow the details to fall into place. The more flexibility and openness, the faster the solutions will flow. Explore. Feel expansive, generous and abundant and everything will line up just right.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Beans rattling inside maracas. Shake it up. Whatever is stuck and stagnant is ready to get shifted. It’s time for movement. Look at the things you are trying to control. Somewhere in there is a pattern or a deep emotion that may be ready to be unlocked. Be gentle but persistent. Examine the deeper feelings and motivations that are keeping you stuck in a pattern. Listen to yourself, give yourself empathy. Take time out to feel all of your feelings. Dance, play and sing your way into spiritual surrender. It’s time to break free.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A parrot’s beak. It’s time to assert yourself a bit more. Say what you need. Don’t hold back the words. Language helps you understand yourself and share yourself with another person. These boundaries and intersections of relationship are of heightened importance now. You need to feel safe to express yourself, so that you can open your heart. Get fully into the dance of giving and receiving. Communicate the steps you want to take.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Letting sand run through fingertips. Let yourself get into the details of your projects, your schedule, your health. You need the peace of mind that comes from feeling very organized. So take some time out from big-picture planning and get all of the little pieces in place. This will feel like high-level self care. Pay extra attention to your health and nutrition. Focus on feeling grounded. Practicality is your priority.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A rocket. Shoot yourself into outer space. Blast yourself open. The thing that matters right now is that you are living larger than life. In the full flower of your creativity. Be a light. Share your light. Don’t hold back. Make, create, laugh and have fun. Find new ways to let loose. Remind yourself that it doesn’t have to be so serious or logical all the time. Right now you need to feel carefree. And share your gifts with the world.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A red and white striped straw. Find ways to nurture yourself. It’s important that you feel rooted and grounded right now. Fed and well. You need extra alone time. Get cozy. Nestle into a cove at home. All of this will help you focus, which in turn will heighten your intuition. It’s no time to be scattered. Take good care of yourself and allow yourself to rest and restore. A well timed nap may offer many unexpected rewards. By allowing yourself to recuperate, you will be able to do some deep and needed healing. So start with self-care.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A player piano. You know all the songs by heart. It’s time to gather new information. Update your repertoire. Go digging into different belief systems. Ask others for advice on new ways of thinking about the matters at hand. Be careful not to let your search for information become habitual (like absently scrolling through social media). Be very present in your search for inspiration. Define what you would like to learn about and go after it. It’s time for new ideas.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Sitting on a blanket on a lawn. Connect with the ground. Remember that Earth energy is healing. You are able to expand the most when you start by being rooted. Check in by giving gratitude for all of your resources. Remind yourself of your abundance. Confirm that you are inherently worthy. You deserve to be here, you deserve to take up space, you deserve to be alive. Lean into the support of the Earth. Let yourself root down.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


In need of some serious cosmic schooling this February? Numi astro babes Sandra Sitron, Jennifer Racioppi, and Bess Matassa dish on this month’s key eclipse season lessons. Main Image: Eugenia Loli 

Eugenia Loli The Numinous Jennifer Racioppi Mojave Rising Sandra Sitron Strong Eye Astrology Eclipse Season Lessons Bess Matassa Cara George Ruby Warrington

Friday, February 10th :: Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse :: 22 Degrees of Leo                                                                           

Sunday, February 26th :: New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse :: 8 Degrees of Pisces 


Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology 
“Shine bright, the world needs your light. Now is the time to show up!” purrs the Leo Lunar Eclipse.

As the start of a two-year series in the signs of Leo and Aquarius, the February 2017 lunar eclipse season lessons are about stepping into our personal creative power (Leo), and connecting with our community in new ways (Aquarius).

With all this fiery, high energy, there can be a tendency to spin into burn-out mode. Instead, reset your level of receptivity. We need to give ourselves space, and lots of gentle love. What feels like the most easy and pleasing thing to make right now? What feels like the nicest way to connect to your tribe? Find ways to pack in joy and community. Tune into your intuition before you take an action or make a decision.

The Pisces Solar Eclipse is blinking out the message in celestial morse code: “Love is the answer, love is the answer…” As a two-year series of eclipses in Pisces and Virgo comes to a close, we’re asked to finish a cycle of connecting with hope, compassion, and intuition (Pisces), and learning how to take care of ourselves and others in practical ways (Virgo).

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Jennifer Racioppi
Be brave, be you, and accept change with grace! 

Without a lot of Earth energy in the sky, February’s eclipse season lessons focus on pacing ourselves and staying grounded in the midst of unexpected change.

The February 10 Full Moon Eclipse in Leo may find us feeling especially excited, even ballsy, as we make decisions that push us into the limelight. Eclipses always connote change and surprises, and this active full moon suggests that this is a change for the better. However, with the lack of earth emphasis, remember to also tread cautiously.

As we begin this new cycle of five regal Leo eclipses (the last on January 21, 2019), tune in closely to see how this first one is impacting your life—it will likely resonate with an aspect of your spiritual assignment for the next two years!

The February 26th New Moon Eclipse in Pisces happens in close contact with Neptune, Pisces’ ruler, making it an excellent moment to set intentions on behalf of your dreams and desires. Bring on the moon circles, crystals, and incense! All eclipses lack predictability, but especially this one. Allow Neptune to help keep you focused on the artistic and the spiritual, and cultivate grounded discipline through exercise, nutrition, and meditation.

As the fifth and final eclipse in a Pisces cycle that began March 20 2015, consider how you’ve revolutionized your relationship with your spirituality and intuition over the last two years. Honor the gifts you’ve cultivated within and step forward into oneness with others. 

** PRO TIP from Jennifer: The February 10 and 26 eclipses are part of Saros Series 114 and 140. The last time we had lunar and solar eclipses in these series was in 1999! We live our life forward to understand it backward—consider how the choices you made then are coming into full culmination in your life now.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit


Bess Matassa 
What does a Leo/Pisces party look like? Think of this first phase of Eclipse Season 2017 as the zodiac’s Studio 54 … 

You show up completely sequined and ready to shine in all your glorious distinction, but then you hit the floor and start to move in rhythm with all the pulsating bodies. You lose yourself amidst the strobe lights and find that you’ve really got nothing to lose at all; there’s nothing to prove and nothing more to become than the self you already are. You are pleasurably permeable—both letting yourself drink down every last sensation and generously flooding the world with a no-strings-attached love beam in return. You discover you can glow no matter what, even in the dark.

This February 2017 eclipse season lessons are all about the boundaries between self-expression and selflessness, grappling with fears about our own capacity to contribute, and learning to fully trust in our singular creative force, while also allowing the world to tenderize us.

Eclipse mantra: “I glow in the dark”
Theme song: Men at Work’s “Down Under”
Style: The Little Mermaid at the club—subtly sparkling highlighters and bronzers, glossy light pink lips, turquoise sequins, and waterproof plastic jellies for riding the emotional tide.
Flavors: Aquatically playful—Swedish fish, Clams Casino, salt-rimmed cocktails, and foams and whipped creams that dissolve in your mouth.

Want more juicy cosmic insights and sensory explorations? Arrange an astrology reading or private event with Bess here or follow her on Instagram


The Leo Full Moon Eclipse brings a re-set on how we show up as an individual in the name of the collective, says Sandra Sitron

Leo Full Moon Ritual Moon Club The Numinous
Join our Moon Club Leo Full Moon Ritual Saturday Feb 11 2017. Sign-up here!

Full Moon, Lunar Penumbral Eclipse :: February 10 2017 :: 7:33 pm EST :: 22 degrees Leo

The Leo Full Moon says: “Fill yourself up with vibrant color. Be creative without worrying about protecting yourself. Sharing doesn’t have to feel vulnerable. Use your body, mind and spirit to produce an explosion of creativity. Let yourself play and have fun. See where it leads.”

The Full Moon occurs when the Moon in Leo lines up exactly opposite the Sun in Aquarius. Every month, the Sun and the Moon face-off in opposite signs to help us build awareness of the big picture. This is always intense energy, and this time, it’s also a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. What is the full story forming between these two opposite energies? On the Aquarius side of things, we must gather with like minded souls, connect with community, and dream up the future. On the Leo side of things, we are ready to shine as individuals.

We need to share our sacred unique spark with others, and be recognized for it. There is a back and forth happening between giving and receiving, the individual and the collective, personal power and a collective vision for the future.

Let’s connect the dots to how important this Leo Full Moon is now, at this exact moment in history. A couple of important themes come to mind…Hide your individual light and you deprive the world of meaning. Lose connection with the group and you float off untethered. Shine and connect. Honor your uniqueness and work together to build a vision for the future.

This Leo Full Moon is part of the kick-off to eclipse season. The 2017 and 2018 lunar eclipse pairs are in the signs of Leo and Aquarius. Think of an eclipse as unplugging your router to reset the internet. That moment of turning off and on lets you approach the situation in a whole new way. It’s a massive reset. Each eclipse will bring us new opportunities to reset how we share our individual creativity and how we commune with the collective. Leo and Aquarius are fixed signs. The fixed modality helps us slowly and persistently move forward. Constant small actions are required. Keep on pushing.


The Moon and It’s Message
Batting baseballs out of the park.

It’s time to step up to the plate. This is full on, happening NOW, game time. There’s some burn-out energy to this Full Moon—she’s dancing in a Fire grand trine. Action is easy, but it’s also easy to take on too much. But aside from that, the energy is high, and the pitcher is ready to face-off.

The Full Moon is in a Fire grand trine aspect pattern with Uranus and Saturn.
Fire canons.

Action. Self-sufficiency. It’s go time. The energy is high and the instinct is to find something to “do.” That’s pretty much fine. It’s time to get some things done. Work within the existing structure to change it.
Can you see a limitation as an opportunity for innovation?
Can you choose your actions wisely to achieve massive results?
Can you actively connect with your intuition to avoid burn-out?

The Full Moon is in a yod aspect pattern with Jupiter, pointing to Chiron.
Feeding the fish.

The Leo Full Moon is actively directing us toward healing. Keep turning toward your emotions (Moon). Ask yourself how you feel, and then slow down enough to listen. This process helps with healing (Chiron), which in turn leads to growth and expansion (Jupiter).

The yod formation brings with it a heavy sense of expectancy. Maybe even some frustration. You’re being asked to stay present in the moment, even if it would seem easier to tune out. Swim deep into your emotion ocean. With love and attention, it might be time for some old feelings to emerge at the surface.


Make, do, play. Connect with others. Get active! Find a way to push. Consistent action is good. Get curious about your feelings. Feeling equals healing equals expansion. It’s time to blossom in the full light of your creativity while connecting to your vision for the future.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The below study questions by sign are designed to help you journal on what’s coming up with this Leo Full Moon Eclipse. To get more specific, look at where 22 degrees Leo falls in your birth chart and also read for that house.

Aries or 5th house
What can I do today that’s creative? What does creativity mean to me?

Taurus or 4th house
How does creativity help my inner child feel more secure?

Gemini or 3rd house
What do I need to learn about now? Who is in my support system?

Cancer or 2nd house
What does self-worth mean to me?

Leo or 1st house
How you can I assert my individuality a little bit more? When do I need to “get out of my own way?”

Virgo or 12th house
What subconscious pattern needs to shift to give me more ease in my life right now?

Libra or 11th house
How do I want to connect with my greater community this year?

Scorpio or 10th house
What associations do I have with the term, “showing-off?” What would it be like for me to show-off more?

Sagittarius or 9th house
Who inspires me right now? How can I bring new philosophies into my everyday life?

Capricorn or 8th house
Why do I feel the need for recognition? Why does this make me feel powerful?

Aquarius or 7th house
What questions can I ask to better understand another person’s perspective?

Pisces or 6th house
What small thing can I do each day to take care of my health?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


A symbolic reading for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…

Numinous weekly horoscopes coral reef Strong Eye Astrology The Numinous

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A coral reef. Relationships are big this week. You will be able to make careful, vibrant, loving boundaries that help you understand what you want out of your relationships. You may be working with some big emotions. Allow them to flow over, under, around and through you. The reef shows that you should be able to be strong, and that you can make the experience creative and fun. Say yes to what you want. Say no to what you don’t want. Create good foundations for communication in all of your relationships. Get ready to take action and free yourself from old patterns.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Paper lanterns. A paper lantern can symbolize hope and prosperity. This Full Moon reminds you to keep hope alive and to create a daily ritual that will help you remember your hopes and dreams. Meditating on a candle’s flame may help you feel centered. You are ready to get more grounded in your daily life. Find small ways to slow down and get perspective. Meanwhile, realize that all of your work is adding up to success. It’s incremental.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A pack of dogs running. Freedom. Joy. Sharing your true spirit with like-minded folks. This a social and creative week for you. You must take action with your pack. And you must shine bright. Share your unique and individual spirit. Let go and have fun. If you don’t fill your cup with social action and creativity, you will burn out. This is a good week for you to get fired up, your community will help. Follow your joy.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Covered trays of food being served. Find a nourishing and comfortable environment. You need to take good care of yourself. Prioritize this. Be a great mother to yourself. It’s time to restore and refuel. Remind yourself that you’re supported. If you can find true emotional security, you will be able to build from there. Get grounded so that you can expand. Rest now. Reflect. Give gratitude for all the love in your life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A rainbow. Multicolored prism of light. You can focus your light in many different ways right now. You’re busy. This Full Moon hits right in your house of mental and social connections. It’s time for you to add new ideas to your repertoire. Connect with your crew. Make some new friends. Gather information. Keep reaching for the higher perspective. Don’t worry about trying to slow down your mind right now, instead practice reaching for the better feeling thought.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A fruit tree. This is a moment for you to shelter yourself in a cozy environment, surrounded by the things that you need. You need to remind yourself that you are safe and fed and well. This is vital to your well-being. You must center your attention on security and abundance. Imagine your life to be like a tree that is always providing fruit, quietly growing tall and strong. Stable and rooted. Meditate on these ideas so that you feel fulfilled.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A party on a pirate ship. It’s time to go a bit against the grain. Be totally yourself. Unexpected. Unsanctioned. A little wild. Have fun. Find ways to expand your creativity and individuality. You’ve been trying to balance a lot of different needs and expectations from the people around you. Shake it off now and let loose. Be careful not to ruffle anyone’s feathers in the process. But take the opportunity to find your freedom.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Light glimmers in the night sky. Focus a wish on a faraway star. You have everything you need. The only thing to expand is hope. Believe in your dream. Practice silence. Find your quiet inner stillness so that you can lean into trust and lean away from lack. The universe is vast. No need to get caught up in pesky details right now. Trust. Hope. Dream. It may sound trite. But it is actually the center of your power.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A glassy pool. The glassy pool provides you with meditative stillness. This week brings you a lot of mental activity. Find your balance between the two. You know that when you are out of balance you grow weary and uncomfortable. Take back control of your mind. Meditate on your reflection. See how it fragments and changes in the surface of the water. There are more options then what you see right now. Heighten your perspective so that you see the full picture more clearly. Balance it out.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A meeting of a secret society. It’s time to take on a leadership role. Find your group and get to work. Make plans. Organize. You are able to use your innate tools in new ways. This will help you expand your reputation and grow more confident. Don’t be afraid to work hard right now. Keep reminding yourself of the importance of your goals. Be committed. The work you can do is important and necessary.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Feathers dancing in the wind. You are as wild and free as you want to be. Dance lightly on the wind, travel and search. Connect to your highest philosophies. If it suits you- preach. Share your wisdom and truth with the world. You can remind others of what it is to be inspired, as long as you take this moment to inspire yourself. Don’t hold back any part of yourself now. Find your inner freedom and fly.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Digging tunnels in the dirt. You’re on an exploratory mission. You have to uncover some emotions that got bypassed. Start digging. Don’t worry about feeling your feelings fully. They will come and they will pass. You need to excavate ancient feelings so that you can move forward unencumbered. It’s hard to grow when you are in denial. So dig. Feel. Allow. And then let go. Do it so that you can move forward on your path with more energy and integrity.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Your Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

weekly numinous horoscopes strong eye astrology jan 30 2017 the numinous

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A meteor shooting through the sky. You are ready to burn through the atmosphere. You’re breaking into new territory. There is an updated way of thinking that’s becoming available to you. You may have to let yourself be surprised. Then you can search for deeper meaning and question a pattern. This new pattern of behavior is much more practical than the old one. In order to make it happen, you have to let yourself be unique. Your unique solution will help those around you shift into a new mode of thinking. Be brave, explore, burn bright and let yourself expand.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Flower petals falling from the sky. Ease. The ease that follows when you let go of control. It’s important for you to cultivate a sense of security right now. Try to feel like you are floating in a cloud of flower petals. Tell yourself- “It’s easy. I’m supported. I don’t have to control anything.” Imagine that there is a buffer between you and the things that are challenging. The new mindset of security and ease will help you become more present in your community. Your thoughts are currently centered on progress and activism. Make sure that you feel secure so that you have the energy to give to your community.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Weeding the rows of vegetables growing in a field. It’s time to get to work. Make sure that you feel grounded and that you’re taking care of yourself. You’re working on your career, or a new project. It’s time to get focused on learning good leadership skills. You may have to spend some time crouched in the field, with the sun burning at your back. If it starts to feel difficult, center yourself back on the task at hand. The work you’re doing now will help you understand yourself much better. And staying focused will help you feel truly productive. Make sure to ask for the support that you need.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Interlocking planes of color. The interlocking planes of color shift and glide like a kaleidoscope. They change into different shapes. You’re being granted more flexibility of mind. It might be time to seek out some new information. Form a new opinion. Make adaptations. Pay extra attention to your dreams for inspiration. Get ready for a burst of fresh air to temper your mindset. A meditation practice may help you expand into new planes of experience. Any small thing you can do to take care of your body will help support your mental journey.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Climbing the mountain along a narrow path. Pilgrimage. Walk and walk until you reach a place where you feel ready to make an offering. Dedicate yourself to your own inner wisdom. Feel the security of your connection with a higher strength. Let go of the things that you don’t need to carry. Lighten your emotional load so that you can make the journey. A walking meditation practice may support you now. It will help you feel centered when other input from society is rattling you up. The way through any chaos and confusion is to dedicate your heart to love. Give generously.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Eating sponge cake. Eating cake is a symbol of being nurtured by sweet love. Lean into self-love. Fill your cup. Make sure that you feel seen, heard and understood. Then reach out to a partner to share. Magnify your own love for yourself by seeing it reflected in the outside world. You are able to truly nurture yourself in a way that has possibly been difficult before. Write love letters to yourself and save them in a drawer.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Floating in the lazy river. Leaps and bounds in how you think about things will lead to an easier schedule. Revolutionize your mindset. Expand into new habits. Make adjustments that will allow you to be more organized, yet unencumbered. By automating key things in your life, you’ll be able to take a step back and relax. The goal is to go with the flow and be completely present in the moment. Find a way to take some responsibilities off your plate so that you can relax.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Downward dog pose, hands and feet on the ground. Get grounded so that you can expand. You are able to have a burst of creativity this week, and it will be supported by feeling grounded. Your focus this week is on giving. You need to be able to be generous with your heart, creativity and resources. Support yourself well so that you can expand and support others. Your sense of safety allows you to shine your light. And you can shine so bright right now! Stabilize and expand.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Breathing in cool air, then blowing soap bubbles. Your inner child wants to have fun. Your inner child wants to know how special they are. Let your inner little one know that they can be exactly who they are. They don’t need to conform. They don’t need to please anyone. By sending this message to your inner child, you teach yourself how to have better relationships. And you remind yourself that you’re actually fine the way you are. This is self-love.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A large flock of birds flies by. You are finding new connections. You’re not alone. You can do more with a team. Let your intuition guide you to the right people. It’s time to quit the habit of spending time with people who no longer match your vibration. You need to feel like you can communicate with those who really get you. Be seen, be heard, learn and grow with like-minded folks. Then move your message.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A long ride on horseback. Building something. Your ability to be dedicated will serve you now. Sure, it isn’t always easy to keep forging ahead. But you must. Do it for your society. Right now, you expand through feeling connected with a larger social group. It’s time for activism. It’s time for unbridled creativity and expansion. It’s time to persevere. Keep going. Maintain your optimism and inner strength.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Making the plans, putting pencil to paper. You are starting something new. Be very practical about it. Form a plan and stick to it. It matters, because the projects you are working now on are very personal. Your plan helps you define yourself. Keep chipping away at the plan, but notice if you start to burn out. Your brain is very busy right now. To help it quiet down a little, you can focus on work. Surprisingly, this will bring you more perspective. Working and planning are two of your favorite things, so this time should be productive for you, just be careful not to over-do it. Take breaks.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The Aquarius New Moon is here to help us chart a course into the future, says Sandra Sitron

Aquarius New Moon moon club The Numinous astronauts on the moon
Get a MOON MISSION pdf for this entire Moon Phase when you sign up for Moon Club!

New Moon :: January 27 2017 :: 7:08 pm EST :: 8 degrees Aquarius

Be ready. You are winding up for the swing. This is your time to come into alignment with your values and vision. Focus your intentions for innovation, change, and a more loving society.

On Friday, the Sun and the Moon meet in the sign of Aquarius. This is the Aquarius New Moon. Aquarius energy is airy and determined. Light and changeable, yet persistently moving forward. Aquarius represents the greater community and our dreams for the future. This is a visionary time. During this season we will take our positions in the social and political arenas. Friday’s New Moon is the point at which we take the seed of our intention and plant it in our subconscious.

Think of this New Moon as your planning stage. Gather your vision for the future. It must be detailed and clear. You have a responsibility now to set the vision. It needs to be a shift. You must lean into a new approach. Make an adjustment. Surprise yourself. We are in a tumultuous political time. You are being called to take a position. The New Moon in Aquarius is helping you envision that position.

How you interact with the changes that are coming will be completely your choice. If you feel called to step forward then do so. If you feel called to stay still and hold space with love in your heart, then do that. You have other options too, you can either ignore what’s happening, or ride someone else’s wave of fear unconsciously. It’s entirely up to you. Right now you get to envision how you want to be.

Be proactive in your approach. Notice each and every emotion that flows through you and validate it. This alone is a major upgrade. We spend so much time unconsciously trying to not feel our feelings. When you honor your feelings you heal the world. On Friday, make a vision board. See yourself positioned in your future dream society. What does it look like? What are the predominant feelings? How are you connecting with others? Hold this vision strong. Feel yourself there. This is one of the most powerful things you can do.

The Aquarius New Moon is making no major aspects, and only two minor aspects. This is a rare configuration which elevates the emotionality of the New Moon. Think of this as airy emotional energy that is slightly un-tethered. Aquarius has two speeds. The first is completely detached. The second is an erratic swing between very high emotional intensity and then whoosh— it’s over. Detachment follows. This is high energy that’s very unpredictable.

You can ride the wave of these emotions to see where your psyche is ready to have it’s software updated. If your MO is to keep the lid on your emotions and go through the motions, you may not have much luck with that this weekend. The lid is coming off. This is a good thing. It will help you get to the root of your feelings and experience cathartic release.


The Moon and it’s Message
Drawing a map.
This is your chance to fill in your vision. Make it practical and hopeful. Take back control of your vibration. Through the practice of vision, align with the vibration that you want to hold. Use your creative ability to draw your boundaries, determine the topography and orient yourself.

New Moon Semi-square Saturn
Swimming underwater and watching the bubbles from your snorkel rise to the surface.
Give yourself a tool or a structure that will help you navigate emotionally. Feelings may take you deeper. You may be going deeper into your emotions then you are used too. You may feel out of your element. You are supported. You have the tools that you need. Use your new knowledge of the world to plan appropriately. Find stability.

Full Moon Semi-square Venus
Breaking bread together.
Nourish yourself and feel loved. Play, frolic, laugh, restore and enjoy. Socialize. Make sure to give yourself the emotional support that you need so that you can feel abundant, worthy and peaceful.

T-square with Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury/Pluto
The wolf pack’s howl.
The Aquarius New Moon is ruled by Uranus. Uranus (change agent), is instigating a T-square with Jupiter (expansion) which is pointed toward Mercury and Pluto. In this scenario, Mercury and Pluto together symbolize the collective pain body. The old wounds that lodge in our consciousness and come out through our culture’s norms and language are getting an electrical shock. The entire group (Aquarius) is planting a seed intention for how we want things to go down. There’s a collective howl as some rush to cover up the wounds and maintain the status quo, while others are diving in deeper to tear off the bandage. The Great Awakener is on the scene. We are urgently being prodded to choose our positions and intentions.


The Aquarius New Moon has got your back. She wants you to know that it’s not too late. That everything is perfectly aligned. She is sending you loving thoughts for you to carry into the future. But you must carry them. Don’t put down you parcel. Don’t rest. Don’t turn off and deny yourself. There is such a thing as walking into battle with love in your heart. This is like parenting. A good parent is present for the easy stuff and hard things. A good parent leans forward and lovingly teaches. Sometimes they are firm. Sometimes they are emotional. But they keep showing up. You are being called to step into a role of love. Lead through example.


For more personal insight into the Aquarius New Moon, journal with the below study questions for each sign.If you know what house of the zodiac 8 degrees Aquarius falls in your chart, read for that house too.

Aries or 11th house
How might you bring more community into your life?

Taurus or 10th house
What’s your vision for your career? How do you want it to feel?

Gemini or 9th house
How would you best express your mission statement right now?

Cancer or 8th house
Where in your life are trying to control an outcome? What would happen if you just let go?

Leo or 7th house
What’s your vision for relationship? How do you want it to feel?

Virgo or 6th house
What is blocking you from practicing healthy habits? What is one healthy habit you would like to form?

Libra or 5th house
Tune into the things that bring you joy. How can make more space for these things in your life?

Scorpio or 4th house
What’s your vision for your home and your relationships with your family members? How do you want it to feel?

Sagittarius or 3rd house
Can you think about one issue in your life from a new perspective?

Capricorn or 2nd house
What thought is preventing you from feeling worthy and deserving? How could you view that experience positively?

Aquarius or 1st house
What’s your vision of your personal power? How can you express your gifts, talents and individuality?

Pisces or 12th house
Where can you bring the feeling of hope into your life? How might you do that?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Your Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Weekly Numinous horoscopes Strong Eye Astrology The Numinous

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Letting balloons drift up to the sky. You are holding on to a new identity. Now you have to let it go. Is that a trick? If you just figured out something new, why should you let it go? It’s because this journey is about lightness and exploration. You’re starting fresh right now with some new motives and interests, and that’s good, they will continue to grow like tiny seeds. The thing is that you can’t put too much pressure on yourself right now.You have to be light and curious and let go of the outcome. Loosen your grip and let your shiny new balloons drift up to the sky. You aren’t losing anything when you do this. You’re just making room for more exploration.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Illustrations from the story “Where the wild things are.” You are creeping in and out of a magical enchanted forest. Hide yourself behind shimmering green leaves. Find an enchanted clearing in the woods where you can commune with strange creatures. Let yourself be even weirder than usual. Go inward and don’t be afraid of what you’ll find. Know that everything that happens is meant to support your higher self in growth. The enchanted forest idea gives you license to hide away, create ritual, and invite magic into your life. Prioritize this journey.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
A hawk soars in circles. You are preparing for the kill. Dinner. Maybe it sounds too violent. It’s just part of life when we are talking about hawk hunting for food. Bring this metaphor into your life. What do you need to pounce on? You’ve got a battle to be won, but it’s not just for your own survival (food),it’s actually for the greater good. Be very discerning about how you spend your time. Find some higher perspective. The world needs you to be at your best right now so that you can lead us into battle.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
The elephant lifts her trunk up and calls out. It’s time to take up space. It’s time to be steady, strong and unmovable. Mostly this will happen around your career. But also, you can think of yourself as a force out in the public eye. Your endurance and persistence are always a gift to those around you, but right now you’ve got something even more important to offer. You are an immovable wall. And people are going to need to lean on you. Pull up energy from the Earth and get ready to stand tall and be a beacon of hope. When you need support, remember that Mother Earth has got your back. She can transmute all worries.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Fields of daisies, faces turned toward the sun. Look toward the light. Don’t let yourself get bogged down by worry or fear. You are supported, in your community of daisies. That is enough. You’re grounded, roots in the soil. That is enough.You have the sun to inspire and guide you. That is enough. Keep looking toward the sun, it’s a metaphor for creative center of humanity. Those philosophers, teachers and leaders who inspire you. Keep their words close. Seek an elevated perspective that will carry you through. Don’t deny yourself precious sunlight by accidentally focusing on fear. A habit like that will get you nowhere right now.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
The goddess luxuriates on her shell. Focus on the sacral chakra and the water element. You are ready to give birth to something new. You may have to move through some intense emotions in order to clear the channel. Some things have to die away in order to create a new direction. What you create right now has to come as the natural result of having completed a cycle. Look closely at your life and define the evolution you’re experiencing right now. What is ending? What is starting? What’s the emotional experience of letting go? Let the emotions flow. Validate your emotions. Feel the security that comes from allowing your emotions to be what they are.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A window. The window separates and reveals. This is like you in relationship. You are in a dance of moving closer- yet defining yourself more. You can do this either alone or with a partner. Either way, the current project is helping you discover: This is who I am. This is what I say “no” to and “yes” to. This is how I want to reveal myself. This is how I can be vulnerable. This is how I can receive. This is how I can give. This is how I can empathize. These contracts that you’re making with yourself are very important. They’re a critical blueprint for sharing yourself in relationship. Too often we skip this step and end up unintentional and unhappy. Get clear about how you want to separate and reveal yourself in relationship.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Sipping a sweet drink with a straw. Nourish yourself with sweet nectars. It’s time to draw in energy that supports you and stabilizes you. You need to refresh. Get healthy. Your tendency is to do this from a fear-based state. The sweet nectar suggests that you need to be very positive with yourself. Nurtures yourself, improve your habits but do it with kindness and gentleness. Imagine that you have an abundance of health. Anything extra that you do to refresh yourself is just for pure fun and enjoyment. Your healthy habits need to be developed from a stable place, not because you’re worried, worn-out or comparing yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Threading a needle. Getting ready to create. Getting ready to build, to make, to weave, to construct. What will it be that you thread together right now? Center yourself with joy. Stop over scheduling yourself, staying busy, and saying yes to everything. Stop all of that and focus on what brings you meaning. What makes you feel alive and enlivened. Be very discriminating about how you “go through the motions” right now. It it’s not bringing you meaning then it’s a waste of energy.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A leaping frog. Finding space for joyful transitions. You may be feeling sensitive or delicate this week. That’s okay. Let yourself flow. You will make the transition from tadpole to frog soon. You don’t have to push it. All you have to do now is nurture yourself. Find ways to baby yourself. Take good care. Love who you are. Let yourself grow and transition. This is not a time to hold back in any way from loving yourself. Just flow with it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
An ant’s body. You are getting down into the nitty-gritty of anatomy. Into the tiniest of details. The minute separations. Stop focusing so much on the details. This is your natural state right now, but it’s not necessarily comfortable. Hold on the micro and the macro at once. Keep in mind the bigger picture and the details that make it beautiful. But don’t spin your wheels because you don’t know where you’re going. What would be fun to learn right now? What would be fun to share? That’s it. Nothing needs be more complicated than that. Plant seeds of clarity and intention. Start with the big picture and let that determine the details.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A stick. What can you do with a stick? Don’t underestimate your resources right now. For example, a stick may just look like a stick, but maybe it’s fuel, maybe it’s a weapon, maybe it’s medicine, maybe it’s support, maybe it’s a writing tool, maybe it’s a bridge or a gate or a boundary. Don’t take anything at face value. The world is much more abundant than it seems. You’ll be rewarded when you consider your resources.You’ll know how to build from here and what to build. You’ll feel like you have so many more options for growth when you take stock of what you’re already built.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


A symbolic reading for your sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

strong eye astrology Sandra Sitron The Numinous

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Clouds floating across the sky. It’s time to let go a little bit. You can’t solve this problem with sheer might right now. You’ll keep coming up against the wall. Be like a cloud floating across the sky. Drift. Let parts of yourself disappear. Learn how to become a little more “boundary-less.” Forcing it isn’t going to work. This is about lightness. Your lesson is to try to align with your true nature by silencing your Inner Critic. Every time you challenge your Inner Critic you challenge your ego. You can then begin to loosen your grip and float.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Ants in a line. Working together in community. There is a practical job that needs to be done. People got to get fed. People got to feel safe. This happens when we work together. This happens when we aren’t isolated. This is why we are social animals in our core. What is blocking you from reaching out for help when you need it? You are connected. You deserve to be here. You are part of the group. You are worthy. Rally your people. Know when, how and why you are supported. Know this like you know your own name.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Hieroglyphics. Reading the glyphs to unlock a mystery. What are you discovering right now about yourself? What are you discovering right now about your purpose? You may have to broaden your perspective. Look at everything from a new angle. Know that you are resourceful and you will find the answers in due time. Stay optimistic. Things are getting shaken up right now and it’s hard to understand why. It’s hard to understand your direction. As you work with the strange symbols you’re receiving just remember that this mysterious shift is helping you find alignment with your true self.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
The strongman at the fair. Inner strength. How do you think you can use your strength to help you break free? What’s truly holding you back? Here’s a clue. It has something to do with a very old pattern. And you have the inner reserves necessary to change it. This is well within your power. Don’t stop going inward. Don’t stop praying for strength and understanding. You can push to learn more about the root of the pattern, but push with your intuition.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A zebra’s stripes. Extremes. Black and white thinking. It’s time to look for the shades of gray. In the nuance, you will find that we’re all just doing the best with what we’ve got. Nothing is as it seems at first glance. A herd of zebra create an optical illusion that distracts their predators. Maybe your friends can support you now. See if they can help you let go of your more extreme ideas. It might be time to upgrade your mindset. It might be time to let go of old stories.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Succulents. Hardy plants growing in desert climes. Nothing can stop them. They’ve adapted well. You are busy adapting too, You are working hard to propel yourself higher in your career. You are busy, busy, busy. Your lesson right now happens when a relationship needs to be watered. How can you stretch yourself to understand another person’s perspective? How can you adapt to a situation where you have to meet your own needs and someone else’s? Sometimes succulents have spines. These are protective agents. You can have good boundaries too. That will help you know when and how to compromise.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
The nucleus. The center. Are you feeling centered and grounded? You are working with some spiral energy right now. The spiral is centered, but it’s also in motion. It means that you’re adjusting and adjusting again. This is similar to the way you would adjust your body while trying to keep your balance in a twirl. Your lesson is to maintain your perspective of the big picture, while you make small adjustments to improve your life. How do you maintain perspective? Keep looking up. Focus on the things that inspire you, while you make small moves to take care of yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
The fish chomps its food. You are searching for something. There’s a sense of urgency. Your lesson is to feed your creativity. Your attention can be on dissolving your ego. Don’t do what you love for anybody else. Do it only to communicate a part of your spirit to another being. You’re sharing, not striving. Let go of some idea about how you think your goals should be attained. Feed your spirit by being present in the moment, not by worrying about some future outcome. Likewise, don’t starve your spirit by allowing compulsive habits to distract you from your true emotions. Get really clear about what needs to die away right now.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Flag football. It’s a casual game. A game that kids play. There’s a ring of nostalgia to it. There’s a special order to the game. It’s like a dance, but it’s a dance of war. What war dance are you doing in an important relationship? How can you take better care of your inner children while you do the dance of relationship? Which baby part of you is distrustful? Which baby part is lonely? Which baby part is overcome with joy? Get them all together and watch them play the game. Anticipate their next moves. Be mindful that the younger parts of you sometimes cry out for your attention. Give them lots of love. Play with them.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
A bowl of lemons. It’s time to cleanse. You need to clear your physical systems so that you can get more grounded. Your lesson is to shift the thought pattern debris so that you are able to be in the present moment. You’ll get grounded by letting go of certain beliefs about what you’re responsible for. When was the last time you said “No”? It’s time for a clear, direct, straight-forward, “No.” Taking back your “No” is one of the ways that you will cleanse. Cleansing citrus stings a little bit. It cuts through the grease. It cuts through the social lubricant. Stop being polite and take care of yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Sewing by hand. You are creating. Your action will result in something that you will value for a long time. Do you believe that you are worthy? Let your urge for creativity remind you that every being creates. That is the nature of life and the universe. You are a part of the flow of giving and receiving. Watch yourself give and create. This process can teach you how to open up to receive. You are worthy of receiving support, having nice things, and being here on this plane. You are worthy because you are alive. Stitch yourself a prayer. Let each stitch be a reminder that you are inherently valuable.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A red checked table cloth. Sit down to a nourishing meal. The meal consists of all the nutrients you need- physiological, safety, love, belonging, esteem and self-actualization. Self actualization is final delight of this meal. As you learn to fulfill your needs, you grow more into yourself. You find the path to your true self. Your lesson right now has to do with feeling emotional security. Keep giving yourself the nutrients you need. Then make yourself larger than life. Shine as bright as you can. From your stable emotional base you will glow and inspire.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The Cancer Full Moon opens a portal of transformation, if we can process our feelings, get inspired, and stay present in the now, says Sandra Sitron.

Cancer Full Moon 2017 Moon Club The Numinous
Sign up for Moon Club and get access to our virtual Full Moon ritual 1/14

Wolf Moon :: January 12 2017 :: 6.36am EST :: 22 degrees Cancer

This Moon is like a lullaby. She sings, “Find the softest part of your psyche. Open there just a little bit more. Somewhere there is a vulnerable part of you that is ready for a change. It’s time to heal. Shed a protective layer. Turn a wall into a ladder.”

You are in a moment of incredible growth. The Cancer Full Moon is offering you an opening. It’s transformational. The Cancer Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Capricorn. Capricorn is ambition and Cancer is nurturance. The Moon is the ruler of Cancer and she is nice and comfy in her sign right now. Yet this energy can feel so loud. Emotions come to their full blossom or their full boil. And the Cancer Full Moon chart is packed with heightened astrological energy. Let’s delve in…


The Moon and It’s Message
Pine trees in the moonlight.

Trees standing straight and tall, like you. The trees house an internal drama. There is a veil of peace and serenity, yet within each tree is a Universe. Cells multiply. Moss grows and birds sing. Sap flows and insects die. For the tree, time is different. Maybe it’s more like a series of rings and less like a straight line. Your message is to root yourself down and hold yourself up. Remind yourself that nothing is as it seems. The Cancer Full Moon wants you to remember that everything is more complex and more simple than you think. Capricorn Sun is Father and Cancer Moon is Mother. Hold yourself like a baby and let yourself truly experience the mysteries of the world. On this first Full Moon of the year, you are an infant. Let yourself be in awe of the enigma.


Moon Inconjunct Saturn.

The Moon is in her own sign and inconjunct Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn. Your feelings may get hurt. The squishy, vulnerable parts of you may feel like they are spotted by everyone. You can’t hide. Your old stuff is ready to be drawn out and healed. But the process may be downright frustrating. Find a structure for your emotions. Here’s one:

Step 1: Forgive yourself. If your emotions are causing behaviors you aren’t too proud of, accept it.
Step 2. Define your feelings. What is this feeling called?
Step 3: Identify the pattern. When was the first time you felt this way (high school or before)? If you can’t answer that, try this one. Name three character traits of the person(s) involved. Who else in your formative years also had these traits? A parent? Yourself?
Step 4: Go back and hug the child/teenager part of yourself that needs the hug. You are an adult now. You can nurture that inner child and tell them it’s going to be okay. Sit the little imaginary version of you on your lap and rock them.
Step 5: Process. This could mean different things… journaling, apologizing, writing an affirmation about how you would like to feel, or talking about it.

This 5-step process can be used whenever high emotions feel frustrating. Keep at it. It brings together the nurturing nature of the Moon and the structural energy of Saturn and the Capricorn Sun.


The Grand Cross Pattern
Stuck in a doorway.

The Grand Cross pattern is made up of Sun and Pluto opposite the Cancer Full Moon and squaring the opposition of Jupiter Uranus. Two oppositions. 4 squares. It looks like a giant square in the sky with a cross in the center. It’s a cardinal grand cross. The cardinal energy is initiative. Cardinal means “hinge,” which describes walking through a doorway into a new beginning. A new door opens. But the grand cross itself can feel like stuck energy. It’s like you being pulled in four different directions. Whatever portal you need to walk through on your healing journey, this is you standing in the doorway.

You’ve got your arms and legs outstretched and clutching to the door-jam. It may feel scary. It may feel like there is something on the other side that you shouldn’t see. Something will either push you through or you will retreat. Who’s to say which is better for you at this moment? The important thing for now is that you honor your experience in this moment. Your arms and legs are the grand cross. There is a sense of being pulled in many directions. How do you stand in the middle of this storm? How do you hold your center? How do you breathe through it? You need an anchor. It needs to be spiritual. It needs to be inspiring.

Which brings us to our next clue…


Venus Conjunct Neptune
A magic wand.

Venus is exactly conjunct Neptune. These two are buddying up and creating a Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern with the Moon and Jupiter. Don’t underestimate the powerful energy that you are emitting at this very moment. You’re sending out vibrational beams that are attracting more of the same to you right now. Find a way to funnel your energy. Make yourself into a magic wand.

Enchanting, lovely Venus and Neptune together can help you to transcend. If the balance is out of whack for you right now, you may find yourself locking into the lower vibes of Neptune—drugs, alcohol, bewilderment. Keep yourself inspired. The verb “to inspire” means both to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence, and to draw in air.

Do both. Focus on your breathing. And then find something that inspires you by engaging your sense of purpose. Use this inspiration to funnel your thoughts and emotions. This is how you activate the power of the magic wand that the Cancer Full Moon chart is presenting you with. How to connect with your higher-self. Probably you do this through meditation. Maybe you listen to inspiring music. Maybe you create something. You will have to get out of your typical thinking-cycle for a handful of moments. Keep leading yourself away from the swirling thoughts. You will keep returning, but you can keep leading yourself away. Focus on the moment. Like when you’re making your coffee in the morning. Or washing your hands. There is so much magic in the moment. The “now” will help you move through the doorway to the next stage of your healing journey.


Summary: This is a powerfully energetic time. Allow your feelings. Get ready to change and heal. If you feel stuck, pulled in four different directions, vulnerable, or confused—that’s okay. You will move through the doorway by processing your feelings, inspiring yourself and staying present in the now.

The below suggestions are for self-inquiry by sign to help you work more deeply with the energies of the Cancer Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, check where 22 degrees Cancer falls in your birth chart, and also read for that house…

Aries or 4th house.
In what area of your life do you wish for more security? How old is the part of you that wants security? Can you give more empathy to that part of you?

Taurus or 3rd house.
What would you like to be able to believe in? What is stopping you?

Gemini or 2nd house.
What are you building in your life? What is your most valuable asset when it comes to this task?

Cancer or 1st house.
What would you like to say “Yes” to? What would you like to say “No” to? What is blocking you from asserting your desires?

Leo or 12th house.
Ask yourself, “what feeling am I not allowing myself to acknowledge?” What comes up?

Virgo or 11th house.
What are your hopes for the future? Who in your community will support you?

Libra or 10th house.
What are the structure or systems in your life that you are ready to simplify?

Scorpio or 9th house.
Can you make a commitment to explore a new place or philosophical idea this week?

Sagittarius or 8th house.
Where in your life can you let go of control? What does the idea of spiritual surrender mean to you?

Capricorn or 7th house.
Who do you think you could be more open with? How might that change the relationship?

Aquarius or 6th house.
Is something stopping you from feeling grounded? If so, what?

Pisces or 5th house.
What can you do to bring more playfulness and lightness into your life?


Numinous weekly horoscopes direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Strong Eye Astrology frog swimming the numinous

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A frog swims gracefully underwater, it’s arms and legs stretched long. Frogs are always transformational. This is a transformative time for you. You are looking for something outside yourself to augment your transition. Maybe this thing you seek will nourish you. Maybe it will challenge you. You can reach out in hopes of understanding a different perspective. Your partnership zone is lit up with emotion this week. It can be hard to stretch yourself to make room for another person. It can be hard to be vulnerable. It can be hard to compromise. Stretching to make room for someone else is the thing that will help you grow.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Scratching at the sand. Scratching. You are drafting something. There’s a sense here that you’re working something out. You’re coming up with different solutions to the problem you are trying to solve. Making a draft, rubbing it out, trying again. Can you stay really grounded right now? There’s a reason that you are doing this problem solving / drafting / creating on the earthy sand and not on a chalkboard or paper. Tend to the organization of your environment. Make sure that your body is nourished with the right nutrients. Drink water. Stretch. These little things will help you work out the problem you’re trying to solve. Don’t rush the solution. Let it unfold, piece by piece.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Blowing bubbles. Creating something beautiful. The bubble shimmers and floats. It’s iridescent in the moonlight. What is the meaning of this? Is it about hope? Is it about love? Satisfaction? Play? It’s all of theses things. Creating something big, shimmering and bold. Believing in it fully, even though you know that eventually, it’s going to pop. Watching it pop and then simply blowing another one. Investing in the creation of it, and then letting go of the outcome. Playing.What is play? Being totally present in the moment, with of lightness. Where do you need to bring in more lightness? Play, have fun, show off, shimmer, be light, be full, and gracefully let it go.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Running fox. The fox is you, Aries. There’s a lot of activity happening at your base. It may feel unsettling, as if you have to stay in motion. You have to keep on the move, figuring it out as you go along. Make sure to remind yourself that you are safe. Emotional security is available to you. You have all of the support, tools and resources that you need. All you need to do is allow them. When a situation or environment is difficult, try a new approach. Look for a broader perspective. Try to see the forest and not just the trees.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A prism. Watching light shine through a prism. It creates a rainbow on the wall. The angles of the prism caused the light to shift and the result is breath-taking. Be adaptable right now. You will be making adjustments and coming up with new conclusions. You can’t always set out on a course and know with certainty where you’ll end up. Sometimes fear or anxiety can arise when you hold on too much to a certain outcome. That pressure can stop you from even beginning. Let go of the outcome. Put your heart into rainbow trust. The result may be unexpected, but more beautiful than you can imagine right now.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A caterpillar munching on a leaf. You’ve got so much eating and storing and growing to do. Sustenance. You need to be able to keep going for a long time. The caterpillar’s body shape is long too. The energy for you right now is step-by-step. Segment by segment. Building. Working at a slow and steady pace. Having a vague idea of the goal. Knowing that you can’t do it all today, but you can do a little bit. You can have patience. Remember that you don’t yet have the full picture. Someday, you may turn into a beautiful butterfly. But you can’t know about that yet. For now, your task is to keep building from where you are.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A match burns. The match represents your singularity of purpose. And the energy that you can use to achieve it. Light yourself up this week. Find your inspiration. You must focus. And you must take action. The action that you take should be just for you and for no-one else. Say yes to what you want. Say no to what you don’t want. Live fully. You don’t need to focus this way every single moment. But at the right moments, gather your attention, strike your match, and light a fire within yourself. Burn bright.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Reaching your hand into a hole. This is a mystery. You are reaching for something you can’t see right now. It can feel risky to reach into the darkness. What is waiting for you on the other side? Honor the power of your subconscious mind. There is so much that you have yet to understand. Try to reach in. Go under. Go deep within yourself. Let go of what you can see on this side of the veil and travel deep into your subconscious. Investigate your dream world. Meditate, keep a dream journal, try hypnosis. You need to explore. Let go of your conscious reality for a moment. Dive in and learn more about the hidden patterns of your mind. Discover greater depths.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Pac-man’s universe. Back and forth. Eating, being hunted. Constantly encountering the same foe. It’s a game of skill. If you succeed, the game gets more challenging. It seems like you need to get out of this rat-race. Your future can be so much more than just survival and small rewards. What is your greater purpose? What are your hopes for the future? Who is your community that will support you? You don’t have to be all alone out there. You aren’t locked into a maze filled with glowing enemies. Start seeing opportunities in every problem. Create solutions that are bigger than you are. Find ways that you can be of service. Activate your hopes and dreams.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Washing walls. You are taking care of the structures that you’ve created. There are some basic chores you need to do. Maintenance. It’s time to set yourself up really well. So that you can achieve great heights. Get all of your systems into place. Be a great manager for your life. Automate as many things as you can. You need be able to serve on a high level. Get structured. This will all mostly have to do with your career. If you can get your career systems structured and aligned, you will advance rapidly. Get to work.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A flame thrower. Bam. Wow. What is going on? Why are you throwing flames, dear Scorpio? It’s time to take your personal “fire” and propel it outside of yourself. Your fire is your passion, your creativity, your individuality, your courage, and your inspiration. Get out there in the world, and light it up. Explore. Share your spirit. Don’t stand in the shadows right now. Your experiment is to be a little more wild and free. Dance if you need to. Be like Katniss Everdeen in the twirling fire dress. Loud, bold, and relentlessly unapologetic.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Child’s pose. How much more can you surrender? How much more deeply can you bow? Do you think that you have to do all of it all by yourself? Do you think that you’re not supported? That’s just a mental block. That can be dissolved. Use your gratitude to dissolve it. You are held. You are supported. The more that you let go of control, the more space you will open up for healing waters to cleanse you. It can feel good to give up—if giving up is an act of faith. Try it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


A new year horoscope for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

new year horoscopes cara delevigne meditating the numinous strong eye astrology

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Sitting quietly in peaceful meditation. Breathe in and breathe out. Your goal early this week is to tune into your breath. Connect with your center. This is the simple stuff that is so often overlooked. It may seem boring, or as if there isn’t any time for meditation. But right now it’s critical for you. Find your flow. Let rigidity in your mindset melt away. You are ready to perceive reality in a new way. And if you want to make any progress, you must first attune with your inner self. You can’t keep pushing in the same old way. If you try, you’ll find yourself bewildered and confused. Tune in. Sit quietly. Breathe. Take your foot off the gas. Feel your way to a new approach. It’s time to change the way you think.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A frozen pond. All the life and abundance of a pond waits silently, under a layer of ice. Waiting for winter to end. Waiting, but knowing that it’s perfectly on time. There is nothing happening, yet that is just as it should be in the natural order of things. You’re waiting too. Especially when it comes to your finances, your sense of security, or your relationship with abundance. You need to relax. You need to remember that there is a natural order to things. Sometimes it’s not easy to understand how to take action. Sometimes you can push and push and nothing gives. That means that it’s time to stop pushing and instead accept the perfection of the natural cycle. Enjoy the perfect place that you’re in.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Tadpoles. Major transition. It’s a slippery transition. Meaning—are the changes happening to you, or are you in control of the changes? Maybe it’s hard to tell. You’re growing fast. Legs and arms are appearing out of nowhere on your little tadpole body. How is this happening? Are you welcoming this massive change? Are you allowing for the growth, or are you calling it something else? See anything that’s uncomfortable in your life as an opportunity for growth. Allow it. Welcome it. Recognize that you’re building your identity. It may be completely unexpected. But really, it’s just you becoming more yourself. The tadpole becoming the frog.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aries :: Aries Rising
Roasting food on an outdoor fire in the darkness. It’s time to recharge. The bonfire represents energy. The food cooked on the fire is another energy source. You need to gather in this emotional and physical energy. Because this is happening at night, it means that you need a subconscious recharge. This can happen when you put to rest an issue that has been bothering you on a deeper level. Something unresolved. It’s taking up energy. Ask yourself who you need to make amends with. Ask yourself what the best way to do that is. Maybe you write a letter that you never send. Maybe you have a long overdue conversation. It’s time to clear the energetic channels so that you feel nourished and energized. There are busy times ahead.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Dust settles. It’s time to process what just happened. How do you feel now? How would you like to feel in the future? Can you lean into the feeling you would like to have? Check in. Form a new vision for the future. Let this new vision be innovative. Make sure it follows your greatest hopes and aspirations. Make sure that it stops at nothing. Now that the crisis is over, it’s time to dream. Even if the crisis isn’t really over, something feels different now. So use your intuition to discover your new priorities. And then stubbornly defend them. Don’t let fearful thinking stop you from living your dream.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Going down a rabbit hole. You are receiving a symbol of alternate reality, and there is planetary action in your career zone. What can this mean? You need to view something about your career quite differently. The issue is in your perception of the facts. Trust yourself. Trust what you’ve been working for. Peer through the looking glass. What if everything is different than it seems? It’s time for a new construct. Tell yourself that the things you are convinced are hard will be easy. Take a potion that can make you much bigger than you are. Embody success. Turn your world upside down. You will end up feeling much more aligned.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A bird swooping down for a landing. Follow your emotions. They may take you on a journey. You may land in a new location. This landing spot can be thought of as a mission statement or a manifesto. It’s a platform. This platform will be something that you can keep coming back to. It’ll help you make good decisions. Because you’ll know where you stand. It will provide you with a sense of elevation in challenging times. It’s a spiritual truth. You are going to need to know what you believe in. Find this new platform by following your intuition. Don’t try to force it. Ask for guidance and land when the moment is right.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
A forest covered in ice crystals. The trees are wearing cloaks of ice and snow. They glitter. They allow. A cycle is just another opportunity for them. You are getting more comfortable with this idea as well. Witnessing creation, pro-creation and death on the third dimension. Your instinct is to hold on. Your lesson is to let go. Sit quietly and feel the moment swell. This is all there is. Knowing that, what can you release? Control is an illusion. Winter and death are our teachers. Go as far away from ego as you can go. Even if it’s only for 10 seconds, let that part of you die away. Merge with your higher self. The practice of letting go will open a portal for you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Big sky. On the other side of the sky you will find your other half. You’ve projected unwanted parts of yourself to the far horizon. Call them back. Own the stuff that you don’t want. Until you own it, it will keep showing up to you in the form of other people. Own your anger. Own your fear. Own your joy. Own your power. Name the things about yourself that you know to be true. Now name their opposites. Call those in. Are you very nice? Maybe it’s time to be a little more nasty. Are you very disorganized? Maybe it’s time to clean up your act. Don’t box yourself in to a previous self-conception. Free yourself.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Pushing aside reeds in a marsh. Systematic searching. In the bog. In the reeds. You’re neither here nor there. You’re not on solid ground or in water. You’re in-between. And yet, you search. Looking for order in chaos. Start with the small things. Manage the things that can be managed and the rest will solidify from there. Small steps toward self-care. Maybe you can only change one thing. Maybe that’s fine. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You can’t do it all when you aren’t even sure how to stay afloat. Make micro-changes.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Opening a book. A new book, a new chapter, a new page. It’s time to take creative action. This is your moment of discovery. The book is in your heart. When you open it, a light shines out, and that light is you. Show the world your light. The past is over. Your moment is now. Make something. Don’t think about it. Just do it instinctually. If you open the channel, the creativity will flow through easily. If you try to block the channel right now, you’ll feel confused and bewildered. Shine your light and feel the certainty and satisfaction of creation.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Canadian geese flying high. While you’re on your journey, you need to protect yourself. You need to shelter yourself from the wind. Be creative in your approach to this problem. One of the ways that you can conserve energy is to give yourself empathy. Allow yourself to feel all your feelings. Another way to take care of yourself is to send healing love to your inner child. Take lots of time in a quiet cove, out of the windstorm. You don’t need to rush around. You are on an emotional journey. You are headed home. When you arrive home, you’ll find that your journey has brought you back to yourself. Your destination is the sunny warmth of self-acceptance.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


The Capricorn New Moon is here to fuel our resolutions for the coming year, and she wants you to succeed in all your goals, says Sandra Sitron

Capricorn New Moon 2016 shooting star new year resolutions The Numinous Moon Club
Get a PDF workbook for the coming Moon Phase when you sign up for Moon Club!

New Moon :: December 29th 2016 :: 1:54am EST :: 8 degrees Capricorn

A New Moon is a time for fresh intentions. An old cycle has ended, and a new one begins. Imagine that you are planting seeds at this time. Over the course of the next two weeks the seeds will grow to full bloom. What seeds will you plant?

The Capricorn New Moon is achingly practical. She wants you to grow to your full potential. She wants you to use all of your skills, be responsible, be productive and be your own authority. This Moon reminds of the cold hard truth—if the foundation isn’t strong, there will be problems later on. And yet, the Capricorn New Moon message is empowering—make a good plan, cover all your bases and believe in your own ability to succeed. You can show up for this challenge by deciding what you want and making choices that align with your desires.

The Capricorn New Moon happens annually around the time of the New Year. As you set your 2017 resolutions, you are actually crafting a good old-fashioned Capricorn plan! Capricorn helps us structure and produce. So get out your calendar and start sketching out some goals. What will your focus be for each quarter over the next year? What will your focus be each month? Start with the big projects and break it down from there.

The Capricorn New Moon whispers in our ear with a firm and steady voice. She takes a serious tone, but know that she wants the world for us. She wants us to feel the satisfaction of achievement. She says, “I want the best for you. I want you to build something good. You have to do it on your own, but I am supporting you. So show up. Be consistent. Take responsibility. Shoulder the burden. Choose which mountain you are going to climb and then begin. Be determined and diligent. Integrity, responsibility and authority will help you climb your mountain.”


The Moon and it’s message
Exploring underground caves.

You’re a spelunker. You are moving through caves because it is time for you to examine the architecture of your life. This adventure requires bravery and diligence. As you assess the caverns, you must determine if they are stable before you venture in. The symbolic message of the caves is twofold; first, that you must make space for your deepest emotions. Without processing your deepest emotions, you won’t be able to make a conscious plan. Your choices will be too clouded by subconscious fear or anger. Second, that you are revisiting your past. You have to backtrack and rethink past decisions. New information will be revealed during this time. You will make discoveries that inspire you to form a new approach.

Moon Conjunct Mercury (Retrograde)
The rules of the game. The tendency is to be very exact. To know the rules of the game. By all means play by the rules, but leave a little room for adjustment, when necessary. It will soothe your mind to have some kind of “rule book” that you are abiding by. Structure is your friend. Just be careful not to be too rigid.

Moon Conjunct Pluto
The phoenix rises. You are ready to be born anew. An old cycle is ending. You must let go. You must let everything burn away. This requires bravery and trust. Let something die to make room for the new. Acknowledge the emotions that come up and give yourself empathy. Help the old pain heal.

Moon Sextile Mars and Neptune
The boomerang comes back. You are able to move forward and backward through time. What is time? Does it even exist? Return in your memory to your child self at different ages and shower them with unconditional love. This is a way to begin to heal yourself. Find ways to venture through “the veil” between the the physical and non-physical realms. Deepen your meditation practice. Practice shamanic journeying. Create art or music. In your daily life, take action only when you’re inspired. All of these practices will support your ability to be productive and help you meet your goals.


Summary: Although this moon is highly practical, there is a strong emotional tone to it as well. The message is to keep looking at any old fears objectively and see what you are ready to let go of now. Notice what you’re ready to set a new intention around. Be an architect. Re-design your life, based on your desires and not your fear, or what you believe is expected of you. You’re in charge now. You’re the grown-up.


The following suggestions for self-inquiry by sign are designed to help you get deeper into your Capricorn New Moon ruminations. You can get a more accurate insight by checking where 8 degrees Capricorn falls in your birth chart, and also reading for that house.

Aries or 10th house
What in your career is ready to shift? Spend some time journaling about your vision for your career, and list all the steps it will take to get there.

Taurus or 9th house
How can you actively inspire yourself? What practical things will help expand your sense of wonder about the world?

Gemini or 8th house
In what area of your life are you ready to let go of control? If you did so, how might that feel? What hidden desires rise to the surface?

Cancer or 7th house
What relationship patterns are you aware of? When you’re in this pattern how does it feel? How would you like to feel instead? Can you lean into this feeling?

Leo or 6th house
What healthy habits will you prioritize this month? In what ways might this inspire you to also be of service?

Virgo or 5th house
How would you like to expand your creativity? What idea has been on the back-burner that you are ready to begin work on now?

Libra or 4th house
How can you make your home more graceful and elegant? How would this affect your mood? And your productivity?

Scorpio or 3rd house
If you were going to take a class or attend a workshop, what would it be about? Is it possible to make that happen?

Sagittarius or 2nd house
What is blocking you from realizing your self worth? What limiting beliefs are behind any instances of poverty consciousness (“I am not enough / There is never enough”?)

Capricorn or 1st house
What is blocking you from saying “yes”? What is blocking you from saying “no”? List the thoughts or emotions that comes up, and then ask yourself, “is that actually true?”

Aquarius or 12th house
What is the dominant feeling surfacing for you right now? What’s it like to feel this way? Journal on this feeling and then ask yourself: What can I let go of in order to heal?

Pisces or 11th house
Which part of your life are you ready to share with the world? How have your unique experiences equipped you with the insight to make a real difference?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra Sitron here or follow her on Instagram. PLUS get a PDF workbook with coaching exercises for each week of the coming moon phase when you sign up for Moon Club! Discover more at