“I see writing as a spell, decorating my home as a spell, singing as a spell. Whenever I express myself I am casting MY spell.” Shaheen Miro shares what it means to grow up and embrace being a white witch…


I have always had an intimate connection to the unseen – as a child I could feel the pulse of magic in the world around me. I spent my time wandering through the shadows of trees, marveling at the menagerie of creatures forming, looming, and dancing on the ground around me. I gathered stones, flowers, and found objects to create charms for change and good fortune. I spent my time talking to invisible forces…the spirit of the river, the rocks, and my little calico cat.

A little fairy on the edge of dreamland, roaming between worlds, and unraveling mysteries, sometimes I found myself lost, and confused by things I could not put into words. The loneliness of abandoned buildings made my spine tingle, and spirits of the dead danced in and out of my awareness – difficult things for a child to articulate.

My mother and grandmother were my advocates. Strong, beautiful women with big hearts, strong hands, they were brave witches who honored this path, and these gifts.

And so we explored the tangles of nature together. Singing with the plants, and soaking up the light of the moon. My grandmother always spoke of angels as divine helpers who could be called upon at any time, and my mother gave me the gift of the Tarot as a small child – her way of helping me cultivate and hone my blooming psychic abilities.

To some, my story may sound fantastical, the musings of a child captivated by fairytale visions. But all myths are rooted in reality, and I’ve simply always been aware that magic is alive and well in the “real” world.

As such, I never “grew out” of my exploration of the mystical world. I learned to read between the lines, to see the space beyond the eyes. In every moment, in every situation, and in every person, I can see a bead of magic. How we are all made of the same light and shadows – divine beings on an arduous and essentially liberating earth-walk journey.


I have found magic in books, in stories, and in art, and my life has become a pilgrimage to reclaim the folds of the mystical world, while remaining grounded here in the physical. Because this is where magic has the most power.

To quote Stevie Nicks (a weaver of spells through songs): “The stars are apart of us.” Witches know the ebb and flow of the Moon, and we hone and honor this powerful tide of energy in the understanding that we are equal parts spirit and flesh. Our bodies know the grace of the seasons, and the tides of the Moon, and when we channel this energy we become super-powered.

As such, the Moon has always been my muse and my teacher. I spend time soaking in her milky light. I talk to her, expressing my deepest wishes, and my heaviest regrets. My mother and I wander out into the landscapes of the moon and light candles in honor of her light and glory. The moon has become a portal to our inner world, and even when we are apart we know that the Moon connects our souls.

How else do I live it?

There is nothing like wrapping myself in an aura of black chiffon, and letting my wings catch the wind as I spin and spin in the moonlight. A little white witch taking flight into the mystical; transcending my body, and moving through time. I feel alive in the cool hush of the night. Night sounds are prayers that awaken the soul. Witches know the night holds mysteries, and so they seek refuge in her subtle energy.

And the white witch knows the power of magic lies in the ability to evoke what is cradled within. Spells become nothing more than a rhythm of expressing and exploring intention. We mingle with, and call upon the latent potential of objects. Calling on the spirit of botanicals, igniting the influence of candles, and mingling with the essence of crystals.

The Shadow self has also become a teacher for me – for there are gifts to be found here, in the parts that are suppressed, feared, and therefore unacknowledged. When you reach into the dark, you can pull out treasures and heal what’s stuck. So when I encounter the dark, I try to communicate with it. To see what my Shadow Self has to say.


I call myself a White Witch, because I know I am the night and the day. I seek to understand the dark, rather than fear it. To do this, I must know and honor my intuition, seeking out the patterns of the Universe unfolding around me. In omens, cards, and tea leaves. And it’s when I ignore the messages that I find myself falling off kilter.

This is why owning the word “witch” is an act of power. Sometimes it can feel easier to grow numb to the whispers of the magical world. To put your head down, and do what you are told. To act “normal.” But you are not living if you are not expressing, and you are not expressing if you are not telling the whole story. So now I find my power in being “different” – and stepping into the flow of my eccentricities.

For me, witchcraft is a way of life, an inborn desire to truly live. This also means following my creative impulses as an act of scared communion. I see writing as a spell, decorating my home as a spell, singing as a spell. Whenever I express myself I am casting MY spell.

This applies to all the powerful ones, the thought leaders, the rebels, the eccentrics, the artists. The ones who operate in the Earthly realms from a deep seated desire to bring their inner world to life. Magic asked them to channel their vision into being. All they needed was to be their unique expression. And the world changed because of it.

Witches know they do not have to explain their doings. They just do what feels right. Whatever feeds their spirit. And since this takes real bravery, witches don’t do well with fear.


Eclipses are a time to surrender control. Get the scoop on the upcoming eclipse season, as Danielle Paige dives into their affect on your psyche. Artwork: Heather Heininge

Heather Heininge on The Numinous

The confusion, the pain, the sadness, the changes. The DIZZINESS. Welcome to Eclipse Season! The current cosmic energy is huge, and as a sensitive, energetic being it’s no surprise you’re feeling everything so deeply. But remember, this is just one way the Universe gets you to open up to a new way of life and a higher vibration – one you are being asked to rise to in order to be more in tune with your higher self and your soul’s purpose.

Eclipse Season occurs approximately twice a year, and has the potential to seriously ruffle some feathers. As a result, March is a huge month of change, as the Universe welcomes the new you to step forward. Your task, if you choose to accept it, is to let go of your ego control and breathe through the storm. Because you’re being called.

First, allow me to explain a little about the patterns and cycles in the sky and how they relate to us here on Earth.

It’s likely you’ve been feeling extra emotional since the end of February. February 22, 2016 to be exact. In so then good news, you’re right on track. The February 22 Virgo Full Moon was significant, because it was the closing act to the cosmic journey we’ve been on the past six months.

You see, approximately every six months we are subjected to a series of vibrational upgrades. We enter a new chapter of our soul’s story, this last one ushered in by the last Eclipse Season – in September 2015. The energy of each Eclipse Season spans this same six month period, leading us into the next chapter of our life – hence the energy of March 2016. A.k.a. the beginning of the NEXT chapter.

So if the Virgo Full Moon felt extra strong, it’s because it absolutely was! It was the last full moon of our previous collective chapter, and a finale to the energy of the September Eclipse Season. Look back over the past few months. How have you grown, what’s changed, and what lessons have you learned? Some will have been fun, others not so much. And now the Universe is about to push the reset button.


So, it’s March 2016 and we’ve officially entered a new eclipse season which starts off with a solar eclipse on March 8 at 18 degrees of Pisces. This energy is important for everyone even if you aren’t a Pisces sun sign because you all have Pisces in your birth chart and may have a planet at or around that degree.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun temporarily blocking the Sun’s light from reaching Earth. Because, in astrology, the Sun represents your conscious unfolding self, when it’s temporarily blocked we get a fresh start, often because something in your life changes – is “eclipsed.” You will all feel an eclipse; however, the strength of it always goes back to the activity in your personal birth chart.

When an eclipse activates a planet in your birth chart it means it’s time to use the energy of that planet in a new way. The thing with eclipse energy is the change is not always rational and logical. Most often it’s in a way that forces change in your life, as it’s here to push you to adjust to a new way of living.

It’s important to note that not all change is negative – but it is all necessary! Amazing events can happen during eclipses. I know a girl who is releasing her new book, another that won an award, and people can get engaged and married around eclipses because all these events are pushing you to the next chapter of your life.

The March 8 solar eclipse ushers in a new celestial chapter for everyone. Whatever happened the last six months is behind you now-  and as we draw nearer, a new story is about to unfold.

This is where the magic begins, and which will then bleed into the coming months

Eclipse energy is most active 7-10 days before and/or after the eclipse date and can start about a month before as well. But remember, don’t look for something to happen exactly on March 8. It can, however, events usually occur as we’re approaching the exact eclipse date.

In summary, this solar eclipse is the birth of something new. What will it bring in for you? Well that depends on your soul contract and how it’s activating your chart, however, the reset button will be pressed for everyone.



A solar eclipse is always followed two weeks later by a Lunar Eclipse. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon blocking the Sun’s light from reflecting on the Moon.

This can be a very emotional time. The moon rules our emotions, so when she’s eclipsed she temporarily has no mirror to reflect the Sun’s light and as energetic beings we are also synchronistically cut off from our “power supply” and reintroduced to our shadow side.

This is a time when your unconscious takes center stage, and you can tap into a side of yourself that you’ve pushed down for some time. As a highly sensitive person, you can feel this shift in energy with every ounce of your being, as if you’re being asked to find your way in the “dark.”

Those suppressed emotions, the crap you thought you got rid of long ago – nope, still there! Deep fears, deep pain, deep wounds…this is heavy Scorpio territory – all things hidden that must be transformed for your evolution. But don’t worry – what’s happening is you’re clearing your emotional body of toxic emotions a.k.a. cleaning house! (Yes, once again…I know!)

As you can see, the energy of a lunar eclipse can stir an internal crisis (which is also often caused by external sources, especially relationships, which act as a mirror); and this often brings confusion, doubt, and panic to a head. All of this is designed to spur a conclusion, culmination, ending, or decision of something in your life.

Where and how this plays out will be different for everyone as it depends, again, on where the eclipse point is activated in your birth chart. If you don’t know, no need to worry, simply listen to your intuition and trust that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

This season’s lunar eclipse occurs on March 23 at 3 degrees of Libra. Note: The Lunar Eclipse on September 27 2015 was at 4 degrees of Aries which is the opposite sign of Libra. This means that themes could repeat themselves; however, the energy is new and will manifest differently. Less anger (Aries) and more cooperation (Libra).



In between these two fated celestial events (solar and lunar eclipse) is a magic window of change. Just as the ground shifts during an earthquake so too does the energy in your life. During the process it’s not uncommon for things to get messy. Give it time as you are breaking out of old patterns and new energy is coming in.

The energy of this eclipse season will continue to unfold until September 2016, as you continue to evolve as well, and at which time we will enter the NEXT round of eclipses. Or, as I like to call them, upgrades from the Universe.

Remember, there’s nothing to fear or anticipate. One of the main spiritual lessons of eclipse season is to surrender control – because truthfully, none of us have control over life events, only how we choose to react to them.

This article should only be used as a guide to help you understand the larger cosmic forces at work. The universe is not out to get you, it’s simply connecting the dots and speeding up events on your evolving soul journey based on your karmic contract and your free will. All eclipse related activity is destined and connected to your spiritual growth and higher purpose.

So breathe deeply. You’re not going crazy, you’re not losing your mind. Yes, you may be extra emotional right now and throughout the month of March, however, your true soul desires are being answered even if it doesn’t always look like it from your human perspective. Though if you look up and within you’ll see the patterns in the sky connecting to the patterns in your heart.

Many blessings to you, sweet child. You’re surrounded by angels, please call upon them for assistance if need be. The Universe is conspiring in your favor.


Cast by Lindsay Mack using The Starchild Akashic Deck

:: Pisces/Pisces Rising :: The Hierophant

Happy birthday, sweet Pisces! WHAT a powerful cycle you have ahead of you. There is an abundance of Major Arcana cards for many of the signs this month, heralding some massive shifts and expansions for many of us. This is totally in line with the astro weather right now; we’re in Eclipse season, after all.

The Universe is doing some pretty major energetic housecleaning for Pisces this month. Your job will be to surrender to it, and allow it to happen as thoroughly as is required. The Hierophant is working with Pisceans in two ways: it’s facilitating a big clearing AND it’s aligning you more deeply with your soul path. This will reach a big peak for you on the New Moon Eclipse in Pisces on March 8.

It’s been a quietly tough few months for Pisceans. All seems well, but there have been some tremendous waves under the surface. This isn’t bad or good, just an acknowledgment of the energy you’ve been moving through. The good news is that while these waves might feel scary or overwhelming, they’re actually the contractions in the spiritual labor you’re in. They’ve been serving you the whole time, getting you ready to birth something new.

The Hierophant card is a big evolutionary energy, and is going to kickstart your labor, so to speak – inviting you to release some really, really old and outdated beliefs this month so you can make room for the new and the true. Why? So you can fully step up and be of service in a way you never have before (and for many of you Piscean healers, that is saying something).

The Hierophant is a clear channel for the Divine, which is important for Pisceans to understand. The key to hearing our guides, living in our channel and being aligned with our soul’s path is being able to distinguish the truth of our channel from the noise of the brain. Clearing up the chatter so we can hear the channel better is the actual word that’s being done for Pisces this month. There are going to be some amazing expansions as a result of all this clearing. Big career shifts, inspirations, new ideas and much more. Think a true alignment with your path and what you’re here to do.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing

:: Aries/Aries Rising :: Six of Cups

Release the past and gently resist floating into the future. Be here now, and come home to the present moment. Ground down, open the heart, and let all that doesn’t serve you be released. March is a very intense month, but the intensity is totally appropriate. It’s spring! Buds are bursting, animals are birthing; and all this awakening makes for an uncomfortable, messy time, energetically.

Anytime we might want to get some answers as to why things feel so crazy, we need only to go outside and look around us. See the trees getting ready to bloom? Now consider all of the invisible activity facilitating this underneath the Earth’s surface. Nature is our greatest teacher, and we are all waking up now, honoring the organic rhythm of the moment.

This is such important medicine for Aries and Aries rising this month. You guys may want to move through the discomfort of this time quickly, but there’s nothing to do but BE RIGHT HERE. Trust in this, because this moment is all there is. When we drift off into the past or the future, we’ve dropped out of that energetic co-creation of our future with the Universe. There really is no future without our participation; we are birthing it in every moment. So if you float away, just keep coming back home.

How? Get outside and move your body as often as possible, no matter how cold it might be. Just bundle up and go for it! And make sure you’re really nourishing your body, keeping caffeine and anything that taxes the adrenals to a minimum. This is a VERY potent month for emotional excavation: sharing, laughing, crying, orgasming, walking, sweating, screaming – leave all the dead stuff in the winter.

Remember: healing happens in spirals and layers, and while we might feel as though we’re moving up and down, we’re only ever going forward. If ancient traumas or unpleasant memories arise this month, it is in the service of releasing some old shrapnel or splinters so we can be unencumbered in the year ahead. Your willingness to do so is the key to your journey and expansion in the rest of 2016!

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Taurus/Taurus Rising :: Judgment

In the Starchild Tarot, the Judgment card is known as AWAKENING. I can think of no better word for Taurus’ journey this month, since March is launching Taurus into an entirely new level of self love and self acceptance. You will be offered so many opportunities to rewire old beliefs and resentments, welcoming love and compassion in their place. It’s a huge evolution, bringing you back into the awareness that embracing your self is part of your birthright.

And when we love ourselves, we invite the whole world to love itself, too. It’s an energetic invitation that is so intoxicating, and Taurus, you are leading the charge for us all. This month holds some extremely important work for you – not only for your expansion, but for those that you love, teach and honor with your presence and friendship. As you evolve, you’ll energetically invite them to evolve, too.

You might come face to face with some old judgments about yourself or others this month. Don’t mistake this for a backward step – it’s coming up for you to rewire and rewrite the story. You must first acknowledge whatever is ready to be released, right? Hold this truth close to your heart this month as you navigate these old, cobwebby places.

Awakening/Judgment is a huge energy, and carries with it a supremely important truth: there’s only so far we can go without truly freeing ourselves from judgments of the heart and mind. This card’s energy is about the transition from judgment into love, and Taureans will see this on every level this month, both for yourselves and others. This is a necessary step for Taurus in the evolution of your year.

Expect some really big and powerful learning experiences, on a micro and a macro level. How you view your body, how you feed and nourish yourself, how you compare yourself to others – what others did to you and what you’ve done to yourself. Everything is up for review; everything is ready to be released, embraced, and forgiven. The invitation is to be free from carrying the weight of resentment, bitterness and old stories. Write a new ending to that story this month. Keep bowing and stepping forward into love.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Gemini/Gemini Rising :: Page of Wands

This is a time of big movement for Gemini! Wow! At home in the buzz and excitement of early Spring, you guys are really going to flourish in the intensity of this month. You’ve been doing SO much clearing and releasing – now the spark and desire to move forward is really going to take root. Page of Wands is all about rushing into the future with the wisdom of the past. There is a youthful feel to this card – a fresh and welcome energy for Gemini coming out of winter.

Trust this time of movement. You guys live for this kind of electric energy, so use and infuse it into your life and what you want to manifest next. The Page of Wands is Air and Fire; the blending of the two creates these wild explosions, perfect for you this month. Create, have fun, and take big leaps. They’re going to pay off beautifully. It’s important to blend action with dreaming now, so get your hands in the dirt, so to speak. It’s a really good time for any business or travel ventures, too.

The only area to tread more cautiously in is the realm of crushes. You guys fly fast and hard with infatuations normally – all part of your charm and allure. This month, however, stay SUPER grounded with your love interests. Don’t rush into anything that’s not really rooted for you. This isn’t to say that if you’re nursing new feelings for someone it’s not going to work out beautifully. Just don’t elope – yet. Pour that passion and desire into your life’s work and into your self expansion.

Stay flexible, stay patient, and stay focused in the realm of fun and play. Be wary of impatience. Allow your mind, always brimming with ideas, options and thoughts, to be on the back burner this month. As you move and groove, you might find yourself thinking:, “Okay, well, this is awesome, but what’s next?! Can I get there faster?!” – and if you find yourself in this place, just breathe and come back to square one. You may have to do this a lot this month, but it’s going to be so good for you. It is deeply healing for Gemini to be in the present moment, even while stirring the cauldron for whatever exciting steps lies ahead.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Cancer/Cancer Rising :: Six of Wands

This month is full of really fabulous expansions for you Cancer. Like Gemini, you guys have been working your asses off since the fall – now there’s some lovely sweetness on its way to you. Make no mistake: this month is intense for everyone, but Cancers can expect some really wonderful energetic rewards during this time.

These rewards, so to speak, come in the form of attention, respect and acknowledgment for your hard work. There is a sense of victory for Cancer this month, externally and internally. The Six of Wands offers us an experience of being celebrated or “seen” – and while that idea of being out there on display might sound like a nightmare for some particularly hermetic Cancers, fear not. This isn’t an uncomfortable way of being seen; no vulnerability or raw emotions are involved.

This is a joyful energy, and about allowing yourself to be honored as you move through an advancement. Whether you’re stepping up a level in your career, advancing in your field of study, or even taking a big leap in your work, love, or home life, you’re getting the news and confirmation this month that there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow you’ve been chasing.

For Cancer, this month is a mental game changer. An awareness in YOURSELF about how amazing and appreciated you are is the core of March. You can get excited! You can be proud of yourself. In fact, the hard work of the last few months has been in service of beginning to nurture a new sense of harmony within you, which is all about you being more aligned with your soul’s path.

You are born beautiful nurturers, but it has been crucial for you to start giving the same level of care and attention to your own needs. It’s been tough, but you’ve been saying “yes.” You’ll begin to really see this month that true nurturing is a wellspring that can only start from you. Keep going and enjoy!

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Leo/Leo Rising :: Two of Pentacles

Balance, balance, balance – and did I mention balance? You have full permission to be as spiritually selfish as it suits you this month, for you are in the beginning stages of some really crucial life path expansions. Whether this applies to you as a parent, an entrepreneur, an artist, or just as a human being, this is an enormously important soul path month for Leo.

What I’m talking about is nurturing unconditional self-regard in whatever you are currently moving through; not taking ANYTHING additional onto your plate unless it serves your highest good. If work, friends, family or loved ones take a backseat this month, that’s totally aligned for you. And if there are some loves in your life you’re used to offering energetic support to, let them carry their own weight this month.

Trust in this and keep going. Be gentle but firm with those who don’t understand – you’re simply mirroring a process of personal responsibility and an empowerment that’s probably not coming easily to them. In fact, you’re offering them a healing by letting them be a little uncomfortable!

The Two of Pentacles is actually a wonderful card; it speaks of fresh, new beginnings, and of much needed changes. Changes you have been working towards, so it’s a beautiful testament to your hard work. But this work is a balancing act. It is imperative that you only surround yourself with people who do not emotionally drain you. Bringing any heavy energy in now, everything will tumble. But if this does happens, simply re-center, pick everything up and start again.

Of course, taking care of yourself and getting proper rest and nourishment comes first and foremost this month. Again, be gentle and unapologetic. Take the time you need, whether for work or breaks. Your priority now is to develop a strong sense of self. This time is sweet and fleeting; savor every single moment of it.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Virgo/Virgo Rising :: Strength

Between January’s Mercury retrograde and the Full Moon last week, Virgos have really been really knocked around by some major astro weather recently. This intensity is still hanging around for you in March, but the Strength card suggests you’ll experience it in a different way. Known mostly for your practicality, loyalty, and keenly critical eye, I think Virgos are often misunderstood, and in a fairly limiting way – even to themselves. All of those aforementioned qualities lie atop a powerful and innate intuitive ability.

Yes, you CAN see everything – you’ve just never known how to work with it. In fact, the intensity of Virgo insight can sometimes fry your nervous system, sparking up the self-criticism and paranoia that can be part of Virgo when it’s out of balance. It takes practice for anyone to distinguish between their brain chatter and their true channel. Once Virgo masters this, you have some of the clearest psychic connections of all the signs.

Strength is ushering this in for all Virgos, and it can’t come a moment too soon. Our fragile planet literally needs your sense of justice, specificity and care right now, which is why Virgos have really been stripped and rebuilt in the last year or so, most strongly in the last few months. It’s time to wake up to who and what you truly are; born healers and helpers.

Strength is inviting you to understand your magnificence from the inside out –speaking to an emotional, psychic, spiritual Strength. Soul Strength. The energy of the Strength card about knowing who you truly are and letting yourself shine. Strength can stand with the lion, unafraid, because her channel is clear. She knows it’s safe, even though it might look risky or scary to an outsider.

That is the perfect metaphor for what Virgo is moving through right now: a process of trusting yourself and your instincts in a way more than ever. But proceed gently, as you nervous system might be quite worn out. Take it one step at a time, getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of water. You’re essentially being reprogrammed, so it’s wise for you to rest as much as possible while your new upgrade is being installed.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Libra/Libra Rising :: The Sun

Joy, gratitude, and illumination are the key words for Libra this month. The Sun card is the invitation into the light. We are able to truly see our lives through objective and loving eyes. If life hasn’t made a lot of sense to you lately, lean into the Sun’s energy. Soak up its warmth, and say yes to its invitation. This is a beautiful shift for Libra following a few crunchy months. Life CAN feel a bit smoother this month – if you are willing to allow it to be.

The Sun comes after The Moon. It is the light of a new dawn after a period of darkness; the sight of land after a long journey at sea. And so this month is about coming back to Earth after a time in the Void, allowing the Sun’s energy to infuse your life with its wisdom and energy as you process the shift from air to earth. You’ve been learning and balancing, now you get to bask a bit and see the “why” behind all that effort.

The other invitation for Libra this month is JOY – as there’s so much available to you this month! Even in the moments you might be feeling shitty, joy will be an available and unlocked door for you. From joy, there will be yet more ease and grounding – letting your roots stretch down even deeper, while your branches soar ever upward. It’s a beautiful relationship, and one that will enable you to open to all the clarity and gratitude that’s currently swirling around you. You just have to open that door.

So consider how worthy and deserving you feel about embracing the Sun’s joy and light. Do you trust it? Are you willing to let the light in? Are you willing to truly see yourself and others bathed in this light? If any resistance arises, look at it with compassionate curiosity.

Any lack of worthiness or discomfort we feel in the face of our joy suggests an area to lavish some attention on. In order for you to move forward holding that well deserved joy in your heart, you have to check out the places that feel uncomfortable for you too. Smooth them out with the grace of your loving attention.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing

:: Scorpio/Scorpio Rising :: The Star

March is a massive heart opener for Scorpio. This month is huge for you guys – a major energetic clearing. Scorpio, like Pisces, has been feeling the intense vibes lately, and has been privately moving through some big stuff. For many Scorpios, the last few months have been a time of big trauma resurgences. Know that all of this is coming up to the surface to be released; another layer of shrapnel gone.

For many of you, this is a beautiful time to seek a lot of loving support. Whatever that means for you, make sure you’re honoring yourself and sharing your experience as often as possible.

The Star comes after The Tower for a reason. It’s the cooling rain after a forest fire, and is the most profoundly healing card in the Tarot. It soothes our wounds, shining some beautiful maternal light onto us, inviting us to crack our hearts open and trust in life again. It’s in this heart opening that all of these old pieces and emotions can be released, washed away by starlight and healing water.

If the recent mood hasn’t been so intense for you, this is still a gorgeous opportunity for some sweetness and nurturing as you step forward into the next phase of your life, unburdened by anything you no longer need. For all of you, relish any time you are near water. Be IN water as much as possible. Baths, showers, pools, rivers, oceans, hot springs – whatever you gotta do, seek them out! And make sure you’re drinking a ton of it, too.

You can also hang out with lots of Rose Quartz and Aquamarine this month; soft pinks, blues and greens are going to be so lovely for your heart. Also, howl like wolves. Travel. See new places. Quit that job you hate. Get all of this old stuff out of you. The light is dawning on a new, lighter and more peaceful time for you, Scorpio – flow with this energy and the release will feel like a resurrection.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising :: Ace of Crystals

March is a month for aligning your abundance with your soul’s path, Sagittarius – it’s a beautiful time for you! New and exciting beginnings abound. The Ace of Crystals is a gorgeous energy, signaling all kinds of abundance: financial inheritance of any kind, a new job, a baby (yes, a baby!), or any kind of “seed.” Each Ace of Crystals is a seed that contains the fullness of a beautiful and bountiful harvest. It will come in many different forms to you this month, Sagittarius, so be open and receptive.

In fact, receptivity is the key word for you this month. Be open to this new, beautiful energy. Trust in it. Walk through life with your palms open and your words full of gratitude. Let go of ANY expectations and let yourself be surprised by what drops in. Consider that the entire month will be full of this bounty. The Aces are a beautiful gift, but like all gifts, we must be open to receiving them.

And regarding that whole “aligning your abundance with your soul path thing”: the Universe means business with this. This month is really clearly directing you toward a whole new level of this energy in your life. But this is an Ace energy; it’s the seed. Remember: a baby grows in utero for nine months before coming Earthside. These alignments take time.

So this is the time for planting the seeds, for receiving the seeds. The Pisces New Moon eclipse on March 8 is going to be particularly potent for you too, and I highly recommend you harness its energy to direct toward what you’re manifesting in this new cycle.

If we water the garden of our dreams with our willingness to be receptive and abundant, there is NOTHING that can’t take root. And for you, it really can be that simple this month. No begging, no praying, no spell casting required: it’s all right there for you. You’re just being redirected back to the wellspring that is your energetic and abundant birthright. The question is, will you accept it without judgment? Will you trust that a lowly seed – perhaps one you weren’t even expecting – could be the one to transform your garden into a lush paradise?

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Capricorn/Capricorn Rising :: The Moon

You’re in for an extremely powerful month, Capricorn. You, like Virgo, are going through a big Earth sign expansion – coming even more deeply into your surrender, your shadow side, and your psychic abilities. This is such a good thing! Fabulous in fact, and I highly encourage you to lean deeply into the energy of the month. Let it gently crack you open, infusing you with powers and abilities you never knew you had.

This is not a month of big action for you, Capricorn. The Major Arcana cards cast a macrocosmic net over things – working on the big picture. The Moon is VERY big picture, but also very vague – much like the physical moon herself. The of overall energy you’re hanging out in this month is largely subterranean. It’s more feminine, more psychically charged, more deep and mysterious. So all of the external, active stuff coming your way this month will be steeped in this energy.

The Moon is a really potent card. It’s the card of the Void, or the unknown. Not a whole lot makes sense in the Void, because it’s extrasensory. That’s why this month is so powerful for Capricorn, internally and psychically. You must trust it. 1000 per cent trust it. Take a seat in the Void and pull up a blanket. Get comfy. Let your third eye adjust to the dark, much like a jungle cat.

SO much information is going to come to and through you this month. So as your guides whisper to you, quiet yourself enough to actually hear them. Work with Tarot cards, your pendulum, or crystals. Be outside as often as possible. Allow for lots of magical alone time. Totally surrender and abandon the need to have specific answers this month. Let them come when they do.

I think the key for hanging out in the Moon card comfortably, is practicing surrender. And then to embrace and even relish this time, knowing the medicine it brings. Remember this energy, like everything else, is temporary – so dive in while it’s here.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


:: Aquarius/Aquarius Rising :: Five of Cups

You’re moving through some wildly important and contractive energies with the Five of Cups this month Aquarius. Think “emotional mastery” on a whole new level! Five of Cups can come with feelings of loss, regret and grieving. It can spiral us into some pretty major emotional experiences. However, remember that experience is different from truth. When little children throw screaming tantrums because you take away their stuffed toy to be washed, they’re having an experience – real, but not TRUE. Well Aquarius will be getting a master class in this idea with the Five of Cups.

A screaming child is the perfect metaphor and teacher for working with this energy. Know that we CAN become the loving, patient adult who holds space for the child’s experience. We don’t have to match them, or believe them. In fact, this is exactly what the Five of Cups is teaching us to do, its true medicine, as it actually helps us to become the watcher of our feelings. To not be as identified with them. This is a beautiful life wisdom, and also something Aquarius is particularly ready to master.

For you, this month will be about the continual flow between having an experience to becoming the holder of that experience. It’s about knowing you are safe, that nothing is permanent, and nothing is ever lost to you that you are meant to have – these are all universal truths. So you can trust them, and keep scooping up your inner child and reminding them of this. Even better, every time we do this, we have the chance to literally rewire our brains.

So no playing the “what if” game with yourself this month. Just stay present, breathe, and know that a big expansion is coming, cresting on the wake of all of the growth and wisdom that you will gain from moving through the Five of Cups. Even if you are set on having a particularly light and lovely month, remember that even the smallest doses of moving away from identification and victimhood with your experiences will be POTENTLY transformative.

Follow Lindsay Mack on Instagram @WildSoulHealing


Our guest Tarotscopes queen, Lindsay Mack of Wild Soul Healing, has pulled Oppression (The Devil) for this week’s forecast! Don’t be scared – this is the perfect energy to help us face our demons ahead of next week’s detoxifying Pisces New Moon eclipse…


A very special crystal, calling in my taxi angels…and I how I found myself talking about TM on national TV

Ruby Warrington transcendental meditation The Doctors on The Numinous
Just a little bit excited to be talking TM on national TV on Friday…

:: MONDAY ::
WOW. We miss her too, and we felt so much love for our Louniverse (Tarotscopes queen Louise Androlia) when everybody was asking where her weekly video went this week! The official word is that beautiful Lou is taking a mind, body, spirit healing break (i.e. taking some of her own magical advice) and so will be on haitus from Tarot duties for the month of March. In the meantime, we’ve lined up a super talented guest contributor to fill in – who’s first video will be up Monday, with the monthly reading for March. Sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss them – and please send Lou all LIGHT & LOVE as she navigates this portal in her healing journey <3 <3 <3

Louise Androlia tarotscopes queen The Numinous
We love you Louniverse!

So innovation + inspiration planet Uranus has been transiting Aries (my sun sign) since March 2011 (uuuum right about the time I had the idea for the Numinous) – a transit that lights a fire, opens doors…and then shoves you through them. LOVING EVERY MINUTE. And now is when things get super juiced, since today it hit 18 degrees of Aries – and will be RIGHT ON my natal sun until March 13. I’m buckling up for a wild ride – and also planning to hand in my book manuscript, launch our e-commerce platform, and start coaching with incredible Cherie Healey during this exact window. Gulp. And p.s. How do I know exactly where Uranus at? Thanks to my favorite new toy – – which allows you to track the moves of the celestial bodies day-by-day. You’re welcome.


When I love my job the most is when I get to meet incredible healers like Kallisa Augustine, who I saw today for her signature Crystal Bed Therapy session. Kallisa had been recommended me by three of my favorite women (independently, in the space of three weeks) so obviously I was super intrigued – and with everything that’s going on right now (see “Tuesday”, and then there’s all the internal behind-the-scenes stuff too lol) the timing felt perfect. The session itself fused sound and energy healing, a badass Marcel Vogel crystal – as well as the crystal bed itself. Most of all I fell in love with magical Kallisa herself, who I could have talked all things spirit with for hours. Which I know we will, so expect more from her on here for sure.


Last week (that crazy Friday when I got about five texts asking wtf was up with the astrology?) I missed a flight for the first time ever. And I’d even got to the airport early. And today…it almost happened again! First the car I booked didn’t show up (but told me 25 minutes after they were scheduled to arrive), and then it was nose-to-tail all the way to JFK. So as I was running into the street / RAIN to find a yellow cab (anybody who’s tried this in the rain in rush hour in Brooklyn knows my state of mind) I decided to ask my taxi angels for some help. Within SECONDS they’d sent me Michael Chan…amazing Michael Chan, who’s been driving a yellow cab in NYC for 30 years, knows ALL the shortcuts, and got me to my gate literally as they were calling final boarding #thankyouangels

taxi angels on The Numinous

:: FRIDAY ::
As you know I recently learned TM (transcendental meditation) – and today I got to go on national TV and talk about my experience on The Doctors! One of the hosts Jennifer Ashton also studied with Bob Roth of the David Lynch Foundation, and has had such a positive experience she wanted to get the message out. So me and Bob (my new most favorite person and the BEST advertisement for what 47 years of regular meditation can do for a person’s attitude) hopped over to LA to get our preach on. The segment with us talking about TM will air in April – keep reading for updates!


The Ace of Swords brings clarity and confidence in our own abilities, helping us see beyond the challenges of the week ahead, says Louise Androlia.

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


The King of Wands says get positive and think big! The perfect energy to max out this week’s Aquarius New Moon portal, says Louise Androlia in her weekly tarotscope.

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


The Five of Wands says…please step AWAY from the drama! And the gossip and the idle talk. It’s a week to watch your words, says Louise Androlia.

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck

:: Aquarius / Aquarius Rising :: The Three of Wands 

Happy birthday month babes! The good news is that this month is calling you back into the wide-open space of expansive living and thinking, especially if, like most of us, you experienced a little bit of January panic. I feel as though your new year overwhelm was purely down to an overload of ideas. Suddenly they all became a tangled ball of wool and…oh dear, procrastination set in? So, if you are currently feeling like you backed yourself into a cave, know that it’s time to move forward with action.

You are actually very brilliant at thinking expansively about life and your projects, so remember that panic mode isn’t your natural state. Also, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of your ideas is actually a pretty cool crisis to have – after all, you’re never going to run out of inspiration to put your vision out into the world. However, to be the thought LEADER that you truly are, you do need to practice a little focus. I also feel that over the course of the month, something that’s going to help get you into your most productive state will be sharing and collaborating.

When we are just recycling our thoughts over and over in our own mind, it’s easy to hit a brick wall – and it feels to me like you’ve got a whole heap of big plans to change the world that need some airing. They need an injection of breath and life. So who are the best people to brainstorm with? This is for you to figure out, but you will probably find that like minds exist in those who deal in similarly big ideas, those who prefer to question opposed to judge, and those who you find straight up inspiring. These people may be your BFFs, or they may be acquaintances hovering on the perimeter. Perhaps there’s even a mentor waiting in the wings.

Carry this expansive with you everywhere, so you don’t miss the conversations which are aligned to help you rise up and meet your highest and most compassionate “of service” self. There is an emphasis on FUN this month, so remember too that self care is always the remedy in moments of stress, and that it’s safe to follow what you are most excited about – rather than what you think you “should” do. Oh and finally – you may see the results of some major manifesting this month. Allow yourself to celebrate all that is YOU.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse. 

:: Pisces / Pisces Rising :: The Ten of Cups

 We often associate feeling good with seeing physical things or results turning out the exact way we want them too, but restricting our expectations this way often leads to disappointment and a perceived sense of failure. Allowing yourself to receive exactly what you need, when you need it, is a big part of being at peace in the human experience. To feel “out of control” doesn’t mean you have become the victim of your experience, rather it speaks to being to rigid with your limitations. In fact, when you take the pressure off, you will instantly begin receiving a lot more than you even expected. You have entered a natural state of surrender – action combined with expansion.

I feel a sense of relief entering the Piscean sphere this month. This sense of ease will arise from the simple act of allowing yourself to be where you are, not where you think you “should be” – just being where you are, and making friends with the feelings that accompany this moment. To exist absolutely in the now, is an empowered and powerful act of self-care, and I want you to practice it this month using the mantra: “I am exactly where I am supposed to be.”

There is also a sense of movement and things loosening up a little. Emails you’ve been sending out may finally get returned, news you’ve been waiting on shows up, and things suddenly make sense. Hope arises from internal trust and clarity. I feel you can also practice the belief that you are supported in the coming weeks. For those of you who have a strong spirit-based faith, then this is the month to reconnect to your angels, guides and loved ones. If you want to and don’t know how, then try simply asking for their assistance, and thanking the energy around you for showing you signs and symbols to remind you that everything is perfect in this present moment.

You may prefer to keep your support system within the 3D realm, and use this month as an opportunity to share your story with others, to be of service, to bathe in the brilliance of friends who inspire you and to open yourself up to receive more connections for your highest good. Your energy this month is wide open and expansive, but as always, living this way is a choice. Don’t be afraid to feel vulnerable and open up – big old fears and all.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Aries / Aries Rising :: Strength

Your theme for this month is reframing what the word COURAGE means to you. You may associate courage with bravery – but you may also associate bravery with weakness. If you see vulnerability as a weakness, and “toughening up” an act of courage, that is. To you, to be courageous may mean just getting things done, to keep on pushing, to keep your back upright, your face impassive. So what does courage feel like to you? What’s your relationship to this word?

Courage, if you choose, can be an active form of self-love and self-awareness. Courage arises when you fully allow yourself to be YOU, and not only when someone else approves of you. Courage creeps into your empowered set of feelings when you own the moment you are in. Courage ushers you through the door when you take a leap of faith into the unknown. You don’t have to become courageous; courage can be a constant companion.

So this month, I want you to feel FULL of courage, as if it is beaming out of you, encouraging you to go forth and make some big decisions and perhaps also release some things that aren’t working. You no longer need to juggle a million things that don’t feel quite right. Life doesn’t have to be about winning, or waiting for gold star that says “HEY! You nailed it!” Instead, you have to peel back the layers, simply trusting that what’s in front of you will lead to what you want to create in the future. You’ve been doing the work, you’ve been facing the fears, and you’ve walked amongst your chaos. Now I want you to integrate this, and allow yourself to really BE the evolved you, the ever evolving you.

This means no leaning on excuses from the past, or dipping into self-sabotage. The courageous you knows this isn’t the way forward. The future is in the hands of the powerful YOU that exists today, and decides to move forward based upon all the knowledge you have earned. I can already feel the weight that lifts when you let the past become fluid and drop any “should”s and the “if”s about the future. Ask yourself, what feels right today? And then explore that feeling and allow it to be the vehicle for your next adventure.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

 :: Taurus / Taurus Rising :: Prince of Pentacles

February brings a continuation of the “back to school” feeling that accompanied your New Year plans, and now you are in the subtle shift of ideas becoming action. The energy for you over the coming weeks is to take bold steps in the direction you are seeking. I feel that for many of you there may be a grounding of ideas that you’ve been toying with during the past year even, and now it feels as if it’s is time for something to land. You can think of this in a very simple and earthy way – what is it that you want to create in your material world? What do you want to see grow in your external environment?

The emphasis is on solid confident steps, so you probably won’t find much peace if you try and gallop ahead, blazing a trail. Instead, think about movement with intention, because equally you don’t want to fall foul of perfection / procrastination and get bogged down again. So, what do you want to put your focus on? And what ONE THING can you do that can get things moving? Is it making the phone call that’s been on your to-do list for months? Writing an email, or starting a spreadsheet? Your action may even just come in the form of committing to a decision, but somewhere out there a new beginning is waiting for you – and it’s only you will know what it looks like.

Meanwhile, if you had been toying with the idea of seeking some external mentoring or support recently then the time is now. This may come in the form of anyone from a therapist to a business sponsor, but it feels like there is some external force around you that could offer a helping hand if you open up to the idea that you don’t have to do everything yourself.

For those of you who have been feeling less than your grounded self recently, you will also thrive within the company of those whom you feel most safe around, especially if you feel your trust and faith in others has been wavering recently. Remember that the company of one person who feels good is better than coffee with ten who make you feel in any way less than; your job isn’t to be everything for everyone or to be liked by all. Trust in what you need and you will find that it is right in front of you.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Gemini / Gemini Rising :: The Moon

When the energy of the moon comes up in our days we are always been called to look behind the scenes and pay attention to our internal dialogue. Your February is an encouraging you to dive a little deeper into the essence of WHY you feel what you feel, and WHY you do what you do. For some of you this may instantly feel overwhelming, the idea of facing deep, dark fears, or the thought of simply sitting with your feelings. But know that your fears only want your attention, just a wave hello and an “I see you.”

For those of you reading this going OH YES I’VE BEEN FEELING ALL MY FEARS…then know that you are also allowed to ask for help, and that no one is supposed to manage everything on their own. We all need a tool kit, and most of the time this means we need someone to teach what goes in there. Meanwhile, examining the underbelly of definitely does NOT have to spell dark times – going “behind the veil” is also about connecting to your intuitive or higher self. I feel this is a wonderful month to be doing some dream journaling and paying attention to lady Luna herself.

You can learn so much about your self just from charting the phases of the moon, so why not experiment this month and see what you discover. In line with these themes, I feel there may be some sense of relief as you connect with the earth and nature over the coming weeks, especially if you feel wired or anxious. This may mean taking a hike in the nearest spot of wilderness that you can find, but equally, you will notice that eating root veggies and a good old stomp down the sidewalk will do the trick.

As far as other people are concerned, this is not a month to be seduced by gossip or drama, and that includes sitting and imagining that people don’t like you or are talking about you. If you’re fearing judgment then retreat back to your self, and do some work on your side of the street – and when you do meet any fears, know that you can negotiate with them. If in doubt, understand that the part of your mind that says you “can’t” or you aren’t “good enough” is an illusion – your soul self would never speak to you in that language.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Cancer / Cancer Rising :: Death

You have either just experienced a big change in your life or you are currently undergoing a transformation (or hey, maybe both!) – and I want to reassure you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. I hope for many of that this month will actually bring a sense of RELIEF, since your energy over the last six months has seemed to be very stop and start – things appearing and disappearing, offers followed by rejections, the whole shebang. So, where are you at today? I want you to recognize that you have literally stepped into a new cycle. A cycle, because life is never about pass and fail, or about being broken or fixed, there is ALWAYS an evolution unfolding.

You are always moving and shifting, especially when you feel stuck. So within this time of change, I want to remind you that you must (as always) prioritize your self-care – and by this I mean practice a serious, mind-blowingly deep nurturing of your self. Please experiment with this, as in you literally cannot care for yourself enough – in fact, go WILD with it, and see how much better the world looks when you decide that you are deserving of the utmost kindness and care.

Allow this practice to also bring in some grounding, as you are in need of some earth energy right now. When you’ve felt like everything has been up in the air – whether this was because you were consumed by a new crush, shifting jobs, or in recent crisis – your feet are off the ground. It’s time to come back down to earth and settle. Eat earthy veggies, keep warm, hug trees, stomp your feet, body brush, self-massage, keep a piece of tourmaline crystal in your pocket, and literally visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth.

Alongside this, I want you to take on a considered view of the future, accepting the fact that you can’t know what is ahead. There is a beautiful element of surprise in your world, and if you open yourself up to the unknown as your comrade and superpower, you may see some light in the shadows. Know that no one is exempt from the tales life tells us, and you are not alone. You may enjoy being with a new community over the coming weeks, sharing stories and being uplifted by friends. Oh and LAUGH, for there is much to be grateful for.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Leo / Leo Rising :: The Star

 This month there are abundant opportunities for you to take full possession of your skills and talents. This isn’t a time to be playing yourself down or feeling like you have nothing to offer – particularly relevant for those of you in a time of transition. If it feels like you are really STARTING OVER, you may find yourself asking, “can I even do this?” Remember that every moment of your journey has been leading to today, and every single experience has given you wisdom. Even if you feel no connection to your past right now, it is what brought you hers, and you are still alive and time is still your friend.

This means I want you to honor your experiences so far, and admire the things that you have learned along the way. So where does this inventory-taking make you feel talented and star-powered right NOW? If this is an uncomfortable question to ask yourself, then great! Discomfort is a call to action, and it may be a call for you to actively up your own confidence levels. Self-confidence has to be claimed, not earned – and guess what, you get to choose to believe in yourself and your projects.

Sitting around and waiting for someone or something to approve of you just won’t cut it. Make a list of the things you are grateful for about yourself; they may be physical or emotional, skills or achievements. Know that it is okay to pat yourself on the back! On this theme, I’d also like you to remember that you don’t have to dim your light in order to please anyone else. If you have people around you who react badly to your joy, then know that they may be going through a tough time, but you are still allowed to celebrate. On the flip side, remember to always collaborate versus compete. It’s so much more fun to share than compare.

Meanwhile, I feel this month may bring many reasons for you to feel abundant, so remember that success is not a destination, more so a FEELING. It doesn’t have to be extreme, and you’ll realize you are constantly experiencing tiny joys if you stop to tune into them. Opportunities for you to up your game and shine brighter are also in store, and if you are getting in your own way creatively, remember not everything is about you – but more about how you can be of service. 

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Virgo / Virgo Rising :: The Six of Swords

Considering the speed at which your year kicked off, it may be that you’re already craving some down time. This does not mean that you have to book a holiday and head for the hills, it’s more about the idea of inviting in a little stillness back into your days. The idea of “self-retreat” feels wonderful for you, and you may be able to experience this from simply upping your alone time.

It seems as though the last couple of weeks have ushered in a lot of opinions and external ideas, with everyone chiming in with their input. While you appreciate support, it’s also easy for you to get annoyed and overwhelmed by too many people and their thoughts. So if you are feeling a little like you want to tell everyone to just GO AWAY, or are wondering if you can just turn down the volume on the world, then this is just a hint to reclaim some of your own time – and of course to value it.

This can be in whatever form that works for you. If you have been feeling a call to start a meditation practice, then this energy is of course in support of that – but it may also be that you need to sit and just feel your discomforts a little more, and make friends with your brain chatter. Stillness is available to everyone, especially somebody like you who’s often convinced that you CAN’T tone down your thoughts. You can, but it might not be in the way that you think you “should” – remember that meditation does not mean having an empty mind, more so one that feels less like a galloping stallion. Try to pick one thing and focus on it, and make it something that’s beautiful or interesting to you. You could steady your gaze on a candle flame just as much as you could watch a YouTube video of a puppy yawning (HEY, WHY NOT!)

The main thing is that you’re required to just take a little pressure off yourself this month, and just allow yourself to do one thing at a time. If feels like there’s one task or one dream that requires your eyes and your heart right now. So gift yourself some one-on-one time with whatever this is, and also with yourself. Just because you aren’t crossing things off lists doesn’t mean that your time is being wasted. 

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Libra / Libra Rising :: The Hierophant

I feel a shift from being the student to the teacher for you over the coming weeks. Some of you have actually been in that educational space, taking up new skills and ventures, and others of you have just really noticed that sense of your life being its own educator. It’s now time to think how you might use what you’ve learned as a tool for navigating the unknown ahead of you. With this sense of building wisdom and knowledge, you may also find yourself bursting at the seams wanting to tell everyone EVERYTHING you’ve learned. This is a beautiful feeling, as it can remind you of how wonderful wisdom gained really is – but what’s important is learning how to direct your findings in a positive and useful way.

No one ever benefits from being preached at, in fact, it’s an energy that often repels people. However, to teach is a more subtle and delicate process, which can be begun by simply practicing and living within your discoveries. For instance, if you’ve recently had your mind blown by a new self-help idea, then you don’t need to push it on everyone you know. Rather, just absorb what you have learned, and then BE the knowledge that has transformed your life, and you will instantly shift your own energy to benefit your own experience and others’.

You can also consider how you might like to use your experiences to be of service to the world, your community and those immediately around you. Again, always start with you, by nurturing your own mind, body and spirit and then considering how and what from your experience you can share for the highest good. Some of you may be called to write; or you may want to a video, or hop on periscope, and so on. You may simply feel called to ask “can I help you” to a close friend in crisis. You will know where your compassion is going to be of best use in the coming weeks, and enjoy rising up into this spot of light.

On the flip side of the coin, do not go all OUT THERE if you are feeling depleted. Trying to help, share and care is difficult if you are feeling less than filled up yourself. If you know YOU can be of help, it also means that there’s someone out there waiting to help you right back. Be out and proud about seeking guidance when you need it – it is all around you.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Scorpio / Scorpio Rising :: The World

Your energy feels as though it has met its highest match, since this card is raw phoenix rising – meaning you are at liberty now to embody all the aspects of this transformative time. You know you are experiencing a big shift, right? Of course, we all feel it in different ways, but I want you to focus on the pure energy of endings and beginnings. This is to suggest that it is possible to very gently nurture all that is closing right now and bid what needs to leave your life a happy farewell – for a new horizon awaits, and you need to claim that space.

Finding the courage to close one chapter and move forward is never an easy task, but I ask you to trust in surrender, know that rejection is actually redirection, and there are many opportunities to say YES just ahead. So, on to new beginnings, as this is what feels fresh for you right now. I can sense a slight shift in your priorities, which has possibly occurred after a dark night of the soul scenario (you know alllll about those). In those darkest hours we get clarity because so much has been stripped away. Sometimes the guidance we receive is glaringly obvious, sometimes more subtle – and this will tie in with the whole “letting go” thing as sometimes it is really hard to actually accept your own desires.

For instance, if you’ve been doing something that always felt like your calling for so long you just don’t love it anymore, then know that it’s cool to move on. You aren’t tied to your own creations, and everything deserves its own set of wings. Put your attention on the new and the wild, it’s time to move from toe dipping to full on deep diving.

It seems that the world is awaiting something you have in your hands, whether it’s a new project, a piece of guidance, showcasing the new you, or ANYTHING that you feel is ready to launch. It’s only natural that you may experience some resistance in the form of anxiety about the future. No one is free from this and I want to remind you to lean towards whatever sources of faith you have. For me, it’s a baseline trust in my journey, and that I am always exactly where I am supposed to be regardless of what is happening around me. You’ve got this.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising :: The Queen of Wands

 It feels to me like February is actually the first month of the year for you, as I see you stepping into your highest state of empowerment and energy. The Queen of Wands always feels like pure Sagittarius to me, and here she is to remind you of your deepest soul truths. I see that you have an opportunity to really accept yourself for who you are and where you are at right now. Yes, we always want to change things about ourselves, but it’s time to quit it with any ideas about having to “fix” yourself, or avoid anything that you don’t like.

You do not have to get better or be better, but instead you just have to allow yourself to transform whilst you do the work that you want to do. There is never a finish line as far as self-development goes, and the coming weeks are merely a chance to allow yourself to be YOU. So, what parts of your own power do you really need to call in? What parts of yourself have you rejected? Where are you not standing in your true self? The parts of yourself that you feel challenged by, ashamed or unsure of are only an opportunity for growth. To accept the moment you are in also means being able to offer some forgiveness to the past, knowing that forgiveness is an act of self-care.

In regards to the external world and your actions this month, I feel as though there’s a lot that’s going to suddenly require your attention, with people coming at you from all angles with opportunities, ideas, new job offers and people desiring a piece of your time. Remember that to embody your fiery superpowers with regards other people, it’s always best to state what you want and need via a clear and compassionate filter, as well as allowing yourself time to breathe.

If in any doubt with how to deal with something – count to ten, RESPOND rather than react, and call a friend on the outskirts to brainstorm with. Finally – always go back within and check in with what your soul has to say before you throw yourself into anything that doesn’t feel good or 100 per cent right. You see, this “feeling good” is IT, the key to embodying your most naturally empowered and energetic state. Feeling good = feeling the true you.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.

:: Capricorn / Capricorn Rising :: The Ace of Pentacles

 In response to last month’s theme of throwing it all out to the Universe, this month sees you called back to a decisive, abundant and productive energy. You are really READY to start something, and the days ahead are in support of this. A doorway seems to be opening, and is awaiting you because of the decisions you have been making over the past few months. I feel this is much more of a carefully constructed opportunity, opposed to someone handing you something on a plate.

With this in mind, I’m hinting at you being the fire starter, and the one to make the bold leap of faith. Don’t hang around waiting for someone to give you something when you could be out there and grabbing it for yourself. So, what are you interested in getting into gear? While your energy is often very much of the material world, I can also sense some big romantic moves may be on the horizon. Don’t be afraid to be present with the people who show up for you. Connections you make this month feel like they have a little magic to them, and that romantic partners, collaborators and mentors are all within your reach.

As always just trust in what feels good rather than go against your intuition out of fear. In regards the day to day, I can see there might also be an opportunity to restart something that never quite grew wings. Whether it’s an idea that you had to abandon due to other priorities, or something that just didn’t quite fit in the moment, second chances are favored – only if it still feels good of course!

On the self-care front, you may benefit from some grounding and a reconnection to your earthy natural state. However, don’t force yourself to do something just because you think you “should” – don’t drag yourself to the gym, when you know actually you enjoy walking more, or force yourself into the latest diet craze when your body is actually saying NO THANK YOU! Make space to stop and listen to your mind, body, and spirit. Oh and feel free to play. Taking positive action doesn’t mean you have restrict yourself. Big plans work really well when you allow them breathing space, and give yourself the freedom to make a little mess.

Download your full 2016 forecast here (using discount code NUMILOVE2016) and as usual come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse.


Jewelry designer, DJ and tarot maven, Natalia Benson is on a mission to create, express and inspire beauty. Discover her mystical world… Portraits: Justin Jordan

Natalia Benson on the Numinous

You woke up now age spirituality when you moved to LA: what triggered this in you?
This journey actually started around age 19,while I was still living in San Diego. I felt really disillusioned, confused and alone in my discrepancy with mass culture and the economic system. Frankly, my soul was exhausted and I had lost hope in life and I suppose that was when the Universe decided to intervene! Various books opened my consciousness and my heart, and I finally felt like I was getting in touch with what Truth actually felt like, and I had been yearning for that in a deep way. When I moved to LA around 21, I remember my first date with this tattooed Pisces dream boat was at a meditation in an old art gallery with a Japanese Sensei. I thought…“Wow, welcome to LA!!”

And why does the tarot resonate so strongly with you?
I became fascinated with the Tarot not long after moving to Los Angeles. Something about the imagery, colors and symbolism just fits with my psyche and my worldview. I remember when I was really little, I loved to draw and paint with every color I could get my little hands on. The Tarot is an extension of my fascination with beautiful visual aesthetics married with my other love, the esoteric.

What have been the most profound teachings of the tarot for you?
The Tarot has taught me that there is a deeper, more beautiful, more loving and way bigger Truth that lies beyond my fears, programming and ideas around how I think things “should” be. The Tarot has ignited a path for me around trusting my intuition and believing in the perfect imperfection of the life journey! To trust my internal guide and not take myself so seriously, that life is a game.

Natalia Benson on The Numinous

How did you wind up as The Nine of Crystals in The Starchild Tarot Deck, and what’s your reading of this card?
Danielle (of the Starchild Tarot) had been following each other on Instagram for a while and were always sending one another little love bombs via the comment sections. When she asked if I’d like to photograph for her next version of the deck, I was floored! One of my favorite photographers and dear friend, Tiffanie Byron, photographed me in the majestic Angeles Mountains just 20 minutes outside of the city. My reading of the Nine of Crystals is that in order to change the external, we must change the internal first. The way I appear on the card definitely denotes a trust in the magic of understanding and loving the power of the Self.

You also practice astrology. What do you think will be the astro theme of 2016?
For me the theme of 2016 is self-awareness, self-love, and taking action when we hear the call. Not delaying. If it calls to your heart, go for it! No more denying the soul’s voice. I think the Cosmos is ever asking us to become aware of who we are in a deep way, in a soul way, to take responsibility for our own self-work and internal transformation, and not to place blame on anyone outside of us.


My label
Anything from Principessa in Venice Beach

PRINCIPESSA on The Numinous

My shoes
Jeffrey Campbell and a good pair of Vans high tops

jeffrey campbell on The Numinous
Cromwell Boots, $175, Jeffrey Campbell

My fragrance
Santal 33 from Le Labo and doTerra Frankincense oil

Santal 33 on The Numinous
Santal 33, $160, Le Labo

My jewels
My Grandpa and Grandma’s Native American heirlooms

My pampering
A gel manicure and a foot massage, please!

My home
Candles, candles, candles, I love beautiful smells! And white Christmas lights, plants, and crystals.

Rose Quartz Pyramid on The Numinous
Rose Quartz Pyramid, $22, The Hoodwitch

My food
Erewhon is my home away from home kitchen and I love anything from Gjelina and Laurel Hardware (farm to table cooking is everywhere in LA!)

Gjelina on The Numinous
Cherry tomato, quash blossom + burrata pizza at Gjelina


My awakening
Morning visualizations on goals and visions, and Kundalini Meditations

My sign
Aries Sun, Capricorn Rising, Sagittarius Moon

Laura Lee Aries on The Numious
Aries pendant, £255, Laura Lee

My mantra
“I am love, I am beauty, I am power” AND “I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis”

My healer
Listening to Bashar and Yogi Bhajan on YouTube. Tarot readings with Clarissa Dolphin.

My reading
Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller – Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century by Napoleon Hill & Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton

My transformation
Learning to love/accept myself and “others.” Respecting that I don’t have to be perfect to be loved. Trusting the Universe that my path will always be illuminated.

My mission

To remind us that deep beauty and connection does exist in the world.

:: :: ::

Check out our upcoming LA event with Natalia Benson: The Numinous Presents: An Introduction to the Tarot. To register email: [email protected] 

the numinous presents an introduction to the tarot with natalia benson startchild tarot nine of crystals


Dream diaries, a past life regression, and how the Hierophant became my favorite new guide…

My new smoothie + current desk buddies: Chalcopyrite (Peacock Ore) and Pyrite
My new smoothie + current desk buddies: Chalcopyrite (Peacock Ore) and Pyrite

:: MONDAY ::
New week, favorite new smoothie (which is basically a high-vibe rip-off of the Truth Chakra smoothie at the Jivemuktea cafe – as in there’s no agave and they also use soy milk). Recipe (makes enough for 2):

1.5 cups home made hemp milk (here’s a post with my recipe)
1 cup filtered water
1/2 a frozen banana
2 tbsp almond butter (I use the Wholefoods fresh churned stuff)
1 scoop Sun Warrior Vanilla vegan protein powder
1 tsp psyllium husk
2 tsp ground flax seeds
Half a pack of frozen blueberries
An ice cube or two


With the Moon in dreamy Pisces, what better day for my friend Aly to tell me I really need to get into a dream diary practice – i.e. write down whatever I can remember from my dreams the minute I wake up. “But my dreams just aren’t that vivd,” I told her – to which she replied: “well don’t judge them!” And she’s so right. The way to get your dreams to show you more, is to pay more attention to them – by keeping a dream diary, for example. Aly’s been doing it for years, and she’s received whole book-loads of info about how the Universe works. You can read some of her dream wisdom on her new website.

Moon in Pisces also meant perfect timing for my first past life regression, since Pisces rules our dreams and inner visions. I’d booked in with Morgan Yakus at Maha Rose (where they were also brewing the most incredible ginger, rose petal and nettle tea), who uses hypnosis to access past life information stored in the subconscious. Once we got down there, I retrieved some really good stuff – mainly about my mission and my karma in this lifetime. And yes I saw some past lives too – like being a kinda bohemian prophet in California in the 1960s, and meeting my husband for the first time in a Medieval court – where he literally appeared as a “knight in shining armor.” Hmmm. Sometimes in a trance state, it’s hard to say where cosmic consciousness ends and romantic fantasy begins…!

I sent this email:

Hey Danielle – I just received my Starchild Tarot Akashic deck, thank you SO MUCH!!

I think “my” deck has finally found me. I am head over heals about these cards…(+ the fact it’s the 3rd time the Akashic Records have entered my field this week)

So of course I smudged them and pulled a card right way. Question: What will my book bring to this planet? What I am creating?

Only…The Hierophant!!

Thanks again for your beautiful dharma Danielle xxxx

:: FRIDAY ::
Goal for the weekend – work out how to get an “8-hour massage,” which my friend Deborah was telling me about over tea this week. Apparently, this was a treatment enjoyed by the Egyptian pharaohs – designed to bring about a kind of trace state, and access psychic information from deep, deep within the body tissue. “It’s totally doable, you just need to switch out the therapist every two hours,” said Deborah. Unless you’re Mariah Carey that is – who paid her masseuse $1500 for the treatment back in 2012!


The New Moon in Capricorn means business! Channel the energy of the goat to get what you desire in 2016, says Hannah Ariel

new moon in Capricorn Jan 2016 on The Numinous

New year, New Moon! The one coming up in the constellation of Capricorn is SOLID, and rock steady ready for your absolute resolution on January 10th. In fact, you may have noticed that the cosmos has already begun to test your accountability in the days leading up to this Moon. Beginning the third day of 2016, an astrological extravaganza of energy has been extracting deep, potentially life-changing realizations out of us, all to remind us to operate from a place serious integrity this year.

Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Illusions are fading fast, we are becoming more attuned to attract what we really need rather than what we delude ourselves into believing.

Venus in Sagittarius meets up with Saturn, also in Sag: What we need and who we are being attracted to becomes so clear there’s no escaping the truth of what our creativity is urging us to work with and define.

Mars enters Scorpio: The actions we are taking are becoming more strategic, the way we go about getting what we want intensifies, we are driven by deep, nearly insatiable desires, and we are ready to test certain limits.

Mercury enters Aquarius and squares Mars in Scorpio: Moving into the future requires us to dig in to some inner work on ourselves first, redefining what we want.

Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius and re-enters Capricorn: Before we move into the future we may pick up a few more pieces, and uncover a few more facts to keep in mind.

Sun conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, square Uranus in Aries: We are triggered to re-identify with the breakdown/breakthrough story that began transforming us in 2008; we have experienced our annual renewal of personal power.

Jupiter stations retrograde right on top of the North Node in Virgo: What has expanded and evolved since August 2015 is up for review; time unravels the details of whatever big picture has unfolded; the destined meaning behind certain opportunities can be seen and integrated.

Now, take a deep breath, as all of this astrology has given us some seriously important information. It’s no exaggeration to say this very first New Moon of 2016 can truly be life-changing if we really get involved. It’s as if the Universe is asking us to be guided by the truth – our deepest truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. So help us god/goddess – a New Moon in Capricorn means business!

In fact, Capricorn doesn’t want to embark on anything it cannot successfully complete. A strong and empowered Capricorn takes all the information it can get and uses it to the utmost advantage to ensure a measure of reward. Capricorn learns exactly which mountain it is meant to climb, and then forges ahead without once looking back!

It’s a good thing we already ran through the whole gamut of our emotions by the end of 2015, when the Moon was full in Cancer. Because to the contrary, cardinal earth sign Capricorn doesn’t take into account how something feels; it simply puts in the work, and does what it must to get to where it needs to be. Now this may sound ruthless, but the truth is that without this earthy empowerment we’d hardly fulfill our destined potential.

Think of this New Moon in Capricorn as the captain that is poised to reign all this cosmic energy in, and steer your ship straight. The work will be in identifying not just where you are going, but why you are choosing a particular destination, owning that decision, and then continuing to decide how you’re going to get there. Again, all without looking back!

We are arriving at a powerful turning point where the more energy we use to turn around and look back, the more we will potentially be misguided, have some wind knocked out of our sails, and lose our cardinal determination. Even though Mercury is retrograde, it is traveling through an earth sign; whatever steps we take, even if they appear to be taking us backward, are nonetheless grounded in the process of moving forward.

The retrograde began in Aquarius; we’ve seen the future; we know what comes next. Now comes the time for some careful footwork. Contrary to how you might be feeling about it, think of this Mercury retrograde as being your saving grace. It will help things go oh so slow enough to make sure you don’t miss A THING. Another saving grace is that this New Moon in Capricorn makes a beautiful trine to Jupiter, implying that there is indeed potential for smooth sailing ahead. So long as we do the work, we will get there! With a beam from Jupiter, the cosmos is routing for us.

Also, among the multitude of transits mentioned, give extra attention to your understanding of the Venus/Saturn conjunction happening just the day before the New Moon in Capricorn. The fusion of these two is significant – although it happens in the constellation of Sagittarius, Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. And if Saturn is up to something, we really need to get crystal clear about it!

Keywords: authority, architecture, responsibility, time. It is what must be. It doesn’t matter if it’s a petty situation. It doesn’t matter if it has to break apart a pre-existing structure. With Saturn, we see: IT MUST BE, and I will do what it takes. With Venus in this mix, this transit begs the question: How much does your life NEED this to happen?

It’s about knowing what situations will create more harmony for you in the long run. If you want to build that beautiful new relationship, job, creative project, business, family, home – you have to WANT it so much you are willing to sacrifice what is not helping the process, turn around, and go the other way.

Considering this is first time Venus has conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius in almost 27 years, what your life desires may very well be something you are experiencing for the first time in a long time (if ever) – something entirely new, wildly exciting, passionately daring; something totally ready for your adventurous creativity. What do you really want to begin? OWN IT, because right now you really can – if only you do indeed, begin.

Note: Even if you aren’t sure of where all of these aspects and transits happened in your personal birth chart, you are ahead in merely beginning to contemplate what the cosmos may have been trying to tell you these first ten days of January.

2016 is here. Be the determined mountain goat that is Capricorn, and let the force of this Saturn-ruled moon be with you. You will do it. You will get there. You’ve got this. For it must be.

Book a personal reading with Hannah Ariel at:


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck.

Happy New Year! This month’s special edition Tarotscopes include your card and reading for January, PLUS a sneak peek from your Year Ahead 2016 Forecasts.

As a treasured reader of these scopes I’d like to offer you 10% off your 2016 Tarotscope using the code NUMILOVE2016. Download yours here!

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising :: Three of Wands

You are more than ready to dive into the space ahead of you, right? I’m excited to say that your January looks as though it will be off to a passionate and creative start. The key theme for this month in a social sense is collaboration and celebration – don’t feel that January has to be about the hard slog. Recognize that you are allowed to have fun on your day job.

On a personal level I feel as though you will probably start to see the rewards of what you’ve been working on over the past few months. At times it felt like maybe you were the only one who couldn’t get the hang of this ‘manifesting’ thing everyone is up to, but nope, the world is your oyster too babe! You are allowed to pat yourself on the back now, and proud of your achievements. And if something doesn’t show up, believe that it wasn’t meant for you. Sometimes we actually gain when it appears we’ve lost, because whatever it was wasn’t going to be for our highest good. What is present, is correct.

Your Year Ahead…
There is such a strong theme for you over the coming year, one of personal power, movement and victory! Which of course means that on the flip side, your job is to remember to stop and take a breather and accept rest when you can. This may well be your challenge, as it often is, to master the art of sensing in advance when you need to slow down – rather than actually reaching the point of burn out. I will leave this up to you to discover, but know that self-care does have to be a choice.

It seems as though the end of 2015 involved tying up a lot of loose ends for you, across the board. You got yourself clear on what wasn’t working, you stepped up to admit where you needed to make changes, and you accepted that things aren’t always in your control (or at least you kind of admitted that maybe they weren’t).

There is a lot to be celebrated and in order to notice these miracles, you are required to pay a little more attention to your day-to-day movements, and believe that there is possibly more magic in the subtleties of life than you first thought. Everything does not have to be black and white, life isn’t about winning or proving a point, and actually your intelligence is wasted when you don’t look outside the box.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising :: The Magician

Where are you going to place your will? What are you going to put your best energy in to? What are you holding yourself back from? What ideas have you dismissed to the shadows? What is your life force? This is a call back to your soul’s essence, the unique toolbox you arrived on Earth with, and the plan you came here to live out. So begin all of your endeavors for 2016 with the belief that you have everything you need – in fact “I have everything that I need” is your mantra for the coming weeks.

This is all positive ego energy, and I want you to work with it by owning your words and taking possession of your desires – especially by using your voice. Stand tall and accept complements, and proudly share what you are doing with others. Shred any last scraps of people pleasing tendencies you’ve been clinging to, and know that you are perfectly aligned for your year ahead.

Your Year Ahead…
You are set up to dive into a time of major expansion and new beginnings. Are you ready? I invite you to step into this new year with a strong intention to believe in everything about you and everything that you do. I know that sounds like a cliché but really it has to be a non-negotiable now. You are the only person that can renew your confidence; you will not find it outside of yourself. Over the coming months I feel that you have a stunning opportunity to awaken a new level of self worth and be totally surprised at how natural it feels. Um, that’s because you always were worth it, the search party can be called off!

I feel that any challenges will be around the concept of letting go – yes that old trick again, but with a stronger focus on how you perceive loss and failure. It In fact, I want you to chuck the word “failure” out of the dictionary along with any desire to constantly check what everyone else is doing and go into “compare and despair” mode. There is a natural flow to your life, and it’s completely unique to you. If you try and fit into someone else’s box it will NEVER work. It is pointless to try and be anything other than you.

With this in mind there is a wonderful spotlight on your talents, and for those of you who may be trying to find your “purpose” you might be relieved to discover that it doesn’t have to be an endless search and slog. Instead I invite you to bring yourself back to the present moment and start recognizing what you are naturally skilled at, and the curiosity you have for life and it’s lessons.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Pisces / Pisces Rising :: Two of Wands

January suits you because it’s the perfect time to work on what you want to manifest over the coming months, and dreaming up your potential is always time well spent for you. Remember that manifesting = Intention + Action + Surrender, and that you are not required to put any of your dreams into a headlock.
This is also a great few weeks for thinking expansively across the board. Remember that knowledge is power, so if you want to discover something, don’t sit around waiting for it to present itself to you. Get curious and find out more.

You can think of this month as stepping through a doorway into a new home. What would you pack in your suitcases for the move, and what would you send out with the trash? Anything that feels too heavy to bring in, it’s time to let go and forgive. Know that you are clearing space for a grand adventure.

Your Year Ahead…
Grounding isn’t always your most practiced activity and this year I feel that you have a beautiful opportunity to actually get ROOTED in your experience. To be able to accept the material world and your place within it is an act of magic in itself. You see, the more that you welcome in the ground that you are standing on, the more you will trust it. It can be easy for you to reach outside of your self to put blame on things and people for what you are experiencing, but with these new roots attached you can discover that you always have empowered input to add to the story.

The human world may indeed bring its challenges but that’s okay and also normal – after all it is your home. I feel that you will be much less inclined to run away from people and situations this year and in fact be quite excited about rising up to meet them. The act of showing up, accepting where you are and then working with it produces more positive results than you could have ever dreamed.

All your miracles and magic this year are going to arise out of the unknown, so of course a grand theme will be a constant willingness to move forwards and let go (yeah that again!) None of us are designed to stay walking around in our past. Life is made up of a series of moments and energies that all hold hands to make a cycle. The unknown deserves your love and attention – and also your admiration. Go forth into tomorrow knowing that it isn’t a trap – it’s your rightful place and exactly where you are supposed to be.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Aries / Aries Rising :: Six of Cups

The year kicks off with you feeling like you really want to assess the past year or so. This is totally okay, as long as you do it with a loving eye. For instance, casting your eyes back and picking out your perceived failures will not bring any great energy into the space ahead. Nor will comparing yourself to your peers and other people you choose to decide have it more “sorted” than you. Instead, this is a time to outrageously love recent events and remember that the past is best used as a teacher. Absolutely no time has been wasted and instead so much wisdom has been gained. You now have a whole wealth of knowledge that you get to play out in the days ahead of you – isn’t that kind of cool?

Another way to use the past in a positive way is via sweet nostalgia, the really good kind where you look back and feel gooey inside. I feel that within some of these happy memories, there are some magical tidbits too. It might be that you recall a great piece of advice or discover that you have finally kicked an old habit. Now is also the perfect time to request connection from loved ones who have passed on, so pay attention for winks from the spirit world.

Your Year Ahead…
It felt like 2015 was a really significant year of stepping up a level, whether that was personally, professionally, or both. Now, the task is to ground everything and learn to live within that space you have created. On that subject you will be frequently called to connect back to the faith you have in your journey, to choose NOT to mistrust your choices, and to really believe that magic is something you are completely connected to.

It’s clear that you will be dealing with a lot of people’s opinions, whether personally or related to how you connect to the world as a whole, and your way of navigating through this successfully is based on the relationship that you have with your self. I feel as though if you constantly work on communicating at a higher level, you will be able to step back from internalizing any anger and frustration. Instead you can work on channeling it into having confidence in your abilities and towards creating a strong community around you.

You are someone who always has the option to be a leader, and so it’s important to be solid within your own skin so that you can be received in the way you desire. There is nothing more empowering than really feeling like you’re able to manage the twists and turns of life, and of course – YOU CAN! Never forget that you are perfectly designed to be you.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Taurus / Taurus Rising :: Three of Pentacles

There is a strong teaching element coming in for you at the start of the year, and I have no doubt you may be quite in demand as soon as the month kick off. Know that teaching and learning is a constantly evolving cycle – there is always knowledge to be gained and there is always wisdom to share. It feels as though you are able to be of service based upon wisdom that you have received from your experiences. It is a powerful thing to be able to give someone a “me too” moment, so know that even just sharing your story is a powerful act of healing in itself.

I feel you will also thrive from sharing ideas with another person or a group; it’s easy to feel stagnant when everything is just in your head. Having a “2016 brainstorm” exercise with a few friends should help to shift a few cobwebs and no doubt bring a few clarity-charged “ah-ha” moments your way.

Your Year Ahead…
This is a year ruled by higher learning and passionate action. I feel as though you have a huge opportunity to take that leap of faith you’ve been building up to for a while. You are also being uprooted from your earth element for a while and encouraged to move forward based upon intuition, empowerment and desire. It feels so good for you to accept these parts of yourself willingly and freely, without needing proof of what the outcome might be.

You will discover that empowerment comes hand in hand with how often you are able to accept your present moment. Every time you allow yourself to LISTEN and be guided. And when you finally power on with those decisions that you’ve been wavering on. It may feel wild at first to get used to perhaps a more fast-paced energy than last year, but do not be fooled into thinking that speed equals potential downfall. If Commit to trusting your intuitive feelings about your actions, and you will always be moving along the correct path for this moment in time.

Many things are going to return to a sense of fun and playfulness, alongside a nice celebratory energy. Your experience is of value and deserves to be nurtured. You really don’t have time anymore to be fighting against yourself OR to be blaming others for what you have the power to change and create. In any area where you are holding on soooo tightly, just start to allow yourself to shake it all loose and surrender to a more beneficial flow. Nothing can grow or succeed when it’s being held in a chokehold, and that includes you.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Gemini / Gemini Rising :: Two of Cups

Your year begins with an air of romance; how does that feel to you? Think about old Hollywood-style swoon energy, and how you might be able to invite it into your days. This doesn’t just have to be a feeling that comes into your relationships, how about a love affair with your life in general? Love creates a perfect balance, and if you can infuse huge amounts of compassion and kindness into all areas of your life, you may just receive a love note from the Universe right back.

On the people front, this is a call to kick off the year with as many meetings with those high on your nearest and dearest list as possible. There’s no point trying to force anything, trust that what is right for you will feel easy, and games and dramatic theatrics will not bring you much but frustration. I feel a lovely leap of faith energy entering the scene too, so maybe it’s time to act on that healthy crush. Even if things don’t turn out how you think they might, you still have an opportunity to be surprised.

Your Year Ahead…
This feels like a very empowered time for you and definitely features a mastery of all that has been brewing in recent years. I can see many cycles being completed and created as you suddenly become aware of wisdom gained and lessons learned. It’s a joy to be able to finally see the circles completing and regenerating, and surely a great relief too. I encourage you to really take responsibility for your own adventure and be wide-eyed and willing to receive the unknown.

Your challenges will most likely be within the realms of showing up for your empowered self and not getting overwhelmed in the face of new responsibilities. You may find that it’s difficult to step fully into your brightest self however, and feel tempted to remain just slightly in the shadows. This way of working probably won’t be beneficial for you anymore, especially any of you hiding in the spiritual closet. It’s time to be very sincere about being YOU and all that it entails.

There is also a wonderful synchronistic energy hovering over your life this year, especially in regards relationships and expressions of love. Experiment with being insanely open to the idea of magic and miracles, you know, just in case they might be real. Just kidding, OF COURSE they’re real! I feel you have an opportunity to be really wowed, so do as much as possible to get yourself out of tunnel vision mode and into the energy of I’M READY, BRING IT ON.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Cancer / Cancer Rising :: Seven of Wands

It’s time to truly release any expectations you’ve layered upon yourself. Whether it’s wishing that you could be less “weird,” that you had all the answers, or simply trying to force yourself to be “better.” Switch that pressure cooker off. The next few weeks are in places for you to set up a new and improved, non-negotiable practice of self-kindness. You do not need to prove yourself to anyone else, including yourself.

You also don’t need to fight in order to be heard. The best way to feel as though you’re able to express yourself clearly and get heard is to simply and fully embody everything you know. The idea of “walking your talk” is powerful for you this month. You don’t need to justify why you’re living your life the way you are. If it feels good for you, then GOOD, and if not – you always have the power to make new choices. Nothing is ever set in stone and there is always room to stretch, so make use of it.

Your Year Ahead…
Okay, so last year brought rather an overload of the fire element. Many of you were fire starting, but equally you really felt that burn, and that burnout. If you are nervously standing at the beginning of 2016 thinking OMG WHAT’S NEXT, you are not alone. This year is about settling the whirlwind you’ve created and about absorbing your ideas and then expressing them in a true and embodied way. You are you and no one else can do this job, your days are itching to be worked with. It’s time to get fully in your body and realize you can make it all work.

It’s also up to you to clear out stagnant energy within you, as well as accepting your own vulnerability as something to be embraced and nurtured. In order to receive what you really need, you must be willing to surrender up what you “think” you “want” – and that includes letting go of habits and thought patterns you might be hanging on to. This is certainly not the year of the grudge.

It’s a year of solidarity rather than illusions and delusions. The EARTH element wants to meet you now, and the present moment totally wants to be your BFF! Flapping around in the past or the future just isn’t your game anymore. It really is time to say a sincere hello to right now. You weren’t designed to be anyone other than you, so don’t wish away your experience or believe that everyone else has got it “sorted.” There is no such thing as normal, and your light bulb can only be switched on by you.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Leo / Leo Rising :: Three of Cups

I feel like many of you were working so intensely at the end of last year, that you’re really ready for a break. And there’s nothing wrong with taking a slow start to the year, there’s no need to catapult yourself into chaos – so how about stealing some of that holiday spirit and infusing it into the whole month ahead?

There’s also a great emphasis on socializing this month, especially in terms of supporting the talents of those you most cherish and adore. Sometimes it can be really easy to get jealous of your friends, can’t it? However, know that whatever anyone else is doing has no ability to dim your light. If you rise up above those green eyes and really shout loud and proud about your friends then you will notice that you instantly feel a little more hopeful about your own endeavors. So how about hosting a start of the year ritual with your favorite people, and appreciating each other wildly.

Your Year Ahead…
There is a huge amount of softening to come over the course of 2016, and I love how this can really help you thrive in your day-to-day life. Naturally as a fire-starter you are used to working with a ‘GO GO GO’ energy, and it feels as though last year really was an example of that. If you are feeling a little exhausted and checked out, then it’s only a reflection of how much you put in. Something to be excited about, but perhaps also a call for a higher level of self care.

Over the course of the year I invite you now to really inhabit the more embodied and confident space that you have created for yourself recently, and discover that there are many different types of “action.” This type of settling is a sort of marinating of everything that has happened over the past couple of years, and it comes with a lot of celebration. I love your cards for this year because they are so watery and gentle – oh and very magical too. There is a real contrast to what came up in 2015 and so I hope that you will embrace this with open arms.

In regards to how you prepare to dive in, it’s wise to be intelligent and intuitive about where you place your will, your drive, and your power. Your will is precious and so is your time. You have a very lit up year ahead and it won’t serve you to push for anything that just isn’t working for you! I know this is hard for you, but letting go and letting be really will create more magic in your life. Ignore the signposts for self-sabotage and walk that path that feels good, trusting it leads in the perfect direction.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Virgo / Virgo Rising :: Two of Swords

The year starts with a few major decisions to be made. These might relate to really physical things in regards to work or your living situation, but also maybe subtler choices about your own wellness and spirit. In times of overwhelm it can be easy to think that you “can’t” make a decision, which is just because anxiety often blindfolds your intuition. Of course it will still help to weigh up the pros and cons of a situation, but returning to your gut feeling is always the way to get to the heart of what you really want and need.

I also want you to consider the possibility that you aren’t really supposed to know the outcome of the situation you find yourself in. The Universe doesn’t reveal all at once, and the unknown is supposed to be a surprise. Your job is to drag yourself back into your body, to the RIGHT NOW, and ask yourself: “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself right now?” Then, go and do that thing!

Your Year Ahead…
Over the course of the year I want you to constantly check in as to whether you’re actually in the present moment. This is the only place that’s real; it’s the only place that is alive, active, and empowered. In fact, the present moment is really the VERY best friend of a Virgo, if you are willing to say hello. You love results and so can be quick to fly away into the future, planning, scheming and sometimes controlling. It can also be very easy to charge back into the past to find ways to explain what you are currently experiencing. The past and the future have their benefits, but nothing actually gets DONE there. Everything that is active has to happen in the now.

Ruling themes for 2016 center around a balance of giving and receiving. This includes a very big shouty sign pointing to SELF CARE, on repeat, and also includes releasing resentments you are holding towards yourself and others. There is also a chance to allow a softening of any walls you have built around yourself, knowing that you don’t have to close up in order to protect your energy and your boundaries.

Change is also on your side and a surrender practice will make a massive difference to any part of your life that you feel has you in a controlling headlock. Remember that letting go doesn’t mean you will be out of control! All that happens is that you hit a pressure release button, and instead of feeling like you’re fighting the tide, a gentle sense of flow starts to creep back in. Things are able to just be, rather than be forced.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Libra / Libra Rising :: Ten of Pentacles

As the year opens up and invites you in, I want you to think about the footprint you’d like to leave upon the days ahead of you. This is a call to action and a call to being of service. Who would you like to help and how would you like to be guided? I feel that you can leap straight into the role of mentor, but also that you will find benefit in receiving some lessons yourself. If you’ve had it on your mind to contact a coach or a business advisor then what better possible time than right now? We all need help and if you’re always the one giving it, then you may find the scale gets a little unbalanced.

This is also the perfect time to jump right in with all your plans of action and get your goals set. Goals, by the way, are only helpful if you allow them room to stretch. Never, I repeat, never set a goal with a punishment attached to it. Always allow things the potential to change and flow, as this helps invite opportunities and also detaches you from any belief in the word failure.

Your Year Ahead…
2016 launches with a much higher energy than you may have felt over recent months. In fact some of you may be excited to leave 2015 and it’s deep-diving cycles behind. I hope though that you can also appreciated that your challenges were in place to lead you to higher ground.

There is a beautiful harmony between order, intuition and wild adventure to life now, and I feel you have the option to dip in and out of these energies throughout the year. Each area has potential for highs and lows and so your power will be grounded in your ability to really trust in the present moment. The fire element is present to remind you that magic is found through creativity and exploration, the earth element to help you step back from chaos and allow a sweet surrender of control. The water element is also constantly at play as you realize you can live and take action via your inner knowing.

Your confidence is on the up, and will get sturdier and sturdier every time you realize that life is not about approval. Seeking validation from others is a spinning circle going nowhere fast, and you just aren’t interested in that way of thinking anymore (right?) Now is the time to really show up and accept who you are and where you are, and in turn be excited for the days ahead. To have faith in your journey, even with it’s twists and turns, is an act of empowerment after all.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Scorpio / Scorpio rising :: Queen of Swords

Do you own your story right now? In fact, have you even clarified what your story is? Your story is the life that you have lead so far, and its value is the wisdom is has gifted you of how to be of service to yourself and others. You have been given certain experiences very specifically to allow you to help others this month, and onwards throughout the year. In order to not feel weighted down by this web you’ve woven, I want you to mix the time spent bringing forth your truth with a lot of self gratitude and care.

Our personal lessons in self-awareness never end, there is always something new for us to discover and always-another can of worms to open. I want you to be also extremely aware of any comparison of your story to others. I see this in particular relation to a sense of time running away from you. Comparison is the thief of joy, they say. Don’t join the wrong party.

Your Year Ahead…
Last year I encouraged you to shake yourself into an expansive state of mind and remind yourself what FUN really meant to you. Did you notice yourself making any shifts in this department? As the deep sea diver of the zodiac it can be easy to think that the light hearted stuff is way too shallow for you, when you could instead be really getting to grips with everyone’s darkness. But balance is always key and it is important for you to create a harmony between your desire to be truly “seen” and a place where you can outwardly express yourself creatively and passionately.

As 2016 begins, I feel that you will be bringing a lot of chaotic energy down to earth – quite a relief, especially if you ended last year like many people with an abundance of overwhelm. You have over recent months been involved a lot of collaborating and manifesting, harnessing your creativity and experimenting with what worked and didn’t work for you. This year the focus is on bringing all of those discoveries back to the present moment and then working out the best way to manage everything to suit you in the most beneficial way.

I also want you to make this year about empowering your own individual sense of magic and the unknown. There is no longer space for you to be in a place of neediness about the future, or for you to demand that the Universe listens to you! Yes, things do happen as a result of external circumstances, but if you’re constantly blaming the external for your experience than you are choosing to give away your power. You deserve to feel the wonder of your own embodiment and now is as good a time as any!

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising :: Four of Pentacles

You don’t have to do everything at once. It may seem like it, since you have soooo much to do right? But the message is to just start somewhere, not everywhere. If you get your claws too deep in too many things then it may be easy to slip into controlling mode – and didn’t you just do a lot of work on letting go? So, yeah, just go slowly, but still surely in the direction you have set with your intentions, and allow things to play out, with your guidance, but still some breathing room.

You also may want to take this start of the year energy to do some financial check-ins, again without a sense of panic. Try and take on a compassionate viewpoint as far as money is concerned, and allow some give and take. As much as you can overspend perhaps you can also hold back? And if you are afraid to spend some of the money that you have so carefully earned, know that you are allowed to give back to yourself.

Your Year Ahead…
Looking back over the past few years there has been this gentle wave of barriers crashing down and a softer energy moving in. You’ve stepped much more into your feelings and your intuition in ways that perhaps even you wouldn’t have predicted. As a sign that’s very much aware of the journeying of life, it is fitting that you constantly remind yourself of how your own personal cycles take shape.

You definitely have strong feelings of change around you, but this feels more like renewal and reactivating. The changes don’t seem to carry any drama, in fact your energy feels extremely loving and joyous and it seems that if anything your biggest challenge will be learning to accept feelings of happiness and stability. It sounds strange but often they are the things that scare us the most, the idea that perhaps you are fully equipped for your journey and you do have everything you need. Who knew?

I also encourage you to really embrace your weird and the woo woo this year, even the more skeptical of you. This can come by realizing that you don’t have to do things like anyone else, and that your spiritual practice is something that you can totally create yourself. You are the guru in your journey and the fun comes from experimenting with what feels magical to you.

Finally, I would love for you to remember that softening isn’t about becoming powerless or weak. If you keep building up on the self-trust that you have been working on over the last year then you will be more confident in all your endeavors. You’ve got this.

Download your 2016 forecast here, and use the code NUMILOVE 2016 at checkout for a special 10% discount! You can also find Louise on Instagram @louniverse.


So many fantastic contributions from the Numinati this year! Here’s a month-by-month run down of some of our favorites in a special best of 2015 review…

Author: Naomi Costantino / Artwork: Erin Petson



Words: The New Age Hipster / Image: Alexandro Palombo

Karl Lagerfeld by aleXsandro Palombo featured on


Words: Wolf Sister / Image: Karolina Daria Flora



Words: Hanna Bier / Artwork: Romain Gorisse



Words: Ruby Warrington / Artwork: Karina Eibatova



Words: Kimberly Peta Dewhirst / Image: Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair

Image: Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair


Words: Nabeel Afasr



Words: Ellie Burrows / Portrait: Mikal Marie



Words: Shaheen Miro / Images: Benoit Paille



Words: Hannah Ariel



Words: Alexandra Roxo, Natalia Leite, and Cat Cabral / Artwork: Pa-kwan Promsri



Words: Kitty Cavalier / Photography: Anna Dabrowska / Illustration: Mara Gonzalez Telman



Tarot is having a moment. And with more artists than ever bringing forth new versions of the classic Tarot, it’s never been easier to unleash your inner reader and find a deck that sings to you! Whether you’re a witchy mama looking for something a little more macabre, or a Kundalini goddess in search of some high vibes, there is a deck out there with your name on it.

To aid your search, we’ve rounded up five hot off the press tarot obsessions, kicking things off with an interview with the goddess behind The Starchild Tarot, Danielle Noel, about her special edition Akashic Records deck. By Gabriela Herstik.

Starchild Tarot creator Danielle Noel interview for The Numinous
Starchild Tarot creator Danielle Noel

The Numinous: First off, we love that you’re including the Akashic Records as a card in the major arcana of your new deck. What will the card represent?
Starchild Tarot: Thank you! I have always thought of the Akashic records as a source of mystery and divine information. At first, it was a somewhat abstract concept to grasp. When I was younger and just beginning to understand its significance, I imagined ancient manuscripts containing hidden and sacred knowledge, and thought, “how can I access this?” Now I understand the ‘Akashic Records’ as an energetic source which contains various frameworks of spiritual truths, with information pertaining to yourself, your life paths, incarnations, and the Universe at large. When you work with the cards, you have access to this information too, and are essentially connecting with the endless possibilities available to you.

The Akashic Records card of this special edition comes after the traditional 21st card (The World/The Universe), as a bridge beyond this holistic key, which I think connects well with how we are evolving at this time on our planet. I truly believe that a shift is currently taking place – energies are being enhanced and polarized, insights and sacred knowledge are rising to the surface like never before, and we are being forced to really think about our own enlightenment, mortality, and collective consciousness. This card taps into the acknowledgement of yourself as more than a physical being. It encourages you to take note of your own karmic imprints, and to consider the sacred knowledge that is being offered to us all at this time.

TN: Your imagery is super feminine and dreamy. Do you think that sort of energy in a deck makes it easier for the reader to access the Akashic Records?
ST: Certain sacred spaces and forms of sacred geometry are very activating, which is why I incorporate particular sites, colours, and symbols throughout this deck. This one also has a lot of pastel hues (pink and corals in particular) which connect with the heart chakra. My intention with each image is to inspire your imagination and intuition, through the layering of various visual triggers and healing modalities.

The Starchild Taror Akashic Records card on The Numinous

TN: Do you have a favorite card in this new deck? Why? (We won’t tell the others!)
ST: I have to say I really love the “Akashic Records” card. The image seems like one of the strongest visual portals that come up, and I’m curious to see how people will respond to it. Each symbol, colour, and portion of that card plays significant role in its interpretation. I have a deep fascination and love for Thoth and the emerald tablets, as well as the history of Atlantis, so those keys are also embedded in the image.

TN: What else is different about the new deck?
ST: There are a lot of new cards, which came from the desire to keep making new “gateways,” and the style for this deck is also slightly different than its predecessor. I added a lot of hand painted layers and watercolour textures, and it is much less “collage” based and more illustrative. Some of the cards from the original Starchild Tarot have remained in the Akashic edition, however, they have each been modified with painted overlays and new details.

Throughout the Major Arcana I have also added “Spiritual Keys” to help each reader along their journey into the Akashic records. These categories (Chakras, Gemstones, Guides, Symbols, Astrological/Planetary) can be used to expand your knowledge when working with a specific card, or to apply meditative and/or magical practices throughout the use of the Starchild Tarot. I have also added two new spreads in the guidebook (The Akashic Spread & Metatron Spread).

TN: Is creating collages on the cards a meditative experience for you? How does it aid your own journey with the Tarot?
ST: Meditation and energy work has been a huge part of my life over these past few years, and creating the cards has gone hand in hand with these explorations. I always start with the backgrounds which are ALL familiar to me in some way or another. Many of them come from photographs from my own travels, or of sacred sites from around the globe.

Our planet has so many activation points, with many of the great monuments working as chakras within the energy grid of Gaia. To acknowledge and respect these points honors the interconnectedness of us all, as they illustrate our history and spiritual evolution. The Tarot is a simple yet complex visual representation of ancient stories and concepts, and I think about this when I am creating the images. Somehow, they act as smaller pieces to a much larger cosmic puzzle.

The Hoodwitch, a.k.a. Bri Luna, as The High Priestess
The Hoodwitch, a.k.a. Bri Luna, as The High Priestess

TN: How do you choose the incredible real-life women featured in your decks?
ST: I’ve been lucky to have crossed paths with some amazing women and light workers, and when I began creating the decks, I thought that by integrating these guides, the energy of the cards would be enhanced through the powerful intention and co-creation that was put into the imagery. They are mediums, tarot readers, energy healers and others, who all share a common love for the Tarot and Magick overall.

TN: Which deck did you learn on, and what other decks are in your practice today?
ST: The first deck I ever purchased was a second-hand copy of ‘The Aquarian Tarot’ – I found it at a local flea market, and strangely, it had two Ace of Swords! After that, I learned on the ‘Tarot of a Moongarden’ and the ‘Thoth’ Tarot, but there are so many decks that I now love and appreciate. I also love that more and more people are tapping into the Tarot as a tool for self-healing and learning, and it doesn’t surprise me that it’s become so popular.

I think this comes from the “waking up” process that’s happening – there is a need for more spiritual outlets, as people are recognizing the importance of introspection, and the existence of more than what we see “on the surface”. Currently, the decks I use the most are my own, The Aquarian Tarot, The Klimt Tarot, Spiritspeak Tarot, The Goddess Tarot, and the Thoth Tarot.

TN: What’s the one thing that you want people reading your cards to know?
ST: There are many hidden layers and symbols in this deck. These were added as activation tools, so I am curious to see how they will be received. I have put a lot of love into this project, and hope that each person who reads the cards will be able to build their own relationship with the images and interpretations. That is my intention: I hope you feel supported and cared for when using these cards.

I would also like to point out that this new deck is not a replacement of the first, rather a special edition that opens up new insights. I am going to be re-releasing the “first edition” in the new year, so both decks will be available for sale, along with my future Moonchild Tarot, which is the shadow companion to The Starchild decks. I’m also working with a writer, and together we are creating a very special Oracle deck that I can’t wait to share in the not so distant future!


The Wild Unknown second edition deck on The Numinous

The Wild Unknown Second Edition 
The Wild Unknown has quickly become a cult classic and with good reason. The wilderness inspired deck speaks to our innermost existence with its beautiful imagery, so it comes as no surprise that the Universe seems to be vibin’ at a higher frequency (read major excitement) at the release of the Second Edition deck. Although most cards remain the same as in the first edition, the cards illustrator Kim Krans has chosen to revisit are absolutely stunning – and help infuse readings with a colorful new energy.

The Four of Swords is bathed in a radiant blue green aura, Temperance is complimented with a sweet rainbow background and The Lovers scream “relationship goals” now more than ever, with cotton candy colors woven behind the two geese. The icing on the cake? A new, more in depth, fold out guide to each card. Although the old saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” reads true most of the time, we’re happy The Wild Unknown chose to ignore it on this occasion.

The Fountain Tarot deck on The Numinous
The Fountain Tarot

The Fountain Tarot
Deeply cosmic, The Fountain Tarot speaks to our unyielding need to find a deeper connection to the Universe we inhabit, and the souls who walk alongside us. The journey to this fountain of bliss starts as soon as you open the silver holographic fantasy of a box the cards reside in. From here, a greeting stating “you are the breath and voice of Universes” on the inside cover, sets the tone.

Designed and written by Jason Gruhl, Jonathan Saiz and Andi Todaro, the surreal imagery of each card allows an exploration of the sacred point where inner purpose meets outer expression. Perhaps most notably in The Fountain card itself, number “infinity,” which invites us to “surrender to that which you are, whole and perfect.” An invitation to remember that at our core, our true self is so much greater than we recognize.

The Serpentfire Tarot sixth edition deck on The Numinous
The Serpentfire Tarot sixth edition

Serpentfire Tarot Sixth Edition
The colorful, dreamlike landscape of the Serpentfire deck by Devany Wolfe is unparalleled – and so totally Numinous. This deck is a beautiful tribute to the Goddess in us all, with an exploration of Kundalini energy woven throughout. These cards are for the dreamers, the seekers, the weavers, and those who feel an affinity to the Universe around them, even (especially) when it seems almost too big for their grasp.

Collages appear in some capacity in almost every card, from The Lovers personified as two wolves howling at a cosmic pyramid exploding with jewel-toned bliss, to The World being held over a Goddesses head with the Moon phases interlaced on top. This is no mundane magick. From the exquisite sacred geometry collage on the back of each card, to the brightly colorful, vibrantly infused and completely otherworldly art created by Wolf, this deck is truly spectacular.

Spirit speak Tarot deck on The Numinous
The Spirit Speak Tarot

Spirit Speak Tarot Deck
If you’re into the more macabre, DIY, gothic look, the Spirit Speak tarot by Mary Bean Evans is right up your ally. With an alluring, sketchy quality, the illustrations for this deck resonate at their own slightly darker frequency – inviting you with a wink and a dripping dagger to step into that which is unknown. But feminist imagery, a clear love for the occult, and a really beautiful take on the Universe and the Cosmos also appears throughout.

So whether you pulling a bone hanging precariously atop a dagger to form a scale for “Justice” or a long-haired queen cradling a rune and her wand as “The Empress,” the Spirit Speak will quite literally…speak to your spirit. Let’s just say if the friendly monsters under your bed were into divination, they would have this deck on lock.