The Queen of Wands brings pure positive fire energy to the week ahead, says Louise Androlia. In our weekly tarotscope video, she share’s how to work this magic in your world…

You can also check out last week’s video here – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


This week’s weekly Tarotscope brings a sense of childlike wonder and the opportunity to kickstart new beginnings, says Louise Androlia

You can also check out last week’s video here – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck

Leo / Leo Rising – Ten of Cups

Happy Birthday! I would love for you to bring that Star energy you’ve working with into this next month, because being fuelled by light really suits you. Have you noticed this? That when you are able to step into a more expansive state of mind you just get more done? To stay in that high-energy frame of mind sounds so simple, but of course requires work – as with most things related to our well being. However, this month, I think you are up to the job.

I feel that the direct source to feeling your very best self over the coming weeks it through honoring your spirit. This, in short, means allowing yourself to do anything and everything that ignites your creative spark, makes you feel alive, and inspires you to step into your superpower. It may seem that right now you have SO much to do, and surely you should prioritize that? Yes, of course you have to get shit done! But the choice you have here is the ability to not prioritize stress. See the difference? We can still get through a to-do list, but without a punishing or restrictive edge.

Stop for a moment today and check in with anywhere in your life that doesn’t feel very expansive right now. Where do you feel stuck, blocked, or overwhelmed with negativity? This or these parts of your experience require as much love and nurture as you can muster, and your birthday month really is a fine time to be kind to yourself. I’d like you to make self-gratitude a daily practice, honing in especially on areas you feel wobbly. It might be that you wake up every day and say “I am grateful for my body” or “My talents are of value” – this could feel super uncomfortable at first, but you’re merely guiding yourself back to what you know is true underneath the layers of fear.

This is also a wonderful month for socializing and replenishing your stash of human FUN. Call your old friends, get out of your comfort zone, be in love with love, call in your spirit guides, and just try to flow with your awesome self. Note when you tune into self-doubt and judgmental thoughts, and don’t be afraid to question them! They are your thoughts which means you’re allowed to decode them a little, shake them up, and reform them – in other words, it’s in your power to make your life work for you!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – Five of Pentacles

Last month saw you experience a few blasts from the past, whether it was old shadows rearing their heads, or a meeting with a previous version of yourself. I know for some of you this was a much darker experience, where as others of you had a kind of rose tinted reunion with your own superpowers. Whether you are feeling ruled by the shadows or the light right now, the theme for this month is going to be the same: material and spiritual reconnection. The energy that feels significant for you is around faith in yourself and your journey. It may be that the last few weeks unearthed a wobble, and now you are seeking some grounding, within and without.

I want you to really know that you are supposed to be constantly evolving, and that this means you’ll need different support at different times in your life. Don’t feel concerned if your tried and tested feel good method isn’t really doing it for you right now – perhaps it’s just time to try something else? So, to tap into what this might be, allow yourself to take a scan across your current internal and external environment. What’s going on with your career, relationships, and family? How is your health and how are your thought processes? Are you going through a time of change? What is new? What feels scary? Are you having fun?

As you ponder these questions, take stock of where your general level of life energy is right now, and then, finally, ask ‘What do I NEED right now?’ It’s your job to simply listen. Your inner workings may surprise you here, and it’s important to allow your most nurturing self to speak to you, the one that may suggest rest over making another to-do list, the one that says try a massage over a spin class. Trust that your inner and outer experience is providing all the clues you need, and whatever feels right for you this month will be exactly what you need.

In matters of faith, however intuitive you are and however organized you are, you STILL aren’t supposed to know the outcome of everything that you’re juggling. Choose to trust that your life lessons emerge at the exact time you need to receive them. Until then it’s time to practice that leap of faith, and know that you aren’t alone. You are needed, help IS available, and time is on your side.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – Two of Swords

Anxiety and difficulty in regards to making choices is one of the most frequent things my clients come to me about. What should you do? Which direction should you take? What will the outcome be? How do you trust yourself? These thoughts are the norm, so don’t be afraid if you feel at a crossroads right now. How about considering that you aren’t supposed to know the exact right answer, because maybe this isn’t a case of correct or incorrect, of pass or fail. If you are in an active time, whether in your mind or outer experience, then things are truly supposed to feel a little less than chill!

So, instead of panicking about what you ‘should’ do, I want you to work on where you might be blocked from your intuition right now. Of course your decision-making doesn’t have to be a stressful thing, it’s likely many of you are just overwhelmed by having so many avenues to go down! Never a bad thing, but often in times of busyness, whether this manifests as chaos or excitement, our racing mind can get us feeling a little ‘out of body’. When we jump outside of ourselves like this, we begin to lose the connection to where life realy begins – yep, you know it, with OUR FEELINGS.

Remember that whatever feels the best to you will be the ‘right’ choice, because there truly is no right or wrong, just another opportunity to have faith in yourself and your journey. You may also use these next few weeks to get some down time. It’s often that when we find our selves at a crossroads, we’re being led towards a period of action, so it’s a great time to accept the stillness and simply recharge. Your way of resetting will be unique to you; it might mean retreating to nature or, equally, stepping back into the social scene and reconnecting with friends.

Try to release any pressures you’ve put on yourself to ‘have it all together’ or ‘get over it’ and allow yourself to just be. Time isn’t working against you, all is as it is supposed to be. Do some of what makes you feel more YOU – in fact, a lot of it, so much that you almost burst. Inch your way back to your mind, body and spirit. This human experience is your home, and by returning to yourself you will be in the optimal decision making space, when the time comes.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio – Eight of Swords

You’re going through an important transition right now my friends – it’s transformative, can you feel it? If you look to the planets, we’ve entered the final phase of Saturn’s journey through Scorpio, bringing some final tests and a chance to really clean up and surrender. The last two months have been leading up to the work you have to do in August, and we are all at a different stage of this journey. These next few weeks are the perfect time to really tune in with where you are restricting yourself. Is there anything from your past, be it physical pain or a forgotten dream, that seem to be haunting you right now?

Think – how can you address these things? You don’t have to dive in like a bull in a china shop, opening every of worms in sight, BUT it’s going to help to get really real with yourself. Try stating your fears out loud and owning them. Tell the world: “I am afraid of ***, and it’s okay”, and notice what body feelings accompany these thoughts, what starts running through you. You are safe to really show up for this clearing process, but it’s also an ideal time to ask for help. If you don’t know what you want, ask yourself what you need. Follow your intuitive guidance, whether it is requesting you find guidance online, or by emailing that person that keeps popping into your mind.

Be open to receiving and have no expectations. You more than anyone know that the things you need can come in forms you’d never expect. It also feels like perhaps there are some ghosts from the past that could be released. Remember that letting go and forgiveness are both acts of self-love, acts that do nothing other than clear space and free you up to move forwards.

By shaking off what you no longer need from times gone by, it will be so much easier to accept what is being offered up ahead. Finally, try to trust in simplicity this month. All the good stuff is going to be right there, laid bare, you won’t find sanctuary in drama or contradictions. Trust in what feels grounded and nourishing to you, whether that is in the people you meet or the work you commit to. Magic and intuition are alive and well in the present moment – and your direct link is through your feelings, so feel away babe!

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Princess of Cups

I feel like you’re on a bit of a roll of awesome, or at least that this high vibe energy is available to you now if you want to access it. If there’s one thing the last year has taught you, it’s that feelings are okay and even important! In fact, tuning in to your more watery, emotional side has the ability to rocket fuel your dreams. Right? Well no change this month, because what I see as a great focus point for you in the next few weeks is… MAGIC. Oh yes, and before you stop reading because you aren’t into ‘woo woo’ – stay with me!

Can we redefine magic? It’s not just about witchcraft you know – although that’s totally cool with me too, I like to think of magic as an accessible energy that you can tune into, but one that is also within you. You ARE magic, it’s running through your veins and is available as a form of empowerment whenever you need it. So, how do you get in touch? It’s all through a willingness to expand your vision out of your comfort zone, to expand your thoughts beyond your restricted and limiting beliefs, and it’s found very much in the present moment.

The other way you can access magic is through a childlike sense of wonder, and this is precisely what August is gifting you. Wonder. We get a little distracted from wonder as we grow up, the ‘wow’ of learning new things for the first time diminishes as we keep moving through life. For any of you who have kids, you’ll know it’s easily returned to you when you get to show that little one new things all of the time – and that choosing to see things through their eyes, the vision returns to you. I want you to realize this sense of awe is here ALL OF THE TIME, no magic tricks needed, the world is kind of an amazing place, full of kind of incredible people, if you hadn’t noticed.

Yes, there are the shadows and a dark side to life, but it is our job to turn on the torch. Over the coming weeks, start to notice in what areas of your life magic reappears. It may be within your meditation practice, or in time spent in nature, but it also may also appear in spreadsheets and accounts, over dinner and discussion. There are no limits to finding the good stuff; you just have to believe it’s there.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – Ace of Pentacles

You truly are in the energy of new beginnings. Last month the focus was on feelings and personal connections, and for August there is a shift presenting itself in your more grounded material world. I’m just seeing large door that is totally wide open, with any perceived blocks dissolving away. I feel that you’ve entered a part of the year that’s been lined up for you to get very serious and unapologetic about how you want, how you NEED, your material world to support you.

Yes, this is a card that’s brilliant for career matters, suggesting that if you’re on the edge of sharing something new, at the point of quitting something that no longer works, or holding off on speaking up – it’s time. Get everything OUT. However, I’d like to focus more on the bright sparks of ideas and growth that I feel coming in for you. It’s as though you are pivoting on the edge of a very different life stage, one that is bringing more stability and light. This doesn’t mean life is a breeze of course, especially not for my mountain climbing Caps. Challenges though, are only in place to lead you to higher ground. Everything is taking you somewhere, and your main job is to not fight the change or battle the unknown.

Allow your days to take on a natural flow, one that is guided by your hero nature, but a flow that has no barriers. You are the only one who can truly stand in your own way at the moment. So, what do you need? If it’s more rest, then that is ALL that’s required. If it’s more time, you have it! This open doorway is created by your intentions to be kinder to yourself, to pursue more of your ideas, to really listen to your inner soul system.

What do you want to feed into the earth around you? What imprints are you about to make, what are you producing? Be enlightened by all that is new and appreciate the embarrassment and oddities of it all. Allow yourself to be humbled by the Universe on a daily basis, laugh, get messy, get involved, and be happy to get out of your comfort zone. Everything is ok, even the wobbles and the worries, they all have purpose. Pour nurture on your anxieties and feed your ideas with golden light.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – Three of Pentacles

August is a pretty active month for you, as you have the space to put into play what you have been working on for the past three months. I feel that there has been so much brainstorming, so much creativity and fun, and also, perhaps, a LOT of questioning your own abilities. You can find it so easy to put yourself down sometimes, often more so than the time you spend raising yourself up. So, this has to be your first priority this month – self-celebration.

It is not stupid or egotistical to stop and admire yourself. I mean, come on, you are a perfect specimen of a human being – just LOOK AT YOU! But, yeah, on a more serious note, it’s kind of time that you accepted that you might have some skills, some unique skills, and something to share with the world. Yes it’s easy to say, “oh but so many people do the same job as me”; and yes, there will always be another artist, another actor, another lawyer and so on, but there isn’t another YOU, remember? This means that whatever you bring to the table IS unique, because it comes from you.

So as you being this month of self-appreciation, you will be required to flow into giving time to cementing your authentic voice. This means that you definitely don’t need to worry about comparing yourself to others or trying to imitate anyone, you just need to show up for YOU. It can be easier said than done of course, but it’s time to practice. With all that in hand, out in the real world this is a perfect month for collaborating and sharing the weight of your work, and your ideas. It might be that you’ve been keeping a lot inside recently and so know that just getting things OUT is going to step you forward into the next stage of, yes, your career, – but more so, of simply feeling good.

A good old-fashioned life brainstorm is in order, so gather your troops and get vocal. If you are someone who usually likes to hide in the shadows, experiment with raising your voice a little louder. You can also reflect this confidence with regards to your inner dialogue, by no longer allowing yourself to be intimidated by your fears. After all they are YOURS to do what you like with. So shift the conversation, own those anxieties, and then use them to march you onwards.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Emperor

Over the last few weeks you may have experienced a few ‘ah-ha’ moments, times of clarity, and a rush of new ideas. Within this headspace, some fears may also have been rising up very strongly, perhaps some that seemed to stab you in the gut and try to convince you that they were more powerful than you? Which is not true of course, but it is okay for it to feel that way – after all, you are a human being, just out in the world feeling those feelings.
As the days progress the shift that’s in place for you now is one of empowerment and order. This month is about taking all those “ums” and “ahs” from July, and putting them in place, with a little planning. It’s actually a much more structured way of thinking than you might be used to, but totally in place to put some order into your chaos. Now, where this sense of process comes from is going to be dictated by what you need. If you currently feel like you are loose and swimming in a sea of uncertainty, then perhaps it’s time to ask for help? You do know that someone out there can listen and help you with the jigsaw puzzle of yourself, don’t you?

This doesn’t have to be your typical therapist; maybe you just need to dedicate some time to sharing with your best friends, getting stuff out, and reinterpreting ideas for each other. We all have some blocks to rules and regulations somewhere along the line, so note if any of yours are coming up right now. It could be that you are finding it a struggle to work amongst other people, and if so have a feel and think about how you could shift your perception. AND how you can protect your energy – this is always an important job for a Pisces.

The more you can be connected to your most authentic and positive self, the easier it will be to see through the mist. It’s easy to get distracted but this isn’t the month for wading through fog. Remember where you pull your light from and use that source, every day. Finally, If there is a certain someone in your life who seems to be over-stepping the mark, overpowering or even scaring you, then it’s time to reclaim your self worth and personal power; again by sharing, questioning, and speaking up. Don’t hide from your own voice, this month more than ever it’s valid and important.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries / Aries Rising – Ten of Pentacles

I kind of feel like you’re on fire right now Aries – as you should be of course, but wow your energy seems to have been on a constant high level recently. Are you feeling tired out yet? I want that to be your first check in right now, because burn out is SO easy for you because you are able to run on empty quite easily. So just tune in to what you might need as you fully embrace this second half of the year.

Now I put that at the forefront, because what I feel for you is that there is a strong energy focus on your material world right now. For some of you it really may be a dramatic shift in your career – perhaps you are taking on a higher position, or launching some of your most valued work into the public domain? It’s also going to be that many of you are at that point of leaving behind what no longer works for you, in business and in pleasure. It’s a super power feeling, and this is why your wellbeing has to be at the peak of your life priorities pyramid. Whilst you may think of self-care as a ‘luxury’, just know that you can’t do all the amazing stuff you want to if you feel crap. Simple, right?

So now that you’ve checked in, where are you headed? Things can start to manifest at an alarming rate now, so make sure your intentions for yourself are also on good from. I want you to think about the idea of your imprint on the world. If you had to make a manifesto for yourself and your personal brand right now, what would be on there? How would you sell yourself to yourself?

Take that as a writing task and it will help you hone in on what might be the most enjoyable thing to put your focus on right now. After all, I know you are spinning a lot plates, as per usual! On the more spiritual side of things, look out for those messages from the Universe. They come in so many forms, yes it might be that you’re seeing feathers and rainbows, but life also speaks to you via the more practical too. Coincidences don’t exist – that voice you hear that says ‘go there’ or ‘call them’ is worth listening to. In fact if you chose to listen and learn, the guidance is really right in front of you.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus / Taurus Rising – The Chariot

THINGS ARE FINALLY MOVING! What things? Have a glance back to April and you might get some hints as to what needs the kick in the ass right now. Of course movement is only going to be present if you participate, so if you’re one of the one wishing away on the sidelines that something wild and exciting would happen for you, then you gotta at the very least dip your toe in. Why? Well the thing about life and time and all that, is that it really is always moving, and if you aren’t there moving with it, you’ll only ever feel like you are losing or wasting time. And time is of value, so, where are you going to place your drive this month?

Now that’s off my chest, we can get into the details; balance, freedom and intent. Freedom comes from stepping into that expansive state of mind I always talk about. You are the only one standing in your way right now and if you take a trip over to the Scorpio reading to see what your opposite sign is up to, you can apply the same advice. When you get out of your own way, a free flowing energy can come upon you. Feels good to think of that wide, open road right? That road can exist in all areas of your life; even the ones with challenges – yes, there can still be a flow when you have to get shit done, it just gets done easier!

‘Easier’ – that sounds nice too, doesn’t it? So what would you need right now to truly feel free? Explore that idea. So, balance; not your strong suit sometimes, but as always still a priority and I won’t ever let up about it. Accept that whatever isn’t working, whether it’s a health, love or work situation, needs a new perspective. That new perspective may not be one you’d chose first, after all, self-help is always hard work – but if something doesn’t feel good, isn’t it time you considered an alternative?

Finally – intent. This is the fun bit for you, and it’s about grabbling life by the reins and knowing that you have the map. Remove any fear of failure or you will never do anything. Know that you’ve got this, and equally that it’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes aren’t an end point; they are a learning experience. Everything is building momentum, so dive in fully.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – Eight of Cups

The next few weeks are all about the residue of the past couple of months. So what’s come to the surface as you’ve gone on your merry way? The last few weeks have been a really strong cleansing period for many of us, and it may not have been comfortable. The first thing to do is to be nurturing with yourself. When some of our old shadows and ghosts reappear, it’s easy to perceive that we are going backwards. This is not the case; When things come to the surface it’s because now is the time to address them, as perhaps right now you are in the right space to be able to deal with them.

The brain chucks out information for us on a platter when the time is on and the pressure is off. So, this residue, how are you feeling it? Is it via your thoughts, from strange messages from the Universe, or is it in your physical body? Take time to listen and see what’s regurgitating, and within this know that now is a safe time to let those things go. You know that I refer to the letting go process as ‘surrendering’, and so we will work with that. I feel that you could be holding on to some guilt and it may manifest as you subconsciously not allowing yourself to move forwards.

You don’t need to hold onto pain as a punishment, it does not serve you and certainly doesn’t make anything better. If you need to forgive – be it yourself, others or a situation – know that it will set you free. In regards the moving forward process, this month is in place for you to work with your courage. The capacity for bravery is within all of us, it’s a natural part of us, to be courageous, to show up, to get involved. It’s time to accept your inner hero, to claim it and use it.

After all, why would you be scared to move forward in your life? Your life is perfectly designed for you, don’t ever hesitate to believe in that, not for a second. Nothing that you leave behind will be truly lost if it’s in any way relevant to your future. Safety lies within self trust, self-care and rest right now. Allow yourself to move at your own pace, just be wise enough to recognize where you’re treading on your own toes.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – The Empress

A happy and nourishing month ahead, as you step from the clutches of that Devil on your shoulder into the nurturing arms of the divine feminine! “Thank you” is a good word to utter today. Thank you for this new and fresh energy. This is a month that is truly ALL woman, full of babes in fact! You can take that really literally if you’d like, to start. Female company and energy is going to get you feeling good, so allow yourself to be embraced by the wise women around you, whether it’s in physical hug form or a good heart filling Skype chat.

On a deeper note, this is a perfect few weeks to check in with mother Earth, the natural element and your own wisdom. Over the last few months you’ve had a lot of going within, but not all of it has felt safe and wishing yourself out of body has felt like the easy option. It’s time to really trust that you have gained knowledge in all that’s been processed, and that your tool belt is now pretty well-equipped. You have what you need and will realize this when you allow things to simplify a little. Drama probably won’t cut it for you this month as you start to lift into your higher state of mind and discover that the small nurturing steps you are making really are filling you up.

The great thing is, you don’t need the mess and the complications anymore. It’s fully time to live in that clean and clear space. Your clutter, be it physical or mental, can be released. It’s safe to head to the recycling bin – I’m pretty sure we all have one of those within – so think, what do you no longer need to have playing on repeat in your brain?

Know that the wisdom you have gained recently is also in place for you to share and help others. Whether it’s some words that a friend really needs or via a service you provide, since we are never truly alone it means that your experience is also going to give solace to someone else. Therefore, it’s also a time to not hide your feelings. All expulsions of your water element are safe and okay. You may find that by avoiding that standard “I’m fine”, response you open up a new conversation with an unexpected person – I feel that the element of surprise is awaiting you. So open your eyes, wide.

Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


In her weekly Tarotscope video for July 19-25, Louise Androlia shares a message about stepping into your personal power and owning your truth.

You can also check out last week’s video here – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Our days this week will be colored by the energies of the Two of Wands, says Louise Androlia. What sort of adventures will this mean for you?

You can also check out last week’s video here – did Louise’s reading resonate for you? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


Thinking about which form of therapy will suit your unique needs? Wolf Sister has some suggestions for every sign of the Zodiac…Image: Karolina Daria Flora


When checking out the right therapy for your sign below, remember your Sun sign only represents one aspect of your total being. Read for your rising sign (the outer you) and moon sign (the inner you) too to see what resonates. If you haven’t done so already, you can click here to enter the date, place and time you were born and generate your chart for free.

:: A R I E S ::
Mars is the ruling planet of this sign and is associated with the head. Aries tend to be over thinkers, thoughtful by nature but with wandering minds that can lead them to anxiety and overwhelm. Meditation would be ideal to calm those overactive thoughts but to sit still for any amount of time may not resonate with many rams!

Yoga literally translates as union of the mind, body and spirit, and this active meditation is the ideal remedy to balance and recalibrate you when overwhelm takes over. With this holistic practice, free spirited Aries gets to stretch, focus and bring you into the NOW.
Find it: Book a trip to one of the Wanderlust festivals and get your yoga fix with a side of Aries-style adventure! Wanderlust.com

:: T A U R U S ::
This earthy sign loves life’s comforts. Ruled by Venus, a planet of sensuality and luxury, the body parts ruled by Taurus are the neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears, tongue, vocal chords and tonsils. When Taurus is experiencing a mind/body/spirit disconnect, it may physically manifest in one of these areas.

Aromatherapy Taurus loves to be pampered, and making some ‘me’ time with an aromatherapy massage while channeling the earth’s essence through the power of natural fragrance will soothe your spirit and bring you back down to earth (where your energy feels most at ease).
Find it: Get all the information you need at the National Institute for Holistic Aromatherapy.

:: G E M I N I ::
The sign of Gemini is articulate, busy, charming, adaptable, lively, indecisive, intelligent, sociable and spontaneous – in fact ‘change’ is a constant theme for Gemini. Ruled by Mercury, this planet governs the hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, upper ribs, lungs, nerves and nervous system. It may be hard for some of you Geminis to relax!

Qoya is a movement practice for expressing oneself through dance. This practice encourages creative expression through the body, by connecting to your essence and embodying your divine feminine and sensual nature. This practice is a great way for Gemini to channel your exuberant energy.
Find it: Qoya founder Rochelle Schieck runs retreats all year long. Visit Loveqoya.com for more info.

:: C A N C E R ::
This sign is highly intuitive and emotionally charged. Naturally empathic, those born under Cancer may have a tendency to over-eat (subconsciously) to protect themselves from harsh energy and stresses around them. When feelings aren’t channeled correctly and buried away, this disconnect may manifest as a digestive imbalance – indigestion, food intolerances and other issues with the Cancer-ruled gut.

Nutritional Healing will help you learn more about how food affects your body. It’s also important for Cancers to understand how our emotions affect our food choices and how the body processes food when we’re in different emotive states. With mindful eating, emotional and physical stress can be reduced. It isn’t about prescribing a ‘diet’ but developing a relationship with food that nurtures and nourishes holistically.
Find it: The Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida is dedicated to healing through diet and runs programs all year round. Hippocratesinst.org

:: L E O ::
Leo is ruled by the Sun and is associated with the most powerful organ in the body – the heart. Very independent, it’s important to feel like you are in charge. Leo’s love to rule, your mantra is ‘I WILL’. A big theme for Leo is pride. Your ego may demand respect and adoration, and when you’re feeling ignored or less than, this may manifest physically as back problems, heart ailments and lethargy.

Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta bhavana) is a meditation practice for developing compassion. This practice comes from the Buddhist tradition, but it can be adapted and practiced by anyone, regardless of religious affiliation; it is essentially about cultivating love. This meditation will help tame your determined and sometimes domineering nature, using the practice of compassion to go with the flow and call more love into your life.
Find it: Just log on to YouTube! There are many metta meditations for you to explore and experiment with here.

:: V I R G O ::
The Virgo mind is extremely organized and analytical, as Virgos have a strong need to understand themselves and the world around them. You prefer to channel your energy practically than through your emotions. The earth in this sign can make you relentless when it comes to solving a problem and getting a job done, which means sometimes you can forget to make time for self-care.

Counselling/psychotherapy will appeal to Virgo’s analytical side, and a good therapist will encourage you to tune into the psyche to understand yourself (and your emotions) better. This practical approach to removing personal blocks by gaining insights into the subconscious is a way for Virgo to be guided to a place of deeper self-realization and empowerment.
Find it: Talk Space is a new service that allows you to connect with a therapist instantly via text. Check it out at Talkspace.com

:: L I B R A ::
Libra is the sign of peace and harmony, diplomacy, beauty and aesthetics. Ruled by the planet Venus, Libra tends to play the nice guy and can refrain from speaking their truth in order to keep the peace. The body parts ruled by Libra are the lower back, kidneys and adrenal glands.

Art therapy is a creative method for self-expression, where the therapist interprets the symbolism that is communicated through the art created. The idea is that allowing yourself to get lost in the moment creating your beautiful masterpiece, your subconscious is freed to communicating your inner most feelings and thoughts. Art therapy is a great way for Libra to channel energy into creating something beautiful, while receiving insights from your subconscious for personal development.
Find it: You can find out more and locate an art therapist near you at Arttherapy.org

:: S C O R P I O ::
Scorpios are known for being mysterious, deep, magnetic and determined. A theme for Scorpio is self-mastery. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, and this planet can influence the energy flow of the reproductive organs, as well as with the kidneys and bladders.

Kundalini yoga The word Kundalini translates as ‘coiled’, referencing a ‘serpent’ of energy at the base of your spine. The intention of Kundalini yoga practice is to uncoil the serpent and release the energy within – starting at the base of the spine (the root chakra) and moving it up through the top of the head (the crown chakra). Focusing on breath and movement, it is a mental and physical challenge Scorpio will find strength in committing to.
Find it: The RaMa Institute in Venice, CA, is a hub for the thriving Kundalini community and you can take classes remotely at Rama-tv.com

:: S A G I T T A R I U S ::
Sagittarius is known for being adventurous and optimistic, always in pursuit of higher knowledge and experiences! As an active fire sign, you would rather be doing something interesting than wallowing in your emotions for too long. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, the body parts associated with this sign are the liver, hips, thighs, pelvis and femur.

Light Grids is an energetic therapy that encourages you to release blocks in your life helping you connect to your authentic self. Working on a subconscious level to bring deep change and empowerment, Light Grids therapy tunes into your energetic blueprint and targets your core belief systems. Facilitating healing, alignment to your highest self and giving you a deeper understanding of your life.
Find it: Jody Shield is a UK practitioner bringing Light Grids therapy to the masses! You can also book a Skype session with her at Jodyshield.co.uk

:: C A P R I C O R N ::
Capricorn is one of the most driven and dedicated signs of the zodiac. An earth sign with a strong work ethic, Capricorn is led by Saturn, the planet associated with the skeleton, joints and teeth. When you are overworking yourself, self-care may fall by the wayside and tension may build up in these areas.

CranioSacral therapy is a hands-on technique that restores the flow of energy in the body. It facilitates the release of blocked energy and tensions stored in the body, relieving pain and associated dysfunction. Often used in conjunction with osteopathy, the light touch in this therapy encourages the body to relax and rebalance, enhancing flexibility and well-being.
Find it: The Breath of Life clinic in London runs regular retreats internationally, which incorporate CranioSacral therapy with yoga and other body work. Breathoflife.co.uk

:: A Q U A R I U S ::
The free spirit of the zodiac, Aquarius’s purpose as a humanitarian is to break the outdated paradigm and call in the ‘nu’! You are independent and may come across as detached, but it’s just because you like to do things in your own Aquarian way. Your ultimate dream is to always being true to yourself, never to anyone else’s standards. Aquarius rules the circulatory system, ankles, Achilles heal, calves and shins.

Sound healing facilitates healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level with the intentional use of various different interments – crystal singing bowls, drums, chimes, bells and gongs. The frequencies emitted work on a cellular level, and with this form of healing you are lulled into a relaxed state while the sound frequencies wash over and through you with their healing effects.
Find it: Eileen McKusick is one of the leading practitioners in sound healing. Find out more about her work at Eileenmckusick.com

:: P I S C E S ::
The dreamer of the zodiac, Pisces straddles both the material and the mystical worlds – and sometimes this can mean interpret what they want to see. Pisces may be vulnerable to disappointment because they are so idealistic. Even with the talent and resources that they possess, their limiting self beliefs and low self-esteem may hold them back.

Tarot therapy may appeal to your ethereal nature. When life is mirrored back to you by the magic of the Tarot, it can be easy for your imaginative and artist sign to recognize the bad habits and destructive cycles you keep finding yourself in. Insights from a talented Tarot therapist can encourage and inspire in all the right places.
Find it: Our very own Louise Androlia is available for Skype readings internationally! Connect with her at Louiseandrolia.com

What therapy have you found works best for you, and why does it chime with your chart? Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and share your story


Tarotscopes July 2015 cast by Louise Androlia using The Cosmic Tarot deck

Cancer / Cancer Rising – The Devil

Let the ego battle commence and may the command over your darkness forever win out. That old devil on your shoulder needs to be spoken to this month, and also respected. It’s not possible to cram any more fears or excuses into the cupboard, it’s bulging and the time really is now. Time for what? Deep, intense self-awareness, love and power healing. When everything comes to the surface it’s only because you are perfectly aligned to be able to work with it. “Working with it” – this is the most productive and empowering way to consider your internal dialogue right now. You aren’t broken, you aren’t ‘going mad’, you aren’t being attacked by your mind. It’s YOUR mind remember, and it needs to be connected with and cherished.

The first step is to address your dominant fears or addictive behaviors, as well as the ‘go to’ you have in place for them. For instance, maybe you have fears surrounding your finances but every time you notice this you panic buy things in order to try and feel more in control. Or perhaps your fears are about finding love, and come accompanied by self-deprecating thoughts. You may find that your natural reaction when approaching your anxiety isn’t to reach for some loving kindness.

To shift this, as you tap into the things you are anxious about, bring them into the present moment by inserting an ‘I feel’ in front – e.g. I feel anxious, I feel concerned about X, I feel overwhelmed. In this moment you are allowing yourself to be present with the fear, processing it with the mind and body and most importantly acknowledging it. Now, follow this statement with ‘and it’s okay’ – THIS is the loving action. You may find that you resist this phrase, not wanting to allow your negative thoughts and feelings to be ‘okay’…and that too is okay!

A final thought to work with alongside this; are you comparing yourself to others, and deeming them all ‘fine’ while you are not? Everyone is experiencing a challenge and everyone’s experience is valid and valuable. To focus on owning your challenges, ask for help, be open to guidance and absolutely keep loosening your grip on the comparison trap.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Leo / Leo Rising – The Star

Star power alert! I feel that this month is all about how you choose to channel your highest self. If you were a superhero (btw you are) would you be using your powers for the positive or negative? I feel as though recently you might have been really tuning into the shadows of others, and being a little judgmental with your thoughts or expressions. Now, it’s okay for that judgmental self to rear its head, it happens for everyone, but there’s no need to spend your precious time pointing out the flaws you observe around you.

Why? It sends you into a lower energy space and it dims your light – the part of you that is fueled by your self-love, passion for life, and appreciation of your own shadows. I want July to be all about you getting your glow back! The fast track way to this is to reconnect to yourself, especially if the above passage resonated with you – it might have been that you just hopped out of your journey and spent too much time staring through other people’s windows.

So reconnection to the self, it’s a simple trick that requires one major thing; a commitment to being kind to yourself, unconditionally. This means valuing your time, celebrating your talents and taking into consideration your mind, body and spirit. A connection to the self is merely an awareness of all parts of you. If you already have a neglected meditation practice then just pull yourself back there by reminding yourself that you deserve it. If it’s new for you to practice self-care then just commit to five minutes each day doing something that lifts your spirits and feels safe inside.

The reason I want to lure you back to the big Y O U is that the energy of this month is so bright and positive; you need to be present to receive and appreciate. This period of time is perfectly aligned for sharing your talents, launching new projects, asking for help, and deepening your life experience. To feel as though the world is appreciating you, you need to first pat yourself on the back and recognize yourself as worthy. Which isn’t about being better than anyone else, it’s simply about owning something that you always have access to. What if self-confidence was your absolute birthright, have you claimed yours yet?

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Virgo / Virgo Rising – Six of Cups

July is a month where you can continue the work you’ve been doing on empowering the past. Nostalgia is a funny thing, and I want you to check in with the lens you’ve been using to look upon times gone by. Are you rose tinting experiences from before as an excuse to not participate in the present? Are you perhaps holding anger towards people and events from once-upon-a-time because you are feeling afraid to dive into your own self-healing?

Spend some time checking whether you feel as though there are any negative ties binding you down. It’s so easy to remain static when we are spending time dancing in days gone by. Too much regard for the past can also dim your view of the present and future, especially if you have fears of ‘cycles repeating’, conscious or not. Recognize that everything new is always different, even if it appears similar. Your job is to not bring old fears and place them on current events. Just because something happened once before, it doesn’t make it more likely to repeat. Know this to be true.

If you are seeking guidance from the cycles of life, then it’s important to go within and not obsess about the external. For instance, what have been your consistent fears or behaviors, and how can you change them?
It’s safe to move onwards, it’s safe to let go and it is definitely safe to be putting yourself first. You don’t need to know why something is the way it is, you just need to trust that the explanation will be revealed at the exact moment you need it. All you are required to do is show up for the present and take one step. Your empowerment comes from TRUSTING in the past and using the tools you’ve been developing as the days weave together.

On a fun note, when practicing the good time kind of nostalgia you can reach back into those shadows and pull forward all of the good stuff. Be inspired by visions of you with a smile on your face, allow memoris of magic moments to lift you up to greet your highest self and connect to your joy via as you tune in to your inner child. This month will no doubt end with a sense of clearing and lightness; enjoy shaking off what you no longer need.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Libra / Libra Rising – The Emperor

I feel that July holds an element of stability you’ve been seeking for a while now. After ups and downs and feelings galore, there is a sense of order within the chaos. Also be aware that order and stability are not the same as rigidity and control. I want you to know that you can have order, whilst still existing in a full state of surrender. Really? Yes! You see, order doesn’t have to mean restriction. Your desk can be clear whilst your mind is expansive, and doesn’t that sound good?

So, over the coming weeks I’d like you to tune into where it is that life feels unstable. It may be your career or relationship or home, but it may also be your state of mind or connection to your body. Now, allow your thoughts around these challenges to be stretchy and opportunistic. Instead of just assuming no one can help you, consider what help it is you need, and shout it out! Instead of deeming yourself hopeless, be hopeful that you just haven’t discovered what the solution is yet. Instead of setting punishments at the end of uncompleted tasks, celebrate every small thing you do, including your ability to just keep going.

If you are having problems with an external source of power then it’s time to claim your self worth back. Any situations that just don’t feel good to you probably aren’t good for you. It’s okay to own your voice, to speak up, to share. You are not alone, especially in those times it feels most like you are. I really want you to have your own back this month! I see opportunities for reclaiming self-empowerment coming through for all signs, and you really need to re-appreciate yourself.

Can you practice this by celebrating something unique about yourself each day over the coming weeks? This may be harder for those of you who have been self-sabotaging of late, but that’s even more of a reason to do it. Self care is always the solution, especially when you think it can’t possibly be. The equation works that as you up your self-worth then balance will be more accessible to you, and there will even be potential in times of chaos. This is a positive kind of control, and you’ve got this.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Scorpio / Scorpio – Five of Pentacles

With Saturn dipping back into Scorpio for the next few months it’s no wonder us Scorpions are suddenly feeling dips and dives within and without. Is this the final test? Well, kind of, but think of it more as a clean up, than a challenge. Whatever is prominent in your stress zone right now is there for a reason, and it’s because you have an opportunity now to view the challenge in a different light.

I don’t want to just shout THINK POSITIVELY at you, because what does that even mean? It’s a throwaway inspirational quote and I’d rather you thought more deeply than that. It feels as though your trust barriers have been up and down recently, particularly between you and the world and the YOUniverse. Do you feel a little unsupported or ‘shut out’ in some areas of your life? Have you been feeling anger towards some aspect or yourself or the world around you? It’s okay to have these feelings, but it’s important to know they are workable too. This card often comes up when it feels like we have been left out in the cold, and only you will know where it is that this feeling belongs.

The answers all lie in fresh perspectives and new approaches. You may feel tired because a method you’d previously used to help yourself no longer seems to be working. How so? Time is always shifting and you are evolving, trust that you need different things at different times. Instead of feeling exasperated, as though there are no options, choose to feel inspired to seek alternative pathways. Your ideas may need stretching to help you get to that settled place; your meditation may need shifting to help you receive more clarity, your body may need a different method of self care to match your environment.

See how when you extend your thoughts to a wider space there suddenly seems to be MORE potential? I’m pushing you to up your self-care practice to maximum voltage, to not even consider feeling guilty for cancelling plans and being kind to yourself. You need to be connected to YOU right now in order to benefit from those Scorpio powers you know and love. There are wide and bright skies surrounding you, just be present for the clouds to pass.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Ten of Wands

Something has to give, starting now! All signs are seeing major opportunity for breakthrough this month and yours comes in the form of ending a period of feeling completely overwhelmed. Overwhelm comes in many forms, but there is always the need to surrender in order to receive a fresh perspective. In what areas of your life do you feel as though you just don’t seem to be able to make a breakthrough? And are you noticing your need to try and control things more and more, even when nothing seems to be working?

I’m going to ask you to drop all the stress to the floor. This is very hard to do in a state of overwhelm because it feels like you’re being pushed to just GET IT TOGETHER – but that just doesn’t work. Remember how I spoke about compassion last month? Now it’s time to shine that torch on yourself, release the battle and look after yourself. ‘But I’m doing everything I can!’ I hear you say, which is one more reason to surrender, give up a little, and consider that you may just need a new approach. This new way of looking at things also might require you to pull down a few walls and listen to some advice. I know you have ‘your ways’ of doing things, but this is a month to seek help from your friends, and guidance from those you are drawn too. Think expansively in your search for harmony and you will find it.

Meanwhile, this is Fire energy, which is your master and your superpower, so it’s also a strong message to be reconnecting to your spirit. This means really making some space to do the things you love, the everyday things that generate inspiration and excitement. Your frustration really needs diffusing, and that will come by pulling strongly from the other angle. What can you get excited about right now? Go there and bask in that energy a little.

It also helps to remember that after a period of overwhelm there has to be some release, and yours will come in the form of your mojo returning bit by bit, and your positivity creeping back in. Make sure to not close your mind, and to keep your opinions malleable. Acknowledge all your feelings, ask for help, receive help, be kind to yourself – and repeat FOREVER.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – Ace of Cups

Still on the Water theme for you Capricorn, and I love this card! You are holding the brightest energy of all the signs this month, and also the most fluid – a far cry from the restrictive energy you’re more familiar with. Feelings this month connect back to November – can you see a link to that time? It may be that you are seeing the results of something you brought into play then, or a certain situation suddenly becoming prominent again, in person or maybe just in your mind.

This is an overflow of Water element and so it’s certainly not the month to stuff your feelings in any cupboards or try and swallow them whole. You have a wide-open space to just get it all out, especially the good stuff. You sometimes (okay often) feel guilty for taking time for yourself, but there can be no more of this. You know the cycle – too much giving and struggle = exhaustion and restriction. Only you can rewrite this story though, and so I ask you; when are you going to realize that YOU are the priority in your life? When you place your wellbeing at the center, you will notice life transform from inside out. Now is the time to really own this.

The month is full of freshness, so some new people may spring into view, people that are in place to complement the better frame of mind you are choosing for yourself. Know that as your story evolves you need different types of support networks. You will always have the deep layers, the ones you’ll keep by your side forever and a day, but on the surface there may be space to be uplifted by some new faces. You will be interested in those who are having similar experiences to you, as the conversation can be equal and supportive, with sharing and teaching from both sides.

Remember that this is what you need right now, to allow yourself to receive as much as you give out. I hope you’ll be surprised by some sweet spirits soon. Finally, in what new ways can you deepen your connection to your own inner pilot light? I feel that there is opportunity to pay deeper attention to the messages your body is giving you. Your senses are heightened and it’s truly time to listen.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Sun

July is all about seeking the light and playing within it. You are used to your shadows and you absolutely love playing in those, so how about balancing things out? Even though your to-do list may be a mile and a half long, you will notice how much more is achieved when you insist on taking positive spirit-enlightening breaks!

There is a strong theme of freedom coming through, so I’d love for you to really tune into that word and consider what it brings up for you. What does ‘personal freedom’ look like to you, and do you feel it’s accessible right now? If the answer is ‘no’, then in what small ways could you start to bring those feelings into your everyday life? It might be related to the way you plan your day, to what you do in your spare time (do you give yourself adequate time?), and to the people in your social circle. As you consider freedom you will probably become aware of its shadow, the restrictions and the limits. So, where do you feel restricted or limited? And how can you shift those restrictions or your perspective on them? This is just as important as actual physical change, in fact maybe even more so.

You are able to even choose not to take on stress if you like. Really? Yep, and it’s a practice I love – consider that you being stressed has to be a crisis only option. There are always going to be stressful scenarios – for instance moving house, or during massive change. But there are also points where we don’t have to take it on. Think about the pressure you put upon yourself, and the times you get involved in other people’s dramas, or common frustrations like traffic and waiting in line – all of which offer a choice about whether you want to raise your stress levels.

So have a feel around, both within and without, and note where you could release the pressure a little. Again, it’s as the small things start to weave together that you’ll notice a difference. This card also brings in the ‘adventure’ energy, and a free pass to take a holiday. This doesn’t have to mean a big flashy extravaganza, even camping out in your back yard can shift you into an explorative space. The Sun is your guide – so where is your source of light? Travels there unapologetically.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Pisces / Pisces Rising – Ace of Swords

July brings in a significant opportunity for you to shift your perspective and reclaim your personal power. Last month may have brought out your deepest shadows, and now you have a choice whether to be victimized by them or be willing to genuinely change your perspective for good. It doesn’t matter whether one thought pattern has reined high and mighty for you FOREVER, it can still be shifted with your willingness. This requires you getting out of your own way, taking off your masks, putting your ego to the side and truly surrendering to the fact that there might just be some good in the world.

A clear request for help within and without will help you gain some expansion on your challenges, and up your confidence to boot. The themes you will see coming through are of bright openings and sudden flashes of wisdom, intuition and clarity. Your ideas are sharp, but the clouds need to be cleared first – and the mist moves when you show up and take responsibility for your own experience, the ins and the outs. No, this doesn’t mean blaming yourself for anything; it means you get to decide not to blame anything or anyone externally.

The brightness you see is what you don’t want to miss, as your intelligence merges with your passion and creativity, which in turn blooms into fresh ideas and beneficial perspectives. Even those of you who really think there is no other way to see things, know deep down that there is. Your creativity and intuition is always your super power, so I also want you to check in with where those two aspects of the self are fuelled. If you believe your work can only be fuelled by your darkness, know that your light can match that. And if you are afraid to meet your fears, know that they have no roots.

Meanwhile, for those of you itching to spread the word then July is aligned well for you to own your voice and your talents – the path is being cleared for you to step into. Personal power comes from owning the moment, and allowing yourself to step into your ultimate authenticity. This energy links back to January and ideas that were forming then. Now is the time to own your talents, while not downplaying the work involved. So dive in fully – and absolutely do not put yourself or anyone else on a pedestal this month.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Aries / Aries Rising – Four of Wands

And here we are again. With the same card coming out from last month, I feel like you are one of the lucky ones as you get to continue to marinate in the positive and active energy that you’ve been conjuring up for yourself. Nevertheless there is always room to expand and extend our experience and this month, for you, the theme is really about finding your perfect balancing point. You know that you have the ideas and the inspiration, and you also know how easy it can be to feel overwhelmed – so I want to ask you about what other things you need to make consistent, alongside your non stop spinning of the work wheel.

Last month, you may have tapped back into some of your passion and spirit energy, noting moments where smiles were abundant and times you felt most in your body. How can aspects of these moments be brought into your daily life? Recognize that the more you center your self, the more easy it will be to ground and focus on what’s buzzing in your career. Again, it’s that journey of self-care, of discovering and rediscovering what does and doesn’t work for you – from the people you spend time with, to the way you manage your own thoughts.

I feel a strong healing focus coming though, and would like to encourage you to try out a different or unusual type of meditation or wellness practice – it seems that there is something undiscovered that will suit you over the next few months. It doesn’t have to be anything totally wacky (although some if you will like that) – it could be a really simple shift in your diet or movement practice, or spending more time with someone you find interesting.

Keep your mindset expansive to have an expansive experience. Remember your internal always reflects onto what is going on around you, so don’t worry too much about micromanaging other people – just trust in the decisions you make. And on the subject of ‘what to do first’ – really know that if you always pursue the thing that makes you the MOST excited, then it’s definitely the ‘right’ thing to do. You’ll find it easier to stick with your projects when passion is riding high – and as for everything that seems to be floating without direction, just know that it’s not going anywhere. Believe in the bigger picture and divine timing.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Taurus / Taurus Rising – The Moon

After two months really considering your own restrictions, July sends you even deeper into the soul and what’s going on behind the scenes. I’m seeing this as definitely a good thing, as the back and forth of constantly fighting with yourself or your surroundings probably wasn’t getting you anywhere. It will pay over the next few weeks to go beneath the surface and sideline some of your Earth energy for the more fluid Water elements.

In more practical terms, I invite you to engage in a more soulful self-care practice. Instead of sitting and making a hundred lists, stop, sit quietly and listen to the workings of your inner dialogue. Then, reclaim your power over it. The Moon only comes up when we will benefit from a trip into our subconscious, but I don’t encourage you to go down there and wallow – instead, use your meditation practice to impact on the material world. The aim here is to heighten your own levels of self trust, which in turn will help you trust the world around you.

You may have been feeling flighty recently and less able to make decisions than usual, which may have led to suspicions about certain personalities around you, and cumulated in an all-round ‘meh’ feeling. While it’s easy to get locked in a stubborn pattern of restrictive thoughts (see May and June) – you know very well that you prefer how you feel when you are enlivened by your own ideas and creativity. Exploring one’s own subconscious also heightens your dreams and elevates your imagination – which can only help you with all those things you have to get off the ground.

You may also enjoy the company of your more watery friends this month, so reach to your pals allow themselves to be ruled by feelings, and see how they manage their time. As you sit and value your mind a little more, you can ask yourself questions in regards to your current challenges. The aim is to allow your mind to stretch, so that you are able to receive help from new angles. What isn’t working in your personal segment of the world right now? Are you at least willing to look at this from a different perspective? Know that your ego will encourage you to stay static, but that your soul knows help is at hand. Be open to getting out your comfort zone.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Gemini / Gemini Rising – Nine of Pentacles

July brings some great strides in your career and material world, with more solid developments showing in the areas you’ve been placing your energy since the start of this year. You have really been assessing and reassessing your material world, so, how do you feel about your day-to-day life right now? How is your environment suiting you? Does you friendship circle feel stable? How are your anxieties about finances? Ultimately; are you feeling ‘at home’ or displaced? I want you to question all these things over the coming weeks, but with compassion. All roads on enquiry have to come from a source self-care.

With career in mind, the emphasis is on WHETHER YOU ARE HAVING FUN! So are you? Did you know you can love your work and feel fulfilled by it? Are you engaging with your days or wishing them away? If not, what subtle shifts could make a big difference to this? Don’t be afraid to want more, it’s okay to want nice things and to feel at home. You don’t need to feel guilty about wanting to feel comfortable.

Environment is actually everything. Everything. So how is your home life looking? And the people around you? How could there be more harmony? Spend time with those who lift you up and make sure you are lifting others too; communication should be elevating, so step aside from any pride, ego and dramatic thoughts, and return to loving kindness. Don’t feel guilty about giving less energy to situations that don’t feel good. Make your time the most valuable thing. Do you have a morning practice? If not, then the time to begin one is now.

Finally, you are exactly where you’re supposed to be, so stick with it. I hope you are starting to see the fruits of some of your labor, and in turn can keep checking in with how things feel to you. Always be guided by the ‘feels good’. This is also a month to be proud of yourself for the adjustments you have been making, it’s important to pat yourself on the back! Especially those of you who don’t feel you have a cheerleader in life. Remember that safety comes from within; you are your own superhero.

Have you bought your Astro Girl print yet? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Tarot Of The Holy Light deck

Gemini / Gemini Rising – Three of Pentacles

I’m going to be blunt with you this month birthday babes. It’s time to step into those dreams, grab onto what feels good and holy cow it’s time to own your voice. Please. Your purpose in this life is not to be unkind to yourself. Your purpose in this life is not to not show up for your journey. The start of a solar year is like your own private new year celebration, a time to spin that wheel again. Last month I encouraged you to get clear about what you need, rather than want – so what came up for you over the last few weeks? It’s likely a few intense feelings, and that is GOOD. Feelings link us directly to our intuition, so do not de-value any of them.

Over the next few weeks I feel that you have the opportunity to step up, especially where your career is concerned. It feels to me that people want what you have to give, whether you are willing to own a sense of confidence in this or not. You have a voice and it is time for it to be heard! No, this isn’t a call to step up on your soapbox, but it is a time to own your talents and also consider how you might want to be of service in this world. Life is your teacher and as you learn and heal through the cycles you experience, you are called to share and teach from your experiences – in order to keep the circle turning.

This sense of stepping up is wide and expansive, and it might be that you need to step up and honor the feelings you’ve been having recently. It’s also a perfect time to ask for help (in fact it always is) – so please don’t be afraid. Recognize that your light and dark are always aligned perfectly for you to move forwards. Allow the sunshine to be your anchor, and let your fears be free to fly away.
This is a wonderful month for you to educate yourself and others, and I believe any time you feel stuck or disconnected this month you’ll be able to guide yourself back onto your path by reading and researching.

As an Air sign, your brain needs to be kept well oiled. You need to feed your intellect and respect your ideas. How can you design your days and your space to complement your internal landscape? Finally – congratulations on being you! How often do you stop to congratulate yourself on having made it today? Do it now. You are on target, keep holding your steering wheel.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Cancer / Cancer Rising – Nine of Pentacles

Last month was a huge learning curve, wasn’t it? You were flying free, travelling, exploring externally and internally. What have you learned about yourself? Where do your roots want to dive in and grab hold of the Earth? Where have your thoughts been leading you? Are you still in flight or are you seeking a new home? The self-exploration earthquake has become familiar territory for you recently – a sense of shifting and shaking, versus steady grounding. Which do you prefer?

I can’t assume all of you want to be rooted in one spot, but home is your theme for the coming weeks – so consider what that really means to you right now. The energy here speaks of material successes, hinged on a theme of accepting what you need to feel at peace in your environment. Some of us need our favorite furniture, a huge space, the sea, the city. Some of us feel safest on the move, around unfamiliar spaces and absorbing new scenes. Where do you feel you sit right now?

I am uplifted by the energy for you over the coming weeks as I sense there will be a few moments where you can’t help but take that huge deep breath as you truly drop into the moment. Sometimes we miss these feelings if we are distracted, so keep yourself aware of moments that bring a slight tingling in the chest, a tear in your eye, or the urge to smile and weep at the same time. At these points, something is connecting, something is hitting home. Don’t be afraid, just observe and take note.

Recognize that you will grow in the spaces that feel like home, even if only for a few passing weeks. If you are feeling displaced in your location, you’re allowed to explore alternate options. And there are always alternate options – so think expansively. The coming days are in place for you to shout about your ideas and your discoveries. You will find great peace from voicing anxieties, epiphanies and victories, so share abundantly. Everything becomes stronger when it is able to breathe – you, your passions, your voice and your relationships. Notice any parts of your life that are feeling strangled and ask yourself what you need to free them up? You might feel the need to physically stretch, a lot, so stand and spread your arms out wide, open your chest, or lay on the floor in a star shape. Be fluid.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Leo / Leo Rising – Six of Pentacles

I’m surprised you haven’t had this card come up in the two years I’ve been writing these ‘scopes, but perhaps it means that this message and theme wil hit you even stronger over the coming weeks. You are being pushed to honor the concept of giving and receiving and the knowledge that this is how harmony is achieved.

Firstly, in relationships – which means friendships and all other points of human contact. How do you feel your communication is aligned? Are you running on empty whilst giving and giving? Do you often step into ‘martyr mode’ and complain that no one is supporting you, that everyone is draining you? Our energy levels are OUR CHOICE. Stepping into the ‘everyone is an energy vampire’ mindset is to step into victim mode, and forget that you are the director of your experience. If you truly feel that someone is draining you, then it’s time to shift your boundaries and support yourself, not complain about the person in question. Empower yourself with self-care, it is always the answer.

Moving onwards, up your energy with either more time alone spent inwardly exploring, and also more time with those who make you feel like you can fly. Your time is valuable and precious; spend it with people who make you feel alive and inspired. In times of energy crisis visualize that bubble of light around you! Energy protection works via awareness, the more you discover that you are an energetic being the more easy it is to keep yourself in your brightest space.

In matters of romance and dating, you want someone who can show up in person, not just via an emoji in a text. Think about that and claim your self worth. Do you find it difficult to ask for help or accept love in your life? Practice the art of receiving with simple steps. Allow friends to buy you coffee, and say thank you without an excuse when someone pays you a compliment. Finally this month, feel empowered from learning to say NO to things that don’t feel good for you. This creates space for things you want to say YES too! You are not require to do things to just please others, This is your story, so ask yourself – does this work for me? And if not – what are you going to do about it?

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Virgo / Virgo Rising – Page of Wands

Last month there was a strong theme of loss for you. Some of you faced heartbreak in all it’s forms, empowered and otherwise, others of you moved onwards physically with environmental shifts and career highs and lows. As the energy blends and shifts over the coming weeks, I feel you will start to feel your Fire element rise back up, as you gain positive energy from the changes that have occurred.

It may seem crazy to think that strength can be what shows up after a dip in energy, but know that your shifts are in place to strengthen your energy and give you tools for moving forwards. So firstly, how are you feeling? Self-care should always be a priority, which means looking after yourself and valuing and nurturing whatever you are feeling in the moment. If you need to take a break, a hide away, or simply to lay down a little, it’s safe to do so at the start of the month. Take that break now to allow the Fire element to keep building – and don’t worry, things aren’t going to start zooming ahead without you!

The energy in place for you is more about the return of your life force, your mojo, that inner drive and will that you know and love. Your wish to manifest big ideas and fun experiences is creeping back to you, and you are beginning to feel the light emerge from the shadows. How to honor this energy? Dip your toe in. This means taking note of your creative ideas, your smiles, and your passions. Nothing comes into your consciousness without reason – these are things to work with. So what is on your mind? What is ready to explode from your heart? It is seed-planting time, and I feel you might want to nudge a few powerful soul urges out of hiding.

Your dreams may also be visionary this month, so keep a notepad by your bed and scribble away in the morning, enjoy un-puzzling the symbols into concrete ideas. Finally, choose your company wisely this month. It doesn’t suit you to downgrade your personality or try to ‘fit in’. Where are your soulmates at? Melt into good company and note how it expands not only your experience, but also your visions for your future – share your biggest ideas, let others support you until your wings strengthen again. Be powered from your darkness but catapult yourself towards the Sun.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Libra / Libra Rising – Eight of Wands

This month brings in a brighter and more joyful energy for you, especially with many of you having been wading neck deep through quicksand recently. It feels like a lightning bolt effect coming in. It may be that you become very present with the lessons that have been chipping away at you since the start of the year, and some ‘ah ha’ moments just suddenly swoop in. These might be way more simple than you think too -often we expect (and sometimes desire) everything to be so complicated, but the answers we are yearning for are frequently so simple, it’s easy for us to miss them.

In moments of self-sabotage it may be hard to discover and accept that your goal is merely to be kind to yourself. How can that help me, you ask? Enlightenment is reached through self-awareness and knowledge; and you may need to try out some deep and loving compassion for yourself and your experiences to understand this.

On a creative and communicative level, this month is a good time to reconnect with others, especially if you’ve been hiding out in your hermit’s cave for a while. Just put the feelers out to those nearest and dearest, suggesting a coffee or maybe even requesting a shoulder to cry on. Career wise, how about returning to that project you abandoned, but still love? Can you infuse it with a renewed sense of positive energy and loving commitment? Don’t fear failure, only remember that there is no such thing.

Following in this vein, keep prepping for the rest of the year – but with no restrictions, and less pressure than you sometimes put on yourself. Just enjoy doing what you do, or discovering what you enjoy doing. The Fire element is very strong for you at the moment, so finding some time to put into fun and passion projects is encouraged, as well as the confidence to share them with the world. I always love the energy of this card because it brings assertive movement and is here to remind you that things are moving ahead, even for those of you who feel well and truly STUCK. In fact, have you considered how that stuck feeling is also a form of movement, as time is still passing, you are still learning, your thoughts are still valuable. Something is brewing, and everything is a perfectly aligned now to propel you into your superhero self.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Scorpio / Scorpio – Two of Swords

The Scorpio/Taurus axis is particularly strong this month, in regards to inner questioning and fear recognition. It feels a little like a whirlwind right now, and frustrating for you, because as an intuitive you aren’t so comfortable with so much thinking. Where are all the feelings? It’s time to work with your thoughts though, to respect that headspace, even if your brainwaves are pushing your limits at the moment and clarity seems just like a fuzzy idea you were familiar with once.

A practice of of patience within your impatience is going to be the challenge. To remember that perhaps the various crossroads you see in front of you are perfectly placed, and that any feelings of frustration are indeed of value.If it feels like you are at a crossroads, then there must be a sign post; whether you can see it or not is a different matter. It’s easy to feel unsupported or disillusioned when you aren’t sure where you are headed, and that’s okay. How about you start by remembering the web of the past and how it got you here today. Was everything predicted? Did it all go the way you planned? Maybe not – but was it perfect? Hell yes, and right now is no different.

How tight is the blindfold you’re wearing? Looser than you thought, I believe. It feels to me that the answers are right in front of you if you’d like to tune into them. This is where it’s time to blend what your head is telling you with what’s going on in your heart space, remembering that clarity is a combination of a perfect thought and a strike of intuition. So it’s time to open your eyes fully and reconnect. The last month may have sidelined you from your meditation practice, with a lot of being there for others and not as much alone time as you’re used to.

June is the month to reclaim your introvert, slam back down on that cushion, start journalling and get back to listening to all the guidance you know you already have inside of you. Remember there are no bad choices, so don’t be afraid to commit to one thing and just see where it takes you. You may find that all your other inspirations start to pivot and blend together, and it really isn’t the mess that you thought was taking over. Most of all, remember you’ve got this. This isn’t a crisis point, it’s a power shift.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Three of Cups

Did you know that compassion is pretty much the solution to everything? This month is about pouring love and kindness upon it all, you included. It’s also a chance for the most skeptical and morose of you to engage in an energy experiment. This experiment is about perception, and about choosing to see everything from your most loving place. For those of you who fear or sneer at the prospect of thinking positively, I’d like to reframe the concept of thinking ‘high.’

Approaching life or experiences with a wide-eyed outlook does not set you up for loss, or in some way lower your IQ. All that happens is that you are afforded the best possible viewpoint; to think positively is to view the world as if you have climbed that little bit higher. You get to see everything a little more clearly and with a wider lens. Which sounds GREAT to me. So yes, June is a rose tinted month, and with this in mind I hope you’ll be inspired to balance out any challenges with some serious fun. Again, you need to be of full creative vision to remind yourself to notice the small but great moments that sometimes pass you by every day.

A great example of this is PAWS. Cat paws, dog paws, animal feet in general – works of pure joy, right?! But on a more serious note, the Universe is quite interested in you diving into the good stuff and also patting yourself on the back. I feel a few of you have things to celebrate, even what you deem as a small victory is still a victory, right? On the romance front meanwhile, this is the ideal energy for a swoon alert to be sent out. Practice some good old-fashioned dates with your nearest and dearest, focusing on creating a no pressure kind of comfort zone. If you’re currently pursuing someone where even you can’t even force the spark to ignite, then it’s not worth your time. Be in love with yourself instead – it’s much more fun.

And on the subject of self-love and going hand-in-hand with this compassionate theme, you may find yourself in the throes of some nostalgia-induced waterworks at the start of the month. Don’t fear that this is a sign you’re going backwards, these feelings are coming up and out as part of a much needed clearing process – leaving an open space that’s now ready to be filled with new opportunities and connections.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – King of Cups

As you continue to be pushed out of your restrictive comfort zone, there’s no let up in June. These next few weeks feel to me as though they are going to bring a cascade of feelings, full on Water element waves and waterfalls. As a water sign myself, when I think of this I get uplifted and excited but I know as someone who likes to exercise a little more control can seem like you’re losing it when tears are shed or you’re experiencing feelings of overwhelm.

I’d love you to approach this part of being human in a new way. Think about adrenaline, and how we get a rush of it when we’re anxious but also when we feel the freedom and excitement of a rollercoaster. These feelings of fear and love mirror each other, and are therefore perfectly connected. If you feel waves of overwhelm, consider how you might be able to channel them into pure unbridled excitement. It is possible and you are totally able to experiment with that idea.

Mastering the water element also means employing a judgment free mindset, and being unapologetic about boundaries and desires this month. It’s important that you call in a positive selfishness and commit to following intuitively what you need. It’s not a time to keep putting others first, or to downplay your thoughts and feelings. In fact, it’s time to up the stakes, put the crown upon your head and own your worth. You see, when you truly value everything that’s within and around you anxiety dissipates. Rather than suddenly lose control, accepting yourself as a human with a full rainbow spectrum of vulnerabilities and emotional responses is to discover the true meaning of self-empowerment.

The experiences you have over the coming weeks are in place for you to connect to a deeper level of your soul and to finally shift yourself out of a more static place into a way of living and thinking that is more ‘in flow’ for you. Yes, change can make you insane, but it’s always a good thing. Never forget that you are designed to evolve, and that you aren’t supposed to know what the future holds. To have everything set in stone would mean that life – a place to explore and behold – would lose its purpose. Enjoy it all.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – Three of Wands

Following on from last month’s manifesting action theme, June brings in the magic of expansion along with some Fire energy, which are essentially the cogs on the wheel to all you’ve been pondering and planting recently. This brings the boost you need, along with an influx of fun. I always feel a deep sigh of relief when I pull this card because it is so expansive, so generous and so full of growth potential. This is how I would love you to see your life right now – and yeah, I know that may seem a little too full of the joys of spring, but still, I hold that thought for you.

Expansion has become such an important word for me, in fact it’s the word that I’ve allowed to become the master of my life. Along with a steady surrender practice, thinking expansively has the potential to turn most challenges into something you can work with and most blocks into a breakthrough. This is what’s in store from you this month, if you can be willing to switch to this mindset too. I’d like you to cast your eyes to the rest of this year and over some of the ideas you’ve been having. How many of them have you already sidelined because of a fear of failure or disappointment?

I want you to pick up any lost creative passions and see how you can infuse a sense of gallant excitement back into the game. Recognize that areas of your life that feel lack luster and stale require a different approach or perception. It’s no use repeating a tired pattern that you know doesn’t work for you. Whether it’s in your career, your health or your relationships, there is always a new way you could be looking at something; which goes hand-in-hand with an attitude of, well, why the heck not? Most things that could be beneficial are worth a try, right?

I always feel that if things aren’t feeling that great, or you aren’t feeling that well, then you may as well give change a shot, because chances are it will lead you somewhere better than the mud you’ve got stuck in.
So June is here for you to play with, to stretch out your fears and dream tremendously high, to expand your horizons, to travel, internally and externally. Open up the windows of your subconscious and let yourself loose. I’m excited to see what new opportunities might fly in when you set your default to ‘YES’.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Pisces / Pisces Rising – Ten of Swords

Oh yep, another shift of cycles for you my watery companion – do I say that a lot? Well that’s exactly as it should be when youre the most free-flowing member of the zodiac. You are perfectly designed to shift from one space to another; you just don’t always realize it. The month of June kicks you into a new energy that will carry you away from recent bumps and clunks. The feeling is that your lower level feelings will become a distant memory as something much more exciting and creative takes over your brain waves. I am feeling rainbows and light when I tune into you, and to receive this energy you do need to burst the restrictive bubble you may be sitting in right now.

It could be the Mercury Retrograde that’s at play until June 11, or just the old romantic in you, but it seems like some of you have been paying a little too much attention to the past, in a kind of rose-tinted lens kind of way. Know that if you chose to move forward then, you didn’t do so in vain. You made an empowered choice and it’s okay to stick with that. There are better things ahead, especially better than melancholy nostalgia trip. You also are encouraged to not replay events and try to rewrite them in your mind. There is no need to ‘fix’ a failure – everything aligned as it was supposed to. Trust in this.

Okay yes, I know you’re the master of the dream state and I’m not here to rain on that parade. I’m just pushing you to allow your intuition and artistic elements to step boldly into the future. Isn’t it more exciting to create the new than replay the old? This is the central theme of the month I feel, you having one eye on designing the months ahead as you intend them to play out; using a combination of super vision and concrete clarity.

I feel that you have the option to really shift what has seemed like never never land, into actual concrete form and I soooo love the sound of that. I feel that by the end of the month you will have received some serene clarity on the confusion of recent months, and along with that a big injection of confidence. I also feel that you have the opportunity to accept a shift in your relationship with your own subconscious, especially those of you who are out of touch with your own psychic gifts. A final thought: tune in = turn on.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Aries / Aries Rising – Four of Wands

The perfect follow on to the ‘match striking’ aspects of May; as all those ideas are now expanding and developing into reality, perhaps even at quite an alarming rate. The energy you’re channeling right now is very much that of the juggler, and I feel that some of you might also be feeling a little afraid that everything is about to fall down on top of you? A LOT of deep breaths have probably been required in the last week. But do you know the very best thing to do when you feel like you’re holding everything by a tiny thread? Let it fall, give it up…surrender, of course.

Trust that releasing your anxiety-ridden grip won’t cause chaos, but rather will give you a chance to rub your eyes and see with a clearer and more expansive perspective. It does kinda make sense, right? Anyway the true essence of this energy is celebration! So it seems that some of what you have up in the air is pretty damn impressive and full-on exciting. You might not be able to see the benefits while your head is down in the trenches working away, but know that bit-by-bit your empire is building and things are coming into effect; yeah yeah probably not on your time frame of course! Blame Mercury Retrograde (until June 11) if you like – everyone else does!

So yes, June sees good times, parties, wellbeing, love and joy all flooding in, so I’d also like to float the idea of taking a mini break. Should I whisper that? I see your head bob up, ‘wait, can I really take a vacay and STOP FOR ONE MOMENT?’ Yes, in fact I’m encouraging it. When you have so much on your plate it can feel like there’s no way you are allowed to do something for yourself, but I promise you it will enable you to get even more done. You need these breaks and you are granted permission.

It’s also this little nudge to remind you that often you get your best ideas when you’re out socializing and chatting to people, right? Don’t some of your best epiphanies come in the midst of conversation, when your mind starts whizzing and you feel the need to grab your iPhine and make a few notes to self? So allow yourself those social prompts to get you into your best flow. It’s a win-win situation really, and I’m pretty excited to see what you come up with.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse

Taurus / Taurus Rising – Eight of Swords

Okay so we have a repetition on our hands, as this is the same card as last month – so of course your energy is on a similar wavelength, and that is truly okay. You are going through a process and having some more time to work on this will be very beneficial. I feel lke things have moved into a new space though, as you’ve been getting present with your fears and may have experienced some inspiring nudges out of your comfort zone recently – which have been pretty eye opening, right? It’s very beneficial for you right now to be dipping your toes in all that’s new and unfamiliar, as it’s just so good for your self-development.

As you experiment with different ways of thinking and communicating, it’s likely you’ll discover new and maybe improved methods that enlighten and brighten your experience. I’d also like for you to think about the concept of ‘crossed wires,’ as this seems to be prevalent for you right now. In the past six months, have there been some major shifts based on to’ing and fro’ing via text and email? Perhaps even too much communication not in person. It’s easy to get into this habit, but it’s not always the best way to get your authentic voice or message across. Over the next few weeks it will help you to practice actually voicing your plans, dreams and adventures IN PERSON.

Sharing without fear of judgment helps you really step into a new type of confidence in your own personality and weird (but completely valid) ways. You may also discover that people aren’t as annoying as you thought; remember, everything is based upon perception, and assumptions truly can cause chaos. So with all this in mind, just keep going as you were, working on everything you’ve already got going on, but a little more open to new perceptions having redesigned a few of your own stagnant thought patterns.

You are still working on a few personal blocks, and by approaching them with new thoughts and new forms of expression you are bound to receive some sort of breakthrough. On the other side of your most bewildering blind spots is your own bright and beaming light, your own superpower and route to success. The intriguing discoveries you make over the coming weeks are fertilizer for your best self – keep remembering that this life is your schoolyard and playground. So what can you learn today?

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Ready to explore your awakening, but unsure where to start? Hairdresser-turned-Shamanic-practitioner Wolf Sister shares a simple formula to start you on your healing path…Images: Johnny Abegg


*Are you at a point in your life where you want to instigate some positive change?
*Are your usual pastimes or achievements feeling a bit lacklustre?
*Do you keep finding yourself back in a perpetuating rut?
*Are you curious enough to dip your toe in the pool of awakening, but not quite sure if you’re ready to dive fully in…yet?

Maybe the thought of making changes in your life seems overwhelming, and you feel like you don’t know where to start.

It’s likely you find yourself looking at others, and comparing your journey to theirs. But everyone’s path is unique, and it’s so important to find what feels right for YOU. This way, you can have what you think ‘they have’ and MORE.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned on my healing journey so far has been to break it all down into bite-sized goals. Think; what can you do NOW? How can you make yourself feel better today?

So write down some simple steps, and then play pick and mix, choosing one or two to start off with. Focus on what feels good for you, and at the same time be brave enough to step just outside of your comfort zone (this is usually where the juiciest life results occur).

Making significant life changes requires a certain amount of tenacity, surrender, and commitment, as well as a whole lotta self-love – these are the key ingredients for positive transformation. There follows below a simple formula to get you started…


:: READ ::
There’s a plethora of self-development books out there to help you find the healing path that’s right for you. I’ve noticed that the books we need will often find their way to us. Either by a friend’s recommendation, as a gift, the fact they appear in recurring adverts, or maybe simply by catching our eye in the book store. Books are a great and portable way of absorbing new information, and getting inspired about new ways of living.

Have you been feeling anxious and overwhelmed? The quickest fix is to stop, drop (sit or lie down) …and meditate! Just a few minutes of regular meditation can help you develop more clarity and balance in times of stress and chaos. Meditation isn’t just for gurus and ‘enlightened’ beings. You can do it too, and you don’t have to sit in silence for hours to get the benefits.

It’s time to get moving. If you’ve been feeling sluggish and stuck mentally and emotionally, physical activity will boosts those feel good vibes – a.k.a. endorphins. Exercise is also a great way of practising active meditation, encouraging you to focus on a single task and bringing your consciousness nicely into the present moment. Regular exercise can result in increased self-confidence, improved sleep, increased energy, and life vitality.


What we put in our body has a great impact on how we feel. With processed food, the sugar high or full feeling wears off quickly, and will leave you feeling sluggish and low. If the old saying goes – ‘you are what you eat’ – what do you want to be? Colorful and radiating high vibrations, or over-processed and beige? You don’t have to become vegan overnight or suddenly break up with all of the sweet treats you love. Just start by adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet and drinking more water. Now see how you feel and go from there.

There’s almost no avoiding our social media feeds, but is what you’re following inspiring you or weighing you down? Focus on finding feeds that light you up and inspire you and only then click ‘follow/like.’ This way you can make sure that when you’re having a bad day or just killing time, you’ve got an online treasure trove of good vibes to pick you up and keep you going.

Working with a therapist, in whatever modality you are drawn to (Counselling, Psychotherapy, Shamanic healing, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Tarot, Light Grids etc) will help you tap into unseen layers of yourself. With the awareness of your emotional/mental/energetic blocks these modalities bring, you will be better equipped to dissipate any restrictions that may have been influencing your life until now.


Having regular sessions with a healer encourages you to make time for yourself, escape from your everyday routine, and step into your soul-journey. How to find the right therapist for you? It’s easy healers on the Internet now, and lots also work via Skype, so you aren’t limited to people working in your locale. When choosing a healer or therapist, they should be someone that resonates with you. It’s VERY important that you feel comfortable with your choice, and there needs to be a strong sense of trust – so really listen to your gut.

Time to find your tribe! At group gatherings such as workshops and talks, you are creating an opportunity to meet like-minded souls and honouring your journey by taking time out of your ‘real’ life to learn about more about the subjects that truly ignite your spirit. Your friends may not be on the same journey as you at the moment, but don’t let that hold you back. Be bold enough to go on your own – and be open to making some new friends!

As you embrace where your spiritual journey wants to take you, it’s likely you’ll begin to feel happier, and so the world around you will begin to vibrate on the same frequency. This is when the law of attraction kicks into action, and more magic starts heading straight for you! So make sure you surround yourself with all the things that inspire you, and people that support your healing journey. Don’t forget…THE UNIVERSE IS SUPPORTING YOU, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!

What was the gateway to your healing journey? Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and share your story!


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Wild Unknown Tarot Deck.

Taurus / Taurus Rising – Eight of Swords

Perhaps you’ve noticed…after new beginnings or points of change, the fears come rushing in. The doorbell goes and there’s anxiety number one fear – and what’s more, he’s brought all his friends with him! The good news is that this is NORMAL. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to devalue your feelings? Tell yourself you ‘should’ feel fine, or that other people have things worse? To the other extreme, maybe when you don’t feel good you reach straight for the punishment card and tell yourself you’re not good enough or that you’re broken.

The month of May is here to let you know that whatever is coming up for you right now, it’s supposed to be there. You may feel like you’re moving backwards because an old habit has reared its head. NOPE, still moving forwards. However, whatever has come up has its place in your journey and needs to be valued. This is your time to be empowered, to get to know those fears and to work with them. You realize that when your fears are familiar then they can no longer be scary right? So go on, open that door and get to work.

So what’s the higher purpose of all this? It represents a clear-out for you. You’ve committed to change, you’ve taken a leap of faith, and now the decks need to be cleared because you NEED the space. Don’t be afraid to breathe and let go. As in surrender, and give up to the flow of things; you don’t need to strangle the space around you. Your spring clean is for the purpose of transformation and no process of metamorphosis has ever felt comfortable. It takes effort and courage to crack through that eggshell, or to step out of the cocoon.

Moments of stillness are also part of the process, so if you feel stuck, disconnected, or off beat – embrace it. It’s easy to only associate action with forward motion, but this period of stop, start, anxiety, overwhelm, nonsense, sense – it’s all part of the big picture, fueled by a higher love. Your only job is to accept this, and not to devalue what is coming up and out. You are never the victim, you are the super star in this scenario. Find yourself a symbol of transformation, be it a butterfly or a phoenix. Hold tight and breathe strong. All is coming up golden.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – Eight of Pentacles

Are you feeling bored? Uninspired? Got itchy feet, and want to know what’s next? I feel that you’ve stepped into a space where you’re ready for some new skills and new knowledge, and that this has inspired a renewed faith in your journey. It’s a great space to be, and it’s intricately laid with opportunities. Your best path ahead is to just allow yourself to feel clear about what YOU need. Need, not want – when you focus on what you need, you clear a path directly to your intuitive self, a soul connection. It’s quicker, easier and more comfortable. So, what do you need right now?

Don’t judge the answer when it appears – it’s often more simple than we expect. Sometimes what you need is just to lie on the floor, to have a cup of tea, to scream at the top of your lungs, to stretch out, or to look up. The deeper need is created from what you are being called to learn and explore right now – and the month of May is all about learning. For some of you this will appear in the most obvious sense, actual education. So what classes do you fancy signing up for? What skills would benefit you right now? It’s a good time for soaking up information, be it a lecture, book, or even a practice that helps you just tune in to your inner soul system.

On a deeper level this month is about recommitting to your journey and trusting the web that you are weaving. Time is never wasted, but if it were it would be any time spent worrying about what others think of you, or devaluing your time. Your life is about the exploration of you, and upping your own self-awareness so you can be of a greater good. Your month will likely highlight what parts of your past you need to forgive and to accept as a meaningful piece of this puzzle. Remember that forgiveness is an act of freedom for you, it’s actually all about self love.

Finally – under the theme of education comes teaching. Life is about cycles, so it’s also time for you to consider what you want to give back, what you feel enthused to share, on a personal and professional level. Some knowledge you’ve gained recently is going be helpful to someone you know; this is another reminder to you that everything is aligned exactly as it should be – so speak up.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – The Lovers

The first key theme for your month is a return to self-love and grace, a return to a level of high personal trust. Why? Because you’ll need this when faced with some important decision-making. I want you to know that you’re always capable of making a choice that will be right for you. You don’t need anyone else to tell you what you ‘should’ do. You’ve got this – well, your inner soul system has, you just may not have caught up with it yet.

I want you to work with the word FREEDOM this month, and what makes you soar. What parts of your life feel like they’re flying up, up, up, and where do you feel deflated? There needs to be enough of the soaring to keep you balanced when faced with any anxiety, so keep reconnecting to your spirit (what lights you up) as often and as much as possible. This isn’t a frivolous activity, it’s an essential part of essential feeling good and empowered in the face of your challenges.

On the subject of new connections, whether in love or business this is a month where you may find that you are attracted to far and distant lands, travel and adventure. It’s not as simple as ‘you’ll meet someone on a beautiful white beach’ – we’re talking a much more interesting level of self-discovery. The travel theme (whilst this may relate to actual physical travel for some of you) is that you’re being called to uncover what and whom you need to fly beside you as you continue your great adventure. Just check to be sure you aren’t hauling someone on your back who should have been left behind a while ago. Spend time with those who lift you up and encourage you to feel more alive, more empowered and full of inspired strength. This is the best flight path and the one that will support you.

With these ideas in mind, know that as you leave behind the paths that just don’t feel right behind, you’re migrating to fresh and open spaces. Choose to view the space ahead of you as holding something that you need – it may just be that you don’t what it is yet. As you leap into the unknown, either your wings will form or you will be caught; trust that this is real, no matter what your fears are chiming in with.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Leo / Leo Rising – Strength

A common theme in your life that only you will know is coming back into play this month, and you may well recognize it from this time last year. It feels to me that it’s common for you to experience your biggest shifts at this point in the year, just before the season changes and you head towards your solar return. It’s ad if you can feel warrior and the fighter building up within you, and so it’s time to check in with where you’re channeling your fire energy and the efforts of your highest self.

I feel that many of you are going to be called to step up your game as a teacher and a healer this month – it’s time to really be of service, babe. Remember that you can be of service in all walks of life; this doesn’t literally mean you have to become a coach or an energy worker. Being of service is about how you choose to view the world around you and your position in it. Are you angry? Are you feeling like a victim? Are you feeling restricted, or expansive of mindset?

I feel that in order for you to settle into the path that you’ve chosen, or want to choose for yourself, there needs to be an underlying theme of self-healing. In what ways have you been hard on yourself recently? Can you perform a self-forgiveness ceremony? YES you can. First, locate where you have been restricting yourself or your abilities, and write this down on a piece of white paper. Sit with the paper and take one deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth. As you exhale, say; “I forgive myself for the pressure and restrictions I have placed upon myself. I know that within forgiveness lies freedom. I am ready to feel free.” Take another deep breath, scrunch up that paper and either burn it (SAFELY!) or throw it in the nearest trashcan.

Now, smile. If you need to perform this exercise every day then go ahead, this is a safe surrender exercise and will help to release anxiety and criticism. And what are you going to do with this newfound sense of self, this big, wide expansive space inside? Start filling it with all the good stuff, the work you’re impassioned about, the activities you adore, and the people you can’t bear to be without. Oh and be sure to always leave a little room just for you.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – Three of Swords

I feel that emotions are going to be running high throughout May my earthy friends, so it will be important to remember that feelings are normal, and good! Feeling feelings is even greater, and whatever is swimming around you right now needs to be felt. It seems as though there is something, however great or small, that you’ve been putting off addressing. It might be a really old fear that’s hanging about like a lost dog, or something brand new and so overwhelming that you just don’t even want to say hello to it. For many of you though, I feel it will be a bunch of little niggling doubts that are really only present because you’re moving forwards at full force. As we march on, we need to be constantly letting go and spring-cleaning. It’s normal and it feels good if we let it.

Your fears of disappointment or loss are wayyy less intense than the highs you will experience when you give in to what feels good. It’s the little things that are going to help, the safety nets you know you have in place, and the sense of trust that you’ve always had things in the bag. No, but seriously, you really know how to own your own story! Right now is no different.

I also want to ask whether you’re also allowing yourself to really feel all the GOOD THINGS happening in your world right now! Hell yeah the good stuff, the cascades of high fives and ‘ah-ha’ moments. Of course, there’s also the worry about whether things will still be okay and people will still like you if you evolve and change. YES is the simple answer. It’s easy to fear really embracing everything that’s going right, because you know, ‘what if’ it gets taken away again! It’s a common concern, but it has no root in reality – thinking positively or embracing the good doesn’t up the chances of experiencing a down.

In fact, I’m pretty convinced from my own experiences that when you get all starry eyed and proud of your greatness you stretch out the space around you to hold more and feel even better. It’s at least worth a try, right? So your job is to bathe in your own glory AND feel all your anxieties and overwhelm. Oh and surrender, surrender forever. Make like me, and wake up and shout ‘I SURRENDER’ in your bed. It may not look cool (or does it?) but it sure feels good to start the day by tuning in to your most expansive self.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – Ten of Swords

As May begins I feel you are SO ready to release some pressure, and for that brain fog to clear a bit. I sense you’ve been head-in-the-sand for a little while, at least in one area of your life. Overwhelm can be a frequent occurrence for you when you’re trying to find your balance, and you know the up-up and the down-down quite well. It’s time for the cycle to shift into a brighter space, and that’s what this month’s energy is bringing you, a glimpse of clarity. Whatever you feel defeated by, know that this is the point where everything changes. Well, where everything can change.

So what can you do to feel less stressed out and more clear? First up, the classic – up your self-care practices. I’ve realized when we feel the most stuck or annoyed we get so locked in our fears that we start to believe there’s no such things as a simple solution. This is also why we’re so quick to mistrust our intuition, because surely it can’t be that simple? Can it? Yeah, well, it can, and this is why looking after yourself and valuing your time and abilities is the first point of call – whatever you are feeling (yes even if it’s AWESOME). So, renew your morning practice. Meditation is for everyone, including you; and it’s really just about valuing your time. So how can you do that? Can you start each day with even five minutes of sitting by yourself, before you jump on your phone?

Meanwhile, lets talk about how GREAT clarity is. It’s not something you can necessarily search for, or hope to achieve as a result of somebody else’s actions. Clarity is attained when you simply say ‘yes’ to trusting your feelings – which in turn means honoring your journey and slamming yourself into the present moment. Clarity is received when you commit to getting aligned with yourself, so yeah the whole self care thing brings actual results via an increases in your sense of personal power and self-confidence.

You see, although you may be waiting on external things, it doesn’t mean you can’t be confident about the way things feel on the inside, and in doing so renew your trust in your path. Oh and P.S. This is also a month for a serious truth exercise. In what ways aren’t you being authentic, and how can you change that up? It isn’t called a leap of faith for nothing.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio – Son of Wands

This month echoes a lot of what April was about for you because things still feel very action based. However, whereas April was trying to push you into where you wanted to place your will, May is about you giving yourself permission to really dive in and kick off the experience yourself. This is a fire-driven, passion-fuelled month and likely to be pretty jam-packed – and while you may feel overwhelmed at times but it’s all going to be good. I feel lit up just writing this, so I know you’re being called to a more self-confident place. Also that the veils of spirit connection are going to be finer for you this month, so expect a greater tune in with your highest self. YEAH!

In order for things to really feel good, I want you to access the parts of your own fire element you feel uncomfortable with. You may be struggling with anger and irritability, scared of failure if you follow your dreams, or terrified of moving forward within dating or a relationship. Fire is balanced with water so you’ll find that compassion is usually helpful in almost all fire-related overwhelm – even if it’s not what we always reach for naturally.

But being compassionate to your anxieties you discover how you can self-soothe. For anger and irritation, acknowledge the anger sensation in the body, so it can be forgiven and then expressed in a creative or energetic way (hello running, sex, artwork). As for following those dreams – all I can say is DIVE IN, you won’t be disappointed. As a Scorpio you are designed to be successful at change! And for those dating dilemmas, measure up how annoyed you’ll be if you stay in your comfort zone versus the really great things that might lie ahead once you remember how amazing you are.

Reach for inspiration from those who seem to embody energy that you seek. Tell them how great they are, and as you lift them up, remember that they are your mirror and that you are shining equally bright. In fact, this is your natural state. Growing pains are normal but diamonds need to be polished. Rise up and show up for all of your anxieties, but don’t forget to show up for the good stuff too. It’s time to own everything you’ve been working on over the past six months and choose to move with confidence.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Three of Wands

In true Sag style, your eyes are truly off in the distance right now, with daydreams and future visions on your mind big time. And why not? You have to dream BIG right? Yes, and this month you are fully supported in looking ahead with a great expansive vision. So where are the limits? They can only be created if you put restrictions on the possible outcomes of what you want. The power of manifesting lies in surveying the scene, getting clear on what you want and need, and then setting about taking action in the present moment. The rest is without roots for now, and you’ll feel most empowered in acknowledging those future wants yet embracing all that is NOW. It feels fun, I’m excited for all the magic making you’re doing now and beyond!

I feel that with this sense of expansion in the air there are going to be a number of opportunities to get you out of your comfort zone. For some of you this may come in the form of ideas and contracts being offered to you that are somewhat different to what you’re used to. The great thing is that it’s all up to you. Think about what you will enjoy most, and what will you learn from? What will help you to grow the most in your desired direction?

For those of you who feel stuck, know that it’s only because you are blinkered in someway. This blinkering may be coming from within – do you have a case of the tunnel visions? Or does the block seem to be in the form of a situation or another person? Do you feel stuck because you’re waiting for somebody else to make their move? Recognize that the stuck feelings are actually a valuable part of the process. Just because things aren’t full speed ahead, it doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. Ponder on that for a while and trust it.

Meanwhile I hope that nearer the end of the month you’ll start getting a few more answers, but you must keep asking questions too. Don’t mess around wondering ‘what if’ – start acting and educating yourself today. Knowledge is power and self-knowledge is personal power. Oh and I don’t want to forget to add that this month is pretty great for having fun, especially for those of you with more of a controlling edge. I hate to say loosen up a little…BUT how about just shaking it all out a little more? Laughter is one of our human superpowers.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Hierophant

Oh my great Capricorn! I love seeing this energy for you this month, because it’s one that you often resist the most – but it’s exactly what you need right now. It’s a month to ask for help.Yes, help – guidance, therapy, love, support, care; whatever you want to call it, it’s time to seek what you need. This is also about external help, as it feels like the pressure might need to be lifted off your friends and family. You will benefit from a third party to call a safe place. Now, this isn’t because those around you can’t or don’t want to help, it’s just that you’ll need them on the flip side really to laugh and feel the joy with too. When you can get some external support, then you get a sense of freedom and fun returning to your closest relationships.

There are different levels to this ask for support. Some of you may end up screeching it from the rooftops and others of you dropping hints all over, hoping someone might notice. To empower your own voice, sit and ask yourself what you NEED right now. Do you need a good listening to, or some bodywork, or nutritional nourishment? Maybe you need some help tuning back into your creative spirit or coaching for your business or work situation. Remember also that guidance can come in many forms, and it doesn’t have to break the bank. Read, write, walk, and open up.

What I’m feeling is that someone outside your usual circle may offer you the sweetest gem of wisdom, maybe even totally unexpectedly, so you just need to slot yourself into a place of receiving – which I know isn’t always easy for you.

In the meantime, on the flipside there are plenty of you who are in the role of the helper, and perhaps have been overextending yourself, putting everyone else’s needs first. This only leads to feelings of lack, so fill yourself up as much as possible before returning to your work. If you’re happy and feeling energized though, perhaps you’re one of the ones being called to step up and share more. Are you ready to be of service and be the catalyst for change? If you feel that call, then know people are waiting for you and they need you and your work, whatever it is. Time to take that step.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – Son of Pentacles

May brings through a steady grounding energy that you’re really in need of right now. Did April bring in the rattles of change? I want you to start the month by committing to a pressure-free mindset. It’s so easy to pile on the goals and restrictions, in some kind of ‘I must move forward’ panic. But actually just stopping and centering yourself is essential in a time of change – whether it’s exciting or challenging.

Yes, there are a million and one things you ‘could’ and ‘should’ be doing, but nothing will feel smooth unless you ground the process. Step one is the acknowledgement of what has been happening over the last few weeks. For some of you it might be really processing big moves and for others it’s just taking a compassionate check in with your feelings and acknowledging where you’re at in terms of a balanced mind, body, spirit connection.

The next thing is to get yourself back into a positive manifesting mind set with the understanding that time is stretchy. If you feel ‘put upon’ it’s because you’ve forgotten to value your own time. Again, even with all the stuff you need and want to do, taking time for yourself is the golden ticket, you’ll get more done I swear. Just try it even if you aren’t really convinced. You can also use the mantra ‘I have all the time that I need’ when you feel overwhelmed by any to-do lists.

What I feel coming through for you strongly as well this month is a sense of confidence and trust in your own choices. This is a nod and a wink to say, it’s okay, you’re safe to keep moving on based upon the choices you’ve made for yourself. Did you shift things up for a greater quality of life? Did you decide to commit more to your own sense of self worth? YES, so there are no bad choices you see! Trust in this steady process and if your fears try and whisk you away, know it’s okay to ground down again. Slowly and steadily choose to not let your fears take the lead, you are on a new path and it’s forming solid ground. In fact, you may just start to feel like you’re growing some roots for the first time in forever.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Six of Swords

Things are continuing to uplift and simplify for you Pisces, and no that doesn’t mean that things are super relaxed and stress free. BUT you certainly aren’t down in the deep waters you’ve experienced before. You are more empowered than you have been in recent years, and perhaps consider the fact that having all these things to attend to and all these feelings to feel might just be a sign that you are fully experiencing your life!

May is a month for really recognizing what it is you need to feel good, and then standing within your inner strength and owning it. You have things ahead that you will have to show up for, events that will require your full present moment attention, and aren’t you excited to just be there? So this energy is also about gratitude and self-assurance. I want you to stop and be proud of yourself and how you’ve navigated certain things, which maybe you didn’t know you could. Just because life doesn’t seem ‘perfect’, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t exactly where you’re supposed to be and can’t see great things ahead.

There is also a strong sense of mind, body, spirit recalibration as you move forward towards a more positive place for you. The strength you receive will come as you realize that you just aren’t that interested in drama and complications anymore. You might also have to come face-to-face with what situations YOU pull the drama card in – but this can only be great self-development for you. Alongside this though you can realize that the pull towards a more loving, creative, and simple life is stronger than the choice of stress. Now then, you really are getting somewhere.

With this new way of thinking in place it’s time to check in your baggage and check in with your baggage to venture into the great space ahead of you. I’ll use the word ‘simplify’ again, especially with your internal dialogue. Do you have room in your case for those old fears? I didn’t think so. I feel you will notice your energy shift this month every time you have one of those unexpected deep sighs, a breath that really pulls you into the present moment and makes you feel alive and awake. This is a full-functioning way of living, and doesn’t it feel good? Work with the moment and let it pull you over the rainbow.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries / Aries Rising – Ace of Wands

The energy from this card was literally designed for you! Which leads me to feel that May is going to be a month where you really have access to your best and highest self; so, are you interested? I also imagine in true fire-starting style you may be feeling a little itchy of feet and perhaps even a tad frustrated as you burst with more and more ideas. It’s important for you to be able to ground each of your big wild dreams so that they are actually applicable – and I feel you can do this over the coming weeks.

Think of your ideas and creativity as the strike of the match, and how something needs to actually be lit to keep that flame burning. You need to actively direct the energy onto something that can keep it alive – this is the action. Now, many of you may have someone to help you here, which is where a co-worker, partner, or PR person comes in handy. Someone that’s able to grab those sparks and start forming the magic. If it’s just you, then just allow yourself to experiment with the ways in which you are least likely to procrastinate. We all know our own tricks, so where right now are you holding yourself back?

Can you pin-point your one most prominent fear? I feel that some of you may be wavering on the edge of launching a new endeavor or committing to your work because you can actually feel how good it’s going to be. So fear of success sweeps in, which is masquerading as fear of failure – but of course both are really just that old fear of the unknown! You’ve got this, just trust that you’re the expert of your own life. It’s kind of wild when you really embody that as a choice. Of course, you have to stop and listen to what you need, and always check in again and again. But it’s still you, and you do you better than anyone.

Finally, this is definitely a month for igniting or reigniting the spark with your lover or a jumping into bed with a new one. This is pure passion so you’re encouraged to leave your inhabitations at home and feel that fuel; with the right person of course. Don’t waste this awesome energy on anyone less than someone you feel a fully swoon-inducing magnetic pull towards.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Tarotscopes April 2015 cast by Louise Androlia using the Tarot Of The Holy Light deck

Aries / Aries Rising – The Lovers

Aries, you always feel more active when your solar year actually begins. The power that comes with being the first sign in the zodiac resonates with you, and I feel that in April there will be a sense from within that says ‘I’m ready’ – the tiptoeing since January is over.

So, what are you ready for? The energy I feel coming upon you is intense, ambitious, active, and absolutely needs to be channeled in a way that is totally of the ‘positive selfish’ way of thinking I always encourage. Everything needs to be directed from your highest self and for your best footing. All the action plans you create won’t go in your desired direction if you aren’t prepared to log in to your deepest truth, which you can tap into by simply asking; ‘What do I want?’

But I’m actually going to re-frame that as; ‘What do I need?’ What do you need in your life to feel good over the coming months? What new emotions and feelings are you searching for to accompany the material changes you are seeking? Relationship-wise, if you’re in a couple this is a great month to reconnect as team mates and soul suitors. Recognize that you are in this to learn, so step back and listen to what your partner has to teach you right now. I feel your other half has some untapped (by you) wisdom that is going to be helpful, especially in a business sense.

If you’re single, then this month will help you reassess what you need and want from a partnership, as well as supporting you to let old, repetitive stories go. You need someone to look at the world with the same creative perspective as you, to support you in your wildest ideas and not clip your wings.

Decision-making is certainly a theme this month – and why is that filling you with anxiety? Of course you’ll make the right choices for you, there’s no such thing as a ‘wrong’ choice when you’re on the road you’ve created. However, it will help you to get out of your own way – which means realizing that nothing is about you, yet everything is about you (as in around you). The next stage of your journey isn’t about giving others what you think they want, it’s about pursuing what you know you need. Think of all decisions as potential lovers; would you want to go to bed with that idea? Is this a one-night stand or an all in love connection?

I also want you not to peddle backwards, trying to fix things from the past. Shake it off and know that you’ve created space for the new. Pursue with wide eyes and a will to be surprised.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus / Taurus Rising – The Fool

Back here again, time for another new beginning! It’s almost like you’ve been confronted with one fresh start after another for maybe even the last year. Things are constantly changing around you, and your desire to control or have everything ‘just so’ often throws you off balance. But everything is perfectly lined up for right NOW, the big leap.

Harnessing this fresh energy is all about perspective this month, your ability to look at everything and choose to see it with fresh eyes. This means looking at your work, all your relationships, and all your options as if you’re seeing them for the first time. This also means looking past your anxieties, so that you actually see reality – those layers of ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ are made from a mist of fear. Return yourself to the original sense of possibility and wonder that lead you to where you are in the first place.

There is no avoiding the winds of change this month, but the feeling is all brand new and awake. You may also experience shifts in your spiritual outlook, as you step into more of a teacher than a follower roll. Your calling to share information in order to change the world is more than just a flash in the pan. As I said before, you are ready – and you feel it too, don’t you? Even if you’re fighting it a little, it seems as though some recent anxieties might lift a little this month. Surrender always helps, so try to think of this a way of living – simply allowing everything to breathe and flow, allowing yourself to breathe and flow. Think; what can you do right now to help you feel more comfortable about the space in front of you? Do it.

Finally, remember that the start of a new cycle is supposed to feel bonkers. Weird, wild, and downright odd. For those of you falling into new love, it can be a panic-ridden time, with the butterflies and all that jazz. But I encourage you to ride the waves, trust your feelings, and even appreciate the anxiety. It’s new, therefore it’s teaching you something. However D0 stay aligned with your gut instincts though – this is definitely not the moment to be sharing your awesome self with those who cannot show up for you.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – Page of Discs
Oh thank goodness – your power is returning! You, Gemini, have been seriously shaken and stirred in the last six months, within and without. Now it’s time to turn your energy around. No more feeling like the victim, or even, for some of you, purposefully choosing the victim mentality over relying on your own inner strength. It can hurt to pick yourself back up again, but it’s natural and you were born to do it.

This month is all about material world manifestation. Grabbing life by the balls and reminding yourself what you want to throw in the fire pit. What sparks do you want to light up? What do you need to do to feel alive again today? It’s never too late to pursue a new idea, whatever your age or your history, and the fact that you feel a bubbling under the surface right now is a sure fire sign that it’s time.

So manifest, then take action, and then surrender – this is about honoring the whole process. I also have a feeling that you need to put your foot down. Somewhere you have sidelined your own authority, maybe to please someone else, maybe just to fit in – but your voice has been lost somewhere, and it’s time to claim it back. Be reassured that the space just ahead of you is safe to work with, and also a place to stretch your creativity. I feel that some of your work-related projects need to be stepped-up a level. You are ready for more responsibility and more recognition. You have valid and valuable skills to share – don’t undersell yourself!

So, step back into your superpowers and check in again with what you had planned for this year before a few obstacles were thrown in your path. Many of them romantic by the way, right? And that’s good! But check in with your power there too.

You have the urge to feel more in control again – the positive kind of control, of course. I hope that a few of you with monetary concerns might also see a return on investments over the next few weeks. Keep throwing out the net and expect to haul some good back in. Be active, yet patient, and the month will flow to a tee.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – Page of Swords

The more serious vibe from last month isn’t exactly going anywhere, but it is more independently directed by you now – opposed to last month, when it may have felt like you were at the beck and call of a more stubborn external force. Instead, this month is about reclaiming your sense of self, with links back to any personal challenges that popped up around six months ago.

Back then, I feel you may have been having some concerns around trust, as in whom to put your faith in, but also some lack of self confidence that stopped you from really standing up and asking for what you want. In the workplace, yes, but also in relationships where you felt rather powerless or without voice.

So now it’s time to re-access your highest self and most authentic voice. Speaking your truth doesn’t mean going off on one or being aggressive, it’ merely about being as close to your inner soul system as possible, and speaking from the heart – asking for what you know you need, and also know that you are allowed to have. For those of you who’ve felt as though you just couldn’t express yourself, then this is the month where things will start to shift. Your job is just to be ready, and also to claim the power that comes from your own personal losses. Feelings such as shame and embarrassment are entirely human-created, and our job is to fight them and come out on top – proud of all our experiences, warts and all.

Meanwhile this is a great energy for anything communication related, whether it’s checking in with your therapist, booking into a workshop or just pulling out your journal. You will feel the most clear when expressing and sharing ideas, pure brain fuel! If you’re in the dating pool, you will likely find yourself turned on by uber-intelligence right now – you can’t be bothered with anything less than being served up a thought based challenge. With the Air element riding high, keep watching for moments of genius, rather than allow yourself to be dragged under by any old fears tapping on your shoulder. You know them so well now, and it’s a lot easier to shake them off that you might think. So keep shaking, keep moving.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Leo / Leo Rising – Three of Swords

A powerful month for your surrender practice, my wild ones! I will say this to you until my voice runs out, but this practice really is your superpower – to be able to tame your fears in order to allow your most free range creative spirit out. I suspect that over the coming weeks you may find yourself poked and prodded by needing to ‘let go’ of something, most likely a situation involving another person.

I know how easy it is for you to hold onto a grudge, and don’t worry, it happens to everyone. Right now though, it feels as though you are forcing blame or punishment on someone, and in fact this is only weighing you down. So let’s talk about forgiveness – forgiveness as a radical act of self-love and freedom. When you set someone loose, you free yourself to move forward. Forgiveness is absolutely nothing to do with letting someone ‘get away with it’ or suggesting that a painful experience was okay – it’s all about self-love, and I want you to seek personal freedom, wings wide open. Know that it’s also okay to feel pain also, to sit with it, to trust in it, and believe that it is malleable and can and will shift.

I feel that for many of you there’s also a need for release around an aspect of yourself. What punishing stories have you been replaying to yourself on repeat? Are you hauling up an old anxiety like a sword from under your bed and stabbing yourself with it? What are you blaming yourself for? What do you feel disappointed about? Where is your heart hurting? Know that it’s okay to set yourself free now, that restricting yourself won’t move you forwards, and you are allowed to keep on trucking.

It also can be hard to allow yourself to pursue the future when you see those around you as less fortunate. Trust in your journey and it’s timing, it’s not supposed to look exactly like everyone else’s. Nearer the end of the month, I feel you will receive a nice energetic boost – off the back of all this release – positioning you in a more empowered state to go forth and pursue a project you’ve been sidelining because of the aforementioned fears. Go back to your Fire element – that part of you that propels you towards your dreams – and work with it. The blame game is over, it’s time to shine.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – Ace of Wands

You’ve been knee-deep in or hovering around a lot of intense feelings and thoughts of change recently. For someone so ‘on it’ with their word, you may have also been feeling unusually scattered and less confident than you like to portray. When I turned this card for you I felt a strong surge of dynamics shifting for you, and want to give you a green light along with a loud IT’S GOING TO BE OKAY when it comes to the action you are planning to take over the next few weeks and months.

This month is focused on reclaiming your Fire energy, in a new way. This is a highly creative force but I want to focus on the passion, the drive, the sex! A.k.a. the good old life force that can so easily ebb away to be eaten up by our anxieties. Your mojo is ready to be switched back on, and it’s time to strike the match one more time. How are you feeling when I talk about this energy? Like you have none of it? Or like it’s consuming you? The Fire element is so powerful and needs to be directed and channeled in the way that suits you the most.

So, prepare to launch yourself head first, heart first, and soul first into life this month. This is a wonderful chance to release new projects into the world, to share ideas and shout about your skills from the rooftops. You will be supported whether you take giant strides, small leaps, and insane cliff jumps. It’s also time to plant the seeds for the next year. I picked this card for you just about this time last year, so you may notice some serendipitous links to back then, but it also means you might get the chance to finish up or gain clarity on an old idea you let fall by the wayside. Be open to reviewing and renewing.

Relationships need a firecracker under them right now, and whether that means reigniting the spark itself or rocket fueling into a new space for a new you – again it’s a good time to be active and involved. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need, or of honoring the support and inspiration you seek. Finally, get making. Only you know the precise frustration you feel when you aren’t creating, or learning, so get your brain reconnected to your soul and see what comes out. Get absorbed by yourself, and marinate in what feels magnetic right now.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – Knight of Swords

To your delight a much more active month is upon you, and I feel will be able to gain a little more clarity after some misty weeks recently. For a lot of people there has been this tug-of-war going on, from feeling so uninspired to wanting change right NOW. You are ready to be on the receiving end of the shift, and so it’s important that you get connected to the exact direction that you’d like to be headed in.

DON’T PANIC – but I feel that as your mind clears you are going to really want to do everything all at once! We all know this is a recipe for anxiety, so just remind yourself that it’s totally okay to do things step-by-step – in fact this is the way things actually get done. This is also a great month for brainstorming though, so it’s okay to be doing lots of thinking. Just keep yourself in the top level of the mind, where your expansive ideas and most malleable thought patterns live. Also remember that intuition is sparked by clear thoughts – they are a wonderful duo the brain and the soul, so allow them to work together.

So then, where are you headed? I feel like a bunch of you are ready to just ‘sack something off’ and say ‘SEE YA!’ to anything that’s not working – but HOW? First you need to build a bridge. This is how change happens, start making the connective links from where you’re at to where you want to be, and have faith in the fact that you are allowed to feel fulfilled in your job, excited by your relationship, and aware of a sense of perfect health. Commit to the desire and you will get there.

Trust is another important subject for you over the coming weeks, especially as I mentioned last month with regards decision-making. When taking action, try not to take the detour into fear – which we all know can be pretty easy; just keep connected to your enthusiasm and you will be right on track. Also, don’t be afraid of asking for what you want, and don’t be scared if you feel intimidated! Sure, some moments are awkward or uncomfortable, but then they’re DONE, and you are free. You’ll never be let down if you commit to walking on through challenges, even when you can’t see the other side – it is there. Commit to everything that is alive in the present moment, embrace your wild heart and stride on.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio – The Chariot

I for one am excited about the surge of forward motion that’s come upon you. You’ve probably felt it over the last ten days – synchronicities rife, those webs weaving together, movement on old projects or even just a touch more clarity of the mind. You’ve been really trying to get authentically connected to YOU recently – and last month you kept trying to tune more into your natural life force. Did you discover what truly fuels you? It’s THAT energy that will propel you forward now. In fact, I feel almost overpowered by what is ahead of you; big ideas, strong, rooting forces, and a lot of unapologetic self-expression.

You may be tested on your will over the next few weeks, and it might feel like everyone is asking you; ‘what is it you do?’ If you hear this over and over, realize that the Universe is testing your ability to stand in your authentic voice and say out loud ‘this is me!’ Think of it as a game of Highest Truth or Dare, and enjoy it. Practice standing in the self that you know is real – even if it’s new to you. See how things flow better when you release expectations and drop what you ‘think’ you should be?

So now you have permission to move forward, think of your soul’s calling as the destination. But you aren’t chasing it – your soul is always there with you, and it’s light is your beacon, to pull you from the shadows in every moment that you need it. Of course this is also a good time to travel, within and without. This fairly masculine energy gives you stride and force – you want to go places and be seen – so show your face! You’ve had moments recently of wanting to hide away, so I love to think you might be forced into the spotlight. It’s definitely time to get out of your comfort zone, and you will know in which area of your life that sits. Which corner of your life needs to be given a kick in the backside?

Finally, if you’re one of the Scorps who’s been shaking your fist at the heavens and reprimanding the Universe then…have you even been claiming ownership of your life? Are you present with everything you’re feeling TODAY? No? Well, it’s time to take back the controls. Time is never wasted and movement is always supported.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Two of Cups

The coming weeks bring forth an important shift in your thinking, and there’s a sense of positive reconnection to your journey. It may not be an earth shattering epiphany, but I feel many of you will just become raw and real about the ways in which you’ve been working against yourself. Or, the ways in which you’ve backed yourself into a dark corner. Raw and real, got it? The great gift we have as humans is that we can shift our perspective any time we choose. You can also simply acknowledge the different phases in your life – for instance the Saturn Return, a time renowned for shaking you to your core, in order to align you with your highest self.

This month, the cycles are well and truly turning, and you are being pulled up and out of a cloud now as you are gifted with a new sense of clarity. The thing about moments of clarity is that we often assume they’re going to be prophetic lightning bolts from the sky, but usually they are revealed in quiet moments of simplicity. You may suddenly just ‘get it’ in a few new areas – and in regards to your own self, suddenly release some pressure that has been weighing on you for years, a lessening of anxiety brought forth by simple measures.

There is a great sense of allowing yourself to be free, and you will most likely know which old habit needs to truly kick the bucket. I also see a new pathway for you, and feel that you are ready to embark on a new exploration of your creative self, one that’s paved in rainbows. This will see you feeling alive and excited, and is something you’ll pursue over the rest of the year. It doesn’t have to break the bank or even change the world (though can if you’d like it to). This is you purely about pursuing new feelings, and where on Earth they might take you.

I imagine you are going to be bursting with ideas, over the next few weeks especially. Don’t get overwhelmed by what your own mind is capable of, appreciate how weird it is, and share your out-there ideas with fiends. Strike the match on new adventures with those people you feel drawn to, those whose eyes pop at the same stuff – this is where the magic lies. Anyway, to experience all of this you need to get up off the floor, so come on!

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Four of Wands

This is such a lighthearted month for you my brave warrior. Dare I say it’s time to swoon about all the good things? Because…there are some good things, right?! Something, or more than one thing, to celebrate? This is a month of luck and gratitude, for of all that you’ve been working so hard on. Think of it as simply a bit of a stop and smell the roses scenario.

The good vibes that are flying around you are all about RESULTS, and so I feel you will be pulling in the rewards and compliments from what you’ve been cooking up over the past few months – or even longer. I’m hoping that this might be an energy you like so much you decide it can be permanent. Consider it as an experiment in lifting yourself up out of the struggle zone, to be that fly on the wall in your own life and to gaze upon situations from a simplified viewpoint. Can you see how there could be a more peaceful solution to anything that feels a little chaotic?

Gratitude is important for creating expansion, and I’d like you to practice self-gratitude this month, a.k.a. an admiration of your own talents and quirks. Write down all that you admire about yourself as an invitation to the Universe to deliver more of the same back to you. This is also a good exercise if you’re trying to meet new people. Write down the aspects of yourself that you wish to be seen, so that you’ll see them in others. It can be difficult, as you often bump into your own self-confidence anxieties, finding it hard to bring forth what talents and admirable qualities you have. Let me confirm to you now – you have many!

By becoming aware of what we have opposed to what we lack, we stretch time and space a little in order to hold more good things. That’s gratitude in a nutshell. BUT don’t ever undervalue your negative feelings by thinking you ‘should’ be thankful. It’s important to feel all your feelings equally.

I’d also love to encourage you to embrace a few leaps into the unknown this month – to hold someone’s hand,  shout YES, and dive bomb your life. Don’t hide in the shadows, experiment with what makes you feel the most alive. Also, tell your nearest and dearest how great they are, and make some time to get to know them. Don’t assume anything.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Tower

You’re sitting in quite a similar space to this time last year in regards to an idea, way of thinking, or career prospect. Look back to last April – where were you? I feel that for many of you, a final phase of healing come up now, taking you to a better place. But there may still be a challenge in this – as all roads out of the woods conceal a few twists and turns. Be kind to yourself and release time pressure. If you are feeling that ticking clock, know that it’s a timeframe built only from fear and that you are exactly where you are supposed to be – always.

It’s a month for shaking things up and bringing forth the change that you want to see – as opposed to sitting and waiting for things to shift themselves. What’s the thing that you feel is missing in your life right now? And how are you speaking about that thing? Are you using a tone of lack – for instance; ‘I never meet anyone I like’ or ‘I can’t do that’? Check your internal and external dialogue and see how you can shift it to something more expansive – a thought process that has stretch.

You see, when this card comes into play there is always change around you, and my job is to make sure you are the master of it. I feel a great entrepreneurial energy high for the next few weeks, where you have the power to throw out your greatest ideas to an audience who really want to listen. It may be that you’ve recently met someone who will be pivotal to that great leap – a business partner or even just a new friend that you feel finally gets you and your weirdo ways.

Romantically, expect and be willing to be surprised. Everything that’s not right for you will move quickly, so avoid falling into a sense of loss – remember that space is being cleared for the correct jigsaw piece. But with that lightning bolt effect, those great experiences are usually in the space to the sides, not in our blinkered tunnel-vision. Perhaps you just say YES a few more times this month, to the things that scare you the most. Or you decide to show up for the people that have shown up for you – and don’t worry about the rest. Finally, be ready for divine inspiration and don’t ignore the directions from your soul – the signs are there.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Six of Discs

A month for recalibrating your thoughts about what an equal partnership means to you. I feel that in recent times you have experienced higher than usual feelings of disappointment to do with others – whether it’s those closest to you, or even just feeling aghast about the human race in general. In those moments it’s difficult to not feel judgmental or, more likely for you, overwhelmed and hopeless. The great news is that help is en route via your greatest comrade – YOU.

You may want to start the month with a flash of forgiveness. Give it all up, surrender your ego, part ways with your anxieties, and trust the path that got you here to be able to work with the moment that you are in. Forgiveness sets you free, remember. And now, it’s time to just check in with the scales of balance. It’s easy to complain that you’re giving more than you’re getting, but if you shift your goals and desires to a higher level then the harmony might well return. Try to avoid statements like; ‘Why does this always happen to me’ – or a belief that you are locked in any patterns. The great thing about noticing repetitive cycles is that once you’re aware of them you’re able to see what you can do differently. So how can you change your attitude?

We also can’t ignore the gratitude factor. Good things are coming your way and good things surround you, so try and put yourself in a space of receiving. Be ready to see the unexpected opportunities that might crop up nearer the end the month. I feel you may also tune into bird and flower symbolism. Perhaps you already have a lucky winged friend (angels included of course!) who you see every time you need some reassurance. You can also make the magic game more fun by requesting specific signs – it helps keep you in a more expansive and open space.

In your romantic endeavors the same themes apply – don’t give out to people who can’t seem to show up for you. This isn’t all about you, but you are the only one who can raise your mood by choosing to partner up with someone who at least is willing to try. For those of you already in the L.O.V.E. zone, I feel the coming weeks are a gorgeous time to just be in your love. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Questions? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck

Pisces / Pisces Rising – Three of Swords
Happy Birthday Pisces! You know where you are, and this month is all about letting go. As you know I usually recommend my Surrender practice, but right now the idea of letting things go seems more appropriate as I feel you are holding onto some deep seated emotions from the past, with perhaps a scattering of self deprecation as the icing on the cake. Which doesn’t sound like the best birthday cake to me, so how can you get yourself clear and uplifted?

As the last sign in the zodiac you are very energetically tuned in, and sometimes this works for you and sometimes against. Firstly it means your psychic powers are SUPER, if you aren’t already working with your intuition then WHAT ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME! Oh yes but the downsides. It means you can also easily act like a sponge and just suck it all up, meaning everyone else’s feelings get embedded in your own and you can feel frequently overwhelmed. This is never permanent though you know, and you don’t need to victimize yourself. It’s easy to use this kind of energy downer as an excuse, to blame others for their negative energy affecting you, when all you really need to do is protect your own.

I want you to think about all this for March because I want you to get committed to shaking off what you no longer need, along with releasing any paranoia you might be experiencing. Are you feeling a little like everyone is untrustworthy? I want you to learn to get your energy and intuition clear so you don’t need to be suspicious; you will just know (via a clarified connection to your feelings) what is good or not so good for you.

This is particularly important for relationships, crushes and all things in the love zone right now. All the old strings need to be cut, to clear space for something bigger and better, which may even be right in front of your nose in the form of an unanswered ‘hello.’ If you’re still tuned into your latest ex and obsessively wondering what they are doing, FREE YOURSELF. Seriously, you deserve it. Yes, the unknown romantic landscape is scary and who knows what is out there but you have to give it a chance. It’s okay to reunite with people from your past, no rolling over painful sticks and stones just to punish yourself. Magic awaits just outside your anxieties.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries / Aries Rising – Nine of Pentacles
Dream home alert! I feel like you’re really reassessing your landscape right now Aries. You’ve put a hell of a lot of work into career in the past year – and good job, because things feel kind of hopeful right now, right? Which has got you really thinking about that ‘quality of life’ stuff people are always talking about. You just don’t really fancy being crammed into a box-sized apartment any more, when there might be big wide-open spaces, fresh air, and a place to really expand elsewhere.

This is a fantastic month for this kind of dreaming and it really ties in with the positive selfishness that I always go on about. It is okay to want nice material world things, don’t feel guilty for dreaming of new furnishings or a wardrobe switch out. What is prominent for you right now though, is a need to tune yourself in to what you need to feel good. For some of you this might involve a major spring clean – and the equinox (March 22) is the perfect time for this. Dust and cleanse your home and mind, in order to create the space to see what you really need and want.

Financially I feel like some good news is headed your way. It might not be the windfall you expect, but some sort of connection that’s been in the works for the last six months might reveal it’s gold…finally. Either way, something you’ve been manifesting is starting to show up in reality now, and it makes the human world seem that little bit more exciting.

So if you are wondering where you might like to lay your head next, try feeling into where your heartstrings are pulling you. Do you need a beach? The big city, or a forest wilderness? Take yourself on some mini vacations to reimagine your life in a new space. How does it feel? Also, enlist yourself a spirit messenger for this home hunt, asking for a symbol to show you the possibilities. It might be a favorite bird, color or number. I feel that synchronicity to do with location is quite big for you right now. Finally, it is a month of self-gratitude. You know exactly how to ‘keep on trucking’ so just stop (even those of you who think NO WAY I MUST KEEP PUSHING MYSELF!) and smile. Good job.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus / Taurus Rising – Prince of Swords
You want something to appear or be over more quickly than it is right now. This could feel like the big wait to meet the love of your life, a need for a period of deep sadness to just let up, or the fact you are waiting on news that never seems to come. In all cases, stop, breathe and know that it is okay. All these feelings and all that frustration, you are not alone and you don’t have to do this all on your own. You aren’t a huge fan of asking for help, much preferring to guess what you think others might need from you and then trying to act it out. But it’s time to be real and break down, fess up and move on in the exact way that you need. Okay?

You see, things are moving forward, but all in divine timing of course and not necessarily on your schedule. This month try not to force things into being by making rash decisions because you ‘think’ you have to or from pressure from someone else. You are allowed to stop and be intuitive, which you really are great at, when you part ways from your logical time managing mind for a moment. What do you need to do right now? Keep asking yourself that.

And if someone is on your case wanting everything right NOW, then simply don’t play the game. Yes, deadlines are deadlines, but getting into a panic doesn’t exactly expand time. Use ‘I have all the time that I need’ as your mantra for the month and watch how things stretch out.

Trust may be an issue at the moment, who to trust and how to trust yourself. Things are never going to be perfect if you deem perfection as an unattainable thing. Consider that perhap everything is always perfect in the moment, and that this moment is all that’s truly real. You are more ready than you think you are. You are allowed to trust yourself, and not assume that people are judging you. Remember that fear of being judged is just you judging yourself (and around and around again) – so work on the inner critic, know that you are valuable and you don’t need someone to tell you. It’s a month to tell your nastiest fears to take a hike, and then rise up – because we need your voice and your authenticity. All that is you.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – Five of Cups
There is a fear of loss around you right now. Perhaps not even a fear, but with change happening all around you it can feel like everyone else is moving really fast and you are stuck. When are you going to catch up? Will they forget about you? What is your purpose right now? Well, it’s time to return home to YOU. When you’re preoccupied with what everyone else is doing, it’s so easy to feel like you don’t have enough. When actually all you’re doing is neglecting your path in favor or peering through someone else’s window. There are things for you to attend to right here.

If the classic ‘crying over spilt milk’ moment pops up for you, it’s okay. Feel those feelings, it’s normal and no one is exempt from remembering past disappointments and linking them to the present. However it is your choice to change the story. How about you don’t indulge in any ‘this always happens to me’ thought processes, and decide to look at everything in a new light RIGHT NOW. No, it isn’t always that easy…but actually yeah it kind of is. You are the master of your mind, remember? Try to not think of yourself as the loser, and consider the open space in front of you to be filled with all your gains.

Life is a series of twists and turns, it’s supposed to be like that, and everyone is going through it. Everyone you think seems to have it ‘easy’ just isn’t facing a bend in the road right now. Your path is perfect too, especially when it doesn’t feel like it is! It’s okay to miss people, situations, feelings, but it’s also okay to pull in new feelings and let your life develop in a new way. Different can be interpreted as potentially bad, but the odds also show that that potential can be good. What is there around you right now that feels inspiring and exciting?

If you’re still coming up with a big fat ‘nothing,’ then it’s time to honor your spirit and that means getting cracking on discovering what lights you up. Your purpose isn’t going to chase you down and stand in front of you with flashing lights. However, you can be that light by allowing yourself to discover and rediscover what makes you smile, and appreciate your human experience. Maybe you don’t know right now – and that you see, is half the fun.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – The Emperor
I feel as though you’re going to be called upon to get a little more serious and certain about your finances this month. If that sounds totally dull then it’s even more of an indicator that you need to do some money love work. Some of you may want to avoid the ‘money’ subject like the plague, not feeling ready to be that ‘grown up’ or worried because you just don’t understand what you need to do. Well, it’s time to educate yourself. Knowledge always brings empowerment as well as self-awareness, so it’s time to dive in.

I feel the reason behind this is a good one, as life might need a little more action and organization because things are pretty A-okay. You are way more sorted than you think you are, so how about accepting this energy and embracing it? I feel that in order to see more progression over the next six months, especially where career is concerned, it will help you to dive in and analyze what you really want. How many hours to you want to work? Are you feeling fulfilled? Is there room for expansion? (Note: recognize that boredom is a call from the soul to expand). What do you want to see in your day-to-day life that isn’t present right now?

It is time to call in some advice too; of course you aren’t supposed to have all the answers yourself. So ask friends, family or your social media tribe how they get themselves up to date and sorted. You might want to seek a business mentor, or even just call on the person who you deem to be the most ‘on it’ and ask them for some tips. You may also notice here that actually everyone feels a bit like they are winging it in life. The big secret is, we all do!

Meanwhile, on the subject of romance and suitors, because I know you are thinking about this too right now, you may surprise yourself by being attracted to people off par with your ‘type’. Remember that if your usual go-to somehow hasn’t worked out for you before, then this new and unusual attraction might be at the very least worth exploring. I feel that you are in the mood to be educated; I see you drooling all over someones brain waves. Let someone teach you something new, stop and listen, take it all in.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Leo / Leo Rising – Six of Wands
Was last month a little full-on and chaotic? It feels like 2015 has kind of got off to a shooting start. You already have things to be proud of and celebrate, so early on in the year. Who knew! Umm well, the Universe certainly did. Why do you find it so hard right now to stop and accept that you might be of worth? Have you been too busy comparing yourself to others of your age or in your field, that you literally forgot to stop and smell the roses? Bring it all back home and stand up and admire what YOU have been doing. It’s all good, you are building something and things are in perfect alignment.

You have a renewed or totally new sense of confidence at your disposal right now and I don’t want you to miss out on this energy. It’s actually a chance to harness the super positive aspects of the human ego and enjoy them. If you are on your spiritual quest you may have got used to thinking of the ego as the ‘big bad,’ but we do need it to. I want you to tune into your human self and admire your brain, your ideas and your ability to shift through different thought processes. Perhaps you want to also stop and appreciate some of your most recent fears and the gifts that they brought you. Am I right? Didn’t you have a few ‘ah-ha’ moments recently that were directly discovered from certain situations or difficult moments in your sphere?

And now, haven’t you gained some intellect and new practical tools? Yes, love and embrace those, and most importantly SHARE them. Your experiences are in place for you to learn from and then to fire out to the world. Nothing happens to you, it’s all for you, and all for your gain.

You may also feel sweetly surprised over the coming weeks as you experience a few personal breakthroughs. At first your lower self might think of you as having ‘won,’ but your highest self will recognize that it’s not about getting one up on others but more about embracing a higher level of empowerment and gaining some self-knowledge. You have however, been putting in the work and this is why you are seeing things start to flow more easily. Never forget that word – ‘flow.’ Embrace the tides and love where the stream guides you.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – Death
I feel like February was a bit of a hard one for you my earthy pals. Was it? You’ve been putting a lot of pressure on yourself, like seriously way too much. Whether it was trying to complete a million projects in half the time, placing a bit too much stress on your physical body or just generally expecting yourself to be ‘better’ – it’s time to let up. You see, March is a month of change for you and I want you to feel empowered by your ability to be the director in your own life.

I’m back on the word empowerment because YOU HAVE GOT THIS. The Universe is not about to start throwing marbles in your path to mess with you, instead I see you standing tall, sword in hand, totally getting things done and dusted. You probably realized, you see, that last month brought up a ****load of old fears and weird habits you’d rather didn’t hang out with you anymore. Now it’s time to do a clean sweep and free yourself. Forgiveness is key here, as that is the ultimate quick route to feeling free and expansive. Forgive yourself and everyone else – and nope, it doesn’t mean they have ‘got away’ with it. This is all about you, and you want to feel expansive again right? Well that means kicking anger to the curb. Right. Now.

You are on the brink of really beautiful and big horizons that will require your full attention and grace. You are being called to rise up to a lot more responsibility – in the world, but also from your own soul, and it’s time to deepen your own truths a little. Where are you wearing a mask? In what situations, professional and personal, are you still trying to be a ‘certain’ person? Why do you think you need to do that?

It’s time to rip off that mask and bare your soul – warts and all. I feel that someone or a collective really need to hear your voice stripped down right now. Whilst you are still a Virgo and do like to be all ‘put together’ – sometimes you just need to show how it really is. Shed a tear, write a blog, share (even if you think it’s so stupid and even if you totally know where it’s come from.) This is important for your own self-development, so don’t be afraid of judgment. Set yourself free.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – Seven of Cups
Hi beautiful. Feeling a little swept up and confused right now? Lost in a daydream wonder vision? Feeling a little ungrounded or overwhelmed? Okay, good, totally normal and completely A-okay. You, like many of us, started the year on a big one, diving into a lot of newness, and February was a month where things started to settle and you were able to see how things fit. There may be a few places where you feel a little let down or disappointed, but the good news is that you are aware.

I feel that in regards to one particular situation you would prefer to bury your head in the sand, especially if this means hiding from a certain person or group of people. You feel a little lost in the crowd and distrusting of a group – this might relate to colleagues, or even a worry about a relationship or friendship. Anyway, please be kind to yourself FIRST, don’t decide that you ‘should’ have known better, or try and self blame for whatever you are worried about. Instead, get your head out of the sand. Why? Because then you can see the road ahead, and you can also shake everything off and start taking action.

Once you have visually located yourself above a situation, you can see more clearly how to deal with it. If this is difficult then seek help from your friends or therapists, to help you ‘see’ from another angle. You are probably going to be faced with a number of different options, ideas, and possibilities. This isn’t a bad thing! The only worry is the fear of making the ‘wrong’ choice. Remember: 1) if you don’t like where you’re at right now then, umm, of course anything else will be the right choice! And 2) there is no such thing as a wrong choice anyway, because everything is a pivot to take you somewhere.

Even this annoying situation right now holds a number of hidden guideposts. It’s your job to discover them. This might come in the form of a major epiphany, or perhaps just a cool little reminder of something you already knew, but you are being lead in a new and more wonderful direction. Just trust that it’s okay to leave behind the things that don’t work and to release any daydreams you are using as a way of procrastinating. Be kind to yourself and take action. It’s okay!

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio – The Magician
Oh, hello there you. You are on creative fire this month, and don’t you just know it. Whatever your day job or your regular commitments, you seem to be totally overcome by the callings of your soul. Hopefully the two are combined, and you’re getting to spend every day embracing that wild and active energy. If not, then of course don’t be mad about it, but please make sure to embrace that niggling itch inside. What is that? Well of course it’s your spirit shouting out to be FREED UP.

You need to create this month, in your own unique way. Don’t be afraid of trying everything new. Feel like painting and already have decided you ‘can’t paint’? Well, who cares – make a mess, throw some colors down, get dirty. However you can express yourself the most deeply this month, you must go there.
The next few weeks that are all about empowered life force, and I know you will feel it strongly, especially those of you who are super connected to their inner soul system. It may seem impossible to sit still because ideas are fast and furious. Be thankful, and don’t worry – they won’t disappear if you don’t do them RIGHT NOW.

This is certainly a time to practice presence and release self pressure to have it all done immediately. Trust in the process, one thing at a time, but also, yes – plan. Put the steps in place, leaving room for some fun.
I feel that your passionate energy will be on a high, whether your sex drive takes a soaring leap, or your third eye zaps you with a new and more powerful creative channel. You might feel called to get some guidance too, and by all means seek it out and LISTEN.

You are so independent that it’s easy to feel like no one can tell you anything new. Just know that it’s all a process of remembering – so sometimes you need to just hear what you know, but in a new language.
Oh and get yourself out there, with this sort of energy around you, you will be magnetic, whether it’s for dating or networking. Feel free to share and shout about your talents. It will be uplifting for others to learn about your passion projects and process. Be wild.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Two of Cups
March sees you pondering your ideal scenario, in all aspects of your life. What is the perfect relationship? How can you be the best mother, child, friend, and colleague? How can you finally be at one with your health and your body? How do you strike the perfect balance, and where does one purchase harmony?
Stick with these question, but release the pressure. Experiment with life, dance with your ideas and embrace a sense of wonder. All of this can be fun if you just let the light in.

You know how everything works the best when it’s unaffected by the should and the coulds and that what ifs, and you focus on the right now? THIS moment is always perfect as it exists, as well as the only reality that’s really real! So, what small steps can you take today to feel good? To be kind? To explore? Embrace? Learn? Forgive?

It takes two, baby…and this month is definitely about giving some compassion to your closest relationships, romantic and otherwise. It’s time to listen and know that it isn’t always about you. Check in with everyone and see how he or she is doing, and in turn let down that battle-weary force field in order to embrace some much-needed vulnerability. You may be feeling like you really need to be understood right now, and that does require you to break down a little. Express yourself in all the ways you know that suit you, just avoid playing the blame game. It doesn’t help you to put something that is yours onto someone else’s back. Instead, sit down with your big bads, say HEY, and put yourself back in the driver’s seat.

THEN allow your friends or your partner to see the real you, in that moment, and just be there, stripped bare. For all you maters and daters out there (umm, that sounds like the intro to a hot new romance radio show!) this IS a good month for getting your crush on, and a great time to surrender to just allowing things to move as they should. Don’t try and MAKE someone like you, it’s exhausting! You need to just be. You also need to allow for the unexpected, which means less planning, more flow. It will be fun, I promise.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Queen of Pentacles
This is a month for embracing the divine feminine and accepting the balance that you have been carving out for yourself. A massive sense of guilt used to descend upon you when you stopped, even for a moment. Were you being lazy? Did someone need you? Shouldn’t you be somewhere, doing something? Give it up. You gave it up! Wherever you’re at on this journey of releasing and managing pressure upon yourself, know that the dynamics have shifted, are shifting.

Why? Because you have shifted and what’s important differs slightly right now. Rising up, claiming your worth, honoring your body – these are what will work for you now. You are reminded that, well, you can have it all. You can have the career you want, and raise a family; you can still give time to your friends and partner, whilst still forging out passions for yourself. The way it’s done? Banish the guilt and embrace the intuitive needs that you know soooo very well (it’s just a matter of listening and believing).

You have new filtrations of wisdom coming upon you over the coming weeks, forcing you into a nurturing space; a lot of Surrender equals more feelings of peace. If in doubt, hand it over to your highest self and trust in your journey. You may feel humbled. Worried. But also proud. The merging of the spiritual and the material is quite an art, but you of anyone can do it. Seriously, it’s kind of your superpower. Remember that the earth is fed with water – which means that your experience is fueled by your intuition. It’s nature to be there with your feelings, so try to honor them, whatever they are bringing up.

Finances are also looking good – it feels like you’re seeing the rewards from the work you put in over the last six months. You’re almost surprised, but don’t you remember how great you are? Yep, it’s only natural that others are noticing too – take the compliments and the applause, even if you feel embarrassed. Make no apologies for doing your thing and being who you are. It might seem that any moment this great life you are manifesting is going to disappear. So just stop and allow it to be real.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Chariot
Last month meant lots of planning, wishing, manifesting…and hoping. And this month is all action, babe. PHEW I hear you utter! Yes, it’s good and things are moving, but you still have to be there, okay. You may feel like right about now it would be so nice if someone else just took over and sorted things out for you, so you could sit back down and feel good again. I wish I could cast that spell for you, but instead the wand is in your hand. And you know exactly the areas of your life that need the magic.

This is movement with serious intent, no bullshit, and a sense of powering on through. I imagine that something got you flailing recently, fired up, maybe even a little angry. You have a great desire to fix something up, show someone who you really are, prove your worth, and really be who you say you are. It’s all good, just stay on the more loving side of this coin. You are worthy, you aren’t broken, and it is okay to pursue what you need. No need to make it a battleground, but you are required to stand in your most integral self.

When you are seeking what your soul is truly calling out for, that is where you can muster the energy. You may recognize it as a scratching anxiety, a sense of boredom or a sudden rush of adrenaline. If you are unhappy you must not stick things out in the hope that they might change. While you can’t make everything different with the flick of a switch, you can take the steps to haul yourself onwards. But as things are moving, I’m pretty sure you already know all this. When you do take the leap, just keep holding on – not too tightly though. You are still practicing living in a state of surrender, right?

Decision making, this month will probably bring up your lightest and your darkest sides, and I don’t want you to be alarmed by either. Often our most pronounced moments of intuitive clarity can scare us as much as our deepest fears. Wait, WHAT? That’s it? Can it really be? Is that the answer? If the guidance is simple and peaceful, then it probably is. The voice that says ‘it’s okay’ or ‘you can do it’ – that’s the one to pay attention to. Now, listen again.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Woah, Fashion Week fun alert! Welcome to Fashion Designer Tarot, in which Vix (a.k.a. the New Age Hipster) imagines a card for six of our favourite catwalk characters…


Marc Jacobs cruise collection 2015 featured on TheNuminous.net

Marc Jacobs embodies the Six of Cups like nobody’s business, which is interesting really because I always see this as the giving and receiving card, small business in a small town card. Marc is very clearly NOT small business these days, and in fact, being born in NYC it’s possible he hasn’t spent much time in small towns at all. But still he embodies an industrious work ethic, and having checked out his latest offerings with my third eye, the romantic notion of small town America he often returns to can be seen in full effect. His signature cartoonish motifs, military stylings and perfume bottles adorned with daisies just scream: “get me out of the big city and back to the back of beyond!” I’m pretty sure in his next life, MJ is coming back as a farmer.



Vivienne Westwood ad campaign featured on TheNuminous.net

Vivienne Westwood was the original 1970’s punk, and there’s no card in the Tarot more punk than The Tower! The Tower comes up in readings when everything you’ve built, everything you believe, and everything you trust no longer serves you, and needs to change – now! Just as the punks wanted to break the chains and see the tower of fascism fall, mixing fashion and politics is as natural to Vivienne as pairing tea with cake. Appearing as herself in risque advertising shoots and using every opportunity in front of a camera to push her stance on climate change, Viv continues to shake up and shock the tower of the fashion world well into her seventies.



Stella McCartney ss15 featured on TheNuminous.netStella McCartney’s classically feminine vibe can only really relate to the suit of cups. The cups cards help us to dive deep into our emotions, discovering all the gems that lie beneath, and helping us to harness our water energy rather than wind up an emotional wreck. Stella has most definitely got a hold of her own cups, making the Ace of Cups the perfect card for her. Her collection for SS15 is overflowing with gorgeous deep ocean blues, shimmering sunlight on sea metallics and beautiful flowing dresses the colour of breaking waves. And Stella appears to be balancing out her water energy with air this season too. Birds bask on the backs of deep blue cardigans, perfect for keeping you warm by the lake on a chilly evening out beneath the stars.



Karl Lagerfeld by aleXsandro Palombo featured on TheNuminous.netLe Lagerfeld is basically the self-appointed Pope of the Church of Fashion. In Tarot we can relate these kinds of characters to The Hierophant card – supposedly the landline between you and your God, and Karl has the God of style on speed dial! The Hierophant is never ‘wrong’ about anything. He never admits to his mistakes, because he doesn’t make any! Pastor Karl has been involved in numerous controversies; calling Adele ‘fat’, saying he didn’t like Pippa Middleton’s face, oh, and don’t even get me started on his opinions about the use of animals on the catwalk. But he thinks all these things are totes fine, and unfortunately so do many of his black leather clad congregation.



Versace ready-to-wear ss15 featured on TheNuminous.net
With the gold Medusa as her emblem, Donatella Versace is soooo the Chariot card. But the Chariot isn’t only about fancy Greek footwear and Swarovski bling. This card reminds us that in order to get moving in our lives we have to balance both light and dark. We need to give and receive – allow our sphinx to pull, but steer them where we want to go, right? Donatella takes 2000-year-old Grecian drapery and makes it relevant. She adds golden talismans to ward off evil spirits as you stroll around the mall, and reminds us that every new season in the fashion world is just another pause in the cycle. Nothing is new, and yet everything is new. And this is what keeps the wheels of Versace’s Chariot moving forward.



Alexander Wang rtw ss15 featured on TheNuminous.netMystery, intuition,  stillness, the quiet power within. These are all aspects of The Moon, the Tarot card that depicts Alexander Wang to a tea. A white leaf tea with no sugar, no milk and no sweetener. Wang’s stark, monochrome designs embody the power and beauty of a full Moon on a cloudless night. Of course, there are also brief flares of colour – perhaps blue for a passing comet, or a dash of metallic silver for a falling star. If you’re looking for the perfect wardrobe this season to help you dress like the Moon cycles, then Alexander has you covered.


Cast by Louise Androlia using the The Rider Tarot Deck

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – Two of Wands

You are more ready and prepared than you think you are. I feel as though you’ve recently turned a corner, whether it was a new commitment to your self-care, a home move, a new job, or even an internal shift. Something big has happened for you and so those wobbles you’re having? All normal. But yes, you really do have everything you need. In fact “I have everything I need” is a great mantra for you over the coming weeks, to repeat any time you feel a little “OMG! WTF!” about life and your situation. You may need to surrender over and over and over again. Got it?

So the situation you are now in is one of budding excitement, and you have a window that’s ripe for manifesting. With Mercury retrograde for the first 11 days of the month, it’s a fine time to just sit on taking any more massive action and just feel what you want to bring into your days. Look upon the next few months as a time to realign with your new dreams, as I feel like the things you really want for yourself right now are a little different to this time last year – which is a wonderful thing, especially where your own self worth is concerned.

In fact, it’s time you put your own disires at the forefront of your experience, seriously, stop getting so overrun with what everyone else might think. You are where it’s at. Your key themes this month are expansion and awe. What feels wonderful right now? This is an exercise in becoming more present, which is actually easier during times of change, because you are rather forced to be in the here and now as everything finds its place around you. But yes, take time to notice when the corners of your mouth turn up, take time to notice when your soul system feels a little flutter.

Allow yourself to be pulled in the direction of what feels exciting, and ask the Universe to provide signs for you. You will know when you see the little synchronicities; the only block is when you start questioning your faith in your intuition. Practice makes perfect, they say, so keep listening and test it out. Finally, this is a perfect month to dive into something you’ve been keeping on the sidelines. You know what it is – now, prepare to launch.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Pisces / Pisces Rising – Ace of Pentacles

I feel that as you approach your next birthday you’ve got very itchy feet, and it’s exciting! There is a spring in your step that can overpower even the biggest rush of anxiety. What are you setting about to do? There is something brewing, whether you’re aware of it or not, because this is a month that supports new beginnings, big ideas and everything that is to do with nurturing your material experience of the world.

This is pure Earth energy at it’s best, so the question is; what aspects of your life need fresh fuel right now? This is bound to relate to a career venture for many of you, as you move away from jobs and clients that aren’t filling you with much enthusiasm in order to make space for the new and more fulfilling. You know that you need to create the space, right? If you are in a place of transition, try this really simple energetic exercise. Write your resignation letter for your current job, put it in an envelope and then keep it somewhere safe. This is a commitment to moving forwards and energetically creates the space that is physically not quite there yet.

You may find that with Mercury Retrograde (until Feb 11th) you want to explore old projects or maybe even say YES to something that a was a no a while back. The Universe is really supporting second chances and so it’s time to pick up the phone, paintbrush or notepad and get creative with old ideas – rework and renew them. Meanwhile you are in a good manifesting spot, so although this month is very much about what you can physically see, it’s still prime time for meditating on what your soul really needs, step out of the head and keep all your ideas and action aligned with the heart.

I feel that you will get some great advice from your highest self if you actually stop to listen, and don’t try and talk yourself out of things. And don’t let your ego provoke you, okay? Finally, in the moments where you can see the prize but the path to it seems fuzzy, just pull yourself back into the now and breathe. The reason that we all bang on about the present moment so much, is that it’s the only place you can receive guidance and take action. So say hello to right NOW.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Aries / Aries Rising – Seven of Swords

I have no doubt you’re too busy to even read this, but take a moment and stop to realign yourself with your plan and your purpose. I feel like you could be a little worried about time pressure and pressure from others right now, so I want to ease you back into your body. I feel like any moment (or month) now, you are going to be dealing with a LOT of communication, new contacts, and new contracts, back and forth on the phone and a little waiting and hoping.

It’s easy to start to worry about who might come through for you, or what might work and what might not, and all those feelings are totally normal. However, it’s much more beneficial for you to simply trust yourself rather than worry about whom on the outside to trust. You’ve got enough experience to now know that your intuition is pretty spot on, if you aren’t lead by your ego mind too much. So just know that everything is aligned with the intuitive action you take, there are no wrong decisions here. In fact, worrying about whom to trust may just be a way of procrastinating to take you away from your light. So, back to your brightest self and just be you.

With this in mind, it might be a good few weeks to make sure you are well and truly connected with those who support your highest good. Often when we feel suspicious of life, it could be because we’re hanging out on the wrong energy level. It’s not often that you worry what your closest soul sisters are thinking, is it? You know they have your back.

Another thing you might be aware of this month is having too many ideas. I know, it’s hardly a bad thing is it, but it can be overwhelming! The best thing to do is keep the present moment as your running buddy. No need for your mind to dash off into the distance, because you aren’t there yet. You can’t possibly predict what you might think about a situation in three months time, so just keep feeling into things step by step. You are responsible for the web you weave, and I feel that everything is all set for personal clarity, inner strength and abundant support – just trust that it is.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Taurus / Taurus Rising – Strength

You may be feeling wilted and weak as the month kicks off, and I encourage you to nurture this feeling by only doing what you need to feel more balance within yourself. It may be that external changes have got you feeling quite out of harmony – change will do that to you, you see. You may be feeling afraid, confused and even angry. Change will do that to you too! It’s not the time to place any pressure on yourself to feel anything other than what you are feeling – this is the ultimate act of “feeling feelings.” Just sit and be, whatever and however that be may be.

I urge you to just care for yourself and let yourself be nurtured. For some of you the power needs to be reinstated from within. That personal power that I always speak of, it’s energy that you always have access to, but frequently forget exists. I feel that your internal negative chatter could be quite strong right now, a few too many “what ifs” and doom and gloom. As always I remind you that that fearful voice is also totally normal, but just not to be ruled by. Listen and know that it doesn’t speak the truth, but is simply voicing a fear that is present and that is okay.

This is the art of taming the ego mind, saying: “I hear you, I know you are there, but I have my heart set on a bigger and more loving thought right now.” As Mercury stays in retrograde until mid month, it really is the perfect time to stay focused on you, rather than get involved with others’ drama or gossip. You really don’t have time for it. Instead of dancing that dance, think of how you can have fun with your self-care. What would get you to smile right now? Who do you need to be around? What transformation do you feel like having right now?

I want you to work with the idea of transformation over the next few weeks, what version of you do you want to see emerge from out of your cocoon? If you’ve been making personal changes then you certainly didn’t make them for nothing, did you? I feel that you are paving the way for great personal successes and joy ahead. So keep moving forwards from the positive intention that fueled you in the first place. You are set to bloom.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Gemini / Gemini Rising – Ten of Pentacles

You are aware that there has been a lot of change in recent months and over the next few weeks you are going to start to get hints about what the bigger picture is all about. Finally, right? I feel the cycles are actually moving now, rather than feeling stuck in the mud like they have been on and off for months. Now, this movement of course has to be fuelled by some work from you too. Remember you are not being directed in your own life story; you are the director of this movie. So, what’s next?

I feel as though you’re shedding skin and leaving an old version of yourself behind, where you are guided to take more responsibility for yourself and your life, instead of falling back on the excuse of having to please other people. Of course, there will always be people who need you, and that isn’t a bad thing, but if it’s at the expense of your own wellbeing, then it doesn’t usually swing in your favor does it? For those of you in full people-pleasing mode then this is a wake up call to just…stop. You won’t see the wonderful things unfolding in your own life if you don’t give them the attention they deserve.

Anyway, moving forwards this really is a positive push for career and abundance. You are definitely required to up your game too. Have you ever though that you might be playing too small? Playing down or being self-deprecating about your talents for fear of rejection, or lesser success? You might find that when you up your prices, shout about your skills and really put yourself out there confidently (even if it’s a “fake it until you make it” vibe) that the returns come in. It’s worth a shot, even as a self-confidence exercise, that you well and truly deserve. Value your time and your talent and others will reflect that.

Finally, the next few weeks are also a wonderful time for reconnecting with your family, whether that’s relatives, soul sisters, or your oldest friends. I feel that you will really gain energy from a group setting, so try not to hide yourself away too much. Call on people for help and hugs, they are itching in the wings to come and swoop you up in support. Revel in it for a change.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Cancer / Cancer Rising – Queen of Wands

This month you are set to reclaim your own experience and your year ahead. I feel a little sass coming in from you and it’s well and truly needed and appreciated. It’s time for you to stand up and be counted, tell your truth and tune back in to what you well and truly want, need and deserve. I feel very proud of you in advance by the way. Somewhere along the last few weeks you’ve become a little detached from your soul self, why is that? Perhaps lost in the gossip and chaos of the crowd? It’s almost like you’ve been trying other people’s lives on for style and are suddenly realizing the coat just doesn’t fit. Which is quite a relief, isn’t it? But wait, what is it that you actually want?

I know that you know, so try not to panic too much. In fact the answers are much closer to the surface than you think, you just probably didn’t expect them to be so simple. It might be the small act of reconnecting to the people that really inspire you to be YOU, rather than hiding in your shell or surrounding yourself with those who don’t feel you. I want you to shake this ALL off, and wipe the slate clean and rebuild from a place that works better for you.

You’re looking for an adventure you see. Some of you will feel a huge urge to travel the world right now, anywhere but here right? Your broomstick is twitching and it feels like you just can’t get away fast enough. Do the groundwork here though okay; remember that adventures are better fueled when you leave with a positive intention, rather than running away from your problems. Face things head on and then see whether you still want to physically be elsewhere.

Finally, you may notice that some of your flashier fears are shouting up at you right now, and some of the deepest and darkest ones from your past may also pay a visit. You can employ the same badassery to them as your external experience, and make it your intention to just not go there. You’re too awesome; it’s time to tame that beast. Seek help, talk it out. Surrender.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Leo / Leo Rising – The Tower

I’ve talked to you a lot over the past year about releasing your inner critic and avoiding the chaos that you sometimes crave, so I’m not going to mention it again. I trust that you know well enough now that the comparing, the judging and the drama don’t help fulfill your highest hopes and desires. Right?

So yes, with that in mind, moving on into February I feel that you are poised to receive some new and exciting flashes of inspiration, which without giving in to all the above you actually create space for. It’s exciting and new and may come with an army of anxiety waves, but that fluttering in your stomach, it also feels like excitement…if you choose to perceive it that way. You’re ready to creatively restructure. For some of you this could be a literal tear down of ideas and ideals, with maybe a shove from the Universe at your side. If this happens, do make sure to be looking after yourself as you gallop into the abyss of change, keep your healers to speed-dial and practice a lot of grounding.

Those of you who prefer the more subtle approach can think of this as an early spring clean. It’s time to reshuffle and reorganize, perfect for these first 11 days of the month when Mercury is still in retrograde and really supporting a restructure of old ideas. I’d also like you to practice getting to what I’m going to call the pinpoint of clarity. We receive clarity when we experience a perfect merging of our intuition and intellect. When the mind is sharp and the soul is heard. You can sit and practice with single questions and a quiet moment. Close your eyes and pose yourself a question, take a deep breath in and as you breathe out pay attention to the first thoughts that come in (you might even feel a tingle in your ear when you are aligned with your highest self).

Simultaneously you may notice the fears fly in too, but don’t worry about that, just focus on the simpler and more loving guidance. You may find that your points of clarity are just the words YES or IT’S OKAY. The more you grasp that these are as valuable as the constant chatter of your fears then you can confidently use this simple exercise for quick guidance any time you choose. I said it was an exciting time and I meant it!

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Virgo / Virgo Rising – Knight of Swords

Woah, slow down my friend, you are not running out of time and it’s okay to breathe you know. You do know that right? February kicks off with you feeling overrun with ideas, plans, and action, action, ACTION! It’s all good, your head is in fifth gear, and everything that has been building over the last few months is poised to spring to life. However, you can turn down the gas a little, just to ease out of panic mode, even if you are sooooo excited. Get used to the concept that timing is always perfectly aligned, so time is not your enemy or working against you. It is always on your side if you believe it is.

I’d also like you to bring some compassion to the table this month, as you may find your tongue a little sharper than usual. It could be that everyone seems SO annoying (oh hey Mercury retrograde) but getting yourself tied up in knots over it won’t help you one inch. Instead, just allow things to be as they are, especially the situations that are sending you into freak out mode. This is certainly a time to sit on an email for 24 hours (or maybe three days), not to text back immediately. You will feel so much better for it I promise.

For those of you who’ve been feeling that life has not quite been on your side recently then I feel that nearer the end of the month you will feel a sense of calm confidence setting back in. You may also become aware of a few more reasons “why” things have been a little chaotic. I advise you to watch out for synchronicities becoming abundant, in order to remind you that you are exactly where you should be.

Make sure that you are well and truly aligned with your highest truths and morals. There may be a little push and pull as you sort out what you really want right now, as opposed to what your ego is trying to trick you into. The golden rule is to be kind to yourself and others, always, and especially when you don’t feel like it. Although your most sarcastic self might not like it, positive thinking will really help things move in your favor right now. And finally, if needed, try to give off an air of confidence even if you don’t feel it.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Libra / Libra Rising – King of Pentacles

The first half of the month is poised for you to receive: guidance, intuition, gifts, abundance. How open is your mentality right now to accept them? It’s very common, and so easy, to live with a lack mentality, especially where money is concerned. It’s so easy to keep saying “I can’t” and “I don’t have enough.” But these phrases become negative habits that lock us so easily into really believing that we won’t ever have “enough.” Now of course, releasing these beliefs doesn’t suddenly mean a cash prize, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to become more open to the possibility that things could be on their way.

If this sounds a lot like you, then practice taking the power back as far as your finance and success are concerned. Try the mantra “I have everything I need” to open up to seeing more opportunities around you.
On the guidance front, it’s time to forget about doing everything yourself. If you’re really adamant about not taking tips from friends and family then consider a business mentor or a life coach. You could really benefit from a third person perspective to help you get your ideas and creativity in order. You will also find that when you share your passions with another person, they grow and become more exciting to work with.

For those of you seeking new jobs or a return on a career project then it’s a great month for it, as it feels as though someone is going to recognize and appreciate your skills as they need see you as part of their bigger picture. If you’re feeling quite the abundant one right now, then slow down on the spending for the first half of the month – you could end up with a houseful of items you kind of just didn’t really want. Save up for that “dream” purchase in a few months time instead.

Finally, on the romance front, an older person could hit the scene and take your eye; they may just have an old soul, but this is a wonderful grounding attraction that could bring you the stability you’re hoping for. You have realized now that friendships and relationships are all about learning as well as passion, so take time to listen and soak up new personalities that interest you. You will feel enlightened and energized.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Scorpio / Scorpio Rising – Six of Swords

The first couple of weeks of February, in line with the tail end of Mercury retrograde, are set up to help you shake off a final few self doubts and old negative patterns. It’s safe to say that you are very aware of the huge Phoenix like transformation that has been occurring over the past couple of years, and so this really is just clean up time. You will know exactly what is still hanging around and the work isn’t necessarily hard, it’s more about whether you are willing to allow the past to really be the past. Are you?

Sometime it doesn’t get better than using a surrender mantra, all day, every day – just let everything go, over and over again, and be sure to make a note when you get a positive confirmation from the Universe that you are doing the right thing. The signs are there, just be ready to see them. You have a lot more peace than chaos around you, so focus on the calm rather than stirring the drama cauldron.

As the weeks pass it’s time for you to start planting some seeds and nurturing a few of your more abundant ideas. This can also be aligned with a new approach to older and most successful projects; what new branch could be grown from something you already know? It’s your perception and approach to your creativity and life in general that will shift you into a happier and more abundant space. You are safe to turn your back on things that just don’t feel right anymore, especially those things you really think you “should” just stick at. Make space to feel excited!

This is also very prominent for relationships and friendships – is someone that isn’t right for you taking up space in your heart? Remember that when you surrender and let go, you don’t actually lose anything, although it may feel like it. You actually gain freedom and empowerment. Trust that it is safe to move forwards. Finally, don’t feel guilty about your new plans and opportunities, even if friends around you are having a difficult time. You can’t stay stuck to try and please someone else; misery may love company but you don’t want to be miserable! Run wild, sail free, and know that you are fully equipped for all the excitement ahead of you.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Ten of Wands

It’s time to laugh at your own inner drama queen this month Sagittarius! That head stuck in the sand feeling may have been with you for a couple of weeks, but you somehow forgot that you are able and allowed to dig yourself out and look up. Stop pushing against yourself and start supporting your own cause. Yes, nice thought isn’t it? So, at the start of this month I feel that you are poised to just let sh*t go, because you need your precious time and brain cells to be getting creative over the next month or two.

I also want you to be wide awake to noticing the crazy weird moments and lucky breaks that may be popping up around you – sorry will be. Now, although I know I started this a little on the harsh side, I do want you to know that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, and that’s you’re not going insane or having a life crisis. You are having feelings and being a human and it’s not always a free and easy ride. So, of course the best method is to look after yourself, wildly and passionately. The next step is to be patient and gentle with yourself and your journey. Yes it can be frustrating when you are so eager to see your dreams come to fruition, but you need to let everything breathe.

After the mid-month point I feel you will notice that the stress releases and all of your super Sag fire energy comes rushing back to you, mojo included. When you feel that bright eyed, wide-awake clarity, make sure to use it for the best. What would you like to create right now? What, or whom, do you feel passionate about?

Be aware of your own fire element so that you can use it wisely, as when displaced it’s easy to feel anger and frustration in place of what could be excitement and enthusiasm. Take up a new exercise, go on a road trip, paint, dance, and socialize. If you feel no passion for anything in life, then it’s easier for fear to orun rampant in the mind. Your life has to be created from a spark of desire or some wild urge to explore or learn or experience. Don’t panic about what those passions might be; the seed of adventure is sown from the pure simplicity of saying YES to your day.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse


Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – Four of Cups

Stubbornness is often referred to as a negative personality trait. I disagree, as I see it as one of the most powerful tools to channel into positive self-care. Somewhere in your sphere you are feeling reluctant to surrender, to hope, or to rest, and this isn’t unusual for you. The thing that is different however is that the tides have turned recently and your outlook has shifted, so you are much more prepared than you think.

I feel you have some emotional concerns at the moment, too many feelings and an abundance of worries. These feelings are really okay, as they are washing you somewhere and if you choose to not pass judgement on yourself then you will discover that it’s also okay to just feel “meh” sometimes, it doesn’t mean you are weak or useless. However, this is an important time to note every silver lining. However many worries you have right now, there are at least three fold more bright opportunities surrounding you. Remember back to a time when things turned out quite fine despite your reservations, one of those times when the whole “divine alignment of time” was proven to you. Trust that now is the same, and that movement, although seemingly sluggish, is happening.

So back to that stubbornness; take any urges not to care for yourself right now and flip it to a wild and passionate superpower to do absolutely everything you can to honor the idea of feeling good. Even if you try it as a bizarre experiment, just do it. Imagine what life would be like without the layer of pressure you place on yourself and try and act that out.

Finally this is THE month to return to your meditation practice, or start if you don’t have one already. Meditation is the value of your time and you cannot do it wrong. You may be drawn to a certain mode or pulled in the direction of a new teacher. Other than that, just sit, stop and listen, it’s that simple. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable and challenging, but all and any stillness is beneficial for you. It is within these moments that you automatically connect back to your mind, body and spirit super powers – meaning you will be able to do more work and have more ideas, when it’s time to take action.

Have you downloaded your full 2015 Tarotscope? Come and chat with me about how your month is going @louniverse