Like a lot of us, I have high hopes for 2018—meaning it can’t be any worse than 2017. Mind you, I also had high expectations last year: it was the year my book came out, after all. And while that has opened all kinds of doors and bought a ton of blessings, it was also the hardest, most vulnerable, and most humbling experience of my life.
Add a backdrop of total political fuckery, a raging tech / iPhone addiction, family health issues, and a steady stream of natural disasters in the news, and I ended last year with a nervous system that felt shot to pieces. Um, anyone?
2017 was the first year I naturally lost weight due to stress (having taken matters into my own hands and starved myself during my traumatic teens). It was the first year I got fillers, as it felt like I began aging on fast forward. It was the year I made my first actual enemies (one of them a celebrity, who got so mad about something I didn’t even do, she sent me emails threatening to ruin my career).
There was plenty more, too, but this post isn’t about how shit last year was—because two weeks in to 2018, and I’m already feeling a MASSIVE shift. Maybe it’s because Saturn has gotten the fuck off my ascendant (moving from Sagittarius into Capricorn in December last year), or that all the all the planets are currently in direct motion (!!!), but things have just been … going my way.
Projects are popping, my Numinous and Moon Club communities feel supportive and vibrant (I love you guys!), and I’m about to begin work on book #2. My nervous system feels healed, my actions calm, directed, and SOLID. So why the rapid turnaround?
Cosmic omens aside, here are three ways I’ve been actively manifesting a killer 2018:
// I DID A WISHCRAFT SESSION At the end of last year, amazing hypnotherapist Shauna Cummins suggested I try her Wishcraft experience—which is kind of like a witchy, uber-directed intention-setting ceremony.
During the session, Shauna had myself and Numi assistant editor Bess (SUCH a great exercise to do with a colleague or friend) write out 10 things we love about ourselves / life in general, to get us in the mindset of abundance. Then 10 things we wanted for ourselves in 2018. Then five things we love about The Numinous, and five things we wanted for this platform.
We then did a guided hypnosis where we journeyed to the END of 2018, and envisioned ourselves celebrating the year just gone. The purpose of this was to trick our subconscious minds into believing these things had already come to pass—increasing the chance of them actually happening.
Using these ideal future outcomes, we identified three words or concepts to summarize our core desires for the year ahead. We infused these into candles to be lit again each day over the holidays, to plant our intentions deeper. Two weeks into the year, I’m already seeing results.
// I’M MAKING SPACE FOR WHAT’S “MINE” Meaning I am literally removing anything from my diary, my work, and my personal life, that is not 100% aligned with my intentions for my Self and my mission. This was something that came up a lot with me and various members of the Numi crew last year—how the more things we said “no” to, the faster the things that were a big “yes” for us showed up.
Which is easier said than done. Already I can hear you going “what about my resonsibilities to my family / friends / job?” Or, “How is doing less going to pay my credit card debt?”
But it was spending a week with no WiFi or cell reception over the holidays, that I was able to really see how being available and in “respond” mode all the time—thanks to email, text, DM, FB messenger, ETC.—leaves very little space for manifesting abundance when it comes to what YOU want and need.
In my book, I talk about how to cultivate healthy “higher selfishness”—something that is counter to everything we’ve been taught about how things work. We’ve learned: push / work hard to get what you want. Give to others before you serve yourself. Be accommodating if you want to be accepted. Ugh, the GUILT of putting ourselves first!
But the fact is, our bodies, brains and consciousness weren’t designed for the sheer volume of “other people’s needs” (family, friends, boss, AND refugees, disaster victims, etc.) that we interact with daily in the Now Age. It’s on us to be discerning about who and what truly deserve our time and energy, and to get okay with closing the door on the rest.
//I’M GETTING REAL A large part of why 2017 felt so harsh for so many of us, is that the veil was well and truly lifted. On a personal, a political and a global level, situations stacked up to remind us that NO, everything will not turn out okay if we just keep preaching “love and light!” That it’s on us to pro-actively co-create our desired reality with literally every choice we make and every word we speak.
In 2018, with Saturn coming home to its own sign of Capricorn, it’s like we’re experiencing a collective “Saturn Return”—a.k.a. the mother of all reality checks. Which means no more blind eyes and heads in the sand. Unsettling? Maybe. But this is also our moment to “grow up”, take responsibility, and face the facts head on.
In my daily life, this already looks like picking up the phone more often to check the facts, versus trying to read between the lines. It means being a lot less “nice”, and knowing it’s okay if not everybody likes me. It means telling people what’s really going on for me (the people who actually need to know, anyway). And it means asking for what I’m worth, and not settling for less because I’m scared it’s all I’ll get.
None of it comfortable or easy. But if 2017 taught me anything, it’s that comfort and ease are earned by our willingness to get real, confront our demons, and actually ASK for the support we need.
“My Mystical Life” is returning as a weekly column, after I had to take a time-out to deal with the overall overwhelm of 2017. It’s good to be back. Here’s to manifesting abundance in 2018 and beyond!
1/11 ushers in a Harry Potter-ish portal for magical transformation, says Felicia Bender. Get ready for lift-off!
Welcome to the New Year!
I’m getting feedback across the board that 2017 was a real equalizer for most of us. A friend of mine said it simply and eloquently:
“Goodbye 2017. There’s not one damn thing I’ll miss about you.”
And while I’m more than relieved to wave “Adieu” to the year TOO, I also know that the purpose behind all the intensity in 2017 was to ready us for significant and substantial change.
And the Universe chose to pave the way by pitching many of us hardballs all year long. There’s nothing like being roughed up a bit to get our priorities straight, right?
So now what?
Prepare yourself – and get ready to engage your portal for lift-off in an almost Harry Potter-ish sort of way. It’s as though 1/11 is the “Port Key” that Harry and his buddies use to get from one location to the other—magically and instantaneously.
Numerologically speaking, the numerology of 1/11 is a gateway for us to focus our intentions and put thought into action. This day is a launching pad and a conduit to manifesting whatever we’ve been working on during the entire year of 2017. And no, it won’t manifest in the wave of a wand—and yet we can work with the powerful numerology of 1/11 to our distinct advantage now that we know it exists.
Understand that the energy related to the number 1 is all about new beginnings, independence, initiative, achievement, individuation, self-confidence, and innovative creativity.
So, with the numerology of 1/11 it’s beneficial to remind ourselves to focus on what we want rather than what we don’t want, because the energy of the number 1 expands what we repeatedly and routinely think about. It’s indicating that a window of opportunity is being flung open for us—with this energy in our court, we’ll begin to manifest our thoughts and desires into reality with remarkable speed.
So the trick is to be disciplined and mindful about how we focus our thoughts—this is good advice for every day and yet imperative for the numerology of 1/11. If there’s any time to make a highly concerted effort to positively and boldly envision your present and your future, this is the moment. Don’t waste this valuable and high-powered energy lingering in the past, hovering in indecision, or grinding about how your ex is such a jerk!
Use this “Port Key” to unlock your wildest wants, most delicious desires, and purposeful passions. Step through the muck and into 2018 with the clear intention to throw caution to the wind. This goes for our personal lives and reaches out into the stratosphere of our geo-political world stage.
1/11 is the day to examine long-held beliefs that we may not be true for us anymore.
1/11 is the day to forgive ourselves (and others) and get on with it!
1/11 is the day to expansively begin the practical and magical path to creating a deeply enriching new phase of our lives.
“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”—Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
And let Ron’s advice keep you buoyant and focused during this transitional and transformational 2018: “Don’t let the Muggles get you down.”
Addicted to likes … while practicing non-attachment? In her first “Ask a Spiritual CEO” advice column, Maha Rose founder Lisa Levine shares her top 5 rules for conscious social media use …
Lisa gets social at Maha Rose. Photo: Annie Forest.
Q: “I know that to grow my business I need to be active on social media, but the more time I spend on Instagram the less connected I am to my deeper spiritual experience of life – which is also vital for my work. How can I reconcile both worlds? Instagram in particular is so addictive! It’s easy to get sucking into living from a place of what to “share” next. I also find myself distracted from my spiritual process by wondering which parts of my own journey will also make a good post, rather than being fully present with it. Help!”
Lisa Levine: Social media is such an amazing tool for small business, incuding independent healers, teachers, and artists. What people are able to grow through connecting in this way is inspiring!
But it can be a double-edged sword. Here are my top 5 rules for navigating the social media wilds while having fun, staying grounded with ourselves and each other, and preserving some of the mystery …
Rule #1 Use it, Don’t be Used by It. Remember that social media is a tool. As spiritual seekers, our goal is freedom. Attachment to anything is the opposite of freedom.
When you know (or just suspect) you’ve had your fill, get off the screen and meditate, draw, dance, spend time with real live humans. When I find myself overstimulated and overstretched, I slow down, make extra eye contact, and focus on listening. During staff meetings at Maha Rose, we ask that people don’t have their phones open so we can be as present as possible with one another.
Photo: Annie Forest
Rule #2: Know Your Triggers. Social media allows us see every aspect of people’s lives, and this information can trigger feelings of jealousy, competition, and feeling less than or left out.
I’m not exempt. If I feel myself getting triggered by things I see in social media, I stop engaging and spend some time with that emotion. I ask myself: where is this coming from, and what do I need to address in myself?
Rule #3: Let the World Move On. The challenge of having your own business is deciding when and if you clock out. And social media is a 24 hour, 7 day a week medium. If you’re not on it, it keeps moving without you, and this can trigger a feeling of needing to be on it all the time.
Practice letting the social media world move on without you for some hours of the day, or even a day or two out of the week. I take regular hiatuses from social media, whether it’s just to disconnect for the second half of the day, or when I’m hosting a retreat, so I can create a bubble of magic space and healing and preserve that energy.
Notice the difference that break makes in your life. Also, notice if it is hard as hell. Social media addiction is REAL. Soon, there will be support groups helping people to get off social media. It’s designed to be addictive. More breaks!
Rule #4 Recapture the Magic. Nowadays, we share EVERYTHING! And it feels good to share our revelations, and our “a-ha” moments with others.
But let yourself preserve a little bit of magic and mystery. There are revelations that might just be for you, or to be shared in an intimate setting with people who have signed up fully to receive this information, rather than anyone and everyone who happens to be scrolling by.
I love to share, but I do keep some things out of the spotlight. We generally don’t photograph in our workshops because we want them to feel really super sacred. And there are things in my personal life I don’t share. It’s good to keep a bit of mystery.
Photo: Annie Forest
Rule #5 Pay Attention to Your Intentions. As healers and teachers, our business is US. What are you using to sell yourself? Your beauty, your sexiness, your children? Is that connected to the work you do? If it is, great. If it’s not, maybe question why you are posting it.
Really ask yourself, with every post, what your intention is. To uplift and inspire? Or something else? Everything has a vibration—even social media. Pay attention to the subtle underlying nuances.
Got a question for Lisa’s monthly “Ask a Spiritual CEO” column? Email [email protected] with the subject line: “Spiritpreneur Questions”
Forget plasticky mats and badly lit yoga studios. Writer, director, artist, and transformational coach, Alexandra Roxo, tells you how to make sacred sexy, and create healing as art …
Photo: Keith Carlsen
Magic feasts & dark chocolate canoodles … I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life working as a writer, director, and artist. At age 21, I created an immersive theatre experience, where the music, the aromas, and colors allowed people to be completely lost in the moment, forgetting who they were.
For a New Year’s Soiree in Portland, OR, in 2007, I hand dyed invites with beet juice. I instructed everyone to arrive in white. I decorated the house with vintage candlesticks. Made little tents out of sheets for couples to canoodle in, with books of erotica and dark chocolate. Throughout the night there were surprise musical acts. Everyone dancing! And in the morning there was a feast around a long table, where declarations were spoken. It was 48 hours of Magic. A retreat into Love. And this way of crafting experiences has continued with me.
Birthday parties, events, rituals. I can “direct” and make art out of any part of my life. And my healing work is no different. I see healing as art.
Photo: Alexandra Herstik
Full body healing & healing as art … When I think of healing spaces and rooms, I often think of bad lighting. Sagging couches. Yoga studios with plastic mats and water bottles and the same Kunda tunes on repeat. And as a healer and a director, I want nothing more than to make the healing experience a full body, full sensory experience of art, delight and great pleasure!
I’ve had practice crafting this in our Moon Club meetups. Just last month, myself, Gaby Herstik and Kaitlyn Kaerheart— the LA pillars of Moon Club— crafted an evening of healing as living art, the whole night directed by me, like a Mistress of Ceremonies and a High Priestess extraordinaire!
We titled the event “There is a Light that Never Goes Out,” after The Smiths song. People arrived to candlelight. Wearing black. I opened with a monologue and setting of the space, an incantation, a dropping in. We were serenaded by Kaitlyn’s sweet voice. Like an angel! Then we shared stories in the dark. We received a magical Gong Bath from North and Nomad, and hands-on healings and oils from Kaitlyn, Gaby and I. The night was a piece of theatre. A true ritual, with every detail intact. No small talk. No chatter. No same-old Trader Joe’s snacks!
Mix your sacred with your gorgeous … This is how I will be crafting ALL my healing experiences from now on. Healing is getting a new look. Sex. Art. Fashion. Theatre. No more yoga studios and therapy rooms. I’ll be leading healing work on beaches. In gorgeous living rooms. In the forest. Sacred acts, dedicated to the Divine! A celebration of human existence. A return to the way we once healed and worshipped. Before the puritans took the fun out of it!
And you can DIY mini experiences for yourself and your friends anytime! No more pot luck dinner dates. How about hosting something fabulous and fun and experimental? It takes less efforts than you’d think to turn a night with friends into something magical and memorable.
Here’s how to create your own artistic healing soirée … 1// Create your event around a theme. This could be in line with the Moon. An Equinox. A certain ritual you’ve read about and feel inspired to lead. Or your own Solar Return!
2// Art direct the shit out of it! Make Pinterest boards. Choose colors. Start to envision and most importantly to feel the world you want to create.
3// Create a run-of-play. Do you want to put love notes in secret spots for people? Create a hot seat for Compliment Showers? Put sexy questions into a hat for people to answer? Invite a musician to stop by? Have someone lay down and get an 8-hand massage? Get creative and map out a time-line. Imagine the colors. The smells. No hummus and chips and no Pandora on shuffle! Get specific.
4// Ask for help. Get a friend on board to help you execute. This is your Assistant Director. Love them and have fun together. Send them a gift after!
5// Send those invites and test it out. The first one may be clunky. Maybe the music didn’t come on at the right moment. Someone got the dress code wrong. But have faith! Things will get more clean and clear as your faith in your ability to direct gets stronger. When you commit to bringing YOUR presence is when you’ll inspire others to elevate into their own greatness, too. I promise!
Photo: Alexandra Herstik
In 2018, I’ll be creating my most ambitious healing as art experience to date—leading a Transformational Healing Journey for six women. And I have two spots left! It begins February 1 and will entail a RADICAL six-month healing journey of magic and art and sexiness. A true return to healing and transformation as your own greatest art form!
Our journey will include SIX fully art-directed, 2-day retreats, which I’ll be co-leading with some of the most incredible practitioners from my own healing journey—many of whom I’ve written about for this column. We’ll be dancing with serpents. Suspended by ropes. Sitting in sacred tea ceremony. Diving into the wisdom of plant medicine. Taking cedar baths in the desert. Doing heart-opening work with the Divine Masculine (in divine man form!) And so much more.
Email Alexandra at [email protected] to receive all info and an application! Program begins 2/1. First retreat is 2/10-2/11.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Rowing in a canoe.You are rowing the boat, steering through deep emotional waters. Pay attention to the wisdom of your heart. Let yourself be exactly where you are. Trust yourself. If you do these things, you’ll find the reserves of persistence and clarity that will help you navigate.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A snowflake.The pristine and unique shape of the snowflake is a masterpiece of geometry. Let go of internal criticism. Let go of needing to be right. Drift gently along the wind. See yourself as inherently perfect already. There is nothing that you need to strive for externally right now. Use this time to gain internal clarity about your unique perfection.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A field of flowers.You are more connected than you know. You have friends in many places. Lean on them for support. And use your creativity to its fullest. Don’t let anyone put you in a box. It’s easier to march to the beat of your own drummer if you remember that your community backs you up.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising A spotlight shines from the eaves of the theater.You’re on. It’s your moment to shine. What are you feeling called to bring into the world? How are you feeling called to serve? Show up. Act out your role. This is a chance for you to build stability in your career. You have what you need to do the work you are here to do.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising A seed from a tree floats to the ground like a helicopter.Free yourself.It’s time to spiral into a new way of thinking. There was a time for waiting, but now it’s over. Explore your surroundings. Travel. When you’ve gathered more information from your explorations you’ll know exactly where to plant yourself so that you can germinate. As long as you feel fired-up and passionate it will work just fine.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Looking through binoculars down the road behind you.Follow through on the things that have been left undone. It’s time to tie up loose ends and move forward. When you let go of the weight that you are tired of carrying, you will feel clean and clear.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising A four-leaf clover. You can expect extra clarity around your relationships. Look for ways to communicate precisely about your wants and needs. Maybe the clover is lucky because it is balanced, two leaves on each side. Create more balance in your life. It will stabilize and support you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising The butterfly in the flowers.Hold yourself to a higher standard. The beauty is in the details. When you are excelling in the practical detail work, you’ll have the confidence to go after what you want. It’s possible to transform, leaving old habits behind and embracing a healthier new way of being.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Eating ice cream.Within a short time, you’ll have opened new creative channels. Begin by having fun and being playful. Enjoy yourself. Notice what you like. What makes you feel creative? It’s okay to lighten up and do these things. Fun and play are excellent avenues to feeling grounded.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Diving into the water.Breaking into a new plane of experience. Splash– you’re underneath the surface. In the water you have to navigate by feeling your way through it. It’s time to tune into your emotions. It’s not a conscious practice, but more of an instinctive one. Let yourself be fully in the emotions, even if they aren’t controlled. You need to immerse yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Holding a beach ball over your head.Find a friend and start a game of catch. As the ball moves down the beach, the message moves as well. What new connections need to be made? Mental connections— new ideas, fresh curiosity and learning. And also social connections— aligning with neighbors and friends. Be open minded because there’s a lot to learn.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A bright star.Hope. It’s a wild concept, but integral to the human experience. You need to build it within yourself. Help the symbol of hope shine brighter and brighter. Let it shine and you’ll see how irresistible it becomes.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
As we build towards the first New Moon of the year, the Libra Waning Quarter Moon wants you to awaken your ambition, embrace the intensity, and go after what you really want, says Jennifer Racioppi
Waning Quarter Moon :: January 8 2018 ::5:25pm EST :: 18 degrees Libra
While Libra usually conjures images of balance and equanimity, the build toward the January 16 first New Moon of the year in Capricorn beckons us towards an attitude of focused extreme …
With Venus, the Sun, Saturn, and Pluto (one of the most intense planets in the solar system) all conjoined in Capricorn, Mercury and the New Moon about to join the party, and Jupiter and action-packed Mars together in Scorpio, the scales are tipping towards depth.
Even though these are extremely aligned and auspicious combinations, they ask you to embrace drive, ambition, and that which you most desire!
So what to do with this Waning Quarter Moon? Embrace it. Let yourself get super aligned with the truth you are calling forth in your life right now.
:: The Sun :: With the Sun, Venus, and powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn forming a perfect angle of support to Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio, the Waning Moon asks you to connect with your determination. Make peace with your ambition and decide what it is you want!
:: The Moon :: With the Moon in cardinal Libra squaring the Sun in Capricorn, it’s time to surrender and release that which we no longer need. What is standing in the way of your goal and desires? Now’s the time to consciously surrender what no longer works.
:: The Square :: As the Capricorn Sun squares the Libra Moon, the scales tip in the direction of ambition-drive Capricorn. But don’t forget to use your Libran values to determine what you actually want, and the best way to go after it.
:: The Message :: As we move towards next week’s first New Moon of the new year, use this Quarter Moon to prepare. Set strong intentions, dig your heals in, and embrace the intensity.
With the Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse ending this month, you really don’t want to miss the opportunity to create the change you most desire in your life!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers!
The Wheel of Fortune is showing we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be—the perfect place from which to set our intentions for 2018, says Melinda Lee Holm …
Happy New Year, Numi crew! Get the first astro symbol for 2018 with Sandra Sitron’s Numinous weekly horoscopes …
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising A cardinal dips and dives to the next tree branch. The red cardinal is powerful animal medicine, symbolizing renewal and happy relationships. The word “cardinal” comes from the Latin root word “cardos” which means hinge— the hinge that opens a door. The cardinal bird is thought to open the door to the world of spirit, bringing back messages. Capricorn is a cardinal sign, one of the four signs that initiates new beginnings, opening the door to new experiences. As you initiate a new year, open your mind to intuitive messages that can help you feel fulfilled in your relationships. The cardinal brings you inspiration on how to communicate with a partner. Let the bright bird renew your faith in love.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A tiny frog. Take good care of your skin, you are more porous than usual and this is a sensitive time. Work on healthy habits that will help you lower inflammation and improve your psychic abilities. Drink very clean water. Paying extra attention to your physical needs will set you up well for the journey ahead. You are learning to leap higher, and so it will be soothing to know that you are starting from the solid ground of healthy habits.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A tuning fork. You can clear the air. Clear your frequency. Use your creativity to help yourself start fresh. Every creative thing that you do now helps you align with what is truly important. Prioritize fun and playfulness and you will feel immensely refreshed. Having fun might seem “extra” or like something to do if you “have time.” But the truth is that right now it will give you a crucial energetic boost that has far-reaching beneficial consequences.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Freshly baked bread. Nurture yourself with homespun delights. It’s not the act of eating fresh bread that’s important now, it’s the memory of it. You know on a deep level within yourself that you have been nourished at some point in your life. The cellular knowledge of nurturance is what must be appreciated now. We don’t have much time on this Earthly plane. Memory serves to help us orient ourselves between past, present, and future. Use your memory to your advantage. Sit with a memory that’s meaningful to you so that it can help you truly appreciate the present moment. It’s time for reflection.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising A canopy of fireworks. With each flare of light in the night sky, a new idea crystallizes. You are alight with new possibilities and fresh mental connections. Don’t lose momentum. Gather these ideas dutifully. Study the knowledge that’s coming through. You have an opportunity to set yourself a different mental trajectory. Watch your mind light up with possibility.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A sparrow eats seeds, abundant on frozen ground. There are resources available to you. In this phase, stay grounded. Do activities that keep you centered in your body. With body awareness, you will tap into the abundant truth of your nature. You are safe. Clear blocks to the root chakra and discover that you have what you need. More than that, you have abundance.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Tiny flowers open up at dawn, in perfect time to the rhythm of the rising Sun. You can’t help but be on time. Here you are and here is where you are meant to be. Find peace in the knowledge that you are aligned with your internal clock. There are no missteps and every move has brought you to this perfect moment. The message is to let yourself flourish exactly where you are. Appreciation is the key. Dissolve resistance.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Lion heart. Find your lion heart. It’s right where you left it, somewhere around the age of 5. You are still just as brave as you were then. If you learned along the way that it was foolish to feel larger than life, it’s time let go of that limiting belief. You are larger than life and so that sensation is accurate. It’s your birthright to take up space and know that you are worthy. Whisper these truths to yourself before sleep. Find your brave heart in your dreams and put it back in it’s proper place.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Cotton balls in a jar morph into cottony clouds in the sky. A deep inhale will help. If you are having anxiety it’s because the details are overwhelming. Shift your focus to the big picture. Drift to the tune of your future visions. Just let go your grip. There’s no way that you can keep all of the thoughts in order and you can’t keep up with them. So you must find a new path through. Don’t look at the trees, look at the forest. What would your most hopeful dreams have you believe? Work backwards from there.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Fireflies in a jar. You are luminescent. Light up your arena. Be vibrant in your work. But then notice, have you put yourself into a jar, a box or a trap of some kind? If so, just open the lid. If there is a trap, it’s of your own making and all you have to do is release yourself. Then you’ll be free to illuminate the world with your gifts.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A frozen pond. Wait for it. Your new beginning is so close. You just have to wait a little bit longer. The ice will melt and then spring will arrive. In the meantime, explore the new terrain. How has the landscape of your beliefs about the world changed? Search your soul for a new way of thinking about yourself. Find inspiration deep within. Then the ice will melt and your new phase will begin.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Playing hopscotch. A rhythmic dance. A game. Hop, hop, hop. The more you play the more you gain. Keep participating. Keep momentum. You may not understand why right now, but if you do it for fun, you will see a huge benefit. Follow the things that delight you. Let go of the things that don’t.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Hello friends! I am so excited and honored to be handed the baton from Lindsay to bring you this monthly Tarot guidance. I have benefitted greatly from her wisdom and it fills my heart to be able to now step up to pay it forward. In addition to my work in Tarot, I have an extensive background in crystal energies, so I am adding a stone for each sign that can help you unlock the power of your card for each month. I hope that my take on the cards will continue to be source of inspiration and comfort for you! Happy New Year! xoM
CAPRICORN // CAPRICORN RISING The Moon Happy solar return, Carpicorn! With the Sun shinging bright in your sign, you are called to step into the darkness to get reacquainted with your inner voice. What parts of yourself have you been avoiding eye contact with? What distant voice beckons from deep within your psyche? How can you ready yourself to step forward into the role you have always known deep down you were born to play? The Moon not only calls on us to explore deeply our inner realms, she guides us in our quest, ever present in the darkest hours. There is an aspect of the Hero’s Journey in this card, a feeling that a uniquely personal task must be fulfilled, fear of the unknown overcome, the Hero returned changed, matured, better suited to serve as a member of the community.
If you have had a creative project taking form inside you, now is the time to confront it, to dive in and swim around in it, exploring options and angles. The Moon beckons. It does not demand immediate action, but it does demand the acknowledgement of the inevitable. This first month of 2018 is your time to lay low, dig deep, and accept the mission the Universe is presenting to you. You are important and the world needs what you have to offer. Pay especially close attention to messages you receive on the Full Moons (1st and 31st) and the New Moon (16th). Be prepared for major shifts to be clarified or solidified at the Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 31st!
Your stone for January: Lapis Lazuli
AQUARIUS // AQUARIUS RISING Akashic Records January will be a time of tapping in to the great cosmic library for you, Aquarius, and with your famously dreamy nature, this should feel like absolute heaven. Keep in mind that being a part of the Cosmic whole – the past, present, and future – comes with a healthy dose of responsibility. If we’re all here as one massive living, breathing organism, then how we care for ourselves ripples out to effect every other part of the great Universal beast. Keep track of how your treatment of yourself forms your interations with others. The wisdom you download may propel you to make some changes in your self-care routine to put you in better alignment with the Divine Whole.
This is a great time to expand your meditation practice, spend more time in nature, gaze at the stars, and engage in any other activities that make you feel more connected to the eternal Collective. Let your mind wander and explore places – within and apart from yourself – and see what gems of knowledge you find along the way. Eternal wisdom lives in everything, so you may find yourself receiving profound enlightnement in seemingly unlikely places. The Akashic Records are not accessed through a single Great Teacher, they are aborbed through our energetic field and discovered through connection with the world around us. Stay open to learning from all beings great and small and consider keeping a journal of your experiences so you can go back and expand on any revelations at a later date. Something that seemed small may turn out to be life-changing.
Your stone for January: Amethyst
PISCES // PISCES RISING Serenity Following the busy social scene of the holiday season, you are called to take a pause to care for your own physical, mental, and spiritual health, dear Pisces. With your mystical sensibilites and tendency to take on the emotions of those around you, the holiday season can sometimes be especially taxing. Now you have the great gift of Serenity at your doorstep, urging you to cozy up and settle down. Don’t be arfraid to say no to social obligations or to have strong boundaries around deadlines. This is your time to care for you. Take full advantage and wrap yourself up in the warm embrace of purposeful solitude!
I repeat – this is a PURPOSEFUL solitude. The energy of the Serenity card is not about just vegging out or slacking on responsibilities. The invitation here is to get quiet and nourished in order to gather wisdom to bring back out to your fellow humans when you are ready to emerge from your cocoon. So, when you are thinking of ways to get cozy, think more “books, spa days, yoga retreats” than “Netflix and junk food binge”. Though by all means, if a certain show or movie is sparking your creative interest, watch away! We all need some couch time now and again. Just keep an eye on whether your downtime activites are truly nurturing or leaning toward escapism lest you come out of January feeling even more depleted than when you started.
Your stone for January: Iolite
ARIES // ARIES RISING The Emperor Rejoice, Aries! You’ll be right in your element this month with The Emperor at your side, stoking your firey nature. If you do not have a crystal clear vision of all you want to accomplish this year (complete with blueprints, color charts, a mood board, and detailed financial projections), now is the time to get focused and get all your ducks in a row. I do not see this being difficult for you. With your ruling planet of Mars in Scorpio for most of the month, you will have rare access to the deepest depths of your emotional self. Getting in touch with what truly makes you feel fulfilled will allow you to not only think but to feel out which long-term goals will best serve your master plan.
You know you have one. Aries always has a master plan and with The Emperor by your side, you can safely expand your scope, knowing you have the strategic prowess to execute your grand vision. What you put into play in January will set the tone and the foundation of all you can accomplish in 2018. This is a big month. But be mindful of stepping on toes. This is a LOT of bold energy, and both your cardinal Fire nature and The Emperor can have a tendency to overlook emotional concerns to get goals accomplished more quickly. Remember, it’s only January! Keep an eye on your long game and make sure to maintain relationships as well as you maintain strategic vision.
Your stone for January: Rhodonite
TAURUS // TAURUS RISING Three of Crystals Collaboration is the key word for you this month, Taurus, and perfectly rooted in your native element of Earth. This month brings opportunities to make great gains toward goals of the material world. These can be financially motivated or simply personal passion projects, but they will revolve around changin the physical workd around you in some way with the help of others. Be on the lookout for people, places, or situations that offer you unique perspectives and provide resources or skill sets that are complimentary to your own. You may need to soften your stubborn side a bit to get the most out of your partnerships. Remember that collaboration works best with people who have skills, experience, and perspectives different from your own, so their viewpoints may be challenging at times.
If you have active ongoing projects, reach out to people outside your discipline to get their insights. If you have an empty plate right now, it’s a great time to get together with a wide variety of friends and collegues to talk about what you’re intested in making or accomplishing and wait for sparks to fly. The Three of Crystals will ensure that the right people and situations cross your path. With your dedication and work ethic, and passion for quality, you are naturally someone others desire to work with. You can afford to be a bit choosy. Get grounded in want you want and what you have to offer and get ready to step into some unexpected magic.
Your stone for January: Garnet
GEMINI // GEMINI RISING Justice Striking a balance is imperative this month, Gemini, which may prove easy or incredibly difficult for you depending on the current status of your relationship with your inner twin. Make peace early in the month by forgiving yourself for any perceived missteps and move forward with a clean slate. Now is not a time to dwell on the merits of past behavior, but to take action to correct course. What this looks like will depend entirely on how your December played out. Over-imbibe over the holidays? Plan a month of clean eating and excercise. Been avoiding social engagements? Get out and mix it up to strengthen your social circle. You get the picture. Justice is by definition impartial. It seeks only the truth. Find the truth of your current patterns and balance the scales.
In your quest for the truth, make sure to refrain from judgment. The goal here is not to determine fault or guilt, but simply to see clearly and act accordingly. Sometimes what we find when we see the truth can make us uncomfortable. That is natural. What you’ll want to avoid is getting so bogged down in discomfort that you can no longer take impartial action. Fortunately, your Airey nature should help you to keep your reasoning clear and focused. Try to frame this as an intellectual more than an emotional process. If you do encounter discomfort, allow yourself to feel it and then allow it move on. Be extra kind with yourself and and be wary of taking too much advice from others. This is an inside job.
Your stone for January: Fluorite
CANCER // CANCER RISING Page of Wands You begin the year with a fresh take on how to make magic. Throw out any old rulebooks you have on how to play with the element of Fire. It’s a new day! Time to experiment with new ways of opening and trusting your intuition, acessing your animal instincts and taking action. This is the seed of personal magic. With the first Full Moon of the year coming us on the 1st in your sign, you’ll be able to start things off with a bang. You are ruled by the Moon, Cancer, and you feel her pull more than most. Take this opportunity to really dive into that connection. She has ancient tools for expanding intuition – a key element of Wands energy. You are a part of the Universe. Explore what it feels like to access this power.
Afte the hustle and bustle of the holidays, this personal exploration should be a welcome invitation for some solo play time. Working with Page energy requires solitude to allow time and space to strip away the old ways of operating and discover what new possibilities await. This doesn’t mean being alone on a mountaintop – that’s more in the realm of the Solitude card – but more engaging in life solo. Go to the movies by yourself, treat yourself to a nice solo dinner, go ice skating, take a walk, hear the voice that is uniquely yours guiding you to new possibilities. Give yourself permission to retreat into your shell to conjure a happy and prosperous 2018.
Your stone for January: Orange Calcite
LEO // LEO RISING Transformation Get ready for a lighter New Year, Leo. This month you will find all sorts of things that used to seem incredibly important are just not holding their value anymore. I am talking true emotional, spiritual, energetic value. The Big kind. Everything in the Universe has a life cycle. The old move on to make room for the new to grow. This month you have an opportunity to look through your own system of habits of action and thought to discover anything you are ready to let go of, any area of your life that you would like to see transformed. Are there ways in which you are holding yourself back that you’ve been wanting to release? If so, now is the time!
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 1st is a wonderful time to kickstart this process. The gentless of your sister sign can help to set the tone of this transformation as a nurturing one. Consider lighting a black that day and feeling the detrius loosen and drift away with the waning Moon or simply meditate and set your intentions. This is your transformation. You set the tone and the pace. The beauty of this energy is that it works with you to find what you are truly ready to shed in order to step forward into your new self. Pay attention to any insights that came up around the Winter Solstice. With the Sun as your ruling planet, that longest night of the year can hold particular significance.
Your stone for January: Black Obsidian
VIRGO // VIRGO RISING Four of Wands You reach a level of comfort and stability in the realm of Fire this month, Virgo, and with your Earthy nature, this is a great win! You worked so hard to stay on track in the roller coaster of 2017 and it paid off. With things moving so quickly, you had to get in touch with the fire of your intuition to guide you and your embrace of that flexibility has paid off. You should feel the urgency of action wane this month as you you settle in to a new, elevated pattern of manifestations that keeps you connected to your gut level instincts and able to pivot without straying off course. You can loosen your grip on the details, trusting that your instincts will keep you on the right path.
Your zodiacal ancestry as the caretaker of ancient temples plays into this energy this month as well, dear Virgo. Long before the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome, women dedicated their lives to serving their Goddesses and Priestesses in temples. This required a great deal of attention to detail to execute all of the duties of the station properly, but this was always in the servie of a higher principle of honoring the Deity. This 4 of Wands is here to help you reconnect to that larger sense of purpose as a guiding force, leaveing you free to trust in yourself, not your set process or program. It’s a new year. What temple will you dedicate yourself to serving?
Your stone for January: Pyrite
LIBRA // LIBRA RISING Two of Swords What a gift, Libra! The wisdom of Air for the cardinal Air sign. Get ready to reach a higher level of mastery in your native element. This month will present a chance for you to unveil information about how you communicate – with yourself and with others – that will allow you to make some decisions about how you want to work with Air energy moving forward. Two energy is profound, but quiet and personal. It works to open us up at our deepest levels. After all, it’s only the very first step away from the primal energy of the Ace! You may encounter a decision that effects your entire mode of thought and communication or it may be a small shift that relates to your relationship with one particular person. The energy will go where you most need it.
Turn your attention to listening to your own internal and external voice as an impartial observer. What patterns do you notice? Are there things you say or words you use that are limiting you or blocking your communication in any way? Practice reframing the same idea in various ways to see what feels best. Maybe “I don’t like parties” becomes “I prefer one on one time with friends”. How do different framings of your words and thoughts change your emotional response or that of others? Discover and experiment early and often so you can be ready to make some decisions around your findings by the end of the month.
Your stone for January: Aquamarine
SCORPIO // SCORPIO RISING Strength Put that deep, instinctual nature to work for good this month connecting to your true inner Strength, Scorpio. You have an enviable natural ability to keep your eye on the prize and speak up for what you want. The Strength card is here to teach you that sometimes the greatest power comes from co-creation and collaboration rather than strategy and confrontation. Your comfort in this paradigm is directly related to how easily you can trust and see the best in others and yourself. Put down your stinger, rest your claws, and put on some rose colored glasses. It’s time for a new approach.
Your key concept for this month is “with” rather than “at”. When you feel the need to communicate something urgently, follow that impulse but be ready to listen to the other side. Your statement is the opener, not the conclusion. This is not to say that January wil be a month of compromising your goals or ideals, quite the opposite! You will find that when you fold the goals and views of others into your own, your vision actually expands. You are not giving up your power, you are growing it. Pay attention to situations that make your tail start to tingle. These challenge points are going to be your best opportunities to dig deep into the wisdom of the Strength card and greatly expand your toolbox for accomplishing long- and short-term goals. If you play your cards right, you could rejuvenate your entire plan for world domination.
Your stone for January: Ruby
SAGITTARIUS // SAGITTARIUS RISING Ace of Cups My loves. This is your heart’s month to shine! The Ace of Cups represents the primal energy of Water, the Divine source of our beautiful ability to FEEL. Melt away any ice that’s built up around your heart, Sagittarius, and let the love flow! You are being given a great gift to start your year, a fresh start to your whole emotional life, a chance to let these healing waters wash away any stagnant patterns so you can be truly prepared to welcome new relationships into your life. These may be romantic, platonic, or even familial. The message here is to carry an open heart. There is great strength in vulnerability. You have no need to be fearful when you open your eyes with your heart.
Being emotionally open means being willing to give and receive love and this month will provide ample opportunities for both. A side effect of the intensity and drama of the past year (and, for many, the holiday season) is that it has helped us to laser-focus on what truly feeds us emotionally, what makes us feel calm and loved and cared for. Tune in to what you can do to nurture yourself and those around you. Lend an ear to a friend who needs to talk. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you need a hug. Consider volunteering at a local food bank, soup kitchen, shelter, or LGBT center. You will find that the more love you give, the more you’ll feel returned to you.
As the New Year arrives, the 2018 Cancer Full Moon wants you to soften into your support system, celebrate how far you’ve come, and treat yourself even better, says Sandra Sitron …
Photo: Mickael Gresset
Full Moon :: January 1, 2018 :: 9:24pm ET :: 11 degrees Cancer
A sigh and a hug. A gentle embrace and Mother Moon nudges you off the edge of the cliff …
You land gently in sea of buttery white rose petals. Sink into softness. The petals morph into her craggy face of the Moon. A waterfall of emotion tumbles you gently into her mouth, and suddenly—you are inside her.
This Full Moon can help you feel contained. You are held in such a way that you can feel every feeling, while being reassured that you are completely supported. You are never alone. You are always seen, your needs always heard, and a gentle softness surrounds you.
In the sign of Cancer, the Moon is at home, and is opposite the Sun in structured Capricorn. This moment could help you blossom in your ability to be both Father and Mother to yourself. To nurture yourself gently, while also providing boundaries and practical support for yourself. You can learn how to both stand up for yourself and be more gentle with yourself.
Might it be emotional? Yes. But with support, there is never trauma. When you feel cared for, healing is easy. This Moon will take you into the depths of emotion. But it will feel oh-so-right.
This Full Moon wants you to treat yourself better, and the emphasis on cardinal signs can help you initiate a new pathway. Let the support of the Moon catapult you into a new wave of understanding.
Celebrate your personal development, and then step through the doorway towards your future self …
Grand trine between the Moon, Neptune, Mars, and Jupiter. A yellow fish swims in a school. This watery trine supports you in moving through the feelings in just the right way. You can nurture your own inner child. Take her on a walk. Show her what it’s really like to be an adult. Help her feel safe and seen.
The school of fish symbolizes swimming through your emotions and connecting with your intuition. This trine will stir up everything that needs to move, but the process is collective.
Meditate to activate your internal guidance system. Your emotional soul-searching will help you feel streamlined and connected, just like the school of fish.
Moon opposite Pluto, Venus, and Saturn An acrobat maneuvers on the tightrope. Jumping and diving gracefully, the acrobat lingers momentarily in midair before grasping a support. You are pushing yourself to go higher, faster, better. You are moving through into a new way of being. It requires skill and strength. But you make it look easy. There is a type of gracefulness in your every move.
As you move into the New Year, get very clear about the transformation that you’ve gone through. What have you learned? What has made you stronger? And now, what will be the structure that supports you moving forward? What is your plan? And finally, notice the inherent beauty that exists in your life. Enjoy this graceful dance in the sky.
These two aspects (above) form a larger kite pattern The kite shape of these two aspects wants to fly. It yearns for motivating action. You can take action by listening to your emotions and allowing yourself to be transformed. This takes courage and willingness to change. In this endeavor, your own emotional security will help you set better boundaries that teach people how to treat you.
And through the whole process, you can refresh yourself with the light of Venus. She reminds you to take pleasure in the moment and enjoy the beauty and diversity of this life on Earth. Something that could otherwise annoy you might seem quite beautiful if you look at it with fresh eyes and an appreciative heart.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2018 Cancer Full Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 11 degrees Cancer in your chart and use the question for that house.
New to your birth chart? Calculate your chart for free HERE.
Aries or Full Moon in the 4th house What helps you feel at home with yourself?
Taurus or Full Moon in the 3rd house What could you be thinking about in a new way?
Gemini or Full Moon in the 2nd house When will you let yourself feel safe?
Cancer or Full Moon in the 1st house What do you need to be honest with yourself about?
Leo or Full Moon in the 12th house How would some solid alone time benefit you?
Virgo or Full Moon in the 11th house What visions for the future are dancing through your mind? Gather these ideas.
Libra or Full Moon in the 10th house Hold yourself to a higher standard. What will this help you achieve?
Scorpio or Full Moon in the 9th house Shimmer new light on your beliefs. What do you most value now?
Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 8th house Paint a picture that shows you finding true forgiveness in every area of your life. In the ideal world, what doors would open?
Capricorn or Full Moon in the 7th house Solidify your partnership desires. What do you need in a partnership?
Aquarius or Full Moon in the 6th house What is the most simple way to structure your day?
Pisces or Full Moon in the 5th house Are you having enough fun to keep your inner child happy?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
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Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron …
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Observing the path ahead. And reflecting on the path behind. Take a moment to pause and be present. What have you learned? And where would you like to go from here? This is a moment to celebrate and to be intentional about your future.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising Blowing bubbles underwater. Dive deep down into the sea of your emotions. What feelings have you been denying? If you slow down long enough, you’ll be able to access those deeper currents that may be driving you unconsciously. Give yourself some time alone.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Holding a single daisy up in the air. You have advanced in some way. Celebrate where you are now. Allow yourself a sense of jubilance. Now look beyond your own worries and concerns. Can you share what you’ve learned with others?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Tying a bandana around your neck. Where will you go from here? Get on your horse and ride. Ride with a sense of adventure. Take to the trail with an air of wonder. If you begin to explore, you’ll discover new ways to move forward in your career.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Washing off a whiteboard. Moving on and letting go of blame. Blame doesn’t do anything for you. Criticizing yourself doesn’t work either. Begin to clean. Clean, sort and organize everything you can, so that you’ll create an internal peacefulness. Make the act of cleansing into a ritual.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising Playing miniature golf. There will be times when you get tired of what you’re doing and your attention wanders. Discover your path forward on these occasions. Look for an opportunity to drive the ball through the moving blades of the windmill. It take skill and finesse to move through life’s obstacles. Take it step by step and don’t get overwhelmed by trying too hard to see the big picture.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Making a figure out of clay. You can try to shape and change your partner or you can accept people for who they are. Avoid getting into the habit of trying to change someone. There is so much more joy in being delighted by someone’s true spirit. Allow others to be exactly as they are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A sponge soaking up water. Soak up the moment that you’re in. Savor the present. Be exactly where you are. Take good care of your body so that you feel grounded. Look for beauty in every tiny detail. There is so much comfort available to you right now. All you have to do is appreciate where you are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising The markings on a horse’s face. Find your wild spirit. Break free. Play. Have fun. Gallop through fields. Take time out to enjoy yourself. Do it like it’s your job. Things can be more simple than they seem. You can feel free and playful.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A tiny pea. Shower yourself with terms of endearment. You are cherished and loved. Take good care of your inner child. Make sure they feel safe and cared for. Talk to them every day. Give them lots of encouragement.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Rowing down a river. What will you discover on your journey? Become very curious. Let what you encounter on your adventure expand your mind. You can leave behind outdated beliefs and become curious about new ways of thinking.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A green lawn, stretching as far as the eye can see. Stop holding your breath. Your fortune is amassing. Your good luck is expanding. Let yourself feel grounded and whole. You have everything you need right in front of you. Trust. Things don’t need to be predictable as long as you yourself have confidence.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
With a pack of Capricorn planets by her side, the Aries Waxing Quarter Moon wants you to get fierce, take charge, and turn your crystal visions into smokin’ hot reality, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Waxing Quarter Moon :: December 26 2017 :: 4:20am EST :: 4 degrees Aries
As the Aries Moon squares the Capricorn Sun, now’s the time to take charge of your life and move in the direction of your dreams …
Cosmically speaking, we’ve been through so much over the last few weeks! Since the 18th’s Sagittarius New Moon, Saturn entered Capricorn, Mercury stationed direct, AND we experienced the Solstice.
We find ourselves amidst profound transformation, and with so much emphasis now in Capricorn, determination becomes a predominant theme.
With Mercury still in his retrograde shadow until January 10th, it’s essential to decompress from the recent retrograde journey. And with Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, making a sweet trine to Neptune in Pisces, we are supported in accessing our dreams and channeling our intuition, which makes this even decompression even more possible. Yes!
As we reach the halfway point between the last New Moon and January 1st’s Full Moon in Cancer, this is a crucial time to check in with our intentions and see how we are processing the changes upon us.
:: THE SUN :: With the Capricorn Sun snuggled up next to taskmaster Saturn, Venus, and Pluto, we have a stellium (4 planets in the same sign) that emphasizes pragmatism and structure.
Earthy Capricorn asks us to get down to business. Since we are in the last week of the year, a time when we’re meant to dial back and not ramp up, direct your work ethic towards developing your goals for 2018. After all, it’s not just a new year; it’s a new Saturn cycle too.
:: THE MOON :: With the Moon in cardinal fire sign Aries, you may feel like you have energy fit to burst– so channel it wisely. Take yourself to an exercise class or the gym. Put music on in your home and dance it out.
If anger rises to the surface give yourself space to express it–pound a pillow and rage behind a closed door if you need to. With Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, making a beautiful connection to Neptune in Pisces, there’s a significant amount of healing in the ethers. Tap into this. Then take the reins and step into leadership.
The Moon in Aries encourages you to assert your truth boldly, lay down boundaries, and initiate new beginnings.
:: THE SQUARE :: A cardinal square between an Aries Moon and Capricorn Sun accentuates a battle between passion (Aries) and pragmatism (Capricorn). This creative and ambitious square offers you a lot of energy and potential to take charge of your life (and your future) –so lean into it.
Both Aries and Capricorn embody massive leadership potential, so lead from within, and assert where you wish to take your life. We’re moving through a potent portal rich with the potential to claim our 2018 visions. So let this cardinal-get-it-done-energy motivate you to nail your vision for the next year!
:: THE MESSAGE :: Allow this Waxing Quarter Moon to support you to process where you’ve been and where you are going. Let the Aries influence encourage you to move your body and release that which you no longer need. Decompress the lessons, and integrate the wisdom gained. Shake off the stress of 2017.
Then take charge. This Waxing Quarter Moon grants you full permission to become the leader of your own life.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers!