Strength, reversed, wants us to look our fears in the face—and to name what scares us, says Lindsay Mack …
The Numinous
Since the May 25th New Moon in Gemini, we’ve been exploring different versions of the truth. With the 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon, we’re asked to put that exploration to work and rediscover our soul mission, says Sandra Sitron … Artwork: Andreas Preis
Full Moon :: June 9th 2017 :: 9:11 am ET :: 18 degrees Sagittarius
As the Sagittarius Full Moon opposes the Gemini Sun, we’re asked to explore how we form our beliefs. Get really honest with yourself. Ask yourself the hard questions so that you can create awareness:
Are you feeling scattered because you’re caught up in the details?
Are you comfortable with being inexperienced, the fool at the beginning of the journey?
What’s your “why?” (aka mission statement)
Are you willing to let things be messy, if it means that in the end you will understand something profound?
What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing? Is there an emotion or belief that has been hidden from view?
Gemini is the feisty sprite—the shopkeeper in the marketplace, the community leader in the town hall, the reporter getting the scoop. An air sign, Gemini wants to bring people and ideas together. It’s basic, logical and conceptual. Gemini zips through town, fueled by curiosity, collecting perspectives.
Sagittarius is the galloping centaur who wants to learn about the big picture. What is the point of being alive? What does it mean to be human and how have different cultures answered this question? What is love? What is time? Is there meaning to any of this?, asks Sagittarius.
This Full Moon is high energy because the two opposite signs are seeking balance. Sag is seeking the higher truth, but the potential pitfall is that getting too attached to one truth can veer close to fundamentalism. Gemini is gathering information and making connections, which can become pointless without Sagittarius’ wide-angle perspective.
The aspects to this Full Moon want you to find a system that helps you expand. When you have a philosophical truth that you can center your life around, you can bounce back from challenges because you understand the arc of your own divine direction—you have perspective. Make it even more magical by remembering that it’s okay not to know everything.
The gold of this 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon is that it’s helping you create faith and meaning …
Moon conjunct Saturn
A tower of giraffes.
Giraffes symbolize the ability to obtain things that might otherwise be out of reach. You are ready to reach high, but you might need a different structure or system in order to do so. To reach higher you need to build yourself up. Watch out for self-criticism. Speak sweetly to yourself, just like the gentle giraffe. Surround yourself with others who are supportive. Remember that you’re not alone.
Moon square Neptune
Beam me up Scotty.
Are you ready to transcend? Are you ready to go beyond what you know? Can you trust in the process? During this Full Moon, exercise your intuition and creativity. Use your third eye to look deeper. Let your intuition, wildness, animal instinct, creativity, hope, and faith be your focal point.
Moon sextile Jupiter
Red parrot feathers floating down from the sky.
Parrots bring in new growth and new direction. Expansion and easy optimism are possible. How do you align with luck? You’ve got to fly higher to reach the vibration of luck. Reach up to grab the brightly colored feathers.
Speak, just like the parrot. And be sure your words represent your philosophy and that they reflect your positive intentions.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 18 degrees Sagittarius …
Aries or Full Moon in the 9th House
How will you explore today?
Taurus or Full Moon in the 8th House
What do you need to let go of?
Gemini or Full Moon in the 7th House
What lesson is a relationship or the concept of relationship teaching you?
Cancer or Full Moon in the 6th House
What healthy habit are you ready to make space for?
Leo or Full Moon in the 5th House
How can you let your creativity shine out into the world today?
Virgo or Full Moon in the 4th House
What can you do to nurture yourself more?
Libra or Full Moon in the 3rd House
How can you be more moderate in your thinking?
Scorpio or Full Moon in the 2nd House
What belief or concept would help you feel worthy?
Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 1st House
What’s your next step when it comes to building up your confidence?
Capricorn or Full Moon in the 12th House
What are your dreams trying to tell you?
Aquarius or Full Moon in the 11th House
How can you make an impact in your community?
Pisces or Full Moon in the 10th House
What’s your mission statement when it comes to career?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Think you have to endlessly study your crystal bible to tap into your stones’ powers? Leave the bible behind, take your rocks out on a date, and find your own crystal meanings says Wolf Sister. Main Image: Beth Hoeckel
The meanings of crystals aren’t literally set in stone. Despite what the dusty description from your local crystal dealer says, the medicine doesn’t end there …
Crystals are formed from of the deepest parts of Mother Earth, so of course there’s so much more meaning to them than just inviting love into your life, warding off anxiety, protection from some less than desirable energies, or waking up your third eye.
Here’s how to start finding your own crystal meanings …
1/Discover Your Crystal’s Personality (Yes, Your Crystal Has a Theme Song!)
Just like Tinder dates, crystals are individuals with their own personalities that go WAY beyond the profile pic. Instead of playing out the relationship in your mind before you’ve even met them, go out on a few dates with your crystal.
Keep the crystal’s bio info in mind and the reason you initially choose it, but then take the time to listen …. Even holding a crystal in your hand for a few moments in silence with your eyes closed can reveal its personality. So how does it make you feel? Stay open to any ideas and epiphanies that download in your mind at that moment.
The first time that I initiated myself with Rose Quartz, Florence + The Machine’s version of “You’ve Got the Love” drifted into my consciousness. This had nothing to do with the crystal bible’s traditional meanings of romantic love or fertility. Instead, through the lyrics, Rose Quartz was showing me that I had all the support that I needed to get through a project when I’d lost my confidence.
Now every time I hear that song, it’s as if Rose Quartz is talking to me.
2/Open Your Full Body to the Magic
When you’re getting to know your crystal, actions speak louder than words. Your crystal won’t do all the work—you need to play your part in this deal and put some muscle in!
For example, if you buy Citrine because you wanna get on with your dharma, then you need to start taking physical action towards it. Instead of endlessly researching courses and workshops about your chosen field while secretly hoping that the Citrine in your pocket is listening, it’s time to actually book the course and do the homework!
3/See Life Through a “Crystallized Lens”
Seeing your day through your crystal’s eyes can help guide you towards innovation when you’re feeling stuck.
This kind of experience comes from actively imagining, “If I was this crystal, what would I do?” Rather than just keeping it by your bed or at the bottom of your make-up bag, imagine, for example, that you’ve teamed up with Smokey Quartz and can fully step into your power and take up all the space that you deserve!
If you were the actual embodiment of your crystal, how could your perspective radically change?

4/ Supercharge your Meditation with Crystals
During your meditation practice (if you’re new to meditation, just find a quiet space and focus on your breath!), you can choose to place your crystal on your third eye, somewhere in the space, or in your left (receiving) hand.
Imagine the energy and colors of your crystal infusing and permeating throughout your body. Invite the crystal to recalibrate any distracting energies so that you’re recharged and nourished. Take as long as you like in this crystalline space that you’ve created to integrate these new frequencies. When you’re ready, ground yourself back into the here and now. Again, ask how the crystal you’re using has made you feel, and what new perspective it’s granted you.
5/Spark a Conversation With Your Crystals
The best way to find out what your crystals really mean is to start asking questions!
Why did you ask for this crystal to come into your life? What does it mean to you? How does it make you feel? Why did you choose this one instead of the others? What action can you take to bring it to life?
Keep your crystal with you and free-write the answers to these questions in a journal. If you have Tarot or oracle cards, ask the crystal to communicate with you through the cards. Think of what you’d like guidance with, or use the questions from above as you pull the cards.
We’re here to create our own experience. Guides are a wonderful starting point, but the only way to find out what your crystal means is to get to know them personally. Be curious so you can work with them, and you’ll soon realize what it wants to guide you towards!
Starting this Friday, June 9th, join Wolf Sister for Get Your Rocks Out—a free online crystal healing workshop where you’ll learn to listen to what your crystals want to say!
Ruby Warrington talks to stylist Anna Trevelyan about alien abduction, Trump as a catalyst for change, and being vegan in the fashion industry …
I first encountered stylist of the moment Anna Trevelyan at our mutual friend Sah D’Simone’s Happiness Equation workshop. She was the girl with the green hair and the quick, curious mind (a Gemini, of course), dressed in a kind of Manga-meets-Atlantis mash-up that would be more at home in the streets of Tokyo than Brooklyn’s Maha Rose Center for The Healing Arts.
But then as she puts it in her IG profile, Anna is: “A bit fashion. A bit cosmic.”
Having come up through the fashion ranks assisting Gaga’s former creative director Nicola Formichetti, Anna followed her childhood love of fantasy into the industry. In her own words, “I’m just not into reality stuff. I have a crazy and borderline confusing imagination!” Growing up in the heart in England, this meant: “I always died my hair and made my own clothes. But I had no concept that something like fashion even existed.”
Fast-forward to 2017, and fashion totally knows Anna exists, and her work is all over the top mags and ad campaigns. Like this one for Cara Delevingne’s Do You collection for Puma.
But what I love most about Anna (as well as the mermaid hair), is that she’s one of few voices in the mainstream fashion arena to be super vocal about being vegan, and the environmental impact of animal agriculture. She’s also majorly pro-diversity, casting models of every color, shape, size and gender in her long-standing catwalk collaborations with Brit designer Ashish.
Then there’s her lifelong fascination with alien abduction, and the crystals she keeps like pets in her Brooklyn apartment. Curiouser, and curiouser …
Ruby Warrington: So Anna, how long have you been into the more spiritual, numinous side of life?
Anna Trevelyan: Since birth, I guess. When I was little, I was into aliens, UFO sightings, crop circles. I was such a nerd. I had all these UFO sighting maps on my wall and stuff. I was kind of obsessed with alien abduction, the history of the Earth and evolution. Like, what else is out there and where do we come from?
RW: All the deep questions! But then you pursued a career in fashion, which can be very superficial. What are your practices to bridge the gap or how do you find meaning within the fashion industry?
AT: Well firstly, a lot of people in fashion genuinely have a love for art and creativity and inclusion. It’s not all about consumerism. Personally, I don’t want to do anything that doesn’t have meaning to me—especially this last year, with so much crazy stuff going on. So I always try to spread a message of positivity and what I believe in. For example, I work with this designer called Ashish and this season we did all these slogans like, Love Sees No Colour, and Be More Tender.
But then there is the consumerist part of the industry and the environmental part, that I personally have a really difficult time with. And the issues about racial inclusion on catwalks an in ad campaigns. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done.
RW: You’re also very vocal on your social media about veganism. Why is that so important to you?
AT: I’ve been vegetarian for 20 years, and vegan on and off—unfortunately I love cheese! But this is super important to me, as the beef industry is one of the most damaging things to the environment at the moment. It also really hurts me to see people eating meat. You’re essentially killing, and then eating that trauma. I just don’t understand why you would do that. And before, I never really expressed my feelings about it, but now I’m just like, “You know what? Fuck it … “ I don’t want animals to be traumatized just so they can be slaughtered. And I don’t want people to be consuming trauma.
RW: The fashion industry also loves fur. Do you feel as passionately about that?
AT: I never wear fur, and I never shoot fur anymore. I have done it in the past and I felt horrible about it. But I love shoes, I collect shoes like crazy, and so I do still wear leather. That’s something I need to look into, you know? I think of fur as this evil thing, so why do I think leather is okay? So I need to check myself and do a bit more research on that for sure. I would love to make a vegan shoe line, something super sexy!

RW: I think it’s amazing that you’re actually putting yourself out there and saying these things, because so many people are like, “These are my beliefs … until the next big money job comes in.” But having that integrity, I think, is part of leading a spiritual life. Like if your actions are aligning with your beliefs, you’re living your spiritual truth.
AT: Exactly. One massive publication asked me to do a fur shoot for them. It would have been great for my career, but I couldn’t do it. I was like, “let me do a faux fur story instead?” They didn’t reply. But then faux fur is actually the 8th worst fabric for the environment. So I need to start thinking about all these things.
RW: Don’t you think that eventually, if public opinions start to change significantly, then brands are going to have to follow suit? In the same way it’s happening with with organic food …
AT: Yes. It has to start somewhere. It’s the same with mass produced clothing—like yeah, it’s great that you can get a bunch of stuff for cheap, but what conditions are people working in? I don’t even really know how to begin with that.
RW: How about taking more direct action?
AT: Well after Trump’s immigration ban, I did this meditation, and I was imagining all of the souls of the world together, happy and warm, and just free to move wherever they want to move and experience what they want to experience. It was such an intense meditation and afterwards I saw light coming out my hands. Crazy! So I got all my influential girlfriends together and hosted a Girl’s Fight Club to raise money for the UNHCR, which is the UN refugee support.
It was also a statement about how I hate females being convinced we have to compete, when we are so much stronger together. That amazing goddess energy! That raised, not loads, but like 500, 600 dollars. I have a sort of theory that Trump is this kind of higher power, doing all this crazy shit to bring us all together. Either that or he’s reptilian.
RW: I swing between the two myself! So you meditate, how about any other spiritual practices? Your work means you have this crazy travel schedule and you’re very out there. How do you take care of your inner world?
AT: Last year I started doing yoga, which I never did before because I’m not like a super athletic person or anything. And you know those people that do yoga, and all they talk about is doing yoga? Now all I talk about is yoga! That has really helped me to settle down and focus and be strong and feel good. I love Bikram yoga, Kundalini yoga, Vinyasa. They’re all great.
My house is also full of crystals and plants, and the energy I get from them is amazing. I feel more grounded just looking at them, and I even kiss them and speak to them. I take my crystals around with me too. Like I choose a few and just take them when I travel and stuff. I also use them in my yoga and meditation.
RW: Spoken like a true Material Girl, balancing it out in the Mystical World. Finally, what’s the most otherworldly experience you’ve encountered in your life?
AT: The first time I did past life regression, when I was like 15 or 16. In it, I walked down a tunnel and there was a doorway, which was the door to the past life. I was shaking, physically shaking, and I as walked through the door it shut behind me. I immediately felt so calm. And then in my past life I experienced my own death, and it was amazing. I died, and my soul felt so light, as if being human, having this body, was the heaviest burden. From then on, I’ve had no fear of death. I’m actually excited for it, now that I know how it feels.
My label: My favorite brands at the moment are Ashish (always a glitter protest), Hyein Seo (‘Final Boss’ collection for bad girls), and Gucci (of course).

My shoes: Pretty much always sky high stilettos and platforms—Marc Jacobs is killing me at the moment—and then Nike’s for when it’s sadly necessary to be practical.

My fragrance: I wear something different all the time! At the moment I have Marc Jacobs’ Daisy. I like young summery perfume …

My jewels: $1 big silver hoops, every day.

My pampering: My hair, nails and eyelashes are super regular and necessary upkeep takes a lot of time tbh.
My food: Vegan deliciousness—I wish they had Cafe Gratitude everywhere!
My home: Lots of windows and sunshine, plants, and I collect robots.

My awakening: Say thank you each day to the Universe and be grateful.
My sign: Gemini through and through. But I have Cancer rising and my Moon in Taurus. I think the Cancer brings me back and the Taurus grounds me and helps me feel more balanced.
My mantra: I don’t have a mantra.
My healer: I have practiced with several energy healers, and I have one psychic in London and one in California. And they’re both good at different things. But the greatest healer is your self, and self realization.
My mission: Bring light, be genuine, be kind, speak from the heart, be unafraid, show love, make people aware of the importance of vegetarianism for themselves and for the world, work for humanity and Mother Earth, take no shit.

Get this week’s symbol for your sign with the Numinous Weekly Horoscopes from Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Dancing close. It’s time to reach for a connection. Sometimes, our relationships are our greatest teachers. Whatever the lesson is, take responsibility for your experience so that you can find your internal power. Carry a sense of optimism into your relationships. Bring the love with you, and you’ll always find it there. Create a philosophy that says, “I don’t let other people’s moods tell me how to feel. I love myself and as I move through the world, my love expands.”
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A rushing waterfall. Cleansing the spirit. Wash yourself clean by making sure all of the details are organized. Literally clean your home and your body. Plan out your meals for the week ahead. Pay attention to your nutrition and exercise. Be a busy bee, getting everything settled and sorted. These healthy foundations will help you feel refreshed and even optimistic.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Writing in cursive. You’re doing things with an extra flourish. Allow yourself to be even more showy and creative. Have you been spending enough time in the limelight? You deserve a gold-star, so make sure that the world knows it. Sometimes you have to really push yourself to get out there and get that recognition. Do it! It’s what you’re here for.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
An earthworm churning the earth. You’re making sure that you get all of the nutrients you need. Does your environment serve you—do you feel sheltered and safe? Do you have a support system— family and friends who listen to you, see you and hold you close? Do you have opportunities to nurture other people? If any of these areas need attention, begin by deciding how you would like it to be. Create intentions for home, family, intimacy and nurturance. Make sure that your environment supports your growth.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Sailboats racing across a channel. Let your mind move faster. Explore new ideas. Brainstorm. Look for solutions where it might seem that there are none. This is your time for learning. There’s pressure on you to “apply yourself.” You can do that. And you can also get a little more cheerful about the stuff you’re learning. Be thoughtful and ethical, but also increase your sense of fun and adventure.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A leopard waiting on a rock ledge. You’ve got a stable foundation, but you’re ready to jump. The last couple of years have been teaching you how to provide for yourself. You’ve been learning how to get yourself all stable and secure. Now it’s time to take a leap. Nothing irresponsible, but maybe a little bit wild. By leaping forward, you’ll come to understand just how strong you’ve become.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Fireworks in the sky. Celebrate yourself. You’ve been learning how to view yourself as an authority and get your message out there. But don’t forget that you’re a nature-loving, soul-seeking, zestful adventurer! You need a chance to bound joyfully across the vast and glorious Earth. You need to let loose and remember how to play. Search for a sense of optimism in everything you do. From that place of uplifting self-confidence, imbue your day with an air of celebration.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
An ostrich with it’s head in the sand. This symbol represents oblivion, but maybe it’s just asking you to seek a different perspective. View your world upside-down. Instead of relying on logic, become a little more intuitive. You’ve got to look at things in a new way. And if do happen to be doing that oblivious ostrich thing, this advice definitely still applies. If you’re feeling very foggy or confused, binge-watching TV, or reaching for anything compulsively, that means it’s time to tap into your intuition.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Vetiver grasses blowing in the breeze. Vetiver is cleansing, grounding and stabilizing. You’ll want to be grounded and stable because it’s time for a new approach. Open your mind to fresh possibilities. You’re ready to get into the jet-stream of Aquarian innovation. The breeze is blowing, so let the wind carry you to new heights of consciousness. If you open yourself up to it, you can think about things in a new way. Keep your feet on the ground, but let your imagination break free.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A school of fish. Intuitive leadership. Who leads the school of fish? How does that level of synchronicity develop? To us humans, it may look like just a keenly developed instinct. A survival skill. But how does it feel for the fish? Does it feel like being part of one big living thing? Is it an incredible feeling of connection? You’re learning how to shine as a leader. Use your sensitivity and your intuition to choose actions that feel perfectly in sync.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Hot air balloons in the distance. Journey far from what you know. Allow your sense of adventure to take over. You can see new things, you can learn new things, you can reach new levels of joy. Don’t let yourself get stuck in beliefs that you never agreed to. Reassess everything. Let go of the beliefs that need to be upgraded. Ride a hot air balloon to the wisdom that awaits you just over the next hillside.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Freshly planted seeds lined up in even rows. You know what you’re doing. You have all the facts. You have the science backing you up. But it’s never a sure thing, even when you’ve done all your research. There are still variables. The rabbits might attack in droves or the sun might hide behind the clouds. The important take-away here is that you can’t control everything. So why try? Do your best, let go of the rest. This is how you cultivate inner peace.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
In search of the deepest act of spiritual surrender, Alexandra Roxo gets bound and discovers boundlessness with the ancient art of Shibari bondage …
“Shibari (Japanese Rope Bondage) can be erotic, intimate, loving, sexy, quiet or raucous, meditative, artistic, insightful, transformative—all depending on the people engaged and how they both feel at the moment” – Victoria Blue
I am always on the hunt to find ways to get free, to go wild, to let loose, and to go deeper into myself. Over the last 15 years, my search to explore the depths of my sexuality and spirituality has taken me everywhere from witch camp in the woods of Oregon, to working as a dancer in a truck stop strip club in New Mexico, to banging a drum at a Rainbow Gathering in West Virginia, to an orgasmic meditation circle where I had my clit stroked by an old Indian man … and SO many other places and practices.
Drugs. Sex. Spirit. Art. It’s been a lifetime of exploration that started the first time my mom pulled Louise Hay off the bookshelf when I was 7, and the first time I kissed a boy, and girl, at 8 …
So for an explorer of depths who hasn’t left many stones unturned, I am always seeking something new to try and am always ready with a big fat YES!
My next yes fell straight into my lap after my dear friend Kyp Malone (who played the “urban shaman” in my web series “Be Here Nowish,” and whom I consider a Yoda of sorts), took me to a dinner party, introduced me to a woman in the corner named Victoria Blue, and said “You two should talk.”
It all remained a mystery until months later. I was on the bus back home from 3 days of steeping and soaking in the magical Orr Hot Springs of Northern California and I suddenly thought to myself: I want to be tied up. This was especially random after spending 3 days in a tub reading a book about Jesus’ mystical life. But the words were clear and from my heart.
I’d been tied up by lovers before and engaged in a fair amount of BDSM in sex, but I knew there was something more here that I wanted and I began to investigate the ancient form of Japanese bondage called Shibari. Whereas other types of BDSM include performed dominance or submission, or the giving and receiving of pain as practice, Shibari is a fine art. Comparing a “50 Shades” rope scene with Shibari would be like comparing an IKEA rug with one from a Moroccan souk.
Interestingly, when I googled “Shibari LA” and the first thing to pop up was a workshop called “Women Tying Women” with none other than Kyp’s friend Victoria as teacher! The next day, the magic continued when I walked into my 5Rhythms class and a cute woman ran up to me, handed me a card, and said “Come to ‘Women Tying Women!’ My friend Victoria Blue is teaching!“ “She has one private session left. Do you want it?’

So why did these words spring from my soul and why did I even want to be tied? Perhaps there is some past life witch healing there. But really, I think it’s because I crave deep surrender. And I crave deep catharsis. And I long to become art as often as possible …
How many places in your life can you TRULY surrender in? By surrender, I mean LOSE YOUR MIND. Let go of the reins. My friend Andi calls it “going off leash.” When you go “off leash” you slip into an altered state of ecstasy and sometimes agony and the mind goes quiet. Void.
Mind-blowing, expansive sex is a place one can find surrender. Meditation can be. Some good old fashioned tequila and a night of all night dancing with some MDMA licked from a tiny plastic bag in a Brooklyn bathroom worked in my late 20s. Plant medicine ceremonies too. Dance can be ecstatic and deep. But being tied up seemed like a depth of surrender and catharsis that my soul needed now.
Even though I’d been “off leash” many times, I was still nervous before going to see Victoria. Because not only was I going to be tied, I would also be suspended. Not like suspended from school—like suspended from the ceiling off a rope. Yes, this may conjure some morbid images of hanging corpses, but I thought of it like making myself into an ornate chandelier hanging as a centerpiece.
I told Victoria I wanted to be tied in a pose of expansion—heart opening, if possible. She quietly blindfolded me …
I closed my eyes and Victoria began to play a German instrumental album that was integral to my sexual awakening in my early 20s. Out of all the music in the world she chose the goth band that the first person who ever tied me up used to play, and whom I had learned some of the most beautiful and fun things about sex at the age of 23. This moment of kismet softened my heart like butter, and as she tied me I felt myself starting to relax after being reminded of the divinity present.
She bound me tight, hands up and open, back arched up, heart to the sky, one leg extended, and one folded. I let the ropes hold me. They were tight. Not soft and sweet. I began to turn into pliable flesh with no other option but letting go. I was like an infant. Helpless. Paralyzed almost. But the more and more I was tied, the more and more relaxed I felt. Like someone was caring for my soul.
Then she hoisted me up and I lay back, being held only by this rope around my waist, floating in the air. The whole of my weight resting on one piece of rope. Completely bound. Angelic even. And that’s when the full surrender and deep catharsis began …
Tears streamed down. Then they broke into deep, deep sobs from some place inside me that I had never met before. And moans of pain mixed with joy. Of release. Of heartache and heartbreak. I hung there. The pain escalated until the discomfort quieted the mind in the most nurturing way. The only thing possible to do was breathe.
I sobbed and breathed until I reached that edge that I have loved to flirt with for so many years. I whispered to her: “I’m at my limit” with tears streaming down my face and my chest. And then, ever so gently, Victoria pulled me down. She stroked my head and told me that I stayed up there a very long time and that I was very strong. As she pulled the ropes off me, my body felt lighter and freer than it had in ages. I felt my consciousness move into every cell. I could breathe into corners where breath hadn’t touched. I felt alive.

Discover more about Victoria’s private sessions and group classes HERE, and join she and I this October for a two day overnight retreat in Topanga that will bring together Shibari, Shadow Work, Storytelling, and Sexual Healing. If you’re interested in this deep work, add your name HERE and we’ll send out applications and full retreat info in a few weeks.
The Universe, or The World, signals the ending of a huge karmic cycle. We’ve learned all we need, and it’s time to trust what’s next, says Lindsay Mack …

Waxing Quarter Moon :: June 1 2017 :: 8:42 am EST :: 11 degrees Virgo
With the Summer Solstice just three weeks away, June kicks off the opening square to last week’s New Moon in Gemini. Unlike New Moons, which bring fertile and harmonious alignments for new beginnings, Quarter Moons ask us to handle curveballs with grace.
So use this moment in the lunar cycle to check in on any intentions you set at the New Moon last week and see what (if any) adjustments you need to make. Good news: Venus, who rules beauty trines Saturn, who governs structure, auspiciously supporting the realignment of goals. Boom!
:: The Sun ::
The Gemini Sun in an applying trine to good luck Jupiter in Libra ushers in luscious growth. While the exact trine to Jupiter happens on the 3rd, we can feel the energy building during this quarter moon. (Trines support manifestation—massively!)
This aspect helps us feel exciting summer vibes as we engage the social energy of Gemini season, strengthening bonds with those we love while meeting new people too! Yet the Sun also squares Neptune and this Moon is in Virgo, so be careful for blind spots and see what information you might have missed- stay focused on the details and don’t let important matters slip by.
:: The Moon ::
The Moon in Virgo squares the Sun and opposes Neptune, forming a mutable T-square in the sky. Given that the Moon represents our emotional needs, our inner world may feel a bit unsettled today—a mutable T-square can feel confusing, especially with Neptune in the mix.
However, if we surrender to the Virgo impulse to work dutifully on behalf of staying in integrity, we may just find that any disruptive feelings ultimately help us expedite our purpose and the fruition of our goals. Now is the time to use any friction on behalf of our growth …
:: The Square ::
With the Sun in Gemini waxing to her zenith at the Summer Solstice, and simultaneously squaring the Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces while forming an applying trine to Jupiter, we need to take a detail-oriented approach so we can grow into our full potential. Gemini, not always the most detailed-oriented sign, can overlook essential information for the big picture. Yet, the Virgo Moon answers the call of duty, bringing us back to basics. Thank the Goddess!
:: The Message ::
The Moon’s call today guides you to check your blind spots, and to see any curveballs as an appropriate challenge that supports the manifestation of your New Moon intentions set last week. The detailed oriented, humble Virgo Moon asks you to stay responsible and engaged, even though things may feel tricky or uncomfortable. The good news is, with so much positivity brewing in the cosmos, sticking with it leads to rewards.
Do. Not. Give. Up. Instead, stay focused and let any friction become fodder for your growth!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!
Welcome to sweet, sun-kissed summertime! Pack up your beach bag and don’t forget to bring the perfect tarot cards for June 2017, says Melinda Lee Holm.
As we leave the blossoming of Spring behind and head into the cultivation of Summer, June brings the promise of a new era of personal growth and development. We will be challenged to see clearly, to get in touch with our deepest desires, to integrate the lessons of the past so we can expand into the future, and to honor both the yin and yang as indispensible parts of our whole beings.
Let June’s tarot guides lead the way … (to be used in conjunction with the monthly Tarotscopes for your sign by Lindsay Mack!)
:: 6/09 Jupiter Stations Direct in Libra – The World ::
This planet of expansion has been retrograde since February 5 of this year, giving us the chance carefully consider the steps we are taking to develop personally and professionally. When she stations direct on the 9th, we are in a great position to use all of that gathered wisdom to grow purposefully and consciously, and Libra’s influence will bring a touch of beauty and partnership to the mix.
The Major Arcana’s final card, The World, represents the birth of a new era built upon the work and completion of a previous cycle. In the card, we see a figure with her legs positioned in the shape of Jupiter’s symbol floating in a womb-like container, surrounded by watchful celestial allies. She pauses now, taking in the greatness of the cycle she has completed so she can fully integrate the wisdom of this phase before she steps into the next, knowing that the Universe will be here to support her continued growth.
Calling in The World:
- Spend a day alone at the spa (or the beach, or in the tub)—emerge feeling reborn
- Eat figs—they are associated with Jupiter’s fecundity
- Give yourself a clean slate by clearing out your desk, your closet, or your whole house
- Add a drop or 2 of food-grade Frankincense oil to your juice or tea—the strong anti-inflammatory properties of the resin will help calm your body from the inside out
:: 6/12 School’s Out! – 7 of Cups ::
Whether you’re in school or not, now is a great time to get into the ‘school’s out’ mentality and focus on following your bliss. Forget about what you think you should be doing or should be desiring, ignore the chatter telling you what success looks like, and explore your heart’s true desires on these long gorgeous days of sun and leisure.
With the 7 of Cups as our guide, we can take a minute to turn on, tune in, and drop out of the rat race and into our own personal paradise. The Rider-Waite illustration shows us that the outer trappings of glory we grasp for —beauty, riches, a big house, a dragon!—are incomparable to the emotional fulfillment that comes from finding that magical something that sets our heart on fire. Symbolized by the draped, glowing figure in the central cup, this intangible light of joy is the source of true bliss.
Calling in the 7 of Cups:
- Wear or carry raw or cut Ruby—the stone helps ignite the heart’s true passion
- Volunteer for a cause you are passionate about
- Go on vacation, even for a day—without your phone and computer
- Wear loose fitting clothing, allowing your body to move completely without restriction, following its own bliss!

:: 6/18 Father’s Day – King of Pentacles ::
Tradition in the US has pulled the holiday away from its Catholic roots and toward a more personal celebration of the bond between Dads and their kids. It’s an important holiday in a culture that does not tend to reward men for the nurturing, understanding, and caring qualities they need to be great fathers.
The King of Pentacles, the Tarot’s nurturing patriarch, provides us with a wonderful example of the power of gentle masculinity. He leads with a velvet touch, encouraging everything and everyone around him to grow and thrive as best fits their individuality. This laid back, supportive nature combined with his readiness to fight for those around him (note the armor peeking out from beneath his robe) make the King of Pentacles my pick for best Dad of the deck.
Calling in the King of Pentacles:
- Dress decadently—patterns, colors, fabrics—wear what feels regal!
- Meditate with Clear Calcite—it promotes unconditional love and helps clear any blockages to giving or receiving it
- Plant wildflowers or other plants native to your area
- Commit to only giving advice when it is asked for
:: 6/20 Summer Solstice – The Sun ::
Summer Solstice festivals in agrarian societies honored the fire of life and the drive to plant and produce in hopes of a bountiful harvest. Metaphorically, it’s a time to invigorate our personal goals and plans with this renewed fire.
The message of The Sun card is ‘what you see is what you get.’ This can be a challenging energy if what you see is not what you want to believe. But once we push past the loss of the created narrative, we can feel the relief of simply being able to trust what is present rather than obsessing over the past or fantasizing about the future. The Sun calls us to see and believe in the here and now.
Calling in The Sun:
- Go outside and bask in the rays! (don’t forget your sunblock)
- Decorate your space with fresh sunflowers
- Wear or carry Fluorite—the mental clarity it provides help tap into the psychic illumination The Sun card offers
- Eat citrus fruits—the cleansing properties of citrus will help you to stay clear and present
Want more tarot magic? Book a session with Melinda here, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
Luke Simon discovers that to start manifesting money magic and living your most sexy, sacred, abundant life, you’ve gotta get right with those lower chakras! Main Image: Zarrin Henna
The goal of Abundance thinking is to trust that spiritual energy creates our material support. Abundance is having enough and trusting that there is always more coming. When we feel inwardly abundant, we attract opportunities and support. If our beliefs resist or block this flow of Universal generosity, we see a lack of abundance.
I wanted to live in the trust that all would be provided by Spirit. But to truly surf the abundance wave, I had to do some healing first … Scroll to the bottom for 6 quick ways to manifest money magic!
Manifesting a Guava
The first time I understood abundance I was walking barefoot on a soft dirt path through the Hawaiian jungle. I had taken a needed break from the hustle of NYC and spent my savings on a dream vacation to the islands that had floated in my imagination since childhood.
As I wandered, I smelled a sweet aroma and thought, “Wow, smells like guava. I would love a guava right now.” Immediately, I looked down to find a small guava bush- instant manifestation! Biting into that yellow ball of organic candy, my brain marveled at the fact that the guava was just there, provided for, free for the taking. “This is luxury. This is abundance,” I thought. It wasn’t about the thread count of the bed linen, it was about ease, lack of stress, and complete fulfillment- those are the qualities of abundance to me.
It was easy to notice life’s abundance in Hawaii’s tropical sunshine, but how could I feel that everyday? I believed the Universe was a caring and giving place, but back in New York City I oscillated between overspending, and then necessary survival frugality. I knew the financial aspect of my life needed some love and healing. It was time to focus my spiritual practice on my money situation!
The Abundance Mindset in Action
I had friends who were living proof of the abundance mindset, and who helped me believe in the magnetic results. Getting a gourmet donut one day with my friend Amy, the bill was $8 and she left a $12 tip. I was shocked: “Amy, that’s like a 150% tip?!” “Ya!”, she said as she dashed her signature on the receipt, “Living in abundance!” Amy had gotten to a point where cash was flowing through her- she’d found work she loved and trusted the Universe to support her unconditionally. In turn, she shared generous support for others. I was inspired, mesmerized even. Sometimes seeing the contrast of where you are NOT is a gift. The contrast showed me how comfortable I’d become with having less than I’d like to.
Living Your Sexy, Sacred, Abundant Life
Next I called upon life-coach Dana Balicki as I prepared to make big shifts in my life. We focused not on untangling my problems, but on creating compelling visions of how I’d love things to be (Similar to Abraham Hick’s advice to think about what you WANT rather than what you DON’T WANT). Dana’s work lead me towards releasing “victimhood” (feeling like I was just the inheritor of situations), and connecting to new choices that empowered me to create a new vision of my, sexy, sacred, abundant life.
But it seemed like some people had it worked out, or were better adapted to life’s demands then I was. And, bingo, there it was- exactly the type of thinking Dana and I were working to suss out and lovingly transform! How were certain beliefs and conclusions creating a “less than I’d hoped for” type of life? I learned from Dana that what manifests isn’t what we’d like to believe, but what we truly, deep down, way down, hold to be true. It’s not as easy as imagining being a millionaire, if inside you feel you have nothing to offer the world because you are not good enough.
Let Money Join the Dance Party in Your Heart
Abundance is a holistic expression of our self-value, self-worth and self-love. I am learning that tapping into this flow isn’t as simple as an affirmation on a post it note. Free-falling into the net of abundance requires trust in our own gifts, and love of Spirit.
Abundance has been a leap for me because my mind is often so entrenched in the cold hard “reality” of cash. But as I shift my focus from the outer and focus on the inner state, an inner revolution is happening. I feel more appreciative of everything I have. Life FEELS richer. And from this place, money is joining the dance party in my heart and I always have enough.
Here are some tips to start cultivating a playful sense of abundance and lightening your relationship to money:
1/Embrace challenges rather than be frustrated. Respect any lessons that are arising. Lean into them and see what the deeper causes might be. Example: Feeling underpaid could be a sign that you’re under-valuing yourself and doing work that doesn’t utilize your true gifts.
2/Choose to transform. Release being a victim of old stories about abundance and empower yourself by choosing new thoughts and actions. Be patient as you transform limiting beliefs into beautiful ones that reflect the fullest expression of your light!
3/Get support. Get a friend or a healer to give you perspective on your beliefs and support your journey. Or form an abundance group with friends! I recommend The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price and its 40-day prosperity plan.
4/See abundance in yourself. What do you have an abundance of naturally within? Honor it and affirm that you are valuable and worthy of an abundance of all good things in life.
5/See how abundance arises in your daily life. Where do you see the Universe’s nourishing support in your life today? Sunlight, rain, food, friends, a check in the mail? What you focus on grows.
6/Practice thinking abundantly. Leave a bigger tip, be generous, stretch into abundance and see how life responds and mirrors your generosity.
Luke Simon facilitates healing work for spiritual growth. Through listening and intuition, his breathwork, tarot, and Reiki sessions support clients to transform blockages and open their heart to the flow of the Universe. He is also available for distance sessions via skype on his website:
Vanessa Cuccia is the Founder of Chakrubs, The Original Crystal Sex Toy Company. Here she shares 7 deep spiritual lessons of her entrepreneurial path …
I was in my early twenties when I realized that no one was going to hand me the life I wanted. I also began to realize how complacent I had been, especially when it came to my sex life, relationship, and career. I knew I had to make a drastic change.
I began by breaking up with my boyfriend, who had been sexually and emotionally abusing me for six years. I felt I had finally taken responsibility for myself, and it was up to me to BECOME stronger, more connected to my body, and TO acknowledge my power. I wanted to be around people who could educate me on sexuality, so I took a job at a sex toy shop and invited a spiritual teacher to come live with me. During this time, I deepened my relationship to crystals and understanding of the body’s energy system, while opening up to my own sexual identity.
One night I was visiting the home of a woman with a large crystal collection when I saw a crystal wand. I realized that with a few adjustments it could be made into a tool for pleasure. Almost instantaneously I thought of the the name “Chakrubs™” and began receiving messages guiding me to create The Original Crystal Sex Toy Company®.
I’ve grown a great deal personally, spiritually, and professionally since beginning this journey almost seven years ago. Here are some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned along the way …
1. When you’re rooted in your pleasure, no one can harm you.
At the very beginning of Chakrubs I began my own sexual healing journey with the Black Obsidian Chakrub. I started with this one because it is known to assist in releasing emotional implants that no longer serve us. After spending six years with someone who treated my body like a sex toy, I knew I had a lot of stored negativity. The Black Obsidian helped me release a lot of shame and guilt I had been holding onto.
This, combined with placing a strong focus on pleasure while starting my business, caused me to realize how much these negative emotions were draining me and how empowered I felt when I was rooted in pleasure. Being rooted in pleasure means being sensitive to what makes you feel good and having the confidence to pursue those desires. When you connect with what brings you pleasure, it will protect you from outside judgements or criticism.
2. “When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
This quote from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist has been proven to me time and time again. When I decided to create Chakrubs, I gave myself permission to begin saying, “I started a brand called Chakrubs” to my friends, family, and people I’d meet. Even though most of the work I’d been doing was limited to meditation, brainstorming, and research at that point, I knew that those were all valuable steps in the process. I had decided in my heart that I was going to take on this role of bringing crystal sex toys to the mainstream to open people up to crystal and sexual healing.
I won’t say that it was easy starting this business, but at every point along the way I felt assisted by a power greater than myself. Everyone I spoke to had some key to help me unlock what was being created. It was as though my steps were being illuminated and I was just following the path laid out for me. I think once we proclaim that we want something and begin to work towards it, the universe will help us obtain it. We just have to be open to receiving and working within “the language of the universe.”
3. I’m a fucking Goddess (and so are you).
Living in the redwood forests in Santa Cruz in 2011, I lived with women who would become the first focus group of Chakrubs. We would sing songs in our house and call each other goddesses.
I feel like what prevents us from being in touch with our own divinity is this idea that seeing yourself that way makes you conceited or narcissistic. In reality, recognizing your connection to all that not only enables you to understand the power you hold but also the power of the people around you.
Living with these women who were so different from me helped me understand that through our love, recognition and appreciation of one another we could be mirrors that would reflect each other’s potential. I’ve learned that it’s more fun and useful to honor people’s sacredness and shine light on what we love about them rather than focusing on their shortcomings.
When concepting Chakrubs, we sat in circles, in teepees, out on the picnic table, dreaming of which crystals would help others, what shapes would bring the most pleasure, and what energy could be infused into the crystals to make them even more special. Chakrubs took years and so much of my own self-healing to be able to bring it to you. The history of manifesting this creation is filled with depth and many stories that I am grateful to share.
4. The more heart you put into something, the better response you’ll receive.
Whenever I find myself feeling stuck or like things aren’t flowing with my business, I remember to show more of my heart. I reach deep into the “why” of what I’ve created, tell stories to my social media followers about how this all came about, reveal what I’m growing to understand, and I give gratitude.
Conventional businesses may not want to show the vulnerability of their CEO’s, but the mission of Chakrubs is to create connection to others through connection with the self. When I express myself I am not only strengthening my own understanding of why I started this company, but helping others understand that this is isn’t just a trend—it’s a lifestyle and philosophy meant to empower us.
5. We don’t need anything outside of ourselves to heal, but we can use tools to facilitate that healing.
I’m a firm believer that we don’t need anything outside of ourselves to heal our emotional wounds. Crystals facilitate our natural ability to heal ourselves with their perfect molecular structures, but we already have crystals within us. There are crystals in our bones called apatite(1) and we can activate them through our intentions.
I like to be able to hold a tool, a tool that will help me to tune into myself and the sexual energy of the earth. So find a tool that works for you, but don’t rely on it entirely. Know that all of the wisdom you seek is within you, just waiting to be discovered.
6. Arousal can reacquaint you with your spiritual beliefs.
In launching Chakrubs, I created a new way for us to use crystals to benefit our spiritual growth. When we work with crystals they become imbued with our intentions and Chakrubs are no different. As you become aroused and begin your Chakrub practice, your ritual becomes a reminder of your intentions and strengthens your focus. As someone who is not necessarily religious, I value practicing your values religiously. I may not remember to meditate daily, but every time I reach for my Chakrub, I am reminded how it is benefiting me on more levels than one.
7. It’s difficult to receive love when you don’t know who you are.
Creating my brand ethos, I had to ask myself, why is self-discovery and awareness important? Who cares if I know who I am or not? My answer is this: knowing ourselves is the only way we will be able to accept the love we are given.
We won’t be able to receive love from our partners or the world if we are stuck in our egos or trying to deny aspects of who we are. Honesty is the only way to feel worthy of love, and self-awareness is the only way to be honest. If we take time for introspection and healing, we’ll be able to unveil who we are at our core. Once we really get to know ourselves it creates more compassion and empathy for others. Which is why I believe this to be true; heal yourself and you heal the world.
Learn more about Chakrubs and get rooted in a life of pleasure and creativity at
Get the astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous Weekly Horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Playing a game of croquet in the garden. Taking aim and making contact. Harness a sense of self-direction. What are you aiming for in relationships, work and health? Take note of your surroundings. Notice your limitations. Be intent on your purpose. Play fair, and be assertive. Focus on the fun of the game. Find enjoyment in knowing your strengths. Try not to see others as limiting you. Look to those around you for new techniques and wisdom.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Dreaming in a meadow. Let yourself be transported. Take time away from it all to let your daydreams flourish. You need to let yourself transcend your everyday concerns. Find spiritual escape. Choose the thoughts that will make you feel uplifted and connected. Choose to dream a little bit more. Decide to be hopeful and faithful.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Riding an old fashioned bicycle. Inventions transform the quality of life. Can you be more inventive? Can you approach the issues in your life with a curiosity? Will you see every challenge as an opportunity for creative problem solving? Don’t get caught up in the details, instead, zoom out and see the big picture. Create a vision for progress. Don’t try to stifle your creativity. Broaden your mind and think big.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Hamsters storing food. Settle in. Make a cozy nest. Give yourself what you need so that you can grow. Your structured security will be the foundation that will allow you to expand. When you take action at work or out in public make sure that you remember how supported you are. You have everything you need, so the actions you take out in the world can be fueled by a sense of security instead of a fear of scarcity.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising
In the distant sky, the clouds drift apart and the sun shines through. Look up. What are you aiming for when it comes to your ideals, philosophies and ethics? Can you walk your talk? Can you take your concepts of how you would like your world to be and bring them into your daily thoughts and actions? Notice the advice that you give to others and implement it for yourself. Bring your attention to your own mindset instead of distracting yourself with what other people should be doing. Move your fantasies and ideals down from the clouds and activate them in your everyday life.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Hopping across lily pads. Hopping represents lightness. The amphibious frog signifies a blend between the elements Earth and Water. Earthy, rooted, security helps you swim through your watery emotions. Move through your emotions with lightness. Keep letting go. Over and over again. Hop, hop, hop. It’s time to shift aeons of unprocessed emotions. Just go for it. Make it feel safe by getting grounded through routines, disciplines and structures.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
The wise Sage waits in a cave. You are growing wise and connecting with your inner knowledge. For whom are you waiting? A soul mate? A teacher? A student? Some kind of business partner or friend? As you grow more stable in who you are, this other person makes progress on the way to meet you. Hone your skills of diplomacy and your skills of leadership. Be comfortable with yourself and be ready to explore the challenges and benefits of partnership.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A child makes potholders on a small loom. Pay attention to the details. Get your work, home, heath and habits in order. As you do so, you may encounter objects or emotions that take you on a trip down memory lane. This may bring up subconscious associations and triggers. It’s time for you to work through any hidden emotions or subconscious blocks so that you can come into your own next year. Confront nostalgia head on. Find your source of power by putting energy into changing and improving your health, habits and environment. Make space in your actual environment so that you can move mountains in your subconscious environment.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A chemist in the lab. You are learning to honor yourself for your own uniqueness.You are special just by being alive. If you’ve been paying a lot of attention to the problems of the world, it may be helpful now to place your attention on yourself. There is more to be learned from within. You can’t save the world. but you can make improvements in your own life. Those improvements will have a greater impact than you can imagine. Make the change within yourself to be an alchemist out in the world.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Head down, working in the field. Diligence. Hard work will take you far. You are planting seeds and you must have faith that they will grow into healthy crops. Pay attention to your home, family or emotional security and put in some solid efforts in these departments. That work will later pay off through self-respect and a sense of personal authority in your career.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising
The wheels way up in the middle of the air. Your understanding of your spirituality, religion, or dedication can help you define your direction. Discover new beliefs through travel, reading, or some other kind of explorative journey. Then bring the fire of your beliefs into your daily thoughts. Begin or continue a practice of daily affirmations or journaling. You are making progress. Affirmations, prayers, mantras or journaling will help you understand your progress. Get inspired by the idea of forward motion.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Soaking your feet in hot springs. You have traveled far. Now it’s time to rest. Settle in, make space, slow down. Mellowing out the pace will help you feel more secure. You’ll need this space and time so that you can process any emotions that need to be processed. And at some point this month you’ll want to take stock of your resources— your sense of self-worth and your financial worth. These are big endeavors, so for now, restore your energy. There is no rush. You have all the time in the world. Let yourself luxuriate. Doing so will help you feel grounded and prepared.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Think you have to join an ashram or book a flight to Bali to get elevated this summer? Just step out your apartment door and start your spiritual staycation … Main Image: Darby Society
How do you want to feel this summer? Kick-start your summertime spiritual journey this Memorial Day weekend with a local choose-your-own adventure that’s perfect for Gemini Season’s curious explorations …
***Want the perfect on-the-go guide to cultivating the 7 intentions below? We’ve teamed up with Jessica Caplan & Ally Bogard of SoundMind to offer Numi readers a special $11 discount on their digital meditation series with Code: numinous.
:: GROUND ::
Play: Find creative inspo at your local corner store.
Who says you have to journey into nature with a capital “N” to conjure earthy vibes? Meditate on the origins of all the luscious provisions in a local shop. Think about the rich dirt that the ingredients came from, the changing weather conditions the plants experienced, and the trip they took to arrive all the way here.
Taste: Host an impromptu afternoon picnic in a local park using only the shop’s ingredients or other farm-to-table delights.
Style: Earth Goddess Chic. Locally-crafted threads, flowy maxi skirts, strappy sandals, bangles, and undone locks.
Play: Let the streets become your tarot deck.
Pay attention. As you travel through your day, notice left behind objects and pieces of so-called “trash.” Let the tiny things you’ve found become tools of divination. Treat them like a tarot deck. What do they reveal about your life right now? How can you use them as intention-setting totems for what you’d like to manifest?
Taste: Bento boxes, tapas platters, buffets, fortune cookies.
Style: Modern Mystic. Body-con jumpsuits punctuated by pops of crystals, gems, and feathers.
:: LET GO ::
Play: Travel to a neighborhood you’ve never even heard of and get totally lost.
Shut your phone off and leave the maps at home. Ride the train to the end of the line or wait at an unfamiliar bus stop and hop on the first one that arrives. Get out whenever you’re pulled towards a place name. Experiment with walking more slowly than you normally would through the streets. Smell the air. Is it different from your home turf? Get completely lost. Trust that you’ll find your way back home when it’s time.
Taste: Speak to a stranger and ask for directions to their favorite snack spot.
Style: Urban Nomad. Delirious mixes of prints and patterns, caftans, and colorful combat boots.
Play: Do something unabashedly touristy
Suspend your ideas about “good taste” and your identity as an insider. Wait in line for a show that everyone wants to see. Snap pics at the most Insta-worthy spots. Hop on a tour bus or ferry. Get unapologetically joyous as you innocently open yourself to the experience, however corny it may seem.
Taste: Crowded, famous, family-style spots with your city’s classic dishes.
Style: Sporty Spice. High-tops, sparkly backpacks, primary palettes, and logo tees.
:: ACCEPT ::
Play: Descend into a crowded street.
Step directly into the fray and let yourself be swallowed up. Get jostled and brushed. Feel it all. Annoyance. Rage. And then … a delicious sense of your own status as a tiny speck in a dazzling whole. Notice a shade of lipstick or a colored fabric that makes someone’s eyes sparkle. Crowd surf on the crush of humanity. Let the street corner become an ocean tide as you’re lifted and carried. Accept whichever direction it takes you.
Taste: Street cart eats. Savor whatever flavors come your way without thinking twice.
Style: Beach Beauty. Raffia, halter tops, and neutral palettes perfect for drifting.
:: FOCUS ::
Play: Look out from a vista point.
Ascend to the top of a high-rise or trek to a viewing point, and gaze upon the kingdom. Focus in on a singular structure far down below. Think of the effort it took to build it, its history, and the people who are inside right now. And then, look beyond the structure and past the borders of your city. Imagine everything that exists beyond the edges, and your own future possibilities.
Taste: Ceremonial epicurean delights. Get fancy with foodie insider spots and a full-on feast fit for a queen.
Style: Off-duty Boss Lady. High-waisted jeans, button-down silk blouses, killer heels, and gold accents.
:: SLEEP ::
Play: Meditate on the distant sounds of traffic.
Tuck back into your apartment at the end of the day and release completely into the white noise of the city. Bathe in the sounds of life going on without you. Let the distant shouts and rush of traffic reveal a buzzing city’s heartbeat that lives without you needing to make any effort. Let the feeling of having nothing to prove carry you to sleep.
Taste: Open the windows wide and just breathe in the crazy mashup of scents.
Style: Pure nakedness.
SoundMind is the labor of love of vocalist/sound therapy practitioner Jessica Caplan and yoga/meditation teacher Ally Bogard. Both practical and ethereal, the series combines intuitive, intentional sound with breathwork, guided meditation, and visualization.
The message of the 2017 Gemini New Moon is to turn it on, tune in, and let curiosity lead to inspired possibilities, says Sandra Sitron.

New Moon :: May 25 2017 :: 3:46 pm ET :: 4 degrees Gemini
This New Moon brings you to the entrance of Curiosity’s sanctuary. You may be hovering just outside an idea, searching for an entry point. Make a pact with Curiosity and let her guide you into the diamond encrusted center of your next big innovation.
Follow the trail that Curiosity carves for you. She’s an effervescent leader. Blithe and animated, she’ll teach you all about Gemini New Moon magic. She’ll remind you that this is a time to learn. A time to sharpen your mind. A time to connect with those close to you. Siblings, friends, neighbors, co-workers, the community board, the local coven.
Gemini is the sign of the Twins and is responsible for two important Air element topics: mindset and social connections. It’s time to set new intentions in these areas of life. When it comes to mindset, how do you want to be curious? Where are you ready to learn? What is your next innovation? What inspires you? What beliefs will you expand, shift or invigorate in the coming year?
And in the area of social connections, how do you want your friendships to feel? Which relationships will you put fresh energy into and which ones will you let go? What conversations need to take place? What connections need attention? What kind of local community organizations do you want to participate in?
Turn your brain on and up. Get off the couch, turn off the TV. Go connect some synapses. Show up to the pot-luck. Bring Scrabble. Curiosity will help you meet and mingle. She’ll remind you that every question you ask brings you into closer connection with the people around you and the world you inhabit.
Curiosity has a Gemini twin sister, Inspiration. Curiosity leads you to the idea, and Inspiration takes it from there. Inspiration will stimulate your creativity. She brings gifts— ease, dedication, focus, and fun. She nurtures and guides you, helping you complete the creative work, live in your purpose, and invigorate your world.
The aspects to the New Moon signify transformation, connecting to the feminine, spiritual awakening, and buoyant expansion. The Gemini New Moon asks you to bring curiosity and inspiration to these arenas. Set intentions for lightness and learning. Let your winged feet and mercurial mind carry you forward.
New Moon trine Jupiter
Balloons drifting high into the sky.
Buoyant, bold, uplifting energy can help you reach for your dreams. Fill your balloons with positivity and watch them float to the zenith. This aspect removes limitations. With nothing in your way, what is possible?
The energy is harmonizing and expansive. It gives you the chance to open your world up to new realities.
New Moon square Neptune
A crystal forms under the crust of the Earth.
You are incubating pure magic. This aspect funnels enchanted and ethereal vibes. Channel the energy to get closer to your spiritual truths. Ask to be transported beyond everyday anxieties or fears. Find connection to crystalline source.
There is another facet to this energy which can create confusion or fogginess. Set intentions for clarity and spiritual connection.
New Moon semi-square Venus
A rose blooms where no one ever goes.
Consider your deep inner connection to your feminine nature. Is there anything that needs to be ironed out? Is there a subtle denial of the feminine that is impeding your ability to connect in the way you would like to? It may be time for a new mental pathway to be forged. A new altar to Venus could be created.
New Moon sesquiquadrate Pluto
The blacksmith heats the horseshoe.
The horse can’t walk on this shoe. A solution is necessary, so the blacksmith gets to work. Heat up your internal furnace. It’s time for a minor transformation. The adjustment needs to be made because of a frustration. Where are you frustrated and what do you need to change? It’s not possible to move forward without bringing through some changes. Get to work.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Gemini New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 4 degrees Gemini …
Aries or New Moon in the 3rd House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of communication and learning. What aspect of your life could benefit from a fresh dose of curiosity?
Taurus or New Moon in the 2nd House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of financial worth and self-worth. What new intentions will you set for your finances?
Gemini or New Moon in the 1st House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of identity. What is blocking you from thinking about yourself in a new way?
Cancer or New Moon in the 12th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of intuition, compassion, and spirituality. How can you make your spirituality a bigger part of your everyday life?
Leo or New Moon in the 11th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of friends, community, and the future. What social connections are you ready to invigorate?
Virgo or New Moon in the 10th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of career and the public sphere. What ideas would you like to share with the world?
Libra or New Moon in the 9th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of philosophy, beliefs, travel, and higher learning. What is your mission statement?
Scorpio or New Moon in the 8th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of evolution and union. What are you ready to let go of?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 7th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of relationships. What conversation do you need to have with someone you are close to?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 6th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of health and habits. What positive habit will you begin?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 5th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of joy and self-expression. What inspires you?
Pisces or New Moon in the 4th House
The Gemini New Moon is in your area of home and family. How can you make your home into a mentally and creatively stimulating place?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
The chariot reversed is an invitation to rest into the unknowable and trust in unexpected manifestations, says Lindsay Mack.