Born under a bad sign? Frederick Steinmann says so-called difficult placements are actually opportunities for greater awareness, acceptance, and transformation. Images: Veda Wildfire 

veda wildfire frederick steinmann ruby warrington the numinous born under a bad sign planetary states rulership detriment exaltation fall venus in aries 2017 steinmann astrology

Venus entered Aries on April 28, and the planet of love’s journey through this bold, assertive (and sometimes brash and selfish) warrior archetype is not always … smooth. In the sign of Aries, Venus is in its “detriment”- indicating one of the 4 states possible for each planet when placed in different zodiac signs (“detriment” and “fall” being more challenging, while “exaltation” and “rulership” the easier placements).

Rulership: Planets here are “at home” in their environment and easy to express.
Exaltation: A step beyond rulership, planets here have a chance to achieve their highest expression.
Detriment: The opposite of rulership- planets are in slightly uncomfortable territory, and the energy may need to become unblocked or unstuck.
Fall: The opposite of exaltation—energy is lessened and may need some invigoration in order to achieve expression.

For example, in Aries, Venus wants what she wants, now, and on her terms. Fiery Aries is quick with passion but not with compromise. Venus in its detriment could learn a thing or too about love from Venus’ ruling sign, Libra (the opposite sign to Aries). Venus in Libra naturally knows how to pause and apply strategy instead of just a quick reaction.

When in their detriment or fall, planets are challenged to adjust, to learn, and to further refine the energies symbolized by that planet. Below, a guide to these cosmic challenges …


**Discover your challenging placements by calculating your birth chart. No challenging aspects? You can still use the dates below to work with these energies throughout the year as the planet indicated spends time in that sign! 

:: THE SUN ::
Rulership: Leo // Exaltation: Aries // Detriment: Aquarius // Fall: Libra  
The Sun is the single most important point in a horoscope. He vitalizes Earth and the rest of our solar system, and relates to our “individuality”- who we are beyond our thoughts and emotions.

Detriment in Aquarius (2017 Dates: January 19-February 18)  
Aquarius energy is connected to the concept of humanity as a whole, but can sometimes struggle with the messiness of the individual. Aquarians circulate the solar force within the group by “fixing their will” in the service of group ideals. The Sun in Aquarius placement is all about learning how to balance group ideals with individual creativity, and sometimes learning to say “Yes, I really matter!”

Fall in Libra (2017 Dates: September 22- October 23
Because of their penchant for pursuing the perfect relationship, Libra Sun signs’ individual vitality can become diffused. Librans can learn how to vitalize themselves by developing some Aries energy in relationships. A good way to start is by noticing: “where am I holding back from asserting my individuality and just strategically reflecting what the other person wants to hear.” Assertion of individuality will rebalance vitality and allow space for creative expression.


:: THE MOON ::
Rulership: Cancer // Exaltation: Taurus // Detriment: Capricorn // Fall: Scorpio 
The Moon is the second most important point in the horoscope, and represents emotions, imagination, memories, and how we are nurtured.

**2017 Dates: Because the Moon changes signs every few days, check Planet Watcher for the current placement. We’ll have a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10th, a New Moon in Scorpio on November 18th, and a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 9th.

Detriment in Capricorn
The Moon and achievement-conscious Capricorn are both related to security but they have opposing views. The ambition and drive to achieve success in society are energetically opposed with the Moon’s nurturing function (just think of those countless burnt out corporate ladder climbers!) Capricorn moons will benefit from reevaluating safety and security needs, scheduling time for self-care rituals like massage, and just feeling their feelings.

Fall in Scorpio
In fixed signs, the Moon wants to hold on to inherited patterns of nurturing, and in fixed Scorpio the art is in learning to let go. Scorpio Moons are nurtured through in-depth sharing that leads to transformation. Learn to honor your watery depths by getting in touch with more difficult emotions. You might try Jungian therapy, group counseling, or another form of therapy where you can share, transform, and release old habits.

veda wildfire frederick steinmann ruby warrington the numinous born under a bad sign planetary states rulership detriment exaltation fall venus in aries 2017 steinmann astrology

Rulership: Gemini & Virgo // Exaltation: Aquarius // Detriment: Sagittarius // Fall: Pisces & Leo 
As the ruler of thought, reason, and communication, Mercury is an androgynous planet that picks up masculine or feminine energy depending on the sign or relationship to other planets.

Detriment in Sagittarius (2017 Dates: November 5-January 11 2018, retrograde December 3-22)
With Sag’s philosophically expanded worldview, Mercury placed here can tend towards exaggeration, embellishment, boastfulness, or the zealous view that one’s personal opinion equals a universal outlook. To work with this energy, it’s important to notice when you’re blowing things out of proportion and to practice more discretion in speech.

Fall in Pisces (2017 Dates: February 25-March 13)
With the overemphasis on words and rational thought in Western education, Mercury in Pisces may feel that their imagination or creativity is “silly.” The key here is learning to believe that compassion doesn’t always need to be verbalized- a loving presence or hug can work. Emotional communication is a valid form of communication. Dream interpretation or a study of symbols like the Tarot could help bring out the best in this Mercury.

Fall in Leo (2017 Dates: July 5-July 25) 
Leo represents creative expression and Mercury placed here sometimes thinks they are an instant prodigy! In order to achieve the highest form of expression, this Mercury could use a dose of Aquarian objectivity to integrate their vision into society. Developing a meditation practice with a mantra like “thoughts are things, I am not my thoughts” will help with this process.


:: VENUS ::
Rulership: Taurus & Libra // Exaltation: Pisces // Detriment: Scorpio & Aries // Fall: Virgo 
Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, and harmony. She also rules the Law of Attraction- how you value and feel about yourself ultimately manifests in both your relationships and your bank account.

Detriment in Scorpio (2017 Dates: November 7-December 1)
In Scorpio, the challenging call is to transform the Venusian areas of love, relationships, and money. Learning to value your own and others’ resources appropriately is a lesson for this Venus. Another challenge comes from dealing with intensity and learning when to say no to excitement and emotional thrills that may lead to financial or emotional problems. Find your own value and trust in the process of regeneration.

Fall in Virgo (2017 Dates: September 19- October 14) 
Virgo is a mutable sign associated with the process of improvement, and when attached to Venus this can manifest as sharp criticism and endless “fixing” in relationships. Learning to dissolve some of your hyper-awareness through loving self-acceptance (the Piscean end of the polarity), and editing internal and external critique is key.

veda wildfire frederick steinmann ruby warrington the numinous born under a bad sign planetary states rulership detriment exaltation fall venus in aries 2017 steinmann astrology

:: MARS ::
Rulership: Aries & Scorpio // Exaltation: Capricorn, // Detriment: Taurus & Libra // Fall: Cancer 
Mars rules the primitive side of our natures through the “4 Fs”: Feeding, fighting, fleeing, and … reproduction. The god of war is eager to penetrate the environment. A person’s humanness has a lot to do with Mars management- whether they are impulsive and brash or able to direct their will consciously and compassionately.

Detriment in Taurus (2017 Dates: March 9-21) 
When Mars is in Taurus, the desire for sensual experience is strong, and the challenge lies in overcoming and disciplining the heightened five senses. The drive and primal motive will be towards more concrete expressions of Taurus like money and sex. This placement will have to learn more about the unseen value of experience and presence. Try exercises like conscious, meditative eating where you pause gratefully for 5 minutes with a meal in front of you before diving in. Notice and observe what comes up without judgment.

Detriment in Libra (2017 Dates: October 22-December 9)
While Mars is all about fighting and assertion, Libra is about initiating relationships and this combination can lead to passive aggressive behavior. In Aries, it’s easy to fight our enemy but Mars in Libra has to sit at the table with them and negotiate. This Mars placement is learning how to evolve from an impulsive to a refined human being. Learn to balance instinctive reactions towards your partners’ moves with healthy self-assertion of your own desires.

Fall in Cancer (2017 Dates: June 4-July 20)  
Mars will always act out to assert himself as separate, and in Cancer the tendency towards cohesion and bonding leads to a conflict. Mars in Cancers act when they feel safe with their tribe and outside of this familiar context, the impulse to assert the self is repressed. This is a sign where Mars is learning courage. Courage comes through assertion of individuality in the world beyond the tribe (the Capricorn end of the polarity). Practicing action-oriented activities like martial arts will help build the confidence to express your desires!


Fred Steinmann is a New York-based consulting astrologer who advises entrepreneurs, creative professionals, leaders of thought and industry, and all those searching for clarity, guidance, direction, and inspiration during uncertain times. He bases his practice on training and study in Ageless Wisdom, and astrological techniques grounded in 10+ years of professional experience advising clients and colleagues on Wall Street.


Meet fashion creatrice Diana Wassef, one of the Moon Club members elevating the game with her poetically evolved approach to sustainable fashion as healing …

moon club members fashion as healing ruby warrington the numinous diana wassef emily cremona
Charles Cremona Photography for Diana’s Kao-Kabi Collection

With her eco-conscious “Kao-Kabi” collection for Emily Cremona, creatrice and Moon Club member Diana Wassef  is challenging the fashion community to dress our planet in sustainable threads. 


“From fabric selection to garment creation, these are healing garments disguised as ‘fashion.'” 

The Passion Project 
I wanted to create ​a sensory experience: one where you feel elevated and transformed … that feeling when putting on a robe after a Moroccan or Turkish bath. This is the feeling I imagined while creating the Kao-Kabi collection.

Kao-Kabi is Arabic for “my planet,” and with this collection I hope to meet the delicate needs of today’s modern wearer through garments that are kind to the skin and to our environment. I work exclusively with natural fibers, including bamboo, hemp, linen, and pineapple.

All the garments from Kao-Kabi have been bathed with Reiki light and love; from fabric selection to garment creation, these are healing garments disguised as “fashion.”

moon club members fashion as healing elevating the game ruby warrington the numinous diana wassef emily cremona
Charles Cremona Photography for Diana’s Kao-Kabi Collection

Dressing to Honor the Spirit 
When I was younger my style was very eccentric, layering my skin with lots of accessories and clothing that embodied a lot of mythology and symbology. This style reflected my fascination with the history of costume, and how each period influenced the image of how the self was portrayed.

After moving to Brooklyn in 2013, my transformative healing journey began: the cleansing and purifying process … shedding skin and tuning in to the core and essence of the delicious self. Now, I dress to honor my spirit by radiating the light within me outwards. In doing so, I find myself surrounded by similar radiant entities.

I really do enjoy wearing white, and a lot of that is influenced by my Kundalini practice. Yogi Bhajan’s idea about the color white resonates with me. Not only is white an auric color therapy, but wearing white is an exercise in awareness, as it takes more consciousness and care to keep white clothes clean!

The Futuristic Fashionista Vision 
Kao-Kabi offers a glimpse into the eco-conscious world I envision for fashion. Moving forward, I intend to create my own sustainable, innovative textiles from which my future collections will be designed—a sustainable material that honors our planet by being gentle to its resources.

moon club members fashion as healing elevating the game ruby warrington the numinous diana wassef emily cremona
Charles Cremona Photography for Diana’s Kao-Kabi Collection

The Moon Club Inspiration 
It has been a huge inspiration to be part of this community—Moon Club is a sacred space for all the Luna lovers out there. As the astrology fan that I am, I get an insightful dose of what’s happening astrologically, the Moon cycles, and their impact on us. Moon Club guides me with my creative process by reminding me to pause, clear my mind, and MEDITATE in order to dive deeper. 

We’ve had such incredible coaching sessions with innovators and healers, like Sah D’Simone sharing the “Happiness Equation,” and powerful female entrepreneurs like THINX co-founder Miki Agrawal—I’m all about the divine yoni power!!!!

I’d also like to share here the Forgiveness Mediation from Moon Club founding member Eddie Stern, which has been particularly inspiring for me in my creative process:

“For anyone I caused harm, knowingly or unknowingly, I ask for your forgiveness/For anyone whom has caused me harm, knowingly or unknowingly, I offer you my forgiveness/For any harm I have caused myself, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive me.”

moon club members fashion as healing elevating the game ruby warrington the numinous diana wassef emily cremona
Diana Wassef in Her Element

Feeling ready to up your manifestation game? Read more about Moon Club here and start working your own lunar magic! 


The message of the 2017 Taurus New Moon is to connect to your inner stillness, be present for beauty, and trust in your true value, says Sandra Sitron  …

Binta Dibba for Nakid Magazine by Bethany Vargas Taurus New Moon The Numinous
Binta Dibba for Nakid Magazine by Bethany Vargas

New Moon :: April 26th 2017:: 8:18 am EST :: 6 degrees 27 minutes Taurus

Slow. Peaceful. Still. Serene.

The moment of thisTaurus New Moon opens a portal for you to connect with your inner stillness (aka inner serenity, the quiet mind, your essential nature, your higher self). When you access your “inner stillness,” you may notice a sense of true security. In this headspace of harmony and peace you have no insecurity. You trust in your value. You trust in abundance.

This portal is open for you. Move into it through meditation. Create space and stillness. Be patient. Be present to the beauty around you. Focus your attention on being grounded, registering the sensations in your body, and connecting to your inner worth.

Taurus is a powerhouse sign. On the Taurus New Moon, the Sun and the Moon meet here, to represent a new beginning. We can take this time to send our wishes to the moon. What new beginning are you ready for in your life? Craft your intentions now.

It’s especially powerful to center your intentions on Taurus themes, which focus on the physical body. The stimuli that makes the physical body feel good. The food, shelter, and water the physical body needs to exist. Money. Anything that is sustainable or of value that will keep the body going for a long time. Anything beautiful that the physical body will appreciate.

This Taurus New Moon entices you to find inner stillness. What does Taurus have to do with inner stillness? Taurus rules the body. When you can become completely grounded in your body and aware of the information that is coming in through your senses, you have acquired one way to arrive in a meditative state. You are present.

Inner stillness helps you discover other Taurus themes. It makes you aware of your inner worth and your inner value. Your security. Your sense of abundance. Your inner harmony. It brings your values into perspective. Inner stillness is grounding and secure.

There is a vibration of Taurus that can be completely concrete and stubborn. At this Taurus New Moon, it’s time melt any stubbornness and transmute it into stability. True stability creates space for security and openness.

As you create stillness within yourself, you are tilling fertile soil in which to plant your seeds. Your Taurus New Moon seed intentions should bring forth lovely blooms of abundance, harmony in relationships, security, physical health, and beauty. These themes can be very powerful for you now.


Moon semi-sextile Mars
The next move in a game of chess.
This aspect urges you to take action. Mars is in the zippy sign of Gemini, cajoling along the slow-poke Taurus New Moon. They may not agree on the correct speed. But they can decide to take concentrated, deliberate action. And that action can be potent. Center yourself and then move your chess pieces deliberately. Take your time. Make it happen. This is not time to push forward hastily. You can take slow and powerful, grounded actions that are based on your values.


Moon trine Saturn Retrograde 
Drinking your green smoothie.
The Taurus New Moon is in a wide trine to Saturn. Saturn’s energy here can help you find the structures that work best for you. What are your systems for optimal health and wellness? What are your best systems for quieting your mind? For exercise? For learning? For communication? For managing your finances? This is positive energy that will help you get everything into alignment. Think about what kind of support and structure you need and call it in.


Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Taurus New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 6 degrees Taurus…

Aries or New Moon in the 2nd House
This New Moon takes place in your house of security, money, values and worth. What support can you ask to receive?

Taurus or New Moon in the 1st House
This New Moon takes place in your house of identity. How are the circumstances in your life teaching you about who you really are?

Gemini or New Moon in the 12th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of the subconscious mind. What advice would your higher self give you about an issue in your life? Write down your issue, then write your higher self’s advice.

Cancer or New Moon in the 11th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of friends and future. What vision will you craft? What do you desire?

Leo or New Moon in the 10th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of career. Where can you push yourself a little further out into the limelight?

Virgo or New Moon in the 9th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of exploration. What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing?

Libra or New Moon in the 8th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of emotional union. What feeling is ready to change form? Write yourself a letter from that feeling. Let it tell you everything it needs to say.

Scorpio or New Moon in the 7th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of primary relationships. How will you let yourself get closer to another person? What will you say to encourage closeness?

Sagittarius or New Moon in the 6th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of health and habits. What is one small thing you can do every day to connect to your body? Can you thank your body for that connection?

Capricorn or New Moon in the 5th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of creativity and fun. How are you yearning to express yourself?

Aquarius or New Moon in the 4th House
This New Moon takes place in your house of home and family. What will you do to welcome in a new feeling at home?

Pisces or New Moon in the 3rd House 
This New Moon takes place in your house of learning and communication. Do you believe that a breakthrough comes to you or that you have to invite it in? What would you do to invite it in?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.


Strung out on repressed feelings, a health crisis and mental break became an unexpected awakening for Meg Hartley, care of some spiritual shrooming…

how i lost all my fucks meg hartley ruby warrington the numinous spiritual shrooms mushroom tripping

“During my four-day break with the mundane, I connected to a bigger part of myself, which also happened to feel like an infinitely more stable part of myself”—Meg Hartley 

When I was 19, I wasn’t in a good place. I had lost my mother to suicide four years prior, and my once-successful “smashing down” of feelings had relentlessly resurfaced into every part of my consciousness.

I usually avoided the pain by staying busy all day, then intoxicated into the evening via copious amounts of marijuana or whatever else was floating around the dorms: ‘shrooms, ecstasy, and lots and lots of cheap alcohol.

But late at night, when I’d try my hardest to sleep and fail miserably, I couldn’t hide from the pain. I had taken to scratching at my skin until it bled because it hurt less than the storm that wailed inside. It was like there was so much unprocessed pain my mind didn’t know where to start. Agonizing thoughts just whipped around in my head, out of control and going nowhere.

I’d soon learn about meditation and mindfulness, which gave me a life raft to embrace during these times. But before then, I’d go home to Alaska for summer break and have a four-day experience a psychologist called a “mental break” and a philosophy teacher called “a preview to awakening.”

But to me, it simply felt like a very long dream that showed me true happiness was a real possibility … even for me, which seemed impossible at the time. This set the scene for my subsequent spiritual exploration and gave me a reason to commit to my emotional healing.


The year was 2002. My first year of philosophy classes in college had finally given form and texture to vague spiritual ideas I’d always had intuitive knowings about. The ideas that this life is an illusion, that humanity is currently experiencing a shift in consciousness, and that we’re each here to learn specific things, were presented by different religions and philosophers from all over the world.

This deja vu sense of remembering (that my teacher said was normal, but which sure felt like magic to me!) combined with all the partying left me ungrounded, spacey, and generally disinterested in “mundane” everyday life. I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but I also had a B12 deficiency that was hitting mental health symptom levels. In addition to this, there was a cyst growing on my pineal gland, which is known to augment spiritual experiences.

And so, not yet privy to the drawbacks of being ungrounded, and unaware of this explosive combination brewing in my brain, I celebrated my return home by eating yet more ‘shrooms with a dear friend.

The experience of taking psilocybin is different for everyone, but in my experimental days it was something that I regarded with reverence––like a really fun church. During every trip, the idea of “God” or a benevolent bigger something, seemed obvious and present to me. There was silliness and hilarity, but also times where I would leave my friends to go sit with my favorite tree for hours, my head filled with streaming thoughts that were ontological in nature- the answers to all of life’s big questions, more ideas I’d later study in ancient texts.

And this time, for four days after the mushroom trip ought to have ended, my thoughts remained consistently in the ontological realm––a far cry from my daily headscape at the time, which was mostly centered around losing my v-card and being “too fat.” 

In stark contrast, everything I encountered had meaning on top of meaning, and life felt so beautiful that I cried happy tears. From the inside, the experience felt like a blissful and meditative state where therapeutic dreams met real life. Colors became more vibrant as I released dark twisted pains from deep within like a long and satisfying belch.

how i lost all my fucks meg hartley ruby warrington the numinous spiritual shrooms mushroom tripping
Meg with a handmade lithograph about her experience

Of course, it’s not “normal” to weep from joy at the sight of a mountain that’s there every damn day, or to stare at everyday items babbling about “the language of the Universe” and “signs.”

Everyone in my world thought I had lost my marbles. When I finally noticed this reaction in others, I very suddenly snapped out of it, shocked at their concern and upset about making an ass of myself. That clouded my vision of the experience, as social acceptance was the form of surrender I was most familiar with at the time. But I now look back on it as being as helpful as it was hugely bizarre: the juice was totally worth the squeeze (it can be freeing sometimes to have people think you’re a little nuts, anyhoo!) 

I was immediately changed, and the depression didn’t return for many years (not until my B12 levels hit a fantastic new low and a whole new set of challenges revealed themselves). It was like I had been dusted from the inside out, I felt clear and centered in a way that I had never experienced. I carried on with the drug experimentation for a couple more years and nothing like that happened again- something that brought both great relief and a fleeting sense of disappointment.


During my four-day break with the mundane, I connected to a bigger part of myself, which also happened to feel like an infinitely more stable part of myself.

And that connection––and many times just the memory of that connection—brought a cherished light into the darkest nights of my soul. It also provided the motivation for my subsequent spiritual and emotional journeys: remembering that mental landscape, and knowing that if I stayed on the spiritual path then that sense of peace and connectedness would eventually feel like home.


Meg Hartley is a neurodivergent writer with additional bylines at Huffington Post, Ravishly, SheKnows, Leafly, TinyBuddha, and others. Check out more at CreativeMeg.com and @heymeghartley on the socials. 


The planet of power, transformation, and absolute intensity can make us want to run and hide. Fear not, says Patricia Clark Hippolyte! Pluto Retrograde 2017 is a super potent moment to embrace our shadow side and let it out into the light…

half woman half skeleton pluto retrograde 2017 The Numinous

Thursday, April 20th :: Pluto Stations Retrograde :: 19 Degrees of Capricorn

Thursday, September 28th :: Pluto Goes Direct :: 16 Degrees of Capricorn 

All retrograde cycles allow us to return to the scene of the crime, so to speak. “Why am I dealing with this again?!” you may wonder. That’s the point of a retrograde—any issue that comes up for you will have to be dealt with three times over before you can learn the lesson.

Picture it this way. You’re driving along and go over a speed bump. Then, you put the car in reverse and go over it a second time. And then, you put the car in drive and go over the bump a third time. Simple enough! Except when it’s a Pluto retrograde. This presents a considerably more challenging situation…

Pluto can have bad reputation in the cosmos. But this relates merely to the “lower octave” of the planet’s energy. For example, we’d all like to think we take the higher ground, but we also all have stress, jobs, family, and partners that wear on us. And sometimes we make decisions from a place of insecurity, and end up living a life of deceit rather than face the shit storm. Life is not as pretty as we’d like it to be. We don’t want to admit that it’s complicated and messy so we lie: to ourselves, and to others. This is unrefined Pluto energy.

But Pluto doesn’t lie, people do. You’ve heard the saying “the house always wins”? Well it’s the same with Pluto. This planet’s influence can lead us into shadiness OR it can invite us towards transformation by asking us to step into the darker version of ourselves, the shadow self.

With Pluto transits, it can feel as if the elephant in the room can no longer be avoided. And if you’re willing to surrender to Pluto’s challenges, you can harness his transformational edge. Pluto protects us, keeps us on our toes, and magnetizes us to objects of desire. And after Pluto has taken you down, down, down, there is an immense potential for personal growth.

Cause without the darkness…there is no light, right?!


To discover what lessons Pluto retrograde has for you, check out where Pluto retrograde is backing up in your birth chart right now. This means look to the house with 16—19 degrees of Capricorn. 

When Pluto transits a house, it makes for some interesting transformations relating to that particular area of life. Think change, regeneration, and perhaps a little bit of secrecy and subversion. Pluto digs up what we’ve buried. But don’t worry—these changes are inevitable and necessary. Embrace whatever is surfacing!


:: Capricorn Rising—1st House :: Changing how you see yourself and reshaping your personality. Getting a grip on unconscious drives and urges to control people, situations and, well, … EVERYTHING!


:: Sagittarius Rising—2nd House :: A value system overhaul—both psychologically and materially. Don’t buy the McMansion just yet. You may yet discover it’s not what “luxury” truly means to you.


:: Scorpio Rising—3rd House :: Intensified thought processes and conversations. Be wary of black and white attitudes that bypass the gray, and rule out the opportunity for productive discourse.


:: Libra Rising—4th House :: Grappling internally with problems from childhood and family … it’s always Mom, isn’t it! On the outside, changes in your relationship to home—repairing your living space or moving entirely.


:: Virgo Rising—5th House :: Intensified relationship patterns—either the beginnings of a magnetic new relationship or the break down of old patterns in a current relationship. If you have children, there may be some power struggles!


:: Leo Rising—6th House :: Transformation of your health and daily routine—physical regeneration through good dietary choices or a possible breakdown of poor dietary habits.


:: Cancer Rising—7th House :: Embarking on an “amazing ’til it isn’t” relationship or being challenged to change your present relationship. Seeing power plays in partnerships for what they really are.


:: Gemini Rising—8th House :: Be careful with any joint possessions or other people’s resources—think your spouse’s or employer’s. Also a time to get familiar with any unmet desires.


:: Taurus Rising—9th House :: A great moment for absorbing and learning from experience, and gaining new knowledge. What beliefs have you been blindly holding onto, and where are you getting woke?


:: Aries Rising—10th House :: If you know where you’re at with your career, there’s a good chance of success at this time. If you’re uncertain, there’s a high chance of a total change of path.


:: Pisces Rising—11th House :: A perfect time to seek out more like-minded friends who will aid you in your transformations. It’s also a good moment for prioritizing actions that truly give back.


:: Aquarius Rising—12th House :: A game of psychological chess with yourself! It’s time to deal with old patterns and behaviors that worked in childhood but don’t translate now (read: no more tantrums on the floor!)


Patricia Clark Hippolyte has been seeing stars for well over two decades. With international private readings and intensive three-day courses, she reveals astrological ciphers that help people work with their current and future planetary involvements. Though the stars often shine a painfully bright light on the realities of daily life, remember: starlight is better than no light at all.


Clear any debris from the past to make way for new beginnings this Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Seana Gavin

Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon collage Seana Gavin The Numinous Jennifer Racioppi

Waning Quarter Moon :: April 19 2017 :: 5.56am EST :: 29 Degrees Capricorn

Like an elegant wine with unpredictable hints of licorice, cacao, leather, black tea and sour cherry, the complexity of this Aries Waning Quarter Moon challenges us to interpret complex aromas and flavors.

However, with the moon shifting from stalwart Capricorn into courageous and progressive Aquarius an hour later, and the Sun moving into stable and steady Taurus at 5:26pm the same day, the Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon lingers with complex, multifaceted nuances. Like a theatrical dinner, with a banquet of flavors to take in and digest, this is a vibrant and intricate transit.

Not only does the exact square between the Capricorn Moon and the Aries Sun, at 2 degrees of each sign, occur right before their ingress (entrance into new signs), this Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon occurs one day before powerhouse Pluto stations retrograde. Pluto rules our shadow, and when he commences his retrograde journey, he extends an invitation to look at how we relate to power and control.

Further, on April 20th, Mercury in retrograde will also form her conjunction with the Sun, signifying an intense moment in the Mercury retrograde journey—when the Sun and Mercury swap positions, the Sun is moving into Taurus, while Mercury slips back into Aries.


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at the tail end of pioneering, bold and courageous Aries, preparing to move into salt of the earth (with a twist of divine luxury) Taurus, she wraps up her Aries story. Having traveled side by side with both Uranus, the planet of revolution, and Eris, the planet of feminine discord, in recent weeks, our egos and identities have certainly endured a few shake-ups. The full moon in Libra, which happened one week prior to this Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon, opposed the Sun and Uranus—infusing the lunation with a few unexpected results. Now it’s up to us to decipher what we need to release. Something needs to go.

:: The Moon ::
This practical and efficient Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon trines Mars in Taurus—a fortunate connection to the planet of action. This common-sense, down-to-earth influence brings stoic expediency when it comes to executing on the daily chores of life. Thank Goddess! With the recent emphasis in Aries, a focus on getting things started didn’t leave a ton of room for completion. Fortunately, the day leading up to this Waning Quarter Moon emphasizes the finishing point. That said, with the Moon renewing itself next week, a time that’s ripe for new beginnings, it’s essential to clear the debris of our past—and now! Cultivate the wisdom gained over the last few weeks to decide what needs releasing in order to to bring things to completion consciously.

:: The Square ::
With the Sun and the Moon in a waning square as they ingress into new signs (Taurus and Aquarius, also square) this Capricorn Waning Quarter Moon asks us to trust our feelings and to be assertive. Both Capricorn and Aries represent the Cardinal signs (or signs that initiate new seasons) asking us to take action. Now that we are a month deep in spring, it’s essential to evaluate how we are doing at both being true to ourselves, our hearts, and our power, while simultaneously staying mindful of others. This isn’t about being right; it’s about making space. Releasing what needs to go.

:: The message ::
We’ve gained so much knowledge and wisdom through our experiences over the last couple of weeks, especially while Venus took her retrograde spin. Now that she’s direct, and with Pluto getting ready to go retrograde (along with Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter) it’s essential to look at how we are using our power, as we likely need to make some changes. What better time than now?! This waning quarter moon asks us to decipher what needs to shift and encourages us to think for ourselves and be decisive. Only you know you best! So let go of that which doesn’t serve you.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit Jenniferracioppi.com. To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!


As Venus goes direct, get active with your money manifestation and create an abundance altar in your wallet, says Ruby Warrington

Wallet altar from Re-Found Objects.

Several years ago, I found myself scouring Shopstyle in search of the perfect wallet. I was looking for one that was red, gold, or green, three colors that would make my wallet a money magnet. I had learned about this theory from my friend Gala Darling, and as an entrepreneur living in NYC (huge rent! no regular income!), I was like, “what the hell?”.

It took another year or so for me to find a red wallet that also fit my personal style—one by Philip Lim that was even embossed with a subtle dollar sign. Flawless! Whether it’s played any role in my never missing a rent check as I’ve juggled building this platform, writing a book, and launching Moon Club, I can’t really say. But what I do know is that a recent Skype meeting with a woman known as The Modern Money Witch (a.k.a. Lara-Rose Duong) took the concept of using your wallet to actively attract cash to a whole new level.

And OF COURSE she reached out to me during Venus retrograde! The planet ruling love and abundance has been in a backspin since March 4, 2017 (resuming direct motion today, April 15!), during which time all things concerning love, money, and self-worth have been up for review. And according to Lara-Rose, love is money. It’s the grown-up symbol for the nurturing (food, shelter, hugs) we receive as “love” when we’re babies.

Lara-Rose Duong, a.k.a. The Modern Money Witch

Step one in Lara-Rose’s system for receiving more money in your life is to create an actual abundance altar in your wallet. Fun! And what better activity to get active with your manifestation process?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating an abundance altar in your wallet:

1. Take everything out of your wallet and smudge it with smoke from white sage or Palo Santo.

2. Hold your empty wallet with both hands and set an intention. Something like: “I am open to receiving abundance so that I may share it with the world,” would work great. Say it as you hold your wallet.

3. Choose a space for your abundance “altar” in your wallet—it can be an individual pocket or an entire section.

4. Place items in your abundance altar. Some classic things to include: an image of Lakshmi, or other abundance icon (I chose a card of prosperity Goddess Abundantia); a piece of citrine, a silver dollar, or an abundance spell, sealed with a pentagon sign. Feel free to choose items that are meaningful to you.

5. Also include a paper money offering to your abundance icon. This bill is not to be spent, but can be refreshed annually on a date that resonates with you (like the Spring or Fall Equinox, Beltane, or your birthday).

6. Toss our old receipts, business cards, etc., and return only the items you absolutely need to your wallet. Commit to regularly clearing out any unneeded items to keep energetic pathways of abundance clear.

Discover more about Lara-Rose Duong and her work at Lararoseduong.com

This post first appeared as part of my new weekly column over on Horoscope.com! Check out what else I’ve been writing about here.


Feeling the Spring fever? Ysanne Spevack whips up an immune boosting pudding with chaga mushrooms that’s equal parts powerful and subtly healing. Main Image: Mariano Peccinetti 

magic ingredient for april the conscious cook the numinous ruby warrington chaga mushroom chia seeds pudding ysanne spivack mariano peccinetti yntegrity

April is an invigorating time of year, with spring’s changing moods inviting us back out of our homes and into the streets. The month also brings indecisive weather, from thunderstorms to sunshine. To face this fluctuating weather and to address the rising allergen percentage in the air, our immunity needs a natural boost right now.

Enter chaga mushrooms, a humble type of mycelium that grows on trees. More like a tree fungus than a regular mushroom, chaga is probably best known and most widely used for its scientifically confirmed anti-oxidant qualities that protect against cancer, and also for its use for people with HIV. Chaga doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to antioxidant qualities.

That said, chaga is equally powerful when eaten to reduce seasonal allergies, and it has a soothing effect on the respiratory system. What’s more, chaga mushrooms have a subtle flavor that lends itself well to sweet recipes. It has a woody taste with an undertone of vanilla, so blends well with anything containing vanilla.

Chaga grows right here in the US and is always wild, never cultivated. You can find it on birch trees anywhere along the East Coast that experiences a cold winter. And if you’re not ready for a trip into the woods, you can find it ready-powdered online at High Vibe or your local independent purveyor of high-quality medicinal superfoods.


Chaga Chia Pudding Recipe 
by Ysanne Spevack 

Makes 2 servings


2 medjool dates
1½ cup water
2 tbs hemp hearts
2tsp powdered chaga
½ tsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup black chia seeds


Remove the pits from the dates using your fingers, and drop them into a blender. Add the water, hemp hearts, chaga, and vanilla, then cover and process at the highest speed for 45 seconds.

If you have a Mason jar, pour the chia seeds into it, and pour the liquid into the jar. If you don’t have a Mason jar, any kind of 2 cup lidded container will work.

Secure the lid, and shake vigorously for at least 30 seconds, to ensure the seeds are all thoroughly wet and aren’t clumping together. If you see obvious clumps, open the lid and break them up with a fork.

Set aside on the counter to gel for at least three hours. After that duration, it’s either ready to eat, or to refrigerate. Consume within 3 days.

Discover more about Ysanne Spevack HERE.


The Libra Full Moon brings a beautiful opportunity to look in the mirror and see the real you, says Sandra Sitron

Libra Full Moon The Numinous Strong Eye Astrology 2017
Learn to work with each phase of the Moon when you sign up for Moon Club! More details at Moonclub.co

Full Moon :: April 11 2017 :: 2:09 am EST :: 21 degrees Libra

Every situation is a mirror. Every friend is a mirror. Every decision is a mirror. Every habit is a mirror. Every relationship is a mirror. Look into the mirror. What do you need to see about yourself?

At 2:09 Eastern time on April 11th, we have a Full Moon in Libra. The Full Moon phase occurs when the Moon is opposite the Sun. At this Full Moon time, the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in the opposite sign of Libra. This is also called an opposition. When there is an opposition, we are trying to hold two different ideas at the same time. Aries rules our relationship with ourself, and Libra rules our relationships with others.

The themes of identity (Aries) and relationships (Libra) are heavy-duty. Anything that comes up around relationships right now will really be teaching you something about yourself. Find your boundaries. Love yourself. Know who you are and what you want.

Communicate this truth in a peaceful way. Create boundaries so that you can lean more fully into relationship in a way that feels really good. This is the Aries-Libra magic at work.


Full Moon in Libra
A dusty mirror in the back of the attic.
When something comes up you can either look outward to find the cause of the problem, or you can look inward to find the cause of the problem.

The Full Moon in Libra reminds us to look through the looking glass. When something comes up in a relationship, instead of placing blame on the other person, turn the gaze around on yourself. See if you can figure out what pattern within yourself is ready to be healed. If someone doesn’t trust you, notice where you aren’t trusting yourself. Or if you are feeling unsupported by a partner, notice where you aren’t supporting yourself. Identify the issue, and then look into the mirror to find the root of it within yourself.

We’ve all heard that the Full Moon time can be emotional. Maybe the Full Moon gets emotional because the tendency is to keep looking outward, as the Moon reflects the Sun’s full light. It can be habitual to look for the root of the problem outside of yourself, without reflecting inward. If this happens, emotions can get high, but more importantly, emotional reactions can get high. If these reactions are unchecked, things can get dramatic.

To get ahead of the emotions, sit quietly. Don’t rush ahead. Go slow.

To truly align with the energy of this moment, meditate on Trust. Try to find it everywhere. This Moon wants you to believe that the world is balanced. And maybe it is. Believe it. Pick up the crumbs of trust wherever you can find them. They’ll lead you in the right direction.


The Aspects

The major aspect pattern is a T-square with Pluto in Capricorn as the focal planet, square Moon and Jupiter in Libra and square Sun and Uranus in Aries.

A healthy bunny dives into a hole.
This is a time of cathartic healing. Honor your grief so that you can let go. There will be activation of the themes of the last 5 years. We may be faced with that same old lesson, but this time around, we can figure out how to be more peaceful. Even when things seem difficult. Find harmony within yourself so that you have enough energy to heal the old stuff. Read below to understand more about this T-square…


Full Moon square Pluto
Tending to the alter.
This is the part of the T-square that represents cathartic healing. To achieve this healing, you must let yourself cycle through the accompanying emotions. You must trust your healing process. Focus on the concept of trust. Trust that the lessons you’re learning are actually a gift. Trusting is the most practical thing to do. You can also notice what you’re suspicious of. Why? What does this serve you? Does it really keep you safer? Most likely it takes up your energy. Let it go.

Full Moon conjunct Jupiter
Eating a pizza.
Here we can see how completely we are supported. Fill up. Have fun. Expand. You have gifts and resources that will help you grow. Let this be easy. This aspect is like your salve. It will help all of the other aspects make sense and become emotionally integrated. To work with it fully, reach for balance. Aim for the moderate path to activate Jupiter’s gifts here.

Full Moon opposite Uranus
Lightning tears the sky.
This Full Moon is opposite the Great Awakener (Uranus). Maybe all of this trust and healing and expansion will open you up to a fresh Awakening. The trick here is that if you want progress, you have to be willing to change. And you have to be willing to experience changes in your external world. How does this idea sit with you? Part of the fun of life is that the answers have yet to be revealed. Let yourself be surprised. You can’t plan this all out. It’s actually way better to not know the outcome. So try to be open to change.


To work more deeply with the energies of the Libra Full Moon, open your journal or get together with a friend to work on the below areas for self-inquiry. To get more specific, read for the house that holds 21 degrees Libra in your birth chart.

Aries or 7th House
Think about a situation you are working with right now. What could the hidden lesson be? Is that lesson actually a gift? How?

Taurus or 6th House
What are some ways you can practice creating peace in your life?

Gemini or 5th House
How can you make more space for joy and fun? What are the things that make you feel like a little kid?

Cancer or 4th House
It’s time for some spring cleaning. What would “cleaning house” internally mean to you?

Leo or 3rd House
What are some simple ways you can expand your community? Who have you been meaning to reach out to?

Virgo or 2nd House
Make a master list of all of your resources. Your skills, connections, assets, etc. How do these contribute to your sense of self-worth?

Libra or 1st House
How can you convince yourself that you’re free? Come up with three ways.

Scorpio or 12th House
What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing? How did your last vivid dream make you feel?

Sagittarius or 11th House
What’s your mission statement? If you could broadcast it to the world, what would your message be?

Capricorn or 10th House
How can you prove to yourself that you’re an expert? In what area has your experience made you rich?

Aquarius or 9th House
What makes you feel jolly? Can you do more of that this week?

Pisces or 8th House
How would you like to feel about finance and abundance? Can you feel into this sensation now?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Get this week’s Astro symbol for your sign, in the Numinous weekly horoscopes from Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Aries :: Aries Rising
Wrapped presents. It’s time for you to unwrap your gift. The gift has been sitting in the corner all this time. It’s yours. You get to have it now. To proceed, turn on all the lights. Look in every corner. Look in places you don’t normally go. Ask around. Where is the gift? It’s in the most obvious place. It’s in the situation that is on your mind. Look closely at the situation and ask, what is the gift? You might not like the wrapping paper. But when you can fully see the gift, you’ll know that it’s exactly perfect for you. It contains everything you need right now.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A pigeon in flight. The city pigeon is kind of a derelict bird. It’s flight is clumsy and seems somewhat obligatory. And yet, underneath it’s disguise, this bird is a genius. The pigeon is utterly resourceful. It symbolizes security, peace and communication. That’s a powerhouse of symbolism. Refine your ability to communicate. Refine your ability to create peace in your life. Refine your ability to feel secure. How can you practice these things? And what if you could improve in these areas? Can you imagine the result?

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Putting together a puzzle. What are the things that stimulate you? What are the things that bring you joy? What would be the ideal amount of time to devote to these things? Here’s the answer to that last question. You need to feel stimulated and interested most of the time. This is your birthright. Boredom is your bane. But guess what, this is something you’re completely in charge of. You create your own capacity to be interested. Truly. Prioritize your need to be fascinated by your life. Your life is supposed to be all about learning. This does not mean that all of the learning needs to be easy. But it does mean that you need to be engaged.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Pine branches burning. The scent of sap and pine is cleansing. Cleanse your mind. Cleanse your home. It’s time to clear out and let go. You need to do this so that you can put things in perspective. What this means is, you need to let go of some past issues, so that you aren’t getting overly triggered. Here’s one way to approach this, notice your reactions. If your reaction to something is more heated than the actual situation deserves, you are probably actually reacting to something old. Find out what the old thing is. Sometimes you can do this just by paying attention. Clear out the old stuff. Lighten your load.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
Lights on the marquee. It’s time to shine in your community. Get out there and circulate. Maybe you find yourself by spending time with a new crowd. Maybe you make new connections. Maybe you get noticed in a new way. The underlying thing to remember with all of this is that you are worthy of connection. You get to belong. Feeling connected and included in this way may help you understand how special you are. But none of this will just happen to you. You have to put in a little effort here. You have to believe that it’s possible. You deserve recognition.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising 
Building a new path. You have options. You can begin to understand how to traverse the mud. Look around and really understand what your resources are. Instead of continuing to drag through something that just isn’t working, how can you rise above it? There is a better way. It has to do with believing in yourself and your abilities. It might seem as if there aren’t any other options, but there truly are. You just have to be secure within yourself. Then you’ll be able to see everything that you’ve got going for you.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Galloping along a beach. Are you the horse or are you on the horse? Hard to say with this symbol. Be the horse for a moment. Be a wild horse. You can be the picture of freedom. You can be filled with speed, joy and life. Take some time to express these ideas through movement, music, art, or some other form of creativity. Bring freedom into your body experientially. Feel it. Be it. Take this feeling into your decisions. Don’t make a decision without knowing if the outcome will make you feel more free or less free. Let yourself expand into spaces you never thought you could inhabit. Own it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Finding the hidden treasure. Gold and jewels. You are ready to adventure forth. Visit your dream world. Journey through your subconscious realms. There’s joy to be had by digging deeper. It may feel very challenging at first. But you are ready to reap the rewards. You’re ready to feel different. You’re ready for a change. So follow your intuition to the things you need to see, so that you can change. If you keep asking for intuitive clues, you’ll be led in the right direction.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Setting foot on the trail. You have the ability now to go on an adventure. Your impulse is to go further outside of your comfort zone. Choose exploration. Choose a different vantage point. Before you set out, it’s important that you have an idea of what you’re looking for. What’s your vision for the future? Are you crystal clear on this? Decide and then go. As you move along this new path, you will have the opportunity to create a community. Understand your philosophy, what you’re building and who you’re serving. You will go far.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A sundial. How can you further elaborate on your desires? It’s time to be a boss. If you’ve been playing small, quit it. If you’ve been waiting to become more of an expert, that’s enough. No one else can tell you when you’re ready. Only you get to do that. Only you get to use the time that you have. And time is not your enemy. If you notice yourself in a battle with time, just know that you’re only fighting yourself. You’re allowed to be great. And you already are. So just step forward.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Scattered light sparkles. Can you get a little more playful? This is not a time to be serious. It’s time to be jolly. Imagine the most carefree thing. Now act like that. Scatter this energy around. If you model this energy, other people might get uncomfortable by your jolliness. Let them. Stiff resistance to joy has no place in your world. Not everything has to be work. You’ll melt the resistance within yourself by having more fun. You’ll invite in ease. And that will help you see things with a new perspective.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Interwoven branches and leaves. The message here is that you are living in a lush world. There is beauty all around you. The interwoven leaves disguise and reveal. But what is behind the curtain of branches? Look around for clues. The branches reveal an abundance of life. This lush environment supports growth. It’s happening even if it’s momentarily disguised by a fear of scarcity. Now take that truth inward and know that you’re supported. You’re safe to feel your feelings. You’re safe to dissolve and let go. You’re safe to evolve. You’re safe to live. Memorize these ideas. Imprint them onto your psyche. Breathe into the spaces these ideas reveal.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.


Ruby Warrington sits down with Divya Alter, chef and author of the brand new What To Eat For How You Feelto discuss why the timeless science behind Ayurveda is the perfect food philosophy for the Now Age…

william brinson susan brinson divya alter ruby warrington the numinous what to eat for how you feel the new ayurvedic kitchen rizzoli
William & Susan Brinson for Divya’s What to Eat for How You Feel from Rizzoli.

“Eating the right foods in the right way makes the light of our soul shine—you experience a tangible connection with the divine energies.”- Divya Alter 


RW: First up, what would you like everybody to know about Ayurveda?

Divya Alter: That Ayurveda can work for you today! Although written thousands of years ago by ancient Vedic sages, Ayurveda is a universal manual that helps us integrate and balance ourselves on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. This timeless science helps us determine what to favor or avoid in terms of diet, routine, and environment by considering our individual needs, and what choices we can make to be healthy.

And if we face health challenges, an authentic Ayurvedic treatment goes much deeper than suppressing the symptoms; it addresses the root cause. An Ayurvedic healer’s goal is to assist in restoring the intelligence of one’s body to heal itself.


RW: So why is Ayurveda having a moment? What makes this the perfect wellness system for the “Now Age”?

Divya: Ayurveda has had many moments through history; it is a divine universal science and its principles are always true. But I think that by experiencing the benefits of practicing yoga, lately many people have begun to explore and embrace its sister science, Ayurveda. It’s also encouraging to see how modern science is doing more research on Ayurvedic herbs, proving the ancient wisdom that was there all along. We know so much about turmeric now!

It is the perfect wellness system because it is highly customized to one’s individual needs. It is the most comprehensive preventative medicine—something we need today especially, as so many of our modern health challenges can be eliminated or minimized through preventative care.


RW: What has your own journey with Ayurveda taught you about our relationship with plants?

Divya: Ayurveda helped me look at plants—fruits, vegetables, grains, spices, etc.—as my friends. I really want to get to know them! And the more I “hang out” with them, the more I appreciate them and understand when and how to use them in creating delicious, healing meals.

An aspect of every relationship is compatibility. Just like some people really don’t click together, sometimes eating two good foods together may result in them fighting in your stomach. Ayurveda taught me how to enjoy a healthy relationship with food by mixing and matching it properly. This goes beyond matching ingredients to layer friendly flavors and create stunning presentation; my goal is to make delicious food that can always be digested without any problem.

Another fascinating lesson I received from Ayurveda is that herbs and spices, like humans, are composed of the five elements (space, air, fire, water, earth). Dr. David Frawley explains in The Yoga of Herbs that each of the plant’s tissues affects a corresponding tissue in the human body: the watery liquid of the plant works on liquid plasma; the sap works on blood; the soft part of the wood on muscle; the gum of the tree on fat; the bark on bone; the leaves on nerve tissue and bone marrow; and the flowers and fruits on the reproductive fluids. Seeds, which contain all parts of the plant in an un-manifest form, work on the body as a whole.

divya alter ruby warrington william brinson susan brinson rizzoli what to eat for how you feel the numinous the new ayurvedic kitchen rizzoli
William & Susan Brinson for Divya’s What to Eat for How You Feel from Rizzoli.

RW: How can eating this way heal the mind and soul, as well as the body?

Divya: Ayurveda recommends that we eat invigorating, “intelligent” foods—the way God or nature designed it in the first place. Fresh, locally grown, seasonal, organic, wholesome (unprocessed), energizing—properly combining such quality ingredients will support your body in doing all the intelligent things it is designed to do.

Eating Ayurvedic clears the body and mind from blockages and helps us feel happiness and bliss. You experience a clear communication between your body, mind, and senses, and you can easily control them. On a soul level, eating the right foods in the right way makes the light of our soul shine—you experience a tangible connection with the divine energies.


RW: Are any foods “banned” in Ayurveda? Why?

Divya: According to Ayurveda, there is no good or bad food in and of itself. A food or herb can be good for someone or bad for someone—it depends on one’s individual needs at that time.

However nowadays, for the sake of convenience, manufacturers have created a lot of corrupted foods that make our cells act less intelligently (for example foods that are canned, homogenized, or genetically modified). These are bad for everyone. Why let such denatured foods clutter your pantry, and then your body and your mind?

Additionally, the Shaka Vansiya (SV) Ayurveda lineage that I am trained in recommends that we limit or avoid foods that are predominantly clogging, inflammatory, or overly heating to the liver: leftovers, soy, nightshades, onions and garlic, and flax seeds.


RW: When would be a good time in life to experience Panchakarma?

Divya: Panchakarma is the traditional Ayurvedic practice of purification and nourishment. It is a practice of being open to letting go of physical, mental, energetic sludge, and to receiving nourishment and rejuvenation. It is a time-tested and efficient way to address imbalances resulting from daily wear and tear, as well as seasonal changes and energetic accumulations.

To really experience the benefits of Panchakarma, you have to give yourself the full 30 days for the practice and to do it at an Ayurvedic clinic located in a natural setting. I’ve seen quite a few victims of modern day Panchakarma that is practiced without a personalized protocol. That’s why I have to caution you: don’t do it unless your body is ready and unless an experienced Ayurvedic doctor is on hand to constantly supervise you.

A good time in life would be when you are in relatively strong health, you’re able to afford taking a month (or more) off, when the channels of your body are open to release toxins, and you are at a good clinic under close supervision. The weather should be not too hot or cold (spring temperatures). Such a Panchakarma experience can be truly life changing!


RW: What is the overall philosophy of Divya’s Kitchen? What’s your message for the world?

Divya: At Divya’s Kitchen we believe that food can heal. That’s why we are devoted to serving you delicious food that your body and mind say YES to!

Our fresh, balanced meals are prepared with love, and deeply rooted in the authentic tradition of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda that meets us where we are today. Ayurveda teaches us how food can restore the natural healing intelligence of the body.

william brinson susan brinson divya alter ruby warrington the numinous what to eat for how you feel the new ayurvedic kitchen rizzoli

Divya’s brand new book, What To Eat for How You Feel: The New Ayurvedic Kitchen- 100 Seasonal Recipes, is now available from Rizzoli! 

Divya Alter is a certified nutritional consultant and educator in the Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda tradition. She is the co-founder of Bhagavat Life, the only Ayurvedic culinary school in New York. She and her husband launched North America’s first Ayurvedic chef certification program and Divya’s Kitchen, an authentic Ayurvedic restaurant in Manhattan’s East Village.


As the planet of love, beauty, and relationship prepares to re-enter red-hot Aries, Maria Soledad has a tarot guide for Venus Retrograde…

maria soledad the numinous ruby warrington tarot journey through venus retrograde

Sunday, April 2nd :: Venus Retrograde Enters Pisces ::

Saturday, April 15th :: Venus Stations Direct in Pisces ::

Friday, April 28th :: Venus Direct Enters Aries ::

Venus retrograde is all about falling back in love with your truest desires …

A retrograde means Rediscovering, Retreating, Recharging, and letting ourselves look twice before deciding. This pause is not because we’re second guessing or doubting ourselves—it’s bonus time to relax and clarify our intentions.

Think of Venus Retrograde 2017 as a luxurious retreat in Bali where we have the extra time to recreate our love stories effortlessly and easily. It’s a time to give ourselves the luxury of remembering buried dreams, and to bring them back to life with a refined vision.

Planetary cycles are opportunities to work with archetypes, and the tarot deck gives us direct access to these symbols. So let’s dive into the unconscious and use the wisdom of the Major Arcana to navigate this dreamy season … 


:: Venus—The Star ::  
The Star arcanum reminds us that we are channels in service of the divine and that we must manifest this divinity on earth. This is pure Venus retro energy … RE-membering and RE-fining your worth, accepting that you deserve and want recognition for your precious gifts, and shining brightly!

The Star empowers us with Divine Feminine energy that lets us shine with certainty and receptivity. This card guards and takes care of our survival instinct so we can shift our focus from doing battle with the ego to planting seeds of our true creations and letting them burst into glorious blossom.

You can work with the Star through your second chakra, just below your navel. Visualize your unique flame like your own personal oven in your perfect kitchen. Feel your lower belly filling with the fruits of your wisdom and a craving to devour the world!

By working with the Star we ask our inner Goddess to let our lives be in total communion with existence. Oh my! Do you feel it? You can feed the world! 


 :: April 2nd- 15th. Venus Retro in Pisces—The Hermit & The High Priestess :: 

The sign of Pisces is a combo of The Hermit and The High Priestess, fusing the masculine and the feminine, embracing it all, and allowing this totality to wash away any connection to ego or trauma.

Both of these cards are about Retreating and finding ourselves through solitude, so we can arrive again in the world with our fire reignited (pure Aries power!)

*The High Priestess: We are in The High Priestess when we fall back in love with ourselves and the pure ecstatic joy of simply being alive. She reminds us to give ourselves the luxury of listening to each one of our heart beats, and that it’s a privilege to manifest the divine in a human body.

When you can relax into the full certainty of who you are, you can leap into the unknown carrying only your essence—a totally Piscean release!

*The Hermit: Activating this wisdom is all about letting ourselves feel a little scared when we think about the deep, dark place where we might have left a dream long ago. Only by going to that place and truly passing through it can we finally trust, let go, and let Goddess.

The Hermit is the positive crisis before the super sunshine that reminds us we are already perfect, and that we don’t need anything more than what we already have to travel into new worlds.



:: April 28-June 6. Venus Direct in Aries—The Chariot :: 
The Star’s journey through The High Priestess and The Hermit has assured us of our infinite store of internal goodness and our faith in our path. Now, we can emerge ready for some fiery action.

It’s time to bring all our awesomeness back out into the world!

Aries is masculine to Venus’s Divine Feminine, and when we think of masculine energy we can think of aggression. But empowered masculine energy is pure Inspired Action—action that’s dictated by the soul and performed from the heart.

The Chariot (Aries) knows exactly where he’s going and sets his GPS, but the Earth is what’s carrying him, with The Star (Venus) lighting the way. Channeling The Chariot means taking a deep breath before acting, and asking yourself each time what you are ready to give and receive in every situation.

Coming out of this Venus retrograde period, may you feel ready to embrace the world as your playground, and allow it to take you on an unpredictable, infinite, and joyful journey.

Sounds exciting, huh?!


Want to ground this energy in your daily life? Put it into practice with these rituals …

-SING!!! Go back in time and do a shuffle of those songs that you used to sing out loud—whether this ends up with you crying in the shower or laughing out loud while walking.

-“Be water my friend!” I quote my beloved Bruce Lee here. Run a bath and fill it up with the intention of pure self-love.

-Go back in time and remember your little self playing “grown up.” Dig in … what did you want to do or be? Ask yourself in front of the mirror if that’s still true and if it is, ask yourself if you have allowed it to happen.

-Dare yourself to play. Send a written letter by mail to someone from the past just saying thanks. Tell someone you don’t know you are happy for being alive. Smile at cats. Buy yourself toy rings and jewelry and make a treasure chest and hide it.


Maria Soledad is a human/actress extraordinaire, exhilarating evolutive tarot reader, astrologer fantastique, meditator goddess, and absolute artist mon amour. Follow her on Instagram, book a tarot reading, and make sure to check out her next signature manifestation meditations on April 11th and April 25th at Jill Lindsey in Brooklyn, NY.


Hitting the crystal ball so hard you can’t make a move without psychic intervention? Sounds like you’re future tripping, says Victoria Cox

the numinous ruby warrington victoria cox future tripping

I still recall my first psychic reading with incredible clarity. At first, I was skeptical. I held my cards close to my chest and answered any leading questions as briefly as possible.

But within minutes, goosebumps covered my entire body as she informed me that my beloved grandmother had come in from the ether to say hello and was looking after our cherished family dog. The psychic even nailed the name and breed!

I was hooked. And so over the years, I found myself going back for more. And more … 

My psychic gave me the courage to follow my soul mission as a writer and to make some pretty drastic changes in my life, all with the confidence that I had the support of the Universe behind me. This was all good stuff. The problem was, eventually, there was a gaping chasm between my dreams and my reality. To get from one to the other required action, yet I was paralyzed and fretting over a life I had yet to create. I was focusing on the future at the expense of the present. In short, I was future-tripping.

Have you found yourself getting swept up by the romanticism or sheer excitement of discovering what lies ahead? Use the 10 signs below to diagnose whether you’re seeing a psychic for the right reasons, or are simply future tripping on your own destiny …


1/REGULARITY: How often do you get a reading? Generally speaking, as long as you aren’t becoming dependent on intuitive advice, one or two readings a year should suffice. Any more than that and it’s time to start asking whether you are using psychic guidance as a crutch, and thus disempowering your own free will.

2/REPETITION: Are you asking endless questions about the same topic? We all have times of uncertainty in our lives and it is incredibly easy to fall into the trap of scheduling multiple readings until you get what you deem a satisfactory answer. Instead, remember that a good psychic reading takes time to unfold and let yourself sit with the answers from one reading for a while.

3/REASSURANCE: Seeking out psychic guidance in the hopes of reassurance is never a good idea. Especially when the search for reassurance comes in the form of asking when Lady Luck will start smiling on you again. Ultimately, this takes you out of your own personal power and leaves you sitting around waiting for life to get better instead of making things better for yourself.

4/REASONS: The reasons you’re getting psychic advice are often more important than how often you are getting it. What are you really seeking from a reading? Is this just a thinly disguised attempt to control everything by knowing everything?

5/RIGIDITY: If your sole intention in a psychic session is to receive that defining answer to a specific question, disappointment will surely follow. If a psychic is legit, the information communicated doesn’t come from them, it comes through them, and they have virtually no control over what they’re being spiritually guided to convey. You’ll receive what you need, not what you want. Two very different things.

victoria cox ruby warrington the numinous future tripping
Image: Harper’s Bazaar

6/REVEALING: Much like a first date, revealing too much too soon can be a recipe for disaster. Remember that you’re paying a professional for their time. Allow them space to do their job and lead the discussion where it needs to go so that it may serve your highest good. If in doubt, ask the psychic if you may elaborate to underscore a certain point.

7/EMPOWERMENT: Remember that the true purpose of a psychic is to help guide you through a life issue, and to empower you to make your own choices as a result of this guidance. It is most definitely NOT a comfort blanket to protect against future fears. Ask yourself whether you are seeking constructive advice on an important life question, or simply seeking a salve for your anxiety.

8/PSYCHIC-SHOPPING: Much like seeking out a therapist, when you find an intuitive that you connect with try to stick with them for a while. Developing a working relationship with one psychic helps you to build on what you’ve already discussed, digging a little deeper each time. If you find yourself hopping from one to the other in search of new material, you’ll likely end up running in circles and driving yourself insane!

9/MAKING IT FIT: Predictions can feel wondrous (if they come true), but they can also be a minefield of epic mind-fuckery. No one can really know what will happen, even those who tap into their intuition as their professional calling. The danger lies in trying to make your life work around a prediction. Trying to force a certain situation to play out any differently than it is meant to runs contrary to the natural laws of the universe and should be avoided at all costs.

10/EASY ANSWERS: The best intuitive should provide the caveat that they can’t see everything. If you find yourself being told what you should do, run for the hills. True professionals will help you find your own inner truth and offer deeper perspective on it. It’s not their job to hand you easy answers. The point is to learn to rely on your own intuition and inner wisdom.

As we try and quell our anxiety about what happens next, the most important thing to remember is that we are masters of our own destiny. Life is really about every single one of us evolving our souls through the experiences that we uncover along the way. Whether or not we choose to seek psychic guidance about these experiences is entirely up to us!


Victoria Cox currently resides in NYC. She has written for Amanda de Cadenet’s “The Conversation,” Tiny Buddha, Elephant Journal, LifeHack, The Lady Project, Dumb Little Man, Sivana Spirit, and The Numinous. You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, or via her website.


Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology

Numinous weekly horoscopes April 3 2017 Strong Eye Astrology flowers in the sun

Aries :: Aries Rising
Fields of flowers opening to the sun. Looking up. Acknowledging. Affirming that you are going somewhere. The bloom is happening. This is no time to make yourself smaller. Understand where you came from and how you got here, but simultaneously know that now it’s time to move on. It’s time to heal and grow. You have to let yourself do this in your own way. You have to allow the process. It’s natural. It requires bravery to change. Step forward towards the light.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Taurus :: Taurus Rising
An animal continuously eating delicate blades of grass. Nourish your development. Nourish yourself. Do it for your personal freedom. Do it so that you have the strength to trust in your own opinion. Take regular breaks so that you have the energy and stability to fight for your truth. Just keep taking care of yourself. Give yourself lots of quiet time. Reflect. Be present. Soothe yourself. Then you will know what your truth is, what you really think, and how to express it.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Carrying your oxygen to the top of the mountain. Maybe it’s time to take yourself out of your comfort zone and increase your visibility. See more of the world. Garner more attention. Expand your sphere of influence. Interact with your community in a new way. Maybe even as a leader. To do this, you may have to lighten your load emotionally. You have to leave that stuff you’ve outgrown down at base camp. Let go. You can’t carry everything on this journey. It’s just not going to work. Get really honest with yourself about what you are responsible for and then start your ascent.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A clown twisting balloons into shapes. This symbol could be endearing for some people and terrifying for others. That seems appropriate since you are working with themes of career and relationship this week. Two topics that also evoke strong reactions in people. So how are you looking at these areas of your life?The time is ripe to let go of outdated relationship patterns. And simultaneously let go of outdated beliefs about how you get to operate in the career spotlight. Get really close to whatever is scaring you and realize that maybe it’s not so spooky after all. Work to evoke playfulness, lightness and glee.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Leo :: Leo Rising
The fire clears the field for new growth. It’s possible that to reach your full potential, you may decide to start from scratch. Take a fresh look at the way you’ve scheduled your life and the way you are taking care of yourself. Some reevaluation is in order. It’s time to let go of some old habits. Add new nutrients to the soil. The symbol is rather dramatic, and maybe that’s how this restructuring needs to be for you. The goal is for you to find greater freedom. The goal is to expand. But in order to expand you need to make sure that your foundation is strong.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Virgo :: Virgo Rising
A child playing with colorful toys. Joy. Play. Fun. These feelings and actions can be your focus right now. But. And. To really live in the full expression of your joy, you may have to let go of some worries. How will you do that? It’s easier said than done. The key is in your creativity. Acknowledge that you are ready now for a new way of thinking to begin. You are ready to let an outdated part of yourself die away. Turn this process into a creative ceremony that celebrates your life force. Make something! Say something! Express yourself. Let the world see your light.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Libra :: Libra Rising
Working on a piece of embroidery. Get quiet and centered in your home life. Make things cozy. Feel the emotional security that comes with being rooted at your base. Use your hands to make something and let that slow, meditative, domestic action soothe your tender spirit. Making room for this type of quiet will allow you a chance to feel feelings that may be a little buried. Feeling your feelings will help you expand consciously in your relationships.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Leaves falling from the sky. In this symbol we are connecting Earth energy with Air energy. That means that you can build something in your life, but you need to align your thoughts to help you reach your full capacity. Get clear about how you want to think about things. This is crucial! There is no time to mess around with limiting thought patterns. Annihilate them. Examine your words and thoughts with a friend, therapist or trusted advisor. Get really honest about the thoughts that are holding you back. Do this work so that you can live a better life, take responsibility for your health and make adjustments to your environment.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Eating an ice cream cone. Having fun on the earth plane! You have a body. You get to enjoy things sensually. For optimal health, we need to balance out our “enjoyments.” As Jay-Z told my friend once, “We can’t all be eating cupcakes.” But. That being said, it’s possible that now is a good time for you to revel a little bit. Live it up. Enjoy yourself. Let your enjoyment remind you that you get to have your needs met. You deserve. You are worthy. You are enough.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A dog running joyfully after a ball. Dog medicine is loyal, playful and supportive. How can you support yourself a little bit more?How can you show more love to yourself? How would that self-acceptance let you step into yourself a little bit more? Have fun with this. Be your own best friend. Give yourself the emotional security that you need, just the way a dog offers unrelenting positive emotional support.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Building blocks. Putting the pieces together. You have got to feel connected, in alignment, in community. You’ve go to feel like you are building an interconnected web. You’re doing this so that you can make big things happen later on. And you’re doing this so that you can work with ideas and intuitions in a new way. Get really curious right now. Learn about every aspect of the subject you are interested in, so that you can put some new pieces in place.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.

Pisces :: Pisces Rising
A dance for warriors. Know your strength. If you believe in your strength that will help you change the world. If you demean yourself, you will not be able to model a new way of being. You have enough energy to do the things you want to do. You have the support you need to do the things you want to do. You can believe in yourself. Dance this truth. Rev yourself up so that you can follow your dreams and model expansion for others.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.