The Judgement card is “the reason for the season.” This week, it is an invitation to understand that there is no “other,” says Lindsay Mack…
The Numinous
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot
Five of Swords
It will be very important not to make too many big decisions this month, Aquarius. Your whole sign is on the verge of a HUGE expansion. Before a big expansion, we contract, and the brain tries to pull us into safer territory. It does this, largely, by playing tricks on us. It can invite us into erratic behavior, poor decisions, old fears, self sabotage, all in the name of so-called intuition. There’s nothing to fear from this. In fact, it’s a great thing! Pausing and doing deep inquiry on these types of invitations is how we continue evolving on an aligned path. It’s also a very good and exciting sign. For the brain to pull up these big, potentially sabotaging behaviors, means it’s scared. It means your soul is edging on a cliff of destiny, poised to leap off into something new. Accepting the brain’s invitation will stall the jump. Declining the invitation(s) promises a soul evolution.
Your job this month will be two fold, Aquarius: to pause and inquire before you accept an invitation from the brain, and to recenter if you do/did accept such an invitation, and are left with the consequences of a decision made in that energy. Either way, it’s a teaching. No big deal. We learn a great deal from contrast in this life, so even if you made/make a big decision that you now realize wasn’t in your highest and best, that’s great. This card, and this month is all about the term above: re-centering. This is the essence of the Five of Swords. When we recenter and take responsibility for our actions, even just to ourselves, there is a transformation that is possible. When we recenter, we choose empowered action instead of self loathing. We choose the master’s path, rather than one of victimhood.
Walk gently through life this month, Aquarius. Pause before you say yes. Sit on things for a few days before you agree to them. Trust yourself. If you have an impulse, journal about it, nurture it, consider it, share it with others, and be genuinely open to the opinions of trusted allies. The mental invitations in Five of Swords can be very sly, and one of the ways to rewire it is to fold others in, so you are not an island. Again, your whole sign is on the verge of a big expansion; make fewer big decisions, inquire and pause more.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Page of Cups, Rx
Take a look around you, Pisces: is it all work and no play these days? Are you feeling disconnected from your true self? If so, it will be vitally important for you to commit to reconnecting to imagination, creativity and whimsy (yes, whimsy!) on a regular basis, beginning in February. Why? Play is the lifeblood of your sign on a whole, my loves. You dive deeper and arguably feel more than any other sign in the zodiac. It is the mastery of Pisces to find a way to feel all that you feel in a usable and creative way, and play is the glue that holds it all together. Play can direct the flow of your feelings, emotions, thoughts and experiences so they don’t stay stagnant within you, creating anxiety or overwhelm.
In fact, much of your soul dharma is to take your inner experiences and share them through creative expression; it’s part of the healing your sign brings to the planet. Page of Cups reversed is really just a reminder of that truth. You will have to be diligent about this practice, Pisces, for larger reasons than you might immediately think. Service and self care will be a massive part of not only your month, but of the years to come. You will not be able to do either of these things effectively without a healthy relationship with play, creativity and imagination. It is not silly, useless or unimportant. Truly, nothing could be more important. It is an essential part of the frequency you are bringing to the planet—it is very important that you cultivate a consistent practice of diving back into your inner world this month.
Page of Cups is the magical, imaginative, intuitive feeler of the deck; the purest essence of a child. A child plays without looking up at the clock. A child drops into a place of creativity that is pure channeling. A child can communicate with the world around them, with trees, flowers, animals, and the unseen. This card is an invitation to come back to these sources of energetic restoration, to connect back to these parts of ourselves. We can forget how vital it is to play, how crucial it is to refill our well with uninterrupted creative or meditative time so we can be truly available as present, supportive allies. It is essential that you come back home to this invitation, Pisces, not just for you, but for the world around you.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild TarotWant more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Sun, Rx
The Sun reversed is bringing a truly beautiful invitation for you this month, Aries, one that will ask you to strengthen and deepen your trust in the flow of life. This kind of inner work cannot be overemphasized in it’s value to your inner growth and evolution. The Sun card is a potent medicine that helps us to get very clear; when we are in the energy of this card, illumination, insight, rebirth and joy are available to us. The Sun rx can help us to remember that, even though the skies might be momentarily dark, the sun is still shining just beyond the clouds. The light, the truth, the clarity and the medicine are all still there, even if we cannot immediately feel or see them. Eventually, the skies do part, and the sun beams it’s rays on us once more. The opportunity for you this month will be to develop and strengthen your faith in this idea, to trust in the ever flowing spiral of life. This is a very deep teaching for you this month, Aries. The ultimate goal, so to speak, of work like this, is to develop an unshakable trust and oneness with ourselves, Nature, the Universe, and life itself. It is a deep remembering of the soul.
We are microcosms of nature, and to live in true peace is to remember this. The ego forgets, and as a result, we can experience suffering. We forget that, layers above any inner storm of anxiety, depression, jealousy or insecurity, the skies are eternally clear. We can access this clarity at any time by remembering that we are inextricably linked to something larger. The ego may forget, but the soul always knows the way home. The trees, the weather, the changing seasons, the phases of the moon—all quiet, constant reminders to remember our true nature.
Forgetting this link with nature is synonymous with a separation, which can lead to us believe, when skies are dark and stormy, that the sun will might never shine again. In fact, the sun IS shining; just because we cannot see or feel it doesn’t mean it’s not true. No thing is permanent. The light is always there, the skies always part, the flowers always bloom open. This is true for you, too, Aries. Now you get to work on knowing it, believing it, trusting it from your very soul. If you ever forget, just look up.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild TarotWant more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Queen of Crystals
February brings with it some deep medicine for your growth and evolution, Taurus. It will be very important for you to connect to the feminine this month, (think Yin, rather than a gendered sense of feminine). You can do this effortlessly by living seasonally — emphasizing self care, grounding and deepening your alignment with nature, eating foods that nourish you. It doesn’t need to be complex, so keep it as simple as you wish. Queen of Pentacles is the caretaker of the body, so emphasizing tangible things for your physical vessel are important. Above all, this is a time of restoration and reconnection for you.
Your sign on a whole is going to be called to tread gently this month. Hibernate more than you go out, and focus on small, intimate ways to be of service. Commit to caring for your body, heart and soul before you lend a hand to others. If you are deep in active service, there is a greater importance on adding in a higher level of self care. A lot of this is important because your inner energetic flow will shift: in weeks and months upcoming, you’ll have a spark of energy, a burst of fire, and you’ll be called to come out of your cave a lot more. Now is the time to embrace the internal view, to call upon Bear medicine for the month ahead.
Queen of Pentacles is a walking blend of water and earth. She is who we call upon when we want to flow, cleanse and ground down. She is a deeply feminine, earthy presence, and likes to connect with nature at the very root. This is the frequency you will be invited into this month, Taurus, and it will be vital that you say yes and honor that. If you resist it, you risk the chance of getting sick or run down. The key will be for you to nurture simple practices that help keep you tied to an energy like Queen of Pentacles. The totem of Bear is intimately connected to Queen of Pentacles, and lives in the West gate of the Medicine Wheel. Bear helps us to be introspective, to hibernate, to live in alignment with Mother Earth. This is an intuitive power all on its own. To live seasonally is to live in alignment, with what is in highest and best for all. Keep it very simple this month, Taurus. Connect back to the world around you, and nurture a practice of restorative love that starts with the temple you live in.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Empress
Here you are in The Empress once again, Gemini—two months in a row. It’s exciting to get a repeat card! No card ever shows up more than once (no matter how thoroughly we shuffle the deck) unless it still has lessons to offer us. Repeat cards are a sign from the Universe, gently giving you a heads up to pay closer attention to the medicine that it is offering. Your invitation in The Empress is to practice receiving more than giving, to listen more than you speak, and to nourish an inner practice of self care, beauty and sensuality above all else. This advice might seem impossible—maybe even selfish and irresponsible—in these present times.
It is the opposite, in fact. You are not good to anyone unless you are taking care of yourself, Gemini. None of us are. Each one of us has a role to play in life, one that is shifting constantly. Right now, it is a time to emphasize art, creativity, beauty, and receiving. In time, it might be to focus on a deep activism, or to serve others. You have to be aware of scattering your energy to the point of overwhelm. If you don’t bring the incredible amount of mental energy down into your body, you (like Scorpio) won’t have enough to use it when you are actually called to. Be willing to start a revolution of self care—begin with your own mental and emotional state.
The Empress is almost universally considered to be an amazing and beautiful card, which makes sense—she is ruled by Venus, after all. She also comes with a challenge to practice receiving, something that can be excruciating in moments. Have you ever tried to receive a compliment? Money? Someone wanting to help you out of the goodness of their heart without anything in return? Maybe someone helped you when you were sick, or has seen you in a deeply vulnerable state with eyes of love. Was it easy to receive it? Many of us desire some measure of these things, yet when we are confronted with the moment, receiving can feel impossible and deeply uncomfortable. This sweet spot of discomfort is what you are working on this month, Gemini. Let this whole month be an offering to stepping out of your comfort zone; when someone offers you love, help, assistance, say a grateful yes.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Lovers
Balance is the key word for you this month, Cancer. You will be invited to do DEEP inner work over the course of February to unify any dualities within your body, heart, mind and soul. A duality is an indication of contrasting aspects of the self. Your job this month will be to isolate where these contrasts exist within you, and embrace them fully. The Lovers asks us to become our own lover, in many ways. It asks us to become yin and yang, rather than wait for another person to complete that other half. If we are solid and unified within, it will be much easier to attract and receive what we desire, whether it be a relationship, a baby, a new living space, or an amazing job.
The Lovers helps to pave the way there. This month will be a beautiful opportunity to practice loving yourselves and inviting more love into your lives, not to mention the gifts of solidifying your internal landscape from within. Remember: intuition is synonymous with self love. If you are honoring your intuition, you are healing dualities within and living in a way that promotes radical self love. This month, commit to making choices from a soul place, a place of truth. The more you practice this kind of radical decision making, Cancer, the more balanced you will be internally. The other people in your life might not get it, but if it is a yes for you, it’s all that matters.
Speaking of other people: The Lovers card in your spread for the month is largely focused on you, rather than being a harbinger of romance to come. However, if you currently have a partner in your life, the inner work of this card will strengthen that relationship, making it even more whole and supportive. If you are meant to spark up a new love with someone during this next cycle, the deep work you’re doing will influence it greatly, bringing nothing but goodness to it. No matter what shakes out, this is about you, allowing the deep work of self love and inner unity to unfurl within you. No one can receive love from another without receiving it from themselves first. You must see yourself, know yourself, trust yourself; travel more deeply into your own heart than ever before. The treasure you will find there will be beautiful.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Seven of Cups
It will be important for you to take a chill pill this month, Leo. I say this with love! It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t honor a true call to action in February, or that you resist creating something when inspiration strikes. If you have a vision, and if things are flowing in alignment, then by all means, make magic in your life. What I am saying is that February might be a month with a lot of emotional smoke and mirrors, a time when there might be a million seemingly perfect options in front of you, and not one of them truly aligned. Seven of Cups often shows up this way. It’s typically a time when we can tell ourselves a story about getting disillusioned with our present situation — we won’t like our living situation, our partner, our friends, and we can feel stuck with our career.
We will see other people traveling, having babies, moving to Costa Rica, and we will think, “maybe if I do that, I’ll be happier; I’ll have what they have.” The first impulse might be to take your momentary dissatisfaction with life to an external, actionable place. This is where the chill pill comes in, Leo. Whatever you are seeking externally in this energy can only be resolved internally. It is greatly advised to do nothing when you have the impulse to cut and run—to hang out, let the funkiness pass, and to stay the current course. Seven of Cups can be so tricky. It can really make you feel like if you just moved, broke up with your partner/met someone special, changed careers, shaved your head, everything would be okay. Normally, I would say go for all of those things 1000 percent, but not in this card, or in this energy.
Seven of Cups is an indicator that we need to come back home to our inner world, and perhaps, face something head on within ourselves that is painful. Byron Katie says, “reality is always kinder than the story we tell about it”—a perfect medicine for the true work of this card. Whatever you might be seeking to avoid within yourselves, even totally subconsciously, is just a part of you that is longing for your attention. If you can redirect the brain’s strong invitation to make a big external shift this month, you can heal the root of your wound.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Ace of Wands
Ace of Wands will be moving through your life this month, Virgo, lighting a flame and re-igniting a spark of creativity, sexuality, and excitement in your soul. This card is amazing, feels amazing, and I encourage you to embrace it completely. Feel yourself, drop into your sexuality, come out of your shell, let yourself be seen — have fun! Ace of Wands is just as much a personal expansion as it is a creative one. The key will be to ground the energy and use it in a meaningful way. It is understandably tempting to either divert Ace energy into overwhelm, or into less important tasks, so it will be vitally important for you to keep your gaze focused on what you desire to manifest this month.
There is most definitely something that wants to be birthed from you through this frequency, Virgo — something tangible and creative that you can share with others. Whatever this thing is feels like a deep healing, both for you and for the people receiving it. The presence of Ace of Wands is an indication that all of the potent, challenging work you did in 2016 is coming to a head—it was all for this moment, and the energy shifting is evidence of that. You moved through the contractions presented to you so you could share them with others through a lens of service. Whenever there is an experience of suffering in our lives, we have a choice: we can either stay frozen, trapped in victimhood and rage, or we can heal, and by doing so, extend a hand to help others up out of that darkness. You gained a lot of wisdom through your experiences, and now you get to be of service through inclusive, creative sharing.
Aces are a gift from Divine. They come from nothing, seemingly, and invite us to receive their magic with an open hand and an open heart. The main teaching of any Ace is receiving the gift that they are offering—which might sound deceptively easy at first glance. We all know someone who has been given a precious seed of advice or abundance time and time again, who cannot quite make the connection that they must plant the seed themselves. Pay attention this month, Virgo. Be present and proactive. Plant these seeds of fire, of creation, of birth. Wonderful, beautiful, expansive and exciting things will grow from your efforts.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Everything happening in your life is supposed to be happening, Libra. Really take that in. Whatever is happening is meant to be happening—even the difficult stuff. Inhale this idea, pause with it, consider it deeply. You are already free, life is already balanced; justice has already been served, whether you are aware of it or not. Any current imbalances in your life are already being energetically corrected. The right medication, doctor, teacher, mentor, book, healer, auto mechanic, contractor is already on it’s way to you. Whatever you need is on it’s way. The ONLY thing that blocks what you need is if you believe that there is a problem in your life that only you can solve. Be willing to drop that notion, and open your arms to divine support.
If you’re bemoaning the hard work that this mental shift requires, remember that this is your mastery as Libras. Who better than you to move through this AP level course in trusting that Divine’s got your back? Justice will offer you a chance to see life from this holographic perspective—the benefits that come from meditating on this card’s energy cannot be overemphasized. The aforementioned benefits to honoring the universal wisdom of the Justice card, Libra, are that you will be able to release the existential dread, sadness, fear, and pressure to balance yourself/figure out your life. You will be able to be at peace with whatever comes and goes in this life, even if it is uncomfortable. If things are going spectacularly well for you, there might still be the terror that it’ll all go away.
If things are tough right now, or if you’re unhappy in some way, there IS a reason for it—there is a medicine in the midst of it. It might even be simple. Perhaps you are being called to see how you might be in resistance, or that there is inner work that needs to be done. Whatever it is, trust where you are at. Justice is not the call to action and the call to arms that we might believe it to be at first glance. It’s actually a sign that action is unnecessary, that an important part of our karma is unfolding in some way. Whatever is here for you is what’s supposed to be here, Libra. If you can embrace that idea, trust, support, abundance and evolution can flow in and take root.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Emperor, Rx
February is bringing a potent and complex medicine to you in the form of The Emperor reversed, Scorpio. It will be vital for you to pay a lot of attention to your Solar Plexus chakra this month. This chakra is the “sun” of the body, and our seat of power, confidence, leadership and authority. The following words could be used to describe The Emperor, too, and when this energy is reversed, it almost always is a sign that we must look at our third chakra. The solar plexus can be out of balance when we feel lost, hopeless and powerless. It can also be out of balance when we feel tyrannical; everything is a mirror. Bring no judgement to this inquiry. Really dive deep and focus on this part of the body, and of your emotional experience. The more you rebalance when the scales get tipped, the more peaceful and powerful you will feel.
It goes without saying, but these collective times are deep, and as a result, they are arousing major emotions in your sign as a whole. We could argue that this is a great thing that you are experiencing a lot. Old emotion is coming up to be dealt with, fresh anger is coming up to be released. Whatever emotional experience you happen to be in, it can be a healthy and vital part of speaking your truth in a way that is important. The key for you in February will be to deeply commit to clarifying your feelings, and channeling your anger and activism in an empowered way, so it doesn’t implode inside you. That is the red flag of the month for you, Scorpio.
It’s not a problem for you to feel deeply, but it is a problem if it calcified and withers inside of you. It will be CRUCIAL for you to develop a practice of pausing and inquiring before you look at social media or the news. An Emperor in alignment is clear on his relative service at any given moment — sometimes it will be important to offer that attention to yourself. Make art, stay present with people you love, keep a practice of joy and creativity, and, when you feel anything hugely explosive, channel it in an appropriate, useful way. If you don’t, you’ll leak energy in a misaligned way, and won’t have enough for anyone around you, not to mention yourself.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Chariot, Rx
The medicine for you this month is pure and simple, Sagittarius: to enjoy the ride to your next destination. Your whole sign is most certainly on a journey, and you are so close to the start of something new, collectively and personally. It might be tempting to get impatient this month, to tantrum, to let this last leg get almost torturous. Indeed, you have worked very hard—it is totally normal to feel anxious and excited to receive what you’ve been wishing for. But, if you can remember to enjoy the feel of the grass on your bare feet, the air in your lungs, the beauty of a sunset, the time will fly. Practicing presence is the key to moving through this final part of your karmic journey. Will you receive what you desire? 100 percent. Is enjoying the journey to what you desire part of the lesson? 1000 percent.
Allow whatever arises this month in the way of resistance, anger, fear, impatience and grief to be the great teaching that helps you through the last lap. It is helping you to release whatever you are not going to take with you in this new cycle. Welcome it, and trust in whatever arises this month. Indeed, whatever comes up is not an obstacle to the path—it IS the path. The Chariot is truly an omen of greatness, victory and success. It’s imbued with the totem medicine of the Horse—the balance, power, grace and speed of this sacred animal are synonymous with The Chariot. When we are in this card, it aligns us with these qualities, priming us for a kind of graduation of achievement. We work our asses off in The Chariot, and it pays off.
We get what we’ve been working for, and everything in life lines up to ensure that we receive it. When this card shows up reversed, all of the above aspects are still accounted for. It is still an omen of victory, and still a sign that wonderful, hard earned things are to come. The reversal is really a medicine that teaches us to trust in the divine timing of things, helps us to rest in the shade of a proverbial tree when we need to restore. Connect with the medicine of horse this month; rest when you need to, run when you need to, play when you need to. Before you know it, your wish will be a reality.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Two of Cups
February will be a kind of mini soul retrieval of the heart for you, Capricorn. A Soul Retrieval is a shamanic ceremony that returns any fragmented parts of the soul back to the body, helping to heal trauma, release wounding, and embrace the parts of us that have been separated from the whole. It is a true homecoming for the spirit. Two of Cups will be offering you a gentle opportunity to heal those forgotten, discarded aspects of yourself, to bring them into the light and love them up. It is time to open your arms and embrace even the darkest aspects of your shadow, Capricorn. Once you commit to this process, there will be a powerful awakening within you, and a deep liberation of those suppressed aspects. The shadow contains valuable information, and often holds vital medicine for our journey with intimacy and vulnerability. If you can’t embrace these parts of yourself, Capricorn, it will be very difficult to allow anyone else to do so. Trust this process.
Any duality that exists within you is going to come up to be healed this month, and you are encouraged to embrace it. The more you lean into the energetic invitation of Two of Cups, the more clear and aligned you will be. This will open the heart, helping you to be available both to give and receive more in all ways. This is essential for the arc of your year, and all the lessons and medicine 2017 will bestow upon you. It will allow you to be seen more, to let love in, to go deeper. It might be intense, but it is bringing huge gifts.
Two of Cups is often associated with romantic love, and coming together with another. This month, the card has more to do with a unity and love of the self. However, bowing to and embracing all of your shadow aspects will enable you to be more available than ever before to romantic love and intimacy. February will be a month of deep inner work, inviting you to open the whole heart and become one with yourself — all so you can be more available to others and to the abundance of the Universe. There is much to forgive, embrace, love, accept and receive from your sweet being. It will be vitally important to focus on this practice, and doing so will help clear up old patterns that you are ready to release.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The numerology of 2/2 is a launchpad for love—but it also asks that we be patient, and put what “we” need first, says Felicia Bender…Artwork: Marietta Varga
Be careful what you wish for because the power resides in connection and there is no better time than now—the first few weeks of the Trump Presidency—to take advantage of the energy that 2/2 is throwing down for all of us.
The numerology of 2/2 can serve as an energetic launching pad for all things LOVE. On the microcosmic realm this includes friendships, partnerships, family love, and intimate partnerships. And on the macrocosmic realm this encompasses our relationship to each other on a Universal and soul level—through our connected consciousness and core desire to “love and be loved in return.”
As a repeating number, this holds particular resonance. On this day, if you choose (and often even if you don’t consciously choose!) to be open and receptive, the energy here supports the revealing, or establishment, of soul connections and/or “contracts” that are initiating and being played out.
This is also a message that we are supported by more than we can see or comprehend while here on terra firma. The numerology of 2/2 offers an opportunity to open the heart, discipline the emotions, and opt for diplomacy over a win-lose scenario.
Overall, the message for us on February 2 (in 2017 and every year) is a reassurance that even though it may look at though we’re all going to Hell in a handcart, the chaos is necessary for whatever restructuring is taking place. It is hard. It is uncomfortable. Some might say it’s devastating and appalling. Yet the energy here is all about patience and right timing. Be patient and the timing will reveal itself.
3 Ways To Keep Use The Numerology of 2/2 To Be A Compassionate Rebel
- Remember there’s power in numbers. (And I don’t mean just Numerology!) If this election has taught us anything—no matter how you voted—it has put us on the fast track to understanding that we can’t exist as “an island.” We need each other. We are imminently more powerful when we work together for a common cause, no matter what that cause might be. This isn’t the time for the “lone wolf.” When two or more people meet for a common goal, the influence and power rises exponentially.
- LOVE is love is love is love. Lin-Manuel Miranda sets the tone and the theme for 2/2 and beyond.
- Patience, like it or not, is a virtue. The energy of the number 2 is all about right timing. It’s emotionally attuned. It’s far more concerned with what’s right for “us” versus “me.” Its energy supports mediation, diplomacy, and loving kindness. It allows and nurtures process. And while there is a certain “fire” burning politically throughout the world right now, the numerology of 2/2 reminds us there is much going on “behind the scenes,” so to speak.
The power resides in coming together and standing strong and peacefully in solidarity. The key is in taking concerted action in tandem with a diplomatic approach to formulating real solutions to the myriad issues at hand—with the clear understanding that these solutions and their implementation will take time, thought, diligence, and cooperation.
Is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up really a book about energy healing? As Marie Kondo publishes her follow-up, Spark Joy
, stylist-turned-shaman Colleen McCann gets kosmic with her possessions purge…

As the founder of Style Rituals, a biz that celebrates our closets as gateways to the cosmos, I was well attuned to the connections between the mystical and material world. And a recent move from Brooklyn to Venice Beach and back, means I am also very familiar with the process of packing and unpacking.
For my latest move back to NYC, I had gotten a personal ping from the Universe that I needed to ‘go light’ this time. Accordingly, I picked up a copy of Marie Kondo’s now infamous The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and got to work. Overnight, this went from a cross-country move to a total life enema! But I figured if anyone could lead me through the jungle of my beloved belongings to minimalistic bliss, it was Kondo.
I had barely made it to page four when I realized that this wasn’t just a guidebook for spatial cleanliness, but was also an under-the-radar handbook in energy healing. Marie’s discussions about holding items close and thanking them for their existence was directly connected to the Shamanistic belief that every object carries an energy or vibration. Perhaps, I thought, Ms. Kondo is a secret Shaman.
Inspired by this discovery, I combined Kondo’s teachings with my energy healing know-how to bring you this guide to navigating the spiritual wilds of your own material treasures …
NUMBER 1 // There Is a Universal Method to the Madness, aka Memento Meltdown
The Closet Cleanse: According to Ms. Kondo, one must sort possessions in the following order—clothes, books, papers, komono (miscellany) and, lastly, mementos.
The Secret Shamanism: Shamans believe that working with fire allows release. When I do closet cleanses with clients, sometimes, we literally build a bonfire of emotionally-charged items and let it burn. While Kondo-ing my own closet, I discovered that Marie’s method was perfectly constructed to inspire a similar emotional release. With a background in fashion, I assumed clothing would be the most challenging step for me and wondered why she’d put it first. But I soon understood why mementos went last. I started reading old love letters from boyfriends, thumbing through my high school yearbook, and doodling with coloring pencils from my college fashion illustration class. I eventually found myself on the floor cry-laughing in ‘someone’s’ sweatshirt that I had un-accidentally kept after a weekend rendezvous. I couldn’t believe how many memories had been holding space in my abode that just weren’t part of my life anymore. Time to go!
NUMBER 2 // Sartorial Reiki, aka Thank Your Lucky Clothes
The Closet Cleanse: Kondo suggests that you hold each item in your hands and thank it for how it has served you in life.
The Secret Shamanism: Is Kondo also a secret Reiki Practitioner and Psychometrist? Psychometry, aka Token-Object Reading, is a form of extrasensory perception that allows us to “read” the energetic blueprint of objects, even if we know nothing about their origins. Similarly, Reiki infuses universal energy into people and items. Kondo’s approach fully acknowledges the spirit present in objects, and the necessity of honoring this energy. As I blended her recommendations with my intuitive skills, it became quite emotional. I remembered sights, sounds, and smells associated with each piece and channeled this energy to facilitate release.

NUMBER 3 // The Art of War with Yourself, aka Plunge into the Pile
The Closet Cleanse: When purging your closet, Kondo commands you to throw everything in a giant heap in the middle of the room.
The Secret Shamanism: Sun Tzu’s teachings in the The Art of War state that “in the midst of chaos, there is also an opportunity.” For this neat and tidy (perhaps OCD spectrum) Virgo, creating a messy clothing monument was a Xanax-worthy endeavor (Céline and Chloe definitely didn’t want to be wrinkled, snagged, dirty, or stepped on). Yet my chaotic heap allowed me to push my personal limits. As I split my clothing commune into two smaller tribes of “keep” and “discard,” I excommunicated parts of my past life that no longer fit my current lifestyle. And, surprisingly, throwing things about and jumping into the pile of clothes made me feel like a kid again.
NUMBER 4 // Everything Changes (Even Joy), aka Swapping Fashion School for Fortune Telling
The Closet Cleanse: Kondo suggests that you ask yourself if an item truly brings you joy BEFORE deciding to keep or discard it. Do not try it on or even think about how often you use it. Just hold it in your hands and ask this simple question.
The Secret Shamanism: Guess what I realized? Joy evolves. And the things I wanted to keep were energetic fortunetellers of the life I wanted to lead right now. My transition from the fashion world to the healing world was anything but seamless and I was still in the throes of figuring it all out (going from styling, designing, and brand consulting to seeing ghosts and hearing voices was never gonna be comfortable). While sorting, I realized I was casting aside old items from the fashion world in favor of mystical mementos that fit my current and future vision of myself even better.
NUMBER 5 // Come Back to the Present Moment, aka Boyfriend Jeans are Real!
The Closet Cleanse: Kondo states that people are unable to let go of certain items because they are either attached to the past, fearful of the future, or unwilling to live in the present.
The Secret Shamanism: This is for all the girls out there who are still holding onto college sweatshirts, worn-in t-shirts, or anything else that belonged to “the X.” Wonder why a former lover still lingers in your head? Because you’re still sleeping, lounging, and working out while wearing those memories on your sleeve, literally. During my Kondo-ing, I was going through a major breakup and the practice of purging catapulted me from the past to the present. I realized that it wasn’t about “him,” it was about me. I needed to be proactive about doing everything I could to move forward, and holding onto his belongings was definitely not helping.
NUMBER 6 // Say Yes to Your Life Right Now, aka Magic Rocks Are Heavy but Old Memories Are Heavier
The Closet Cleanse: When you look at an object and say “I might use this one day,” remember Kondo’s warning that “someday” means “never.” You don’t have room in the house-of-me for “perhaps one day.”
The Secret Shamanism: I carry around lots of heavy crystals in my bag of tricks, but the energy of old memories that no longer served me was WAY heavier. Why was I keeping mementos of people and things that weren’t aligned with my happy-place? As I bid adieu to objects associated with energy vampires from my former life, I severed the cord so that both parties could move forward.

NUMBER 7 // Repurpose with Your Love Language, aka Mermaids for my Roomie
The Closet Cleanse: While Kondo warns against unloading your purged belongings onto unwilling participants, finding new homes for past treasures can be an act of love.
The Secret Shamanism: In Shamanism, when we receive a physical or emotional gift we refer to it as “receiving medicine.” You are getting the “medicine” that you need at exactly that moment, no matter what form it comes in or where it comes from. Mid-purge, I started leafing through Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages, and remembered that my love language was gifting. The result? A friend got all my old-life high-heels. One of my favorite adventure buddies is now enhancing her metaphysical talents using the giant crystal I moved from my alter to hers. And my former roommate discovered her passion for sea spirits through my houseplant decorated with a collection of plastic mermaids. Show love and pay it forward.
NUMBER 8 // Spiritual Smoke, aka Burn, Baby, Burn!
The Closet Cleanse: Kondo suggests removing discarded possessions from your apartment as soon as humanly possible.
The Secret Shamanism: After following Kondo’s practices on how to sort, I decided to insert some of my own Shamanic practices to release any dense energy that can quickly adhere to people, places, and things. Sage what you decide to keep—with the windows open or in an open area outside. As I burn my bundle of herbs, I like to say out loud: “Any energy that is not mine or of my highest and greatest good, get the f*** out … with love, but seriously, it’s time to go.” Even though the purge scared the hell out of me, as I moved the energy I felt like the shackles had been taken off my ankles—I was light and free!
NUMBER 9 // That Elusive Equilibrium, aka Stilettos & Sage
The Closet Cleanse: Après cleanse, I was NYC bound with two suitcases of clothing, and one small suitcase filled with the contents of my Shamanic practice (crystals, feathers, tarot cards, sweet notes from clients, sage, sound bowl, etc.).
The Secret Shamanism: Marie Kondo always asks what brings us joy. I’d recently experienced a full moment of joy when I was hired by a former fashion client to speak about the power of rituals and manifestation. As I waved a sage stick around a room full of execs while wearing fake eyelashes and stilettos, I was so joyful I could have cried. Fittingly, while purging, I realized I had to make a conscious choice to let my worlds collide. I wasn’t willing to give up all my high heels or my signature pink nail polish, but I did need to make space to bring back a bit of California in the form of a stack of yoga pants and a massive collection of crystals. To be in my “joy,” I needed to marry the sparkle, fun, and creativity of the fashion world to my personal promise to recharge in nature often, keep a devout meditation practice, and embrace a newfound love for juice.
NUMBER 1O // The Transformation Cycle, aka Meeting Kali in the Closet
Did I mention that this was also one of the most traumatic weeks of my life? Within five days, I had ended a relationship with someone I truly love, my beloved aunt died and, oh yeah, the cross-country move was in full swing. In Shamanism we speak about embodying the energy of an archetype. Post-purge, I felt like the Goddess Kali had hung me by my ankles and shook all of the change loose from my skinny-jean pockets.
In other words, f***ing great and completely naked at the same time. With three suitcases to my name, I was a full-on gypsy. I was light, free, mobile, and personified. And while I know that I’ll need to shape shift again and again, as of today I’m bouncily nimbly between New York and L.A. with only my most joyful possessions. All I’d needed to do was step through that closet door.
Colleen McCann is a fashion stylist turned Shamanic Practitioner with practices in NYC & LA. She realigns the energetic with the visual through Intuitive Crystal Readings, Shamanic Hands-On-Healing, and Feng Shui Space Balancing. Make sure to follow her on Instagram, and pick up one of her new Energy Healing Kits and Medicine Bags on Goop to jumpstart your cleanse!
- Colleen McCann shares the story of her shamanic awakening
- Read about Numinous Founder Ruby’s Psychic Closet Clear Out
- Pre-order your copy of Ruby’s book, Material Girl Mystical World
Your Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A meteor shooting through the sky. You are ready to burn through the atmosphere. You’re breaking into new territory. There is an updated way of thinking that’s becoming available to you. You may have to let yourself be surprised. Then you can search for deeper meaning and question a pattern. This new pattern of behavior is much more practical than the old one. In order to make it happen, you have to let yourself be unique. Your unique solution will help those around you shift into a new mode of thinking. Be brave, explore, burn bright and let yourself expand.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Flower petals falling from the sky. Ease. The ease that follows when you let go of control. It’s important for you to cultivate a sense of security right now. Try to feel like you are floating in a cloud of flower petals. Tell yourself- “It’s easy. I’m supported. I don’t have to control anything.” Imagine that there is a buffer between you and the things that are challenging. The new mindset of security and ease will help you become more present in your community. Your thoughts are currently centered on progress and activism. Make sure that you feel secure so that you have the energy to give to your community.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Weeding the rows of vegetables growing in a field. It’s time to get to work. Make sure that you feel grounded and that you’re taking care of yourself. You’re working on your career, or a new project. It’s time to get focused on learning good leadership skills. You may have to spend some time crouched in the field, with the sun burning at your back. If it starts to feel difficult, center yourself back on the task at hand. The work you’re doing now will help you understand yourself much better. And staying focused will help you feel truly productive. Make sure to ask for the support that you need.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Interlocking planes of color. The interlocking planes of color shift and glide like a kaleidoscope. They change into different shapes. You’re being granted more flexibility of mind. It might be time to seek out some new information. Form a new opinion. Make adaptations. Pay extra attention to your dreams for inspiration. Get ready for a burst of fresh air to temper your mindset. A meditation practice may help you expand into new planes of experience. Any small thing you can do to take care of your body will help support your mental journey.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Climbing the mountain along a narrow path. Pilgrimage. Walk and walk until you reach a place where you feel ready to make an offering. Dedicate yourself to your own inner wisdom. Feel the security of your connection with a higher strength. Let go of the things that you don’t need to carry. Lighten your emotional load so that you can make the journey. A walking meditation practice may support you now. It will help you feel centered when other input from society is rattling you up. The way through any chaos and confusion is to dedicate your heart to love. Give generously.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Eating sponge cake. Eating cake is a symbol of being nurtured by sweet love. Lean into self-love. Fill your cup. Make sure that you feel seen, heard and understood. Then reach out to a partner to share. Magnify your own love for yourself by seeing it reflected in the outside world. You are able to truly nurture yourself in a way that has possibly been difficult before. Write love letters to yourself and save them in a drawer.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Floating in the lazy river. Leaps and bounds in how you think about things will lead to an easier schedule. Revolutionize your mindset. Expand into new habits. Make adjustments that will allow you to be more organized, yet unencumbered. By automating key things in your life, you’ll be able to take a step back and relax. The goal is to go with the flow and be completely present in the moment. Find a way to take some responsibilities off your plate so that you can relax.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Downward dog pose, hands and feet on the ground. Get grounded so that you can expand. You are able to have a burst of creativity this week, and it will be supported by feeling grounded. Your focus this week is on giving. You need to be able to be generous with your heart, creativity and resources. Support yourself well so that you can expand and support others. Your sense of safety allows you to shine your light. And you can shine so bright right now! Stabilize and expand.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Breathing in cool air, then blowing soap bubbles. Your inner child wants to have fun. Your inner child wants to know how special they are. Let your inner little one know that they can be exactly who they are. They don’t need to conform. They don’t need to please anyone. By sending this message to your inner child, you teach yourself how to have better relationships. And you remind yourself that you’re actually fine the way you are. This is self-love.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A large flock of birds flies by. You are finding new connections. You’re not alone. You can do more with a team. Let your intuition guide you to the right people. It’s time to quit the habit of spending time with people who no longer match your vibration. You need to feel like you can communicate with those who really get you. Be seen, be heard, learn and grow with like-minded folks. Then move your message.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A long ride on horseback. Building something. Your ability to be dedicated will serve you now. Sure, it isn’t always easy to keep forging ahead. But you must. Do it for your society. Right now, you expand through feeling connected with a larger social group. It’s time for activism. It’s time for unbridled creativity and expansion. It’s time to persevere. Keep going. Maintain your optimism and inner strength.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Making the plans, putting pencil to paper. You are starting something new. Be very practical about it. Form a plan and stick to it. It matters, because the projects you are working now on are very personal. Your plan helps you define yourself. Keep chipping away at the plan, but notice if you start to burn out. Your brain is very busy right now. To help it quiet down a little, you can focus on work. Surprisingly, this will bring you more perspective. Working and planning are two of your favorite things, so this time should be productive for you, just be careful not to over-do it. Take breaks.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
What does spiritual activism look like? We’re so inspired by our change-making Moon Club members and their passion projects! Our Mooners and Shakers this month are Danielle Russell and Rachel Hanberry…
“Basically…we leaped. We saw an opportunity to use our passions and skills to serve a cause we valued.”
The Project
“The Women’s March on Washington Archives Project began with a group of archivists inspired by the massive political and social importance of the January 21st Women’s Marches. Taking into account both the marches’ historical context, and the new wave of grassroots activism that fueled it, we’ve dedicated ourselves to ensuring the preservation of women’s voices in this intensely controversial contemporary political climate. Our end goal is to create a digital aggregate that documents this diverse, women-centric, political resistance with the eventual hope that these materials will become publicly available.”
The Breakthrough
“After volunteering my skills to state-level organizers, I reached out to a group of professional archivists to explore both what they had done for similar protests in the past and how they were currently responding to this event. I was pointed towards Documenting Ferguson and the Baltimore Uprising Archive, but there hadn’t been any efforts yet for the Women’s March. My co-administrator created a Facebook group, and we just started planning from the ground up. I sent out cold-call emails and she collaborated with her mentors to collect oral histories on a national (and now global!) scale. We started laying the groundwork for photographs and physical materials to have homes, and we reached out to state and city-level organizers to lend legitimacy to our team’s efforts.”
The Wider Mission
“I firmly believe that archivists actively shape documentary heritage to reflect the broad spectrum of human experience, and that marginalized voices and experiences have been overlooked in the archival record. We have to pay attention to ‘hot spots,’ where people object to or suggest variations from the official narrative of state or societal structures. Ideally, the culmination of these documentation efforts is a comprehensive image of society that includes public hopes and dreams, frustrations and failures, and activities and movements, all preserved in their original voices.”
The Inner Work
“As archivists, we are not impartial caretakers, but socially conditioned, subjective humans who are trying to be very transparent in our work. While my co-administrator and I are both women who deeply feel the importance of this next wave of feminist activism, obviously we can’t, and the WMW organizers do not, speak for all feminists or the entire Feminist movement. While this next wave of feminism aims to be truly intersectional, we also recognize the controversy that surrounded the Women’s March on Washington having been conceived by white women, and we are beginning to hear more from voices that complicate and enrich the narrative. Acknowledging this personally, and within the scope of the Project, is so important to the growth of the movement, but also to my own growth as a scholar, a feminist, and an activist.”
Moon Club Inspiration
“This project was conceived because of my participation in Moon Club, and is directly born out of my quarterly journaling exercises. After we worked in Moon Club on the idea of developing a service practice, I started looking into archival activism. I wanted to figure out how my skills could be used in the causes and movements I supported. In addition, the open and varied discussions with diverse women (and some men!) have expanded my practice of deep listening. Listening to their voices talking about their lives needs to be a fundamental part of my activism.”
Follow Danielle Russell on Instagram and Twitter, and check out the WMW Archives Project on Facebook and Twitter.
“Is being sober and sane the new sexy?”
The Project
“The Sobriety Club is a subscription club that supports and provides connection for people who have consciously decided to quit any kind of addiction. In this Age of Awakening, negative addictions make us less conscious. When we are free from addiction, the fog dissipates and we can clearly see the light-filled path towards our true selves. The Sobriety Club’s mission is to support individuals on that path. I know all too well that this can be challenging, and understand that connection to others on the same path can ease the pressure to conform to social norms of negative addictions.”
The Breakthrough
“Before finding my true calling, I lived the London party lifestyle—consuming copious amounts of alcohol and participating in occasional drug use. At first it was fun, but it quickly became a coping strategy and a way for me to survive my own life. I was drowning in despair, self-loathing and hatred. I knew that alcohol didn’t serve me or my purpose in life, but found it hard to separate fun from the substances. I was so conditioned to consume and often felt boring if I didn’t drink.
Yoga transformed me, and I discovered I was born to be a yoga teacher and coach. Through teaching and coaching, it became clear to me that others were suffering from the same issues. Yet even after many years away from my former London lifestyle, I would have periods of drinking, and gradually lose my own light the more my alcohol consumption increased. The Sobriety Club was born to help me keep my word to myself and to support others who want to be clean, light-filled, and focused but find themselves trapped in this cycle.”

The Wider Mission
“My wider mission in the world is to help others to evolve their own lives. Through yoga classes, meditation, coaching programs, workshops, retreats, and teacher training courses at Yoga Beach House I give people the tools to learn to live in the present, fully and abundantly without the constraints of the past or future. I enable other people to be their best selves.”
Moon Club Inspiration
“During the last Moon Salon, I was really inspired to reach out to Ruby after hearing her talk about alcohol. As we come together to share ideas, resources, and ourselves, it’s been so inspiring to witness Moon Club members encourage each other’s enlightenment and growth of consciousness!”
Discover more about The Sobriety Club, Rachel’s Organic Products, and Yoga Beach House, and make sure to follow her on Instagram and Facebook.
Want to join the cosmic crusade? Sign-up for Moon Club, our monthly membership and coaching program where astrology, community, and activism combine to help you create a life of passion, purpose, and pleasure!
The Knight of Cups, reversed, is asking us to speak less and enquire more—before we jump to any conclusions, says Lindsay Mack…
The Aquarius New Moon is here to help us chart a course into the future, says Sandra Sitron…

New Moon :: January 27 2017 :: 7:08 pm EST :: 8 degrees Aquarius
Be ready. You are winding up for the swing. This is your time to come into alignment with your values and vision. Focus your intentions for innovation, change, and a more loving society.
On Friday, the Sun and the Moon meet in the sign of Aquarius. This is the Aquarius New Moon. Aquarius energy is airy and determined. Light and changeable, yet persistently moving forward. Aquarius represents the greater community and our dreams for the future. This is a visionary time. During this season we will take our positions in the social and political arenas. Friday’s New Moon is the point at which we take the seed of our intention and plant it in our subconscious.
Think of this New Moon as your planning stage. Gather your vision for the future. It must be detailed and clear. You have a responsibility now to set the vision. It needs to be a shift. You must lean into a new approach. Make an adjustment. Surprise yourself. We are in a tumultuous political time. You are being called to take a position. The New Moon in Aquarius is helping you envision that position.
How you interact with the changes that are coming will be completely your choice. If you feel called to step forward then do so. If you feel called to stay still and hold space with love in your heart, then do that. You have other options too, you can either ignore what’s happening, or ride someone else’s wave of fear unconsciously. It’s entirely up to you. Right now you get to envision how you want to be.
Be proactive in your approach. Notice each and every emotion that flows through you and validate it. This alone is a major upgrade. We spend so much time unconsciously trying to not feel our feelings. When you honor your feelings you heal the world. On Friday, make a vision board. See yourself positioned in your future dream society. What does it look like? What are the predominant feelings? How are you connecting with others? Hold this vision strong. Feel yourself there. This is one of the most powerful things you can do.
The Aquarius New Moon is making no major aspects, and only two minor aspects. This is a rare configuration which elevates the emotionality of the New Moon. Think of this as airy emotional energy that is slightly un-tethered. Aquarius has two speeds. The first is completely detached. The second is an erratic swing between very high emotional intensity and then whoosh— it’s over. Detachment follows. This is high energy that’s very unpredictable.
You can ride the wave of these emotions to see where your psyche is ready to have it’s software updated. If your MO is to keep the lid on your emotions and go through the motions, you may not have much luck with that this weekend. The lid is coming off. This is a good thing. It will help you get to the root of your feelings and experience cathartic release.
The Moon and it’s Message
Drawing a map.
This is your chance to fill in your vision. Make it practical and hopeful. Take back control of your vibration. Through the practice of vision, align with the vibration that you want to hold. Use your creative ability to draw your boundaries, determine the topography and orient yourself.
New Moon Semi-square Saturn
Swimming underwater and watching the bubbles from your snorkel rise to the surface.
Give yourself a tool or a structure that will help you navigate emotionally. Feelings may take you deeper. You may be going deeper into your emotions then you are used too. You may feel out of your element. You are supported. You have the tools that you need. Use your new knowledge of the world to plan appropriately. Find stability.
Full Moon Semi-square Venus
Breaking bread together.
Nourish yourself and feel loved. Play, frolic, laugh, restore and enjoy. Socialize. Make sure to give yourself the emotional support that you need so that you can feel abundant, worthy and peaceful.
T-square with Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury/Pluto
The wolf pack’s howl.
The Aquarius New Moon is ruled by Uranus. Uranus (change agent), is instigating a T-square with Jupiter (expansion) which is pointed toward Mercury and Pluto. In this scenario, Mercury and Pluto together symbolize the collective pain body. The old wounds that lodge in our consciousness and come out through our culture’s norms and language are getting an electrical shock. The entire group (Aquarius) is planting a seed intention for how we want things to go down. There’s a collective howl as some rush to cover up the wounds and maintain the status quo, while others are diving in deeper to tear off the bandage. The Great Awakener is on the scene. We are urgently being prodded to choose our positions and intentions.
The Aquarius New Moon has got your back. She wants you to know that it’s not too late. That everything is perfectly aligned. She is sending you loving thoughts for you to carry into the future. But you must carry them. Don’t put down you parcel. Don’t rest. Don’t turn off and deny yourself. There is such a thing as walking into battle with love in your heart. This is like parenting. A good parent is present for the easy stuff and hard things. A good parent leans forward and lovingly teaches. Sometimes they are firm. Sometimes they are emotional. But they keep showing up. You are being called to step into a role of love. Lead through example.
For more personal insight into the Aquarius New Moon, journal with the below study questions for each sign.If you know what house of the zodiac 8 degrees Aquarius falls in your chart, read for that house too.
Aries or 11th house
How might you bring more community into your life?
Taurus or 10th house
What’s your vision for your career? How do you want it to feel?
Gemini or 9th house
How would you best express your mission statement right now?
Cancer or 8th house
Where in your life are trying to control an outcome? What would happen if you just let go?
Leo or 7th house
What’s your vision for relationship? How do you want it to feel?
Virgo or 6th house
What is blocking you from practicing healthy habits? What is one healthy habit you would like to form?
Libra or 5th house
Tune into the things that bring you joy. How can make more space for these things in your life?
Scorpio or 4th house
What’s your vision for your home and your relationships with your family members? How do you want it to feel?
Sagittarius or 3rd house
Can you think about one issue in your life from a new perspective?
Capricorn or 2nd house
What thought is preventing you from feeling worthy and deserving? How could you view that experience positively?
Aquarius or 1st house
What’s your vision of your personal power? How can you express your gifts, talents and individuality?
Pisces or 12th house
Where can you bring the feeling of hope into your life? How might you do that?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
The antidote for anxiety is to create your own manifesto for 2017, says Dani Katz. All you need to begin is a passionate cry of “Yes, I am!”
Despite any and all mainstream propaganda to the contrary, I happen to know that 2017 is going to be amazing—chock-full o’ fun, joy, personal breakthroughs, real-deal love, next-level sex, and quantum leaps in consciousness, success, prosperity, and lifestyle.
I know this because I also know that I, and I alone, am responsible for how I choose to experience reality. To this end, it’s become a daily practice—aligning my heart, mind, body, and spirit with my values, my genius, my desires, and my dharma. It helps that I have created a secret weapon—Yes, I Am—a hand-drawn, transformational coloring book that supports me in being my very best me ever, and in making 2017 my most wonderful year yet.
The book is divided into twelve I Am chapters, each one focusing on a different intention. I chose the I am theme because “I am” is the most powerful phrase in every mystical tradition there is, was, and ever will be—these two words are encoded with the transformative power of the multiverse.
And so, because sharing is caring, and caring is cool, I am offering up this manifesto, inspired by that aforementioned book of intentional awesomeness, so that you, too, can make 2017 your very best year ever.
I choose to remember that limitation is an illusion that exists to be obliterated. I don’t buy into anyone else’s attempts to limit me, and I devote myself to surpassing my perceived limitations, and surprising myself with all that I can—and will—accomplish, and be, and share.
I choose to align myself with love in every moment. I meet non-love with love. I love myself unconditionally, and al(l)ways, and I radiate that love outwards, towards everyone I meet and engage with (while remembering that boundaries and discernment are self-love, too). I know that love is a state of mind, and a way of meeting the world, and I commit to embodying this love more and more, and better and better, each and every day.
Because the external is ever and always a reflection of the internal, I am committed to cultivating optimal health. This means sweating, breathing, and hydrating. This means eating organic whole foods, and getting plenty of sleep, and flossing and cleansing and supplementing accordingly. It also means minding my media intake, extricating myself from toxic relationships, and not overtaxing my adrenals on yerba maté, regardless of how yummy it tastes.
While money, achievement and outward notions and acknowledgements of success are lovely, I am far more interested in being the very best, most integrated and expressed me I can possibly be. I embrace my uniqueness. I appreciate my individual quirks and characteristics, and all the ways they come together to make this once in a lifetime phenomenon called me. Fuck trends. Fuck in/out lists. Fuck envy, comparison, established standards of beauty and love and success and lifestyle. I’m carving out my own course, and I’m doing a bang-up job of it.
Did you know that 99% of our reality is totally invisible? Yup. And so it is that I am living 2017 as a testament to unseen forces of good and love and fun and wonderful, knowing that the Universe is infinitely more mystical than I could possibly imagine, and that miracles happen every second, of every day. Bring ‘em on, I say.
I know my value. I embody my wonderfulness. I shrink for no one. I am an empowered badass warrior of light and love and giggles, and I model this elevated awesomeness for, and in service to, the world at large. We. Are. Welcome.
I don’t lollygag in the past, or worry about the future, because those are mere conceptual traps that keep me from experiencing the present moment, which is where reality (and juicy magical awesomeness) reside. I don’t surrender the miracle of my now to dark, dreary future fears, or what ifs, or worst case scenarios. I meditate. I focus on sensation instead of mind chatter. I trust in divine timing. I am patient. I am patient. I am patient.
The earth isn’t just our home planet—our very own space ship, hurling us through space—it is a living, breathing, conscious intelligence. With this in mind, I honor her as I do all living creatures. I tread lightly. I conserve resources. I respect the gifts the earth so selflessly gives us—her oxygen, her water, her plants, her sunshine, and her gravity, as well as all the other beings sharing this ride with me. We are all of us earthlings. Every. Single. One. It is through this lens that I move through this magical world, ever and always grateful for these earth gifts with which we are so, so blessed.
Abundance is a state of mind that draws to it like-vibrating experiences and energies. And so it is that I attune myself to the abundance that surrounds me. I root myself in gratitude for all my blessings. I give. I receive. I know my value, which colors my every exchange. I welcome free-flowing prosperity, and abundance, and enough for everyone. And so it is…
Despite all illusory notions of time to the contrary, life is not a linear journey. It takes flexibility to flow moment-to-moment, and to hone in on what’s appropriate for said moments. And so it is that I choose to embody my most optimized version of myself, however that looks and feels in each moment. What I love about optimizing is that it requires a deep surrender to the wisdom of forces way bigger and more intelligent than I am. It’s the opposite of micromanaging. Aaaahhhh…so much easier.
It was Meister Eckhart who said: “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” Gratitude is a magical frequency that transports us to the present moment, and infuses us with graciousness and humility and appreciation. I commit to an attitude of gratitude in 2017. I choose to honor the blessings of what is, instead of lamenting all that isn’t, and all the ways I wish what is was different. And when mood, moon cycles, weather, and mercurial boyfriends threaten my peace of mind, and I stray into the dark and murky waters of fear and doubt and grief and rage, I commit to getting grateful, and to staying grateful, armed with the knowledge that I am not a victim, that there are no victims, and that everything is happening for a blessing – al(l)ways.
I commit to Unity consciousness—to moving through the world armed with the integrated and embodied knowledge of our Oneness. I know that it is impossible to hurt another without hurting myself, as there is no other, and separation is an illusion. I devote myself to acting in service to the highest good of the whole of humanity, knowing that the only way to change the world is to change myself. I take responsibility for the reflections I attract, knowing that anything and everything that triggers me is merely a messenger who exists to point my attention toward shadows inviting acknowledgement and integration. I summon the courage, the will, and the fortitude to look said shadows directly in the eye, and to integrate them, in service to us all. We. Are. One.
Dani Katz is a human being. She writes. She draws. She dances. She lives in her native Los Angeles. Yes, I Am, her transformational coloring book chock-full of interactive inspiration, encouragement, affirmations, and awesomeness, is on sale here. Nab yourself a copy immediately!
Written on the bus back from DC, Kate Atkinson shares 10 ways the women’s march inspired her…

It’s been a hell of winter. As revered actress and feminist Meryl Streep so accurately said, opening the floodgates for women world wide: “In the last few months, at times, I’ve felt as if I “lost my mind.”
Melodramatic much? Not for me. I’m a news media professional. I thrive on absorbing information and understanding people, brands, and causes. And since 11/9, I’ve spent late nights burrowing into internet rabbit warrens. I have spent anxious hours trawling the web and raging with friends via text, levels of research I never conducted when I was at University studying for my BA in journalism.
“Why do this to yourself?” I have repeatedly asked myself. But for some reason, the outcome of a Trump victory stirred me up deeply. It awoke a furious sleeping anger I never even knew burned in me. I have psychoanalyzed it and self-helped it to death. Answers have been hard to come by. And as if my own mental struggle wasn’t intense enough, friends have come forward and told me they aren’t okay either. Some told of to sexual assaults they’d buried for years. Men who’d groped them as teens and made them feel insignificant—which they’d shrugged off as just another teenage learning curve.
The day after the inauguration, a friend and I got up at 4am and got on a bus to Washington DC to march in solidarity for not only women, but for all whose freedom and human rights feel at risk under the incoming administration. We were joined by 3 million marching globally, all of us saying: “ENOUGH.” And actually, “fuck you” to the patriarchy.
In the lead up, I read a media stories talking about this being a “flawed” protest, questioning why it was just for women, asking what purpose it would serve. I’d partaken in aggressive social media discussions and been reminded over and over (at times on a personal level) about the futility of protesting.
Well, this weekend was the most inspiring of my life. Read on for 10 reasons why:

The reason the current state of affairs is so alarming, is that the bad guy appears to to be winning. Sexual assault and quite frankly, basic human values, are second to power.Or are they? The marches reminded me that WE are the power. Throughout history, we have been reminded of this by figures such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Maya Angelou. Collectively, we can move mountains. The only thing holding us back is self belief.
I saw a woman brandishing a giant crocheted reproductive system. I saw giant moveable sculptures. Puppets, a tribe of Donald Trump horses. Paintings that could have been at MoMA. I made a new artist friend who GAVE me a sign, because she’d painted several to deal with her inner turmoil. I saw people on stilts, rappers, instrumentalists, singers. All using their talents to support the same cause. As well as the funnier signs—”WE SHALL OVERCOMB” being a fave—some really pulled my heart. A two-year-old with a sign saying “I love naps but I stay woke.” Creativity helps us heal. I will be painting, paper mache’ing, croche’ing and dancing more in the future.
So forgive me if I’m oversharing in my post-protest bliss, but I’ve had two pre-cancer operations on my cervix. And yes it was scary as shit. A while back I would have been ashamed to share this, now, absolutely ZERO fucks given. Why? Because why is that shameful? I’ve been lucky enough to milk my healthcare system at home in Australia. Other women in this country would have turned to planned parenthood. It’s a lottery of luck I wasn’t born in a red state. Just today, the NY Times reported that the death rate from cervical cancer in the US is considerably higher than previously estimated and the disparity in death rates between black women and white women is significantly wider.
This whole shit show has opened a dialogue for issues that matter. Who cares if you’re depressed? We do. Who wants to hear about your time feeling ashamed for that? We do.
Ever found yourself writing rants at a computer screen, diving deeply into the lives of people you don’t know? A few days before Obama left office, he said: “tired of having arguments on the internet? Try speaking to them in real life.” We CAN connect in person. In groups. We are not our computers and our phones. Make a friend. Have coffee. Share. Talk. I am overwhelmed by the blowing up of my phone by women in the last few weeks. Launching fashion brands, needing help in connecting people to do so, media professionals trying to create their own movements and how to all not normalize any of what is going on.
I went to a group pre-march meeting – sober – and I met new people I’m now emailing about doing more “good stuff.” Including Elizabeth Azen, one of the nastiest women around with new kickass brand The Dynasty @thisisdynasty. I also made two new artist friends on the bus and spent all day with them, cracking jokes with one common cause – equality . Repeat: we are not designed to be digital humans. One side effect of standing up for what you believe in is the rad new people you will meet.
It’s so easy to be a hater. It’s so much easier to say: “this is pointless, we are outnumbered, we can’t make a difference.” As the march showed me—we damn well can, and it starts with you! Show up. Read up. Stay woke. Get nastier.
Some men still struggle with feminism. Well—newsflash—I’m not really into some of the things those people “hate” about feminism either. I’ve accepted that being a woman means I’m expected to smile and flirt through life. I use this to my advantage and love it when it means I can get something for free. It’s like Madonna said, “I’m a bad feminist.” But equally, I’ve been shamed many times, personally and professionally, for being too outspoken. For not being “refined” enough. And feminism in 2017 is about an end to that BS. In our lives, in our careers. It’s fine to sexualize women. Women are damn sexy. But don’t patronize us. Like Carrie Fisher said: “Some women play hard to get, I play difficult to understand.”
I’ve been to my fair share of bars and clubs. I’ve been a drinker many years. And you know what? This was the best dance party of my life. What could have felt like a wake, a day for tears, was the best “straight” high of my life. Need substances to lose your mind? Try raging down the street to the beat of a gazillion strangers from all over the country singing in time: “We need a leader, not a creepy tweeter!” or: “This is What Democracy Looks like!” with glitter, and signs, and animals, and carnival performers, and megaphones, and parked cars with their own dance parties. Try screaming from a place you never knew you had, a guttural cathartic place you used to roll your eyes if people even told you existed.
The systems are broken. They are not working. People will tell you to cooperate. But it’s time to rage against the machine. The mantra: “Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me.” The media aren’t cooperating—neither should we.
I’ve been on my own journey with self-care this last while. Not always easy. I’m not just talking about eating right and SoulCycle. I’m talking about that breaking that feminine perfectionist tendency for blaming myself, and giving myself a goddamn break. Move towards this, I am finding, and the whole world becomes more accepting of me. I haven’t mastered it. But none of us can participate fully, until we believe in what we are here to give.
So please keep marching girls who just wanna have fun(damental rights). I’m with you every step. Get nasty. Be nastier. Read, write, CREATE, and stay woke. And like the most badass feminist ever, the Wicked Witch of the West, once said: “I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too.”
Your Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Letting balloons drift up to the sky. You are holding on to a new identity. Now you have to let it go. Is that a trick? If you just figured out something new, why should you let it go? It’s because this journey is about lightness and exploration. You’re starting fresh right now with some new motives and interests, and that’s good, they will continue to grow like tiny seeds. The thing is that you can’t put too much pressure on yourself right now.You have to be light and curious and let go of the outcome. Loosen your grip and let your shiny new balloons drift up to the sky. You aren’t losing anything when you do this. You’re just making room for more exploration.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Illustrations from the story “Where the wild things are.” You are creeping in and out of a magical enchanted forest. Hide yourself behind shimmering green leaves. Find an enchanted clearing in the woods where you can commune with strange creatures. Let yourself be even weirder than usual. Go inward and don’t be afraid of what you’ll find. Know that everything that happens is meant to support your higher self in growth. The enchanted forest idea gives you license to hide away, create ritual, and invite magic into your life. Prioritize this journey.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising
A hawk soars in circles. You are preparing for the kill. Dinner. Maybe it sounds too violent. It’s just part of life when we are talking about hawk hunting for food. Bring this metaphor into your life. What do you need to pounce on? You’ve got a battle to be won, but it’s not just for your own survival (food),it’s actually for the greater good. Be very discerning about how you spend your time. Find some higher perspective. The world needs you to be at your best right now so that you can lead us into battle.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
The elephant lifts her trunk up and calls out. It’s time to take up space. It’s time to be steady, strong and unmovable. Mostly this will happen around your career. But also, you can think of yourself as a force out in the public eye. Your endurance and persistence are always a gift to those around you, but right now you’ve got something even more important to offer. You are an immovable wall. And people are going to need to lean on you. Pull up energy from the Earth and get ready to stand tall and be a beacon of hope. When you need support, remember that Mother Earth has got your back. She can transmute all worries.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Fields of daisies, faces turned toward the sun. Look toward the light. Don’t let yourself get bogged down by worry or fear. You are supported, in your community of daisies. That is enough. You’re grounded, roots in the soil. That is enough.You have the sun to inspire and guide you. That is enough. Keep looking toward the sun, it’s a metaphor for creative center of humanity. Those philosophers, teachers and leaders who inspire you. Keep their words close. Seek an elevated perspective that will carry you through. Don’t deny yourself precious sunlight by accidentally focusing on fear. A habit like that will get you nowhere right now.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
The goddess luxuriates on her shell. Focus on the sacral chakra and the water element. You are ready to give birth to something new. You may have to move through some intense emotions in order to clear the channel. Some things have to die away in order to create a new direction. What you create right now has to come as the natural result of having completed a cycle. Look closely at your life and define the evolution you’re experiencing right now. What is ending? What is starting? What’s the emotional experience of letting go? Let the emotions flow. Validate your emotions. Feel the security that comes from allowing your emotions to be what they are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising
A window. The window separates and reveals. This is like you in relationship. You are in a dance of moving closer- yet defining yourself more. You can do this either alone or with a partner. Either way, the current project is helping you discover: This is who I am. This is what I say “no” to and “yes” to. This is how I want to reveal myself. This is how I can be vulnerable. This is how I can receive. This is how I can give. This is how I can empathize. These contracts that you’re making with yourself are very important. They’re a critical blueprint for sharing yourself in relationship. Too often we skip this step and end up unintentional and unhappy. Get clear about how you want to separate and reveal yourself in relationship.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Sipping a sweet drink with a straw. Nourish yourself with sweet nectars. It’s time to draw in energy that supports you and stabilizes you. You need to refresh. Get healthy. Your tendency is to do this from a fear-based state. The sweet nectar suggests that you need to be very positive with yourself. Nurtures yourself, improve your habits but do it with kindness and gentleness. Imagine that you have an abundance of health. Anything extra that you do to refresh yourself is just for pure fun and enjoyment. Your healthy habits need to be developed from a stable place, not because you’re worried, worn-out or comparing yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Threading a needle. Getting ready to create. Getting ready to build, to make, to weave, to construct. What will it be that you thread together right now? Center yourself with joy. Stop over scheduling yourself, staying busy, and saying yes to everything. Stop all of that and focus on what brings you meaning. What makes you feel alive and enlivened. Be very discriminating about how you “go through the motions” right now. It it’s not bringing you meaning then it’s a waste of energy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A leaping frog. Finding space for joyful transitions. You may be feeling sensitive or delicate this week. That’s okay. Let yourself flow. You will make the transition from tadpole to frog soon. You don’t have to push it. All you have to do now is nurture yourself. Find ways to baby yourself. Take good care. Love who you are. Let yourself grow and transition. This is not a time to hold back in any way from loving yourself. Just flow with it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
An ant’s body. You are getting down into the nitty-gritty of anatomy. Into the tiniest of details. The minute separations. Stop focusing so much on the details. This is your natural state right now, but it’s not necessarily comfortable. Hold on the micro and the macro at once. Keep in mind the bigger picture and the details that make it beautiful. But don’t spin your wheels because you don’t know where you’re going. What would be fun to learn right now? What would be fun to share? That’s it. Nothing needs be more complicated than that. Plant seeds of clarity and intention. Start with the big picture and let that determine the details.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A stick. What can you do with a stick? Don’t underestimate your resources right now. For example, a stick may just look like a stick, but maybe it’s fuel, maybe it’s a weapon, maybe it’s medicine, maybe it’s support, maybe it’s a writing tool, maybe it’s a bridge or a gate or a boundary. Don’t take anything at face value. The world is much more abundant than it seems. You’ll be rewarded when you consider your resources.You’ll know how to build from here and what to build. You’ll feel like you have so many more options for growth when you take stock of what you’re already built.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Three of Swords, reversed, brings an opportunity to evolve our response to inner and outer dramas—and to transmute the pain into medicine, says Lindsay Mack in her Numinous weekly tarotscope…
Embrace your shadow and be led into the light, says Jennifer Racioppi in her reading for the Scorpio waning quarter moon…Artwork: Bethany Harper-Walsh
Waning Quarter Moon :: January 19, 2017 :: 5.13pm EST :: 0 degrees Scorpio
As the moon sheds her light, she invites us to shed barriers to our truth. Waning moon cycles help us connect deeply with our intuition so we can eliminate what’s not working within and access our marching orders before the next New Moon. This particular waning moon phase feels extra potent—as Mercury clears his shadow it represents a rare time in the sky when there are NO planets in retrograde. Things may happen fast. Embrace change, and allow the process of dissemination to bring you closer to your truth as we prepare for the upcoming new moon in Aquarius.
:: THE SUN::
The sun in community driven, alternative-minded Aquarius, asks us to transcend the boundaries of our limited thinking and embrace new ways and new beginnings. As we enter the post-Capricorn phase of 2017 (Capricorn represents our drive and determination to be our absolute best) the sun in Aquarius ushers us into our internal revolution. Aquarius represents rebellion and revolution—so no wonder we no longer feel driven by the discipline of the Capricorn sun. If you feel keen to shaking things up, explore it! The Aquarian influence might just lead you to something better. Embrace your friends, have fun, and don’t shy away from technology while the sun travels through Aquarius until Feb 18th.
In astrology, the moon represents our subconscious and our feminine side. With the moon moving through the fixed water sign of Scorpio, our attention drifts inward. Psychological truths and secrets pull us into our emotional depths. It behooves us to allow our emotions to rise to the surface. Bust out your journal and get your secrets off your chest. Embrace your shadow side! Indulge your sexuality while embracing intimacy, and exploring the shadows of your mind.
With the sun in the fixed air sign of Aquarius squaring the waning Scorpio Moon, we can expect to feel a bit at odds with ourselves. On the one hand, we have the Aquarius sun asking us to embrace our community, and to push forward with agendas for change. Yet the moon in Scorpio drives us deep within ourselves. While the Aquarian influence wants us on social media connecting with our tribe via technology, the Scorpio moon prefers a journal, and perhaps a cathartic conversation with a close friend who guards secrets like a rabid watchdog. It’s up to us to reconcile our need for privacy and intimacy while staying connected to our tribe this quarter moon.
It’s by investigating our shadow that we find our light. With one week before the Aquarius New Moon, and all the planets direct, this waning moon phase provides us a precious opportunity to look within and clean out any resistance before we embrace the first New Moon of the new year. The moon in Scorpio urges us to pull back and look within—as uncomfortable as this may feel. Remember, the moon moves fast and soon she’ll be in upbeat Sagittarius, making a great and resourceful sextile. Until then, she travels through Scorpio, a place she goes to deep to excavate an essential truth. Don’t resist the darkness this Scorpio waning quarter moon—it’s leading you precisely where you need to go.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit
Beautifully simple and immediately accessible, Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements offers a practical guide to personal freedom. Kelsey J. Patel explores this tiny volume’s startling powers and invites us to use the tome’s teachings to make a pact with ourselves in 2017. Artwork: Charlotte Rawlings
In an endless sea of spiritual self-help guides, Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements is consistently at the top of must-read lists. Yet, for some strange reason, I resisted its call for many years. But like all necessary teachings, the tome finally found me when I was ready to be found. About a year and a half ago, I finally saw it on my bookshelf staring down at me, and I knew it was the moment to open myself to its wisdom. It was brilliant. I felt myself shifting with every turn of the page. The slender volume’s simplicity was startling and empowering, and I quickly made it a magically mandatory reading for my private practice clients. I delighted in watching their own shifts and aha moments that were so similar to mine.
In 2017, I invite you to practice these luminously simple tenets for a fully-engaged life.
The First Agreement: Be Impeccable with Your Word
TRANSLATION: Words carry a powerful vibration that creates your reality, and when used in alignment with the higher good they are magical, forceful builders of your most amazing life. Equally, they can erode your life or the lives of others when not used in alignment with this higher vibration. When you practice an aligned way of speaking, both internally and externally, you take full responsibility for your actions, and release any judgment or blame by speaking from this place of kindness and truth.
MY AHA MOMENT: This became a big deal for me when I noticed how I would always say things like, “Oh, you know me, I love to sleep in. I’m not good at waking up early,” or “I’m not very good at relaxing.” Suddenly I realized I was creating my reality with those words and phrases, and as I kept telling myself and others these stories, I came to believe them. Being impeccable with my word has taught me to distinguish between the things I’ve “always said” and the things that are actually true.
YOUR PACT: Listen closely to your words and the words of those around you. Write a list of the most common words and phrases you say about yourself that are somewhat judgmental or unkind. Then, write a list of the words and phrases you want to create, feel, and activate in your life this year. Start saying those words and phrases out loud and silently, and watch how things begin to unfold differently.
The Second Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally
TRANSLATION: We each come to the table with distinctive life experiences, fears, insecurities, and understandings of the world. Our role is not to take on anyone else’s personal experiences and energies, but rather to give ourselves permission to separate what is mine from what is yours. We can extend great love and compassion to others, but ultimately we must bear sole responsibility for our own lives.
MY AHA MOMENT: When teachers and students of mine would enter our shared practice space, I noticed that I would always unconsciously shift my energy to match theirs or feel myself shut down if they were being cold or short-tempered. This agreement allowed me to start compassionately showing up with other humans who were having a rough time while not letting this energy overtake my own. Whatever I’m bringing up for another person by being myself is not really any of my business. My business is to receive the words and energies of others and use them as a gateway to connect with myself and my own center.
YOUR PACT: Write out a list of the people you currently feel upset with for whatever reason. Start to envision the energy of their hurtful words or actions traveling back to their particular life experience. Understand that what they’re upset with is likely something bigger and deeper that goes way beyond you. Return to the names on your list and write a letter to each person that shares everything you feel. Reread your letters and explore how both their words, and your response to them, stems from each of your distinctive life histories. If you can lovingly send words and feelings back to the ones who have hurt you and not take their pain personally, you can claim your own feelings from your center.
The Third Agreement: Don’t Make Any Assumptions
TRANSLATION: So often, our minds run off with absolutes, beliefs, and assumptions before we actually know anything, and so much of our pain and suffering stems from this process. If each of us gave ourselves permission to curiously look at life without believing we already know the outcome, we would give ourselves the chance to experience our lives and each other in all of our surprising complexity.
MY AHA MOMENT: From assuming the pushy woman on the train is a rude person to assuming the annoying chatty guy on the bus is completely unaware of other people’s space, I’ve had many moments of superficial judgment that deny others their fullest complexity. One of the most difficult assumptions I made in my life was thinking that I could transform my mother’s severe depression and create her happiness. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I was able to realize that this assumption was causing so much of my own suffering in life. She is now happy and healthy, but all of her own doing.
YOUR PACT: Write out a list of the daily assumptions you make; from the way you assume things about people you don’t know to assumptions you make about your own life in its past, present, and future incarnations. Sit for a 10-15 minute meditation and look at each assumption one by one. Close your eyes, and see your assumption dissolving. Spend a minute or two on each item until you complete your list. How does it feel to let go of these absolutes and open up to the experience of living as it reveals itself to you?
The Fourth Agreement: Always Do Your Best
TRANSLATION: This agreement serves as a pillar for the first three because it reminds us that we do not need to be perfect, not even when implementing the agreements. Instead, we can always do our best to meet ourselves exactly where we are. Some days your best will feel amazing and other days your best will feel drained. That’s ok. It’s about allowing yourself to do your best from whatever space you’re in without demanding anything more or less than what you are in that moment.
MY AHA MOMENT: As a business owner, I’ve been very hard on myself over the years. This agreement has given me so much permission to keep showing up, even when the business is not succeeding. I’ve used this agreement many times as I prepared to teach some of my very first classes and workshops, when I was nervous and frightened about how my teachings would be received. In those moments, I would take a deep breath and see this agreement scrolling across my mind and suddenly I could relax and just do what I came to do. Now, I have so much compassion for myself and have learned to let go of my desire to control any situation. I simply show up and do my best, and allow that to be enough.
YOUR PACT: Write this agreement on your mirror or post it on the fridge. Take this agreement with you, every day this year. Especially when you’re nervous or unclear or you feel fear coming up inside. Notice when you start to create demands or use phrases like “I should,” or “I’m supposed to,” and say to yourself, “I give myself permission to simply do my best in this moment.”
Kelsey J. Patel is the owner of Pure Barre Beverly Hills, a yoga instructor, leading meditation teacher, reiki master, intuitive healer, EFT specialist, and spiritual empowerment coach.
A symbolic reading for your sign with our Numinous weekly horoscopes, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Clouds floating across the sky. It’s time to let go a little bit. You can’t solve this problem with sheer might right now. You’ll keep coming up against the wall. Be like a cloud floating across the sky. Drift. Let parts of yourself disappear. Learn how to become a little more “boundary-less.” Forcing it isn’t going to work. This is about lightness. Your lesson is to try to align with your true nature by silencing your Inner Critic. Every time you challenge your Inner Critic you challenge your ego. You can then begin to loosen your grip and float.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Ants in a line. Working together in community. There is a practical job that needs to be done. People got to get fed. People got to feel safe. This happens when we work together. This happens when we aren’t isolated. This is why we are social animals in our core. What is blocking you from reaching out for help when you need it? You are connected. You deserve to be here. You are part of the group. You are worthy. Rally your people. Know when, how and why you are supported. Know this like you know your own name.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Hieroglyphics. Reading the glyphs to unlock a mystery. What are you discovering right now about yourself? What are you discovering right now about your purpose? You may have to broaden your perspective. Look at everything from a new angle. Know that you are resourceful and you will find the answers in due time. Stay optimistic. Things are getting shaken up right now and it’s hard to understand why. It’s hard to understand your direction. As you work with the strange symbols you’re receiving just remember that this mysterious shift is helping you find alignment with your true self.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising
The strongman at the fair. Inner strength. How do you think you can use your strength to help you break free? What’s truly holding you back? Here’s a clue. It has something to do with a very old pattern. And you have the inner reserves necessary to change it. This is well within your power. Don’t stop going inward. Don’t stop praying for strength and understanding. You can push to learn more about the root of the pattern, but push with your intuition.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A zebra’s stripes. Extremes. Black and white thinking. It’s time to look for the shades of gray. In the nuance, you will find that we’re all just doing the best with what we’ve got. Nothing is as it seems at first glance. A herd of zebra create an optical illusion that distracts their predators. Maybe your friends can support you now. See if they can help you let go of your more extreme ideas. It might be time to upgrade your mindset. It might be time to let go of old stories.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Succulents. Hardy plants growing in desert climes. Nothing can stop them. They’ve adapted well. You are busy adapting too, You are working hard to propel yourself higher in your career. You are busy, busy, busy. Your lesson right now happens when a relationship needs to be watered. How can you stretch yourself to understand another person’s perspective? How can you adapt to a situation where you have to meet your own needs and someone else’s? Sometimes succulents have spines. These are protective agents. You can have good boundaries too. That will help you know when and how to compromise.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
The nucleus. The center. Are you feeling centered and grounded? You are working with some spiral energy right now. The spiral is centered, but it’s also in motion. It means that you’re adjusting and adjusting again. This is similar to the way you would adjust your body while trying to keep your balance in a twirl. Your lesson is to maintain your perspective of the big picture, while you make small adjustments to improve your life. How do you maintain perspective? Keep looking up. Focus on the things that inspire you, while you make small moves to take care of yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising
The fish chomps its food. You are searching for something. There’s a sense of urgency. Your lesson is to feed your creativity. Your attention can be on dissolving your ego. Don’t do what you love for anybody else. Do it only to communicate a part of your spirit to another being. You’re sharing, not striving. Let go of some idea about how you think your goals should be attained. Feed your spirit by being present in the moment, not by worrying about some future outcome. Likewise, don’t starve your spirit by allowing compulsive habits to distract you from your true emotions. Get really clear about what needs to die away right now.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Flag football. It’s a casual game. A game that kids play. There’s a ring of nostalgia to it. There’s a special order to the game. It’s like a dance, but it’s a dance of war. What war dance are you doing in an important relationship? How can you take better care of your inner children while you do the dance of relationship? Which baby part of you is distrustful? Which baby part is lonely? Which baby part is overcome with joy? Get them all together and watch them play the game. Anticipate their next moves. Be mindful that the younger parts of you sometimes cry out for your attention. Give them lots of love. Play with them.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising
A bowl of lemons. It’s time to cleanse. You need to clear your physical systems so that you can get more grounded. Your lesson is to shift the thought pattern debris so that you are able to be in the present moment. You’ll get grounded by letting go of certain beliefs about what you’re responsible for. When was the last time you said “No”? It’s time for a clear, direct, straight-forward, “No.” Taking back your “No” is one of the ways that you will cleanse. Cleansing citrus stings a little bit. It cuts through the grease. It cuts through the social lubricant. Stop being polite and take care of yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Sewing by hand. You are creating. Your action will result in something that you will value for a long time. Do you believe that you are worthy? Let your urge for creativity remind you that every being creates. That is the nature of life and the universe. You are a part of the flow of giving and receiving. Watch yourself give and create. This process can teach you how to open up to receive. You are worthy of receiving support, having nice things, and being here on this plane. You are worthy because you are alive. Stitch yourself a prayer. Let each stitch be a reminder that you are inherently valuable.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
A red checked table cloth. Sit down to a nourishing meal. The meal consists of all the nutrients you need- physiological, safety, love, belonging, esteem and self-actualization. Self actualization is final delight of this meal. As you learn to fulfill your needs, you grow more into yourself. You find the path to your true self. Your lesson right now has to do with feeling emotional security. Keep giving yourself the nutrients you need. Then make yourself larger than life. Shine as bright as you can. From your stable emotional base you will glow and inspire.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.