Those born with a Scorpio Moon sign feel life more intensely than most, says Ash BakerArtwork: Prince Lauder via

Scorpio moon sign image by Prince Lauder on The Numinous

Calling all with a Scorpio Moon sign. Let’s dive into the deep waters where your heart centered luminary resides. The Moon reflects our deepest emotions, our reactions and instincts, and where we need and seek comfort in life – and the lunar Scorpio is intense. Not only in your needs, but how you get those needs met.

The Scorpion Moon sign comes with a super power to see past any illusion and go for a direct hit if it means getting to the truth of any situation, and people lacking the bravery to be honest won’t get far with you. The Scorpio Moon sign is drawn to intense people, situations and environments. You seek drama on some level, whether you like it or not, and all because of an innate drive to transform . A Scorpio Moon sign understands better than any that you must shake the foundation until it crumbles so you can build it better than before.

This need will play out in totally different areas of your life depending upon which house your Moon is located in your birth chart. But any which way, embracing this strong need for emotional intensity will be key to accepting yourself. Finding healthy ways to release this intense energy can help relieve it while still honoring this side of yourself.

This is also a very psychic Moon. With the laser like ability to hone in on the truth, you just know things you really should not. This level of knowingness gives you an emotional upper hand. You possess a level of confidence that will entice others to deeply confide in you, or else you’ll scares the hell out of them. And the Scorpio Moon sign is happy knowing everything about you, while you know very little about them. These are private creatures.

The shadow side of knowing everybody’s secrets is that you also know you can get hurt, badly. Human nature can sting. This can lead to the Scorpio Moon sign creating a tough veneer, seemingly making those around them, especially lovers, jump through hoops to earn your trust and affection. You like to control for fear of losing it – at least if you’re in control you always know what’s coming. Yet even when disaster hits, this Moon will thrive on opportunity for yet another rebirthing experience.

This Moon may reside on the darker side, yet when in love, you will display a level of loyalty like no other. You will fight till the death for your own, and are ultimately a great ally. While it might seem the Scorpio Moon sign can play on negatives as a catalyst to help others, when galvanized into action you are unstoppable. Let’s look at some ways to bring out the best in the Scorpio Moon sign…

See projects through to completion. The Scorpio Moon sign feels emotional unrest if you don’t finish what you start. This goes for your career, home projects, and even your relationships. You do things with your whole heart, or not at all. There may also be the tendency to expect others to hold the same standards. But other people won’t always be so black and white about life. Work on practicing loving acceptance of yourself and others.

Honor your need for privacy. Having healthy boundaries around your need to be alone to connect with your higher self is key. This is something others need to respect about you too, as you may become quite defensive without a quiet space to retreat to. Scorpio’s mascot is literally the scorpion, who likes to hide in dark places until they feel safe to come out. Your emotional Moon is quite the same. Knowing that this is normal for you is another positive step in healthy self-acceptance.

Seek the truth but leave room for the light. You don’t shy away from the darker side of life, and while admirable, this can lead a person to expect to find negativity more often than not. Spend time around people, places and get involved in experiences that show you how good life can be. It can be a cruel world out there, but it can be an amazing love-filled one too. Volunteer for a charity that speaks to you, working with others to make positive changes. Spend time with kids or animals, and witness unconditional love through the innocence of these beings. This will help your heart out next time you’re feeling cynical about the world.

Keep a journal. Write out your anger. Write out your sadness. Make a list of things you are grateful for. Use this space to get EMOTIONAL. Multiple studies have shown writing out your feelings brings a sense of control back into your life, so genuinely use this as a way to purge your intense inner stirrings. You could also see that some situations, if actively pursued, could lead to unnecessary strife. You seek intensity in life, and are strong enough to walk through the fire, but you have to pick your battles. Let it all out on the page instead, and keep your journal locked, tucked away or even under your bed. Prying eyes are death to the Scorpio Moon sign!

Your Moon is hugely valuable, as it can help others transform into better versions of themselves. Use your natural lunar abilities to light the way for others seeking their own much needed healing.


11/11 brings a super-charged portal of opportunity. Practical numerologist Felicia Bender has a lesson in working with the energies at play

Angel number 11/11 by Felicia Bender for The Numinous



Numerologicially speaking,  11/11 can be a significant date for us – if we’re aware and participating with the opportunities it brings our way.

I’m often asked about repeating numbers, particularly the repeating pattern 11:11. Whenever we see repeating numbers in our lives, it signifies a code that’s attempting to communicate with us on a different level than the rational, logical way we receive communication on a daily basis.

It’s kind of like the Universe is sending us a text.

In Numerology, the 11 is a Master Number – like all repeated numbers (11, 22, 33, and so on) – and Master Numbers contain a higher spiritual vibration or frequency, for lack of a better term. If a Master Number is one of the core numbers in our Numerology chart, for example, it indicates a higher level of potential, and also more challenges. So while working with Master Numbers might feel oh-so lofty, it can be a really tough obstacle course. It comes with added intensity. The Master Numbers demand that we master our life in particular ways.

That said, what about the 11 specifically?

First of all, the number 1 is all about new beginnings, independence, initiative, achievement, individuation, self-confidence, and innovative creativity. So when we see this repeating number, it’s beneficial to remind ourselves to focus on what we want in our lives opposed to what we don’t. Because the energy of the number 1 expands what we focus on, like a magnifying glass.

When we see this repeating number, a window of opportunity is being flung open – with this energy in our court, we’ll begin to manifest our thoughts and desires with turbo-speed. It requires that we’re disciplined and mindful about how we focus our thoughts and what we allow to play in our minds. If there’s any time to dive into our positive affirmation file, this is it. Don’t waste this valuable and high-powered energy on trivial or negative things.

The 11 is also the higher level 2 energy (1 + 1 = 2). The number 2 is all about harmony, balance, cooperation, diplomacy, and love. Add the Master Number and up the ante – and the 11 is the “wounded healer” and spiritual messenger.  The 11 is highly intuitive, extremely sensitive, out-of-this-world creative, and an inspired healing agent. The 11 lives mostly in the ethers and part of the struggle with the 11 energy is to bring it down to Earth in a way that’s useful and constructive.

Those with 11s in their chart will undoubtedly encounter experiences and situations that are harrowing, difficult, and extreme. This is because experience isn’t the best teacher, it’s the only teacher. The person mastering the 11 energy will come through the fire as an inspired healer and wise counselor.  Yet it takes walking the walk and talking the talk to reach the point of mastery.

As for the date 11/11 as a doorway, if we look at the numbers, we can see this is even represented visually – each 11 looks like a door. The two doors can be seen as an intersection between the physical and the spiritual world. Since the 11 is all about spiritual enlightenment, we can also use the energy of this date for understanding and manifesting our higher purpose, whatever that might be at this given moment.

In this sense, 11 is our cosmic cheerleader – here to remind us of our ever-transitioning evolution, and to assure us that we’re moving in the right direction. The day 11/11 is giving all of us a cosmic shove off the ledge, a super-charged window of opportunity. So today, let’s be sure to focus our thoughts, think big, and look for the opportunities opening up.

It’s the day to plant the seeds we’ve been wanting to plant, and to plant them mindfully, with care, and with a commitment to follow through with the actions needed to successfully cultivate these new beginnings as we enter the next phase in our lives.


The 11/11 New Moon in Scorpio brings an opportunity for regeneration at soul level, says Hannah Ariel

Reading for the new moon in scorpio by Hannah Ariel for The Numinous

Premonitions abound this time of year, as the Sun moves through the enigmatic waters of Scorpio. Perception is heightened. What we experience is essential. On 11/11 we’re in psychic New Moon territory where you can be sure to be guided by the far reaching depth of your desires.

Scorpio has a very sophisticated understanding of what it wants and why. There is an undeniable power to the way this sign manifests, through a mystical blend of intuition and intention – so imagine what a beautifully supernatural omen it is when we have a New Moon here!

With Scorpio, each new beginning speaks to the regeneration of an entire aspect of your life. An intention has the potential to be more than a goal for the foreseeable future, but a deeper commitment, an internal alliance with a truth you know in your gut to be the highest path for yourself.

New Moon seedlings planted in Scorpio will be transformative – and the deeper you go inside yourself to plant, the deeper the root can take hold. And the fiercer the intention will be, able to penetrate right through anything non-essential during the coming weeks. This is the power of Scorpionic manifestation.

Just before la Luna will fully renew herself though, she will make a connection with Mercury, also in Scorpio at 15 degrees. While all 29 degrees of each constellation have significance, the 15th degree is influential in that it represents the halfway point – a reflection point – a moment to go deep before going forward.

From when Mercury entered the first degree of Scorpio, we have been asked to consider the way our inner and outer worlds acknowledge one another through the medium of thought, for better or worse. Just before this New Moon, we have an opportunity to check in and observe if our Mercurial nature has been empowering or dysfunctional, in terms of helping us get what we really and truly want.

Mercury rules the way we perceive connections, and the winged messenger has been moving through Scorpio since November 2nd, directing our thoughts to the shadow side of things and exposing deep underlying truths like nobody’s business. Do not underestimate the power of privacy right now, and use it to pay close attention to what lies in your thoughts.

Look inward. Get as close as you can to the way your thoughts bring you to certain conclusions: what revelations can you gather about the way you maneuver when going after what you want? How have you encouraged or discouraged your intuition this past week? Something is looking to be validated, and there is a vital clue to be unearthed with this New Moon in Scorpio.

Look for the inklings that authenticate what is real for you. Seek out thoughts that focus you on moving in a positive direction, towards what is possible, what you know can hold true for you. The 15th degree is a place to transcend the valleys your thoughts have traversed. Find yourself a new starting point. You will be stronger for it, and the self-knowing behind your intention strengthened.

Chiron in Pisces will also trine Mercury and the New Moon – so whatever you uncover will be part of a healing process. Journal. Sing. Converse. Get the words out! To heal we have to hear ourselves. Verbalize our feelings. Chiron will make it easy for us to cut through negative threads of thought, and enable us to untangle whatever shadow fears and doubts we’ve got tangled up in.

Chiron in Pisces wants the waters to clear. Engaging with healing revelations can make the ritual of setting an intention a deep purification process. Again, what we experience at this time is essential. The more we can know and heal within ourselves, the more metamorphic this lunar cycle will prove itself to be.

Other astrological aspects include a sextile (creative energy that enhances and intensifies) with Jupiter in Virgo, and an in-conjunct (a call to reconciliation) with Uranus in Aries. Here is where this New Moon in Scorpio has the potential to be downright shamanic. Jupiter in Virgo is giving us room for something healing to take place in our physical reality; the landscape expands.

Uranus in Aries is simultaneously asking for us to innovate the context. Just as the shaman must experience multiple dimensions of time and space before seeing and understanding what is present, we have to look to the area where Aries is in our chart to see where else we are being asked to transform our perceptions with this New Moon in Scorpio.

Beyond looking to the house ruled by Scorpio in your natal chart, operate from where Aries is. Think back to the Full Moon Eclipse of September. The area of your life that was awakened then is calling you now, asking to be incorporated into your Scorpio New Moon intentions; adjust accordingly.

This New Moon wants you to manifest from the deepest well of understanding you can muster. It wants you to see results come from a place you don’t normally think to ask. It wants the whispers of your psyche to become evident every which way. The energies of Scorpio want to work with the parts you may often shy away from, for fear of their power.

To connect further with this energy, try simply lying down on the Earth and taking some deep breaths that come from the core. Also, Scorpio rules the colon; the way we eliminate what has been digested. Working with exercises to help unblock this process in the physical body will in turn help unlock your ability to connect more intimately with your power, to feel what’s intuitively going to work for you.

A simple but effective Kundalini yoga exercise: Sit in easy pose with your hands on your knees. Begin rotating the abdominal area in deep, slow, circular motions toward the right, and continue for three minutes. With so much being processed internally with Mercury in Scorpio, it is a time for letting go of all that is non-essential.


London-based Jody Shield has gained a reputation as the healers’ healer, and signed as a Lululemon meditation ambassador. She shares her journey with Ruby Warrington

Light Grids healer Jody Shield featured on The Numinous

“Quit your job.” It was back in 2013 that Jody Shield heard the voice, subtle and yet insistent. “The sensation that came with it was one of, ‘it’s fine, you’ll be supported, don’t worry, trust’,” she remembers. “But still I was like, ‘no, no…what’s going on?’ And it just kept repeating, ‘quit your job, quit your job, quit your job’…”

Until this moment it had been a regular day in the office at the London ad agency where Jody had worked since 2005, rising through the ranks to become Business Director. Sure, she’d suffered a degree of burn-out in the role, had taken a sabbatical to Peru to “find myself.”

Since her return, she’d been dabbling in alternative therapies, and quietly working to develop what she felt were her natural healing abilities. But she’d found a happy medium, or so she thought. Her newfound skills were simply tools to help her navigate the demands of her own life in the “real world.” But now it seemed as though Spirit had other plans.

“I realized I couldn’t ignore what I was hearing, and almost as if some external force was pushing me to my feet I found myself walking into my boss’s office to tell him I needed to talk. I resigned on the spot,” she remembers.

Within three months, “I had a business as a healer. People had actually already been contacting me about sessions, and I’d been seeing family and friends at weekends. Once I made the decision to focus on it fully, people just kept coming back, and I was like, ‘okay!’”

In the two years since, Jody has become one of the most sought after alternative therapists in London, also gaining a reputation as “the healers’ healer.” This fall, she was signed by Lululemon as their first ever European meditation ambassador, and with a busy public speaking schedule to boot she’s become a leading voice in the Now Age movement. For anybody seeking a similar transition to a career in healing, her journey is a lesson in surrendering to your calling.

Light Grids healer Jody Shield featured on The Numinous

Born in the North of England, “growing up, I always had a sense that there was something bigger out there and that I was going to be a part of it. I used to look at celebrities and think, ‘they’re no different to anybody else, they’ve just got big energy’. And I felt that way about myself, too,” she says.

As far as connecting to Spirit, “I had a sense of the different energies in our house, and would get goose bumps when I walked into certain rooms. I’d drag the dog in with me for ‘protection’,” she laughs. But like so many psychically-developed young women, “I shut it all down when I hit my teens and began to discover boys…”

The first indication that she would one day be asked to use her gifts blew into her life on the winds of tragedy – after an ex-boyfriend was brutally murdered. “I woke up in bed one night not long after it happened, and there was an outline of him next to me on the matress. I realized his soul wasn’t able to pass to the other side, and I so I just told him, ‘it’s okay, be at peace now. You don’t need to worry about anything.’ And he just left.”

Back in real life Jody was focused on climbing the corporate ladder – even if the incident with her ex had left its mark. “I was emotionally burned out, and self-medicating with drugs and alcohol to the point I had to take time off work due to ‘stress’,” she says. Eventually, she set off for South America for what she thought was some much needed R & R. Instead, she found herself on an intensive plant medicine retreat.

“Nobody was talking about Ayahuasca back then, so when I heard about it in Peru I really had no idea to expect. Even on the boat to the retreat center, I remember wondering what on Earth I was doing there, and thinking I would probably just be an observer,” she says. In the event, her 12-day shamanic immersion would prove absolutely pivotal in her journey to becoming a full-time healer herself.

Not least because she was immediately confronted with a truth she’d been hiding for years, even from herself – that she was living in the grips of bulimia. “When we arrived we were asked to drink something to make us vomit and purge the toxins from our system. The potion didn’t work on me, and the facilitator told me to stick my fingers down my throat. My immediate reaction was, ‘but you can’t do that in public!’ I’d kept my eating disorder a secret for a decade.”

In ceremony, having drunk the Ayahuasca itself, “it felt like being cradled in the arms of the Mother, looking down on me and loving me, but going; ‘you’ve got something to confess, and you have to bring it up so I can help you with it.’ When I shared about this afterwards, it was the first time I’d spoken about my eating disorder to anyone.”

Light Grids healer Jody Shield featured on The Numinous

Jody took part in seven ceremonies over 12 days, sharing her little jungle hut with giant cockroaches and spiders, and emerging with an unshakable sense that her bulimia was behind her. “It was as if my brain had been re-wired and I couldn’t even remember the physical process of the illness. I had also made a contract with the plant to never eat meat or take drugs again.”

Further, “I had been recognized by the indigenous tribe as one of them. After one ceremony, they all made a bee-line for me, calling me “doctor, doctor, doctor.”

It’s testament to the grounded nature that makes Jody so approachable as a healer that she was able to pack this experience away with her guide books and resume her “normal” life back in London. Albeit with a desire to discover more about the healing arts, and her own abilities in this area.

It began with the study of EFT, or tapping, but it was discovering the work of Damien Wynne that tapped Jody fully into her gifts. Having developed a system for karmic, emotional and energetic “clearing” called Light Grids Therapy, “for me Damien was the whole package – a very expansive spiritual channel, yet very, very grounded in his human experience,” says Jody. She decided to travel to Germany to train with him; “My mum insisted on coming with me though, to check I wasn’t being indoctrinated into some cult,” she laughs.

“I connected to the work instantly, which centers on the mantra ‘I am that I am,’ and is essentially about allowing you to fully claim your ancestral seat in this lifetime. After five days of working intensively on healing and opening up my own emotional body, noticed quantum shifts in my perspective on my own life and purpose,” she claims.

“But I was afraid. I was like, ‘if this IS my path, how do I bring this to London, and how on Earth do I explain this to people?!” she says, echoing what must have been the thought process of so many great healers before her. But it was shortly after this that she heard The Voice, while experiencing the sensation of being fully supported by the Universe on her journey.

The rest, as they say, is history. And with with London’s creative and business leaders lining up to work with Jody, there’s a sense of her childhood awareness that “something bigger” was out there waiting for her having been fulfilled.

To find out more about Jody Shield and her work and to book a session visit


Because we never feature enough Numi dudes! Gabriela Herstik gets Unknown Mortal Orchestra front man Ruban Neilson’s take on love, the Universe, and everything. Image: Dusdin Condren

Ruben Neilson of Unknown Mortal Orchestra shot by dusdin Condren on The Numinous

Best known for being the third eye of psychedelic pop rock band Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Ruban Nielson has more to offer the world than just some groovy tunes. Ruban’s experience grounding his soulful nature in day-to-day life has shaped many things, including his relationships – UMO’s latest full length, “Multi-Love,” is a synthy trip about his experiments with polyamory. We talked to the man himself about his constant commitment to channelling something beyond himself – and how it helps make some good dancin’ music.

On Spirituality
“I don’t really worry about whether I’m spiritual or not because it’s a mysterious part of life and categories mess it up for me. Music is my concrete connection to forces outside myself, whether this means community, history, spirit, the subconscious, or some concept of God – that isn’t my place to define. But through music I know there’s more than my ‘self’ because I get gifts from that place in the form of songs, or the ability to perform beyond what I thought I could.”

On Astrology
“I’m a Pisces, but the first day so I’m a cusper with Aquarius. I’m also a Cancer Moon. I feel like a pretty typical Pisces. Astrology is fun. I like talking about it with people and trying to find patterns. But I take it with a grain of salt like most things.”

On Love
“Being in love is so important to me. I spend most of my time thinking about love, although I’ll never know anything about it. I’m always just drowning and I prefer it that way.”

On Culture
“I have my own personal ideas about being Hawaiian. Most people don’t know what a Polynesian is and that’s both frustrating and useful. I think my genetics shape my music quite a bit. I think my music puts my heart on display, and Hawaiians are known to be very hot-headed and deeply emotional.”

On Yurts
“The shape of a yurt is beautiful and living in a yurt was cool. It was a certain time in my life. I miss it sometimes but my life doesn’t fit in a yurt any more, haha.”

On The Unknown
“Aliens of all kinds definitely exist. You can ask any mathematician. Magick is real too. It’s all around us in the form of branding; symbols and suggestions used to manipulate reality. It’s a pity it’s come to that. As for spirit guides and ghosts, I’m not going to try to categorize things that no-one really understands. There are a lot of levels to reality though, I’m certain of that.”

On Wearing Mala Beads
“I guess I do.”

Ruban Nielson featured on The Numinous
Rockin’ some Mala beads 12 weeks ago on Instagram

On Mantras
“I do work with mantras. They change a lot.”

On Inner Peace and Zen
“I play music. I’m always looking to be possessed by this very happy and invincible version of myself.”

On Living Your Truth

“I’m really lucky. These days I’m really able to pursue my music and live the way I want to live. I don’t sleep much but I get to be the person I dreamed I could be and I get to be moving and creating all the time. That’s the way I want to be.”

Get tour dates and more for Unknown Mortal Orchestra at


Cast by Louise Androlia using The Cosmic Tarot deck

Scorpio / Scorpio – Queen of Cups

Happy Birthday, my Scorpio soul mates! I feel that November is going to be really heavy with the water element, which should suit you just fine since your sign is the true deep-sea explorer of the Zodiac. It’s a build-on to last month’s toe-dipping into the more vulnerable parts of yourself, and now you are invited to stay in this space and keep diving.

You are the feeler, obviously, and this month the veils are thinning in more ways than one. In the traditional sense, your intuition and psychic powers are likely to be magnified which calls for a serious check in around energy protection and boundaries. It’s important to remember that “boundaries” are different from “walls,” something I’d really like you to explore this month as the energy will likely see you dismantling some of your own blocks too. Where are you placing bricks and mortar under the pretense of protecting yourself or controlling things, but actually using them as a bunker to hide in and be afraid? The Scorpio soul is made to rise from the ashes over and over again, and if you are in pain then you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

The option you have over the coming weeks is to empower your water element rather than act as though you’ve been victim to your own personal tsunami of vindication. Note where you are placing blame, whether it’s on a situation or a person. Whilst situations will cause us trauma, and bring up feelings and that we are not responsible for, it is our choice how we perceive and walk upon the road ahead. If you find yourself saying “they made me…’” or “I’m like this because…” then you will stay stuck in the same revolving doorway forever. It is a huge act of self-love and courage to allow your feelings to be of value, and to not shame or guilt yourself – a super power you really have at your fingertips right now.

In regards to interactions with others, romantic or in friendship or business, you can be checking in with the type of balance that complements your mood the best. The last thing you need is to be the constant mother figure or therapist, it’s not the best use of your personal power and will sometimes lead you to resent the company you find yourself in. Your empathy and insight is best used as a tool to empower your divine feminine nature, by learning how best to receive. You can be entirely independent while still creating a space for someone to surprise you. Experiment with the elasticity of love.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – Ace of Cups

This month feels a little lighter on the emotional front. You’re not fully out of the water, but feeling less overwhelmed. You may have noticed how the last couple of weeks brought up a LOT of feelings, maybe too many for your liking? And now comes a clearing after the storm. Clarity of heart is your theme for the coming weeks, really exploring the truth and depth of what you feel, the result being that you realize your feelings are there to empower you, rather than creep up on you like an attack.

You see, when you choose to own your feelings they are no longer to likely to overflow, and that includes your way of dealing with all the good stuff too. This month brings in such beautiful new energy that it will serve you well to check in with how you receive positive energy. Are you quick to downplay your achievements? Do you brush off compliments? Are you afraid to lift yourself up for fear of being knocked down? The coming weeks are the perfect time to practice receiving good news, and not instantly fighting back with sarcasm or self-sabotage.

Take the happy results and sit with them, practice feeling how it is to be uplifted, even if it does seem uncomfortable at first. Your ability to embrace successes should not be attached to fear of loss. Recognize that the present moment, this one, right now, really is the only thing that’s real. So challenge yourself to wrap your arms around it when the feeling is good, even just for a second. The flip side of this is that I also want you to feel at wild liberty to send love to those whom you admire, because you have plenty of people to thank right now. This can only, of course, be in balance with the kindness you give to yourself. The pattern goes: receive, give, rest, and repeat.

On the more romantic front, this month is gifting you an enlightened ability to check in with what you really need, not what you think that you want. There’s no shame in not wanting to feel alone, but any notion that that weakness is the product of letting go are entirely self-created. Vulnerability is a superpower, because it allows you to be fully yourself – it’s not about being exposed, but standing in the light. And with this comes a prime time for birthing all that feels good. Take your focus away from the fear of judgment, and back onto the depths of your passions.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Hermit

Relaxation and retreat are not the same thing, and this is a beautiful month for discovering what the idea of the later really means to you. As always, many of your themes bring up lessons around being kinder and more gentle to yourself, but this exploration of the notion of a personal journey is an angle I feel you can really embrace. Over the coming weeks I want you to consider what you’d like to immerse yourself in, and I mean what YOU would like, not what you think you should be pursuing.

It feels as though you’re getting impatient to see the results of something, or find out what might happen in the future. I want you to consider that this idea of personal retreat is what will bring the results you want, opposed to you hunting high and low outside of yourself. A few weeks of personal excavation and unapologetically doing things that connect you to yourself are likely to rev up your creative mind and get you on the correct course for the kind of future successes you have you heart set on.

Retreat also comes with no guilt of course; it is simple a choice to step away in order to arrive back more fully. And this doesn’t have to mean a week on an ashram – it might look more like a daily dance party in your living room, or signing up for membership at your favorite gallery or art house movie theatre. This is about an immersion into your SELF, and for some of you it might digging the darker depths, while for others it will be a celebration of all that is light. There is no wrong way to self-retreat!

The grander theme here is of self-restoration, in order to gain better insight into how you might like to move forwards over the next six months – and I would also like to touch on any discomfort you might be feeling. I feel some of you may be experiencing anxiety in regards to putting yourself “out there” and also being prone to falling into the comparison trap. This is in place to force you to realize that YOU are the safest and best place to operate from; that the more embodied you are, the less you will question your abilities. It may be that you find yourself constantly refusing to allow yourself this immersion, but keep pursuing it. When you emerge from your cocoon after this time out, you will discover a new and improved level of personal superstardom.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – Two of Pentacles

This is a month for dipping your toes into the new whilst still juggling all that is present and active – a.k.a. finding your balance in unknown territory. Of course, this busy period is of your own manifesting and will be infinitely rewarding, as long as you are able to find space to take care of yourself. It may feel tempting not to slow down right now, with your fear of losing precious momentum shouting GO! GO! GO! Enter the hustling and the ladder climbing. The opportunity you have now is to rewrite the way you take things on board, so that you invite peace as a personal addition to the whole process.

While it somehow seems preposterous to factor in time for proper self-care in periods of forward motion, the fact is the more you can get grounded in your own body the more accomplished you will be at seeing everything through. And you are an achiever, you like to see results, you like to know you’ve done a good job – so why not take this opportunity to be more present with your successes and the joy they bring?
Remember that time is stretchy; it’s not that the ticking clock isn’t real, but it can be depressingly restrictive if you live with the panic that you never have enough time. A mantra I’ve always found useful when trying to get things done is: “I have all the time that I need” – if only for its ability to throw me back into the present moment where I’m more likely to actually do something! Try it when you find yourself on a deadline over the coming weeks.

New ventures are encouraged, and the energy of the month also supports you in not having to know everything. Seeking perfection can be a form of procrastination, and yes, I know you like to be prepared, but there are many magic moments waiting to be stumbled upon, so make room for some surrender – it’s that stretch again, you see. Stand firmly in the unknown and choose to be proud of every leap of faith, they can only serve to bring you more wisdom and confidence within your decisions. Finally, there is an underlying theme of travel this month, and as always this may be external or internal. Where do you want to visit? What do you want to experience? And whom do you want to spend time with? Journey on.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Pisces / Pisces Rising – King of Pentacles

This is the most grounded energy I’ve felt for you in a while, and I feel that you are going to really love it – or at least like you really need it! There is a real theme of settlement and home improvement this November, and you can work with this by considering the ways in which you grow your roots. On the actual home front, for some of you this may be as simple as finally moving into a more stable location after a few living situations that perhaps weren’t aligned with you feeling the safest.

If you are headed to a new space, then empower it from day one. You can energy clear and protect to your hearts content, but also think about your intentions for how you want to feel in your new spot; what is this new chapter bringing in for you? How can you navigate this change in the most self-loving way? On the point of stability, your career and finances are also front center, and even if you find yourself resisting the idea, taking some steps to feeling more confident in regards to your incomings and outgoings is going to feel so good. Doing taxes and accounts can always bring in the eye roll, but you feel superpowered afterwards right?

Try to remember this energy within all your endeavors. Don’t be afraid to look ahead a little and then return and see what you can do in the present to help you feel more stable in the future. Act and proceed with the earth element as your companion over the coming weeks. With water as your ruler and with a tendency to feel overwhelmed, anything that gets you more present will help you on a spiritual and emotional level. The company you are keeping also factors into this – great friendships and relationships happen when we each have something to give the other.

It may feel like you need to hang around with people exactly like you, but instead seek out those who balance you out, as well as those who you feel challenge you in a positive way. If someone is on your mind (and it’s not a mad/bad love obsession type of thing) then what does he or she ignite in you? Embrace the challenges of being a human by, well, being a human. Dive right in and really enjoy the mess of the unknown.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Aries / Aries Rising – Seven of Pentacles

With last month bringing in a whole new cycle of action it seems only natural (by the standards of the Universe at least) that a little balance needs to be returned to the mix. Over the next few months, this comes in by way of the good old surrender practice – which is perhaps the last thing you want to hear right now, since you seem to have convinced yourself that what you really need is to grow an extra ten pairs of hands in order to keep yourself together and in control of it ALL.

While it’s hard for us to grasp the power of letting go, it’s actually the thing that causes us to feel the most in control because all the surrounding stress is released, resulting in more focus. What you need to loosen your grip on right now is the feeling of wanting to see results ahead of time, otherwise known as anxiety via future tripping. And yes, you of many ideas and dreams, of course we always need to “look ahead” when planning. But there is a difference between seeing future potential, and predicting future outcomes. The cliché of “what will be will be” may never cease to annoy you, but the gold in this saying is just to allow things to move as they need.

I feel like you’ll have two major things that need your attention over the coming weeks, and it may take all your focus not to wander off in a million other directions. But trust that what is in front of you is all you need to attend to. You may find that the things you expect to see results from get delayed and the stuff you’d kind of pushed to the side suddenly comes back into the forefront – people included.

On the subject of other people, you be practicing your delegation skills at the moment, which feels equally thrilling as it does horrifying. Remember that you can’t control other people as much as you can’t control your destiny. If meetings change and people come in and out, then the words “it’s not about me” are golden. Keep stepping back and simply allowing others to help you. It will bring great wisdom, in whatever form the lessons may come. Finally, in terms of energy, you will really benefit from a lot of clearing this month, whether it’s breathing exercises at home or checking in with your energy healer – it’s not being indulgent, it’s essential!

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Taurus / Taurus Rising – Ten of Cups

After a month of inner healing you are now ready to rise to the occasion of meeting yourself where you are at. So, where ARE you at? Are you checked in or out of yourself? If you feel you still are holding onto some fear and chaos from the last few weeks, then aside from keeping up a constant vigil on the level of darkness you are allowing in, you also have to decide to open up and step out of your cave.

Reason being, is that the water element is dialed up to the max right now, suggesting to me that there is a whole wave of receiving that needs to happen. I know that it can feel SO uncomfortable to accept advice and to break down the walls when you are desperate to reinforce them. But often we need to remember that receiving the good stuff is part of helping others too, because they are waiting to give to us. An easy way to practice this is just to experimenting the art of stepping back, or even visualizing yourself stepping back and simply listening a little more. See what others have to say over the coming weeks, as it feels like you are wide open to get tuned into some great synchronicities and messages, from above and below.

You may find that great advice comes from falling down an Instagram black hole or contacting an old friend – the ways in which we can receive guidance are unlimited if we are even vaguely open to accepting it.
Meanwhile this is a beautiful month for empowering and feeling empowered by your relationships. On your side of the table, get as familiar as possible with any blocks you have to being in the company that serves you best – meaning company that brings you the right kinds of challenges, and not just overplayed negative scenarios.

You can tune into this by thinking about the one person who causes you to feel the most alive every time you hang out with them, and focus on this energy as what you want to manifest in the future. Oh and crushes – let’s not forget how fun they can be, because this is a month to play! Experiment with having a crush on everyone, practice what it feels like to rose tint your mind and see something great in every new person you meet. Can you live in the energy of attraction and use it to make you feel super powered? You may as well try, right? Let love lift you up.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Gemini / Gemini Rising – Eight of Wands

After a month of keeping things within your perceived zone of control, you will definitely need to keep on with the surrender practice in order to receive the benefits of the incoming blast of fire energy. There is a certain speed to the coming few weeks, and you may notice this as an internal thing or within the world around you. When we step into a faster paced energy it’s very easy to start embodying it in some of the more negative ways, one being frustration. After all, if you’re getting things done then shouldn’t everyone else be as equally on it as you? Well, not so much, because you aren’t in a race, and trying to force others onto your path won’t get you very far.

Fire energy is the most important part of us to learn to manage and not misfire, and on the subject of frustration, I feel you can do a lot of work this month regarding the notion of reacting vs responding. Reacting often doesn’t require much thought or feeling, it’s a quick response to a situation that bypasses the body and mind and just, well, kind of vomits out.

Hence why we never feel super great after we have thrown out a reaction that we didn’t quite mean.
This is where the power of feeling feelings comes in, which means taking in the experience you are having and letting it sit in your body for as little as 90 seconds seconds. This will grant you the distance required to responding from a place that will serve you and everybody involved the best. After all, you do want to get what you want right? And equally you hate to feel like you have been misunderstood. So just practice – taking that one deep breath, that counting to ten, that tuning in to your body.

Whilst it may feel powerful to practice responding, it may also be humbling to practice not reacting, to veer away from typically tempting dramatic scenarios, to not participate in things that don’t feel good. This is the taming of the fire energy, because then you can put the rest to good use. So what is your “good use” this month? This speedy energy, how can you make the best of it? Get up early, stay up late, do all the things that make you feel alive. Love wildly, be liberal with your compassion, create, play, and make a mess. Clear out your inbox, write your book proposal. Dream with no limits.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Cancer / Cancer Rising – Eight of Pentacles

Did you get the memo about you stepping into a new cycle? So sorry if it didn’t come through, but yes it’s back to the school of life for you. You may have been aware that the last few months have had huge themes of clearing and letting go – as well as noticing some long awaited “ah-ha” moments finally filtering in? This has all been about clearing a space for you to say hello to your most naked, clear-thinking and emboldened self.

You’ve been “stripped back” for a reason, and that’s to realign yourself with what you came here for. You could look at this from a past life in relation to present purpose viewpoint, or simply from the understanding that you are returning to some of your original intentions from years past. However you choose to understand it, the theme is centered on how you can now make the best use of the here and now. You will still find yourself randomly tugged back to moments from the past, and but here comes your chance to really choose how you view them. Are there still places where you feel the disempowered victim? Are there people you are still blaming for your feelings? Are you still cursing your journey itself?

There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging where we have felt loss – this is a major part of being a human, but there comes a point where we have to shift from this becoming our perceived blueprint for the future. Whatever has happened in the past is not going to become a pattern, unless you choose for it to be. The idea of us having to keep repeating things until we learn – yes it makes sense, but we aren’t always reminded that the way we break those cycles is by consciously deciding to step to the side and take a different path going forward.

So what pattern do you want to step out of? What way of thinking or internalizing or blaming? What dialogue in your mind can be rewritten this month? These few weeks of “back to school” – they are in place for you to re-educate yourself. So flip the switch, draw the line, say NO MORE when you really need it the most. Then what? Stop, drop and immerse yourself in self-compassion; to have chosen to change the channel, it’s not easy. But empowering? Absolutely. To remind yourself that your destiny is created by you is kind of cool, don’t you think?

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Leo / Leo Rising – The Hanged Man

Finding comfort within the discomfort is your challenge in the month to come – but don’t worry, I’m not predicting chaos! Instead, I’m challenging you to sit with the one big thing (or maybe a few) that is making you feel frustrated, impatient, and out of control. You know what it is right? That feeling where you are dyyiiingggg to know the outcome of a certain scenario? Or that niggling itch of waiting for someone to just sort.It.Out! These are all fire energy challenges of course, and your home element always invites you over and over again to work more deeply with it, to master it, to empower it.

So hang in there, yes literally. The next few weeks are just for practicing being still, hence why there might be some discomfort, because it’s not easy to be still when there are a million things racing around our minds. What we discover from just sitting with ourselves however, is that when we stop our mind gets a chance to mirror our body, there is a filtering through and a slowness that arrives when we allow ourselves to just FEEL for a bit. I’d like you to practice feeling each racing thought, each out of control panic, each spot of frustration. Invite the emotions that comes up into your body, just say “hey,” and tell yourself it’s safe to be here, because it is.

Meanwhile, outside your body and your experiences I ask you to practice a little surrender with regards the other people in your life. Can you let them just be where they are at too? Remember there’s a difference between teaching and preaching. Trying to force change upon others will never work, but it will cause you to keep getting more and more annoyed. One of the most powerful things we can do is to just let others be, and to support them in their process.

Share your ideas and let them resonate with what they need, which likely won’t be the same as you and that is a good thing. Imagine how boring and creepy the world would be if we all were in the exact same place – it would feel out of balance. We need the subtleties of each individual journey in order to learn compassion, discover friendships. and experience love. Oh and p.s. If you need a spot of help to find this calm space, then ask for help, whether this means shaking it out at your favorite dance class or visiting your on-call shaman – someone has got your back.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Virgo / Virgo Rising – Seven of Cups

Enter November, the month of mystery! Are you living it up in a whirlwind right now? I feel like you’ve been all over the place recently, physically and mentally, taking in SO much new information, inviting in so many new experiences, all up in your feelings AND your thoughts. So, how are you doing? In case some of you are tapping into some moments of overwhelm and confusion, just remember that you ARE the earth energy and that a sense of grounding is at your fingertips any time you should need it.

I feel that you might enjoy a good old dose of earth to kick you back into your body as the month begins. Noooo I’m not trying to ruin your fun! The more you are IN your body, the more you can enjoy the magical mystery tour you’re on, get it? So do whatever you do to feel full of your human self, and if you’re drawing a blank, think rooted foods, Epsom salts, cord cutting energy meditations, exercise, nature.

Anyway, back to the whirlwind; with all these exciting things in the mix it’s worth checking in with anywhere that you feel a bit lost, which often happens when we have embraced a billion new feelings. It’s easy to feel out of control. On one hand, I feel it’s pretty great for you to experience this, a never-ending lesson that we are never really in control that you know more than most, but which continues to be beneficial. So what can you release from your grip that you kind of don’t need anyway? Sometimes we are trying to control things that we aren’t even that bothered about. I feel there’s at least one thing you’re obsessing about just for the sake of it. Why? Check in with why you need to be still holding that string and remind yourself that it’s safe to let go.

I also feel like November is going to be quite prophetic in the dream department, so take this time to consider starting a dream journal. Remember to not take things too literally though; as in NO all your teeth aren’t going to fall out, but yes maybe that dream about your old partner does mean you still have some clearing to do. On this subconscious theme, why not create some rituals too, using them to cast some intentions with a vibe of self-empowerment at the core. Enjoy being alone, nothing is missing, you know what you need.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Libra / Libra Rising – The Moon

In perfect contrast to last month’s light, you are invited to again cast yourself back into the darkness – but this time it’s less about the deep diving, and more the making magic. The Moon is your mistress over the coming weeks and I’d love for you to work with her themes, noticing how the subtle arc of her journey matches up to your own moods. The Moon represents our subconscious and governs all that is hidden, and so you might like to also look upon the coming weeks as a time of self-investigation.

I must remind you however, that this is not the same as self-sabotage, self-punishment or any sort of internal blame gaming. Instead, this is a chance to sift through, unearth and bring to the surface anything that seems to have been prodding at you from within recently. You will all be acutely aware of what this thing might be and I want you to acknowledge the fear or the scenario and LOVE the hell out of it. What? Yes that IS what I said; I want you to throw all the compassion you can muster upon these shadowy scenes, because this will help you discover the way through and out.

It’s so easy to cast anger and resentment on the niggling things we know we need to work on and it rarely gets us anywhere, but to show them mercy and grace? Beautiful – and also, so empowering. It might be that you bring forth a younger version of yourself and simple say “it’s okay.” Or perhaps you look upon a negative mindset and just go, “okay, I see you, how can we work together?” The entire nature of your subconscious is that it’s YOUR subconscious, so you may as well discover a plan to cast miracles together.

In regards to the external themes of the Moon, keep returning back to your body before casting out opinions or conclusions. It can be easy to get intuition and suspicion mixed up, reason being that we often carry the past into our present and speak from there rather than what’s actually happening. For anything that feels even slightly blurry or confused, keep giving yourself a moment to get IN the moment. All matters that feel important really deserve time and consideration. Take your time to act from embodiment rather than out of haste, and you will feel so on it with your communication. You and the Moon, totally BFFs now right?

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


Why the Selfridges Astrolounge is the perfect balance of the mystical and the material…

Ruby Warrington My Mystical Life Selfridges Astrolounge


It’s been so much fun spending time back at Selfridges department store for the launch of my Astrolounge project with them. If you’ve missed this, a) where have you been, and b) The Numinous has basically helped the team at Selfridges create a mystical Christmas grotto. Full of gifts themed around magic and astrology, it’s essentially this site come to life! A total dream project – not least because it’s meant going back to the source of my long-time love affair with luxury. Y-u-m.

Come pay day, Selfridges was always my first port of call in my old fashion magazine life – where “gifting” myself with a new pair of shoes felt like the ultimate act of self-love. I got properly high on the buzz of being surrounded by beautiful things, and the fact I could even afford to shop there it felt like a massive achievement.

And maybe it’s because I’ve got Jupiter, planet of enthusiasm and expansion, in Taurus, the sign governing material possessions – but no matter how far my numinous journey takes me into the spiritual realm, and the understanding that ALL LIFE becomes beautiful when you begin to pay attention and tend lovingly to your inner world, I’ll always be a sucker for a perfectly executed piece of designer life-candy.

Still, it’s been eye-opening to watch the new, numinous me back in that environment. Meaning the new me who rarely spends money on catwalk clothes, because I no longer work in an environment where labels mean anything. Or the new me who prefers to invest in things I’ve found to have a longer-lasting impact on my overall happiness – workshops, retreats, and other healing experiences.

And eye-opening because, having taken a step back from the lure of luxury, I have found myself extremely present to the spell we are placed under in its presence! Because check it out yo, after a week of soaking up the Selfridges vibe, pretty much all I can think about is this intergalactic sweater by Bella Freud (OMG). In the faerie realms they call it the “glamour” – the magic that can turn ashes and dead leaves into enticing fruit and sparkling wine.

All of which is SO not to suggest that I’m somehow a “better” person because I’ve found new ways to experience self-love, or that there’s no deeper value in beautiful objects. Marie Kondo writes brilliantly about material things and their place in the context of our spiritual experience in The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, summed up in the quote below. The real beauty for me is in the material / mystical balance, which is everything the Selfridges Astrolounge encompasses so effortlessly.

Marie Kondo quote I am extremely grateful to be surrounded by what I love on The Numinous

Check out an edit of the products on offer in the Selfridges Astrolounge, plus details of our Magic Mondays workshops happening in the space, at


Amplify your psychic protection with this bath time Halloween ritual, says Deborah Hanekamp. Images: Zsuzsanna Dofka via

Halloween ritual bath on The Numinous

As we enter the season of the winds, the veil between the spiritual worlds becomes thin. A time of strong psychic awareness, we open to valuable teachings from Great Spirit and our personal intuition. Energetically charged people and places, as well as lingering spirits, also become very apparent to the spiritually sensitive. For this reason, now is a time to work with extra psychic protection.

Dear One, understand this; the highest form of protection is awareness. And that love is the vehicle to awareness; become more loving, become more aware. Fear is the opposite of love, fear distracts us. But if in the midst of fear we can use our breath to go back to love and awareness, we are already so protected.

The below Halloween ritual bath and practices are tools to strengthen our connection to love, to awareness, and therefore protect us as we journey into winter.


  • Black Tourmaline, a crystal of high psychic protection, is invaluable during this time. Carry a small piece in your pocket or as a piece of jewelry. Sleep with Black Tourmaline under your pillow to protect your dream body.
  • Rosemary carries the protection of the divine feminine. Wear a drop of Rosemary essential oil on the crown of your head, and she will protect with the awareness of a mother wolf.
  • Connect to nature. Offer tobacco or white sage to a tree, stand barefoot on the roots and hold your back body to the tree. As your feet connect to tree’s spirit release any charged psychic energy you are holding through your feet, asking the earth to transform that energy into love.

Halloween ritual bath on The Numinous


1 cup of Epsom Salt
4 cups of Nettles Tea infusion
1 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
A few drops of Rosemary essential oil
A few drops of Rose Water or Rose Absolute Essential Oil

Fluorite, Quartz, Citrine and Black Tourmaline

Add all ingredients to a bath of water as hot as you can stand.

Light candles around the bath
Smudge your self by burning white sage and cedar around your body, wafting the smoke towards you with a feather
Step into the bath
Take three deep cleansing breaths
Place a candle directly in front of you and stare into the flame without blinking for five minutes. Let the flame clear your mind and bring you into psychic awareness
Dunk your head under the water
Place the Quartz crystal under you at the back of your heart, place the citrine on your solar plexus, hold the Fluorite in your left hand and the Black Tourmaline in your right
Chant the sound “Aum” (Om) at least three times
Soak in and enjoy the protective energy you’ve created

Halloween ritual bath on The Numinous


Get creative with a Halloween make-up tutorial from MAC Cosmetics…just click on the image to see how to do it!


Black Cat Halloween Make-up Tutorial on The Numinous



Egyptian Goddess Halloween Makeup tutorial on The Numinous



Day of the Dead Halloween Make-up tutorial on The Numinous



Zombie Halloween make-up tutorial on The Numinous


We want to see your Halloween make-up looks too! Post them on Instagram and tag @The_Numinous. We’ll share our favorite freaky faces…


The October 27 Full Moon in Taurus is here to shine a light on what you truly value and love about yourself, says Hannah Ariel…

Full Moon in Taurus post by Hannah Ariel for The Numinous

“You have extraordinary treasures hidden within you. Bringing forth those treasures takes work and faith and focus and courage. Do you have the courage to bring forth this work? The treasures that are hidden inside you are hoping you will say yes.” – Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic

Hold on and dig deep into the heart; Tuesday October 27th we have ourselves a full moon at three degrees Taurus, shining its lovelight. What do you love most deeply about yourself? How can you build on what you find? Where do you want to go from there? Do you have the courage to let go of exhausted endeavors and expired relationships in order to bring forth more of your own creativity? The light of this Moon is at work to uncover the subtle nature of the way you experience fulfillment.

A Venus-ruled jewel in the sky, this Full Moon in Taurus is indeed a treasure with positive aspects every which way. The Moon is on the receiving end of a triple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Mars in Virgo and the power of Pluto in Capricorn – loosely forming a grand trine, a trinity of earthly energy. Venus, Jupiter and Mars are a triple conjunction of attraction, expansion and action all at once. Natural fulfillment of our most sincere efforts is a promise. With the Sun in Scorpio only you will know the secret to what your heart truly desires. Scorpio energy is dynamic, personal, intrinsically motivated, and will give you the strength to honor what you learn about your deepest needs this week.

Since the Full Moon in Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, while Venus happens to be quite busy making multiple connections to multiple planets on this day, taking a closer look to see what Venus is doing will show us we have more than enough energy at hand to strengthen our understanding of how things are evolving…

Venus conjunct (combined and infused) with Jupiter and Mars in Virgo: We are seeing what we value in the light of a whole new reality. With an expanded sense of what is possible, our actions are more aligned than ever with all that we want to attract more of into our lives. The ground rules have shifted. There is room for so much more health and happiness.

Venus in Virgo trine (harmonious flow of support) with Pluto in Capricorn: We are being attracted to people and opportunities that connect with parts of our soul that need to be harnessed. The power of our attractions is real right now. Roles are transforming. Meaningful and destined relationships are growing organically, while others continue to naturally fall away. Leave concerns about your love life to the Universe.

Venus in Virgo in an opposition (face to face) with Chiron in Pisces: We are learning to heal our imperfections by allowing ourselves to be imperfect. It is a time to let go of shame and self-blame and allow things to surface and just be – especially in regard to relationships. Trust the natural flow of things no matter how messy or chaotic it may appear at the moment; free yourself from needing to control every detail, save the day or save face. Find peace. Create more art. Hold off on passing judgment on yourself or others. Find a quiet space. Loose yourself to the flow of time; know that everything we wish to attract takes time.

Two weeks ago, the New Moon asked us to re-think what is possible, see through who we have been in relation to others and re-define who we want to be with brilliant clarity. This Full Moon in Taurus wants to make sure we deepen our connection to our love, our creativity, and tighten our own inner laws of attraction to manifest true happiness. It takes a Supermoon like this one to reveal our innermost resources and appreciate the richness we feel when we tap into them. So say “yes” to what you have to offer to yourself and others from the heart; the rest of the magic will manifest…Big Magic.

For additional support, chanting during this Full Moon is highly favored as Taurus rules the throat chakra; where we need to say “yes” more. It is within this energy center that we experience our capacity for creativity, and allow the life force to lovingly speak through us. As the tide is high, we have a lot of power to activate and heal the throat chakra, especially through chanting mantra – mantra is a sound wave that upon repetition enables us to wipe out fears and align with a lively, more gratifying, energy flow.

Try chanting Ong Sohung – a heart centered mantra – at this time, to activate your creative consciousness and remind your heart that it has a say in what comes next. “Ong” means the creative consciousness of the universe. “Sohung” means I am that! Listen and sing along to this enchanting version by Snatam Kaur for a totally healing and expansive Full Moon in Taurus experience – not forgetting that Taurus also rules music and the metaphysical experience of song! Let the power of this mantra remind you that you are endlessly gifted inside.

For a personal reading with Hannah Ariel contact her at [email protected]

How will you use the Full Moon in Taurus energy this week? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter


“Women ourselves have bought into this idea of ‘feminine’ as meaning ‘weaker’…” Jo Becker‘s Marianne Williamson interview speaks to what it means to be woman and a spiritual activist.

marianne williamson interview for The Numinous


Marianne Williamson is a powerhouse. The fierce voice of modern spirituality shares her love-driven ideas on how to heal America far and wide: she’s written four New York Times #1 bestsellers, chats with Oprah on the regular, and even ran for Congress in 2013. To me, she embodies the future of feminine leadership and spiritual activism.

I’m inspired by her eloquent commitment to heart-centered change. Years before I read her books, I heard her life-changing statement from A Return to Love, the quotation she is now famous for:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

I caught up with her at an Institute of Noetic Sciences conference. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell founded IONS back in 1973 after experiencing samadhi during the flight back to earth. Since then, IONS has been devoted to bringing together science and spirituality. I see Marianne Williamson as similarly groundbreaking in her work: she joyfully and relentlessly marries political activism with spiritual awareness.

The Dalai Lama said, “The world does not need more successful people. The world desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.” Personally, I think the world needs successful peacemakers, healers, and lovers; and numinous women like Marianne Williamson are shining examples.

A lot of people think that “spiritual activism” is a contradiction. What would you say to them?
Spiritual activism is a change in thinking: from a mental filter of fear to a mental filter of love. Given that thought is the causal level of all experience, active thought and change of thought is the most powerful force in the Universe.

Earlier today, a scientist was talking about how information, as in data, is only 10% of what causes people to actually change their behavior. And we have the data. We know what climate change is doing, we know how dangerous nuclear power is. We have the data on what violence on television and video games is doing to young people’s brains, we have the data on the carcinogens that are in the air…So why is it that “knowing the data” isn’t enough to make us change?

What makes us change comes from a deeper place, and that’s what spiritual activism is. It’s when something of the spirit, of the heart, becomes active in our thinking, and our thinking gets lit up. Because the mind itself can be used for purposes of love or purposes of fear, so spiritual activism is when we seek to do whatever it is we do from a place of love and with the intention of love.

And I’m talking about the love with which the mother lion protects her cubs. The love with which the adult female [and some males] of any species that survives and thrives exhibits fierce behavior when she senses that her cubs are threatened. So the marginalization of spirituality, the minimization of love as force, is just part of the ego mind’s propaganda.

Do you resonate with what the Dalai Lama said: “the Western woman will save the world?”
Of course I resonate with it, but with all due respect to the Dalai Lama, I don’t think we need any man’s verification. I have a bit of a problem with the fact that we’re quoting a man to affirm our own power. I have the same great respect and reverence for His Holiness as anyone, but come on girls! I think what’s most important is that you say it. And I say it. Because we are affirming what we are doing: that this world is changing because we say so. Because we say so.

Marianne Williamson interview the aphrodite training on The Numinous

You’re doing a lot of work right now with balancing masculine and feminine energies in women. Why is this important to you?
It’s such a significant issue. I am a product of the 1970’s wave of feminism—obviously the women’s movement is a wonderful thing, obviously I consider myself a feminist. But there is what I think of as a flawed strain of feminism, through which we actually suppressed the feminine in the name of feminism. And we embodied in many cases the archetype of Athena. She goes out there, she goes into the world, she manifests, she makes things happen.

But we get to embody as many energies, i.e. goddesses, as we choose, and Aphrodite is important as well. She embodies romance and beauty and pleasure, and I think many women, myself included have had a lot of psychic scars from buying into the belief that cultivating the masculine side of ourselves was actually more important than cultivating the feminine side.

I also think a lot of women have come to a very confusing point in their lives, realizing ‘I made this happen’ or ‘I made that happen.’ ‘I had these professional goals—some of which I’ve manifested, some of which I haven’t.’ But when are the other areas of my life, which are just as important to me, going to occur? Old wise women don’t get pregnant.

I’ve seen a lot of young women particularly deeply saddened, even traumatized, by the fact that while they feel they’re on some track professionally, their relationships, and child-bearing and deeper issues of cultivation of the family and romance have become…it’s like women are standing there saying, ‘How did I become clueless in this area?’ And then not only ‘How did I become clueless?’ but ‘What are the clues?’ They’ve become lost.

Inviting in the Aphrodite energy of love, pleasure, beauty – what does that look like in a woman?
The integration of the Aphrodite and the Athena in my own life has been so important. I think obviously we’re all masculine, we’re all feminine, but women are here to major in feminine. It’s part of honoring our incarnation not to sideline something so fundamental to our being. And women ourselves have bought into this idea of ‘feminine’ as meaning ‘weaker’ without knowing it. Not women as weaker, but feminine attributes as weaker. I think many of us are seeking to reclaim lost pieces of ourselves, scattered pieces of ourselves.

What advice do you have for young women?
I think my biggest advice to young women would be, ‘enjoy it while you got it.’

And not try to be the ‘wise woman’ before your time?
The decades of life are like different rooms in the house. I have a daughter, early childhood, junior high, tween, high school college, now she’s a woman on her own. None of those phases is more or less magnificent than any other. And being in your 20s is fantastic, so be in your 20s when you’re in your 20s. Being in your 50s is fantastic; being in your 60s is fantastic. With every phase you lose something and you gain something. Be where you are when you’re there.

Having said that, I think something good is happening among American women. We’re starting to catch up, and we need to. We’ve not been the most mature group compared to women in other societies. And we’ve acted like we’re clueless regarding the suffering of women around the world, particularly at the hands of our own government in too many cases. We decry the policies towards women of a place like Saudi Arabia and for good reason, but when we invade countries that didn’t do anything to hurt us, a lot of the people who are dying in such invasion are women and their children.

So this is not a time for women of any age to be ditzy. This is a time to be deep. But I see many women of all ages seeking greater depth and it’s inspiring.


How do you think we can start to wake up to the suffering of others without dismissing it as ‘other people’s karma’?
Oh please! What a brilliant ego device that is. It might be that person’s karma to be starving, but it is my karma to give them food. Their karmic challenge might be that challenge; my karmic challenge is to help those who suffer that way. The ego is brilliant at coming up with excuses for not helping. There is no serious spiritual path, and there never has been, that gives any of us a pass at addressing the suffering of other sentient beings.

Now, get sucked in by it? Absolutely not. But there’s a difference between denial and transcendence. If you don’t even look at it, you’re not in transcendence. You’re in denial. But if you look at it and practice positive denial, which is: I deny the power of this phenomenon to continue. Why? Because I said so. Because I’m gonna do something about it. Because I know other people are gonna do something about it and we’re gonna make sure this ends. That’s positive denial.

Do you have a daily spiritual practice?
I am a student of A Course in Miracles. The course is 365 days of lessons; mine today is, ‘I will be still an instant and go home.’ Yesterday was, ‘I trust my brothers who are one with me.’ It’s a specific curriculum for dismantling a thought system based on fear, and accepting instead a thought system based on love. So spiritual exercise becomes like physical exercise. You are rebuilding your body, but with spiritual exercise you are honing your attitudinal musculature, just like in yoga. You want the correct position in your attitude, just like in your body. With physical exercise, you are developing your physical muscles so you can be strong and run. In spiritual exercise you are developing your capacity to be still. Your capacity for impulse control.

What practical applications does this have? It means there is a greatly diminished probability that you will send the frickin’ text that you will regret for six months. It diminishes the possibility you will say or do something or push the send button that will so sabotage a relationship or work situation or whatever. It diminishes the possibility that you will be so distracted by the meaningless chaos of the world that you will not be able to show up fully as a fully actualized human. We wake up in the morning and we take a shower because we want yesterday’s dirt to be cleansed off our bodies, but if you don’t meditate or pray, you might not be cleaning yesterday’s dirt from your mind. So internal purification is as important as external purification.

Marianne Williamson’s The Aphrodite Training began October 23 2015 and will continue to be available via live stream through October 25 2015. Get all the details and sign up here.


Check out the Selfridges Astrolounge, and join The Numinous for our Magic Mondays workshop series…

Numinous founder ruby warrinton magic mondays at the selfridges astro lounge YRStore birth chart shirt

So this week in London has ALL been about the opening of the Selfridges Astrolounge, a magical Christmas grotto in the Oxford Street flagship I’ve been working on with the Selfridges team all year. The space is open until December 24 and is basically The Numinous, in a store! All themed around astrology and mysticism, I helped curate the product offer – think alchemical beauty offerings, astro-themed accessories and jewelry, mind-expanding books, and all kinds of cosmic gifts.

And of course, it’s also where you can get one of our custom birth chart t-shirts, which are printed to order in store. If you can’t get down there to check it out IRL, you can browse the full Astrolounge selection online – and even go on a mystical journey and do all your Christmas shopping by star sign! What can I say, DREAM PROJECT. And the final piece of the puzzle is a series of workshops The Numinous is also hosting in the space.

Taking place each Monday evening from Oct 26 – Dec 7, the series is titled – yep – Magic Mondays, and I’ve invited some of my favorite modern mystics down to do their thing. Full listings and links to book are below. Hope to see you there!


madeline giles angelic breath healing magic mondays selfridges astrolounge the numinousMadeline is the founder of Angelic Breath Healing, which is a non-denominational tool for healing and receiving clear divine guidance from the Angels. During the session, Madeline will share teachings about connecting with your guardian angel, who can assist each person to experience greater levels of peace, health and happiness. Then, she will lead participants through an active breathing meditation set to music to help connect with your guardian angel’s guidance, facilitating a healing shift in attitudes and emotions around asking and receiving help.


bethany harper walsh the sup love magic mondays selfridges astrolounge the numinous

Join The Sup Luv founder Bethany Harper Walsh for an interactive talk about staying healthy and vibrant during the holiday season, as well as tips for how to start your New Year off on the right nutritional foot. Topics covered will include top holiday fails when it comes to wellness and optimal health; hangovers, overeating, cravings, and coping with stress and digestion. We’ll also discuss how to capitalize on nourishing traditional Christmas foods that are often overlooked, with an emphasis on supplementing smartly, lifestyle factors and functional nourishment.To finish, raw vegan chef Chelsea Parsons of Well+Happy will demonstrate a fun and healthy holiday treat alternative, followed by an audience Q&A.


Marika messager shaman magic mondays selfridges astrolounge the numinous

Join modern shamanic practitioner Marika Messager for a guided meditation to meet your Spirit Animal. In shamanic tradition, we are all connected to guides from the animal realm, whose special strengths we can draw on to support and comfort us in times of need. During the session, Marika will offer a brief introduction on how to work with Spirit Animals, while there will be an opportunity to discuss the different animals and their meanings after the meditation itself.


Dreamcatcher workshop shes lost control jill urwin selfridges astrolounge the numinous

Join Jill Urwin and Cheryl Eltringham, the creative due behind She’s Lost Control, for a workshop to make your own contemporary Dreamcatcher. In Native American tradition, Dreamcatchers are hung above the bed to aid good dreams in making their way into the consciousness of the sleeper – while keeping nightmares at bay. During the session, Jill will give a brief introduction to Dreamcatchers, before leading the group in a practical workshop to create their own piece to take home. Materials will be included in the ticket price.


guru jagat yogic beauty secrets magic mondays selfridges astrolounge the numinous

Join LA wellness and lifestyle tastemaker Guru Jagat, founder of the groundbreaking Ra Ma Institute in Venice Beach and Boulder Colorado and a leading light in the contemporary Kundalini Yoga community, for an evening of Yogic Beauty Secrets. During the session, Guru Jagat will lead a short Kundalini Kriya (sequence) to attune the energy of the group, before sharing some ancient and unusual yogic wisdom for looking and feeling your best for the Christmas party season. Guru Jagat’s new book, A No-Nonsense Guide to Having More Energy, Feeling Better, and Being More Inspired with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, will be published by HarperElixir in October 2016.


Louise Androlia flower crown workshop magic mondays selfridges astrolounge the numinous

LA-based artist, life coach and intuitive Louise Androlia leads a workshop to create your own sumptuous winter flower crown. Working with seasonal faux blooms to capture the spirit of Christmas, participants will also be guided by Louise to create mantras infused with positive intentions to be incorporated into their creation. All materials are included, and you will take home your own beautiful, high-vibrational accessory, to amplify your look and your life this party season. #DestinationChristmas


Getting the most from an intuitive reading is all about learning good psychic hygiene, says Elyssa Jakim.

Good Psychic Hygiene post with neon sign on The Numinous


As a medium, a channel, and an intuitive (yes, some like to use the word “psychic”), I have received my fair share of readings. I went through a period of being obsessed with getting readings, in fact: psychic, tarot, astrology, you name it. Looking back on it, this phase helped me innumerably as a reader, but more than that, it helped me to be okay with the process of life itself. So, I talking about good “psychic hygiene,” I do not mean clearing your energy field or removing stuck spirits (we could talk about this another time) – I actually mean being a good receiver. Having good reading receiving mind will enable you to feel like the true mistress of your destiny – which of course you absolutely are.

Here are my tips for how to receive intuitive readings in a healthy and productive way:

1. Keep what works
A reading should not feel punishing. A reading should not make you feel bad about yourself. I don’t know about you, but I’ve often gone into readings, heard a lot of great stuff about where I’m at, and then heard about a few challenges. I hold on to the challenges like they’re sad, sticky glue, and forget 95% of the mostly positive stuff! So write down the 95%. Use it to create positive affirmations. Go back to it to keep you going and keep you glowing. It’s my personal belief that the messages that feel like balm to your body and soul are the ones to really listen to.

I talked to a wonderful astrologer friend after getting a reading with some thorns, some challenges. She said that a reading should be up-lifting. If there are things that dishearten you about the information received, just throw them away. There’s no need to be punish yourself with what you hear. When the hard stuff comes up, this is a message to keep doing the best you can, so go gentle. Simply creating awareness around the challenges helps to move them. When in doubt, throw it out, and hold yourself with love. It’s a brave step to even get a reading, so be proud of yourself for showing up for your growth.

2. Don’t be too literal
I once had a reading with an incredibly skilled medium that was very specific. My grandmother came through and her message was: “you need to continue your career as an actress…this healing stuff is keeping you an in igloo of isolation, it’s good for you, but it’s not your path.” I also got the name of a lover (someone I already knew) who was apparently my soul mate, and would become my partner in the next few months. So I threw myself into acting again with gusto – for the next three weeks or so. And it felt really good. But you know what, I ran out of steam. And the man didn’t come in. I tried to connect with him but it didn’t work out. This was also very hard because she had told me “he will contact you.” So my love life was on a weird hold for a few months.

Looking back, I believe that this reading was extremely important and got me to where I am now, even though the details did not come to pass. When it came to acting, I made amends with people I’d had deep wounds with. I made myself open to a passion that I’d blocked off. I also had to claim my desire to be a healer for myself, regardless of what spirit was telling me (it was the advice of a concerned grandmother after all). After this, the pursuit of acting felt less important.

And as for the man? What I learned eventually was that it wasn’t him specifically who was going to come in, but it would be him who woke something up in me and allowed me to feel my worthiness. He made me believe that I could be with an incredible man. The dream of him gave me a sense of how incredible I was, and that’s what I really needed. Vibrationally, that reading catapulted me forward into a different phase. Spirit gave me the information I needed to hear, in a format that was right for me then. I had to let go of the exact details in order to be free enough to enter this next phase. So, don’t take a reading too literally—take it as an event to catapult you into the vibration you’re ready to stand in.

3. Stay in the present
Remember when we called intuitives and tarot readers “fortune tellers?” A reader is reading your current fate – your current vibration. Thus, it’s a reading of your present, not your future. But if you make changes to your present situation, your “fortune” can and will change. That’s why it’s so hard for psychics to read timing. Plus, there really is such a thing as divine timing.

I was getting a tarot reading from a dear friend and intuitive that clarifies this principle. The first cards in the spread opened up a conversation between the two of us about my healing work. The next 30 minutes of the reading became a brainstorming session about what I offer and what I do, and places where I could feel more vibrant, and places where I could shift. This discussion was not “in the cards,” but the cards inspired this. By the time we finished this portion of the conversation, my lovely reader said “well, the other cards are not your cards any more. This reading would have ended with you being stuck. But you adjusted your vibration and now you’re on a different path.”

We literally changed my fate over the course of the reading! This is why it’s important to think of this as a reading of your present. It’s not about fortune or future telling, it’s about reading between the lines on the current page of the book of life, and then encouraging you to choose your own adventure.

4. Find the right reader
Keep in mind that whomever is reading for you is going to have a slant. No one is going to be a perfectly clear channel. So this means it’s up to you to find someone who feels as objective, open-minded and balanced to you as possible. Find someone who does the soul work him or herself. Someone who is truly “OTP” (on the path). The more worldly and open-minded a reader is, the more likely that the times their channel is a tad fuzzy around the edges (we all have our off days!), they are still going to deliver a reading choc full of wisdom and love. Spirit is always loving, always rooting for you, and always wants to scoop all of you up in compassion. Ideally, a reading and a reader should let you feel the well of love and peace that’s always available to you.

5. Be your own psychic
At the end of the day, you must be your own psychic. Everyone is born with four psychic senses (hearing, feeling, seeing, knowing), and everyone can learn to develop them. But beyond this, when you think about it, we’re all practicing our psychic skills all the time. We’re all doing our best to make choices that serve our highest and best, and hopefully the good of others too. At the end of the day, we’ve got to ask, “how much do I need to know all the answers?” and “how much room do I give myself to make mistakes?” Allowing yourself to make mistakes in your life is perhaps the best psychic hygiene you can practice. Know that you are trying your best, and that is always one hundred percent good enough. When given a tough decision: ask your body, trust yourself, and give yourself leeway to not know.

To summarize, the best way to manifest a beautiful future is to enjoy the present and all that it has to offer. So if a reading’s got you feeling down on yourself and your life, throw it away and find a way to dance or laugh or sing and enjoy the richness of life, as it is constantly unfolding around you.


Symbolizing every step of the creative process, learning how to work with each Moon Phase will help you birth your deepest desires, says Hannah Ariel

Every month we have the opportunity to creatively attune our awareness of our intentions to the rhythm of the lunation cycle. The Moon moves through time and space like a meditative mind in relation to the light of the Sun. When we steadily and willfully accompany this odyssey, we begin to see our potential manifest in a new light. We begin to live in a reality more closely related to the visions being illuminated in our mind as we see them through, every step of the way.

As the Moon changes its position to the Sun every day, a universal process of dynamic growth is being reflected here on earth. This means that every time we look to the sky upholding our dreams, symbolically we can see how much is possible – how much energy is available for us on a daily basis, so long as we maintain an awareness of this interplay. Every time we set an intention, by aligning our energy with the Moon our manifestation skills are sharpened, and we come that much closer to living out our most impactful prospects.

Approximately every 30 days, whether we choose to recognize and intentionally work with the energy or not, we all take a journey on Earth. Between the Sun and the Moon, between the unconscious and conscious worlds, the seen and the unseen, we birth new realities each month. There is a poetry contained within every lunation phase. There is a map for us to observe and subjectively identify with. Here’s how to work with each Moon Phase to let it guide the unfolding of your intentions…

first quarter moon phase on the numinous

When the Moon reaches its first quarter phase, it faces us at a 90 degree angle appearing half full, half illuminated, and half in shadow. We are beginning to see what it will take for our intentions to come to fruition and can sense the creative tension of the process. The first quarter is a rite of passage that vitalizes our awareness to take action, take initiation, put or intentions to work. Often a sense of outrageous courage begins to build as we wish to release our will into the world. This is also a time to engage in community, have conversation with those around you and begin to vocalize your intentions. Through action or conversation, is time to literally “get a reaction” in order to gain more insight into the dynamics of the world around you. Allow yourself to relate to what is taking place outside of you and acknowledge that there is a container out there for you to take considerably effective action.

first quarter moon phase on the numinous

When the moon is full, it is aligned between the earth and sun where sun’s light is shining on to the moon leaving the illuminated side to face us as the shadow remains hidden in plain view. As the light is shone upon the moon we are shown there is another side to what we have intended, all we have thought of, real or imagined comes to the surface. Our consciousness expands into full bloom and we feel all the implications of our intention. All impressions are gathered and at a heightened frequency we realize whether or not our understanding as a whole fulfills us or not. It can be a time of brilliant clarity when we grow even closer to ourselves and deepen our self-understanding. Everything that takes place during a full moon reflects the accompanying reality of our intentions and points the way to realizing their power. Full moons can show us things have yet to see for ourselves.

third quarter moon phase on the numinous

When the moon is at its third quarter phase it faces us at a 90 degree angle appearing half full again, while the sun rises, half in shadow and half illuminated. As the sun rises, unusual revelations dawn on us. We integrate with an expanded awareness, how we have been affected by the intentions we began to put out at the new moon; how they have been received. We are given time to process what has come to light and internalize the heart of the matter. We can interpret events around this time as “frustrating” when really we are truly trying for a solution. During a third quarter moon the time has come to either break down preconceptions that were not helping us fulfill our intentions or further crystalize ideas that have helped us take responsibility and have enhanced out ability to carry out our wishes and sense of purpose.

Dark Moon phase on The Numinous

The period right before the moon is new again, where there is no solar reflection and the moon passes through the zodiac constellation where the last new moon takes place we have what is referred to as a dark moon period. We have seen all there was to see no we must sense what remains, what will come before us in the next cycle. There is much mythology surrounding this particular phase. In India this phase of the moon is associated with the goddess Kali, black one and force of time. It is said when we are the most psychic and connected to the subtle worlds that whisper to us both our highest inspirations and our deepest subconscious fears ultimately allowing us to cut straight to the point of what remains. It is an incredible time to go within and observe what comes up within you as these are the secrets that will help shape your next moon intention.

new moon phase on The Numinous

:: NEW MOON ::
When the moon is new it is aligned between the earth and the sun in such a way that we cannot see what is illuminated from the other side. With a mysterious sense of new beginnings taking place this is a prime time to set an intention as we say, plant a seed; allow for a creative impulse to arise from the depths of a visualization or meditation practice. Whether you write it down or repeat it like a mantra, the idea here is to get it up and out; bring it to your attention and focus in on the potential. The slate has been cleared so to speak. We can breathe deep as the creative process begins. A certain universal positivity can be restored as we remember how life continues to give us space to move into uncharted territory. It is a time to live through the powerful imaginative forces of nature and intuitively grasp up for possibilities of what is to come.

Hannah Ariel is also available for Moon Phase readings – depending on which phase the Moon was in at the time of birth can help uncover a person’s natural born instinctual approach to problem solving. Contact her at: [email protected]


In your weekly tarotscope for October 19 2015, the Page of Swords grants you permission to flip the story, says Louise Androlia

You can watch last week’s weekly tarotscope at the link – did Louise’s message resonate with you? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!