The 10 of Wands wants you to get gutsy, trust your intuitive hits, and then spark up your fullest fires and take action, says Melinda Lee Holm …
The Starchild Tarot
Your Numinous Tarotscopes March 2018 are here, cast by Melinda Lee Holm using the Starchild Tarot …
The Lovers
Happy solar return, dear Pisces! You know I have your symbol tattooed on my finger, right? I have an absolute riches of Pisces in my life. We seem to be cosmically drawn together. This is surely due in part to your enviable ability to deeply empathize and identify with others. Sometimes, however, this gift can lead you to engage in some patterns of behavior that don’t serve your highest good or that of others. Therapists call these patterns co-dependency, but any pattern that has you consistently putting the needs of others before your own, leaving you feeling drained and unappreciated is one that could use a tune up. How are you staying small or silent to avoid conflict? Where are you leaking out personal power in the service of maintaining an uneasy peace?
This month, The Lovers is here to help you practice the art of being a great partner through being great on your own. The astrological correspondence of this card is Gemini, mutable Air sign ruled by Mercury, planet of communication. So The Lovers is not really about romance. Its teachings concern the art of being close to another, “twinned” even, while maintaining autonomy and individuality. When we diminish ourselves to make others comfortable, we are not serving anyone’s best interests. Our partners need us strong, healthy, and in posession of a unique perspective that can only be offered by a fully autonomous individual. They key here is communication. How can you open up to your partner to express your needs in a way that allows you both to maintain your sovereignty while affirming your dedication to your relationship?
Your stone for March: Sunstone
Two of Swords
If you liked the week of February 1st, I have great news for you, Aries! You get a whole month of it in March. The Two of Swords is back for you, giving you a great opportunity to deepen your understanding and mastery of this fundamental Air energy. And if the idea of reliving that week for an entire month makes you want to pull your hair out, fear not! You integrated the lessons you needed to learn from this card during that week (for a reminder, go back and re-watch the Tarotscope video for Feb.1). This month, the guidance is tailored to your firey nature and you have a whole month to soak it all in. Your tendency to speak and act quickly, sometimes impulsively, will be challenged by the contemplative demands of the Two of Swords.
March is your chance to take a step back. Get a good lay of the land. Your intellectual, rational, and communication abilities are heightened this month and you have a great opportunity to develop and master new techniques for decision making and conflict resolution that you can carry forward in your life. Indulge in intellectual exercises, practice bouncing ideas off of each other while you feel your physical and emotional body remain calm and collected. Branch it out and engage in some friendly debates. You’ll be pleased to find how much easier it is to reach agreement with others when you allow your Fire to be fed by the Air of thought and communication and not emotional conflict.
Your stone for March: Aquamarine
Six of Crystals
My dear Taurus, you have been digging in the dirt all year! March brings you yet another dose of Earth energy and this time you’ve come over the bell curve and back down the other side. Following February’s expansive push, we arrive now at the Six, the Tipharath of Beauty on the Tree of Life, the moment when we can see the fruits of our labor and begin to give back, to spread the spoils and see how our personal efforts can benefit the collective. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to expand your vision of what it means to live a comfortable life – and let’s face it, Taurus, being truly comfortable in all aspects of your life is all you’ve ever really wanted.
All month, I want to invite you to be a completely unapologetic optomist in terms of the material world that surrounds you. Tap into the beauty of the flow of resources and see how you can redirect them to where they can best be of service. Cook dinner for the homeless, drop off supplies at an animal shelter, treat a friend who has fallen on hard times. So often we get trapped in a loop of seeing the material need in the world as hopeless and dire. But when you choose to see the beauty in the material world instead of only the ugliness, you can begin to activate the profound power of the element of Earth to provide for you and those around you.
Your stone for March: Peridot
The Hierophant
Goodness, Gemini! We’ve had a couple of doses of Hierophant wisdom already this year, and now you are set for a whole month of it. Get ready to be filled with the gift of ancient wisdom, but also to be humbled. The Hierophant is the great teacher of the Tarot and often when we encounter great teachers, they challenge us to confront our beliefs in ways that can be uncomfortable. When you feel yourself resisting, that’s where you push further. This is a time when your ability to see and even embody both sides of a situation will be very useful. Get up close and personal with those places that get you thinking, questioning, pushing back, learning. Lean into discomfort.
Be sure to take time to digest and integrate what you are learning. Remember, The Hieropant is the spiritual teacher. These lessons will require meditation, reflection, and prayer to fully unfold and ripen. This would be a wonderful time to dedicate or deepen your spiritual practice to unlock levels of knowing and understanding not available to you before now. We start March with a Full Moon in Virgo on the 1st, so you have an excellent chance to dust off your witchery and put those crystals and candles to good work in a crown opening spell to kick off your month. Get out and get connected with nature, finish Autobiography of a Yogi, and most of all – listen. You cannot hear the lessons that are gifted to you if you are filling the space with your own voice.
Your stone for March: Lemurian Seed Crystal
Nine of Wands
We’ve got two planets headed into retrograde motion this month, Cancer, but that won’t stop you from striding forward in pursuit of your goals. With the power of Fire fueling you, your month will be supercharged with action, intuition, and magic. Get your to-do lists ready and your wish lists and vision boards polished up! Your ability to effortlessly tap into the cosmic stream of insight is amped. goals that have seemed overwhelming will suddenly become totally doable as the shortest distance between any two points magically appears before you. How will you know? Oh, you’ll KNOW, Cancer. The high practical wisdom of elemental Fire does not deal in subtlety. Intuitive hits will hit hard and lead you to places where you can accomplish a ton – if you’re willing to put in the work.
Let’s talk about it, Cancer. I have my Sun placed here too. We crabs can have a tendency to hide away in our shells where it is dark and cozy and safe. Even as we outgrow our shells we can resist coming out. (It just feels like a tighter hug, right? Right?… ) Now is the time to embrace the risk of vulnerability, to come out and face the tasks we’ve been avoiding, to really take advantage of this push. Yes, there is a chance of being hurt or disappointed, but the potential payoff is more than worth it. The numbered cards so often revolve around practical matters, and the Nine of Wands especially so. It’s time to take risks in the service of making major progress in our every day lives.
Your stone for March: Carnelian
I’ve got a game for you, Leo. Treat this month like an Easter egg hunt or a spy novel or an epic video game. Always be looking for clues. Assume there is hidden meaning behind everything. Use your inherent connection to the Sun to shine a bright light into every metaphorical dark corner and find what’s been lurking there. March is your opportunity to discover and dig out ways you are holding yourself back, manifesting heaviness instead of expansion. We often think of oppresion as something that is put upon us from the outside world – and, yes, that is far too often the case in the world. But we also oppress ourselves in large and small ways every day. No more! Take this month to identify, correct, and reset.
The most common way we engage in self-oppression is through the story we tell about ourselves. What is in your story that keeps you small? Do you repeatedly say that you are bad at business, not good at finance, just not creative, not a very happy person, or inherently unlucky in love? Stop it. Right now. All words are magic words, Leo. The story you tell about yourself is a spell you weave that manifests the life that is possible for you. Get it right. And while you’re at it, get your house in order. Make sure that the physical container of your life is not sending subtle messages to you and the Universe that you are derserving of less materially, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually.
Your stone for March: Herkimer Diamond Quartz
Queen of Wands
You did it, Virgo! You came through February, you did some tough work, and now you are rewarded with a blast of feminie Fire energy in March to expand into all that space you cleared out. Queens are the Water of their element, so in Wands we have the Water of Fire. You know how water has the ability to seep into every little crack and crevice, to soak in and become a part of what it touches? Think about what would happen if elemental Fire could do that. Envision that eternal flame of finely tuned intuition and instinctual action soaking its way into every tiny corner of your life, and then look up and see it happening all throughout your existence all month long.
How will you harness this molten magic, my dear Virgo? If I know you, you’ve got pen and paper at the ready to start making lists and checking them twice to find the exact right way. Take a step back, put down the pen, and take a moment to meditate on the intuitive aspect of Fire. Fire is magic, pure and simple. Just as our ancestors stared in astonishment at the first human-made flames, we too remain amazed at how Fire works to bring us intuitive hits, sparks of deep inner knowing, affirmations that seem to spring from thin air and let us know that our instincts were right all along. Keep your eye on that prize this month. Be guided by your gut and see what treasures lay in wait for you.
Your stone for March: Blue Kyanite
Four of Wands
Your project for March, Libra, is to actively create the stability you crave in life. After spending last month getting in tune with what you truly want to manifest, now you have the energetic support to actively create a base of stability to build on moving forward. This is a first level, so try not to be too precious about it. As with most things in life, this is a work in progress. Think solid outlines, business plans, and a budget and living situation that supports your vision. Grand schemes for building your legacy will come later. For now, take a good critical look at your life and see where there are patterns that are not in support of – or even in direct contradiction to – your vision of your Best Life and take action accordingly.
I wouldn’t be your friend if I didn’t come out and say this directly, Libra – your love of beauty is a GREAT place to start with this project. Yes, being surrounded by beauty makes you happy, and I support that. Draw it in! Just be sure that you are not undermining your own goals by living in the service of aesthetics. Could you maintain the same or better quality of life in a way that better serves your goals by reframing your ideas around beauty? To achieve the stability you want, everything in your life must be judged by whether it supports your broader vision. Your surroundings are a mirror of yourself. Be sure the reflection is accurate.
Your stone for March: Ametrine
Page of Cups
Oh, Scorpio, this makes me very happy. You are being coaxed out of the deepest emotional depths you feel so at home in to get a little emotional freshness and sweetness this month. The Pages ask us to forget what we think we know, what we’ve been taught, and – in the case of the Page of Cups – how we’ve been hurt. They beckon us to come explore their element with new eyes and open heart, to start over and build a new understanding. Does that mean that we lose all of the hard earned wisdom we’ve gathered? Not at all! It is simply time to set it aside and go back to square one to see if there’s anything we dropped along the way that we’d be best served by picking back up.
March is set to be a great emotional reset for you. Relax your tail, disarm your stinger, and allow your emotional programming to be washed and refreshed by elemental Water. Venture out of your safe zone, open up your heart and try like hell to trust in the power of vulnerability. In matters of the heart, make no assumptions, take things as the come, and accept all persons and situations as the unique entities they are. If something doesn’t go well, simply walk away. This is a time of exploration and experimentation. Think of the world as a vast open classrom or art studio, not a battle ground. Open your heart to your fellow students and collaborators.
Your stone for March: Kunzite
Well it appears you really took my advice about digging in and getting serious about your life’s work, Sagittarius! You are now stepping into a completely new world, energetically speaking. Trust in yourself, trust in all the hard work you’ve done, in the wisdom you’ve gathered, and in the Universe itself to bring you what you need exactly when you need it. This month is offering you an invitation to begin a new level of existence and a great push forward in your personal evolution. The trick for you is going to be that this big, profound, high spiritual energy requires a good measure of wandering. You are not traditionally comfortable with being directionless, but if you want to make the most of this month, start cozying up to the idea.
If you frame it right, this can be a VERY welcome departure from last month’s seriousness. Trust in the work you did and allow yourself to play in this new space you’ve created. Babies grow and learn and develop through play. It can get a bad rap in the adult world as being a frivilous waste of time, but it’s how every single one of us formed our relationship to ourselves and the world around us. Take this month to play, Sagittarius. Really play. Head out into nature, read a decadent novel, take a class in something you’re a complete novice at, try new foods. Explore! We so rarely get a chance to reconnect with that spark of discovery we came into the world with. Drink it in.
Your stone for March: Moldavite
Three of Wands
After a year filled with deep inner searching and swimming around in the intuitive depths of the psyche, you are ready to step into the practical world this month, Capricorn. You are ready to make some moves, and with the power of elemental Fire at your side, what these moves are will come to you intuitively. Aren’t you glad you spent the past two months getting so deeply in touch your inner voice? You will have options presented to you this month, likely through collaborative efforts. This should be a welcome relief to your steady and perseverent nature. It can be frustrating for you to stay in the mystical realm too long, feeling like you are not making progress toward your goals, but it was necessary to prepare you for this moment.
March is all about action and opportunity, often created or stimulated by you. Do not be afraid to speak up and ask for what you want. Like the TSA tells us – if you see something, say something. If you see an opportunity in a situation, a place where you could be helpful while also benefitting, shout it out! Let people know when they are your ideal collaborators or when you have skills or perspectives that could serve their cause and your own. It can be scary to put yourself out there like this, I know. But you have done so much work on sharpening your intuitive powers AND you have Fire on your side. Trust your gut and go for broke.
Your stone for March: Malachite
Four of Cups
This month is going to be an interesting one for you, Aquarius. With your constant desire to live outside the box, the idea of stability – especially emotional stability – can be deeply unattractive if seen in the wrong light. I want to present to you a view of stability in the realm of Water that may be different from what you have been presented with in the past. Most of us were taught that emotional stability means making ourselves palatable enough to another person to stay in a long term relationshiop, ideally for life. Essentially, that we needed to learn to compromise. Now, compromise is not inherently bad, it’s actually very useful and necessary to living a full life. However, it is not the only requirement for emotional stability.
What is required is patience, kindness, tolerance, and understanding. And we cannot offer those wonderful gifts out to anyone else until we have offered and accepted them to ourselves. This month, I want you to work on getting your relationship with yourself into the best shape it’s ever been. Reach for new heights of intimacy and acceptance. Revisit old stories about your origin, your path, and your future and retell them in a way that is more supportive, more loving. Go get your annual check up, feed your body with care, take a look at your mental health. When you love yourself completely, you don’t even have to try to show that love and kindness to others, it just oozes out of you. Thus is your path to true emotional stability.
Your stone for March: Rose Quartz
The Hierophant is BACK, to open us up to the teachings of the Divine—so we can pass the wisdom onto those we meet, says Melinda Lee Holm.
After a soul shaking couple of months in the cosmos, the Two of Swords is here to help us clear our minds and make necessary choices, says Melinda Lee Holm
The chariot reversed is an invitation to rest into the unknowable and trust in unexpected manifestations, says Lindsay Mack.
What’s in the cards for your sign this month? Check out our Numinous tarotscopes by Lindsay Mack, cast using The Starchild Tarot…
The Sun
Many happy returns, sweet Aries! The Sun is a transformational card, a golden dawn after a dark night. April is a big time of potential for your whole sign, offering you the chance to clear the past and set intentions for a renewed future. Your job will be to look to the light in all ways this month. The light of this card will be illuminating the gifts of your shadow, enabling you to walk forward in your life without duality. It is time to forgive yourself, to release old cycles of ego, pain, trauma, separation, and fear.
You are liberated, truly rebirthing into this new year from the ground up. Your deepest invitation this month will be to work on trusting that light and embracing all the clarity it will be bringing you — it is truly making room for some beautiful new shifts in your life. To experience the fullness of all it has to offer, be willing to go wherever the light touches this month. Something really important to understand about The Sun card, Aries: it does not necessarily equal joy and happiness. What it does offer is the potential for answers.
Life changing, soul renewing answers; answers with a capital A. All of a sudden, things make sense and we are never the same again. A lot can be released in The Sun to make room for what is truly aligned, but we can’t let go of the old until we see and understand what we didn’t before. This is why we let the light in: so we can make shifts with the deepest possible clarity. This is the beginning of a whole year of this kind of liberation through wise understanding, Aries, and it starts with you. Bless yourself, honor yourself, clear the past and step forward anew. You’re ready, and this is your year.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
King of Cups
You are in King of Cups for the second month in a row, Taurus babes! It still has some sweet medicine to offer you. Last month, the invitation in this card was to level up, to embrace your gifts of service and step out into the light with them shining. That is still flowing through the energy of your April cycle, and you are still highly encouraged to focus on those aspects of your life. However, the expanded invitation of the month is to not only allow your gifts to come more deeply forward, but for you to fold in more sacred self care time while you do it. To be of service to others requires that we ourselves match that in our own life to have a consistently full inner well.
Without it, there is an imbalance one way or another. With this in mind, consider that the King of Cups has requested an extended masters residency with you, all focused around the delicate balance of service to others and ourselves. If you got a little too burned out or overrun in March, King of Cups will be here to help you do it differently this month. This card’s energy will gently guide you to take more breaks, enact better boundaries, and sink into more hot, epsom salt baths.
If you’re on the opposite end of things and wish there was a lot more happening in your schedule, trust that it is coming. You may have to look at the bare bones: are you charging enough for your services? Do you have an updated website? Are you prioritizing your own expansion with regular body work, coaching, or soul work? If not, add it in. Welcome any assistance to help you rebalance the energies in your life. You’re on a path of deep mastery, Taurus—keep evolving into it.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Nine of Swords
You have a magnificently powerful month ahead of you, Gemini, one rich in opportunities to grow and expand as a person. Your sacred word for the month is “choice.” Everything is a choice. How we react, how we speak, how we breathe, what we put in our bodies and how we choose to respond to the internal and external situations that life sometimes hands us—all deeply rooted in our choices. Even this moment as you read this Tarotscope, you have a choice: to freak out at the sight of Nine of Swords, or to get curious about both it, and whatever inner experience might be arising within you.
If resistance and fear arise upon seeing this card as your monthly medicine, you know the great work of this card has begun. Nine of Swords is a deeply important energy, albeit one that’s not always a particularly welcome sight in a reading. Nine of Swords can invite us into fear fantasies. Sometimes there are nightmares associated with this card; sometimes anxiety, racing thoughts, or potential paranoia can play a role. The question, Gemini, isn’t whether you’re going to have a totally dark and anxious month—you’re not. That much is certain.
The question is, are you ready and willing to transform your relationship to fear, or that fear could have something to teach you? Are you willing to consider that an anxious moment can provide the perfect opportunity for a moment of deeper intimacy with yourself? Nine of Swords is enabling you to receive the gift that can come when we, if even for a brief moment, choose to honor our fears, rather than let them swallow us up. Remember: feelings aren’t always facts, sweet Gemini. Practice empowered choice around your brain chemistry this month. You stand to gain everything and more from doing so.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Ten of Wands, Rx
It’s a whole new world out there for you, Cancer—if you’re willing to upgrade the way in which you walk around in it. Ten of Wands is typically a “point of no return” card, representing a time in which we must make foundational changes to the way we are currently moving through our lives. This card indicates that something has become unsustainable, and we must transform from the ground up in order to allow for an easier way. This card is all about energy, and very often it has to do with our adrenals and nervous system—it can show up as burnout, overwhelm, exhaustion, anger, or pushing rather than flowing.
It’s not a bad card, but it does flash some powerful signs in front of our eyes that are difficult to ignore. Because you have this card reversed, Cancer, it is unfolding through your month in a much lighter way than it would be right side up. Overwhelm and burnout are less likely this month, although if that’s the case, take care to restore as best as you can. What DOES need to come into play on the wings of Ten of Wands Rx is a little more creativity and transparency around asking for help and assistance when you need it.
It’s not so much that you need to drop any of the wands you’re holding, it’s that you cannot hold them alone anymore. It’s about leveling up, which is excellent news. April might be the month to get a personal assistant if you’re drowning in emails. It might be the time to outsource, to get a babysitter, to say yes to any form of help. Ten of Wands bodes big changes, all for the better. No more pushing, and no playing small, Cancer—you’ve come too far for that. Ask for the help and it will appear.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Lovers
The Lovers is bringing some powerful medicine your way this month, Leo. April will truly be a journey of deep inner work for you, inviting you to deepen your relationship to your self love and intimacy. You might do some work with a partner in this energy—you might even meet someone this month, but that will only come if you are saying yes to your soul work, diving deeply into yourself. Don’t necessarily expect to find love in an other this month, but if it floats in, that’s great. Either way, it’s your show in this particular cycle, external love or not.
The Lovers, like Two of Cups, unifies dualities within the self, thereby aligning our life and relationships to the highest frequency. When we are aligned, love can flow in. You are being asked to look openly and honestly at any areas of your life that are not in alignment with your heart. As I mentioned above, this doesn’t need to be limited to your romantic relationships, or perhaps lack thereof. This is about you, about all aspects of your life. Where in your life might you be trying to fit a square peg into a round hole? Are there any aspects of your day to day that are draining the life out of you?
Inquire about this honestly, and endeavor to change it. Look very closely at the underlying beliefs that might be fueling this pattern of misalignment, then set an intention to invite alignment into your life, to drop into a sense of peace and acceptance with what is—no matter how it might look to other people. Trust yourself and your heart. It will unlock many, many doors for you this coming month if you do so.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Five of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles can be a tough card to move through, Sweet Virgo, but it is bringing a profoundly important medicine to you this month. Let’s get one thing out of the way, first thing: you are not going to have a month full of pain and lack, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be bumpy moments within the upcoming weeks. Your job will be to welcome the bumps, honor the contractions, bow over to any experience of grief and fear—you’re in a mastery of contraction this month. Remember: anytime we contract, we are being prepared to expand. It’s something that, as Michelle Sinnette says, we can even get excited about.
We’re being prepared for birth, in some capacity. It is only when we fight the contractions that we stall out in our lives, inadvertently perpetuating the cycle of pain. You have the chance to liberate yourself from a pattern of beliefs around lack, fear, and trust in the Universe this month, all in the energetic invitation of Five of Crystals, or Pentacles. It will require you to choose presence around whatever arises, knowing nothing that can come can be bigger than you.
There might be some anxiety this month around money, family or love. It doesn’t mean that it’s true, but it may come up. There might be moments of fear, of doubt, and of feeling squeezed by grief or pain. Whatever arises, choose to stay mindfully occupied, and know that you can trust that just as the contraction flowed in, it will flow out when it’s time. You’re in a spiritual labor this month, Virgo. Something big and beautiful is on its way to you; you just need to clear out some old beliefs before there can be space to receive it. Trust the medicine of Five of Pentacles; embrace it like the deep warriors you are.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
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The Universe
Are you ready to level up, sweet Libra? Are you ready to drop victimhood and old patterning that kept you safe and small? Are you ready to claim your truth, your gifts and your passions unapologetically? I know in my heart of hearts that the answer is yes, because you are moving through the transformative medicine of The Universe this month. The Universe, or The World, is the last card of the Major Arcana. To get this card indicates that we are ready to evolve into the next chapter of our soul’s journey, that we have moved through a karmic cycle of our lives in its entirety.
We have learned all we can from this cycle—we will never go backward in the same way again. We are free. It is only forward from here, birthed into a brand new level of commitment, of lessons, of service, and of self care, beginning anew in the light of The Fool. What does this mean for you, Libra? It means that you are ready to step into your light. It means that you are liberated from years of deep clearing and hard work. It means that you have much to share, and you have no business playing small anymore. You are moving up and it’s going to be incredible.
The final piece of work this month in The Universe will be to honor any fears that may arise around this amazing expansion. Remember: the good stuff is truly where we can feel the most afraid. If any sabotaging behaviors arise during the month, know that you have the chance to gently rewire them, to get clear on your patterning in those areas—it is the last piece of this puzzle. You are ready, and it is time. Trust yourself, and step into your truth.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
You’re in the potent frequency of The Hanged Man this month, sweet Scorpio. There is a tremendous amount of medicine to be gained from this energy, all centering around the idea of surrender. There is a reason that this card was so brilliantly renamed Perspective in The Starchild Tarot: in it, we are literally flipped upside down, getting birthed into a new world view.The Hanged Man helps us to look at ourselves and our lives in a different way. Expect to let go of a lot of old patterns, habits and beliefs this month. In this card, we are literally “hanging out” in something uncomfortable, allowing the ego to die back in order for a more soul centered way of living to emerge from within us.
This perspective shift will require you to really deepen into your self care practices, staying in truth the whole way. It might be an uncomfortable month in moments, Scorpio, but it’s bringing you nothing but goodness. The benefit of this process is that it is sweeping you into a new way of seeing things so that you can change them. And it is only when we can see things in the light of awareness that we become free to change them.
This requires us to move through the life/death/life cycle, which runs hand in hand with discomfort and contraction. Trust the more uncomfortable, intense moments of life — it is from there that we stand to truly birth something new. Gently inquire: what’s ready to be released from your life? What’s ready to blossom in its wake? Are you willing to allow the shift to take place? If you are willing to completely let go in this suspended state, Scorpio, major breakthroughs and expansions will begin to unfold in your life. Just hang out and let it flow.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Ten of Cups
How long has it been since you did absolutely nothing, Sagittarius? Doing nothing is deeply active, and requires us to drop into extreme presence in order to really be there for it. When was the last time you got lost staring out a window, or at the sight of beauty in nature? When did you last drink in the face of your lover, your child, your parent or yourself? This moment is all we have, and life moves by so quickly. To really be here for it, we must practice doing nothing but being with what is.
Ten of Cups is truly the moment when life becomes ceremony. Our wishes are granted and life is beautiful; it’s a golden energy. It is only when we live ceremonially, in absolute service to presence, that the secret of this card can be broken open to us right here and now. You’re learning a new way to live, Sagittarius, one that will show you that you already have everything you want. Do nothing, and you will see it. You don’t have to wish for anything, you don’t have to strive, and you don’t have to manifest.
Your life can become a living meditation, a breathing manifestation practice, and a true co-creation with Divine. While we are busy living in gratitude and presence, we make room for so many more gifts. This is your rather zen invitation this month, Sagittarius—to be fully immersed in the beauty, magic and abundance of this moment, rather than swimming into the past or the future. Let joy and gratitude at the mundane flood your very being. If fear, anger or grief arise, they are meant to be part of the rich fabric of the present, too. Allow it all. The more you can come home to the simplicity and wonder of this moment, the more you will receive.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Ace of Crystals, Rx
What are you afraid of, Capricorn? Take a gentle pause in this moment and consider the question. Drop into your heart for the truth. Had you been barreling through your day up until this second? Has fear been a recent motivator for your choices, as of late? If so, you have the opportunity to change that completely; as of this moment, life begins again. Lately, life has been nudging you in certain directions, dropping golden clues and sacred seeds into your lap.
Had you noticed? Ace of Crystals, or Pentacles reversed is a powerful heads up: something is trying to drop in to you, and you’re not receiving it. Your job this month will be to land on why that might be, how you can change it, and how you can shift to a more present moment focus, aiding you in delineating more clearly those gentle taps on the shoulder from Spirit, so you can act on them. There is a universe of potential in every Ace card, but the Ace of Pentacles in particular rules our physical body, our financial situation, and our soul centered abundance. This card is here to bring a big upgrade into your life, but fear may be subconsciously stemming the flow.
The whole point of any reversed card is that we must do the work to find out why it is reversed in order to undo it; the work itself is the reward, in this case. Something is trying to get your attention, Capricorn, and it’s up to you to unravel the knots of fear, contraction and brain chemistry that may be gently humming in the background, subtly taking you out of the present moment, so that you can plant the seeds that are dropping into your open heart and hands. No judgement, no story—just be present and pay close attention.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Knight of Wands
April is a juicy month for you, Aquarius! This next cycle is going to get you feeling yourself, and that’s a great thing. After several months of really tough cards, your sign has landed in the potent energy of the Knight of Wands. This month (and this card) doesn’t necessarily let up too much in intensity for you, but it will be more enjoyable. The big theme for you this month is sexuality—exploring it, enjoying it, having more of it, connecting to it in yourself. Of course, sexuality is so much more than the act of having sex.
It’s a profoundly potent energetic frequency, one that pools and centers in our sacral chakras. When we feel safe in the world, when we are connected to our creativity, our sensuality, our play and our freedom, we have a balanced Sacral Chakra. This will be a month to heal any tender places in that energy center, Aquarius, as you will be invited into situations and opportunities that replace trauma with trust, and rigidity with flow and play. Be willing to be brave, to be open, to let someone in—even if it’s yourself. Especially if it’s yourself.
Knight of Wands is a powerful fire energy. This archetype loves to perform (in a good way!). He likes to delight, likes to be looked at, and moves through the world desiring to bring joy and warmth with his every step. He wants to be seen, and wants others to feel things by seeing him. He is an organic gateway into sexual flow and creative expression. You can tap into those places within yourself through dance, art, sexuality, or any area of self expression that you want to share with the world, Aquarius. Whatever you do and however you get there, let it be delicious and enjoyable.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Six of Crystals
You’re in a beautiful mastery of give and take this month, Pisces, a theme that will be extraordinarily important for you to return to again and again this April. Six of Crystals, or Pentacles, will be helping you to balance the sacred exchange between giving and receiving in your life. The work around this area will be deeply transformative for you, if you’re willing to dive deeply into it. Either way, you are being asked to uplevel, to honor a practice of moving through your life with an overflowing well of energy, rather than a deficit.
If you are willing to say yes to this upgrade, it will help to clear the space for more opportunities, more abundance, more receiving, and more joy. Why? Because a full well equals balance and wholeness in a holistic sense—spiritually, physically, psychically and mentally. Releasing any old burnout patterns clears the space for new and welcome energy to flow in. When we give from a personal overflow (rather than a deficit, when we are burned out, exhausted, etc.), both we and the person we are serving will be receiving. The same thing happens when we receive from someone who is giving from an overflow.
It really is a beautiful loop of energetic exchange, one that is hinged on truthful communication, sacred boundaries, and respect, both for ourselves and for another. If this pattern of giving from less than an overflow is a regular one for you, sweet Pisces, it might be a good time to look at your beliefs around receiving, or your self care practices. If one or more things have been in excess, April will be the perfect time to gently shift them. Monitor and honor your personal energetic well this month, and you will make some amazing changes to your life.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Knight of Cups is an invitation to live with ease and grace, and to inquire how each action can align us with the divine, says Lindsay Mack…
Cast by Lindsay Mack using The Starchild Tarot
Ten of Crystals
Happy birthday, sweet Pisces! What a gorgeous energy to be moving through during your astrological cycle. Ten of Crystals (or Pentacles) heralds a ripening of all that we’ve been tending to, a blossoming that is yielded from a period of deep effortful growth. It is such a deep and clear confirmation of all that you have released and nurtured in the last year. This card is bringing some pretty amazing gifts your way this month, in both tangible and etheric forms. You have worked so hard; this is finally a time where you will get to see some beautiful payoffs. These payoffs might reveal themselves as a financial abundance of some kind, or a career related expansion. If this is the case, you are encouraged to trust and embrace these gifts.
The fruits of this card might also show themselves to you as a new addition to your family, a big move, a creative project—any kind of physical, tangible confirmation of harvest for your efforts can be expected this month. Another way that you may experience the gentle ripple effects of Ten of Crystals in your life this month, Pisces, is in the invisible, energetic realm. It might manifest itself as a foundational feeling of a cycle completing, and a new one being birthed from your personal growth. Confidence, excitement, and new gifts can bloom out of such feelings. This is exactly the kind of frequency that you will want to set intentions for your upcoming year in, loves. Focus on your blessings and more will take root in your life. This month’s overflow of abundance is not fleeting; it’s the kind of foundational flowering that sticks. Harness this energy and even more will come from it.
This month will also be a time to bow deeply to yourself, honoring all that you’ve moved through and mastered in this past year. It will be a time to reflect on how much you’ve changed, grown, and expanded. Heap gratitude on yourself. Some of you moved through massive rebirths in 2016 and even in the first months of 2017, transforming your life through the very fire of your willingness to evolve. No matter how this turn around the sun has felt, it’s brought major lessons, and you said yes to them all with so much grace. It has been a profoundly powerful year for you, Pisces; now you get to celebrate.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Empress, Rx
The month of March will be full of gentle invitations for you, Aries. The Empress reversed is moving through this cycle of your life, slowly and kindly reminding you of what’s really important, what really needs your attention, and how you may be inadvertently blocked to allowing more ease and grace into your days. The emphasis of this card will be on deep restoration: of your heart, mind, spirit, and body. You will be encouraged to invite more ease into your life, and to emphasize a willingness to be receptive to anything and everything that Source wants to drop into you. Indeed, The Empress reversed is bringing some potent medicine your way this month, offering you the opportunity to upgrade your life profoundly in all ways.
The result, should you choose to drop into the invitation of the card, will be a heart opening cycle, rich in transformation, clarity, self care, self inquiry, and nourishment. You will get to melt into trust and receiving, allowing burnout, fear, overwhelm and strategy to be gently upgraded and released. The Empress is divine feminine, divine mother, the divine sensual. She is relaxed, open, constantly in the flow of receptivity to life. The Empress gives all, and is a master at receiving in kind. This card is lovely, but can present some intense mirrors to us if we are uncomfortable with this level of sensuality, ease and openness. When she shows up reversed, as she is for you this month, Aries, the discomfort is definite.
This doesn’t really mean that anything is wrong; it’s just information, a little clue that your output has been greater than your imput, and there’s probably a reason for that. What I am channeling for you this month is to be your own archaeologist of the soul. Inquire, deeply, around the root systems of your discomfort with receiving and ease. Perhaps there’s a fear of losing control, or that you’ll miss something if you let your guard down? Is your nervous system a bit too on alert to allow that kind of receptivity? What kind of inherited beliefs do you have about ease and abundance? Whatever it is, you are surely strong enough to see your resistance and blocks clearly — seeing clearly is the first step to change. Dig deep, clarify whatever blocks might be present, and gently allow The Empress’ sacred energy to flow into your life.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
King of Cups
March is a potent month for you, Taurus, bringing with it a powerful invitation to step into a newfound level of service. To be of service means that we become filled up by pouring our love into other containers. This could play out in a plethora of areas in your life, ranging from service to yourself, your family, your clients, the planet, or all of the above. An important wisdom that King of Cups is offering you this month, Taurus, is to remember that service doesn’t always look like service. We are not often taught that service to self is, indeed, the radical act of love that it it. We can be programmed to believe that self care is selfish, or that we should somehow be able to transcend the need for that kind of restoration. Indeed, service to self is being of service to the whole planet, and you get to blaze the trail on this new understanding, Taurus.
By taking the invitation of King of Cups and moving through the medicine of the card, you will begin to embody this higher understanding of evolved service. You will be able to gently prove, just by walking, talking, and being on the Earth, that sacred service can encompass anything from holding the face of a sick person to taking yourself to the movies; it’s just different colors of one rainbow. King of Cups has mastered holding space for others. He wears a kind of sacred mask in his life, equipping him to effortlessly and simultaneously hold his own inner experience and the emotional experience of others. If you are a parent, a partner, a helping/healing professional, or a friend, this will be a transformational month for you.
Allow everyone in your life to be a teacher, a living opportunity to choose sacred service and healing in your life. It might also mean that you shed any dualities in your life. We can call on King of Cups when we lead a “double life” that no longer feels good to us — think someone who who has a very draining day job, and moonlights as a Shamanic Reiki practitioner. This could be the month when you turn your moonlit dharma path to the light, releasing all the masks that don’t serve. If you are willing to say yes to the teachers that arise this month, Taurus, King of Cups can take you all the way to your truth.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Three of Cups
You are in your element with Three of Cups this month, Gemini — such a shift from your double header with The Empress for the last two cycles. March will present a plethora of lovely opportunities to not only socialize with awesome, like-minded people, but to deeply reflect on your relationship to soul friends and collaborators. Is your life filled with people that you truly love, or are most of your days spent with people who you are either ambivalent about, or with whom you don’t fully click? This isn’t a bad thing if the answer is yes, and it’s also still relevant to you if you’re lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing people all the time. You’re being invited to upgrade your vibration, Gemini, and it couldn’t come at a better time. So much goodness is about to flow your way.
You’ve been doing so much releasing and receiving work as of late (whether you’ve been aware of it or not), and part of that work involves our relationships upgrading in various ways to match our growth. Relationships shifting and changing is an excellent sign that we are growing, or that we are being called to adapt or evolve in some way. Sometimes when we expand, we outgrow certain people. If that’s the case for you, Gemini, I advise you to let go and trust in the process, no matter how painful. If we are in the right relationships, if we are truly being filled up, nourished, restored and renewed by the people in our lives, we will grow, evolve and change together; parallel journeys, all the way.
Be willing to be really honest with yourself about who you are sharing your time with. If the people around you are not bringing you joy — or if you are not allowing yourself to be joyful with them — commit to shifting to a place of willingness — willingness to grow, and/or willingness to invite other people into your life. As you raise your frequency, and continue to commit to your personal growth, you will, in turn, shift the energy of the people around you. It’s a beautiful loop, growing, giving and receiving in equal measure, which is what Three of Cups is all about. It invites us into celebration, collaboration, and communion with kindred spirits. Think about where you desire more of this in your life, Gemini, then open your heart to the joyful exchange of receiving it.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Akashic Records
This month will present a multitude of quiet opportunities for radical transformation — your invitation will be to embrace these opportunities with a whole heart. This is a huge cycle for you, Cancer. This is a time to nurture your dreams, and to intentionally release the patterning, old behavior and karma that holds you back from living fully in your truth. I’m talking about the big stuff: your path in this lifetime, how you want your life to feel, your purpose here on Earth. These are the kinds of energies that you will have the freedom to explore and manifest this month.
It is a potent time to plant those seeds, say yes to things, take great risks, be open to change and let your soul truth take root even more deeply in all areas of your life. You are in a major energetic vortex this month, Cancer—use it. Indeed, the Akashic Records card is a profoundly powerful and exciting energy, one that will have a big impact on the unfolding of your year — you just have to understand what you’re working with. Akashic Records are a kind of cosmic file folder, said to contain all the knowledge in the universe, everything that’s ever been. When we access the Akashic Records, we are able to tap into this folder and gain wisdom on whatever is in highest and best for us to know. What this essentially means for you, Cancer, is that you have access to some of the most powerful frequencies on the planet this month.
You have the ability to co-create a soul centered life with the Universe. The only thing this requires from you is courage. Courage to leap forward, perhaps before you’re ready. Courage to trust that everything you may be afraid of, dreading or unsure of will, indeed, work itself out beautifully. Perhaps it is time for you to say a radical no in your life to someone or something—perhaps it’s time to say a radical yes. You know what your truth is, and you know what’s right for you, even if your brain might trick you into believing your doubts from time to time. Root down, bow deeply to yourself and begin to gently unfurl, letting all the old patterning drop away, allowing the new path before you to take root. The more you commit, the more aligned, abundant and transformed your life will be.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Three of Wands
This is such a rich, exciting month for your creative expansion, Leo! Three of Wands is moving through your March, infusing it with light, magic, new beginnings and grateful endings. I feel very deeply that your whole sign been building to this aligned frequency. It is such a wonderful testament to your hard work and willingness to grow and evolve through some pretty major contractions over the last year. Now, you’re going to start seeing little glimmers of clarity: why you had to go through the growth process that you did, where it’s taking you, and what new adventures lie in store. It’s a very exciting time! I wholeheartedly encourage you to take every new opportunity you can this month—if you’ve been thinking about taking a pottery class, now is the time.
If you’ve been dreaming of traveling to a certain place, of teaching a workshop, learning a language, birthing a new project, now is truly the time. There is quite a bit of miracle energy surrounding you in March, Leo; a lot of magical potential. If you can harness it and trust in the waves you’re about to surf, it will be an exhilarating month for you. No matter what, you can expect some glorious upgrades to your life in the form of a big energetic turnover: everything that wasn’t serving you is becoming compost to feed the new. Indeed, you’ve received this message before, but it bears repeating: the old ways have taken you as far as they can. It is time to trust and invite in a new way of being, living, sharing and receiving in the world. It starts with this courage, and a willingness to invite in the new, no matter how scary it might be. Indeed, change can be scary, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it stop you.
Three of Wands is a sparkly, crackling, exciting energy. It functions as a kind of heads up that we are at a crossroads of life, and it is time to choose a new path to walk. When we move through this card, it means that we have truly explored and experienced everything we possibly can in the frequency we are in—it is then time to upgrade and move to a new level. You are already at the crossroads, Leo. Take the first step toward your most cherished calling; trust that the rest will follow and manifest from there.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Sun
You are in the glorious energy of The Sun card this month, Virgo: bask in its warmth and light, allowing it to infuse you with clarity, wisdom and enlightenment in all areas of your life. The Sun is leading you down a quiet, lovely journey this month, back to the center of your being, rebirthing you in the light of your truth. A great deal will be revealed to you this month, Virgo—the knowledge you gain will be deeply affirming, supporting you in making shifts, changes and transformations to your life that are needed. The key to embracing the frequencies of the month will be to trust yourself and your intuition. The whole month of March will be full of situations, moments and little realizations that will melt away long held doubts, confirming your choices and hunches to you.
Your intuition knows that something is deeply at work right now, transforming your life in a multitude of subtle ways. You might be having certain feelings about a person, an organization, a job, or a path you’ve been walking or sharing energy with. If you’ve been unsure around any of the above areas in your life, expect to get some major clarity in March. A radically deep trust will be possible, answers will be available to you, and a rebirth into your truest self will be the only option going forward. The Sun card is a potent Major Arcana card, because it is the dawn that comes after a particularly dark night. It is a burst of awareness, of answers, of illumination after a time of confusion and contraction. The Sun card is like a joyful, celebratory Tower card, in many ways.
When we move into the light, we can see with all eyes, with all parts of ourselves. Once we see, we cannot go back to living with our eyes closed. The difference between this card and The Tower is that The Tower is a flash of understanding that shatters some aspect of our ego — The Sun is so much gentler. It’s a subtle, almost sweet understanding that becomes available to us. Answers ring true and clear, we drop old fears, and walk confidently in the path of our truth. Trust in your deep inner knowing, Virgo. You’re about to move through a cycle that will bring a lot into the light. Once you’re there, there can be a liberation and a rebirth of the spirit.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Page of Crystals
This month is all about deep introspection for you, Libra. March is like a breath of fresh air that will help you to ground and center, preparing you for your next steps in life. Although there may be some wildly potent external leaps presented to you this month, it is wiser to choose a quieter, more internal flow as an everyday pace. The monthly energy will be much more centered around rewiring and upgrading in subtler ways. It is the perfect medicine for such a powerful month. This card is actually preparing you for the next great external expansion in your life by recentering you from within. It is truly only when we shift internally that our external life can shift around us—it never lasts the other way around.
That is why this card is here for you in March. It is creating a strong root system for you to flourish in your life, and is really going to be transforming the way in which you go about your days and months. If you can accept the invitation of this deep journeyer, there will be much to show for it on the other side. Page of Crystals, or Pentacles, is not only helping you to build a strong foundation for your next steps, but it is helping you to ground and trust in your own intuition. This card asks deep questions and goes to deep places — it is a double earth sign card, after all. It will be providing some much needed grounding to your air sign souls. It desires to know the deepest truths, to be an excavator of its own soul.
This card ponders, wonders, reflects and travels to the deepest part of themselves. They are interested in getting to the root and the heart of everything, all at a steady, easy pace. The benefits of this card are multitudinous in nature, and are providing some beautiful blessings to you this month, Libra. This card will help to slow you down, to reacquaint you with the blessings all around you, to reconnect with your heart. Isn’t that a lovely way to expand in the world? Page of Crystals sees with the heart of a child, the way a baby gazes at a blade of grass, a tree, or a puppy: full of wonderment, curiosity, and presence. This is the frequency you will be invited into this month, dear Libra. Embrace it fully.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Queen of Wands
Once again, you are getting your groove back, Scorpio. What a profoundly potent, gorgeous energy to be moving through this month! Queen of Wands is the alchemist, and the witch of the deck, holding a space of sexuality, power, sensitivity and intuition, all just by being — by walking in a room and taking up space. Queen of Wands is ruled by fire and water, blending two incongruent elements together with her depth, both of passion and emotion in equal measure. She is a walking column of watery, fiery, sexual, sensual magic. This month is bringing a sweet and beautiful opportunity to reconnect with this archetype within yourself, to see yourself in these descriptions. Whether it’s caretaking your children, cooking a meal, renewing your license or leading sacred ceremony, you have the potential to bring Queen of Wands energy to anything you do this month.
You also have the potential to bring a healing essence with you wherever you go—and to actually be consciously aware that you’re doing so. Most of the time, I believe you do offer that to the people around you, Scorpio, but it might be a more unconscious frequency. In March, you have the chance to own this part of yourself, to strengthen it, accept it and use it for the greater good in your life and the world around you. You can infuse it into your sexuality, into your creative process, and around your interactions with people. It is going to be a really juicy month for you, all across the board.
Release all attachment to the ideas you might have about this energy. Queen of Wands doesn’t mean that you have to be a sex goddess, it doesn’t mean you have to be a healer, and it doesn’t mean you have to feel yourself 100 percent of the time. It’s about remembering that this magical essence is within you all the time, even on the days when you feel the grossest, and the most disconnected. Whatever connects you with your inner witch, prioritize for the month ahead. Also: I gently encourage you to release your comparisons around the word “witch.” For one person, it may very well be cooking. For another it might be creating a proposal for their job. For another, it might be performing sex magick at the Full Moon — for some, its all of the above. Be gently drawn to your inner witch this month; see where she leads you!
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Seven of Swords
Seven of Swords is a deep medicine, one that can come up strongly around our biggest, most tender places of strategy, insecurity, or doubt. It offers us a master class in trust and release of control, and it is a welcome medicine for you this month, sweet Sagittarius. Any seven in the Tarot has to do with inner work around something that looks external. If we are telling ourselves that “everything would be ok if I just had a partner,” or “everything would have been perfect but ____,” we are in a Seven. Everything IS perfect, because it is. This is the toughest and also the clearest thing about this life: reality rules,100 percent of the time. When we forget (and PS, everyone forgets. There’s no shame.), that’s when we suffer and become confused. It’s the origin of believing that something outside of ourselves can give us what we need.
The more we believe this, the further away we drift from what we desire and truly yearn for. When we forget this and drift off into future, into story, into shoulds and “what ifs?,” we will get a gentle tap on the shoulder with a Seven. And conversely, if everything looks super fabulous from the outside, but the inside is unsustainable, flailing, or untethered, we will receive a Seven to help get us clear. The deal with the Seven of Swords in particular, Sagittarius, is the invitation to explore the areas in which you might still be feeling like you need something externally to complete you internally. That can manifest in all kinds of different ways—might be totally subconscious, or it might be showing up in an alternative way.
It might center around money, love, travel, certain external mile markers—whatever it is, you are being invited to become present, and to drop into the fullness of trusting that you have everything you need already. What good is a soulmate, a beautiful trip around the world or a write up in a magazine if you are not here for it? Be here, trust that it will come at just the right time — then, it will. It’s the easiest, hardest thing to do, but I know you can do it, Sagittarius. You wouldn’t have gotten the card if you weren’t able to move through it. You don’t need anything other than what’s already in your heart, your hands, your home, your life. Once your nervous system understands that fully, everything outside of you will have room to flow in.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Nine of Cups, Rx
Trust in your dreams, Capricorn. Whenever Nine of Cups reversed arises, we can move through some doubts around our most cherished manifestations and dreams. The doubt isn’t indicative of truth; everything is moving along for you quite beautifully, in fact. It just might not feel that way. This intense doubt might not be the exact situation for you this month, but regardless, it will be an important time to center deeply on what you are hatching and birthing in your life. It might also be a time to invite in a little more support to help you facilitate it. I’m really getting for you to assemble a sacred team of life doulas, so to speak.
If you’re looking to move, hire some professional space clearers to help you release stuff, invite someone in to clean your house and prepare it for moving, reach out to friends for encouragement and support — maybe even do a spell for manifesting your perfect space and the money to move into it. If you want to grow your business, release your pride and ask for help. Then be willing to take the advice given to you. If you are courageous enough to be humble and transparent around your insecurities, so much help, support and reflections of truth will flow your way. However, no one can help unless you ask for it. Turn to the right people and lay your heart bear, even if it’s for supportive feedback.
Nine of Cups is the wishing card. It fulfills hopes and dreams, and represents the promise of a harvest. At the time that we pull this card, the shoots and seedlings are extremely young and very fragile and tender. We must take care to protect them with all we’ve got. It’s easy to forget how fragile these dreams are, and when we forget, we can expose them to some tougher criticisms. Sometimes people share too much of their process too soon. We can also choose to share with people who are not able to support our seeds, trampling on them with a look, or comment. It can be so easy to fall into doubt and fear, worrying if we should give up. The reversal can represent this space of concern, confusion and doubt. The antidote is to go back to tenderness, to hope and faith. It can also be inviting in the right team. No matter what, your dreams are coming true, Capricorn. Do whatever you need to do to help yourself remember that truth.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Four of Cups
March is truly a month to go slowly and gently through your days, Aquarius. Four of Cups is going to be helping you to make room in your life and heart for new experiences and new cycles. It will help you to integrate painful events of the past, and to emotionally digest and clear what no longer serves. It will be important to go slowly and gently through your month because the invitation of this card might be so subtle, you could miss it. The more space you can clear for introspection, the better it will be. That includes, perhaps, releasing attachment to dating, socializing, or certain opportunities that are out of alignment for you—especially if any of these areas are a means for an emotional escape.
You are being very deeply called into an internal landscape this month; there is wisdom and treasure to be found when you allow yourself the opportunity to rest in it, rather than floating to various things. This card isn’t going to force you; you have to choose. If you are willing to make an empowered shift in the name of your self care, there can and will be a profound transformation in your life, Aquarius. Own your power, root down and integrate for this month of March. Your whole heart and soul will thank you. Four of Cups is often thought of as an energy or self sabotage, or of missing an opportunity, but it has always been channeled to me in a very different way. It is really a sacred digestion period, one in which we are not only being called to make room for the new in our lives, but to upgrade what we do allow in.
Embrace this cycle as a potent clearing away of everything you’ve been moving through that’s not in alignment for you any longer, particularly around patterning associated with escaping yourself. If you can make the choice to say no to the old ways of engaging, socializing, or taking on energy, there will be a massive shift. You actually have the potential to change your karma around self love, relationships, intuition and emotional intelligence this month, Aquarius. If you do refuse a cup, so to speak, not to worry—it will come back to you at the perfect time, when you have room to integrate it. Trust yourself, and your choices. They are leading you into transformative waters this month and beyond.
Cast by Lindsay Mack using the Starchild Tarot. Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
So many decks, so little time! How to choose? Discover your tarot type, and start casting spreads that speak straight to your spirit, says Haley ED Houseman.
With the explosion of new and evolved tarot decks, it’s easy to fall down a rabbit hole of gorgeous artwork and Insta-worthy spreads. But because the tarot works with your intuition, it’s important to work with designs that truly inspire, fascinate, and draw you in. Whether you’re a novice reader or a devoted collector, there’s a perfect deck (or decks!) for everyone.
Discover your tarot type below and start casting spreads that speak straight to your spirit…
Tried and true, you’re drawn to sophisticated silhouettes, the timeless scent of Chanel No. 5, and upholding treasured traditions.
Your Dream Decks: Try the Rider-Waite Smith Deck’s foundational classicism, Morgan Greer Tarot’s visually expressive riff on the Rider, or best-selling Aquarian Tarot’s angular medieval imagery and muted hues.

You’re a rooted revolutionary with your hands in the dirt and your head in the stars. You love 60s & 70s bohemian looks, loads of crystals and, of course, all things herbalism.
Your Dream Decks: Try the plant lore of Leila + Olive’s Pythia Botantica Oracle, the organic, rounded shapes and holistic understanding of feminist classic The Motherpeace Tarot, and Mountain Dream Tarot’s vintage 70s vibes.

On the cutting-edge of cosmic cool, you’re equally comfortable rocking up-to-the-minute fashions and getting deeply mystical, and your Now Age lifestyle demands a buzz-worthy deck.
Your Dream Decks: The “new wave” of tarot design focuses on pastels, geometrics, the fiercely feminine, and light work. Try the lush Fountain Tarot’s gentle geometrics and additional arcana, the goddess iconography and Art Nouveau revival style of the Serpentfire Deck, or The Starchild Tarot’s ethereal, Akashic imagery, and dreamy pastel palette.

You’re a stripped-down boss lady on-the-go who loves blazers and heels, and takes her cosmic inspiration with a shot of espresso.
Try Small Spells‘ black and white line drawings, The Dreslyn Deck’s clean aesthetic, or even Edward Gorey’s monochromatic Fantod Pack for a bit of macabre whimsy.

You’re a slightly introverted intellectual who loves button-down blouses, the smell of old books, and binge watching “The Crown.”
Your Dream Decks: Try the romantic neoclassicism of The Tarot of Lombardy, Kanzanlar Tarot’s kaleidoscopic historical inspo, or the deeply decorative Byzantine Tarot’s ancient mosaic stylings.

You’re an over-the-top, Old Hollywood siren who loves hedonistic glitz, and all things glittering and gold.
Your Dream Decks: Sample the languorous seduction of the Chelsea Lenormand oracle deck, the heavily-gilded Golden Thread Tarot, or Linestrider Tarot’s slightly more understated elegance.

You’re a wild child, interstellar explorer drawn to psychedelic patterns and mind-altering experiences.
Your Dream Decks: Try the hyper-saturated rainbowed vision of the Oliver Hibert Deck, the wild animals and mythical beasts of the Ellis Deck, and the soon-to-launch Yoshi Yoshitani’s Fairytale Deck, which draws on magical stories from around the world.

An artistic intuitive with iconoclastic impulses, you turn to the tarot to fuel your passion projects and might already be hard at work creating a deck of your own.
Your Dream Decks: Try Stretch Tarot’s mélange of vintage collage and mixed media, awaken the muses with the fantastical oil paintings of the Mary-El Tarot, and power up with Dust II Onyx’s latest, infused with modern black experiences, ancestor work, and African traditional art.

You’re a gothic guru who dives deep into the occult, revels in ritual, and isn’t afraid of blending her darkness with the light.
Your Dream Decks: Try the Iona Tarot’s complex intaglio printing style and high ceremony, the rich Haitian occult history of Alice Smeets’ Ghetto Tarot, and the elemental powers and ancient alchemy of The Order of the Golden Dawn- inspired Hermetic Tarot.

Haley ED Houseman is a freelance writer, illustrator, and tarot reader. Her focus is on the modern mystical, as well as art, fashion, and the natural world. She’s also the host of Occulture Talks, a monthly panel with occult experts in NYC. Sign up for her newsletter and follow her on Twitter for more musings.
Trade the crystal ball for trust in your own voice, says intuitive tarot maven Liz Worth, and let your instincts create the future…

“What I thought tarot would be like: I can see the past, present, and future so clearly! What it’s actually like: Damn, I just got called the f*** out by a deck of cards”- Recent Tarot Meme
In my 20s, I decided to get serious about tarot and, like many people, I assumed that it either required, or would provide, “psychic” abilities. I had high expectations of feeling fireworks and becoming a divine, open channel who could see and sense things before they happened.
What I didn’t realize was that by listening to myself, I was already doing the work, and it was The High Priestess herself who “called me out” during a reading. She encouraged me to look inward and not outward, and to trust in the gold-mining process for what I call “intuitive hits.”
Intuition is our instinct, the seat of our emotions, and what exists beyond our rational minds. This instinctive realm is completely unique to each of us and moves in accordance to our own specific, natural law. Intuitive hits come in all shapes and sizes; they may take the form of ideas, images, words, phrases, or simply strong gut reactions that cannot be ignored.
If you’re ready to have a conversation with your highest self—that divine connection to your soul’s path, purpose, and power—then intuitive tarot is a great place to start. Here are five ways you can begin to let tarot speak to you and, most importantly, through you.
1. You Don’t Have to Grasp For Your Intuition
Myth: You need to have “psychic” abilities—such as visions or premonitions—to use tarot.
Intuitive Hit: Keep a journal as you practice, and meditate on the following questions: What word or idea jumped out at me when I turned the card over? How is this card making me feel—tense, angry, hopeful, excited? What images or symbols in this card reflect how I’m feeling right now, or what I’m experiencing?
The answers to these questions are part of the card’s message!
Meditate On: The High Priestess, who can guide you back to your deepest inner knowledge.

2. First Thought, Best Thought
Myth: You have to memorize all 78 tarot cards.
Intuitive Hit: Worrying about getting it wrong is a sure-fire way to block your intuition. Next time you pull a card, write down the first thing that comes to mind, and let that thought act as your prompt for the rest of the reading.
Meditate on: The Hermit, who can help you learn from the times you doubted your intuition.
3. Re-create and Rebel
Myth: The meaning of each card should be strictly and statically interpreted.
Intuitive Hit: Let your life experiences, your upbringing, your ancestry, and your stories enrich the messages that your tarot deck holds. Journaling about your own associations and personal vocabulary when using the cards will help you begin to craft your own style of reading. Tarot is meant to evolve, just like us.
Meditate On: The Ace of Wands, who can keep you courageous, confidant, and creative as you start out on your tarot journey.

4. Decide What Tarot Means For You
Myth: Tarot has only one purpose.
Intuitive Hit: Whether you want to utilize tarot for personal empowerment, predictive purposes, to enhance creativity, or for something else entirely, remember that you call the shots. Get clear about what tarot means for you, and how you want to work with the cards. Write your own manifesto, mantra, or intention to remind you of your goals at this point on your tarot journey.
Meditate On: The Empress, who confidently creates her own reality.

5. Intuition Might Take Its Time
Myth: If the answers you’re seeking from the cards aren’t clear right away, you should probably give up.
Intuitive Hit: Patience and practice are often overlooked parts of the tarot reading process. Intuitive hits don’t always appear immediately. Sometimes, a card’s message might not make sense for hours, days, or even weeks later. Next time you’re stumped by a card, step away from it. Go for a walk, watch for omens, or ask a fellow tarot enthusiast for a second opinion.
Meditate on: The Page of Pentacles, who knows that patience is integral to growth.
**If you want to take your intuitive tarot journey even further, enter to WIN one of five signed copies of Liz’s new publication, Going Beyond the Little White Book: A Contemporary Guide to Tarot. To win, follow @The_Numinous and simply tag your next Instagram post #Numitarot—winners will be notified by direct Instagram message shortly after December 16 2016.
Liz Worth is a Toronto-based tarot reader, astrologer, author, and creative coach who helps seekers, artists, and entrepreneurs get behind the veil so they can get going.
If you’re looking for a super potent time to work with the Tarot, the Full Moon could be the cosmic invitation you’re after. Gabriela Herstik has five ways to work some Full Moon Tarot magick…Image: The Starchild Tarot
Read For The Month Ahead
Perhaps the most obvious and direct way to incorporate the Tarot into your Full Moon ritual is to do a reading. The cosmic energy now is ripe for making decisions on whatever’s been brewing since the previous New Moon, so spending some time reflecting on what you now want to manifest can only serve you. Set up a sacred space, get centered, find a layout that sings to you and draw a card, any card. Reflect on the cycles of your life, and be open to what comes up in the card you’ve chosen.
Make A Tarot Temple
The Tarot is all about imagery and symbolism after all, so why not play with this? You can create a Tarot altar or temple by picking a card that resonates with you (or simply picking one randomly with your intention for the Full Moon in mind) and choosing objects and offerings that help you personify the card. Flowers, photos, statues of deities or animals, and anything else that taps the energy of your card can bring its message to life. You can even create a piece of art that relates to your card, and display it in your chosen sacred space. Focus on the feeling the card brings up for you – especially relating to what you want to manifest in the coming weeks – and channel it into your space.
Meditate on It
The day of the Full Moon is the perfect time to manifest the results of any intentions you’ve set in recent weeks. Once the moon starts to wane, aka lose light, it’s the perfect time to let go and surrender all outcomes to the Universe. Meditating with your card can intensify whatever intention is set. So whether you’re meditating on Death and choosing transformation as the result of any process you’ve been going through, or if you’re simply sitting with The Moon card and focusing on the divine feminine, you’re golden. Taking time to breathe, absorb the energy of the Full Moon and really channel it into your intention is simple, doesn’t take a lot of time, and is a sweet reminder to just be.
Spell It Out
The Full Moon is a strong time for spell or magick work and um, hello, why not incorporate your cards into your work! Whether you’re doing some sigil magick, candle magick or something in between, using the imagery from a card can help set the tone. There’s a whole realm of tarot magick out there, so do your research and get creative.
Dress Like Your Favorite Card
If you really wanna channel your favorite card, take some sartorial cues. Dressing for your Full Moon ritual in something that chimes with the imagery of card you’re working with is a super direct way of aligning yourself with its energy. Feeling the High Priestess this month? Why not wear some jewels or a dress that reminds you of your own connection to Goddess energy? Feeling kinda Two of Cups? How about you dress in something your lover gave you, or something red and sexy. Get creative and manifest, it really is that easy!
What card are you working with this Full Moon? Connect with us and share your Full Moon rituals on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!