As we move ever closer to the Solstice and New Year, the 2018 Virgo Waning Moon tempers Sagittarius Season with a precious pause. It’s prime time to purify, refine, and clear the decks for personal freedom, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 virgo waning moon club
Photo: Graham Hunt

Waning Quarter Moon // November 29 2018 // 7:18pm ET // 7 degrees Virgo 

As the Sun blazes through the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius and 2018 passes through its denouement, the Virgo Waning Moon invites you to embrace a life purification process. 

While this Virgo Moon’s sense of organization, discipline, and attention to detail might feel contradictory to the larger-than-life influence of the current Sag stellium (the Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury are all traveling close to one another in this live-and-let-live sign of fun), leaning into Virgo’s austerity will accelerate your path towards the freedom you most crave.

With just a few weeks remaining before the Sun enters Capricorn, use this time to organize your life. You might consider purging your closet, refraining from making big year-end purchases, limiting your intake of alcohol and sugar, and letting go of toxic relationships.

Take a stand for your truth, and let the rest go. Staying disciplined now sets you up for success at the start of the new year.


// The Cycle //
In personal development circles, the idea of “becoming our best self” often equates with a journey of acquisition. Gaining the job/relationship/status/fill-in-the-blank becomes the objective. However, this journey towards achievement requires sacrifice too. Sacrifice means to release something of value to create or receive something of equal or more significant benefit.

While the Waning Moon often goes unnoticed, this is a critical time between the last Gemini Full Moon, and the upcoming Sagittarius New Moon. When used intelligently, this Moon is the missing ingredient in manifesting your New Moon wish. It asks you to make a sacrifice in order to achieve the freedom you ultimately desire.

In purity driven Virgo, this Moon commands discipline. As we inch closer and closer to the upcoming Solstice, consider any indulgences that are holding you back from the growth you crave most, and eliminate them. Yes. Choose to change. Now. (Not after the clock strikes midnight on January 1st).


// The Transits //
This Waning Quarter Moon happens at an exciting astrological moment. In the days leading up to this turning point in the lunar cycle, the Sun and Mercury (who’s retrograde) aligned in a perfect conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of growth, elevating the potential for expansion!

However, Mars the planet of action, squares this trifecta of awesome, and opposes the Virgo Moon, creating a t-square. This is a fancy way of saying that the freedom-seeking Sag Sun needs to slow his roll! Traveling through mutable Pisces, Mars ushers in a deeper understanding of the values driving the desires for gains.

While this might require a sacrifice in the short term, in the long term it will deliver on Jupiter’s promise of freedom during his yearlong transit through Sag. While sacrifice can sometimes feel punitive, here it offers liberation.

Mutable signs indicate change, and require you to engage with your transformation process (not just wish for it from the sidelines of your life). To support this, the Virgo Moon makes a perfect trine to Saturn in Capricorn and, simultaneously, Mars in Pisces sextiles Saturn. These harmonious angles with growth-through-sacrifice Saturn indicate that discipline trumps freedom now.


// The Square //
Virgo vs. Sagittarius is a classic battle between austerity (Virgo) and abundance (Sag). Both signs are mutable, meaning they prepare us for change, yet beyond that, they share few similarities.

The Virgo Moon aims to purify, reminding us that our emotional needs can be met through release. This is amplified by the fact that it’s the last Waning Quarter Moon before the Solstice, and this idea of surrender syncs perfectly with the metaphor of dwindling light.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, resists discipline in all forms. With a go-big-or-go-home motto, the Sag Sun drives merriment, not surrender. Yet, given Saturn’s essential participation during this Waning Moon, take this time to tune into the Virgo opportunity for purification. 2019 begins with the Sun and Saturn conjoined, meaning Saturn’s influence isn’t going anywhere. So we might as well honor him now and get a head start on the journey ahead.


// The Opportunity //
Like the Moon, which wanes back to new, surrendering the light of the Sun in the process, we have to learn how to yield to our rebirth, again and again, month after month. And often our resurrection depends upon our ability to let go of something we cling to, to make room for something we want.

With this Waning Quarter Moon in fastidious Virgo, forming a mutable T-Square with the Sun and Mars, our egos might feel a wee-bit under the gun—which makes total sense. However, honoring Virgo’s mission to call out old habits, patterns, people, and behaviors that once served you but now block you is critical to your growth trajectory—even if your ego despises this.

This Virgo Waning Moon presents the perfect cosmic moment to surrender into faith: to let go of something, or make a sacrifice, on behalf of what you most desire.

Your freedom hangs in the balance …

Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


With game-changer Uranus primed to shift gears, the 2018 Aquarius Waning Moon wants us to lose the ego, work together, and boldly lead from our authentic core, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world 2018 aquarius waning moon kyle loftus
Photo: Kyle Loftus

Waning Quarter Moon // May 7 2018 // 10:08pm // 17 degrees Aquarius 

We finds ourselves amidst massive change …

The Waning Quarter Moon is that sacred point in the lunar cycle when it’s time to let go. To surrender that which we no longer need.

Aquarius represents ingenuity, self-expression, freedom, creativity, progressive qualities, change, and the betterment of society.

Uranus, the planet of revolution and surprises that rules Aquarius, is getting ready to move into Taurus on May 15th (the same day as the Taurus New Moon). With Uranus in Aries for the last seven years, we’ve been living in an era defined by individualized innovation. In one week, we enter into a new paradigm that massively shifts the cosmic curriculum. We’re ready for enormous lessons around how to use our leadership capabilities fairly and justly, and in absolute alignment with what we value most.

Tuning in this Waning Quarter Moon will allow you to review your progress in all areas, and tune into self-care needs to navigate this transition with ease.

This Waning Moon wants you to stand in your authenticity … 


// The Cycle //
This Waning Quarter Moon brings to fruition seeds planted back at the Aquarius New Moon on February 8, 2016. Think back to over two years ago and consider what has ripened in your life since then. Can you remember intentions you set for this particular New Moon?

Review and discern; what’s come to fruition now that relates to goals set then? What feels complete? Take time to wrap up loose ends now. Then, prepare!


// The Transits // 
With the Sun opposing lucky, expansive Jupiter, there might be a tendency to overdo it. So be careful to set appropriate limits and boundaries.

Because Jupiter travels directly opposite the Sun at the time of the Quarter Moon, the Moon forms a fixed T-square with the Sun in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio. While this could feel like astrological gridlock, this aspect asks you to break free. The release point of this T-square, Leo, guides you to find the joy and play in the process.

With Uranus gearing up to leave Aries, we’re asked to integrate and assimilate the revolution of self. Use this to refine your capacity to emerge authentically as a leader, in spite of astro challenges!


// The Square //
With the Sun in grounded and stable Taurus, and the Moon in progressive Aquarius, this fixed square might highlight stubbornness.

Yet despite the grounded rootedness of the Taurus Sun, the revolutionary Aquarius Moon asks you not to clutch too tightly to the routine or to your ego. Instead, lean into the evolutionary and progressive qualities of the Moon, and ask the ego to step aside.

Leadership requires humility, and this square asks you to acknowledge what you don’t know in order to lean into becoming your best self.


// The Opportunity // 
With Uranus primed to exit Aries, look at what you need to learn as it relates to your online engagement, offline leadership, and the ability to wildly and boldly claim who you are and what you love. Now’s not the moment to hide, but rather to learn and emerge, but to do so with honest humility.

Release the rigidity of needing to be right. In the words of the Beatles, it’s time to “Come Together.” And the only way to do that is to engage a practice of listening and mindful curiosity while maintaining your center and core.

The upcoming New Moon starts a massive new astrological chapter! Get ready, Numi-babes. The world is readying itself for a revolution …

For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit


The sobering glow of the Capricorn Waning Moon asks us to befriend our shadow side, release addictive patterning, and align with our highest destiny, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world club soda moon club capricorn waning moon 2018
Photo: Geo Martinez

Waning Quarter Moon // April 8 2018 // 3:17am EST // 18 degrees Capricorn 

Are you ready to take charge of your transformation? 

Next week’s New Moon in Aries offers tremendous potential to blast off in new directions. As we build towards this energy, the Capricorn Waning Moon asks us to release our shadow and get ready to open up to all this new potential.

First, we’ve got to assess what’s no longer needed. Conjoining Pluto, this Moon urges us to befriend denied aspects of Self and surrender the extra baggage.

With Mercury in the midst of his retrograde journey, use this Waning Moon to get clear on what no longer works for you! Release what stands in the way of creating what you desire.

Look for what’s coming to completion and make a choice … 


//The Cycle//
This Moon harkens all the way back to the New Moon in Capricorn on January 9, 2016. Think back to the intentions you set at the start of 2016. What’s culminating now that correlates with the beginning of the new year in 2016? What did you manifest then that you no longer need now?

Intentions often take an extended gestation period, and aspects of life coming to fruition now may correlate to this New Moon from over two years ago. Simultaneously, it’s essential to release what you no longer need (whether you consciously want to or not), to make room for a new level of maturity that’s emerging.


// The Transits //
With Saturn, Mars, the Moon, and Pluto all conjoined in Capricorn, this powerful combination puts pressure on you to befriend the truth and let go of addictions. Saturn represents purpose, Mars action, the Moon emotional needs, and Pluto represents shadow. Look at lies and addictions with clarity.

Luckily, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance forms a productive and supportive sextile to the Moon in Capricorn, signifying that good luck comes in the form of honesty!


// The Square //
With the Moon traveling through work-oriented and ambitious Capricorn while squaring the Sun in assertive Aries, now’s not the time to resist change.

This Capricorn Waning Moon has the power to not only reveal secrets but to also disintegrate shame in the process. With the Moon conjoining Pluto and squaring the Sun, the ego not only has to confront issues it’d prefer to avoid, but simultaneously needs to integrate learnings.

*Warning: this tough medicine requires you to participate in your transformation. The good news though is that Jupiter is there to support you!


// The Opportunity //
This Waning Moon offers up tough love, and asks us to release any blocks that hold us back from thoroughly enjoying our success.

Look to addictions and get honest about what you no longer need. Consciously think positive thoughts, get rip-roaring clear on what you need to release, and align your mind with your highest destiny! 

*Want to celebrate this Waning Moon’s clarity and consciousness, Numi style? Join us this Sunday, April 8th for Moonrise Kindom, a one-day urban retreat dedicated to deep connection and conscious un-cocktailing!  

And for more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer, visit


As we get ready to leap into 2018, the Virgo Waning Quarter Moon asks us to check what’s no longer working, and prepare for an upgrade, says Jennifer Racioppi

joshua fuller jennifer racioppi ruby warrington virgo waning quarter moon 2017 the numinous material girl mystical world
Photo: Joshua Fuller

Waning Quarter Moon :: December 10 2017 :: 2:51am EST :: 18 degrees Virgo 

With Mercury Retrograde in full swing and Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure, and life purpose, getting ready to switch signs, we find ourselves between worlds.

Time is ticking as we count down the final days of 2017, and coming off the intensity of the Gemini Supermoon and straight into Mercury Retro, it can feel like a collective hangover. Yet while we may feel like we’re trapped inside of what Stranger Things’ fans refer to as “the upside down,” I assure you this is just how real life feels right now.

As we rest between what was and what will be, this Waning Quarter Moon provides a crucial checkpoint on the journey to becoming our future selves … 


:: THE SUN::
At 18 degrees of Sagittarius, the Sun makes an exact trine to the North Node of Fate in Leo, as Saturn also wraps up his nearly 3-year journey in Sag. Now’s the time to tune into the higher vision of your life. The message is to distill the lessons you’ve digested and learned over the past 3 years, and apply them to your overarching vision for your life and your journey going forward.

:: THE MOON ::
Girl … you got this! With the Moon traveling in Virgo and making an exact trine to Pluto, the planet of power, tap into your determination to go the distance with your goals. Get organized and in tune with yourself and your needs. Doing so will prepare you for the power and magic of the year-end New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18.

With the Moon in Virgo and the Sun in Sagittarius, our inner needs battle with demands from the external world. And in the final days of 2017 and Saturn in Sag, it’s time to reconcile the past.

Very soon we’ll shoot like a Tesla into the future, with no ability to turn back. Graciously, the Cosmos has provided us with a beautiful Mercury Retrograde before launching us forward. Lean into it and let yourself reconcile your recent history. Where are you at in your life? Where have you been? What’s worked? What hasn’t?

With five planets poised to enter the sign of the Archer for the December 18 New Moon in Sagittarius, we’re prepping for a crucial opportunity to claim our vision for 2018 and beyond.

On this Virgo Waning Quarter Moon, our job is to get crystal clear about what’s no longer working and surrender it to the divine. What are you ready to leave in the past as you look boldly to your future?

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


While the past month’s cataclysmic cosmic shifts may have you wanting to plunge heart first into massive change, slow your roll says Jennifer Racioppi. The Gemini Waning Quarter Moon wants you to listen in for the lessons, check in with your direction, and honor the threshold before you step through the portal …

Art: Seana Gavin

:: Waning Quarter Moon :: September 13 2017 :: 2:24am EST :: 20 degrees Gemini

Listen in closely … Ideas, energy, motivation, and creativity are brewing … 

Having just completed Mercury Retrograde, we’ve seen shadows, witnessed truth, and digested reality from a multitude of differing perspectives. And while many of us are feeling the urge to jump into action and to start implementing all the lessons we’ve learned, it’s not quite time yet.

We are inching our way towards next week’s Fall Equinox, when the Sun will shift into Libra and the Earth will reach a point of equanimity, marking a balance between light and dark. But first, we have to ride out the last degrees of the Sun traveling through mutable Virgo, the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon, and a New Moon on the 19th, which ask us to assimilate the impact of the most recent cosmic events so we can launch our lives forward.

This turning point in the year marks a crucial point to check in and affirm our intended direction. And with the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon opposing Saturn, the message is to slow your roll and listen before plunging forward.

Come the next New moon and Equinox, you’ll have some clear, mature, and wise inner guidance to inform your next steps.


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at 20 degrees of Virgo squaring Saturn—the planet of lessons, maturity, and growth—the Gemini Waning Quarter Moon has the word “ouch” written all over it.

But, the truth is, Saturn’s position to the Sun offers us the potent medicine of seeing, reconciling, and integrating wisdom. Warning: this is not the time to push forward with an agenda driven by ego. Instead, digest, integrate, and listen to your truth so you can adjust your stance and evolve.

:: The Moon ::
With the Moon in quick witted Gemini, the seduction of speed abounds. However, since this Waning Quarter Moon faces an opposition from serious Saturn, throw on the brakes. Rather than hastily moving forward, tune into Gemini’s secret superpower of *listening* instead.  

:: The Square ::
With the Sun in Virgo squaring the Moon in mutable Gemini, making a mutable T-square with Saturn, this Waning Quarter Moon brings up quite a bit to be reconciled.

The upside? Like a grain of sand transforming into an iridescent pearl inside of a mollusk, the pressure of Saturn forces you into your growth. **Pro tip: The more you lean into this, the easier it is.

:: The Message ::
Pause. This Waning Quarter Moon asks that you take time for introspection. Slow down. Look within. Think about what you need to release before plunging forward into your goals.

With a new season around the corner, it’s essential to review where you’ve been. Now’s the time to go slow, and listen, so you don’t miss any of the wisdom coming your way. In another week you’ll be ready to move forward. Until then, do your best to see and hear as much as you can.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


While Eclipse Season may have us feeling like we’ve caught a serious case of the cosmic crazies, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon invites us to stay steady as we make space for the future to appear, says Jennifer Racioppi.  Artwork: Seana Gavin

Taurus Waning Quarter Moon The Numinous Seana Gavin Jennifer Racioppi

:: Waning Quarter Moon :: August 14 2017 :: 9:15pm EST :: 22 degrees Taurus 

As the cosmic wheel spins out of our control, we need to find our centers. The art is to lovingly let things be shaken up without any unnecessary drama.

With August 21st’s highly anticipated Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse on the horizon (which boasts the power of a New Moon times three), plus Mercury retro, it’s a trippy month that marks a moment of transformation we’ll all be referencing for some time to come.

Amidst all these shifts, we couldn’t ask for a better Waning Quarter Moon as the denouement of this lunar cycle.

This Taurus Waning Quarter Moon provides grounded stability. Perfection.

While Leo, a sign with ample dramatic flair, may love a big show, the Taurus Waning Quarter Moon asks us to stay humble and centered—so we can keep steady amidst the transformation that’s upon us. … 


:: The Sun :: 
With the Sun zooming through the fixed fire sign of Leo as it preps for the Solar Eclipse, it’s time to surrender your ego and your desires for the greater good. While it may seem ironic that the strongly self-possessed Leo Sun is pushing us to surrender our ego, the Quarter Moon cycle asks us to find our humility as we wrap up Leo season and prep for Virgo.

The trick? Don’t cling too tightly to anything right now, especially anything you’re attached to for its external value. Thankfully, the Sun and Saturn are perfecting aligned during this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon, supporting you to utilize the gift of surrender as a way back to stability.

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon, exalted in Taurus, asks you to put your feet on the ground, and connect with the earth. Literally! And while you’re at it, connect with your body too. Take time to nourish and nurture your skin. Try dry brushing, give yourself a luxurious foot massage.

Give yourself a chance to feel your presence on this earth in your body. And don’t forget about delicious savory meals too. Practice mindful self-care. And connect to the dependability and steadfastness of Taurus.

:: The Square :: 
Every Waning Quarter Moons help us wrap things up, so we can prepare for new beginnings right around the corner with the upcoming New Moon. And with the Great American Eclipse on the horizon, this closing square has a SERIOUS message. 

Let the practical sensibility of the Taurus moon take it slow and steady. Let it help you be methodical and realistic, as you sweep your life clean of anything holding you back from the new chapter about to emerge next week.

Create space in your life, and your heart, for your new future to appear. Surrender anything standing in your way at this point, especially your ego.

:: The Message :: 
Let this Taurus Waning Quarter Moon moon help you to feel grounded, connected to your center, and ready to ride the cosmic rollercoaster ahead.

Stand tall in your humility with both feet on the ground (preferably barefoot, in the grass!) From this place of presence, assess what truly does and does not feed your most abundant life, as you ready yourself for the potency of the upcoming eclipse.

Because, baby, things are about to shift … 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


In preparation for the 25th’s New Moon, the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon asks us to look back before we charge into the future. Revisit and restructure so you can get ready to radicalize, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Seana Gavin 

seana gavin collage jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous aquarius waning quarter moon

Waning Quarter Moon :: May 18 2017 :: 10:46 pm EST :: 28 Degrees Aquarius

Marking the halfway point between the 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio and the 25th’s New Moon in Gemini, the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon reveals that it’s essential to look backward before charging forward.

Think back to February 2015’s Aquarius New Moon. This current Quarter Moon brings those past intentions and actions into greater focus. Try to decipher what’s culminating in your life now that relates to seeds planted then. 

Simultaneously, on the day after the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon, we will experience the second of three trines (a positive golden aspect) between Uranus, who represents revolution and freedom, and Saturn, who offers a heavy dose of structure and discipline. The first of these three trines happened on December 24, 2016, and the final will occur on November 11, 2017. This positive aspect suggests an innovative breakthrough in the structures of life. Use it to your advantage! 

:: The Sun ::
With the Sun at the tail end of steady, stable, sensual Taurus, and primed to enter quick witted and communicative Gemini on the 20th, we sit on the heels of change. As we take in the last moments of Taurus and prepare to switch zodiac signs, the Sun forms a T-square with the nodes of fate. This evolutionary configuration asks us to take stock of where we are in relation to our desires, goals, and dharma.

When the Sun moves into Gemini, it’ll be time to get into the flow of socializing, communicating, and networking. Right now, however, we have the opportunity to assess, systematize, and steadily focus our attention on where we are in relationship to our desired outcomes, and to make changes accordingly.

:: The Moon::
The future-oriented, humanitarian driven Aquarius Moon conjoins the South Node before moving into Pisces hours after this square. With the Moon in this delicate position, squaring the Sun and opposing the North Node of Destiny, forgiveness becomes paramount. As you assess your progress, have a forgiving heart. Tenderly release expectations that have not come to fruition. You need to make room for the bigger and better things just around the corner.

:: The Square ::
The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Aquarius asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality, and our needs for innovation and humanitarian drives. The Sun in Taurus favors the tried and true path of tradition. However, the Aquarius moon wants progress, change, and forward momentum.

Since this waning square also involves the North and South Nodes, it’s essential to lean more into Aquarius than Taurus. Remember, one day after this Quarter Moon, Uranus and Saturn trine, which promotes progress and innovation. Shortly afterward, the Sun moves into social Gemini. So let progress lead the way!

:: The Message :: 

Revaluate. Plan. Innovate. Release. Surrender. Trust. With the Sun squaring the nodes of fate, and the Aquarius Moon directly conjoined to the South Node, this Quarter Moon drives us to evaluate how are doing so we can lean more fully into our progressive ideals.

This turning point of 2017 asks us to let go of what no longer serves us. Is there anything you need to release that stands in the way of receiving your intended goals? Are you ready to cultivate the prosperity and joy from all of your hard work? Under Taurus Sun’s influence, letting go is hard. But don’t let that stop you. Use this Waning Quarter Moon to make progressive adjustments.

Allow friction to propel you forward … 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!