The 2018 Pisces Waxing Moon asks us to relax in the face of year-end pressures, embrace all that is unknown, and let our dreams vanquish fear, says Jennifer Racioppi

ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world the now age olha zaika jennifer racioppi 2018 pisces waxing moon club
Photo: Olha Zaika

Waxing Quarter Moon // December 15 2018 // 6:49am ET // 23 degrees Pisces

With year-end madness in full-effect, and the personal development world not only encouraging you to see into the future but to begin to sculpt your next year accordingly, the last two weeks of the year might feel like pressure. Bone-crushing pressure. 

Coming off of the bold and blunt Sagittarius New Moon’s cosmic invitation to claim your dream, the Universe now awaits your response. Where is your vision leading you, next?

In an ideal world, the answer might feel obvious. But considering the Piscean influence, direction can feel obscure and hazy. Pisces, after all, a sign ruled by trance-inducing, otherworldly Neptune, who inspires subterranean explorations of the subconscious, doesn’t always deliver tangibility.

What to do if you lack clarity on your future visions and goals? Embrace the unknown.

// The Cycle //
Waxing Quarter Moons often connect us to intentions set nine months prior. Consider what’s coming to your life now based on intentions set with the Pisces New Moon on March 17, 2018. What’s percolating in your life now that connects to energy set in motion then?

And in the current cycle, this half-way mark between the New Moon and Full Moon acts as a stepping stone, here to help you traverse the distance between where you are and where you want to be. As the assertive energies of the Sun clash with the yin-like qualities of the Moon, take this time to resolve any cognitive dissonance you may experience in your own life. Embracing this confrontation expedites the journey to clarity.

Use this Pisces Waxing Moon to center yourself and tap into your intuition as you prepare for both the Solstice and the upcoming Cancer Full Moon, which will invite you to come home to yourself even more. Like Dorothy walking the Yellow Brick Road in her ruby red shoes, this Pisces Moon is guiding you on a path home.


// The Transits //
With so much retrograde activity behind us, this halfway moment between the New and Full Moons boasts serious magic.

For starters, Mercury in Sagittarius prepares for its second alignment with Jupiter (the first of these conjunctions happened in late November, and the second will happen on the December 21st Solstice). The biggest planet in the solar system, who’s often referred to as Santa Claus, Jupiter has a tendency to deliver good news. With this meet-up between Jupiter and cosmic messenger Mercury in the expansive sign of Sagittarius, it’s the perfect moment to lean into the wave of positive momentum. Do you need to ask for something? Now’s the time. 

Further, with the Moon in Pisces, conjoined to Mars, Chiron, and Neptune, which makes a sweet angle to Venus, this Pisces “stellium” activates healing on a cellular level, inviting you to feel and heal what’s no longer needed. Lean into your desires, not your fears, as you seek to live your dream.

To top this off, after a year riddled with heavy retrograde activity, only one planet remains retrograde: distant Uranus. The cosmos signals green lights for action. Use this time to assess what you’ve learned, and mindfully integrate the lessons obtained.


// The Square //
On the challenging side of things, the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Pisces (magnified by the dense planetary activity in Pisces) blurs the lines. Go-big-or-go-home-Sagittarius strongly dissuades boundaries. And spiritually inclined and sensitive Pisces can go so deep into the dream that it forgets reality altogether. With the luminaries traveling in these two mutable signs, feelings, impulses, and urges might override the truth.

Stay on the lookout for lies, addiction, and deceit. Much like the Waxing Moon which appears as a half in the sky, but is indeed only at the quarter phase, this square asks you to decipher fact from illusion. Be aware of where you check out prematurely or run away as a coping mechanism.


// The Opportunity //
The high road here asks you to tap into the potential and power of your dreams, and the expansiveness of the moment, without losing a brass-tacks approach to rallying your life force energy on behalf of your desires.

Let this Waxing Quarter Moon in Pisces illuminate the next steps you need to take to not just bring the Sagittarius New Moon’s intentions to fruition, but to consider how what’s unfolding in your life now relates to intentions set during the 2018 Pisces cycle. What did you set in motion with the March 17th New Moon that’s coming to fruition now? Claim it!

It also invites sleep, healing sleep. This potent lunar moment invites you to genuinely enjoy the experience and engage out of bounds thinking — even lucid dreaming and astral travel (which is so Pisces).

With one week before the Winter Solstice, the darkest moment of the year, take advantage of the seasonal cue to sleep. Treat it as a ritual, and open wide for prophetic dreams!

Discover more about astrologer and success coach Jennifer Racioppi and her work HERE and follow her on Instagram.


The 2018 Sagittarius Waxing Moon marks a powerful moment for reflecting on our truth and realigning ourselves with soul-centered growth, says Jennifer Racioppi

ruby warrington jennifer racioppi the numinous 2018 sagittarius waxing moon sydney altschuler
Photo: Sydney Altschuler

Waxing Quarter Moon / September 16 2018 / 7:14pm EST / 24 degrees Sagittarius 

As we quickly approach September 22nd’s Fall Equinox, the 2018 Sagittarius Waxing Moon asks us to explore our freedom and truth (without throwing in the towel on our goals).

This Waxing Quarter Moon boasts a mix between super friendly transits and those that midwife deep soul level truth. This halfway point between the Virgo New Moon and the upcoming Full Moon marks a potent moment to check in with ourselves.


//The Cycle//
This Waxing Quarter Moon brings our attention to intentions set with the Sagittarius New Moon back in December 18, 2017. Think back to the end of 2017; what heartfelt prayers did you solicit the divine to support you with? What soul-driven goals did you set for yourself? This Waxing Quarter Moon shines a light on the growth and progress you intended for yourself since the close of 2017. As we quickly approach the Autumnal Equinox, and the Sun’s entrance into Libra, let this Waxing Quarter moon support you in reflecting on how far you’ve come this year.


// The Transits //
At the time of the Waxing Quarter Moon, Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, makes a sextile to both Mercury and Pluto. The bestower of good luck and growth, Jupiter imbues our minds and deeper psyches with illuminated thought— should we choose to listen. Score!

However, on the challenging side of things, Mars at 1 degree of Aquarius squares both Venus and Uranus who find themselves in a massive tug of war! Ouch. With Mars approaching an exact conjunction to the South Node of fate and destiny, old patterns get activated that attempt to derail your growth and progress. Be aware. Do not fall for fools’ goals. Watch out for digressions and backward slips, and keep evolving forward.


// The Square // 
With the Virgo Sun at 24 degrees squaring the Sagittarius Moon, the need to break free battles a sincere desire for order. Virgo season, after all, asks us to get our ducks in a row, and to imbue our life with a deep devotion to our dreams and deep sense of discipline. Yet with the lunar energy, which connects with our core emotional needs, traveling through the sign of freedom, it’s kind of like we want to give the middle finger to discipline and structure in the name of fun and freedom.

Remember, with Mars quickly approaching the South Node of past karmas, old patterns and behaviors reach out like an ex wanting to rekindle a romance in service of a good f*ck. Don’t get sucked in! 


// The Opportunity //
Use this Waxing Quarter Moon as a point of reflection. Look back to the December 2017 Sagittarius New Moon and check in on goals set then. How are you doing thus far in 2018? With the Equinox right around the corner, let this Waxing Quarter Moon support you to ready yourself for Fall. With Mars quickly approaching the South Node of past karma while squaring Venus (in her retrograde shadow) and Uranus in Taurus, now’s not the time to regress. Be free but don’t sabotage. Let your evolution lead you forward.

For more Moon wisdom, or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit


This week’s Gemini Waxing Quarter Moon reminds us to identify our needs, honor our boundaries, and use our voice to draw the line, says Jennifer Racioppi …

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world gemini waxing quarter moon club maria badasian
Photo: Maria Badasian

Waning Quarter Moon // February 23 2018 // 3:09am EST // 4 degrees Gemini

Pisces, a sign all about inclusivity, dreams, oneness, and transcendence, tends in the direction of empathy. At times, this can mean prioritizing the other at the expense of the self.

With the Sun, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, and Chiron all in the sign of the fish right now, the urge to step into another’s shoes and feel all their feelings may sweep over you like a giant wave.

But as this mystical Sun squares the Gemini Moon, now’s not the time to exclusively feel and take care of other’s needs.

As you find yourself surfing the sensitive Pisces waves, it’s essential to identify your needs, honor your boundaries, and use your voice to articulate them …


// The Cycle //
Following the recent Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, the Moon’s opening square wants us to notice any unforeseen obstacles on the path to creating the intentions you set then.

Consider what’s coming up now that relates to intentions set a week ago. Where do you need to set a boundary to honor your desired intentions? Where are you being called to speak your truth in an even bigger way as it relates to creating what you say you want? Doing so now will support your desires coming to fruition.

Want to go even deeper? Think back to the New Moon in Gemini on May 25, 2017, that happened at the same degree as this Moon. What seeds did you plant then that are coming to fruition now? How can you further cultivate those opportunities as they arrive? Where do you need to set a boundary to honor your hard work?


// The Transits //
With five planets in sensitive Pisces making a supportive angle to Saturn, you can make serious headway on your goals now. As Venus, Mercury and the Sun also partner with Jupiter over the next few weeks, your efforts become extra blessed, especially as the Moon waxes toward full.

At the same time, the Moon’s challenging angle to Saturn encourages us to eliminate what’s not working as we speak our boundaries into existence. While this may feel awkward, it’s all in service of a much bigger picture.


// The Square //
With the Sun in Pisces, it’s imperative to notice where you jump in to rescue others at your own expense. Gemini energy reminds us to use our voice to draw a line, even if doing so feels weird or bitchy. Get in touch with, and seek to fully understand, anything that holds you back from trusting and integrating your own, intuitive voice.


// The Opportunity //
How to balance your sensitivity with the need to establish clear boundaries? Stay on the lookout for these 3 patterns ….

Overdoing for others, to make you more lovable. You know, the voice that tells you, “If I give my all to others, I’ll finally be worthy to receive myself.” Ouch! Remember: we don’t earn our worth. It’s an inherent part of who we are.

Aligning with others to feel safe. Being agreeable to the point of dysfunction to stay loyal, friendly, keep up, and belong. This behavior is the kryptonite of authenticity and bravery in interpersonal relationships. And authenticity and bravery are actually key to intimacy and bonding—critical values of Pisces season!

The need to be liked. This stems from sourcing our worth from external validation rather than internal sources, and simultaneously avoiding conflict. Even with so much emphasis on oneness in the sky, fearing conflict may keep you from reaping the rewards available during this Gemini Waxing Quarter Moon.

Despite all the highly sensitive, empathetic vibes in the sky right now, identify your needs, articulate them, and risk drawing strong boundaries. Laying down your law will help you to stay true to your desires.

By working with this cycle, and leaning into conflict as a growth opportunity (rather than avoiding it out of fear), you stand to make incredible long-term gains.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


With a pack of Capricorn planets by her side, the Aries Waxing Quarter Moon wants you to get fierce, take charge, and turn your crystal visions into smokin’ hot reality, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi aries waxing quarter moon 2017 ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world moon club oliver shou
Photo: Oliver Shou

Waxing Quarter Moon :: December 26 2017 :: 4:20am EST :: 4 degrees Aries

As the Aries Moon squares the Capricorn Sun, now’s the time to take charge of your life and move in the direction of your dreams … 

Cosmically speaking, we’ve been through so much over the last few weeks! Since the 18th’s Sagittarius New Moon, Saturn entered Capricorn, Mercury stationed direct, AND we experienced the Solstice.

We find ourselves amidst profound transformation, and with so much emphasis now in Capricorn, determination becomes a predominant theme. 

With Mercury still in his retrograde shadow until January 10th, it’s essential to decompress from the recent retrograde journey. And with Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, making a sweet trine to Neptune in Pisces, we are supported in accessing our dreams and channeling our intuition, which makes this even decompression even more possible. Yes!

As we reach the halfway point between the last New Moon and January 1st’s Full Moon in Cancer, this is a crucial time to check in with our intentions and see how we are processing the changes upon us. 


:: THE SUN ::
With the Capricorn Sun snuggled up next to taskmaster Saturn, Venus, and Pluto, we have a stellium (4 planets in the same sign) that emphasizes pragmatism and structure.

Earthy Capricorn asks us to get down to business. Since we are in the last week of the year, a time when we’re meant to dial back and not ramp up, direct your work ethic towards developing your goals for 2018. After all, it’s not just a new year; it’s a new Saturn cycle too.

:: THE MOON ::
With the Moon in cardinal fire sign Aries, you may feel like you have energy fit to burst– so channel it wisely. Take yourself to an exercise class or the gym. Put music on in your home and dance it out.

If anger rises to the surface give yourself space to express it–pound a pillow and rage behind a closed door if you need to. With Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, making a beautiful connection to Neptune in Pisces, there’s a significant amount of healing in the ethers. Tap into this. Then take the reins and step into leadership.

The Moon in Aries encourages you to assert your truth boldly, lay down boundaries, and initiate new beginnings. 

A cardinal square between an Aries Moon and Capricorn Sun accentuates a battle between passion (Aries) and pragmatism (Capricorn). This creative and ambitious square offers you a lot of energy and potential to take charge of your life (and your future) –so lean into it.

Both Aries and Capricorn embody massive leadership potential, so lead from within, and assert where you wish to take your life. We’re moving through a potent portal rich with the potential to claim our 2018 visions. So let this cardinal-get-it-done-energy motivate you to nail your vision for the next year!

Allow this Waxing Quarter Moon to support you to process where you’ve been and where you are going. Let the Aries influence encourage you to move your body and release that which you no longer need. Decompress the lessons, and integrate the wisdom gained. Shake off the stress of 2017.

Then take charge. This Waxing Quarter Moon grants you full permission to become the leader of your own life. 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


As we head towards the end of the year, the Aquarius Waxing Quarter Moon asks us to embrace our authenticity, be willing to take the radical lead, and get ready to unleash our vision, says Jennifer Racioppi

jennifer racioppi ruby warrington the numinous material girl mystical world aquarius waxing quarter moon 2017 seana gavin
Art: Seana Gavin
 Waxing Quarter Moon :: October 27 2017 :: 6:22pm EST :: 4 degrees Aquarius 

As October quickly comes to a close, it’s time to plume the depths of your psyche and unleash your authenticity. The Waxing Quarter Moon in Aquarius challenges you to embrace this individuality and take the lead in your life!

Use this Waxing Quarter Moon to do the work to develop yourself as a leader. As leadership expert Warren Bennis points out, “Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself.” Thankfully this lunar experience supports you to do just that!

This progressive Moon sign doesn’t get caught up in the convention. Preferring to go against the grain instead, Aquarius encourages rebellious action that has authentic resonance … 


:: The Sun ::
As the Sun moves through Scorpio—a water sign fiercely devoted to the truth—psychological insights abound! Since the Sun and good luck Jupiter are traveling close together (conjoining on 10/26), it’s time to bet high on yourself.

Connect with your intuition, and allow yourself to express your truth. Go for what you want. In doing so, you permit others to do the same.

:: The Moon ::
The Aquarius Moon makes a positive trine to Mars in Libra. This activation of air, an element connected to thoughts, ideas, and communication, inspires creativity and intellect.

So tap into evolutionary and progressive thinking. Let yourself lead. Don’t be afraid to express your views and opinions.

:: The Square ::
This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to the New Moon that happened at 8 degrees of Aquarius on January 27, 2017.

Think back to late January, and see if you can remember what you desired then. Can you see how you’ve grown since then? What are some challenges you are encountering now in bringing that dream and desire to fruition?

If you were to take radical action now on behalf of the goal you set in motion then, what would this look like? Based on how far you’ve already come this year, what does leadership look like for you now?

:: The Message ::  
This Waxing Quarter Moon encourages you to own your voice and power, and recommit to the vision you set out to accomplish in January of 2017.

With the year quickly coming to a close, evaluate your progress and then own your leadership role in your own life. You can get a lot done right now with the progressive Aquarius vibes pushing you forward.

Unleash your vision, activate your authenticity, and take the lead. Place a bet on you, and then win!

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers! 


Power up, astro babes. The Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon asks you to roll up your sleeves, shake off the past, and get ready to rumble, says Jennifer Racioppi.

jennifer racioppi capricorn waxing quarter moon moon club the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world
Art: Seana Gavin

:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: September 27 2017 :: 10:53pm EST :: 5 degrees Capricorn 

I hope you’re rested, because this week’s energy shifts are tremendous …

This Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon activates the energy of two cardinal signs, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal energy initiates new seasons, brings a tenacity to get things done, and helps us take a deeper look at what needs reconciliation and completion.

Now is the time to honor your need for urgency. Take a look at what’s holding you back from moving forward with your goals and desires and get into action.

In addition to this square, the planet of luck and abundance, Jupiter, makes his final opposition to the planet of change, Uranus late night on the 27th. This opposition asks us to shake free anything that feels out of alignment with our truth. And, to make it all the more interesting, Pluto, the planet of power, stations direct on the afternoon of the 28th.

All of this together? Get ready to rumble …


:: The Sun :: As the Sun travels through the early degrees of Libra, it’s time to place our attention on justice. Libra, the sign of the scales asks us to rectify what feels out of balance and pushes things in the direction of fairness. So use the cardinal influence of the Sun in Libra to get right with yourself.

:: The Moon :: With the Waxing Moon at 5 degrees of stalwart Capricorn, ambition and drive take a turn at the wheel. When the Moon travels through Capricorn, emotional needs are met with hard work, diligence, and tried and true practices. Use this influence of ambition to activate your courage and tenacity.

:: The Square ::  With the Moon waxing towards full, it’s essential to look at curveballs showing up in our life—especially as they pertain to the development and manifestation of goals. Use this Waxing Quarter Moon to evaluate where you don’t believe in your ability to achieve your desires, or where you are derailing your best efforts. Then, make a plan to overcome these potential setbacks.

:: The Message ::  Honor your desires. Honor your efforts. Don’t be shy. Stay determined. This week unleashes tremendous energy and influence. So stick with it. Look at where you are holding yourself back and reconcile it.

Remember, your desires are holy and worthy of your love and attention. Let this Capricorn Waxing Quarter Moon help you move closer to your dreams—and your goals.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 


In the aftermath of mega-transformative Eclipse Season, the Sagittarius Waxing Quarter Moon wants you to face the challenge, adapt to change, and persevere courageously, says Jennifer Racioppi.  Artwork: Seana Gavin

jennifer racioppi sagittarius waxing quarter moon the numinous ruby warrington material girl mystical world seana gavin

:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: August 29 2017 :: 4:19am EST :: 6 degrees Sagittarius

The Great American Eclipse initiated one of the most powerful lunations of the year, and this week’s opening square wants you to evaluate your progress, reconcile any discomfort, and anchor into your most refreshed life vision …

Opening squares (aka Waxing Quarter Moons) happen at the halfway point between new and full moons and help you integrate (and deepen) intentions set at the time of the new moon.

This isn’t always easy, of course. Ideas and plans often don’t magically manifest without some massaging in between (especially when eclipses bring things up from the depths of the shadows, unleashing emotions and life scenarios that feel destabilizing).

This particular Waxing Quarter Moon presents an exceptional opportunity to courageously overcome challenges. Assess your conviction. Then, get grounded and brave so you can persevere and manifest. 


:: The Sun ::
With the Sun in the organized and disciplined sign of Virgo, its root word stemming from Virgin, you’re asked to return to yourself, and find your way back to humble service, clean eating, and robust self-care.

Over the next few days, the Sun in Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces, asking you to unleash your spiritual super powers and use them on behalf of your healing. Get organized and rooted because with even more change coming, you want to feel grounded and stable.

But most importantly, it’s a powerful time to heal … 

:: The Moon ::
The Moon in freedom loving Sagittarius trines Venus in Leo, activating fire’s courage, devotion to the truth, and ability to communicate bluntly and rawly.

Now is the time to ask yourself: if I were 5% braver, what would I do? What would I say? How would I approach my life? 

While Mercury continues to travel retrograde, consider the difficult questions and begin to understand where you hold yourself back. Start to connect the dots so when Mercury stations retrograde on September 5th, you are ready to move forward with a well-strategized plan of attack.

:: The Square ::
With the Sun in fastidious Virgo squaring the Moon in boisterous Sagittarius just one week after the most recent solar eclipse, all while Mercury continues to travel retrograde, it’s time for reconciliation and evaluation.

Both Sagittarius and Virgo are mutable signs that prepare you for change. In the midst of upheaval, use this conflict and halfway mark as a time to check in with how far you’ve come and recommit to your cause.

:: The Message ::
Put your feet on the ground. Breathe deep into your core. Release the fear, the anxiety, the not knowing. Feel your heartbeat, the rhythm within.

Let the Sun in earth sign Virgo help you to root. Let the Moon in fire sign Sag assist you to find your courage. And then prepare. Come the Full Moon in Pisces (next week!) you’ll understand with so much more clarity where you want to head from here.

Trust that as the galaxies work through their cycles, you move through yours. As above so below. In this time of cosmic upheaval, trust that you are being guided towards a conscious decision that will indeed take you precisely where you are meant to go.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar loving cosmic change makers! 



With a pack of planets traveling through the super feely sign of Cancer, emotions are running high right now. The Libra Waxing Quarter Moon asks us to find our center and witness our needs from a place of higher vision, says Jennifer Racioppi Artwork: Seana Gavin

Seana Gavin collage Libra Waxing Quarter Moon The Numinous Jennifer Racioppi

:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: June 30 2017 :: 8:51 pm EST :: 9 degrees Libra  

With the Sun, Mars, and Mercury traveling through the cardinal water sign of Cancer, emotions may get stirred up and complicated during this Libra Waxing Quarter Moon. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, desires safety and security. With a trio of planets passing through this complex sign, emotional needs trump logic right now.

Your job: take note of where insecurity is running the show, and swap immediate needs for a longer-term, higher vision of yourself and your life! 

Since both Mars and Mercury will oppose Pluto—the planet of power and shadows—I encourage you to stay in the place of observation and witness your needs (and insecurities) without diving head first into defending them.

Despite the profound emotional challenges emerging, take the lead from the Libra moon and strive to find equanimity within … 

:: The Sun ::
The Sun at 9 degrees of Cancer asks you to nurture your emotional world without surrendering your power to it.

Things might feel extremely touchy, emotional, and triggered. On a spiritual level, it’s so essential to tune into your intuition right now, particularly since the Sun forms an applying trine to the planet of spirituality—Neptune. In doing so, you open the potential for deep insight to pour through.

Feel the feelings without becoming the emotion, while simultaneously practicing great self-care. 

:: The Moon ::
With Moon-ruled Cancer governing three of the planets right now, it’s important to be with your emotions, and to get to know where, when, and how your insecurities get triggered.

The Sun, Mars, and Mercury are asking you to understand where giving into insecurity undoes you. On a positive note, with the Moon at 9 degrees of Libra on her way to meet up with Jupiter—the planet of good luck and good fortune—the lunar influence suggests abundance.

:: The Square ::
With the Moon in cardinal Libra, an air sign, squaring the Sun in cardinal Cancer, a water sign, chances are you feel a polarization between what you think and feel. Subconscious needs butt up against the needs of the ego, asking you to reconcile any sense of inner conflict by acknowledging it. With Mercury AND Mars opposing Pluto, we’re asked to look at our shadow and face up to power struggles.

But this is not the time to succumb to drama … 

We must work hard to dwell in equanimity. Nourish and nurture yourself and your needs without deviating from your higher self and sense of truth. Stay committed to seeing things for what they are and stay centered without overly indulging the dark.

:: The Message ::
Don’t let insecurity win. Utilize this Libra Waxing Quarter Moon to help you understand where insecurity throws you off rather than lifts you.

Things are intense. Mars opposite Pluto can get nasty.  With so much water in the sky, this is a very delicate week and you need to let your emotions out. Yet with the moon in Libra, there’s a deep need (and desire) to keep the peace. Let the feeling flows, but then practice coming back to center.

This isn’t the time to give up, deviate from your intended course, or surrender into drama. Instead, it’s time to become even more devoted to your intended outcome … 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of cosmic creatives and lunar lovers! 


Following last week’s New Moon in Gemini, the Virgo Waxing Quarter Moon’s frictional challenges offer us fodder for luscious growth, says Jennifer Racioppi. Let the uphill climb propel you forward! Artwork: Seana Gavin.

Waxing Quarter Moon :: June 1 2017 :: 8:42 am EST :: 11 degrees Virgo 

With the Summer Solstice just three weeks away, June kicks off the opening square to last week’s New Moon in Gemini. Unlike New Moons, which bring fertile and harmonious alignments for new beginnings, Quarter Moons ask us to handle curveballs with grace.

So use this moment in the lunar cycle to check in on any intentions you set at the New Moon last week and see what (if any) adjustments you need to make.  Good news: Venus, who rules beauty trines Saturn, who governs structure, auspiciously supporting the realignment of goals. Boom! 

:: The Sun ::
The Gemini Sun in an applying trine to good luck Jupiter in Libra ushers in luscious growth. While the exact trine to Jupiter happens on the 3rd, we can feel the energy building during this quarter moon. (Trines support manifestation—massively!)

This aspect helps us feel exciting summer vibes as we engage the social energy of Gemini season, strengthening bonds with those we love while meeting new people too! Yet the Sun also squares Neptune and this Moon is in Virgo, so be careful for blind spots and see what information you might have missed- stay focused on the details and don’t let important matters slip by.

:: The Moon ::
The Moon in Virgo squares the Sun and opposes Neptune, forming a mutable T-square in the sky. Given that the Moon represents our emotional needs, our inner world may feel a bit unsettled today—a mutable T-square can feel confusing, especially with Neptune in the mix.

However, if we surrender to the Virgo impulse to work dutifully on behalf of staying in integrity, we may just find that any disruptive feelings ultimately help us expedite our purpose and the fruition of our goals. Now is the time to use any friction on behalf of our growth …

:: The Square :: 
With the Sun in Gemini waxing to her zenith at the Summer Solstice, and simultaneously squaring the Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces while forming an applying trine to Jupiter, we need to take a detail-oriented approach so we can grow into our full potential. Gemini, not always the most detailed-oriented sign, can overlook essential information for the big picture. Yet, the Virgo Moon answers the call of duty, bringing us back to basics. Thank the Goddess!

:: The Message :: 
The Moon’s call today guides you to check your blind spots, and to see any curveballs as an appropriate challenge that supports the manifestation of your New Moon intentions set last week. The detailed oriented, humble Virgo Moon asks you to stay responsible and engaged, even though things may feel tricky or uncomfortable. The good news is, with so much positivity brewing in the cosmos, sticking with it leads to rewards.

Do. Not. Give. Up. Instead, stay focused and let any friction become fodder for your growth! 

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!


Finally! After the relentless work of retrograde season, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon brings some positive mojo. Step up and step out dressed in pure joy and abundance, says Jennifer RacioppiArtwork: Seana Gavin 

jennifer racioppi leo waxing quarter moon the numinous ruby warrington waxing quarter moon collage seana gavin

Waxing Quarter Moon :: May 2 2017 :: 10:46pm EST :: 12 Degrees Leo 

On the heels of Beltane, a pagan holiday celebrating the earth’s fertility, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon arrives to bring some serious positive mojo back to our game …

Finally … it’s time to conjure abundance! 

Loaded with retrograde activity, 2017 has brought massive reconfigurations of life. The year opened on Mercury retrograde. February ushered us into eclipse season– an intense time of change. And then just as we digested the eclipses, Venus stationed retrograde on March 4th (only recently turning direct on April 15th). On April 9th, Mercury stationed retrograde too (it will station direct on May 3rd, just following the Quarter Moon).

After all the hard work we’ve done this year, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon signals a time when we can start to consider what’s next. We are spiritually ready to make good on what we’ve unearthed from within. And, fortunately, the time has come to execute!

Hell YES! 


:: The Sun ::  
Midway through steady, stable Taurus, the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces. A sextile suggests resources that are available to us, and this particular combo combines earth and water elements to deliver soothing healing qualities. Think of a luscious detoxifying mud bath that leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. Allow yourself to sink deep into your skin and relish in feelings of spiritually aligned embodiment.

(Hint: Cosmically supported, feel-good vibes abound!)

:: The Moon :: 
The Moon in playful Leo signals a time to step up and step out in joy and abundance. Immediately after the Sun and Moon square, the Moon begins to move into an applying trine with Saturn and Uranus, creating a legendary grand trine in fire. And all of this is happening between a fertile New Moon (which happened on April 26th in Taurus), and May 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio. This bewitching combo signals power, strength, and favorable blessings!

:: The Square :: 
Waxing Quarter Moons urge us to course correct, handle curve balls, and eloquently redirect our focus as needed. The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Leo asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality and our needs for fun. This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to intentions set on August 2, 2016, when the New Moon occurred at 10 degrees of Leo. We should see things sprouting now that are related to plans made and desires stated then. Keep on the lookout, and don’t be afraid to pivot if necessary!

:: The Message :: 
Keep going! So far, we’ve worked hard in 2017 to come to a genuine place of truth within ourselves. Our egos have had to shed misaligned notions so we can step forward into a deeper resonance with our truth. Given that this Waxing Quarter Moon occurs one day before Mercury stations direct, this potent lunar moment offers a compelling opportunity.

Get ready to embrace the upcoming influx of abundance ahead of us.  With the Sun waxing towards the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to actively create, pursue our dreams, and conjure our desires.

For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!