The Numinous Tarotscopes. Cast by Lindsay Mack, using The Starchild Tarot.


SCORPIO :: SCORPIO RISING – Eight of Swords, reversed

Happy birthday, sweet Scorpio! You are in your most shining element this month: rebirth. Novembcer leads us into the gate between autumn and winter; a sacred death cycle. For you, this time will be less about a death and more about the life that comes after it. You have been diligently moving through a soul shedding as of late—letting go, re-centering, and mastering your truth. It may not have felt that way to you, however. It may have felt like you were lost, a mess, or self-sabotaging. It has been something so much deeper than that, and now it is time to unfurl into what lies beyond—renewed, awake and aware.

Eight of Swords reversed holds the frequency of liberation from mental and emotional prisons, allowing you to walk through your life with a different world view. In other words, Scorpio: you’ve realized that the proverbial “prison door” has been unlocked the entire time. You’ve never been trapped, you’ve never had to plan an escape—you were free to leave at any time. This epiphany is what comes of being in Eight of Swords when not reversed. The reversal (which you are in this month) is the life after death. November’s invitation will be to rebirth yourself, like a phoenix from the ashes, into a more expanded, courageous life. It is a deeply empowering time, full of possibility, freedom and growth. The key will be for you to trust it—to step forward, leaving behind your smaller self.

Learning to trust the potential beyond olds pattern of feeling deeply stuck and small is a process that happens gently, over time. It is so important to practice compassionate self-acceptance as you expand this month. Most importantly, it is vital to have support. Be willing to speak up when those old fears and internal voices pop up; bring some light to the darkness, call in your council, and help yourself out. Remember: the unspoken patterning, thoughts and habits are the things that put us in jail in the first place. They rev up cycles of unintentional sabotage, secrets, and self-entrapment, leaving us confused, lost and stuck. You can rewire this by choosing to be seen in your vulnerability, Scorpio. Doing so will liberate you again and again, helping you to see clearly, allowing you to take proactive steps in the direction of your vision and dreams. You just have to take the first step.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


Your cup runneth over this month, Sagittarius. What a sweet frequency to be moving through! In Six of Crystals, or Pentacles, we actually achieve a new level of balance by giving. This card heralds a time of personal blessings, gifts and energy; we have so much that we are able and happy to give some away. November is not only about enjoying the newly abundant energy that will be available to you, but about learning to give, listen and serve only when there is an overflow in your life. This is not selfish—this is wisdom. Showing up from this place of overflow assures that both you and the other person will be nourished by the exchange. The more you give, the more you will be filled up. It is a gorgeous circle of sacred replenishment.

The two keys to Six of Pentacles are balance and trust. In the Smith-Rider-Waite imagery of this card, a rich man is seen giving gold coins to two happy and grateful beggars. We see that the rich man’s brass scales are balanced—only after having given his money away to the other men. In this giveaway dance, both sides are made even, the duality is made whole. The beggars get to practice trust in receiving, the rich man gets to practice trust in giving—both sides get to master the idea that there is enough Universal abundance for all, that their needs will always be met. This is a deep healing for all parties.

There are times in life when we are the ones giving, and times when we are the ones receiving. It is deeply important to check in, to make sure we are at a point of overflow before holding space, and to resist giving our energy away when we need to be nourishing ourselves. In honoring that place of integrity, we commit to the highest frequency and energetic balance on the planet. Specifically, you are being asked to step up as a beacon of abundance and true generosity, Sagittarius, showing others how to practice sacred balance, trust, and receiving. You are learning from this, too! The more you honor this process of checking in and serving from a place of Universal flow, the more abundance there will be for you—expect a gorgeous overflow of love, earthly gifts and energetic upgrades this month. Be a living example of honoring the self and you will never want for a thing.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.


November is going to be challenging for you, Capricorn, but in the best and most rewarding ways. Whenever we are in the energy of Starseed, or The Fool, it can be exhilarating and exciting—but also a little scary. This energy is tearing the house down in your sign this month, and I recommend you welcome it in with open arms. It is time to leap into the next phase of your life with abandon: there is nothing to do but jump. If you wait until you feel ready (as I know you love to, Capricorn), you will never do it. Trust that in the energy of The Fool, you’re more ready than you think you are. Get the support you need, prepare yourself as best as you can, and then commit. Doing this, even if you fall short of your mark, will kick off a powerful, exciting and expansive journey of the soul. Wherever you feel most unprepared and vulnerable is the place to begin.

The Fool is going to show up in wildly different ways for all of you: saying yes to being present, telling that person that you have feelings for them, quitting your job to pursue your passion. Don’t be surprised if your brain works on you a bit this month, Capricorn, telling you a story that you aren’t ready or might fail. There is no such thing as being ready—now is a perfect time. And, of course, there is no such thing as failure. I’ll remind you, Capricorn, The Fool isn’t necessarily about getting what you want. It could be that what you want is not what you need, but you won’t know that unless you try.

You have to try. You have to shift the energy of your life and shake things up. Even if it’s not what you were originally leaping for, there will be a treasure to come from surrendering to The Fool. If you HAVE been working hard to say yes to the unknown and live from the frequency of The Fool, this month will be amazing for you, truly showing you the proof of your hard work through expansive growth and new opportunities. If you’ve felt more stuck and stagnant in your life, November will be transformative, but challenging. It’ll be intense, but worth every moment. Just remember: you cannot be more ready than you are in this moment. Trust yourself and try something new.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

AQUARIUS :: AQUARIS RISING – Queen of Cups, reversed

November will be a month of deep contemplation and psychic centering for you, Aquarius. Queen of Cups is double water; she is fully in touch with her intuition, and knows how to balance her humanness with her empathy. She feels deeply for others, and because of her depth, can hold space for loved ones and clients around her with ease. This is a beautiful, expansive card—a lovely one for healers and humans alike.

When she shows up reversed, it is important to make sure that your energetic boundaries are well maintained. Pay attention to where you may be prone to escapism in your daily life, as well as where you might be taking on negative or heavy emotions that don’t belong to you; the veil between you and other people might be a bit thinner this month. No need to worry or panic if you find yourself ungrounded and laden with other people’s vibes: just keep gently checking in and noticing if you are fully present in your energy. If not, take a bath, work with selenite, pink Himalayan salt, black tourmaline or malachite. Bring yourself back down. Take breaks from people in your life who are a bit more difficult; take ample time and space to clear your energy and home. Doing so will set you up beautifully to do exactly what Queen of Cups reversed was here for to begin with: to invite you into deep internal work around trusting your intuitive and empathic gifts.

In order to be really available for this kind of work, you have to pay very close attention to your energy. The more we tune in to our soul path, and start honoring our gifts, the more the brain tends to freak out and the more “thin-skinned” we can feel, empathically. If there has been a recent source of negativity or an energetic presence in your life that feels vampiric, this is the month to clear it out. Speak your truth, tell people how you feel or say goodbye to them. Extra self-care, self-inquiry and spiritual tools are going to be such wonderful allies for the expansion that is unfolding on the other side of the contraction. Ground regularly, drink lots of water, and do things that make you feel refreshed and rooted in your body. All of this is taking you to a new level of evolution on your soul path; be willing to shed all that doesn’t serve, including self doubt.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

PISCES :: PISCES – The Emperor, reversed

The next 30 days will be an immensely transformative and powerful cycle for you, Pisces. To start, I would like to gently encourage you to shelve everything you think you know about The Emperor for a moment, and adopt a beginner’s mindset with it. The Emperor is The Empress’ duality; the divine masculine counterpart to the divine feminine. Strategy, authority and ruling (the qualities generally associated with The Emperor) are not really divinely masculine, but are masculinity out of balance—out of touch with feelings, emotions and intuition, operating from of a place of fear. To understand the teaching and the potential of this card, we have to start there, from a place of compassion and with a fresh perspective on its energy.

When The Emperor is right side up, it is a powerful invitation to practice standing tall; not being afraid to take up space. In The Emperor, we know our worth, and are able to speak our truth without apology or overpowering others. Everyone is deeply nourished from such an energy. The reversal of The Emperor, which is how it has shown up for you this month, Pisces, is bringing an equally important teaching. When The Emperor is reversed, it can show up as extremes in belief or behavior about one’s self. One moment, we might feel crippled by a lack of confidence, feeling deeply discouraged and like no one wants to listen to us. The next moment, we might feel totally narcissistic or domineering. It might show up as trying to make everything about us, feeling competitive, or attempting to control aspects of our lives from a false confidence.

Both of these are divine masculine out of balance, and are halves of the same whole. Feeling either of these extremes is NOT a problem: both are opportunities, and wonderful ones at that. Both are giving you the amazing chance to build your confidence and self-worth. This confidence can’t come from a write-up, a job, a new lover, your partner, or your clients. It comes from a reconnection to your place in the Universe as a worthy and beautiful being, healing any imbalance in the Solar Plexus and letting your light shine again. It comes from knowing that YOU need to give you the love, attention and validation that you crave. If you shift your focus and attention to those things, you will blossom and transform this month.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

ARIES :: ARIES RISING – Five of Wands

Get ready for a wild month, Aries! Five of Wands is a tough energy, but has shown up in November with great tidings for you. It is inviting you into a kind of mastery of your ego, helping you learn to embody softness in the face of any combative beliefs, such as competition and jealousy. It feels like a walkabout, going on a journey through the shadow side of Aries to come out clean and wiser on the other side. I promise you: moving through the contraction of this card will only bring goodness. There is a big expansion for every contraction, so as you move your egoic labor this month, trust that it is happening not because you fell behind, but because you’re meant to move forward into new, evolved territory. The Universe is basically squeezing out any mental or behavioral splinters that are not going to serve you in your forward momentum.

Now, getting splinters removed is HARD! It hurts and can be a little scary, but it hurts more to leave the splinter in. That is the gift of this time, and why it is here: to free you from the old, painful shadows that keep you locked in self-judgment and the delusion of fear. Be willing to allow whatever is ready to come up to do so, allowing you to process and release it. Also: it is very important to practice pausing this month. This card can show up as fighting, believing that other people are out to get you, a sense of competition or that you need to fight for your place on top. None of that is true, of course: it is all a kind of fear based illusion.

It might be hard in moments to remember that your feelings are not facts, but this is why pausing and non-engagement will be very helpful for you. Take deep breaths, and wait an hour or two before you send that email or dispute that contract. If you are pissed at someone, resist the desire to engage in conflict until you’re a little calmer. Even the desire to call someone out is an invitation into mastery, Aries. Pause with it before moving forward. You get to hang out with the deepest parts of your shadow this month, and if you can believe it, nothing but goodness and growth will come from embracing it. Say yes to Five of Wands. It is here to transform your life.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

TAURUS :: TAURUS RISING – Queen of Wands

What a magical month you have ahead, Taurus! You will be feeling yourself in a brand new way this November, all thanks to the Queen of Wands. The energy of this cycle will be elevating aspects of your personal allure, power and sensuality, all of which will propel you into a new and expanded frequency of your life. This could show up across the board for you, or in a concentrated area, be it personal, professional, love life, etc. Her aim this month is to help you to step forward, unafraid and balanced, into an area of your life where you previously lacked confidence. The energy of this gesture will bring all kinds of new, exciting and evolved opportunities into your life as a result. You just have to be willing to work with her, Taurus, to invite her in to do some deep work on your spirit.

The Queen of Wands is helping you to truly, truly know who you are; how gifted, glorious and magical you are. She’s going to help heal any doubt you have in yourself. All of the beauty, power and potency are already in you, Taurus; she is going to help bring it all forward. Queen of Wands is the “witch” of the deck; she is an intuitive and alchemical energy. Her elements are fire and water, and she walks with them and on her path in total balance. Alchemy, synchronicity and confidence is what the Queen of Wands emanates. When we are in this card, we are encouraged to drop into those frequencies, too: our beauty, our magic, our fire and our connection to the world around us. How are we walking through the world?

For you, Taurus, this is the big question, because Queen of Wands is a light that shines from within, one that helps draw all kinds of amazing opportunities, people and experiences to us. This month, you have a chance to change your life on an energetic level, stepping up into a new level of your personal confidence and power. The other added benefit of being in Queen of Wands this month is getting to receive an extra dose of energetic badassery. This card doesn’t play games, doesn’t play small, and is not going to lessen its power for anyone’s discomfort. I encourage you to adopt this mindset for yourself. Let November be the month that you step into your power and release the fear of shining too brightly.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

GEMINI :: GEMINI RISING – Eight of Cups, reversed

November is looking to be an extremely significant month for you, Gemini. Eight of Cups is a card of very courageous transformation, inviting us into the willingness to walk away from some aspect of our lives that we may have worked hard for, but is no longer serving us. This is where you are this month, my loves. You are ready to release something—a person, a relationship, a home, a job, or even a mental pattern or habit. Doing so will be difficult, but freeing in a way you can’t even imagine. The biggest contraction that can come with this card is, of course, the terror that if we give this familiar but unsatisfying thing up, we won’t ever get anything else.

That contraction is exactly why this card is so unbelievably transformative—any time that we take a chance in life because we know it is right for our heart and soul, we will never be left in the lurch. Even if this thing is extremely risky, scary, or we have worked hard for it for years, if it’s time to let go of it, we can only receive better in it’s place. Really receive this truth, Gemini—by walking away, you can only get something more expanded and exciting in the place of what you left behind. It’ll take all your courage and all of your trust, but if you do it, there will be a big shift in your life. A kind of journey of the spirit will commence, and you will be on track to receive some very big upgrades.

The first way to approach this card is by taking a gentle and objective inventory of your life. What parts of your life are not serving you anymore? These can be tough questions, but you can’t begin to walk forward without having a sense of what you are walking away from. From there, you then have to ask yourself how you desire your life to be different from what it is. If your brain tells you it’s impossible, tell it to buzz off. You do not need to know the how about any of it—the leaving or the receiving on the other side. You just need the willingness to be free, to consider that your life could be more satisfying and full than you ever imagined, just by believing that you deserve better. If you’ve got that, Gemini, you’ve got everything.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

CANCER :: CANCER RISING – Two of Wands, reversed

There has been a kind of ripening taking place within you the last few months, Cancer. Now it is almost time to pluck the fruit from the tree—this month will be devoted to helping you to prepare for your next move in life with all the wisdom you have gained. It is the last important act before picking what you’ve grown and sharing it with the world. The Two of Wands is a kind of mature ambition, knowing where you want to go in your life, and taking the last steps forward before moving into achieving that. Specifically, these steps are around planning, preparing and readying yourself for a big launch forward. November will be about turning ideas into action, dreams into reality.

First, you need to create the space to expand into—doing so will yield beautiful and generous results in your life. You are ready, Cancer, just take the month to get all your energetic ducks in a row. The Fool worked its magic on you so potently last month, Cancer—now you get to take all of the light, potential and ephemera of The Fool and turn it into results, actionable steps forward. The energy this month will be pointing you, again, toward more action through the lens of preparation, asking yourself where you want to go in your life and what you can do to make that possible for yourself. Two of Wands turns dreams into reality. The way to get there, Cancer, is to deeply focus on these next steps. If you drift too much into distraction, or over planning, you will miss the mark a bit.

It’s not a disaster if you do; just re-center and come back to your focus, allowing your dreams and the present moment to be your compass. Doing so will help you to stay tethered to your courage, and you will need a strong bond to it for the coming months ahead. Understand, Cancer: you are being prepared for a lot of expansion. You’ve been getting invitations since the summer that have asked you to open up, to practice being seen and to shine your light in the direction of where you want to go. You’re closer than you’ve ever been before in Two of Wands, so get excited. You’re about to be opened to a whole new world of discovery as you take these soul centered steps forward.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

LEO :: LEO RISING – Ace of Swords, reversed

Let November be a month of soul-centered goal-setting for you, Leo. Allow yourself to get totally clear on what you want, where you are going, and what you need in order to get there. It is really important to honor this time for that purpose—doing so will open you up to new doors in a profound way. It is not necessarily the time to act or to take steps forward—although if that’s on the horizon for you as a Leo, great! Just make sure your ducks are in a row as you expand. What you DO want to focus on is cultivating the confidence to move forward with a brilliant new idea, and/or building the foundation to support your next big leap forward. Think the plumbing, wiring, structural integrity of the “house”—save the curtains, candles, and painting for next month.

Doing this will greatly increase your chances of being able to step forward in your life with the kind of preparation that will take you very far. It’s not the sexiest of months, but it will be the most fruitful. Ace of Swords is a very, very powerful energy. It’s very raw, and full of psychic and mental clarity; a true zone of genius. It represents an inspirational sweet spot, where we are open and aligned to receive amazing new ideas. You are really synched up to this place, Leo, even if you don’t necessarily feel that way. The key this month is hitching the brilliance of Ace of Swords to a structured plan. If you want to become bicoastal, don’t just sit at your altar setting intentions. Start actually crunching numbers, joining a frequent flyer miles program, figuring out where you could live on both coasts and how it would be financially nourishing for you.

If you want to teach, to write a book, to create something new—prepare for the creation, for the event. Cleanse your home, plan to carve out several hours a day to work on it, plan an outline. Then move forward with it. Nothing is impossible for you. You just need to create the space and the structure in which these dreams and visions can flourish. Doing so will not only enable you to put your intentions into action, it will build the confidence in you to move forward with it. You’ve got the vision and inspiration covered, Leo. Now build the foundation for it to stand on.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

VIRGO :: VIRGO RISING – Page of Swords, reversed

Page of Swords reversed is going to be energetically helping you to take it nice and easy this month, Virgo, especially around areas of ambition and career. Slow and steady truly wins the race here. You may be taking on too much at once, may be biting off a bit more than you can chew—you might just be severely doubting yourself in an area of your life. No matter what, there is a deep wisdom to be gained from going slowly, being thoughtful, pausing and considering before you take on a new project. There is much to be attained by releasing commitments in your life that do not bring you joy, ones that you may be doing only out of obligation, or in the hopes that some kind of bigger opportunity will arise from it. You want to take this month to re-center in integrity, making sure there is time in your life for everything you want to do—that includes taking care of yourself.

Page of Swords is such a lovely card, an energy ruled by earth and air. This card represents powerful and enthusiastic ambition, someone who is so excited and ready to share their projects and visions with the world. It comes from a very pure place, and has been hard won; the Page of Swords has worked hard to balance the mind in order to use it for the highest good. He or she is healthy, balanced and ready to take on the world, manifesting their visions. When reversed, the same excited energy is present, with a little twist: there may be some really massive inner doubt and insecurity going on.

This is crucially important to understand about the reversal of this card, because if the insecurity is left unchecked, we run the risk of agreeing to things out of a frantic need to make ourselves feel better, or more secure with where we are going in our lives. We want to, ideally, hang out in the general discomfort of the reversal of this card, trusting and knowing that we do not have to take on more than we can chew in order to “be on top.” We can move through this time with ease and grace, perhaps taking a wise pause to work on our overall vision, or to meditate on the idea that everything happens as and when it is meant to. Drop your sword and come back into trust. Just hang out this month; there is no need to rush.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

LIBRA :: LIBRA RISING – Seven of Wands

You have been fighting an invisible army, Libra—and now it’s time to drop the fight and go home. Move back into the present moment, out of the head and back into the body. You cannot get where you want to go by fighting, by energetically muscling through your life. I know that this effort is coming from the most well intentioned place—you want to move forward, to evolve in your life. The most sensical thing is to work hard for it, right? Not exactly. A lot of what you are working so hard for, Libra, are things that are your birthright: abundance, career expansions, artistic freedom, living in your truth, and relationships that make you feel alive. If you want to receive that, you have to shift the way in which you are working for it. Ease, grace, willingness to receive, focusing on self.

You will be much more likely to receive these gifts and dreams by creating a centered inner life, rather than an external life ruled by effort and struggle. I’m not saying, by the way, that all Libras are fighting wildly and off the mark in their lives. Far from it! What I am saying is that Libra, as a sign on the whole, is moving through a huge collective upgrade. You are ALREADY on track to receive all that you desire—you have to create balance in your inner life for it to come in. Take a courageous forward this month: totally and completely drop the fight and the war. You don’t have to work so hard, loves. For some of you, this might mean that you quit a job, go on medication, start a meditation practice, or even move from where you live. If you want change, start radically. Try something different; something that will bring ease into your life. Nothing can come from the effort you’re putting forth but more effort.

We create the future we desire with the quality of our attention. What kind of energy are you moving through the world with? Are you so busy in your head that you are not offering yourself the attention you deserve? Seven of Wands is an internal fight that seems external. “If I only got this or that, I would stop trying so hard,” or so the belief goes. Stop trying, period. Start allowing. You’ll actually create space for everything you deserve in your life to come forth.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.

MY MANTRA: Everything, everything, everything in this life brings medicine — even if it’s bitter and unpleasant. // MY MISSION: To be a soul doula and unconditional space holder for people on their healing journeys // MY STYLE: Brooklyn Witch (aka, black on black on black) // MY SIGN: 8th House Aries Sun // MY HEALING: Tarot for the Wild Soul