Waxing Quarter Moon :: November 26 2017 :: 12:02pm EST :: 4 degrees Pisces
Get ready for things to feel misty ..
With the Sun in the early degrees of freedom-driven fire sign Sagittarius squaring the Waxing Moon in Pisces, it’s a water-fire mixture that makes steam!
Ruled by Neptune (which is also currently in the sign of Pisces and just stationed direct on November 22nd), the Pisces Moon emphasizes emotional expansion and intuitive capacities. In a luscious trine to good luck Jupiter, this amplifies our spiritual superpowers even more.
With a minimal emphasis on earth and air (Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Libra are our only major representatives right now), things might feel heavy and wet, rather than light and free.
How to leverage this to your advantage? Read on …
:: The Sun :: With the Sun in the early degrees of Sagittarius, we may feel called to embrace the spirit of freedom and play. However, given that Mercury, also in Sagittarius, is in his retrograde shadow, and Saturn will be leaving Sagittarius on December 19th, stay cautious and sincere.
The next few weeks will signal massive integration of profound soul truths. You want to be ready to receive (and integrate) them with a sense of ease.
:: The Moon :: With the Moon waxing toward the Gemini Full Moon on December 3rd, it’s essential to use this next week to make progress on goals.
With the Moon so close to Neptune, and Neptune trining Jupiter, manifestation powers are amplified. Stay focused on your intention and connected to your desires. Let your intuition lead you forward; yet, stay prudent, too.
You want to make clear, conscious decisions that you’ll feel right about in the upcoming weeks while Mercury travels retrograde. Come December, the winds of change blow hard.
:: The Square:: With the Sun in Sag and the Moon in Pisces, limits and boundaries may feel blurred.
Boundaryless passion is fantastic for developing your spiritual and intuitive intelligence. Yet with Mercury Retro just around the corner, and a dearth of air and earth in the sky, make sure not to get lost in the mist. Lead from your intuitive prowess.
:: The Message :: This Waxing Quarter Moon screams magic. Yet, it’s not unencumbered magic. It’s essential to not only stay devoted to your dreams, desires, and manifestations, but to do so with a clear sense of grounding.
With Neptune direct trining Jupiter, and the Moon in Pisces, the cosmos is expanding our spiritual capacity. Embrace the steam, but stay mindful of the potential to lose yourself in the fog.
Let your inner sorcerous lead you forward, and trust your intuition, while planting your two feet solidly on the ground.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit Jenniferracioppi.com. And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers!
Before we can harness the full possibilities of the upcoming New Moon, the Leo Waning Quarter Moon asks us to clean out our closets, and get real to get radical, says Jennifer Racioppi …
Waning Quarter Moon :: November 10 2017 :: 3:36pm EST :: 18 degrees Leo
Between now and the 18th’s Scorpio New Moon, innovative breakthroughs abound!
One day after this Waning Quarter Moon, disciplinarian Saturn forms a perfect trine to revolutionary Uranus. As these two planets meet up for the third and final time over this past year, real, serious change becomes possible.
This juicy aspect is then followed up on the 13th by Venus, the ruler of love and beauty, colliding with good luck Jupiter in Scorpio, initiating a new cycle around love and money.
So power up and work productively with this cycle of growth as you prep for the 18th’s radically change-making New Moon …
:: The Sun :: With the Sun moving through penetrating Scorpio, now’s the time to explore what’s holding you back. Scorpio supports taking an in-depth look within.
As the Sun squares both the North and South Nodes, it’s essential to stay humble. Take a look at how you are showing up in the world to see how (and what) you can shift. Drop your defenses and get real.
:: The Moon :: The Moon in playful Leo asks you to find the levity and joy that surrounds you. This Waning Quarter Moon conjoins the North Node of fate and destiny, revealing that your emotional world holds the key to your most fulfilling future. So go there, take a look within, and then elevate.
News flash: you are cosmically supported to do just that! Don’t argue with the Universe. Stay humble and flexible.
:: The Square :: As the Moon moves through this square, you may need to embrace struggle as a path to change. Given that the Sun is in a t-square with the nodes of fate, this might not necessarily feel easy. If you stick with it and get the lessons you need to receive, you’ll be ready to open up to more significant gifts on the New Moon, and even more immediately when Saturn and Uranus trine on the 11th, and Venus and Jupiter conjunct on the 13th.
:: The Message :: Fiery Leo in a square to Scorpio signals a time to surrender that which you no longer need. As you step into the next frontier of your success, consider what stands between you and your desired outcome, and what needs to be shed.
Doing so ensures that you’ll be confidently primed to step into the next phase of growth on the New Moon, when radical change awaits you!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit Jenniferracioppi.com. And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers!
In the face of enormous political and social challenges to our bodies and souls, the time for period pride is right now, says Cora founder Molly Hayward. Here’s why your period is a feminist issue and how to harness the power of this change-making cycle … Main Image: Zoe Buckman
Now, more than ever, the claim to our bodies in all their messy, beautiful, real complexity is imperative.
From debates over period product ads in the subway system, to parts of the world where girls are exiled from school due to lack of sanitary supplies, our monthly life-giving cycles are in the news. Which means the time for period pride is now.
And as we reclaim the Numinous parts of the menstrual experience (consider the sky-high rise of Moon circles and Moon magic), our generation is reigniting the conversation about what our periods mean, how they can bring us together, and why we must harness their full power.
To understand the potency and potential of this change-making cycle, we sat down with founder of organic tampon subscription service Cora, Molly Hayward. Her mission? To charge the experience of womanhood with respect and reverence for our periods. “We see a world where women can live fully-embodied,” says Molly. “Your period is an essential part of human life.”
Want to reclaim your period as a feminist issue? Read on for 8 reasons why bleeding is beautifully badass …
It’s in our blood.
1// Because moon power burns as brightly as solar power. In a relentlessly solar-powered world with an emphasis on egocentric, “yang” action and force, the yin cycles of the Moon provide a subtle counterpoint that teaches us to value our internal processes, and our alignment with the natural world that surround us. “Our cycles are a practice in the wisdom of life/death/life,” says Hayward. “Women experience this truth every month in their bodies.”
This kind of wisdom allows us to understand how endings fuel unexpected beginnings, and how we are powerful participants in something much greater than ourselves. “[Through my cycle], I began to see myself, and all women, as the bearers of the wisdom that everything in life has a cycle,” notes Hayward. “Ideas, institutions, plants, animals, and humans, all have to die to allow for the birth of new ones. This is powerful wisdom for our society today.”
2// Because badass boss ladies bleed. As we tune in to these rhythms that often fly in the face of the ceaseless cult of cutthroat corporatism, we can change the way work gets done from the inside out.
When we repress our cycles and “skip” periods (using birth control pills, for example) because we believe must “keep up” with the pace of masculine career achievement or avoid discomfort in some situation (during sex, on vacation), we are voting yes to a work environment and world which thrives on gender inequality and denies our internally-facing wisdom. Periods of retreat from “go” mode can actually inform and fuel our creative process in the world.
When we bring our full bodies to the boardroom table, we can change the way that work gets done.
3// Because period exile is an education issue. The statistics are startling. 300 million girls and women worldwide use rags, plastic, sand, and ash to manage their menstrual cycles. 1 in 4 girls in India drops out of school once she reaches puberty. “While I was traveling in Africa,” says Hayward, “I met girls who would stay home from school during their periods because they couldn’t afford period products and then learned that millions of girls around the world stay home from school during their periods because they don’t have a way to manage them.”
With a 90% decrease in dropout rates worldwide when girls have access to sanitary products, it’s imperative that we support girls and women worldwide to bleed with dignity, safety, and adequate supplies.
4// Because healthy bodies bleed. Whether it’s deliberately augmenting or suppressing our cycles so we don’t have to deal with the “mess,” or obliterating our cycles entirely as the result of compromised eating habits or over-exercise, our bleeding bodies are barometers for our overall health.
“In addition to the way periods of have been negatively perceived, there are so many other aspects of women’s bodies that are shamed and stigmatized,” says Hayward. “Our mission is to bring women and society to a place of understanding, acceptance, and respect for the awesome power of our bodies.”
And as we commit to celebrating our healthy bodies, we also begin to question the harmful synthetics and chemicals that enter them through conventional sanitary products. “I hated the idea that so many women were unknowingly exposing themselves to these potentially harmful substances for several days every single month for decades of their lives,” Hayward comments.
5// Because period sex should not be taboo. As we move through our monthly rhythm, we have the delicious chance to connect with all aspects of our desire and nature. Each of us responds to the distinctive phases of our cycles with different moods, cravings, and sexual needs.
We deserve to feel sexual pleasure when, where, and with whom (consensually of course) we damn well please. Each month, our periods are gateways to a shifting, sensual landscape. Get curious about exactly when you’re most turned on and claim this pleasure, no matter the time of the month. Partners who love you, should love your body in its entirety.
6// Because periods are a rite of passage. Periods connect us to a magical, matrilineal line. They are part of both our ancestral histories, and the history of our own lives. Remember when you had your first period? Maybe you felt shame or confusion. Maybe no one was around to help you make sense of this powerful rite of passage.
Puberty, maturity, aging, the mystery and magic of both fertility and menopause … as we pass through the seasons of our lives as women, we have every right to bow down at the altar of our beautiful bodies during their complex cycles of change.
7// Because there’s no shame in getting messy. Ever been told that you’re “too much?” That your emotions take up too much space. That you’re unruly. That you’ve gone overboard. Our periods are part of our carnal bigness, and shame around their messiness keeps us from inhabiting our fullest range of emotions and potential.
“Periods are a natural biological fact of womanhood,” affirms Hayward. “Access to safe and healthy menstrual products is a matter of human dignity, in addition to being critical to girls’ and women’s ability to stay well, attend school, and participate in the formal economy. These things are in turn tied to our equal standing in society- not to mention being basic human rights.”
Quite simply, periods connect us to our humanness. And we deserve to be fully human.
8// Because there’s strength in synchronicity. More than just a college co-ed curiosity, there’s scientific proof that when we assemble in close community, we often sync up our cycles. And while each one of us can tap into the particularities of our own rhythm and our wisdom, there is powerful medicine in communal cycling. As we share the experience of being in our bodies, we share the stories of how these bodies move through the world– our overlapping wants, needs, fears, and aspirations.
Women who bleed together can change the world together.
Cora founder Molly Hayward
We produced this post in partnership with Cora, a monthly subscription service for premium organic cotton tampons with BPA-free applicators that honor our bodies, while providing performance and convenience. For every subscription purchased, Cora also provides a month’s supply of sustainable pads to a girl in need in a developing country so she can stay in school during her period.
Meet fashion creatrice Diana Wassef, one of the Moon Club members elevating the game with her poetically evolved approach to sustainable fashion as healing …
With her eco-conscious “Kao-Kabi” collection for Emily Cremona, creatrice and Moon Club member Diana Wassef is challenging the fashion community to dress our planet in sustainable threads.
“From fabric selection to garment creation, these are healing garments disguised as ‘fashion.'”
The Passion Project I wanted to create a sensory experience: one where you feel elevated and transformed … that feeling when putting on a robe after a Moroccan or Turkish bath. This is the feeling I imagined while creating the Kao-Kabi collection.
Kao-Kabi is Arabic for “my planet,” and with this collection I hope to meet the delicate needs of today’s modern wearer through garments that are kind to the skin and to our environment. I work exclusively with natural fibers, including bamboo, hemp, linen, and pineapple.
All the garments from Kao-Kabi have been bathed with Reiki light and love; from fabric selection to garment creation, these are healing garments disguised as “fashion.”
Dressing to Honor the Spirit When I was younger my style was very eccentric, layering my skin with lots of accessories and clothing that embodied a lot of mythology and symbology. This style reflected my fascination with the history of costume, and how each period influenced the image of how the self was portrayed.
After moving to Brooklyn in 2013, my transformative healing journey began: the cleansing and purifying process … shedding skin and tuning in to the core and essence of the delicious self. Now, I dress to honor my spirit by radiating the light within me outwards. In doing so, I find myself surrounded by similar radiant entities.
I really do enjoy wearing white, and a lot of that is influenced by my Kundalini practice. Yogi Bhajan’s idea about the color white resonates with me. Not only is white an auric color therapy, but wearing white is an exercise in awareness, as it takes more consciousness and care to keep white clothes clean!
The Futuristic Fashionista Vision Kao-Kabi offers a glimpse into the eco-conscious world I envision for fashion. Moving forward, I intend to create my own sustainable, innovative textiles from which my future collections will be designed—a sustainable material that honors our planet by being gentle to its resources.
The Moon Club Inspiration It has been a huge inspiration to be part of this community—Moon Club is a sacred space for all the Luna lovers out there. As the astrology fan that I am, I get an insightful dose of what’s happening astrologically, the Moon cycles, and their impact on us. Moon Club guides me with my creative process by reminding me to pause, clear my mind, and MEDITATE in order to dive deeper.
We’ve had such incredible coaching sessions with innovators and healers, like Sah D’Simone sharing the “Happiness Equation,” and powerful female entrepreneurs like THINX co-founder Miki Agrawal—I’m all about the divine yoni power!!!!
I’d also like to share here the Forgiveness Mediation from Moon Club founding member Eddie Stern, which has been particularly inspiring for me in my creative process:
“For anyone I caused harm, knowingly or unknowingly, I ask for your forgiveness/For anyone whom has caused me harm, knowingly or unknowingly, I offer you my forgiveness/For any harm I have caused myself, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive me.”
Diana Wassef in Her Element
Feeling ready to up your manifestation game? Read more about Moon Club here and start working your own lunar magic!
Let it all hang out…and allow “it” to spark your transformation, says Danielle Paige. PLUS a channelled angelic message for the Scorpio Full Moon by Jackie O’Shea
The need to feel. The need to destroy. The need to begin again, new, pure, hungry for something the makes your soul feel alive again. The need to hold on tight…and yet, to let go.
Welcome to this week’s Scorpio Full Moon. She will be exact on April 22 at 1:24am EST at 2 degrees of Scorpio.
A Full Moon shines a light on all things hidden. There is nowhere to hide now; it all comes out and usually in a dramatic way. Combine this with Scorpio energy, and we’ve entered a zone where we’re being asked to crack open and reveal the parts that might not be so pretty. Which, of course, is always subjective.
It may be pretty to cry – because it means you’re releasing old pain. It may be pretty to be a hot mess – because you’re feeling raw, untamed, and unapologetic, which in itself can be freeing and sexy!
A Full Moon is a powerful portal that help us tune into the Universal energy as we become moved by her gravitational pull. She dances over our soul. She plays with our heart. She lights us up. She brings our emotions to a head. She can keep us up at night, revealing questions that have been trapped in our subconscious for some time.
She taunts us….and when she’s in Scorpio, she does so in a transformative and healing way by going way, way below what’s happening up on the surface to get to the heart of the matter.
This Scorpio Full Moon may feel intense. But hold on to the awareness that she is here to show us the magic that’s hiding deep within. Scorpio energy doesn’t care what something looks like on the surface because it knows that underneath….inside….deep in the shadows….there is is a spark so bright it has the potential to transform into something more powerful than anything we’ve seen before.
This is where we are reborn, from this spark, from this light. But, first, something must be destroyed. That’s just how Scorpio works. Seductive and mysterious, Scorpio understands, as with everything in life, that we must let go of what has been order to breathe anew, to feel alive, and to move. Because when we move, when we transform and evolve, is when we truly live.
Here are a few tips to help you tap into the transformative powers of this Scorpio Full Moon:
1) Allow yourself to access places within yourself that you haven’t felt in a while. It’s okay, you’re safe. The holding onto the past is what’s keeping you stuck. 2) Release anything that no longer serves you. Energetically imagine sending it down into a vortex and clearing it out of your energy field. Cut cords, take a salt bath, anything that will help you let go of the old. 3) Magick! Break out the tarot cards, runes, candles, crystals etc. This is a perfect time to use your tools to help you activate your intuition and turn on your witchy vibe. 4) Observe. See the light in others and it will help you identify the light in yourself. 5) Cleanse your chakras to balance your energy field so that you can feel lighter and more open. 6) And last but not least…sex it up! Scorpio is all about passion and intimacy so bust out the black leather and/or lace lingerie and channel your inner Lilith!
Still want to go deeper and do some healing work? Danielle is hosting a virtual circle for the Scorpio Full Moon Friday April 22. Find more here.
There are many opportunities for you to work with the lunar energies. With so many planets currently in retrograde, this means allowing yourself to backtrack, embracing this time of review and reflection, and not get so caught up in the forward progress that you may desire. These are times of reflection, times of change, and times of embodiment.
Allow things to be as they are, for the tides to ebb and flow. Any roadblocks are here to help your highest vibrational destiny come into being. If barriers, false starts, and trials and tribulations appear, allow yourself the time to slow down and reflect on what no longer serves you that can now be transcended and released – even if this simply points to an emotional response pattern that is being triggered. Allow yourself to work with what IS, embracing that everything is happening for your highest destiny and evolution, even if it doesn’t appear so.
Begin to embody compassionate resonance during times of struggle and hardship as well as times of joy and transformation. You can help others more deeply by going into the depths of your own struggle and pain. And there is no need to worry about taking too much time to process the darkness, for time is infinite from the perspective of the soul.
Your lessons and evolution are far more significant that you may currently imagine, since you are embodying a place of learning where you can express into form all of the different facets of your multi-dimensional self, and be a full expression of infinity. The only limit you face now is in prohibiting yourself from embodying your truth, whatever that truth may be – a turbulent emotional state, a joyous state, or somewhere in between.
The current lunar energies are here to help you begin to embody your truth, whatever that looks like for you, and to express it into form without holding back. It is safe to fully feel every emotion, every sorrow, every hardship, and trial, allowing the density of your emotions to pass through your physical and energetic body. Allow the density to transcend and be transformed into higher light vibrations, creating the potential for newness.
You have the opportunity to begin to embody your highest path now and live the life that you desire to live. There is nothing holding you back in the time-space continuum but your own internal perceptions and barriers of consciousness. These have neurological ties to behavioral patterning encoded into your body hologram, but all of this CAN be loosened and transformed. All of this can change. You are being redefined in every moment, constantly creating new cells and patterns of behavior and embodiment.
We are proud of you for allowing all things and creation to be as they are. Now is a time to transcend time and space so that you can be everything that you are, recognizing yourself in all of the physical manifestations of the world. Enjoy the embodiment of this divinity, enjoy even the struggle and the heartbreak, so that you feel safe transcending the cycles of time that your mind has become entrapped by.
Allow yourself to grow with grace and transcend the old energetic limitations and boundaries that have held you back in the past from embodying your full divine higher self. You are an infinite creative immortal being and there is no reason to think of yourself as less than the divine embodiment that you are. We are proud of you every time you chose grace over struggle. We are proud of you every time you transcend an old karmic situation. We are proud of you every time you breath deep and take a moment to pause the breath. In higher consciousness you are infinite, all things are obtainable, and you are the infinity that you seek and desire.
Join Jackie O’Shea for an Embodying the Divine Feminine Full Moon Circle on Thursday, April 21st at 7pm PST available via live stream, recording, or in person in Los Angeles
Here comes our monthly dose of intense lunar energy…but what does the Full Moon mean? Vedic (Eastern) astrologer Eve James unpacks the psychology (& why it make us cray-cray…)
To understand the Full Moon energy, we need to first look at what it represents. Without the Sun, there would be no light or life on this earth. There would be no solar system period, and the time when the Moon is most illumined with the effulgence of the Sun is termed the “Full Moon.” She sits directly across from him, receiving his light. They are face-to-face.
Now, take into consideration what the Sun and Moon represent in astrology; the Light of Self, or Divine “I”, and it’s Mind, it’s expression.
To conceptualize this, imagine the Sun as the ocean and the Moon as the movement of the ocean. The Sun is the natural Atmakaraka in Vedic astrology – the divine drop of consciousness within the infinite ocean of Consciousness, the individual soul or Atma (as said in Sanskrit), the imperishable essence or substance of Self, the ever-lasting Light, or the infallible Truth of that which we all most naturally are.
The Moon is the movement of that same substance, and it is this movement that creates numerous thoughts and feelings, which, in turn, inspire actions. This so-called movement of the soul is what we call the mind.
So when the Moon is receiving direct light from the Sun, she is face-to-face with the source of her light. In this moment she is fulfilled, and yet still full of longing to unite with this source, as the Moon is the signifier of longing, and all feelings of separation.
Full Moons stir us deeply because of this, and can inspire action driven by desperation or other incomplete or unfulfilled longings within our minds. Full Moons can also feel very good to us, depending on the placement of the Moon at our time of birth, and how fulfilled we feel inside as an individual.
When the Moon is directly receiving this light of awareness, it can feel very unsettling to those of us who experience our independent self as fragmented, or overly dependent on an identity that isn’t working in unison with who we really are deep inside.
Full Moons heighten our awareness of what is within our minds, and how separate we have become from our source of light and truth. They can also be very illuminating and energizing when it comes to marriage or any other activity resulting in union, as this is the time when the Moon experiences union with the light of the Sun.
In Vedic astrology, we consider the Nakshatra of the Moon to be very important, which is the portion, or “lunar mansion”, of the sky the Moon is aligned with (there are 27 of these in Vedic astrology, named for the most prominent star in each). When the Moon is full and receiving illumination from the Sun, her cup is full and so she is considered ready to fully express the mood of the Nakshatra she is aligned with.
That portion of the sky is amplified with emotion and there is a palpable charge in the atmosphere. Let’s say the Nakshatra is kind of like a scented flower the Moon is wearing. During the Full Moon, the fragrance is very strong and motivates people differently according to how much they like or dislike that scent, or how it mixes with their unique DNA.
The Moon on March 5th will be 100 percent full at 10:05am PST, and she will be aligned with Purvaphalguni Nakshatra, which is a sign of romance, music, arts, creative activities, vacation, and romantic union. This is an interesting sign however, because even though it’s hyper-creative and is associated with blissful marriage, etc, it also signifies the waging of war, or going into battle and using deceptive war strategies.
So despite its feminine, almost bohemian expression, it is also considered potentially fierce and destructive. Purvaphalguni is associated with fire and now is a time to honor or respect this element and be wary of it. This is why it is a sign of poetic and romantic love, passion and pleasure, all things that ignite a fire within.
At this time, we must be very careful of the fires we ignite with other people – be it romantically, professionally or socially. This is also an intense Full Moon politically, due to its association with binding unions (contracts and marriage) and it’s fiery underbelly. It is however a beautiful time for making deeper commitment to a personal relationship, or creating stronger bonds with those we wish to keep in our lives. It is also very good for performance-related endeavors, such as music, drama and the like.
Purvaphalguni is literally considered to be full of vibration and potential, and it can work miracles for releasing inner intention into the Universe and gaining union with that goal. So for those of you wishing to release a creative project into the world, this Full Moon is excellent.
But for the hopeless romantics out there, be very careful and think twice before igniting a new flame! Even though this is an auspicious sign for marriage, it can be a deceptive sign when it comes to fulfilling our heart’s real longing for union. The energy of this Moon can be motivational and intensely inspiring, but that same motivation can be put out as quickly as it was ignited.
This is also a perfect time to pamper or treat yourself to something you desire. Self-care and healing are both highly supported by Purvaphalguni, whereas it’s sister-sign Uttarphalguni (where the Moon will align next), is about self-sacrifice and serving others. This reminds us that we have to take care of ourselves and love ourselves before we can truly uplift others. So this sign is seen as innocently and harmlessly selfish, in the sense that it reminds us not to neglect our own needs.
With that said, best wishes – and may the Full Moon aid in you feeling nourished, within and without!
NEXT UP! Eve James chats to Numinous founder Ruby Warrington about the difference between Western and Vedic (Eastern astrology). Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for updates on every new post…