Feeling bloated from pie and difficult holiday season emotions? Resident fitness witch Russ Marshalek shows you how to burn calories AND bad feelings by making your workout a forgiveness practice …
For most of us living in post-Woke America, the “saveable” facet of the holiday season is the food—and idea of togetherness at any cost, through gritted teeth, regardless of how racist Grandpa is.
And what you “indulged in,” this can also be a time to practice the art of forgiveness.
“Why should I let that asshole off the hook by forgiving and forgetting?” you might ask (especially if you’re a witch with a penchant for revenge).
Well, true forgiveness isn’t the same thing as forgetting or shitty faux-happiness. Instead, it’s the act of acknowledging what’s happened, and actively choosing to allow past grievances to be fuel for your personal power.
You’ll be surprised at how damn good it feels—so good, you may even be able to deal with good ol’ racist Grandpa without biting your own hand off.
Turning bullshit into power: that’s magic.
But it also takes practice and rock solid awareness. Try these 5 fitness practices to summon the core strength and mental fortitude you need …
1// Walk it Off When you can’t stomach any more negativity and are ready let go and let Goddess, take a walk and hug a tree. Seriously.
As witches, the healing power of nature is a truth we hold to be self-evident, but I feel like it bears repeating til the cows come home.
Feel your negative energy leaving you and imagine the tree breathing a deep green or white energy into you in its place. If you want to add more to this—a run, sprint, etc, or incorporate this into an existing outdoor workout—feel free. But the important and non-negotiable part is to hug a tree. Definitely do a quick but sincere offering to the local spirits as a thank you after.
2// Sit with Forgiveness, aka “Let’s take a time out” Ok, so Grandpa/Uncle/whathaveyou was offensive, admitted to voting for Trump, and basically stands in total opposition to you, your beliefs, and your existence.
The best way to let that shit go? The incredibly challenging practice known as active meditation. This guided meditation from The Mindfulness Movement is an excellent starting point until you’re able to guide yourself.
3// Breathe Into Self-Forgiveness “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” you say to yourself, “I can not fucking believe I did that.” Whatever THAT is, I can assure you that you are dwelling on it way more than anyone else. And even if that’s not the case: so what?
Use this planking exercise to embody the sensation of “letting go,” get over it/yourself, and be grateful for the experiences that have brought you here, even the sucky ones.
While holding a plank, suck your stomach all the way in and tighten your stomach muscles. Breathe normally, ideally through your nose. Hold this position for one minute, and then relax your stomach slowly as your lower down to the ground from plank position. Try raising the length of the exercise by 30 seconds every week to keep pushing yourself.
4// Knock This One Out Feeling overwhelmed by all of the internalized crap you’ve been bottling up?
Try this drill for starters. Imagine the air in front of you filled with the charged emotions that have made you feel bad, kept you from moving forward, and locked your heart in a dark place. Then punch it out, imagining the air in front of you purifying into a bright white light.
5// Reps for Retribution Ok, I’d feel remiss if I didn’t include a post-Thanksgiving “Bye, Pie” type workout in here, so this is that one. Sure, you can meditate on the meaning of self-love or whatever, but mainly this is here to make you sweat.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising Frog on a lily pad. The frog looks down into the clear pond and studies its reflection. What can you see in the mirror? What if every situation in your life is just a mirror, showing what you truly believe? Study your current situation as if it is a mirror of your beliefs. The frog signifies transformation, so you can allow this process to help you transform.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Horse hooves clomping along a dirt path. Get into a rhythm. Don’t think too far ahead or linger on the past. Stay in motion. Let yourself be carried along and stay present in the moment. Take heart. All is well. You have a chance to fine-tune the systems and make things more efficient, so do that in every life area. Stay in motion and be present.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising A spider weaving a web in a dewy meadow. The spider symbolizes creativity. She is always weaving. What are you weaving out of this time that you have? You can be creative without being run by your ego. Seek out self-expression and fun. The spider weaves in the morning. Be creative and make a fresh start. You can do both of these things effortlessly. Every morning is a new beginning.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Swimming the breaststroke. Open your heart and let your emotions flow. You are making a lot of progress by feeling your feelings. Share your love, share your attention. But know your boundaries. Teach people how to treat you. This gets easier with practice.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Swinging your head to look in another direction. A pivot. You may be open to some new information. Look for a fresh perspective. Allow your curiosity to lead. This is an energetic symbol, so don’t be afraid to move quickly and to exercise your strength. In fact physical activity will help you focus your mind. Be strong, determined and look for new insight.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising An elephant’s trunk. The elephant is massive and strong. Understand that you are strong. You have the ability to protect yourself. But you don’t need to be aggressive. You can just be yourself. Trust in yourself. Know your worth. Use your trunk to nourish yourself and feel connected to others.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A wild rose bush. Beautiful, yet hardy. You’ve got what it takes to show up in a big way right now. Find confidence. Trust that you can be a leader. Rose blossoms are intertwined among leaves and hidden in thorns. Treasure each unique facet of yourself. Think of the thorns as healthy boundaries that help you be more of your unapologetic and authentic self.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising An echo. Listen more closely. Listen to your inner truth. Listen to your heart. Write a letter to yourself. Journal. Meditate. Emotions are always coming and going. Listen to your emotions. But also listen to your inner truth. The voice of your inner truth is always loving.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising A handful of helium balloons. You can fill your life with fun and celebration. You don’t have to wait for permission. Keep a positive outlook and consider what could be possible. Dream big. Harness a sense of lightness and drift up, up, up. By meditating on your vision for the future, you can create it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Ringing a bell in the bell tower. Announce yourself. This is a chance to share your skills and talents with the world. Make yourself of service and you will excel at work. When it comes to your career, now is the time to make connections and network with others. Don’t be shy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising A flag waving in the wind. Get very clear about your purpose. There will always be an ebb and flow. But when you understand your mission, you will be able to keep your mindset consistent. Write out your mission statement. Understand your “why.” Read it aloud every day.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A tiny green sprout. Let go, let go, let go. Use your massive strength to help you clear, release, forgive. If you can let your expectations die away, you will be gifted with new growth. Be humble and vulnerable and let go of control. Then wait for the miracle of germination to occur.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Waxing Quarter Moon :: November 26 2017 :: 12:02pm EST :: 4 degrees Pisces
Get ready for things to feel misty ..
With the Sun in the early degrees of freedom-driven fire sign Sagittarius squaring the Waxing Moon in Pisces, it’s a water-fire mixture that makes steam!
Ruled by Neptune (which is also currently in the sign of Pisces and just stationed direct on November 22nd), the Pisces Moon emphasizes emotional expansion and intuitive capacities. In a luscious trine to good luck Jupiter, this amplifies our spiritual superpowers even more.
With a minimal emphasis on earth and air (Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Libra are our only major representatives right now), things might feel heavy and wet, rather than light and free.
How to leverage this to your advantage? Read on …
:: The Sun :: With the Sun in the early degrees of Sagittarius, we may feel called to embrace the spirit of freedom and play. However, given that Mercury, also in Sagittarius, is in his retrograde shadow, and Saturn will be leaving Sagittarius on December 19th, stay cautious and sincere.
The next few weeks will signal massive integration of profound soul truths. You want to be ready to receive (and integrate) them with a sense of ease.
:: The Moon :: With the Moon waxing toward the Gemini Full Moon on December 3rd, it’s essential to use this next week to make progress on goals.
With the Moon so close to Neptune, and Neptune trining Jupiter, manifestation powers are amplified. Stay focused on your intention and connected to your desires. Let your intuition lead you forward; yet, stay prudent, too.
You want to make clear, conscious decisions that you’ll feel right about in the upcoming weeks while Mercury travels retrograde. Come December, the winds of change blow hard.
:: The Square:: With the Sun in Sag and the Moon in Pisces, limits and boundaries may feel blurred.
Boundaryless passion is fantastic for developing your spiritual and intuitive intelligence. Yet with Mercury Retro just around the corner, and a dearth of air and earth in the sky, make sure not to get lost in the mist. Lead from your intuitive prowess.
:: The Message :: This Waxing Quarter Moon screams magic. Yet, it’s not unencumbered magic. It’s essential to not only stay devoted to your dreams, desires, and manifestations, but to do so with a clear sense of grounding.
With Neptune direct trining Jupiter, and the Moon in Pisces, the cosmos is expanding our spiritual capacity. Embrace the steam, but stay mindful of the potential to lose yourself in the fog.
Let your inner sorcerous lead you forward, and trust your intuition, while planting your two feet solidly on the ground.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit Jenniferracioppi.com. And to learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of lunar-loving cosmic change makers!
Facing a major life meltdown, Sam Lam was ready to turn herself inside out. Little did she know, her first LSD trip would lead to the experience of ego death …
I’d majored in philosophy in college, studied metaphysics, epistemology, and even endured a stint in theology. But despite the multitude of theoretical expeditions I’ve taken into human consciousness, nothing could have prepared me for the acid trip that led to me experiencing the much-documented “ego death.”
By age 30, I’d burnt out in my career as a Business Development Manager for a multi-national oil and gas company. So I did what any self-respecting women worthy of her prized Louboutins would do: I jacked in that job, packed my (many) bags and boarded a flight to ‘La La Land’ to pursue a career in fashion.
As if this identity crisis wasn’t enough, a couple of months prior I’d discovered that my now ex-husband of almost 10 years was having an affair. Needless to say, I was a total emotional-fucking-wreck. A 30-something divorcée with a fresh “Monroe” lip piercing, I soon found myself trying to heal my shattered heart by reliving my hard-partying youth.
Cut to me raging it up at a major music festival. I’d never taken LSD before that night, but in the sweltering heat of the desert, as the hot, orange sun began to dip, I decided to drop.
I felt very little at first. Twenty, maybe thirty minutes passed and by this point I was eager to rush to the front of the main stage and offer my metallic flash-tattooed body as a sacrifice to the music now engulfing me. I just wanted to dance. Dance all my life’s pain away.
This was death, I felt certain of it … It’s not really possible to describe what happened next. Before I could even begin to move in the direction of the stage, I took one glance at the illuminated festival Ferris wheel swirling ahead and the acid hit my brain like a bolt of lightning.
In that instant all of my senses merged. I could taste sounds, smell the music, and literally see my feelings.
This was death, I felt certain of it. The world as I knew it disappeared, and while I could no longer feel my body, my mind got busy imagining my demise in vivid, graphic, Technicolor.
Gory, violent, blood curdling. Vicious ends that felt oh too real. At one point I was hit by a steam-train in the middle of the desert. The next I was being eaten alive by rattle snakes. Next, I was a victim to the desert sun as its rays pierced my skin and melted my flesh to the bone. I then tried to write an (imaginary) letter to my family to apologize for giving up and going out in such a shameful way, but I literally couldn’t find the words to express how deeply sorry I was.
Then came a silence. A complete and utter black quiet in my head. It was a peaceful moment where I was truly thinking “nothing” at all (if that’s possible). A temporary respite from that torment that followed.
I could feel the world weep … Nothing can prepare you for “Ego Death”—the term is used in various, intertwined contexts to describe a fundamental transformation in the psyche, where we lose the self entirely. The words “I,” “me,” “myself” lose all meaning whatsoever.
This is what I experienced next, and it altered my life forever.
I could feel the pain of the entire Universe. Immense and immeasurable, agonizing torture. Quite literally, I felt for both a split second and an eternity, the utter, agonizing grief of every single man, woman, child, animal, tree, the oceans, and the skies.
I felt the Universe inside of me and all of its desperate misery. I could feel the world weeping.
A the Universe sobbed, my sense of self had completely and utterly vanished into it. “I” no longer existed. “I” no longer related to anything. It was as if I had become “dark matter,” as theorized in quantum physics—”I” was empty space. Nothing.
I woke up the next morning on the floor of my hotel room, with my festival uniform intact (bikini top, denim shorts, misappropriated tribal feathers). The desert was still in my hair and I had no memory of how I’d gotten home.
As my eyes slowly opened and the speckles of light danced into my retinas, I realized I was still alive. “Samantha” had survived her first (and probably one and only) acid trip. But something fundamental had changed …
Had I melted my brain? The trip had been so intense, I was left fearing the worst. For months I worried that I had in fact melted my brain. I was no longer draw to “partying” as a way to dance out my demons. What can I say, the world just isn’t the same after you’ve “died.” Nothing seemed to make sense anymore.
Four months after the trip, I was severely depressed and still trying to make sense of my marriage breakdown, my scattered career choices, and this extraordinary experience. One afternoon, I found myself all alone in my apartment.
I was lying on my bed ugly crying, with blood-shot puffy eyes and chapped lips, and the what felt like the weight of my woes making it difficult for me to breath. I was then gripped with an urge to step out onto the balcony of my pokey apartment to get some fresh air. As I stood out on that balcony staring at the cloudless blue expanse of sky, I could have sworn I heard a voice in my head:
“You have felt my pain, now let me take yours,” said what I can only sensibly identify as The Universe.
In that instant I felt a warm calmness encircle me, as if I’d been injected with a large dose of MDMA. Yet this was an instant, drug-free Nirvana. The voice signaled that it was going to take away my suffering and pain, and transform it into something positive, pleasurable, maybe even beautiful.
In that moment, everything in my life just seemed to make total and absolutely succinct sense. I understood that I was designed to contain light and dark energy—to be the embodiment of Yin and Yang. I wanted to kiss my pain. Without it, I wouldn’t have embarked on this journey. I wouldn’t have had the courage to push my body beyond its physical and mental limits. I would have remained spiritually asleep.
The author
The comedown … My life has since returned to “normal.” But my Ego Death experience has led to notable changes to my outlook.
I’ve drawn relationships into my life that are supportive and calm but also fun. I laugh more. My current partner lets me fully be myself. And I’ve found friendships circles with likeminded creatives and artists who are interested in alchemy and alternative modalities.
After these experiences, it’s been hard to return to the corporate world. Climbing the ladder no longer appeals to me. And though I haven’t quite found my niche, I’m figuring it out. I know somehow I’m supposed to be here in L.A … that something drew me here.
Most importantly, I’m more eco-conscious and aware of how my choices are impacting the future of the planet (after all, I had felt the whole world sobbing). I still love fashion, but I am no longer her slave, and have lost the desire to consume in the way I used to. And while organized religion is still not something I identify with, I’ve become intrigued by esoteric and alternative spiritual modalities.
What learned about a connected global consciousness is well documented elsewhere—an open-minded outlook that’s especially relevant in our current era of regressive, right-wing politicking.
After all, in the words of ethnobotanist and mystic Terence McKenna: “If the words life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the ‘Declaration of Independence’ isn’t worth the hemp it was written on.”
I certainly don’t believe that drugs are the only path to experiences such as mine. But surely to muse and ask “why?”—or to protest “WTF?”—is an innate part of the human experience. How else can we pursue the kind of evolutionary advancements I may have accidentally stumbled on during my long, bizarre, and deadly dark night of ego death?
Born and raised in the North East of Scotland to an Irish/Scottish mother and Chinese father and having travelled the world in her previous career, Sam Lam is an L.A based creative who spends her time writing, consulting, styling, modeling and collaborating with brands to produce visual content.
After the intensity of Scorpio, Sagittarius Season 2017 brings an exhilarating dose of freedom seeking, says Bess Matassa. PLUS the perfect tricked out ride for your Jupiter sign … Main photos: Drew Cox
Pack up your rollerboards and break out the cocktail peanuts, star-studded jet setters. Sagittarius season arrives just in time to smoke us out of the Scorpionic trenches and take us bareback riding across the blazing plains.
The zodiac’s oversized My-Little-Pony tricks out her mane with glitter and glow, and races towards the future without one shred of hesitation, trusting that the road will always rise to meet her sun-kissed hooves. This exuberantly expansive equine blows our old color palettes out of the woods as she sends us racing through the kaleidoscopic deserts, tropics, and tundras of our own nomadic hearts.
So roam if you want to, rough riders and philosophical pilots. When you give it up and turn it loose, you’ll see just how boundlessly beautiful you really are. Because the world is wild. The road is wide open. And these two lanes will take you anywhere. Wheels up …
The keyword: Boundlessness.
The song lyrics: “Just wrap your legs ’round these velvet rims/And strap your hands ‘cross my engines//Oh honey, tramps like us/Baby we were born to run”—Bruce Springsteen, “Born to Run”
Check out Bess’ Sagittarius Season Playlist, complete with road-trip anthems, global beats, and sonic explorations.
Gucci AW17
The color palette: sprawling, swirling shades, and party-ready prints: confetti patterns, saturated taste-the-rainbow hues, and deep jewel tones fit for a nomadic caravan queen.
The style: global elite meets a traveling circus on a South American cruise ship. Feathers, boas, excessive bangles, oversized rocks, and hair extensions mixed with bodycon leotards, harem pants, glam squad sweats, and handheld luggage.
The scents and flavors: richly spiced, smoky sweet, and spiritually inclined: ancho, curries, open-flame BBQ, animalic musks, and sandalwood incense.
The healing: bigger, bolder, faster, wilder. Weekend getaways, round-the-world tickets, circus classes, trampoline workouts, bodypaint parties, and dancing til the break of dawn.
Sensuous Invitation of the Month:A Tricked Out Ride for Your Jupiter Sign
Ruled by the bacchanalian bombshell of excess Jupiter, Sagittarius Season shows us exactly where we’re ready to expand way beyond “proper” proportions, and roll the dice once again with the infinite faith that life is always on our side.
So step into your sequined mechanic’s jumpsuit and fuel your vehicle for the long, luscious ride ahead. Cause baby, you were born to run.
New to astrology? Discover your Jupiter sign HERE.
Jupiter in Aries Sagittarius Season invites you to take your innocent spark out onto the highway, and explore all of the identities awaiting you. // Your Ride: Harley. Rev your engine and hit the pavement, trusting that you’ll be able to step into any truck-stop role that awaits you.
Jupiter in Taurus Sagittarius Season invites you to carry your security on your back as you celebrate adventurous trust in your own beautiful body. // Your Ride: Pickup truck with a covered cab. Rustic rambling and sensuous sleeps in the back seat.
Jupiter in Gemini. Sagittarius season invites you celebrate communicative expansion and all of the possible pathways. // Your Ride: Taxi Cab. Labyrinthine street smarts across multiple languages and neighborhoods.
Jupiter in Cancer Sagittarius season invites you expand from your emotional core, and let your inner world lead the way towards outer adventures. // Your Ride: Inner Tube. Tucked-in forms of floating downstream that both provide retreat and open water flow.
Jupiter in Leo Sagittarius season invites you to let your pumping heart light the way as you share your heat with the wild world. // Your Ride: Quad roller skates. Strap on your specialness and spread the street-level love.
Jupiter in Virgo Sagittarius season invites to you re-up your faith in integrity and revel in explorations that feed your sense of contribution. // Your Ride: Banana-seat bicycle with a basket. Pack a picnic and hit the pathways at a pace that’s fully your own.
Jupiter in Libra Sagittarius season invites you to believe in the power of pure romance again and again, despite past traumas. // Your Ride: Horse-drawn carriage. Take a slow spin through the park, prom queen style, as you trust in all things that travel two-by-two.
Jupiter in Scorpio Sagittarius season invites you to mine your own depths for the most worthy treasures. // Your Ride: The subway system. Travel beneath the surface of the superficial as you probe the hidden spaces of your own psyche.
Jupiter in Sagittarius Sagittarius season invites you to unsaddle your ride and take to the skies for a panned-out perspective on your personal mission. // Your Ride: Jet Plane. Fly high above the clouds as you stake out your next far-flung adventure.
Jupiter in Capricorn Sagittarius season invites you to expand your commitment to self-sufficiency and let your work in the world feel both necessary and natural. // Your Ride: Limousine. Let your labors be rewarded with pure luxury as you slip through city blocks in badass style.
Jupiter in Aquarius Sagittarius season invites you to challenge the status quo and trail blaze far beyond the known roads. // Your Ride: Delorean. Fuel futuristic forays and eccentric expeditions with this outer-space off-roader.
Jupiter in Pisces Sagittarius season invites you to hold it all, bless it all, and then toss it to the four corners as you celebrate your essence that exists everywhere. // Your Ride: Moon boots. Beam yourself into the stratosphere with sparkling shoes built for bouncing beyond the visible world.
Bess is available for private readings and astro-themed events. Connect with her at Mojaverising.com
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising The pattern on a butterfly’s wing. Observe. You are able to go deeper than you’ve gone before. If you look more closely, you’ll see that you are unique, beautiful and vibrant. You don’t have to fear getting stuck in the old path — the path that didn’t work. You’ve been navigating toward a new and easier path. Observe and notice the intricate beauty that you are experiencing and that you are. Don’t underestimate yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Velcro on shoes. A new invention is possible. It may be that you can breakthrough into an easier way to do things. Notice your fear. Be really honest with yourself about your fear. There is another way through the fog. Train your mind toward innovation by asking yourself more questions. One of the answers will hold the secret to your next breakthrough.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising The leathery skin on an elephant’s legs. Hold your breath. You are about to step out onto a new stage. Hold your breath because you need to experience anticipation. Anticipation will lead to excitement and nervousness and then you’ll be emotionally involved— which is good. But what is this symbol about elephant’s legs? It means that you are supposed to know your wisdom as you move out onto a new stage. You are supposed to feel grounded and secure in your personal strength. Move forward confidently.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising A star in a distant universe. You can reach for the stars now. Let go of anything in your experience or your ancestors’ experience that was holding you back for standing in the spotlight. You are allowed to shine. You don’t need to have words for this inner knowing that you are safe to be successful. Just find a way to feel it. Embody your success.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Long pieces of spaghetti. The hardest thing to let go of is hope. And hope can take strange forms. Once you have created it, it will linger in every sign and symbol around you. It can show up in a piece of spaghetti. So create it. Invest it. Be conscientious about what form you want your hope to take. When you are clear that you know what you want your hope to look like, actively embrace it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Kicking a soccer ball on the field. You have some momentum going. Don’t stop. Navigate the turns and maneuvers that you need to make. As you journey, you will have to change course. You will have to continuously revise your plan. You will have to be strategic. Do all of these things from a place of fun and play. You already have what you need. This is all just a game.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising The churning wheels of a mill in a river. You are ready to move. Find a force greater than yourself to help propel you forward. Feel the high energy that you are capable of. Get excited, hopeful and invested. What would it feel like to be really inspired by a philosophy or a vision? Keep gathering information and look toward the moment when you will feel truly inspired.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Finishing a delicious meal. Take a second to regroup and restore. Take care of your vessel— your body. Do regular physical maintenance. Most of all, enjoy the experience of being alive in your body. What if you just focused on this one thing, all week? How would your life feel different?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Flower petals make beautiful colors of dye. Your vibrant nature can leave a mark. By focusing on being your biggest and brightest self, by default you’ll impact the people around you. It can feel good to spread your enthusiasm. There should be nothing forced about this. You are capable of a natural and easy outpouring of joy.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising A rubik’s cube. Keep turning the cube and playing the game. Everything is a puzzle and nothing is a puzzle. Especially when it comes to family. If there is a puzzle in your life when it comes to your family, just allow yourself to be unsolved. There’s no reason to have all of the answers now. The question is continuously forming in new ways.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Working on your penmanship. Stay in the flow of new ideas, information, reading and writing. Scribble it all down. Take notes. Be furiously curious. And then begin to piece everything you’ve learned together in a beautiful way. This is a time to form and re-form. Gather information.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising Sounding the horn. A call to action. Awaken! Get moving on your new plan. This is your rally cry. This is your moment to find out how strong you are. You’ve been through a transformation. Get used to your new form and rise to the challenge ahead. Trust in yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
After searching for her lost orgasm in her latest book, Sex Drive, Stephanie Theobald cavorts with fellow Virgo Carine Roitfeld, and discovers why Virgos are sexier than Scorpios …
Carine Roitfeld shot for the Veuve Cliquot Widow series
“Being a Virgo it is all about fantasy. In my head. You know how Virgos are—not so sexual!” As I witnessed former French Vogue editor-turned-stylist, Carine Roitfeld, cavorting with a living latex sex doll in the “Lust” room of her immersive “Widow” series for Veuve Clicquot (theme: The Seven Deadly Sins), I had to step in for an astrological intervention …
Virgo vs. Scorpio: kinky phallic tales & ecstatic soil Being a Virgo myself, I’ve long endured all that crap about how we’re control freaks who only get off on doing housework. I’m used to swiftly shifting the conversation onto my Chinese sign (the much more amorous-sounding Fire Horse). But, these days I’m out and proud.
In my experience, Scorpios are one-trick ponies. Yes, Scorpios are into extreme passion, but that thunder and lightening sexuality burns out fast to leave a brooding, precarious calm. Think kinky dungeon sex, and a very male, genitalia-focused idea of sexuality: the sting in the phallic tail. But, yawn, there’s only one sting.
Meanwhile, the patriarchal propaganda around Virgo is that she’s a virgin who can’t be sexual without a man. Or, alternatively, that’s she so self-contained and powerful that she doesn’t need a man at all. Yet soil is fertile and rich with an all-encompassing energy. It is constantly ready to bring forth new life, new forms of ecstasy.
Clitoral strength & the quest for my lost orgasm I reminded Carine that Virgos are of the Earth, and thus the most deeply and naturally sexual of all the horoscope signs.
Carine nodded, adding that her partner was a Scorpio, “And you know what they say about Scorpios … But yes, this is an interesting way to look at being a Virgo.”
Our conversation in the Lust room continued a theme from an earlier press conference, where I’d given Carine a bronze clitoris necklace created by Parisian jeweler, Anne Larue. At that event, we discussed my newly finished book, Sex Drive, which is all about how women need to learn how to conjure their sexuality as a life force. Carine picked up the organically-formed clitoris and said, with pure Virgoan instinct, “it is the symbol of female strength, n’est-ce pas?”
Written following an illness that destroyed my orgasm, Sex Drive is my memoir about driving across America in search of this lost pleasure center. But what started as a quest for the ultimate auto-erotic experience became a fantastic voyage into my own body, a way to heal what no western doctor had been able to heal, and a chance to re-build my orgasm from the ground up …
Taking nature as my lover Contrary to the cliché surrounding “Virgo the virgin,” I’m not averse to a little kinky dungeon sex. But one of the discoveries that touched me the most during my drive across America was meeting porn star-turned artist Annie Sprinkles and discovering her idea of Ecosexuality- the notion that we can look at nature as our lover rather than our mother.
Annie took me on a sensual and thought-provoking “Ecosexy nature walk,” encouraging me to find my “E Spot” (Eco spot) by slapping what really did appear to be butts of trees and sniffing what seemed to be dicks of flowers. I grew up in Cornwall, England, one of the most country bumpkin of all the UK counties, so the crazy hippy Californian shit didn’t seem weird to me. But it also struck me that maybe this was my Virgo side coming out too.
Ecosexy suggests that swinging-from-the-chandeliers type sex doesn’t have to be the ultimate good time. When you tire of human energy, plant energy is a welcome and mysterious boon. Slowing things down and thinking a little out of the box can make sensuality even more exciting – and sustainable.
Carine Roitfeld shot for the Veuve Cliquot Widow series
Slow seduction & natural witchery At the end of the evening, Carine revealed the inspiration behind her lust-themed installation, and her hopes for an evening of “radical feminine energy”: “I am interested in seducing people slowly,” she told me, adding that there should be a balance in everything, even lust.
“Desire is a balance between restraint and provocation. There is something fragile about desire. That is why I made the walls of delicate latex.”
Researching Madame Clicquot for the project, who became a widow at the age of 27 and took over her husband’s champagne business, Carine said she wanted to emphasize female strength and the “magic” that is in the air at this time of year. “I felt the idea of witchcraft and I wanted to destabilize the sense of the ordinary.”
A Scorpio might have seen this mysical talk as a cue for some Alistair Crowley-style Sex Magik kink. But us Virgos took a more natural approach. My birthplace, Cornwall, is known for its witches and “piskies,” so the idea of sorcery and magic have always seemed normal to me.
And fellow Virgo, Carine, was even more playful about the whole thing. “It is fun, no?” she exclaimed to her latex Lady in Red, and back for another round of dancing …
Stephanie Theobald is a journalist for the Sunday Times, the Guardian and Elle UK. She is also the author of four novels. Sex Drive is her fifth book. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, and help crowd-fund Sex Drive HERE.
On our one year mooniversary of Moon Club, our Moon Club members are reflecting back at us what a loving, empowering, and fearless community we’ve created, says Ruby Warrington …
When Alexandra Roxo and I launched Moon Club one year ago, we didn’t know what to expect. Our goal was to make mystical tools like astrology and ritual that we had easy access to in NYC and LA, available to people everywhere. We hoped that this would help others experience the same sense of Cosmic oneness and portal to self-healing that we had both benefitted from in our lives, our relationships, and our careers.
We also felt the value of community, sisterhood, and wanted to create a safe space where people could feel supported, seen, and held, as they embarked on their own journeys of self-discovery. Synching our program with the cycles of the Moon felt like a natural fit, and a way to feel connected beyond boarders and belief systems. Plus, y’know, who better as a figurehead than Mama Moon!
And here we are 12 months later, with hundreds of members in locations as far-flung as Beirut, Brazil, and Belfast. Members who consistently reflect back at us what a loving, empowering, and fearless community we’ve created. Some of whom have also gone on to become Moon Ambassadors, and are beginning to lead IRL meet-ups, rituals, and ceremonies in their own cities.
Over the past year, we’ve featured many of our members in a regular Mooners & Shakers feature. Below, a selection of our most active community members share what being part of Moon Club means to them!
PLUS to celebrate our 1 year mooniversary, we’re offering 50% off yearly memberships through Dec 3 2017! Click HERE to learn more and to sign up.
“I used to be so afraid of the unknown, planning for everything, and so entangled with my own emotions. Through Moon Club, I’ve allowed myself the privilege to just be me. And being more mindful of the moon has connected me to my core—I’m letting my womb guide me towards what’s needed. This is the best medicine that I can give myself.” – Chantelle Brown
“You can literally say anything and there is no judgment. I think if you told some women that this exists, they would be skeptical. This summer, as I re-dedicated myself to abstaining from alcohol, I felt supported in the most unexplainable way. I think part of the reason I drank again was because being labeled as “woo woo” by those close to me made me dim my light. In Moon Club, I don’t need to hide that side of me.” – Megan Sweeten
“Knowing there’s a group of women/ femmes who have my back, who are holding me accountable, who support and love me; it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I’ve learned that I’m not meant to do this alone.” – Gabriela Herstik
“Being a part of Moon Club gives me a frequent reminder to breath, stop, and listen. It is also freaking awesome to have a squad of people who love witchy shit as much as me! [In my work] I love helping women understand how ace they are and Moon Club gives me the strength to do that. It’s like my own professional development course.” – Angela Meyer
“Since joining Moon Club, I have experienced a boost in confidence that I am in fact on my true path. You can raise your vibration even higher when you are a part of a loving, kind, supportive community, and there is nothing more beautiful than remembering that we are all connected.” – Tanya Sakolsky
“Through Moon Club, I’m truly living by the cycles of the moon and thus embracing nature itself: my real nature and all of my emotions. I’ve learnt that the tears and release of doing so are an important part of getting to know myself better. Instead of coming up against the same issues over and over again, this process enables real change and real growth.” – Bettina Mcilraith
“As an entrepreneur and writer, I often feel like I have to do everything on my own. Moon Club has shown me the power in collaboration and connection, which is the only way forward in this new divine feminine rebirth. Moon Club makes you feel less alone on this sometimes lonely planet.” – Sahara Rose
“There are women I’ve met in Moon Club who are spiritual staples in my life now. It gives me hope for the change I wish to see occur in this world. The love I want to expand. There is ENOUGH out there for everyone.” – Jennifer Robinson
“Spiritual growth is continuous and just like yoga, meditation, and other modalities, it asks you to show up for yourself first so that you can show up for others. Through exercises like monthly journaling prompts, Moon Club reminds me to stay light and open to wonderment.” – Veronica Beltran
“I’ve always been more of an optimist, but Moon Club has added an additional emotion through its realness. It’s assisted me with my voice and in believing that the world needs and wants to hear what I have to say. Through the push of Moon Club, I’ve learned that I’m ready. The time is now. Take the leap!” – Morgan Greenseth
“Perhaps you’ve found yourself on a different path from your regular circle of friends/family and would like to have a space to connect with others on a similar journey. This is the place! Not that we are trading in old friendships for new ones, but expanding the circle of support so we can feel more fulfilled in our lives. I have the energy to respond to things I didn’t have the breadth to do before.” – Aba Gyepi-Garbrah
“I’ve learned that I am far more capable than I thought possible. This last year has been about bulldozing comfort zones in order to free fall into more expansive space internally. Pushing through fear, embracing and releasing it through action has been the most liberating experience of my life. Next stop, conquering the fear of snakes!” – Alma Groome
To discover more about Moon Club and join our global community of spiritual change makers visit www.moonclub.co. PLUS we’re offering 50% off annual memberships through December 3!
New Moon :: November 18 2017 :: 6:24 am ET :: 26 degrees Scorpio
A mountain is moving aside. It’s creaking and squealing on a hidden mechanism to reveal a dusty trapdoor leading into the depths of the earth.
Are you ready to take a risk and travel into the unknown region of your psyche? Are you willing to be vulnerable and face the challenges of the season?
The opening of this secret passageway is a rare occurrence. And if you venture forth, you’ll go deeper than you’ve ever gone before. It may be a frightening journey, but your guides are waiting.
Pause and consider how this metaphorical journey into the depths of your psyche is showing up in your life right now. However it’s happening, the overall message of this New Moon is to trust in transformation.
These challenges may relate to emotional sharing and release, being truly seen for who you are, sexual healing, psychological transformation, forgiveness, and empowerment. Settle into a quiet place. Find a moment to set new intentions for these Scorpio themes.
If you want to go through the secret passageway beneath the mountain, you must let go of control.
And when you’ve completely faced your fear, you’ll find hidden resources of water— a thermal hot spring of emotional truth and intuitive trust …
New Moon inconjunct Uranus Removing a mask. Remove a feeling of being separate. Accept yourself for all the ways that you are different. You don’t have to wear a mask anymore. Your true self — all the beautiful and gnarly parts — can be accepted by others.
Remove the mask and allow yourself the ability to get really close to another human without being afraid that you’ll lose a part of yourself.
New Moon trine Chiron Watching water move. Is there a place in your body where you need to relax? Imagine a rushing waterfall in that area of your body. For example, if it’s your jaw that’s tight try to spend a few moments imagining a sparkly, dancing, glittering flow of water and air just below the surface of your skin.
It sounds simple, but this kind of visualization can help you trigger somatic healing and emotional release. Let go of tension in your physical body and that may help you release old emotions. Lean into the process of letting go.
New Moon semi-sextile Saturn Grafting a fruit tree. Seek an unfamiliar way that you can support yourself in this transformational time. Maybe this new, unfamiliar way is as mundane as drinking more water. Maybe it’s something deeper, like letting yourself be wrong, or admitting that you don’t have all the answers.
The study questions below are to help you get deeper into what the 2017 Scorpio New Moon means for you. Use them as journal prompts. For the most accurate reading, look to which house holds 26 degrees Scorpio in your chart and use the question for that house. Do yours for free HERE.
Aries or New Moon in the 8th house What are you ready and willing to release?
Taurus or New Moon in the 7th house When do you know that it’s safe to unfold and reveal yourself to a partner?
Gemini or New Moon in the 6th house Your body is a finely tuned receiving instrument. What signal is it emitting? Don’t answer this question with your mind, answer it with movement.
Cancer or New Moon in the 5th house What needs to change so that you are able to giggle more often?
Leo or New Moon in the 4th house How can you honor your need for privacy and self-reflection?
Virgo or New Moon in the 3rd house Where does your curiosity want you to go?
Libra or New Moon in the 2nd house What are the feelings that more money and resources would provide? Can you use your imagination to embody those feelings today?
Scorpio or New Moon in the 1st house What do you need to tell yourself so that you have free rein to grow and transform in the exact way that you want to?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 12th house What is your self-love philosophy? Do you think humans should love themselves? Why? How? When?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 11th house What have you built that needs a renovation? This may be a mental concept, ideal, business structure, plan or habit.
Aquarius or New Moon in the 10th house What idea or attitude will help you meet your goals?
Pisces or New Moon in the 9th house If you were going to take a journey on a philosophical search for truth, where would you begin? What attitude would you have to embody?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
When energy psychologist Alexia Traverse-Healy started her cycle one night, a flood of emotions came with it. She soon discovered what her period blood was actually trying to tell her …
Feeling a movement, a shift of tides, I tense a little and then spring up from the bed. My partner looks bewildered. Mid gallop to the bathroom I shout over my shoulder: “I’m bleeding.” He relaxes. Her period.
I run to the bathroom but we are out of loo paper upstairs. I turn back on my self to head to the downstairs bathroom, covering the light switch in menstrual blood as I flick it on, having tried to hold the blood in with my hand. I won’t make it down and back.
“I’ll get it,”says my boyfriend, coming from the bedroom. Gratefully, I sit on the loo upstairs, door open. And just as I am pulling my Mooncup out of my vagina, full of not just free-flowing red blood, but also strings of mucous and matter, he bounds back up and freezes for a moment. Hand outstretched but face away, he mutters something about “mystery” and walks off.
I recognise the wounded feeling straight away. Mystery? I know what he means. He means how I ask him not to poop with the door open or fart in our bed. “I know it’s not the same,”he has already muttered as he heads off back down the corridor, in preparation no doubt for what happens next. He knows me well.
Because it IS my mystery … Then comes my Leonine anger. The years of hearing “Are you having your period?” when I am fired up and passionate. I want him to understand what rages through me when my blood is denied or demands to be hidden, to be cleaner, to be prettier.
Because, to me, it IS my mystery. It is my essence and my strength, my sexiness, my womanhood, my core. The smell. The blood. The mess. It is me. And to be turned off by it, turned away from it, is painful and personal.
I didn’t always feel this way. After growing up learning to conceal and apologize for it, it has taken me until 38 years old to be proud of it. The Mooncup has been a big part of the transition. Now I handle my blood. There’s no hiding with a Mooncup.
I cut back to this moment and tune into the love I feel for this man.
His reaction is to the sight of the blood all over my hands, down the inside of my thighs, dripping from my vagina into the loo, pouring from the full Mooncup into the sink. It is slightly shocking, if it’s not yours. If it’s not beloved to you.
When your daughter wants to paint with it … But I want him to be fascinated by it. I want him to come over with wonder and be interested and slightly awed. Like my five-year-old daughter is: “Mummy can you not take your Mooncup out until I get back from school? I want to see.”
At first, her deep, deep interest freaked me out. What? Really? Is that even appropriate parenting? But she was insistent and so purely intrigued. It was her right, as a woman in the making. I’ve been raising her to question, to take interest, to be fearless – so why not here too? With minimal fuss or pomp, I showed her this everyday occurrence infused with a little wonderment. And she was joyful. Fascinated.
I wanted to give her the choice of always being easy with her body. A wild, artistic child, she’d ask if she could paint with it. Even I have my limits, but god I love her for wanting to.
I will continue to worship my blood … My boyfriend is in the kitchen making us Sunday breakfast. And as I come down off my adrenaline high, I see what he means when he compares seeing me in full flow to farting in bed. Though to me, it’s not the same. With the blood of my monthly moon comes the possibilities of life and death, the magic of future and past, and I doubt anyone can say that about a fart.
But what he means is that, to him, it is a bodily function, and he sees them all the same. In a way, it may be his version of equality.
As I drop down from my orbit of emotions, I remember him falling asleep last night, with his cool hand on my too-hot belly, holding the pain for me and with me, asking me if I wanted an ice pack from the kitchen. And I feel grateful. I breathe. I’m here
If he holds me through the pain of my bleeding, then maybe for now I am happy to leave the blood paintings, the roars of grace and gut, the dancing and the revelry, to my sisters, my daughters, and to the mothers.
Every time we are triggered, it is an invitation to learn and to go deeper. To peel off an onion layer. I love that this morning’s little wounding helped me to deepen my trust for my partner, helped me to articulate silent shadow feelings that I’d never even thought to express.
I will continue to worship my blood, to feel proud and stand strong in my SHEness – but I won’t blame my man for running from it. It is powerful after all.
He asks me, before I send this in, to change “he bolts” to “he heads off down the corridor.” “I know it doesn’t sound as good,” he says, “but it’s more like what happened.”
I concede, erase, replace, and eat my delicious breakfast, bleeding quietly.
Alexia Traverse-Healy is a London-based energy psychologist who works with clients on anxiety, stress, phobias, sexual issues, relationship crisis, family, fertility, finances, patterns of stuck behavior, and existential questions. To book a free 20 minute phone consultation go to www.sheworkswellness.com, where you can also find a free SHEness Audio visualisation.
How to know when you’ve found your Spiritual Teacher? They will help you step more fully into your own power, says Ruby Warrington. PLUS our New Year, Nu You co-presenters share how they met the Spiritual Teacher that changed their life …
I’ve always got a little envious when people start talking about their “teacher.” Not the one in school, who helped them find their confidence as a fifth grader, or showed them a new way to read Macbeth that finally made sense. I’m talking Spiritual Teachers.
For the majority of people I know who are either working in the mystical or healing space, or who simply identify as being “on the path” (OTP, as my friend Elyssa puts it), there has been a Yoda figure in the background, guiding them on. It could literally be the person who taught them their craft. Or the one who helped them find their way through a Dark Night of the Soul. Maybe it’s the business coach who put a structure around their brand, a speaking or writing guru, or even the yoga teacher who helped heal their body image issues.
These mentor figures often play a vital role in an individual’s personal and professional development in the spiritual world—and being told that I have even been that person for some, has been the most surprising and fulfilling outcome of launching this platform.
And yet I’ve always struggled finding a teacher of my own. I’ve worked with so many amazing practitioners and learned so much, many of whom I introduce in my book. The issue has been with finding a mentor figure to take me under their wing. For starters, I don’t take instruction that easily. But I’ve also felt “let down” by many I’ve opened to, and some mentors I’ve worked with have become “envious” of my success.
Yeah, this has some things to do with the gnarly Saturn-Chiron square in my birth chart. My self-directed Aries Sun. My absent father and Grandparents. There’s also the fact that when I was a kid, the first spiritual teacher I encountered, an Ayurvedic practitioner named Shayam Singha, was as scary as they come.
My mom had got reeeeeealy involved with Shayam and his community, and we’d spend weekends as his retreat center, Suryodaya, out in the UK countryside. A proper old-school “guru,” I was petrified of his fierce, commanding presence, and also mistrusting of the cultish atmosphere. A fear that got triggered last week, when I found myself interviewing Maestro Manuel Rufino, a recognized elder in the Taino tradition, and founder of the Golden Drum intentional community in Greenpoint.
Preparing to enter the live-in spiritual community, I was transported right back to those days at Suryodaya, a trembling eight-year-old, scared to say the wrong thing, and unsure of my role in the group. But instead, Maestro Manuel was gentle and wise, and his students as welcoming as could be. A piece of my personal history was healed that night, and it has felt like a pivotal moment in my journey to find my teacher.
Because looking back, this year they HAVE been showing up. My book editor, Libby Edelson, who became more like a therapist as we worked on the more personal chapters in Material Girl, Mystical World. My astrology mentor Rebecca Gordon, who infuses our lessons with a deep interest in my personal journey. My incredible Moon Club co-founder Alexandra Roxo, who has taught me enough about communication and collaboration to last a lifetime.
And when I look at the line-up I’ve created for our New Year, Nu You retreat at Kripalu, I realize I’ve selected the co-presenters who have personally taught ME the most, and truly been there as mentors, guides, and constant cheerleaders on my own path. How do I know them as my Spiritual Teachers? My relationship with each and every one of them has helped my grow more fully into my own power.
Below, they share how they found their own spiritual teachers. If you’re interested in spending a week in the presence of these incredible humans, you can learn more about our Jan 1—5 2018 retreat and sign up HERE.
//ALEXANDRA ROXO// “Over the course of my spiritual path I have had multiple life-changing teachers. My first I discovered at age 12 with my mom. His name was Bobby Drinnon, and he had long white hair and lived on a farm in Tennessee called “Rainbow Crest.” He taught me about my aura and chakras and called me an ‘open-minded extremist.’ He had a wait list two years long, but would always squeeze in a call for me, and I would see him yearly. Those meetings changed my life, and formed me in such deep ways. When he passed when I was 30 I felt like I lost a father.
I met my first female teacher, Deborah Kampmeier, when I was 18 and studying at NYU. She called me out on spiritual bypassing, introduced me to Snake medicine, Moon rituals, the work of David Deida, sacred sex practices, and taught me things that come up often. She is an artist and professor, and not a spiritual teacher by trade. But she initiated me into many of the practices I still use in my life.”
//LINDSAY MACK// “I was struggling when I met my teacher, Michelle, working so hard to pull myself out of some really dark places, largely alone. She appeared at a literal life or death moment, recommended to me by a coach who knew I was having a hard time with my PTSD. I wasn’t looking for a teacher, and Michelle wasn’t necessarily presenting herself as one, something that I actually think is a key ingredient in meeting our soul teachers. She just showed up, open, present, and happy to support me, and everything flowed from there.
I humbly believe that we have to do our own work to the point where we can energetically call our teachers in; the deeper we work, the clearer the call. I have found that to be true on the other side now, as a teacher myself. Any truly aligned teacher is only a mirror for where the student is willing to go. I think you know when you’ve found your teacher. There is a resounding ‘yes’ in your heart, a profound knowing in your soul. It’s when you feel seen, supported, and held unconditionally, not to mention blown open by their wisdom and deeper knowing. I am still feeling that with my teacher, and it is an amazing thing.”
//BETSY LEFAE// “Sometimes meeting a teacher can trigger you, and sometimes it can make you feel at home. The teachers I gravitate towards are warm, compassionate, humble, and nonjudgmental. I knew I had found my teacher when I felt like he was part of my long lost family. When I read his material before going to a weekend class, he was explicit that his goal was to teach others to fish, to cultivate their own skills, and that it was a good thing if his students didn’t need him anymore. This has always been my goal when working with people. Working with him, I felt comfortable to be me. And even better, I felt comfortable with him pushing me to be MORE ME.”
//SAH D’SIMONE// “The first teacher that totally transformed my world was Venerable Joan Nicel, a Tibetan Buddhist nun from Canada. I her met in the Himalayas in India at a silent retreat. She introduced me to concepts of being inherently good, of the potential to totally transform our minds to become of benefit to all beings, and most of all she taught me the art of COMPASSION! From the moment I met her I knew she knew something that I must also know. There was a calm and radiance about her. When I had the rare opportunities for a private audience with her, I saw in way she would look at me that I too had the potential to change, that I too could become someone that added to the lives of others. I glimpsed unconditional love!”
On the brink of opening a brand new studio in Harlem, SHAKTIBARRE co-founder Corinne Wainer confronts the status quo, and shares 5 ways to get real about diversity in the wellness industry right now …
When I read that 77% of yogis are white, and that in New York roughly 44% make over $75,000 a year, I was astonished. Also, like I had been de-naïved. Seven years ago I founded a yoga and literacy non-profit for 7th-12th grade girls called YoGirls Program, but I had not assumed that the lack of access to wellness education my young students experienced would follow them into adulthood.
I started YoGirls Program because I knew the shameful feeling of being excluded from this often elitist world. Though I’m not a cultural minority, I didn’t grow up with money, and wellness education is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. And there was the one time I was told not to come back to a barre class because my shoulder injury, which necessitated modified moves, would make their sequencing “look bad.” Given this minor “image” infraction, you can imagine what other exclusionary practices exist.
Soon, I began to realize that theses issues needed to be tackled in the wider world. At first, I pitched articles to wellness editors along the lines of: “Hey, I see you have many articles written about elitism in the wellness industry but none that really discuss how to solve the problem … can I write about that?” My “idea” became SHAKTIBARRE, the yoga-barre studio and community space I opened with my partner in 2016.
Our mission was to actually DO SOMETHING about the aforementioned wellness injustices. So we implemented a sliding-scale pricing model, offer classes that emphasize body, cultural, and spiritual inclusivity, and dedicate 10% of net profits to YoGirls Program. As my friend Robyn from The Babe Collective says, it’s been about building a biz without becoming a superficial a**hole! This is all the more imperative because the yoga industry is 82% women. Change starts with us.
In an industry that profits from your self-doubt, any wellness initiative that supports you liking yourself is a healthy rebellion—but amazingly, we’ve gotten explicit push back for this, and been told we should just “stick to exercise and stop caring so much.” Or haven’t been invited to things where our mission wouldn’t be popular with those who are after more glitter-worthy press.
Because good intentions are one thing—making real change at a grassroots level requires GRIT. It’s not enough to hope our overall vibe and messaging would magically erase a deeply ingrained and capitalist-motivated lack of diversity in the wellness industry.
So if you too desire to create tangible change—in wellness or any industry where there is a lack of integrity and action—then read on for 5 ways we turned feel-goods into do-goods, and let the SHAKTIBARRE story be your guide …
1.When we took a survey. So far we’ve had over 10,000 students and achieved a 4.9/5-star rating. Exciting. But we couldn’t help asking: “what’s up with that missing 0.1?” So we created a survey asking direct questions on everything from mat quality to cultural equality, promising to implement response-based changes within six weeks. We discovered that real empowerment comes from dynamic conversations, and thousands of our members were more than happy to share their honest insights when asked. The learning: In an industry where “exchange” has become the creepy synonym for “money,” make direct inquiries and practice active listening.
2. When we said “no” to big opportunities that would compromise our integrity. We’ve been asked countless times to partner with corporate brands and been offered 6-12 million dollar investment deals; and it was a memorable magazine moment that taught us early on the power of staying true to our SHAKTIBARRE selves. An incredible article was written about us, but the title used a pic of a supermodel as click bait. The feedback from some new students was that they’d been afraid to visit because they felt nothing like the famous woman portrayed in the piece.
From that moment on, we’ve refused to film or do interviews with anyone unless they use inclusive pictures and dialogue. We also decided to fundraise for our second location instead of taking on investors who may prioritize financial gain over our community efforts. The learning: Always emphasize your mission over money and fame. And be honest: if your mission is money and fame, reevaluate your mission.
3. When we got totally transparent online. Originally, we thought SHAKTIBARRE was just going to have local impact, but we realized our responsibility on-site and online. We take time each week to individually reply to reviews and Instagram comments, and pay extra special attention to tense conversations. For example, a woman recently challenged our fundraising campaign in response to a post we wrote with Alexandra Roxo, arguing that we’re “a for-profit company who can just go to the bank.”
We created a whole newsletter on it and asked for input from our community, ultimately opening our Quickbooks and telling the whole world exactly what we make, why, and how, all in the name of transparency. We even invited her to tea! The learning: Every criticism is a chance to unveil a deeper truth for both parties.
4. When we empowered our OWN community. We have about 30 people on our team at any given time, and in order to help them bring their gifts to the world, we extend our services inward. This means we’ve raised salaries twice before paying ourselves more, provided free coaching when asked, generated promo codes and worked out various continuing education opportunities (marketing seminars, teacher trainings, and attending outside classes, benefits, and performances together). The learning: When your team gets to experience your mission first hand, your foundation becomes rock solid, and your impact will be true.
5. When we became socially … awkward or awesome (you decide). We are a trendy, boutique fitness spot that also promises to create large-scale sociopsychological shifts in the way women experience wellness. That is why we sometimes post (with permission, of course) really provocative shares from teachers and students about racism, sexual assault, vaginal health, chronic illness, family dysfunction, learning disabilities … you name it. That is why we create SHAKTIPOPS (SHAKTIBARRE classes with a theme) that take deeper looks at how wellness is more specifically experienced by people of color (there’s a class coming up on December 3rd!), queer populations, Latina heritage, Judaism, morbid obesity … again you name it.
These subjects can be super triggering, and are NOT necessarily gonna get us all the likes on Instagram. But we see it as our responsibility as role models to go there. The learning: With every second you have in the limelight, say something consciously disruptive to exclusive wellness industry statistics. Want to get ridiculous right now? Post our crowdfunding link on your Instagram and start a conversation about real change through wellness.
The biggest challenge you’ll face with our 5 tips? That you’ll have to let go of being accepted and step into being accountable. The greatest reward will be a loyal, lasting, and long-term impact on an industry ripe with opportunities for equal-opportunity empowerment.
As I build more and more studios over the next 5 years (where do YOU wanna see one?!), more and more adult women will get inspired to become activists, and more young girls will have a fully-funded after school program. Meanwhile, my co-founder Shauny Lamba will continue expanding our Shakti Teacher Trainings all over the globe which is where this dream gets even more real because every year the YoGirls design a service project where they visit a city in need and learn alongside their local peers! And this all starts in our SHAKTIBARRE empowerment hub home-bases …
We entirely believe in you to make this shift and hey sister, we’re in this together. Come visit us in Brooklyn this Thursday at our benefit party (and next Spring in Harlem, which you can learn more about here) and share your stories of becoming actionable in the name of women’s wellness.
Get this week’s astro symbol for your sign in our Numinous weekly horoscopes by Sandra Sitron, a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology …
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising A ball glides along the ground. You are pushing the ball. You are choosing your direction. This is a time of movement and expansion. Decide where you will focus your mental vibration. Decide how you will focus your actions. Pick a goal. It’s time to set intentions for how you will define yourself. Who are you becoming?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising A herd of zebras runs across the plains. They are running so fast. There is a flurry of stripes and a stamping of feet. They are stirring up dust. You’re experiencing this stampede of movement emotionally and subconsciously. It’s time to create new subconscious patterns. The herd of zebras is uncontrollable. You don’t need to be able to control your feelings. Through allowing emotional movement you will be able to find balance.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising Trimming a hedge. Stewardship. What are you taking care of? Yes, you are busy. But pause for a moment and clarify what it is you’re working for. Is it your community? A belief system? Your body? The Earth? Meditate and make the mental connection that you are “in service” to something. That will help you decide your next steps.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising The shape of a bolt of lightening. Lightening hits the highest point. You are ready to stand tall at your personal highest point. It may be shocking, but in a good way. Open yourself up to shining at a new level in your career or vocation. Open yourself up to feeling electrified and having new ideas rush in. It’s time to set intentions for achievement.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising Burrowing in, like a small animal in a hole. Go deep within. Find silence. Inner stillness. From this point of retreat you may find a new mission statement. You may connect with your “why.” That will help you become sure of your desires and find alignment. Quiet time will help you understand your own internal GPS.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising Strike a match. You know so much more than you think. When you stop being self-critical, you find that you are absolutely certain. It’s time to clear. Let go of the old phase. Release the past. Burn through the old emotions. Let yourself feel and release. This process will help you connect with your innermost spark of life force and feel renewal, the same way you felt as a small child.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising Folding shirts. When you hurry through your work, you have to go back and start again. So you don’t hurry. You take care and you practice. You build up your skills. The metaphorical shirts are crisply folded. So why rush when it comes to relationships? Take it more slowly than you think you should. As you continue to build emotional connection remember to take your sweet time.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising A mama spider weaves a web. Careful movements. Connecting the dots. Staying in motion. Keep taking care of your daily life— the mundane, the minutia. Get your practices and systems under control. Find a gentle rhythm with your workflows and habits. This will help expand your creativity and allow you to feel more grounded.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising Watching drips of water stream down the tile wall of the shower. You only have to be right here, in the moment. Prioritize this moment. When you are in the moment you are in the zone. From this centered place, creativity can stream forth. You can find joy and peace in the exact moment that you are in. The feeling of joy isn’t accessible in future thinking or past thinking. It is only accessible now. Practice being present so that you can catch it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising Settle into plank pose. How do you build emotional security? It’s like a workout. It requires continuous practice. Remind yourself that you are love, you are worthy, you are whole. You nurture yourself in the way that you need to be nurtured. This emotional security is what you must strengthen and practice through your affirmations and intentions. It’s called conditioning. Build up your core.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising Graphic waves on a seismic chart. Ups and downs. You’re finding new ways of thinking about things. There may be emotional ups and downs that teach you how to shift your mindset so you come up with better mental practices. Be as logical as you can and learn as much as you can. Gain new ways of thinking that help you work logically with your emotions.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising Chewing on a caramel candy. You are trying to bite into it. You are trying to make sure that you have a grasp on your sense of security. Will you be able to feel secure? Make this inquiry as sweet as you can. Remember that you are building. And building is fun. It can be sweet to see how you create more value in the world.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandrahere or follow her on Instagram.