Tending to my zen-den, a modern day witch hunt, and a Skype date with Russell Brand…

Ruby Warrington My Mystical Week The Numinous

:: MONDAY ::
So I spent the past two weeks on vacation in Hawaii, where I had planned to switch off completely and mend my broken mind after pretty much a year of #nodaysoff. Which, for various reasons, is not how things panned out – but OH WOW, what valuable lessons and insights the Universe had in store for me instead! Why do I bring this up? Because rarely does life give us what we think we want – the Universe prefers to serve us what it knows we NEED. Basically the number one thing to keep in mind as we head into this Mercury (+ Mars + Pluto + Jupiter + Saturn!!) retro phase. So be open, be vigilant, and just watch in grace and wonder as it all unfolds.

Mega congrats to my beautiful friend and collaborator Kirsty, who launched the most fabulous service today – an online subscription service for high-end, hard-to-find scented candles named Scent. When you set up an account, you’ll be asked to create a “scent profile” so all the candles you receive can be tailored to your tastes. Your zen-den never smelled better – and just in time for Mother’s Day too! Discover more at

Scent candle subscription service on The Numinous
Loving the beautiful imagery on Scent…

And speaking of zen-dens – can we just officially acknowledge that ritual baths are currently officially a thing? Like is anybody out there not soaking with a bunch of salts, crystals, and activated herbs? Which is timely, actually, since with all those planets currently in retrograde, the big memo from the Cosmos is to slow things TF down. So check out this ritual bath recipe from Deborah Hanekamp, or stock on House of Intuition’s genius “bath bags” (like a tea bag but for your bath, see below) – and soak it up!

house of intuition bath bags on The Numinous
Clarity Bath Bags, $8, House of Intuition

An interview with Jessica Knoll, who’s runaway best-seller Luckiest Girl Alive is – hello – an absolute feminist classic. Do not be put off by the breezy comparisons to Gone Girl etc, this is a straight-up Medieval witch-hunt at its most gory. And in the Now Age? Girl comes out alive and kicking. It’s not giving anything away to reveal that Jessica recently came out about the rape scenes depicted in the book as being based on her own teenage experiences – in other words, took one giant leap for female kind in re-writing history from the perspective of herstory. Read it and weep (tears of  fully empowered female joy).

Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll on The Numinous

:: FRIDAY ::
Got so SO close to making an actual dream come true today, when I got to speak at an event hosted by the David Lynch Foundation with none other than…Russell Brand! Only Rus ended up being Skyped in – so near, yet so far. The topic? Meditation as a tool for addiction recovery and substance abuse, and of course Russell nailed it. I’ll share a link to the whole panel discussion when it’s posted online, but one classic RB take-away to take you into your week-end: “I used substances to access a alternate state of consciousness. Now I have meditation for that.” Amen.


Join us and Standard Talks for our Mercury Rising event, a full day of next level wellbeing and cosmic empowerment…


YES – we’re organizing a day-long event right in the middle of the up-coming Mercury Retrograde period. Are we crazy? NO. Because it’s time to break some taboos and show you how to make this much maligned Cosmic aspect work FOR YOU.

Numinous founder Ruby Warrington has curated Mercury Rising – a very special roster of talks and workshops, featuring some of our favorite modern mystics. Co-hosted by Standard Hotels, the day-long event is designed to help empower you in navigating this tricky astrological climate.

Famous for creating delays, miscommunications, and wreaking all kinds of havoc with our schedules, Mercury Retrograde has become the Donald Trump of the astro calendar – but there’s nothing to be afraid of! With awareness and a willingness to embrace what comes up, this can be a potent time for healing old wounds, tidying up unfinished business, and working WITH the Universe to carve out your best future.

Our Mercury Rising event has been designed specifically to show you how – with 3 instructional, fun and interactive workshops, PLUS individual tarot readings to leave you feeling fully empowered and with a Cosmic goddess glow!

Click here for tickets and logistics – and read on for everything you need to know…

Saturday, May 7 2016


The Standard, High Line, 848 Washington Street, New York, NY, 10014 (PLUS make a weekend of it with a 15% discount on rooms with the code MERCURYRISING) 

Full day – $89 (including drinks and snacks)
Individual workshops – $35 each

11am-12.30pm – F*ck You Mercury Retro Salon with The Astro Twins astrologers Tali and Ophira Edut break down WHY Mercury Retrograde gets such a bad rap, while providing expert insight about how we can actually make the energy at this time work in our favor. They will also provide an in-depth overview of the planetary aspects influencing this specific Mercury Retro phase, to further illustrate how to maximize the cosmic potential of the times – with a view to setting up your best summer ever.

12.30-1.30pm – Break (with refreshments from the Montauk Juice Factory + option to add on a lunch-box from Standard Hotels)

1.30-3.30pm – Lead Your Own Moon Ceremony with Deborah Hanekamp
As well as teaching participants the proper protocols for creating your own New and Full Moon ceremonies, this workshop includes an overview of how to work with the different phases of the Moon each and every month – including diet, lifestyle, and wellness practices. Living in alignment with the lunar cycles is a way of connecting to your own innate power source, giving you the inner strength to navigate any Mercury Retro hi-jinx!

3.30-4pm – Break (tea + pastries)

4-6pm – Breathwork for Mercury Retrograde with Erin Telford
Breathwork is an active meditation technique designed to move stuck or heavy energy, and a super fast way to emotionally detox – the perfect healing for clearing anything that’s come up during the Mercury Retrograde period. Think part self-healing technique, part catharsis, part adult temper tantrum, and part psychedelic experience! Set to music,  you will be held in sacred space during the entire session, releasing what isn’t yours to hold anymore and emerging with more light and clarity.

6-7.30pm – Individual soul tarot readings with Lindsay Mack (drinks + canapes)
We finish the day with sunset refreshments on the terrace, where The Numinous resident tarot reader Lindsay Mack will be available for mini one-to-one soul tarot sessions. With this final piece of cosmic guidance in your toolbox, you’ll be primed to thrive despite whatever the Mercury Retro phase sends your way – you may even find yourself looking forward to the next one!


Through their popular astrology website, identical twins Ophira and Tali Edut help “bring the stars down to earth” with their unique, lifestyle-based approach to astrology. They are also the official astrologers for Refinery29,, Elle Australia, Virgin Hotels, and Interview Germany.As well as being featured in numerous publications, the sisters have read charts for celebrities including Beyoncé, Stevie Wonder, Jessica Simpson and Sting.

mercury rising deborah hanekamp on The NuminousDEBORAH HANEKAMP
Deborah Hanekamp is a Seeress and Medicine Woman carrying over 15 years in the healing arts as an Initiated Amazonian Curendara, Reiki Master and Yogini. Guided by the present moment, Deborah has facilitated Medicine Readings and healing ceremonies all over the world. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Time out New York & The Numinous.


Erin Telford Mercury Rising on The NuminousERIN TELFORD
Erin’s mission is to help people heal their relationships with themselves. She pulls from a toolbox of therapeutic conversation, lifestyle and spiritual counseling, essential oils, crystals, mantra and other healing tools. She is a healer, acupuncturist, herbalist and Reiki Master and leads individual and group Breathwork sessions. She was recently featured in Refinery 29 as one of “6 Women Who Are Redefining Wellness in New York City.” She is also a regular contributor to The Numinous and Live the Process online magazines.

Lindsay Mack Mercury Rising on The NuminousLINDSAY MACK
Lindsay Mack is an intuitive tarot reader, teacher and heart centered healer based in Brooklyn, NY. She is the founder of Sacred Tarot School in NYC, and regularly tours her classes, workshops and Soul Tarot readings all over the world. She is the co-facilitator of Brooklyn Fools Tarot Intensive, located at Maha Rose in Brooklyn, and she is a full time tarot teacher at Spirit Weavers Gathering.


Eclipses are a time to surrender control. Get the scoop on the upcoming eclipse season, as Danielle Paige dives into their affect on your psyche. Artwork: Heather Heininge

Heather Heininge on The Numinous

The confusion, the pain, the sadness, the changes. The DIZZINESS. Welcome to Eclipse Season! The current cosmic energy is huge, and as a sensitive, energetic being it’s no surprise you’re feeling everything so deeply. But remember, this is just one way the Universe gets you to open up to a new way of life and a higher vibration – one you are being asked to rise to in order to be more in tune with your higher self and your soul’s purpose.

Eclipse Season occurs approximately twice a year, and has the potential to seriously ruffle some feathers. As a result, March is a huge month of change, as the Universe welcomes the new you to step forward. Your task, if you choose to accept it, is to let go of your ego control and breathe through the storm. Because you’re being called.

First, allow me to explain a little about the patterns and cycles in the sky and how they relate to us here on Earth.

It’s likely you’ve been feeling extra emotional since the end of February. February 22, 2016 to be exact. In so then good news, you’re right on track. The February 22 Virgo Full Moon was significant, because it was the closing act to the cosmic journey we’ve been on the past six months.

You see, approximately every six months we are subjected to a series of vibrational upgrades. We enter a new chapter of our soul’s story, this last one ushered in by the last Eclipse Season – in September 2015. The energy of each Eclipse Season spans this same six month period, leading us into the next chapter of our life – hence the energy of March 2016. A.k.a. the beginning of the NEXT chapter.

So if the Virgo Full Moon felt extra strong, it’s because it absolutely was! It was the last full moon of our previous collective chapter, and a finale to the energy of the September Eclipse Season. Look back over the past few months. How have you grown, what’s changed, and what lessons have you learned? Some will have been fun, others not so much. And now the Universe is about to push the reset button.


So, it’s March 2016 and we’ve officially entered a new eclipse season which starts off with a solar eclipse on March 8 at 18 degrees of Pisces. This energy is important for everyone even if you aren’t a Pisces sun sign because you all have Pisces in your birth chart and may have a planet at or around that degree.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun temporarily blocking the Sun’s light from reaching Earth. Because, in astrology, the Sun represents your conscious unfolding self, when it’s temporarily blocked we get a fresh start, often because something in your life changes – is “eclipsed.” You will all feel an eclipse; however, the strength of it always goes back to the activity in your personal birth chart.

When an eclipse activates a planet in your birth chart it means it’s time to use the energy of that planet in a new way. The thing with eclipse energy is the change is not always rational and logical. Most often it’s in a way that forces change in your life, as it’s here to push you to adjust to a new way of living.

It’s important to note that not all change is negative – but it is all necessary! Amazing events can happen during eclipses. I know a girl who is releasing her new book, another that won an award, and people can get engaged and married around eclipses because all these events are pushing you to the next chapter of your life.

The March 8 solar eclipse ushers in a new celestial chapter for everyone. Whatever happened the last six months is behind you now-  and as we draw nearer, a new story is about to unfold.

This is where the magic begins, and which will then bleed into the coming months

Eclipse energy is most active 7-10 days before and/or after the eclipse date and can start about a month before as well. But remember, don’t look for something to happen exactly on March 8. It can, however, events usually occur as we’re approaching the exact eclipse date.

In summary, this solar eclipse is the birth of something new. What will it bring in for you? Well that depends on your soul contract and how it’s activating your chart, however, the reset button will be pressed for everyone.



A solar eclipse is always followed two weeks later by a Lunar Eclipse. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon blocking the Sun’s light from reflecting on the Moon.

This can be a very emotional time. The moon rules our emotions, so when she’s eclipsed she temporarily has no mirror to reflect the Sun’s light and as energetic beings we are also synchronistically cut off from our “power supply” and reintroduced to our shadow side.

This is a time when your unconscious takes center stage, and you can tap into a side of yourself that you’ve pushed down for some time. As a highly sensitive person, you can feel this shift in energy with every ounce of your being, as if you’re being asked to find your way in the “dark.”

Those suppressed emotions, the crap you thought you got rid of long ago – nope, still there! Deep fears, deep pain, deep wounds…this is heavy Scorpio territory – all things hidden that must be transformed for your evolution. But don’t worry – what’s happening is you’re clearing your emotional body of toxic emotions a.k.a. cleaning house! (Yes, once again…I know!)

As you can see, the energy of a lunar eclipse can stir an internal crisis (which is also often caused by external sources, especially relationships, which act as a mirror); and this often brings confusion, doubt, and panic to a head. All of this is designed to spur a conclusion, culmination, ending, or decision of something in your life.

Where and how this plays out will be different for everyone as it depends, again, on where the eclipse point is activated in your birth chart. If you don’t know, no need to worry, simply listen to your intuition and trust that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

This season’s lunar eclipse occurs on March 23 at 3 degrees of Libra. Note: The Lunar Eclipse on September 27 2015 was at 4 degrees of Aries which is the opposite sign of Libra. This means that themes could repeat themselves; however, the energy is new and will manifest differently. Less anger (Aries) and more cooperation (Libra).



In between these two fated celestial events (solar and lunar eclipse) is a magic window of change. Just as the ground shifts during an earthquake so too does the energy in your life. During the process it’s not uncommon for things to get messy. Give it time as you are breaking out of old patterns and new energy is coming in.

The energy of this eclipse season will continue to unfold until September 2016, as you continue to evolve as well, and at which time we will enter the NEXT round of eclipses. Or, as I like to call them, upgrades from the Universe.

Remember, there’s nothing to fear or anticipate. One of the main spiritual lessons of eclipse season is to surrender control – because truthfully, none of us have control over life events, only how we choose to react to them.

This article should only be used as a guide to help you understand the larger cosmic forces at work. The universe is not out to get you, it’s simply connecting the dots and speeding up events on your evolving soul journey based on your karmic contract and your free will. All eclipse related activity is destined and connected to your spiritual growth and higher purpose.

So breathe deeply. You’re not going crazy, you’re not losing your mind. Yes, you may be extra emotional right now and throughout the month of March, however, your true soul desires are being answered even if it doesn’t always look like it from your human perspective. Though if you look up and within you’ll see the patterns in the sky connecting to the patterns in your heart.

Many blessings to you, sweet child. You’re surrounded by angels, please call upon them for assistance if need be. The Universe is conspiring in your favor.


The New Moon in Capricorn means business! Channel the energy of the goat to get what you desire in 2016, says Hannah Ariel

new moon in Capricorn Jan 2016 on The Numinous

New year, New Moon! The one coming up in the constellation of Capricorn is SOLID, and rock steady ready for your absolute resolution on January 10th. In fact, you may have noticed that the cosmos has already begun to test your accountability in the days leading up to this Moon. Beginning the third day of 2016, an astrological extravaganza of energy has been extracting deep, potentially life-changing realizations out of us, all to remind us to operate from a place serious integrity this year.

Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces: Illusions are fading fast, we are becoming more attuned to attract what we really need rather than what we delude ourselves into believing.

Venus in Sagittarius meets up with Saturn, also in Sag: What we need and who we are being attracted to becomes so clear there’s no escaping the truth of what our creativity is urging us to work with and define.

Mars enters Scorpio: The actions we are taking are becoming more strategic, the way we go about getting what we want intensifies, we are driven by deep, nearly insatiable desires, and we are ready to test certain limits.

Mercury enters Aquarius and squares Mars in Scorpio: Moving into the future requires us to dig in to some inner work on ourselves first, redefining what we want.

Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius and re-enters Capricorn: Before we move into the future we may pick up a few more pieces, and uncover a few more facts to keep in mind.

Sun conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, square Uranus in Aries: We are triggered to re-identify with the breakdown/breakthrough story that began transforming us in 2008; we have experienced our annual renewal of personal power.

Jupiter stations retrograde right on top of the North Node in Virgo: What has expanded and evolved since August 2015 is up for review; time unravels the details of whatever big picture has unfolded; the destined meaning behind certain opportunities can be seen and integrated.

Now, take a deep breath, as all of this astrology has given us some seriously important information. It’s no exaggeration to say this very first New Moon of 2016 can truly be life-changing if we really get involved. It’s as if the Universe is asking us to be guided by the truth – our deepest truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. So help us god/goddess – a New Moon in Capricorn means business!

In fact, Capricorn doesn’t want to embark on anything it cannot successfully complete. A strong and empowered Capricorn takes all the information it can get and uses it to the utmost advantage to ensure a measure of reward. Capricorn learns exactly which mountain it is meant to climb, and then forges ahead without once looking back!

It’s a good thing we already ran through the whole gamut of our emotions by the end of 2015, when the Moon was full in Cancer. Because to the contrary, cardinal earth sign Capricorn doesn’t take into account how something feels; it simply puts in the work, and does what it must to get to where it needs to be. Now this may sound ruthless, but the truth is that without this earthy empowerment we’d hardly fulfill our destined potential.

Think of this New Moon in Capricorn as the captain that is poised to reign all this cosmic energy in, and steer your ship straight. The work will be in identifying not just where you are going, but why you are choosing a particular destination, owning that decision, and then continuing to decide how you’re going to get there. Again, all without looking back!

We are arriving at a powerful turning point where the more energy we use to turn around and look back, the more we will potentially be misguided, have some wind knocked out of our sails, and lose our cardinal determination. Even though Mercury is retrograde, it is traveling through an earth sign; whatever steps we take, even if they appear to be taking us backward, are nonetheless grounded in the process of moving forward.

The retrograde began in Aquarius; we’ve seen the future; we know what comes next. Now comes the time for some careful footwork. Contrary to how you might be feeling about it, think of this Mercury retrograde as being your saving grace. It will help things go oh so slow enough to make sure you don’t miss A THING. Another saving grace is that this New Moon in Capricorn makes a beautiful trine to Jupiter, implying that there is indeed potential for smooth sailing ahead. So long as we do the work, we will get there! With a beam from Jupiter, the cosmos is routing for us.

Also, among the multitude of transits mentioned, give extra attention to your understanding of the Venus/Saturn conjunction happening just the day before the New Moon in Capricorn. The fusion of these two is significant – although it happens in the constellation of Sagittarius, Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. And if Saturn is up to something, we really need to get crystal clear about it!

Keywords: authority, architecture, responsibility, time. It is what must be. It doesn’t matter if it’s a petty situation. It doesn’t matter if it has to break apart a pre-existing structure. With Saturn, we see: IT MUST BE, and I will do what it takes. With Venus in this mix, this transit begs the question: How much does your life NEED this to happen?

It’s about knowing what situations will create more harmony for you in the long run. If you want to build that beautiful new relationship, job, creative project, business, family, home – you have to WANT it so much you are willing to sacrifice what is not helping the process, turn around, and go the other way.

Considering this is first time Venus has conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius in almost 27 years, what your life desires may very well be something you are experiencing for the first time in a long time (if ever) – something entirely new, wildly exciting, passionately daring; something totally ready for your adventurous creativity. What do you really want to begin? OWN IT, because right now you really can – if only you do indeed, begin.

Note: Even if you aren’t sure of where all of these aspects and transits happened in your personal birth chart, you are ahead in merely beginning to contemplate what the cosmos may have been trying to tell you these first ten days of January.

2016 is here. Be the determined mountain goat that is Capricorn, and let the force of this Saturn-ruled moon be with you. You will do it. You will get there. You’ve got this. For it must be.

Book a personal reading with Hannah Ariel at:


As Mercury goes retrograde, the coming three weeks are the perfect time for some life laundry. For Victoria Cox, this meant asking: “am I living a lie?” Artwork: Aneta Ivanova via
Aneta Ivanova on The Numinous

It’s an unsettling feeling to look back on the last decade of your life, only to discover that you’ve been living a lie. No, I haven’t recently been arrested for identity theft nor do I want to be the next Caitlyn Jenner. What I mean by living a lie is this: upon looking back at the arc of my burgeoning adulthood, I was astounded to discover that the career choices I had made, had never, in fact, been the choices I wanted to make.

There was no gun being held to my head. I made these decisions entirely voluntarily. Succumbing to my own burning desire to please others, I began to emulate a path that would impress my father. Abandoning my creative desires, I launched headfirst into a career in law.

Essentially, I took on what had been one of his ambitions and pursued his goal for myself. All, I can see now, in the hope that he would love me just a little bit more. Of course I didn’t realize what I was up to until much later in life, that’s the power of the subconscious mind. But there were signs along the way, tiny whispers asking if this was truly what I wanted.

Ultimately, it was finally paying attention to these signs that opened my eyes to the fact I’d been faking it all along.

SADNESS: The first sign was the persistent, heavy sadness that was my constant companion. I spent so long convincing myself that I was doing the right thing that I simply chose to ignore it. I knew it wasn’t normal to feel this way, but it took me years to confront my sadness and ask myself that terrible question. The one you don’t want to ask because you already know you don’t want to hear the answer. “Why are you really doing this?”

FEAR: Then there was the fear – fear of making any changes to my life. So, cushioned by my regular paycheck, I chose to play it safe. I convinced myself that it was the fear of losing my job that kept me awake at night, when actually I was afraid of something completely different. I was afraid I was missing out on living MY life.

RESISTANCE: I had always wanted to be a writer, yet I never wrote. Instead of putting pen to paper and creating a story, I created a litany of excuses. I was too busy, too stressed and this was killing off any creative inspiration. What I was really doing was a classic case of self-sabotage; I was refusing to get out of my own way.

Aneta Ivanova on The Numinous

DISTRACTION: I would do anything to avoid facing up to the truth of my situation. Cue night after night when, instead of turning on my laptop to write, I poured myself a glass of wine and checked in to see what The Real Housewives were up to. Anything to divert myself from… myself.

EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE: Sensing my malaise, a friend suggested I try a meditation class. Once my monkey mind finally settled I discovered a sense of peace I hadn’t felt in years. Meditation began to show me the true purpose of emotions and how they can actually provide valuable guidance. Quieting my mind had highlighted the fact that anxiety and fear were my sole companions while I was at work. In stark contrast, I discovered that the only time I felt any semblance of joy was in a creative environment.

BOREDOM: Another sign that showed me I was living an inauthentic life was a constant sense of boredom. I was bored by my work and bored with life. I would plan vacation after vacation in the hopes of brushing up against some kind of enjoyment, but nothing excited me anymore. The world seemed to have become one, long, monotonous…nothing.

ILLNESS: Being stressed and unhappy takes its toll on the mind, and on the body. My body decided to give me a sign of its own making, a physical wake-up call. My skin reverted to its teenage years and broke out constantly. I had severe insomnia and my adrenals were burnt out. My body was essentially screaming at me to get my attention the only way it knew how, through sickness.

IDENTITY LOSS: Despite the fact that I was desperate to change my career I hid behind my profession. I used my identity as a lawyer to impress people, because I was too afraid to show them who I really was. Ironically I spent so long holding up this mask as a “successful lawyer” that it was no longer a mask. I had morphed into somebody that I didn’t want to be.

Aneta Ivanova on The Numinous

SELF-LOATHING: I was disgusted by the realization that I had let fear hold me back from pursuing my creative dreams. In an attempt to remove these loathsome thoughts circling around my mind, I began journaling every evening. A torrent of hateful words poured forth providing another sign I desperately needed before I could move forward. I now needed to forgive myself.

PERSPECTIVE: The act of writing out my deepest fears in my journal showed me that I was stuck in a victim mentality. Instead of throwing a 24-hour pity party, what I needed was a change in perspective. Why was I choosing to hide this experience in the Life Mistakes folder, when I could file it under Life Lessons instead? Looking at my situation from a fresh perspective showed me that my experience had actually created a swath of writing material. What if I chose to write about my story so that it could help others who were in the same boat?

I’m still a long way off from the writing career of my dreams but that’s the not the point. The point is that each step of my journey has shown me I was living life out of duty rather than desire; acting always to please others rather than pleasing myself.

I hid behind my fears because I didn’t want to face up to the fact that in order to follow my writing dreams, I had to let go of those parts of my life that no longer served me. Yet the very act of finally facing these fears gave me the permission I had been desperately seeking; the permission to pull off the mask of inauthenticity and show my real self to the world.


Cast by Louise Androlia using the Cosmic Tarot Deck

Libra / Libra Rising – The Sun

Ok Librans, it’s time to unleash the GOOD VIBES. So it turns out that all it takes to be courageous is keep opening your heart, again and again, even when you feel desperate to shut the doors and lock everyone and everything out. Painful? Hell yeah, but that is what being a human is all about. Life is messy but there is joy hidden among every heartache. This is the month to start filtering and pocketing the gold.

Your birthday month is like your own personal new year, so forget waiting for January and gift yourself a brand new year ritual over the coming weeks. You don’t have to be a seasoned witch to get this going! Just carve out some sacred space for yourself as soon as you can, a good hour (or five) and dedicate this time to you and only you. First up, connect to your feelings, especially the ones you’d like to run from; never forget that your feelings are your superpower and the direct channel to self-empowerment and connection. Your feelings are your friends, they are not there to attack you. Write them down, should them out, say hello to all the dirt!

Next, connect to your gratitude. Thank your challenges, thank your enemies, and thank your destiny. Thank all of those people who have helped you this past year. Write these down too, should them out to the Universe, and feel yourself expanding. Now, surrender. What do you want to release, now and forever? Visualize your whole body covered in the muck that you want to blast away, and then bathe, scrub, body brush, shower, shake; get connected to the grime and wash and drain away all that you no longer need.
Then it’s time to call in this Sun energy, which is pure and vulnerable. Make a promise to yourself that you will move forward with an intention to be wide open to receiving all that you need in the coming year.

Commit to knowing that vulnerability isn’t a weakness, commit to knowing that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Know that it’s okay to feel scared of the unknown, but remember that just because something is new, doesn’t mean that it’s bad – in the same way, when letting go, remember that just because something is familiar, it doesn’t mean it’s good! Gather all this super powered energy in your body; remember what it feels like to be energized by your own wisdom, by your own spirit. Finally, why not dance it out?

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Scorpio / Scorpio – The Ten of Cups

Let the love back in. You’ve been holding on so tight the last few months, anxiously awaiting that ‘shift,’ the big lightning bolt from the sky that drops down to Earth on a silky soft banner and softly whispers ‘it’s okay’. This month is about that softening. You are tough, brave and powerful, but that’s not all you are. It’s time to unravel and reveal on a deeper level. You know you’ve felt it coming, and the time is now. You know how you always see everyone? It’s time to be seen, and hell yeah, that’s scary! But it’s supposed to be, and being raw is being real will propel you to the next best place you need to be.

It feels like you may have experienced some lapses in your own faith recently, and you are now in a wonderful position to recalibrate, in a ‘new you’ sort of way. Remember that you are designed to evolve, so everything about your own self-care practice also is supposed to shift too. Trust that whatever you feel pulled towards is for you, because you are being looked after. Even if the only invisible force you can resonate with is the air that you breathe, then know that THIS is the Universal connnection you need, that it’s right there and it’s not going anywhere.

For those of you who are interested in diving deeper, then you may also find a special connection to your passed family members and your ancestral lineage over the coming weeks. Ask for their assistance with a deeper level of clearing, and request they guide you to stay expansive enough to recognize the symbols and signs along your path that always remind you of what you already know.

You see, this month is about a higher love, and you’ll be either feeling it or really NOT. But if you stop and think, ‘wait, I’m not feeling any love right now,’ then perhaps this is your opportunity to create it yourself. How can YOU spread more compassion? Perhaps you are the person being called to be of service; maybe it’s time to step up. Maybe it’s time to be kinder to yourself. In the raw material world, and in love, again, be open to being open. Allow yourself to be seen, even if it’s just starting with that one close friend. People want to be there for you. Let the love back in.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising – The Queen of Cups

After last months smack down and shake up, you are being gently teased back to feeling your feelings again. Yeah that old trick; it’s like September was the filling in a feelings sandwich, so look back to August – where were you then? And what has changed? What has the opportunity to change? I feel this month brings a great exercise in perspective, and the gift will be in looking at your life through a new lens. This is always the choice we have, in any given situation, and it’s a superpower.

Yes, YOU get to choose how you see things. Your fears may show you a more low vibe picture, the more restricted option, the route with no potential. But that is never all there is. This month, you can either rise up or stay in your shadows. Which is it going to be? Now, when I bring this topic of conversation in, it’s important to know that s*** happens, and your pain is valid and valuable too. Nothing can take that away. This is where the compassion element to moving forward comes in, you allow yourself the pain and still choose to believe there is a new place, a blank space of possibility for you to move into.

Your choice over the coming weeks will be how you decide to view the stories you tell yourself. What are you blaming? Who are you angry at? Allow yourself to rage and tantrum, shake it out, scream it out, this fire needs attention. Then, consider how might you WANT to move onwards. Recognize those parts of you that feel victimized, and take it back to your intuition. How can you reformat your internal dialogue to empower those beliefs that feel heavy or weak? How can you add in or change up the wording that makes your situation seem a little more stretchy?

On the home front, your wisdom may be in demand – wisdom that you do have. Bring the same compassion and a willingness to see the other point of view to the table, but protect your energy as you do it – otherwise you’ll be no use to anyone, and that’s just not the point. The message is that you can be a great comfort to yourself and others over the coming weeks. And the result? A stronger connection to your inner soul system, more self-love, and a greater sense of empathy for those around you. Wade right in.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising – The Emperor

I feel as though this month has a ‘coming home’ element to it, a period of time where you are able to truly embody the YOU that is you. I think the most interesting thing way to work with this theme, is to really acknowledge what you’ve been practicing or carrying around with you that isn’t honoring your most authentic or compassionate self. So there will be some clearing involved. An easy way to locate anything that isn’t on your best wavelength, is to check in with what in your life just isn’t working anymore.

Like all of us, you’ve been evolving recently and picking away at the edges of tired pages in your story. It’s time to peel away some of your lower level habits once and for all. Resistance may come in the form of ‘oh that’s just how I am’ – this statement is always a good indicator of our capacity to change, because nothing is forever on our journey, and usually the things we hang onto are being used as a self-punishing comfort blanket – or a ‘s*** blanket’ as I often call it! This month, you are invited to step OUT of control in order to feel IN control. This is true surrender, giving everything up and over in order to discover that letting go is what actually feels the most comfortable. That the power lies in the unknown.

Yes, I know that this idea sounds frankly hideous to you. Drop everything, WTF? Right? But trust that this is an act of self-love, this surrender practice. It’s calling in your ability to say; ‘you know what, I don’t have all the answers, I don’t know what to do, and that’s okay.’ The idea is to open up and learn new tools and rules for your life as it is unfolding now, because THAT’S actually what you need. We can’t keep reaching for old tricks when faced with new experiences, we have to change our mind, body and spirit to meet us where we are at.

I love this energy for you, a new empowered you that is also softer and less pressurized, raw but not weak. Standing in this beautiful state of surrender you are able to see more clearly exactly what you need; company or solitude, education or empathy. Finally, if you come face-to-face with a person or situation that feels restrictive, avoid fighting fire with fire. Be the higher mirror and allow others to meet you in that space.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising – The Eight of Wands

The perfect follow on from the mojo reactivation of last month, you’re ripe and ready for some fast paced action and communication! Now, for those of you who panic about Mercury Retrograde, don’t sweat it, just use the last week of this Cosmic transit as a chance to be more compassionate and feel MORE empowered. This is your life after all and you can’t put things on hold if they are in the present moment waiting to be embraced.

Also, perhaps use this opportunity to get clear on whom you actually want to communicate with. You may notice some worn out connections in your ‘friends’ list that are entirely ego based. You know, anyone you want to be in contact with just because you want them to want to contact you? Any sense of urgency and panic around a friendship suggests the relationship isn’t usually based in love. You have to trust that the people that just keep showing up are the ones to be heard and seen, and nothing needs to be forced. Step back from any communication that feels like you are scrabbling to be heard.

Your self worth is not based on someone approving of you – you are worthy of love and attention all the time. It’s just something that you have to claim, daily, on repeat, over and over again. Meanwhile on the work front, this is a great month to prep time and a perfect opportunity for widening your network of high vibe collaborators, too. Release any sense of urgency around this by surrendering after you have spread the net out; for instance, if you are sharing you work on social media, then proudly release it and get on with what needs your attention in the present moment. You don’t need to refresh, refresh, and refresh again. Allow your projects to BREATHE and be alive, don’t squash them into a space of ‘needing’ approval.

You’ve been really working to dive into your most authentic self and passions, so don’t dampen your efforts with fears of being judged. You may find that YOU are active nearer the beginning of the month and the world around you is more active nearer the end, so if you get that ‘stuck’ feeling then commit to trusting the process and accept that life can be a humbling experience. Time passes as it should, which may not always be to your schedule. Use any gaps as an opportunity to check in with where you’re at. When things start to speed up it will serve you to have your self-care regime top notch and intact.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Pisces / Pisces Rising – The Ace of Pentacles

You are in a period of many new beginnings, and I’d love for you to trust in this new and possibly slightly overwhelming space. Whilst the new is truly an opportunity to be at our most expansive, it also brings in our deepest fears of the unknown. That sense of diving off the cliff may feel very real to you right now, and that’s okay. In fact, it’s also, beautiful, magical and full of exciting potential. So how many toes have you dipped into life recently? Or are you still meandering around the edge, making excuses for not allowing change?

This month brings a really great sense of Earth energy for you, and you need this influxes of solid grounding to balance out your frequent waves of emotional intensity. This is real world stuff and feels so good! So, how might this manifest? Well, in simple terms it’s a great opportunity to really scan your landscape and see what you want to plant. What do you WANT your world to look like? And also, what kind of wider world do you want to live in? In reassessing what you need know that you also get to to have an impact on a grander scale.

When we rise up to dive into the things that feel good to us, we give others the opportunity to reflect this too. When we make a point of becoming more self aware, we are in a better position to be an example to others. So, what do you want your world to look like and what steps can you take today, tomorrow, and the next? The energy this month is all positive for you, and that’s why it’s fun to explore and experiment with. It’s a great few weeks to practice some big positive ‘what ifs’ – ‘cos we’re sure familiar with the negative version of this, right?

Every time your spirit shouts out an idea and your fears knock it right back down again – come back with a new spin on it. You know…but WHAT IF! Call out that devil on your shoulder with another possibility. Remember that thinking positively doesn’t make you more likely to fall. This is the perfect time to get serious about your life and really start to take some empowered action. This is no time to be focused on blaming external circumstances, be compassionate to yourself and head within.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Aries / Aries Rising – The World

Ready for your global takeover? Well this is the month is where you may feel like things are actually moving in that direction! Remember, this doesn’t always mean lightning bolts from the sky. Some shifts are so subtle, but it IS happening, and I’m feeling a link back to mid 2014 in regards to the projects, ideas and even intentions that you were working with back then. This is a power place for you, so it’s important that you rise up and own it. Last month was in place to get you all dirtied up with your anxieties and favorite methods of self-sabotage, but now, it’s time to shake it off and remember the vibe of the Phoenix.

Never forget that change is supposed to feel uncomfortable. Ignore this simple fact, and we end up in a perpetual state of confusion, or even considering that we might be going mad! Change comes in waves, and it’s totally fine to feel seasick. However, with this energy in place, allow yourself to be inspired by those around you who embrace the storms, because they have access to a few secrets in regards to the cycles of life. One being that when you skip confidently into the unknown you get gifted an expansive new vision, a sense of being able to see the past so clearly, the future as a gift, and the present as something that’s been supercharged with positive outcomes just for you.

So, these coming weeks are about endings AND beginnings, kind of like being in a constant state of surrender and opening. So just join the party, and don’t grip too tightly onto ANYTHING. Step into some sort of magical casual yet empowered attitude – there is no room for panic, it won’t get you anywhere! In fact, laughing a LOT will be helpful, especially at yourself, so allow the Universe humble you often.

If things around you seem to suddenly go off radar, trust that you don’t need them, and be ready to say YES to the new as the month draws to a close. Meanwhile, you are obviously still the fire starter, so action is inevitable and welcomed. Invite all brainstorming opportunities, and run any new ideas past your intuition first. Any ‘yes’ that comes straight from your head needs to check in with the body. How does this FEEL? Move forward here and you’ll step into a good flow, one that might just temper the tides of change and have you feeling more grounded than ever.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Taurus / Taurus Rising – Temperance

October brings an opportunity for personal healing on a deeper level, and you are invited to be ultra kind to yourself. Not because anything uncomfortable is about to happen – there is always a need for kindness, for all of us. But I feel that your self-care practice can become an absolute, non-negotiable daily practice now, if you are willing to let it. It seems as though many of you have had to take on the role of carer and healer for others over the course of this year. Whether it’s the nature of your job or because circumstances called for it, you’ve been giving a lot.

When we have to expel a lot of energy it’s essential that we give back to ourselves, or at some point we get a swift and sharp warning that we are running on empty. If that red light is flashing right now, then this is your double sign to slow down and check back in with YOU. What do you really need this month? I will never stop promoting the idea that empowerment comes from self-awareness of your mind-body-spirit connection. Power does not come from the external resources, it’s always cultivated within us, whether we like it our not. And this means listening.

This is where the softening comes in. Allowing the gentle nudges from your intuitive voice to be stronger than the front that you’d like to put up, or the fear that you’d rather lean on. If you’re struggling, then you have to be willing to crack open and accept something totally new. It is in this place of receiving that the most empowering shifts happen, as you get more in tune you will absolutely feel better.

This is month four in a row of quite intense energy for you, but these weeks are full of love, so wrap yourself up in it. Who is on your team? Gather them and be with them, don’t give yourself to anyone you don’t need right now. Make space to laugh, cry and learn; take trust and comfort in the simplest things, and recognize that as you choose not to participate it ceases to exist. Step gently back from your self-imposed restrictions, and experiment with the unknown. You may also like to ask for help. Ha, YOU may also not like to ask for help, but try it out! Fall apart a little, even just as an experiment. The world won’t end I promise, but yours might begin.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Gemini / Gemini Rising – Four of Pentacles

If last month saw you high on your own ideas, then these next few weeks are a chance to keep tuned in to this energy – particularly when your fears chime in. You see, when we are excited and positive, part of us will always wade in with the; ‘wait, NO you aren’t allowed to feel like that, it’s too expansive, it’s too open – SOMETHING BAD MIGHT HAPPEN.’ And then we start to grip onto things, we start to strangle our creative urges. If we let that fear take over, we lose confidence and we are halted on our path.

So just allow everything to breathe this month, especially your creativity. All of those plans, all that wonder and joy you’ve been tuning into, you get to keep it. Your creativity is a the purest expression of your spirit, it’s your life force – and this energy really needs to flow. Surrender happens when we trust that loosening our grip doesn’t indicate that things are going to slip away, but instead that things are going to grow and blossom at their own speed. Yeah, granted this process isn’t always timed how we would like – sometimes things fall into place on schedule, sometimes they don’t.

Choose to enjoy the randomness and perfection of the unknown placements in your life. Practice the idea of letting go daily, read about surrender, experiment with surrender – you can make it work for you. I’d also like you to check in with your suspicions and skepticisms. If you are being drawn way too much to what others are doing or might be thinking, then this is the biggest neon sign ever for you to head back home, back to just being you. Collaborate don’t compete. Jealousy comes from our fears of loss, but if you see others living your dream it’s because it’s right there, accessible and available to you too.

And, um, yeah it’s also not YOUR dream, it’s their path, and it’s perfect. So get back on your track focus on thinking about what you truly want to invest in, leading with those things you are most passionate about. Where do your intentions and your excitement about life meet in the middle? That is where your personal pot of gold lies. Trust that it’s okay to invest in the things that feel good; this is where you’ll reconnect to your magic. It’s not a luxury to feel fantastic about your own life. It’s a necessity.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Cancer / Cancer Rising – Seven of Wands

Put down your weapons my watery friend. Why are you feeling the need to fight and to prove yourself? A lot of this may be directed at yourself – have you been over challenging yourself recently to know all the answers? Reprimanding yourself for not having got it all figured out yet? Wondering when you’ll finally feel like one of those people who totally knows what they are doing? No one has a clue. Seriously, everyone is swimming in this big mess together, no one is exempt from these ‘what ifs’ or daily concerns. The gift that you have is that you are activated; you actually CARE about your thoughts, your path, your purpose. That’s pretty amazing, you are awake and this is where your focus can shift.

Instead of letting your eyes wander to what everyone else is doing, how elevated their plans are, how ‘good’ they have it – come back to the I AM and the I FEEL. Check in with your body right now; rub the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet together. Are you all here? Reel yourself back to the present moment, remembering there is no fight right when you are here right now.

On that subject of the ‘fight’ though, and that idea of proving yourself or standing up for yourself, think of it as an energetic thing, and a fear thing. They say we should ‘fight the good fight,’ so what does that mean to you? Think how about you lead by example, how you can keep throwing out love, and speaking from a place of compassion. You don’t have to belittle another to get your point across. You can be the light here. And as much as your feelings and thoughts are of value, how much to you need to prove them? That fight, is it worth your energy?

Whether it’s external or internal, check in with whether you really need a certain result, or whether it’s your ego that’s insisting on it. Allow your soul to guide you to the best place for you to direct your energy this month. I feel like it’s a time for checking out of social media, for getting grounded, and for less scattering yourself in all directions. Be uplifted by the simple things; food, kids, animals, the outside. Laughing, crying, feeling. Keep moving until you get to that place where you know that all you need is you. You are unique, but you aren’t alone. There is a bigger picture and you do have a voice. Use it for good.

Questions? Come and chat with me on instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Leo / Leo Rising – Three of Pentacles

All the star energy that’s been building over the last few months for you is about to come into it’s own – and this I’m talking about you OWNING it. It’s time to really claim your place in the world as someone who has something to offer. You see, this month is all about mastery, education, wisdom and collaboration. You need to recognize that you have something special to share, but at the same time not to perceive yourself as better than anyone else. It’s an ego check of sorts, because sometimes when we get super excited we can drop into ‘know it all’ vibe.

I think the easiest way to frame it is; teach not preach. You can share your ideas and inspirations without stamping on anyone else in the process. You aren’t here to prove yourself, simply to get out there and live in your best self. Be the example that others can follow. You don’t need to correct them, just do you, and let everyone else be exactly where they are supposed to be.

So with your ego checked, let’s get excited about what you have going on! What are you really hyped up about right now? Whether it’s a work thing, a personal endeavor, your relationship, or just your breakfast, it’s all relevant. The wheels are truly turning for you and so it’s kind of worth showing up and soaking it all in. In addition, when you are in this loud and open space of expression, there’s always a little room to be made for receiving, a space to be guided and room to grow! So what do you need to receive right now?

It may be a straight up confidence kick for those of you who aren’t loving the limelight. It might be some TLC from your nearest and dearest, or perhaps you aren’t sure what it is yet! Well that’s often the case, so just set your intention to giving AND receiving and see what shows up. Finally, be careful not to try juggling too much. You are allowed to stop and take a break – everything won’t dissolve if you sit down for a minute. Your energy feels a bit like a race to the finishing line, so it’s another reminder to just trust that time is stretchy. Use the mantra ‘I have all the time that I need’ whenever you feel that panic set in.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse

Virgo / Virgo Rising – Six of Pentacles

How are you feeling? Did you manage to shake yourself out of your head and back into your body? Even just a little bit? This month you are back to the energy that you know and love the best, the good Earth element, and the themes surrounding you are primarily to do with the topics of giving and receiving.

Now, the first thing I want you to tune into is anywhere in your life where you’re focusing a lot on what you are lacking in. What are you always saying that you don’t have enough of? Do you plant more energy on worrying about this than celebrating what you do have? If you’ve tuned into what that might be, then simply honor it. Say out loud, ‘I feel lacking in ***, and it’s okay.’ We must be present with our fears in order to work with them. Now tune into an area where you feel really full up, what is overflowing for you? Sometimes this is harder to grasp, but there is always something. So where are you feeling rich and thankful?

Then it’s all about the balance, the harmony of the give and take. Things are always shifting and flowing in this respect, and that’s how it should be; what’s important is that we remember to check in with where we might be giving too much, giving too little, receiving too much or receiving too little. It’s easy for us to dive into the task of getting rid of what no longer serves us, but how about what you need right now? Also, what can you give today?

Thinking about what you need, are you actually asking for it? Often we focus on lamenting the gaps in our world, but have forgotten to request help, and also love! Remember that vulnerability is one of your superpowers. Not to mention tuning in to check if YOU are the missing piece in your life. If so, then do everything you can to reintroduce yourself to, ummm yourself. Meanwhile this is a cracking time to feel very unapologetic about accepting complements about your skills and your work. After all, you’ve been working hard, right? Note how far you’ve come; especially if you feel like things just aren’t going fast enough right now! Earth energy you see – BE HERE NOW.

Questions? Come and chat with me on Instagram about how your month is going @louniverse


September 17 2015 is a QUADRUPLE 8 day. And 8888 numerology means time to step up and transform, says Felicia Bender.

8888 numerology on The Numinous


Are you feeling the burn this year – and particularly this month – in pretty much every area of your life?

Numerologically, everyone on the planet is experiencing an 8 Universal Year.

You calculate it this way:  2015 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 8

The number 8 is the money and power number. The number 8 is an amplifier. Yet, here’s the rub. The energy of the 8 tests you in the realms of power. And not just some inconsequential quiz – this is like the comprehensive exams for your doctorate. And once you pass the exams, you must write your dissertation. Once you finish your dissertation, you must defend it in front of your committee. Once you defend it in front of your committee (and you pass), only then you get your degree. Ardous? Yes. Worth it? Damn right.

2015 is your year to develop and nurture everything related to money, power, control, and authority. There can be amazing gains, wonderful advancement, powerful achievement, and financial abundance. And there can also be losses, set backs, feelings of victimization, and financial slaps-in-the-face. The 8 is about resilience.

And since you’re a member of the Numinati, and pay attention to Astrology, you’ll also know that there have been – and will be – substantial planetary shifts and events taking place this year.  Eclipses, Blood Moons, Blue Moons – need I go on?

And now here’s a “red letter” day in numerology: September 17, 2015 is a QUADRUPLE “8” day.

·      2015 is an 8 Universal Year (2+0+1+5=8)
·      September 2015 is an 8 Universal Month (9+2+0+1+5 =17; 1+7=8)
·      September 17 is an 8 Date (9+1+7=17: 1+7=8)
·      And 17 is an 8 Day (1+7=8)

What’s more, this particular 8888 numerology shows up between two powerful eclipses!

So how to bring this energy down to earth?

The whole point of this intense time is to bring us back to our roots – to the foundational, authentic you. Your soul is being revealed to you now in all its beautiful truth, and wherever we are not aligned with our soul path this will itself to us as a rather loud wake-up call. And one that can come in all forms – from pain to euphoria (and everything in between).

September 17 is also a “portal” of sorts – an energetic opening where manifestation energy is at an all-time high. Dramatic changes and transformations are happening all around us and within us. The keys to working with the energy of 8888 numerology are:

·      To be open and receptive to rapid transformation.
·      To set your intentions with the utmost clarity around what you want (rather than what you don’t want).
·      To trust your truth and your intuition.
·      To take right action to manifest the next level in your life, whatever that might be to you.
·      To ready yourself to let go of old, old, old thoughts, habits, and programming.

Many people see the number 8 simply as the money number – personally think there’s more to it.  Metaphorically, I see the 8 as a really difficult personal trainer. Think Plutonian vibes. Working with the energy of the 8 in any aspect of your life isn’t easy. It always brings substantial tests – and like a personal trainer, it’ll make you show up even when you’re hung over, and work your ass off until you can barely walk. Yet as you step up, you’ll become strong, disciplined, and ripped.

September 17, 2015 (8888) will bring challenges to those who’ve been in denial or slacking in the “life purpose” department, and a huge breakthrough to those who’ve been doing the work and are prepared to leap into their next magnificent phase. Get ready for the ch-ch-ch-changes…

How will you work with the 8888 numerology this week? Share in the comments below and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


This weekend’s Virgo New Moon eclipse is an invitation to go big, or go home. Just have a little faith, says Chani NicholasPhotography: Dana Trippe. Model: Rachel Barnes

message for the september 13 2015 new moon eclipse words chani nicholas image dana trippe for The Numinous

It’s that time again. Eclipse season.

Things speed up. Choices come rapid fire. Life alters, and we either keep up or get left behind. Eclipses tend to bring themes of major openings and closings. Portals of opportunity beckon us towards them. Things get cut short. Endings draw near without warning. Experiences are stark. Stakes are high.

The Virgo New Moon eclipse on Saturday, September 12th at 11:54 PM PST at 20 degrees of Virgo is a solar one. During a solar eclipse, the light of the Sun is diminished, obscured and confiscated (though not for those of us that will be experiencing it during night time). Life depends upon the light of the Sun. We depend on the light of the Sun. When that light appears to be threatened, so too are we.

We realize there are things we have no control over. Like the planets. Like our lives.

This eclipse is in Virgo. Virgo wants to know the specifics, the design and the down-and-dirty details of the situation. Virgo over thinks, over stresses, and over analyzes. There is no one that I would trust more with any kind of job that required a sincere and honest effort than a Virgo. This sign is unparalleled for its ability to work diligently at a task.

The Virgo New Moon eclipse also occurs near the North Node of the Moon – the point in the zodiac representing what we strive towards and want to accumulate. As such, we could say that this eclipse is propelling us forward, opening us up to our appetites, asking or taunting us to push our boundaries and find our edge, while possibly calling us to fulfill some aspect of our destiny.

Minutes before the eclipse, there will be a New Moon in Virgo. Every New Moon marks a new beginning, energetically opening up the sign it occurs in, as well as any major planet that has recently entered that sign.

And Jupiter has just landed in Virgo. Jupiter’s influence expands what it touches, creates opportunity, makes magnanimity its monogram, flaunts blind faith as a virtue and enlarges whatever it touches. Jupiter’s year long stay in Virgo is asking us to spend some time considering how we deal with the organizational aspects of our lives, how to work in efficient ways, and what details to expand upon. But more importantly Jupiter is hard at work developing the house in our chart that it is transiting in a critical, thoughtful, discerned fashion. Jupiter was last in Virgo 12 years ago – what area of your life was expanding, and opening up, back then?

With this eclipse of the new Moon, Virgos the world over are getting extra bouts of growth-inducing game thrown their way. And all of us are being asked to pay special attention to the part of our chart that contains Virgo (you can do your birth chart for free here). These are the areas of our life to focus on at the eclipse, to be tended to, worked on, explored, opened up, expanded, brought into form and made into something.

Because Juno, Guardian of Women and Goddess of Marriage, is sitting next to the Virgo New Moon eclipse, we can also ask ourselves if we are willing to committo marry ourselves, to the most pressing issues this area of our charts holds for us. Because this eclipse is sitting with Jupiter the benefic, we can be certain that whatever the effects, they will be BIG. Because this eclipse is making a friendly sextile to Saturn, we can know that our efforts to stabilize and make real are being aided. Because this eclipse is making a trine to Pluto we are invited to go deep and be real, to get ready to embrace our power and use it for good.

But. And. Finally.

Mercury, the planet that governs both the Virgo New Moon eclipse and Jupiter’s stay in Virgo, is slowing down to station retrograde on September 17. This might muck things up a bit, or at the very least make for an extra strange eclipse season. One that urges us to take well-assessed risks, but one that can’t guarantee the outcome. One that wants us to have faith in what we know, but might not show us all the information. One that asks us to serve the design of our lives, while it conceals an important part of the blue print.

This eclipse calls for critical faith.

Read the full, unedited version of Chani’s message for the Virgo New Moon eclipse at the link. You can also purchase her Eclipse Season Survival Guide here.

What area of your life do you want to open up with the cosmic energy of this New Moon eclipse? Share in the comments below, and connect with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!


The planet of love, money and luxury goes retro this week. Star Sign Style’s Kimberly Peta Dewhirst has 10 ways to make this Venus retrograde work for you…Images: The Bedroom by Tasmin Jade Donaldson via

the bedroom studio photo shoot by tamsin jade donaldson via on The Numinous

Romance, fashion, friendship, affection, intimacy, sweet moments and all the girlie things (think: sugar, spice, all things nice), are ruled by the goddess / planet Venus. The same goes for money and your bank balance, and all things sensual (beautiful scents, pleasing art scenes and landscapes, valuables, material wealth, riches etc.)

And she’s all set to do an about turn – a.k.a. begin a retrograde cycle – from July 25 – September 6.

Before you freak out at the sight of the “R” word (man has Mercury retrograde got some explaining to do), Venus retrograde could actually be a good thing for your relationships, your indulgences and your bank balance.

While Mercury rules all things communication related (technology, social media, commerce), it makes sense that the confusion that accompanies this planet’s retrograde phase can throw us some seriously frustrating curveballs.

But with Venus retrograde, we can expect our sensual nature to be activated and investigated, as we are asked to contemplate, reflect on and review what and who we love, how we show affection, flirt and attract a mate. Also, our relationship to money, our sense of self-worth, and attitudes to abundance.

One word of warning, however. If you hear people complaining during a Mercury retrograde phase that they messaged the wrong person and lost their mobile phone, during Venus retro listen out for and beware making outlandish declarations of love, and avoid extravagant purchases made on a whim.

Here are ten ways to make this Venus retrograde phase work in your favor…


1. Reassess What Beauty Means To You
Venus rules how we dress up and beautify ourselves and our surroundings – in fact, you can look to your Venus sign for clues on your personal style. When Venus retrogrades you can remodel your choices, and this is a great time to create a mood or inspiration board to redefine your personal tastes.

Do NOT however book in for a drastic haircut or get the decorators in just yet – this is the contemplation stage. Wait till Venus goes direct to make any major changes (dates below).

2. Review Your Finances
As Venus rules over money, the retrograde period is prime time for rebalancing your books. But hold off implementing any financial overhauls – this period is for reevaluating your commitments, tying up loose ends, and revisiting old debts. It could be a great time to go and get a refund and have people pay up, or likewise to reimburse or repay any debts that have been hanging over you.

3. Resist The Lure Of Luxe
Just as buying electronic equipment isn’t advisable during Mercury retrograde, you’re better off waiting to buy any luxury goods and beauty related purchases now. Avoid large expenditures where fashion and frivolities are concerned – this is not the time to pull together a capsule wardrobe of ‘investment’ pieces, and definitely not on credit. Your instincts about what’s worth the splurge could be off during this period, so stick to window-shopping.

It could however be a great time to manifest and attract some beautiful vintage or second-hand pieces into your life – think flea markets, and antique fairs. One mans trash is another’s treasure, as the saying goes, and people could be reviewing their valuables during this time.

4. Research Your Purchases
One way to use the Venus retrograde to you advantage when it comes to shopping, is to know the true value of what you’re buying and make an informed choice. It can be a great time to barter and bargain, as long as you’re the one in the drivers seat (and you’ve researched the returns policy).

5. Retreat From The Dating Scene
Projects, relationships, people and businesses all carry an astrological imprint, and a relationship commenced during Venus retrograde could get off to a repetitive or exasperating start. At best you could have a long, drawn out honeymoon period, while a suitor could seem far more magnificent, charming and fabulous than they really are. Then, when Venus resumes normal function the rose tinted glasses come off.

If you do meet somebody, don’t trust the heat of the moment during the Venus retrograde. Instead, enjoy the flirtation stage and plan to commit when the planet goes direct.

6. Re-evaluate your relationships
If you’re in a relationship however, Venus retrograde offers you an opportunity to resolve any issues with your partner and recommit – if you’re wed you may even decide to renew tour vows!.Reaffirm your love, rekindle and reignite the romance, rejoice…and reproduce! Now is the time to reassemble the jigsaw of your relationship to create a more beautiful picture.

7. Remember The Good Times
Venus retrograde speaks of past relationships coming out of the woodwork (that goes for both romances and friendships), and reminiscing together actually be therapeutic, especially if you’re ready to go back and dig up treasures from the past. Ensure a reexamination is positive by appreciating the good times, even if you acknowledge that you aren’t right for each other now. Seek gratitude for the happiness you experienced in that moment. But if you DO decide an old flame could be reignited, the Universe could well support you now.

8. Revisit Your Passions
Venus favors feminine hobbies, and you may rediscover a love of jewellery making, beauty and fashion, make-up and hair, baking, flower arranging and interior decoration now.

With Venus retrograde in the creative sign of Leo (the majority of the time) the energies throughout the retrograde period are particularly supportive for recreation and play. The Numinous Temple of Venus is a perfect place to explore this energy, and you can check out all the upcoming events and workshops here.

9. Rethink The Sweet Stuff
Sounds silly but if you suffer from sugar cravings, Venus retrograde could be just the time to tackle your habit! Venus rules over cakes, biscuits, sweets (candy) and chocolate. There are so many documentaries on the hazards of this highly addictive substance (I’m talking about the refined white stuff – not sugars found in fruit), and once you research and reeducate yourself on this subject, this could be a supportive phase to regain control over a sweet tooth.

10. Reinstate Femininity
Invite the divine feminine into your world and cement its presence with this Venus retrograde. Dedicated some quality time to friendships with the women you love, taking time to really appreciate their soft yet strong attributes – embrace womanhood and what it means to be an empowered female today. Regroup or plan a reunion with your girls, recollect and celebrate them and why you value their friendship. Repair and patch up relationships that are lacking.

Your star dates as follows…

• Venus enters the shadow period Sunday 21st June
• Venus goes retrograde – Saturday 25th July
• Venus goes direct Sunday 6th September
• Venus is out of the ‘retrograde zone’ by 9th October 2015 – phew!

Author Kimberly Peta Dewhirst would love to hear your stories to support her growing understanding of the Venus retrograde period. Email: [email protected] with your birth data (time, date and place of birth) and details of your Venus retrograde experiences. (All information will be kept confidential)

Numinous community art project and interactive altar The Temple of Venus is a space dedicated to celebrating and healing anything that falls under the remit of the Goddess planet, and is open until August 19.


With the Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Gemini, the stage is set to review the conversations you have with yourself and the world this month. Ash Baker shares a simple yoga sequence for Gemini to aid the process…Images: Hanne Gaby Odiele by Serge Leblon for Mixte Paris (S/S 2012)


e30caf023764c32e8bea1f313366b7ce-1GEMINI: May 21 to June 21

Ruler: Mercury
Element: Air
Modality: Mutable
Anatomy: Hands, arms, shoulders. lungs & nervous system
3rd sign of the Zodiac

Interesting times ahead as the sun enters Gemini while Mercury is also retrograde (May 18th – June 11th) in the sign he rules, Gemini! That’s a high quota of twin energy, and communication will be a key theme for the next month.

And all of this Mercurial energy vibing in the air, this relates both to the dialogue we keep with others as well as ourselves. So use the retrograde to your advantage. RE-view, RE-establish, and RE-connect with areas of yourself and your life that could benefit from a slowed-down perspective.

This retrograde period is the Universe’s way of forcing us (granted in very frustrating retrograde ways sometimes!) to take a pause and ponder all that’s occurring around us, and everything that brought us to this point in our journey.

Below are some yoga tools to connect with your breath, strengthen your body and create the space to spend time within. Give yourself the gift of perspective through grace. And remember, we’re all in this together!

Hanne-Gaby Odiele by Serge Leblon (Darling Buds - Mixt(e) Paris #2 Spring-Summer 2012) 12


:: Sun Salute ::
Come to stand at the front of your mat. Feel your feet grounding downward by pressing your big toe mound, little toe mound and heel firmly against the floor. Scoop your tailbone slightly, giving the abdominals a slight inward moving squeeze. Draw your shoulders back, allowing your collarbones to widen. Lengthen your neck by raising the crown of your head up towards the sky. Arms are softly at your sides with slightly open palms. Now you are in Tadasana or Standing Mountain Pose.

Take a deep inhale inflating the entire belly while simultaneously reaching the arms out and up, bringing the palms to kiss. Exhale and begin to fold forward with your arms following out to your sides like wings. Remember to create a hinge at your hips when you fold and keep a slight bend in your knees. Keep your back nice and flat until you reach your edge in the stretch. Then you can gently round the spine as you surrender to the fold. Inhaling, come up halfway, placing the fingertips on the floor or the palms to the shins. Exhale, and fold down again.

As you inhale again, place your hands on the floor and step or jump back into Plank Pose. Keep the tailbone tucked, engage your abdominal muscles. Exhaling, either bring the knees to the floor or keep legs lifted while slowly lowering down through Chaturanga push up position. Come all the way to the floor.

Inhaling, with hands next to your shoulders, press up into Cobra or Upward Facing Dog. Exhaling, bend the knees and press back and up into Downward Facing Dog. Root down through all ten fingers especially the thumbs. Press your hips up towards the sky and ground your feet into the floor – energetically at least if the heels don’t reach.

Stay for three rounds of full belly breath. On the fourth inhale, raise onto your tiptoes and on the exhale bend your knees and either step or jump your feet to meet your hands at the front of your mat. Inhale and come into the flat back position, hands on your chins or touching the floor. Exhale and fold over your legs. Inhale and stand up straight, bringing your hands to kiss above your head as you do, and then to rest in front of your heart in prayer position. Repeat the whole sequence three times.


:: Supine Pigeon ::
Come to lie on your back. Bend the knees so both feet are flat on the floor. Take the right foot/ankle and place it just above the left knee and focus on opening the right knee and hip. Now gently draw the left knee towards your chest and interlace your fingers either around the front of the left shin or behind the left thigh. While you press the right foot/ankle into the left leg, keep drawing the left knee towards your chest creating resistance. Keep the shoulders and neck on the floor. Jaw should be soft. Relax and allow the right hip to open up. Hold for up to 1 minute. Switch sides.

:: Viparita Karani with block/bolster ::
Come down on your back and bend your knees. Lift your hips up and place a block or bolster under your sacrum for support. Let your arms rest out to your sides with palms facing up or down. Gently begin to extend both legs straight up towards the ceiling. You can have a micro-bend in the knees but keep the legs slightly firm. Let your face and belly soften. Stay here for up to 1 minute.

Monthly Mantra: I go within to begin.

How does your yoga practise facilitate a conversation with your self? Connect with us and share your insight on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter


With a Mercury retro period and two eclipses to navigate in the coming weeks, is the Cosmic joke on us? Ash Baker shares a grounding and balancing yoga sequence for Libra, to foster harmony and equanimity in the chaos. Main image: Brittany Alcorn.

yoga sequence for libra

September 23rd to October 22nd

Ruler: Venus
Element: Air
Modality: Cardinal
Anatomy: Kidneys and lower back

7th sign of the Zodiac

Venus, cosmic queen of love and the ruler of Libra will be energetically present throughout the heavens this month. This is a time to focus on cultivating harmony, balance and peace within your life. So much change is coming upon us. Mercury will retrograde from October 4th – 25th, during which time we’ll also experience a lunar eclipse on October 8th and a solar eclipse on October 23rd.

Now people tend to run for the hills when Mercury retrogrades, but personally I prefer to use this time to pause and deeply reflect on all the changes that may be occurring within you and around you. Those changes may come apparent as the eclipses also stop by to say hello.

Eclipses are known for removing something in your life, may it be a fear producing attitude, a toxic relationship, or whatever is blocking you from getting your dream job. Thankfully, all this cosmic drama is going down in the month of love and harmony. Use the Libran energy to find balance in the crazy, cultivating gratitude for what is, and peace with what isn’t.

The poses below have been chosen to help you find your inner calm and be your very own Venus.

yoga sequence for libra 3

Goddess Pose :: Utkata Konasana
Come into Tadasana, standing Mountain Pose, at the front of your mat. Step the right foot back as if you were about to do a lunge. Instead, turn your whole body to the right, making sure your torso is in the center, right above the pelvis.

Step both feet to a 45-degree angle, with the toes out and the heels in. Take a deep inhale and as you exhale bend your knees directly over your heels. Make sure your hips are in line with your knees. Bring your hands in front of your heart in prayer.

Allow yourself to feel the heat being created from the strength in your legs, and with each inhale imagine scooping up that fierceness from below and exhaling it into your full, gorgeous heart. Hold for up to one minute.

Warrior Two :: Virabhadrasana Two
Come back to Tadasana. Step the right foot back three-four feet. Turn your right foot to a slight angle with the toes out and the heel in. The left foot should be pointed forward.

Inhale and reach the arms up and out in line with your shoulders like wings. Your torso should be facing the right side, arms extended above your legs. Simultaneously exhale, and begin to bend the front knee so it lines up with the ankle. If you’re a beginner, lessen the bend in the knee but never take it further than your ankle.

Look directly along the length of your left arm, chin aligned with your left shoulder. If you gaze down, you should see your 1st/2nd toes. Make sure your torso is directly above your pelvis.

Reach your arms out wider and feel them lengthening. Press your feet down into the ground, gathering energy back into the body. Hold for 30 seconds, up to 1 minute. Come back to Tadasana and switch sides.

Cat / Cow Pose :: Marjaryasana & Bitilasana
Come to hands and knees. Make sure your hips are right over your knees and your elbows are directly above your wrists. Keep a slight bend at the elbows.

As you inhale, arch your spine and pull your chest through your shoulders creating an opening in your collarbones. The chest and the sitting bones reach upward.

Exhaling begin to tuck your tailbone, press the hands downward into the floor and round your spine. Feel your shoulder blades spread wide across the back. Repeat for five rounds.

yoga sequence for libra 4

Scales of Peace Meditation
Find a comfortable seat. Prop yourself up on a blanket so the hips are higher than the knees, creating a slight pelvic tilt. Take a moment to notice your natural breath, but don’t change it. Just soften into your energy.

After a couple of minutes start to deepen your breath by following a count of five seconds for the inhale and five seconds for the exhale. Really focus on expanding your belly on the inhale, and then drawing the belly button inward towards the spine on the exhale. Try five rounds of this deeper breath.

Now bring your hands to your heart and think of something in your life where you want to create balance. Hold that in your heart space for a moment. Then picture what it would look like if it were in balance. How would that feel? Keep breathing with that feeling.

Stay here for as long as you need and allow yourself to arrive at answers that may assist you in creating actual balance in your chosen issue. Try doing some journaling afterwards to create action-worthy ideas to help bring equanimity into your life.

Monthly Mantra: “I am the ruler of my own harmony.”