Since the May 25th New Moon in Gemini, we’ve been exploring different versions of the truth. With the 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon, we’re asked to put that exploration to work and rediscover our soul mission, says Sandra Sitron … Artwork: Andreas Preis
Full Moon :: June 9th 2017 :: 9:11 am ET :: 18 degrees Sagittarius
As the Sagittarius Full Moon opposes the Gemini Sun, we’re asked to explore how we form our beliefs. Get really honest with yourself. Ask yourself the hard questions so that you can create awareness:
Are you feeling scattered because you’re caught up in the details? Are you comfortable with being inexperienced, the fool at the beginning of the journey? What’s your “why?” (aka mission statement) Are you willing to let things be messy, if it means that in the end you will understand something profound? What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing? Is there an emotion or belief that has been hidden from view?
Gemini is the feisty sprite—the shopkeeper in the marketplace, the community leader in the town hall, the reporter getting the scoop. An air sign, Gemini wants to bring people and ideas together. It’s basic, logical and conceptual. Gemini zips through town, fueled by curiosity, collecting perspectives.
Sagittarius is the galloping centaur who wants to learn about the big picture. What is the point of being alive? What does it mean to be human and how have different cultures answered this question? What is love? What is time? Is there meaning to any of this?, asks Sagittarius.
This Full Moon is high energy because the two opposite signs are seeking balance. Sag is seeking the higher truth, but the potential pitfall is that getting too attached to one truth can veer close to fundamentalism. Gemini is gathering information and making connections, which can become pointless without Sagittarius’ wide-angle perspective.
The aspects to this Full Moon want you to find a system that helps you expand. When you have a philosophical truth that you can center your life around, you can bounce back from challenges because you understand the arc of your own divine direction—you have perspective. Make it even more magical by remembering that it’s okay not to know everything.
The gold of this 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon is that it’s helping you create faith and meaning …
Moon conjunct Saturn A tower of giraffes. Giraffes symbolize the ability to obtain things that might otherwise be out of reach. You are ready to reach high, but you might need a different structure or system in order to do so. To reach higher you need to build yourself up. Watch out for self-criticism. Speak sweetly to yourself, just like the gentle giraffe. Surround yourself with others who are supportive. Remember that you’re not alone.
Moon square Neptune Beam me up Scotty. Are you ready to transcend? Are you ready to go beyond what you know? Can you trust in the process? During this Full Moon, exercise your intuition and creativity. Use your third eye to look deeper. Let your intuition, wildness, animal instinct, creativity, hope, and faith be your focal point.
Moon sextile Jupiter Red parrot feathers floating down from the sky. Parrots bring in new growth and new direction. Expansion and easy optimism are possible. How do you align with luck? You’ve got to fly higher to reach the vibration of luck. Reach up to grab the brightly colored feathers.
Speak, just like the parrot. And be sure your words represent your philosophy and that they reflect your positive intentions.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 18 degrees Sagittarius …
Aries or Full Moon in the 9th House How will you explore today?
Taurus or Full Moon in the 8th House What do you need to let go of?
Gemini or Full Moon in the 7th House What lesson is a relationship or the concept of relationship teaching you?
Cancer or Full Moon in the 6th House What healthy habit are you ready to make space for?
Leo or Full Moon in the 5th House How can you let your creativity shine out into the world today?
Virgo or Full Moon in the 4th House What can you do to nurture yourself more?
Libra or Full Moon in the 3rd House How can you be more moderate in your thinking?
Scorpio or Full Moon in the 2nd House What belief or concept would help you feel worthy?
Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 1st House What’s your next step when it comes to building up your confidence?
Capricorn or Full Moon in the 12th House What are your dreams trying to tell you?
Aquarius or Full Moon in the 11th House How can you make an impact in your community?
Pisces or Full Moon in the 10th House What’s your mission statement when it comes to career?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Meet cosmic creative Jayme Gray, one of the Moon Club members working the magic with her daily lunar updates on The Wild Moon Society …
“I think we can all agree that it’s time to do some Shadow work for ourselves and this planet.”
The Passion Project As far back as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the mysteries and energies of the Moon. Even at a young age, I was drawn to the unknown, subconscious, and shadow work. I found comfort in the night and felt as though the Moon’s presence resembled that of a grandmother’s hug.
I was raised by spiritually wise women who helped teach me the Ancient ways of Earth and the Cosmos. I had my natal chart read as a child, and have been seeing an astrologer ever since! During my early 20s I studied my soul and dove deeper into astrology, spirituality, and the New Earth ascension process we are now experiencing. I was fascinated by the Aquarian Age that was making her way to the planet, and realized I had to help those around me.
Even though I studied and experienced many spokes of the Spirit Wheel, I saw the Moon as an opportunity to invite people back to themselves. This is what motivated me to start The Wild Moon Society! I wanted to get together with people on Full Moons, go live every week about the energy on the planet, and write helpful guides that folks could benefit from.
Jayme’s Art for the Leo Moon
Unlocking the Ancient Calendar The Moon transits through the Zodiac Wheel every 28 day cycle, landing in each sign for about 2.5 days. This is the layout for the 13th Moon Calendar, which is how I view the year—and how we cycle on Moon Club. (I’m soo over the Gregorian calendar … anyone else? LOL!)
Like many folks, I was sick of feeling exhausted, out of control and downright crazy. Once I started to align my energy with the Moon, everything fell into place. I’ve used Lunar astrology for years to help me manage my energy levels and create abundance all around me.
The Lunar year helps us to unlock our hidden abilities, which empowers us to open up to the mysteries of the Universe. Doing this helps raise the vibration of the conscious collective, healing the planet as we go along. Working with the Lunar phases teaches us how to design our months for the best outcome of current life situations.
It’s time we bring back these Ancient calendars my friends! So get outside, look into the sky and absorb this cosmic wisdom …
What Everyone Should Know about Lunar Astrology In astrology, the Moon represents our subconscious, emotions, and shadows. These are foreign realms that are avoided by most people, including energy and light workers. I think we can all agree that it’s time to do some Shadow work for ourselves and this planet.
Regardless of what your Sun sign is, the Moon helps explain the surge of energy you’re subconsciously moving through and why you feel totally different than you did last week. After you get comfortable with a few Lunar cycles, you may start to notice patterns within each sign. That’s when the magic happens …
For example- I use Virgo and Capricorn moons to get organized and restructured. Pisces and Scorpio moons to get deep into emotions and feelings. I avoid arguments under Aries and Taurus moons, and instead wait for Libra to roll around. I cook up a storm on Cancer moons, use Gemini days to be social, and get dolled up on Leo nights!
Jayme’s Lunar Art
The Moon Club Inspiration When I got the first email about Moon Club, I screamed and signed up immediately! Being part of Moon Club has offered me opportunities to listen to pioneers like Miki Agrawal, who have motivated my life. Not only was I feeling the need to be part of a community, but membership in the club also validated my energetic signals to start one here in Rhode Island.
In a world where we feel so disconnected and lonely, groups like this are changing everything. So find yourself a community that raises your vibration and inspires you to live your true authentic life.
Peace out Moon babes!
You can find Jayme’s Lunar writings, gatherings, and teachings at
Want to start working your own lunar magic? Read more about Moon Club here and join our community of cosmic creatives.
Born under a bad sign? Frederick Steinmann says so-called difficult placements are actually opportunities for greater awareness, acceptance, and transformation.Images: Veda Wildfire
Venus entered Aries on April 28,and the planet of love’s journey through this bold, assertive (and sometimes brash and selfish) warrior archetype is not always … smooth. In the sign of Aries, Venus is in its “detriment”- indicating one of the 4 states possible for each planet when placed in different zodiac signs (“detriment” and “fall” being more challenging, while “exaltation” and “rulership” the easier placements).
Rulership: Planets here are “at home” in their environment and easy to express. Exaltation: A step beyond rulership, planets here have a chance to achieve their highest expression. Detriment: The opposite of rulership- planets are in slightly uncomfortable territory, and the energy may need to become unblocked or unstuck. Fall: The opposite of exaltation—energy is lessened and may need some invigoration in order to achieve expression.
For example, in Aries, Venus wants what she wants, now, and on her terms. Fiery Aries is quick with passion but not with compromise. Venus in its detriment could learn a thing or too about love from Venus’ ruling sign, Libra (the opposite sign to Aries). Venus in Libra naturally knows how to pause and apply strategy instead of just a quick reaction.
When in their detriment or fall, planets are challenged to adjust, to learn, and to further refine the energies symbolized by that planet. Below, a guide to these cosmic challenges …
**Discover your challenging placements by calculating your birth chart. No challenging aspects? You can still use the dates below to work with these energies throughout the year as the planet indicated spends time in that sign!
:: THE SUN :: Rulership: Leo // Exaltation: Aries // Detriment: Aquarius // Fall: Libra The Sun is the single most important point in a horoscope. He vitalizes Earth and the rest of our solar system, and relates to our “individuality”- who we are beyond our thoughts and emotions.
Detriment in Aquarius (2017 Dates: January 19-February 18) Aquarius energy is connected to the concept of humanity as a whole, but can sometimes struggle with the messiness of the individual. Aquarians circulate the solar force within the group by “fixing their will” in the service of group ideals. The Sun in Aquarius placement is all about learning how to balance group ideals with individual creativity, and sometimes learning to say “Yes, I really matter!”
Fall in Libra(2017 Dates: September 22- October 23) Because of their penchant for pursuing the perfect relationship, Libra Sun signs’ individual vitality can become diffused. Librans can learn how to vitalize themselves by developing some Aries energy in relationships. A good way to start is by noticing: “where am I holding back from asserting my individuality and just strategically reflecting what the other person wants to hear.” Assertion of individuality will rebalance vitality and allow space for creative expression.
:: THE MOON :: Rulership: Cancer // Exaltation: Taurus // Detriment: Capricorn // Fall: Scorpio The Moon is the second most important point in the horoscope, and represents emotions, imagination, memories, and how we are nurtured.
**2017 Dates: Because the Moon changes signs every few days, check Planet Watcher for the current placement. We’ll have a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10th, a New Moon in Scorpio on November 18th, and a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 9th.
Detriment in Capricorn The Moon and achievement-conscious Capricorn are both related to security but they have opposing views. The ambition and drive to achieve success in society are energetically opposed with the Moon’s nurturing function (just think of those countless burnt out corporate ladder climbers!) Capricorn moons will benefit from reevaluating safety and security needs, scheduling time for self-care rituals like massage, and just feeling their feelings.
Fall in Scorpio In fixed signs, the Moon wants to hold on to inherited patterns of nurturing, and in fixed Scorpio the art is in learning to let go. Scorpio Moons are nurtured through in-depth sharing that leads to transformation. Learn to honor your watery depths by getting in touch with more difficult emotions. You might try Jungian therapy, group counseling, or another form of therapy where you can share, transform, and release old habits.
:: MERCURY :: Rulership: Gemini & Virgo // Exaltation: Aquarius // Detriment: Sagittarius // Fall: Pisces & Leo As the ruler of thought, reason, and communication, Mercury is an androgynous planet that picks up masculine or feminine energy depending on the sign or relationship to other planets.
Detriment in Sagittarius (2017 Dates: November 5-January 11 2018, retrograde December 3-22) With Sag’s philosophically expanded worldview, Mercury placed here can tend towards exaggeration, embellishment, boastfulness, or the zealous view that one’s personal opinion equals a universal outlook. To work with this energy, it’s important to notice when you’re blowing things out of proportion and to practice more discretion in speech.
Fall in Pisces(2017 Dates: February 25-March 13) With the overemphasis on words and rational thought in Western education, Mercury in Pisces may feel that their imagination or creativity is “silly.” The key here is learning to believe that compassion doesn’t always need to be verbalized- a loving presence or hug can work. Emotional communication is a valid form of communication. Dream interpretation or a study of symbols like the Tarot could help bring out the best in this Mercury.
Fall in Leo(2017 Dates: July 5-July 25) Leo represents creative expression and Mercury placed here sometimes thinks they are an instant prodigy! In order to achieve the highest form of expression, this Mercury could use a dose of Aquarian objectivity to integrate their vision into society. Developing a meditation practice with a mantra like “thoughts are things, I am not my thoughts” will help with this process.
:: VENUS :: Rulership: Taurus & Libra // Exaltation: Pisces // Detriment: Scorpio & Aries // Fall: Virgo Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, and harmony. She also rules the Law of Attraction- how you value and feel about yourself ultimately manifests in both your relationships and your bank account.
Detriment in Scorpio(2017 Dates: November 7-December 1) In Scorpio, the challenging call is to transform the Venusian areas of love, relationships, and money. Learning to value your own and others’ resources appropriately is a lesson for this Venus. Another challenge comes from dealing with intensity and learning when to say no to excitement and emotional thrills that may lead to financial or emotional problems. Find your own value and trust in the process of regeneration.
Fall in Virgo(2017 Dates: September 19- October 14) Virgo is a mutable sign associated with the process of improvement, and when attached to Venus this can manifest as sharp criticism and endless “fixing” in relationships. Learning to dissolve some of your hyper-awareness through loving self-acceptance (the Piscean end of the polarity), and editing internal and external critique is key.
:: MARS :: Rulership: Aries & Scorpio // Exaltation: Capricorn, // Detriment: Taurus & Libra // Fall: Cancer Mars rules the primitive side of our natures through the “4 Fs”: Feeding, fighting, fleeing, and … reproduction. The god of war is eager to penetrate the environment. A person’s humanness has a lot to do with Mars management- whether they are impulsive and brash or able to direct their will consciously and compassionately.
Detriment in Taurus(2017 Dates: March 9-21) When Mars is in Taurus, the desire for sensual experience is strong, and the challenge lies in overcoming and disciplining the heightened five senses. The drive and primal motive will be towards more concrete expressions of Taurus like money and sex. This placement will have to learn more about the unseen value of experience and presence. Try exercises like conscious, meditative eating where you pause gratefully for 5 minutes with a meal in front of you before diving in. Notice and observe what comes up without judgment.
Detriment in Libra(2017 Dates: October 22-December 9) While Mars is all about fighting and assertion, Libra is about initiating relationships and this combination can lead to passive aggressive behavior. In Aries, it’s easy to fight our enemy but Mars in Libra has to sit at the table with them and negotiate. This Mars placement is learning how to evolve from an impulsive to a refined human being. Learn to balance instinctive reactions towards your partners’ moves with healthy self-assertion of your own desires.
Fall in Cancer(2017 Dates: June 4-July 20) Mars will always act out to assert himself as separate, and in Cancer the tendency towards cohesion and bonding leads to a conflict. Mars in Cancers act when they feel safe with their tribe and outside of this familiar context, the impulse to assert the self is repressed. This is a sign where Mars is learning courage. Courage comes through assertion of individuality in the world beyond the tribe (the Capricorn end of the polarity). Practicing action-oriented activities like martial arts will help build the confidence to express your desires!
Fred Steinmann is a New York-based consulting astrologer who advises entrepreneurs, creative professionals, leaders of thought and industry, and all those searching for clarity, guidance, direction, and inspiration during uncertain times. He bases his practice on training and study in Ageless Wisdom, and astrological techniques grounded in 10+ years of professional experience advising clients and colleagues on Wall Street.
The message of the 2017 Taurus New Moon is to connect to your inner stillness, be present for beauty, and trust in your true value, says Sandra Sitron …
Binta Dibba for Nakid Magazine by Bethany Vargas
New Moon :: April 26th 2017:: 8:18 am EST :: 6 degrees 27 minutes Taurus
Slow. Peaceful. Still. Serene.
The moment of thisTaurus New Moon opens a portal for you to connect with your inner stillness (aka inner serenity, the quiet mind, your essential nature, your higher self). When you access your “inner stillness,” you may notice a sense of true security. In this headspace of harmony and peace you have no insecurity. You trust in your value. You trust in abundance.
This portal is open for you. Move into it through meditation. Create space and stillness. Be patient. Be present to the beauty around you. Focus your attention on being grounded, registering the sensations in your body, and connecting to your inner worth.
Taurus is a powerhouse sign. On the Taurus New Moon, the Sun and the Moon meet here, to represent a new beginning. We can take this time to send our wishes to the moon. What new beginning are you ready for in your life? Craft your intentions now.
It’s especially powerful to center your intentions on Taurus themes, which focus on the physical body. The stimuli that makes the physical body feel good. The food, shelter, and water the physical body needs to exist. Money. Anything that is sustainable or of value that will keep the body going for a long time. Anything beautiful that the physical body will appreciate.
This Taurus New Moon entices you to find inner stillness. What does Taurus have to do with inner stillness? Taurus rules the body. When you can become completely grounded in your body and aware of the information that is coming in through your senses, you have acquired one way to arrive in a meditative state. You are present.
Inner stillness helps you discover other Taurus themes. It makes you aware of your inner worth and your inner value. Your security. Your sense of abundance. Your inner harmony. It brings your values into perspective. Inner stillness is grounding and secure.
There is a vibration of Taurus that can be completely concrete and stubborn. At this Taurus New Moon, it’s time melt any stubbornness and transmute it into stability. True stability creates space for security and openness.
As you create stillness within yourself, you are tilling fertile soil in which to plant your seeds. Your Taurus New Moon seed intentions should bring forth lovely blooms of abundance, harmony in relationships, security, physical health, and beauty. These themes can be very powerful for you now.
Moon semi-sextile Mars The next move in a game of chess. This aspect urges you to take action. Mars is in the zippy sign of Gemini, cajoling along the slow-poke Taurus New Moon. They may not agree on the correct speed. But they can decide to take concentrated, deliberate action. And that action can be potent. Center yourself and then move your chess pieces deliberately. Take your time. Make it happen. This is not time to push forward hastily. You can take slow and powerful, grounded actions that are based on your values.
Moon trine Saturn Retrograde Drinking your green smoothie. The Taurus New Moon is in a wide trine to Saturn. Saturn’s energy here can help you find the structures that work best for you. What are your systems for optimal health and wellness? What are your best systems for quieting your mind? For exercise? For learning? For communication? For managing your finances? This is positive energy that will help you get everything into alignment. Think about what kind of support and structure you need and call it in.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Taurus New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 6 degrees Taurus…
Aries or New Moon in the 2nd House This New Moon takes place in your house of security, money, values and worth. What support can you ask to receive?
Taurus or New Moon in the 1st House This New Moon takes place in your house of identity. How are the circumstances in your life teaching you about who you really are?
Gemini or New Moon in the 12th House This New Moon takes place in your house of the subconscious mind. What advice would your higher self give you about an issue in your life? Write down your issue, then write your higher self’s advice.
Cancer or New Moon in the 11th House This New Moon takes place in your house of friends and future. What vision will you craft? What do you desire?
Leo or New Moon in the 10th House This New Moon takes place in your house of career. Where can you push yourself a little further out into the limelight?
Virgo or New Moon in the 9th House This New Moon takes place in your house of exploration. What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing?
Libra or New Moon in the 8th House This New Moon takes place in your house of emotional union. What feeling is ready to change form? Write yourself a letter from that feeling. Let it tell you everything it needs to say.
Scorpio or New Moon in the 7th House This New Moon takes place in your house of primary relationships. How will you let yourself get closer to another person? What will you say to encourage closeness?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 6th House This New Moon takes place in your house of health and habits. What is one small thing you can do every day to connect to your body? Can you thank your body for that connection?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 5th House This New Moon takes place in your house of creativity and fun. How are you yearning to express yourself?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 4th House This New Moon takes place in your house of home and family. What will you do to welcome in a new feeling at home?
Pisces or New Moon in the 3rd House This New Moon takes place in your house of learning and communication. Do you believe that a breakthrough comes to you or that you have to invite it in? What would you do to invite it in?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
Last week’s New Moon in Cancer felt like a tipping point for some major personal transitions. And all because I womaned-up, learned to love my Moon and embraced my emotional body. By Ruby Warrington.
When I first met Marma Katie a few months back (as in Ayurvedic “marma” massage – she’s the go-to girl among my NYC Numis), she started telling me all about her Moon Puja. We were at the launch of Nadya Andreeva’s Happy Belly book, which felt like a fitting place for a discussion about an ancient spiritual fasting practice designed to support your mental and emotional balance, while also easing any issues with the digestive system (unsurprising that the emo Moon rules the gut).
The Puja, which is performed every Monday (yup, Moon-day), involves taking only clear or white liquids from sun up to sun down, at which point you chant your Moon mantra, light a candle and break the fast with a small white cookie, sweet or piece of cheese.
“It’s for anybody who’s Moon, or mother energy, is in a compromised position in their chart,” Katie explained. As the Moon also rules the feminine principal, “treating mainly women on a Monday, particularly mothers and grandmothers, has become part of my practise too,” she went on.
We didn’t go into the details of her Moon placement there and then, but obviously our conversation got me thinking about my Moon, which I’ve been feeling very tender towards lately – to the point that Moon signs have become my latest astro obsession.
Representing the mother, as well as our emotional body, my Cancer Moon sits directly square (challenges, tests, inhibits) my Sun, in my intense eighth house (death and rebirth, sex and money). Even more “compromising,” it’s in a tight aspect conjunct Saturn (self-sacrifice, patience, austerity). Poor little Moon! Um, perhaps the Monday Puja was for me too?
Turns out that in Vedic astrology (relevant because the Puja is an Ayurvedic practise) my Moon is in my ninth house, and is actually “very, very blessed” – this info via text from Marma Katie’s astrologer out in LA. “Your mom is kind of like your guru, though she’s very tough. She’s a truth teller. Not always fun, but at least you know where you stand,” he told me.
Uh…word. She’s also a Jungian psychotherapist, and so let’s just say that conversations can get pretty deep, pretty fast. There’s not a lot of space for small talk in our relationship (but hey, at least we know each other’s deepest, darkest insecurities).
So anyway, no Puja for me. I have to say I was a little bit disappointed, as I quite liked the idea of a diet of coconut water and cauliflower soup one day a week – plus I’d already been eyeing up this pearl ring, as you’re supposed to wear a piece of jewelry to rep the Moon energy too. But all my research has actually felt like part of an on-going process of getting to know my Moon, which has been a healing journey in itself.
I first began to understand my Cancer Moon on the Astro Twins’ Become Your Own Astrologer retreat last year. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which I interpreted as a double whammy of sensitive, watery, intuitive energy – and sitting right below disciplinarian Saturn, in that medieval eighth house, first I wanted to make it my scapegoat. “Moon, it’s your fault I get so insecure about money. Moon, it was you who let my first boyfriend use sex as a weapon of control. Moon, you’re the reason I have such an emotional digestive tract!”
But I quickly got over all that self-pitying bullshit, and realized I should actually welcome my emotionally empowered Moon as a soulful counterpoint to all the fire in my chart (Sag rising, Aries Sun and a Chinese Fire Dragon to boot). “Do you sing?” asked one of the other women on the retreat. Apparently all the divas – Mariah Carey, Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin – are Aries with Cancer moon. In other words, walking egos with serious soul 😉
And actually, my first conscious effort to bring forth my Moon energy was an East Village karaoke session with the Twins soon after the retreat. Usually enough to bring on a mild anxiety attack at the mere thought, but surprisingly empowering in the moment.
Of course, with Saturn RIGHT THERE my hardest lessons happen to be where my Moon is (all the money stuff, the sex stuff, the personal power schtick). But I’ve also come to understand that she, along with my girl gang of incredible female friends, is there to nurture me through them. And that confronting my most emotionally painful, most basic truths (safe in the knowledge that my courageous Aries Sun is also right there by my side) is the fast track to some seriously high vibe eighth house transformations – not least when it comes to my relationship with my mother. It also makes sense that the energy surrounding last week’s New Moon in Cancer felt like a tipping point for many of these transitions.
So where’s the Moon in your chart? If living a richly textured life is about connecting mind (as I see it, your Sun), body (rising sign) and soul (the Moon), then embracing your Moon and all it has to teach about your emotional life is an essential part in bringing your whole self to the table – in life, in love, 24-7.
Once you’ve downloaded your personal birth chart, click here for a full interpretation of the Moon in each house.