The 2017 Aries Waning Quarter Moon asks us to step up our game, and prepare for some serious cosmic upleveling. Get invigorated. Get motivated. And be ready to get your world rocked, says Jennifer Racioppi … Artwork: Bethany Harper-Walsh
:: Waning Quarter Moon :: July 16 2017 :: 3:25pm EST :: 24 degrees Aries
While the Waning Quarter Moon usually signals a time to take an inward glance, in the fiery sign of Aries, we’re asked to kick into high gear. This energy bestows vitality and motivation. Holler!
The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by Mars (the planet of action), and is famously known for its ability to initiate. Add Mars squaring Uranus to the mix, and we need to ready ourselves for change- perhaps even shocking and sudden change …
As we wrap up this current lunar cycle, and prep ourselves for a month with TWO Leo new moons ahead—including the August 21 legendary Great American Total Eclipse—we have a moment to unravel all that unfolds before our eyes, and simultaneously get ready for what’s to come.
Harkening back to the New Moon in Aries on April 18, 2015, we may see intentions set then coming to a full culmination now. Beautiful! Results that culminate now have been a long time coming. Stay grateful and on-point and you won’t be disappointed.
:: The Sun :: With the Sun traveling through the third decant of security driven Cancer, connecting us to our home life, our family, and our deep emotions, it’s time to dig deep into our inner wellbeing and ultimate security.
Given that the Sun recently opposed Pluto, we just survived massive intensity. The Sun represents all that is light, our identity, and our vital force energy; Pluto is the dwarf King of darkness, holding close to him all things related to death and rebirth, transformation, and destruction. This transit likely brought about a crisis of self-esteem or self-identity, and may have felt entirely out of your control. But this energy also contained the essence of resilience, and the potential for positive growth and change, initiating you into a new way of being.
With this aspect no longer at play, we’re a bit more free. Yet the Sun and Mars now squares Uranus, the planet of revolution and change. Hold onto your hats, Numi babes—this abrupt roller coaster ride is a cosmic upleveling that may land you exactly where you need to be. But, not without a bit of wind in your hair …
:: The Moon :: The Moon in Aries feels inspiring—especially given the hit from Uranus. And who doesn’t crave action and locomotion in their lives? With Saturn in a super supportive angle, we can move in the direction of reconciliation, despite the challenges at hand.
:: The Square :: With the Sun at the tail end of Cancer having just opposed Pluto and on its way to square Uranus, the word “ouch” comes to mind. Cancer, a sign that represents family orientation and sensitivity, doesn’t particularly like this challenge much.
However, like it or not, the cosmic menu has served up a plate of emotions with a side dish of surprise. With the Moon in a cardinal sign squaring both the Sun and Mars, we’ll find ourselves needing to reconcile precisely where we are at as we prepare for the first of two new moons in Leo!
:: The Message :: With the recent hits from Pluto, and next week’s Uranus square, life’s #noteasy. Yet with the Sun in Cancer, these transits help us understand and unearth our confidence and security. We can handle this!
With the moon in action-oriented Aries, I highly suggest making moves during this phase. Move things to completion. Effort appropriately on behalf of your goals. Get your ducks in a row. When the Moon squares Uranus the following day, you’ll want to be on your A game.
Get ready to handle anything, and you’ll be grateful you did (cause “anything” might just be coming!)
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of cosmic creatives and lunar lovers!
The 2017 Capricorn Full Moon is an opportunity to set loving boundaries, trust in our security, and celebrate just how far we have come, says Sandra Sitron.
Full Moon :: July 9th 2017 :: 12:08 am ET :: 17 degrees Capricorn
As the earthy 2017 Capricorn Full Moon faces off against the watery, sensitive Cancer Sun, this lunation is a rare opportunity to harness emotional compassion and logical detachment simultaneously. Move back and forth between these two opposites. Each one supports the other …
Systematic Capricorn wants you to know who you are, and set boundaries with integrity. The more that you know yourself, what you need, and what you will allow—the more you can feel safe to open your heart and be vulnerable.
Open-hearted Cancer wants you to soften and glow with love. The more you can trust that love flows to you from family, friends, and lovers, the more you can believe in your own inner strength.
Look up at the Sun and the Moon and see the archetypical Father and Mother. In the ancient understanding of these archetypes, Capricorn is Father—supporting and protecting. Cancer, the Mother, nurtures and loves. Imagine the Moon and the Sun surrounding you with motherly love and fatherly protection.
It will be helpful to feel supported by your luminary parents, because at this Full Moon the planets are arranged in a tense configuration …
Pluto urges the Moon to step into the fire of transformation and let the past die away. Warrior Mars goads the Sun to get defensive. At the hub of all of this frenetic activity, happy-go-lucky Jupiter acts as coach and referee. He is optimistically convincing all the players to work together to find creative expansion and a new way forward.
Those defense systems have been created for different reasons. Your job now is to be very practical about how they are set up. Clean your weapons. Disassemble them. Put them in storage. Lay down your arms. Notice where your systems of defense are firing. Press the deactivation button.
There may be conflict at the 2017 Capricorn Full Moon. Knowing this, can you set up a post as an observer in your own mind? Can you watch yourself as you reach for a defensive word or attitude? Drop it. Find a different way to react.
Time is your friend in this endeavor. If a strong emotion comes up, take a time out and wait for emotion to subside so that logic can come forward. By giving yourself time to think, you are more likely to react in a way that feels productive.
And remember, despite the challenges, it’s still a time for jubilant celebration! The themes during this Cancer moon cycle have been about opening your heart, learning how to nurture yourself, and taking good care of your inner child.
Take this opportunity to celebrate any progress you’ve made around letting yourself be vulnerable, either in this moon cycle, or in the last year.
Full Moon conjunct Pluto Bees swarm the tallest daisy, overtaking it. Birth. Sex. Death. Rebirth. The cycle continues. Every transition is a chance to let go of what you knew and make space for something new.
Pluto is urging you to let go of control but this is a tricky subject. Sometimes it’s obvious when someone is being controlling. But sometimes controlling behavior is cloaked as “advice.” Often, it can be hard for sensitive people to let other people have their own emotions. The hidden inner dialogue can sound like, “If I can make you feel better, I’ll feel better too.” So without knowing it, a sensitive, loving person can actually be trying to control the people around them by “helping” them feel better. And that takes up a ton of energy!
Every time you consciously let go of control this weekend, you create more space to grow. Even though giving up control may feel uncomfortable, in the long-run it will help you see yourself as an authority. It will help you flourish in integrity. It will help you stand up a little bit straighter, just like the tallest daisy.
Full Moon opposite Mars Lava flows from the opening of the volcano. Eruption. Find a way to expand beyond your boundaries. Move forward with action. Feel the fire of creativity and self-expression. Flow freely, fueled by the force of your own motivation. Take on the challenges that you’ve been circling. Wherever there was hesitancy, there can be forward movement. But don’t forget about care, compassion and open-hearted love. Choose a path of heart-centered action, not a fire-river of destruction.
Moon and Sun T-square Jupiter Primary colors. With the basic building blocks of color you can create any hue imaginable. By sticking with simple basic tools, a limitless myriad of expansion is possible. So if your goal is growth, find good tools and trust them. Gratitude is a tool that works. Asking for help works. Loving yourself works. These are your primary colors. Let them help you expand.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Capricorn Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see which house holds 17 degrees Capricorn …
Aries or Full Moon in the 10th house What new systems would support your productivity in your career, or your life in general?
Taurus or Full Moon in the 9th house What is your mission statement? Why is this important to you—and to the world?
Gemini or Full Moon in the 8th house What are you ready to let go of? What could be birthed in its place?
Cancer or Full Moon in the 7th house Is there room to open your heart up more? How will letting others in help you?
Leo or Full Moon in the 6th house Are you ready to create a healthy new habit? What impact would this have on your productivity?
Virgo or Full Moon in the 5th house What area of your life would benefit from more joyfulness? Can you feel it already?
Libra or Full Moon in the 4th house What does your inner child need today? What can you do to nurture yourself?
Scorpio or Full Moon in the 3rd house If you let curiosity run wild, where would it lead you?
Sagittarius or Full Moon in the 2nd house What can you do today that would help you feel more grounded and secure?
Capricorn or Full Moon in the 1st house Confidence comes from within. Is anything blocking you from feeling fully confident?
Aquarius or Full Moon in the 12th house Listen for the part of you that is the most hopeful. If this part could talk, what would Hope say to you?
Pisces or Full Moon in the 11th house How can the input of your community help you solve a problem?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
With a pack of planets traveling through the super feely sign of Cancer, emotions are running high right now. The Libra Waxing Quarter Moon asks us to find our center and witness our needs from a place of higher vision, says Jennifer Racioppi … Artwork: Seana Gavin
:: Waxing Quarter Moon :: June 30 2017 :: 8:51 pm EST :: 9 degrees Libra
With the Sun, Mars, and Mercury traveling through the cardinal water sign of Cancer, emotions may get stirred up and complicated during this Libra Waxing Quarter Moon. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, desires safety and security. With a trio of planets passing through this complex sign, emotional needs trump logic right now.
Your job: take note of where insecurity is running the show, and swap immediate needs for a longer-term, higher vision of yourself and your life!
Since both Mars and Mercury will oppose Pluto—the planet of power and shadows—I encourage you to stay in the place of observation and witness your needs (and insecurities) without diving head first into defending them.
Despite the profound emotional challenges emerging, take the lead from the Libra moon and strive to find equanimity within …
:: The Sun :: The Sun at 9 degrees of Cancer asks you to nurture your emotional world without surrendering your power to it.
Things might feel extremely touchy, emotional, and triggered. On a spiritual level, it’s so essential to tune into your intuition right now, particularly since the Sun forms an applying trine to the planet of spirituality—Neptune. In doing so, you open the potential for deep insight to pour through.
Feel the feelings without becoming the emotion, while simultaneously practicing great self-care.
:: The Moon :: With Moon-ruled Cancer governing three of the planets right now, it’s important to be with your emotions, and to get to know where, when, and how your insecurities get triggered.
The Sun, Mars, and Mercury are asking you to understand where giving into insecurity undoes you. On a positive note, with the Moon at 9 degrees of Libra on her way to meet up with Jupiter—the planet of good luck and good fortune—the lunar influence suggests abundance.
:: The Square :: With the Moon in cardinal Libra, an air sign, squaring the Sun in cardinal Cancer, a water sign, chances are you feel a polarization between what you think and feel. Subconscious needs butt up against the needs of the ego, asking you to reconcile any sense of inner conflict by acknowledging it. With Mercury AND Mars opposing Pluto, we’re asked to look at our shadow and face up to power struggles.
But this is not the time to succumb to drama …
We must work hard to dwell in equanimity. Nourish and nurture yourself and your needs without deviating from your higher self and sense of truth. Stay committed to seeing things for what they are and stay centered without overly indulging the dark.
:: The Message :: Don’t let insecurity win. Utilize this Libra Waxing Quarter Moon to help you understand where insecurity throws you off rather than lifts you.
Things are intense. Mars opposite Pluto can get nasty. With so much water in the sky, this is a very delicate week and you need to let your emotions out. Yet with the moon in Libra, there’s a deep need (and desire) to keep the peace. Let the feeling flows, but then practice coming back to center.
This isn’t the time to give up, deviate from your intended course, or surrender into drama. Instead, it’s time to become even more devoted to your intended outcome …
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, check out Moon Club, our community of cosmic creatives and lunar lovers!
Since 2012, we’ve been in it for the cosmic long haul. The Pisces Waning Quarter Moon wants you to acknowledge the end of this cycle of soul-shaking change, and to courageously meet your life exactly where it is, says Jennifer Racioppi.Collage: Seana Gavin
Waning Quarter Moon :: June 17 2017 :: 7:32 am EST :: 26 degrees Pisces
It’s been a tumultuous cosmic time, moon beams. And this latest lunation marks the culmination of some serious soul work …
In the midst of June 15’s Saturn-Sun opposition (a.k.a. one of the toughest days of the year), and just before Saturn’s June 18 opposition to Mercury (ouch o’rama), the Waning Quarter Moon in Pisces offers both a call to action, a clearing, and a point of culmination after a two-plus year cycle …
Think back to March 20, 2015, when we experienced a solar eclipse at 29 degrees of Pisces—the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac. This eclipse occurred on the heels of the final of 7 exact squares between Uranus, who represents change and revolution, and Pluto, who represents power.
The Uranus-Pluto Square took place between 2012-2015, representing one of the most tumultuous astrological events of our entire generation.
These seven squares rocked life dramatically for all of us, regardless of our sign …
And the final one of these squares happened just days before 2015’s Pisces Solar Eclipse, which opened up the Lunar Gestation Cycle that this current Waning Quarter Moon closes. The 7 Uranus-Pluto squares signify so much of what this decade represents: large-scale sociopolitical and religious change.
Now, this Pisces Waning Quarter Moon asks us to acknowledge the significance of this MASSIVE change on a global and personal level!
:: The Sun :: With the Sun at 26 degrees of Gemini opposing Saturn in Sagittarius, and simultaneously squaring the Moon and Chiron (the wounded healers), our issues are up for examination.
In astrology, the Sun represents our identity and vitality. When the Sun opposes Saturn, as he did on June 15, we can expect to possibly feel under the weather, under pressure, or consequently extremely focused. When the Sun squares Chiron as he will on Monday June 19, our wound steps forward as a massive teaching!
Be bold. This is the time to meet life exactly as it is so that you can integrate and rise. If you do, you can make huge gains.
:: The Moon :: Between now and the initiation into a new cycle that comes with the upcoming Cancer New Moon on June 23, we have some serious work to do.
Even though the Moon is in Pisces, a sign that loves to escape, it’s time to to conjure the courage to face everything and see it for what it is.
In doing so, you’ll reap the benefits of the seeds you planted in March 2015, and uncover new marching orders as they relate to your life purpose.
:: The Square :: This Waning Quarter Moon packs a punch. It reveals both our wounding and our purpose, while simultaneously shining a light on karma set in place two-and-a-quarter years ago. Since this cycle corresponds with the ending of the Pluto square Uranus epoch, it’s been heavy to say the least!
But here’s the good news: we also stand to reap massive rewards right now, as a very potent Lunar Gestation Cycle comes to a close. The karmic lessons of the past two years have strengthened us and shown us how to step into our power in radical new ways.
:: The Message :: With pure chaos unfolding around the globe right now, many shades of sadness are present. Simultaneously, on an individual level we need to reconcile personal pain to step more fully into our power, passion, and purpose.
On this extremely potent Waning Quarter Moon don’t write anything off as coincidence. Instead, look backward and unravel the patterns unfolding in your life. Stand in your strength and commitment to the light. The world needs you more than ever, especially as our societal pain feels so razor sharp.
Don’t run and hide. Instead, be brave and look your pain in the eye. Next week, we move into an entirely new cycle. In the meanwhile, a new iteration of your life purpose reveals itself. Do NOT miss the significant power of this moment!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!
Numinous founder Ruby Warrington introduces a very special Moon Magic Retreat with her and Alexandra Roxo—a weekend deep dive to get aligned with your soul purpose (for real!)
Last year, Alexandra Roxo, Elyssa Jakim and I teamed up with Maha Rose North to host our very first Numinous retreat—a weekend deep dive into our love stories, and a celebration of sacred sisterhood. This year, Alexandra and I are back July 21—23 with a very special MOON MAGIC RETREAT: A DEEP DIVE TO DISCOVER YOUR SOUL PURPOSE.
To say last year’s weekend upstate was life-changing is an understatement, as that weekend kicked off a year of the most profound growth for me. In the following months, I collaborated with Alexandra to create Moon Club; I have overcome my fear of public speaking; I published my first book (!); and I have got clearer than ever about my unique gifts and contribution to humanity.
Most recently (and most importantly, actually) I received an email from my mom telling me how she believes the work I’m doing with my life now is healing the “mother and woman” wounds for the females in my family lineage. This note came from out of the blue, and I know in my heart, soul, and bones, that it was our retreat that fully aligned me with this very personal mission. (You can read more about how and why I know this here.)
Never before have I experienced such spiritual alchemy. Sure, Alexandra, Elyssa and I were the anointed “leaders” of the experience, but the circle of love, support and growth we created with our retreat sisters affected me to my CORE. It also made me understand how any time a group comes together with the intention to truly create a shift, we are all equal participants in the process. We each have a unique and vital role to play.
And this year, Alexandra and I have set the stage for a weekend that takes this theme even DEEPER. The big important message of my book, is that the time has arrived in human history for us to become equal participants in healing the mother & woman wounds of our Mama Earth. And that this mission, should you choose to accept it, will bring you more purpose, more fulfillment, more abundance, and more ADVENTURE than in your wildest dreams!
So, are you with us?
The full itinerary for this year’s retreat is below, with pricing options and details of a special FULL MOON DISCOUNT that’s valid through midnight Friday June 16!
Accommodations at Maha Rose North
FRIDAY NIGHT—Opening Ceremony: FINDING YOUR SOUL PURPOSE. Ritual with Alexandra and Ruby to open the container for a weekend spent deepening your relationship to your purpose and your mission with ritualized intention. Set your intention for the weekend and drill down into your Soul Purpose, with a group ritual and 1-2-1 coaching.
SATURDAY MORNING—MATERIAL GIRL, MYSTICAL WORLD: ASTRO 101 with Ruby Learn how to open up astrology as a tool for aligning with your Soul Purpose, using your birth chart as a blueprint to tap your unique mission in this incarnation! Ruby will also share insights from her own journey of marrying of the material and mystical, and living a life of total alignment.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON—HUSTLE & FLOW WORKSHOP with Alexandra How to do your Spiritual Hustle while keeping the Mystical Flow alive! Alexandra will share her medicine on helping you align with you Soul Purpose through partner work, writing work, and some deep investigation of your path. We’ll finish with a Shamanic Journey that takes the work offline and majorly deep. Some things we will touch on: How to Run a Spiritual Business, How to Deal with “Haters,” How to Keep it Mystical in a non-mystical workplace, and all kinds of other goodies!
SATURDAY EVENING—NEW MOON FEAST + FIRE RITUAL. Ritualized plant-based feast to celebrate the Leo New Moon! We will break out into groups to do some deeper work on our Soul intentions, finishing with a Moon Fire Ritual to anchor in what energy has moved and what we need to release moving forward. After dinner we will do a potent releasing ritual with an outdoor fire.
SUNDAY MORNING—STORY MEDICINE: TIME FOR A NEW STORY. Share your story. We want to hear from your heart. You blocks. Who you wanna be. Who you’ve been. Throughout the weekend you’ll have found the story you want to share today. Could be letting go of an old one or calling in a new one. Ritualized, intentional story-telling is both a cathartic release and an opportunity to feel connected to others by our shared human experiences. Let’s close our experience using the power of words as spells, to create the lives we want to live.
CLOSING BRUNCH. A final festive feast to fill our cups and share about the weekend before we return home ready to shine bright like a DIAMOND.
:: EXCHANGE :: GET 20% WITH THE CODE “MOONMAGIC20” THROUGH MIDNIGHT FRIDAY JUNE 16th! Payment plans are also available. Contact [email protected] for details.
$750 for workshops + food + lodging. ($600 WITH DISCOUNT)
$650 for workshops + food + camping. ($520 WITH DISCOUNT)
Following last week’s New Moon in Gemini, the Virgo Waxing Quarter Moon’s frictional challenges offer us fodder for luscious growth, says Jennifer Racioppi. Let the uphill climb propel you forward! Artwork: Seana Gavin.
Waxing Quarter Moon :: June 1 2017 :: 8:42 am EST :: 11 degrees Virgo
With the Summer Solstice just three weeks away, June kicks off the opening square to last week’s New Moon in Gemini. Unlike New Moons, which bring fertile and harmonious alignments for new beginnings, Quarter Moons ask us to handle curveballs with grace.
So use this moment in the lunar cycle to check in on any intentions you set at the New Moon last week and see what (if any) adjustments you need to make. Good news: Venus, who rules beauty trines Saturn, who governs structure, auspiciously supporting the realignment of goals. Boom!
:: The Sun :: The Gemini Sun in an applying trine to good luck Jupiter in Libra ushers in luscious growth. While the exact trine to Jupiter happens on the 3rd, we can feel the energy building during this quarter moon. (Trines support manifestation—massively!)
This aspect helps us feel exciting summer vibes as we engage the social energy of Gemini season, strengthening bonds with those we love while meeting new people too! Yet the Sun also squares Neptune and this Moon is in Virgo, so be careful for blind spots and see what information you might have missed- stay focused on the details and don’t let important matters slip by.
:: The Moon :: The Moon in Virgo squares the Sun and opposes Neptune, forming a mutable T-square in the sky. Given that the Moon represents our emotional needs, our inner world may feel a bit unsettled today—a mutable T-square can feel confusing, especially with Neptune in the mix.
However, if we surrender to the Virgo impulse to work dutifully on behalf of staying in integrity, we may just find that any disruptive feelings ultimately help us expedite our purpose and the fruition of our goals. Now is the time to use any friction on behalf of our growth …
:: The Square :: With the Sun in Gemini waxing to her zenith at the Summer Solstice, and simultaneously squaring the Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces while forming an applying trine to Jupiter, we need to take a detail-oriented approach so we can grow into our full potential. Gemini, not always the most detailed-oriented sign, can overlook essential information for the big picture. Yet, the Virgo Moon answers the call of duty, bringing us back to basics. Thank the Goddess!
:: The Message :: The Moon’s call today guides you to check your blind spots, and to see any curveballs as an appropriate challenge that supports the manifestation of your New Moon intentions set last week. The detailed oriented, humble Virgo Moon asks you to stay responsible and engaged, even though things may feel tricky or uncomfortable. The good news is, with so much positivity brewing in the cosmos, sticking with it leads to rewards.
Do. Not. Give. Up. Instead, stay focused and let any friction become fodder for your growth!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!
In preparation for the 25th’s New Moon, the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon asks us to look back before we charge into the future. Revisit and restructure so you can get ready to radicalize, says Jennifer Racioppi. Artwork: Seana Gavin
Waning Quarter Moon :: May 18 2017 :: 10:46 pm EST :: 28 Degrees Aquarius
Marking the halfway point between the 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio and the 25th’s New Moon in Gemini, the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon reveals that it’s essential to look backward before charging forward.
Think back to February 2015’s Aquarius New Moon. This current Quarter Moon brings those past intentions and actions into greater focus. Try to decipher what’s culminating in your life now that relates to seeds planted then.
Simultaneously, on the day after the Aquarius Waning Quarter Moon, we will experience the second of three trines (a positive golden aspect) between Uranus, who represents revolution and freedom, and Saturn, who offers a heavy dose of structure and discipline. The first of these three trines happened on December 24, 2016, and the final will occur on November 11, 2017. This positive aspect suggests an innovative breakthrough in the structures of life. Use it to your advantage!
:: The Sun :: With the Sun at the tail end of steady, stable, sensual Taurus, and primed to enter quick witted and communicative Gemini on the 20th, we sit on the heels of change. As we take in the last moments of Taurus and prepare to switch zodiac signs, the Sun forms a T-square with the nodes of fate. This evolutionary configuration asks us to take stock of where we are in relation to our desires, goals, and dharma.
When the Sun moves into Gemini, it’ll be time to get into the flow of socializing, communicating, and networking. Right now, however, we have the opportunity to assess, systematize, and steadily focus our attention on where we are in relationship to our desired outcomes, and to make changes accordingly.
:: The Moon:: The future-oriented, humanitarian driven Aquarius Moon conjoins the South Node before moving into Pisces hours after this square. With the Moon in this delicate position, squaring the Sun and opposing the North Node of Destiny, forgiveness becomes paramount. As you assess your progress, have a forgiving heart. Tenderly release expectations that have not come to fruition. You need to make room for the bigger and better things just around the corner.
:: The Square :: The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Aquarius asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality, and our needs for innovation and humanitarian drives. The Sun in Taurus favors the tried and true path of tradition. However, the Aquarius moon wants progress, change, and forward momentum.
Since this waning square also involves the North and South Nodes, it’s essential to lean more into Aquarius than Taurus. Remember, one day after this Quarter Moon, Uranus and Saturn trine, which promotes progress and innovation. Shortly afterward, the Sun moves into social Gemini. So let progress lead the way!
:: The Message ::
Revaluate. Plan. Innovate. Release. Surrender. Trust. With the Sun squaring the nodes of fate, and the Aquarius Moon directly conjoined to the South Node, this Quarter Moon drives us to evaluate how are doing so we can lean more fully into our progressive ideals.
This turning point of 2017 asks us to let go of what no longer serves us. Is there anything you need to release that stands in the way of receiving your intended goals? Are you ready to cultivate the prosperity and joy from all of your hard work? Under Taurus Sun’s influence, letting go is hard. But don’t let that stop you. Use this Waning Quarter Moon to make progressive adjustments.
Allow friction to propel you forward …
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of lunar lovers at Moon Club!
Finally! After the relentless work of retrograde season, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon brings some positive mojo. Step up and step out dressed in pure joy and abundance, says Jennifer Racioppi. Artwork: Seana Gavin
Waxing Quarter Moon :: May 2 2017 :: 10:46pm EST :: 12 Degrees Leo
On the heels of Beltane, a pagan holiday celebrating the earth’s fertility, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon arrives to bring some serious positive mojo back to our game …
Finally … it’s time to conjure abundance!
Loaded with retrograde activity, 2017 has brought massive reconfigurations of life. The year opened on Mercury retrograde. February ushered us into eclipse season– an intense time of change. And then just as we digested the eclipses, Venus stationed retrograde on March 4th (only recently turning direct on April 15th). On April 9th, Mercury stationed retrograde too (it will station direct on May 3rd, just following the Quarter Moon).
After all the hard work we’ve done this year, the Leo Waxing Quarter Moon signals a time when we can start to consider what’s next. We are spiritually ready to make good on what we’ve unearthed from within. And, fortunately, the time has come to execute!
Hell YES!
:: The Sun :: Midway through steady, stable Taurus, the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces. A sextile suggests resources that are available to us, and this particular combo combines earth and water elements to deliver soothing healing qualities. Think of a luscious detoxifying mud bath that leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. Allow yourself to sink deep into your skin and relish in feelings of spiritually aligned embodiment.
:: The Moon :: The Moon in playful Leo signals a time to step up and step out in joy and abundance. Immediately after the Sun and Moon square, the Moon begins to move into an applying trine with Saturn and Uranus, creating a legendary grand trine in fire. And all of this is happening between a fertile New Moon (which happened on April 26th in Taurus), and May 10th’s Full Moon in Scorpio. This bewitching combo signals power, strength, and favorable blessings!
:: The Square :: Waxing Quarter Moons urge us to course correct, handle curve balls, and eloquently redirect our focus as needed. The Sun in Taurus squaring the Moon in Leo asks us to look at any friction between our desires for practicality and our needs for fun. This Waxing Quarter Moon also refers us back to intentions set on August 2, 2016, when the New Moon occurred at 10 degrees of Leo. We should see things sprouting now that are related to plans made and desires stated then. Keep on the lookout, and don’t be afraid to pivot if necessary!
:: The Message :: Keep going! So far, we’ve worked hard in 2017 to come to a genuine place of truth within ourselves. Our egos have had to shed misaligned notions so we can step forward into a deeper resonance with our truth. Given that this Waxing Quarter Moon occurs one day before Mercury stations direct, this potent lunar moment offers a compelling opportunity.
Get ready to embrace the upcoming influx of abundance ahead of us. With the Sun waxing towards the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to actively create, pursue our dreams, and conjure our desires.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!
Born under a bad sign? Frederick Steinmann says so-called difficult placements are actually opportunities for greater awareness, acceptance, and transformation.Images: Veda Wildfire
Venus entered Aries on April 28,and the planet of love’s journey through this bold, assertive (and sometimes brash and selfish) warrior archetype is not always … smooth. In the sign of Aries, Venus is in its “detriment”- indicating one of the 4 states possible for each planet when placed in different zodiac signs (“detriment” and “fall” being more challenging, while “exaltation” and “rulership” the easier placements).
Rulership: Planets here are “at home” in their environment and easy to express. Exaltation: A step beyond rulership, planets here have a chance to achieve their highest expression. Detriment: The opposite of rulership- planets are in slightly uncomfortable territory, and the energy may need to become unblocked or unstuck. Fall: The opposite of exaltation—energy is lessened and may need some invigoration in order to achieve expression.
For example, in Aries, Venus wants what she wants, now, and on her terms. Fiery Aries is quick with passion but not with compromise. Venus in its detriment could learn a thing or too about love from Venus’ ruling sign, Libra (the opposite sign to Aries). Venus in Libra naturally knows how to pause and apply strategy instead of just a quick reaction.
When in their detriment or fall, planets are challenged to adjust, to learn, and to further refine the energies symbolized by that planet. Below, a guide to these cosmic challenges …
**Discover your challenging placements by calculating your birth chart. No challenging aspects? You can still use the dates below to work with these energies throughout the year as the planet indicated spends time in that sign!
:: THE SUN :: Rulership: Leo // Exaltation: Aries // Detriment: Aquarius // Fall: Libra The Sun is the single most important point in a horoscope. He vitalizes Earth and the rest of our solar system, and relates to our “individuality”- who we are beyond our thoughts and emotions.
Detriment in Aquarius (2017 Dates: January 19-February 18) Aquarius energy is connected to the concept of humanity as a whole, but can sometimes struggle with the messiness of the individual. Aquarians circulate the solar force within the group by “fixing their will” in the service of group ideals. The Sun in Aquarius placement is all about learning how to balance group ideals with individual creativity, and sometimes learning to say “Yes, I really matter!”
Fall in Libra(2017 Dates: September 22- October 23) Because of their penchant for pursuing the perfect relationship, Libra Sun signs’ individual vitality can become diffused. Librans can learn how to vitalize themselves by developing some Aries energy in relationships. A good way to start is by noticing: “where am I holding back from asserting my individuality and just strategically reflecting what the other person wants to hear.” Assertion of individuality will rebalance vitality and allow space for creative expression.
:: THE MOON :: Rulership: Cancer // Exaltation: Taurus // Detriment: Capricorn // Fall: Scorpio The Moon is the second most important point in the horoscope, and represents emotions, imagination, memories, and how we are nurtured.
**2017 Dates: Because the Moon changes signs every few days, check Planet Watcher for the current placement. We’ll have a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10th, a New Moon in Scorpio on November 18th, and a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 9th.
Detriment in Capricorn The Moon and achievement-conscious Capricorn are both related to security but they have opposing views. The ambition and drive to achieve success in society are energetically opposed with the Moon’s nurturing function (just think of those countless burnt out corporate ladder climbers!) Capricorn moons will benefit from reevaluating safety and security needs, scheduling time for self-care rituals like massage, and just feeling their feelings.
Fall in Scorpio In fixed signs, the Moon wants to hold on to inherited patterns of nurturing, and in fixed Scorpio the art is in learning to let go. Scorpio Moons are nurtured through in-depth sharing that leads to transformation. Learn to honor your watery depths by getting in touch with more difficult emotions. You might try Jungian therapy, group counseling, or another form of therapy where you can share, transform, and release old habits.
:: MERCURY :: Rulership: Gemini & Virgo // Exaltation: Aquarius // Detriment: Sagittarius // Fall: Pisces & Leo As the ruler of thought, reason, and communication, Mercury is an androgynous planet that picks up masculine or feminine energy depending on the sign or relationship to other planets.
Detriment in Sagittarius (2017 Dates: November 5-January 11 2018, retrograde December 3-22) With Sag’s philosophically expanded worldview, Mercury placed here can tend towards exaggeration, embellishment, boastfulness, or the zealous view that one’s personal opinion equals a universal outlook. To work with this energy, it’s important to notice when you’re blowing things out of proportion and to practice more discretion in speech.
Fall in Pisces(2017 Dates: February 25-March 13) With the overemphasis on words and rational thought in Western education, Mercury in Pisces may feel that their imagination or creativity is “silly.” The key here is learning to believe that compassion doesn’t always need to be verbalized- a loving presence or hug can work. Emotional communication is a valid form of communication. Dream interpretation or a study of symbols like the Tarot could help bring out the best in this Mercury.
Fall in Leo(2017 Dates: July 5-July 25) Leo represents creative expression and Mercury placed here sometimes thinks they are an instant prodigy! In order to achieve the highest form of expression, this Mercury could use a dose of Aquarian objectivity to integrate their vision into society. Developing a meditation practice with a mantra like “thoughts are things, I am not my thoughts” will help with this process.
:: VENUS :: Rulership: Taurus & Libra // Exaltation: Pisces // Detriment: Scorpio & Aries // Fall: Virgo Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, and harmony. She also rules the Law of Attraction- how you value and feel about yourself ultimately manifests in both your relationships and your bank account.
Detriment in Scorpio(2017 Dates: November 7-December 1) In Scorpio, the challenging call is to transform the Venusian areas of love, relationships, and money. Learning to value your own and others’ resources appropriately is a lesson for this Venus. Another challenge comes from dealing with intensity and learning when to say no to excitement and emotional thrills that may lead to financial or emotional problems. Find your own value and trust in the process of regeneration.
Fall in Virgo(2017 Dates: September 19- October 14) Virgo is a mutable sign associated with the process of improvement, and when attached to Venus this can manifest as sharp criticism and endless “fixing” in relationships. Learning to dissolve some of your hyper-awareness through loving self-acceptance (the Piscean end of the polarity), and editing internal and external critique is key.
:: MARS :: Rulership: Aries & Scorpio // Exaltation: Capricorn, // Detriment: Taurus & Libra // Fall: Cancer Mars rules the primitive side of our natures through the “4 Fs”: Feeding, fighting, fleeing, and … reproduction. The god of war is eager to penetrate the environment. A person’s humanness has a lot to do with Mars management- whether they are impulsive and brash or able to direct their will consciously and compassionately.
Detriment in Taurus(2017 Dates: March 9-21) When Mars is in Taurus, the desire for sensual experience is strong, and the challenge lies in overcoming and disciplining the heightened five senses. The drive and primal motive will be towards more concrete expressions of Taurus like money and sex. This placement will have to learn more about the unseen value of experience and presence. Try exercises like conscious, meditative eating where you pause gratefully for 5 minutes with a meal in front of you before diving in. Notice and observe what comes up without judgment.
Detriment in Libra(2017 Dates: October 22-December 9) While Mars is all about fighting and assertion, Libra is about initiating relationships and this combination can lead to passive aggressive behavior. In Aries, it’s easy to fight our enemy but Mars in Libra has to sit at the table with them and negotiate. This Mars placement is learning how to evolve from an impulsive to a refined human being. Learn to balance instinctive reactions towards your partners’ moves with healthy self-assertion of your own desires.
Fall in Cancer(2017 Dates: June 4-July 20) Mars will always act out to assert himself as separate, and in Cancer the tendency towards cohesion and bonding leads to a conflict. Mars in Cancers act when they feel safe with their tribe and outside of this familiar context, the impulse to assert the self is repressed. This is a sign where Mars is learning courage. Courage comes through assertion of individuality in the world beyond the tribe (the Capricorn end of the polarity). Practicing action-oriented activities like martial arts will help build the confidence to express your desires!
Fred Steinmann is a New York-based consulting astrologer who advises entrepreneurs, creative professionals, leaders of thought and industry, and all those searching for clarity, guidance, direction, and inspiration during uncertain times. He bases his practice on training and study in Ageless Wisdom, and astrological techniques grounded in 10+ years of professional experience advising clients and colleagues on Wall Street.
The message of the 2017 Taurus New Moon is to connect to your inner stillness, be present for beauty, and trust in your true value, says Sandra Sitron …
Binta Dibba for Nakid Magazine by Bethany Vargas
New Moon :: April 26th 2017:: 8:18 am EST :: 6 degrees 27 minutes Taurus
Slow. Peaceful. Still. Serene.
The moment of thisTaurus New Moon opens a portal for you to connect with your inner stillness (aka inner serenity, the quiet mind, your essential nature, your higher self). When you access your “inner stillness,” you may notice a sense of true security. In this headspace of harmony and peace you have no insecurity. You trust in your value. You trust in abundance.
This portal is open for you. Move into it through meditation. Create space and stillness. Be patient. Be present to the beauty around you. Focus your attention on being grounded, registering the sensations in your body, and connecting to your inner worth.
Taurus is a powerhouse sign. On the Taurus New Moon, the Sun and the Moon meet here, to represent a new beginning. We can take this time to send our wishes to the moon. What new beginning are you ready for in your life? Craft your intentions now.
It’s especially powerful to center your intentions on Taurus themes, which focus on the physical body. The stimuli that makes the physical body feel good. The food, shelter, and water the physical body needs to exist. Money. Anything that is sustainable or of value that will keep the body going for a long time. Anything beautiful that the physical body will appreciate.
This Taurus New Moon entices you to find inner stillness. What does Taurus have to do with inner stillness? Taurus rules the body. When you can become completely grounded in your body and aware of the information that is coming in through your senses, you have acquired one way to arrive in a meditative state. You are present.
Inner stillness helps you discover other Taurus themes. It makes you aware of your inner worth and your inner value. Your security. Your sense of abundance. Your inner harmony. It brings your values into perspective. Inner stillness is grounding and secure.
There is a vibration of Taurus that can be completely concrete and stubborn. At this Taurus New Moon, it’s time melt any stubbornness and transmute it into stability. True stability creates space for security and openness.
As you create stillness within yourself, you are tilling fertile soil in which to plant your seeds. Your Taurus New Moon seed intentions should bring forth lovely blooms of abundance, harmony in relationships, security, physical health, and beauty. These themes can be very powerful for you now.
Moon semi-sextile Mars The next move in a game of chess. This aspect urges you to take action. Mars is in the zippy sign of Gemini, cajoling along the slow-poke Taurus New Moon. They may not agree on the correct speed. But they can decide to take concentrated, deliberate action. And that action can be potent. Center yourself and then move your chess pieces deliberately. Take your time. Make it happen. This is not time to push forward hastily. You can take slow and powerful, grounded actions that are based on your values.
Moon trine Saturn Retrograde Drinking your green smoothie. The Taurus New Moon is in a wide trine to Saturn. Saturn’s energy here can help you find the structures that work best for you. What are your systems for optimal health and wellness? What are your best systems for quieting your mind? For exercise? For learning? For communication? For managing your finances? This is positive energy that will help you get everything into alignment. Think about what kind of support and structure you need and call it in.
Use the questions below to dive deeper into the lessons of the 2017 Taurus New Moon. For a more accurate reading, calculate your chart for free here and see what house holds 6 degrees Taurus…
Aries or New Moon in the 2nd House This New Moon takes place in your house of security, money, values and worth. What support can you ask to receive?
Taurus or New Moon in the 1st House This New Moon takes place in your house of identity. How are the circumstances in your life teaching you about who you really are?
Gemini or New Moon in the 12th House This New Moon takes place in your house of the subconscious mind. What advice would your higher self give you about an issue in your life? Write down your issue, then write your higher self’s advice.
Cancer or New Moon in the 11th House This New Moon takes place in your house of friends and future. What vision will you craft? What do you desire?
Leo or New Moon in the 10th House This New Moon takes place in your house of career. Where can you push yourself a little further out into the limelight?
Virgo or New Moon in the 9th House This New Moon takes place in your house of exploration. What do you need to see that you aren’t seeing?
Libra or New Moon in the 8th House This New Moon takes place in your house of emotional union. What feeling is ready to change form? Write yourself a letter from that feeling. Let it tell you everything it needs to say.
Scorpio or New Moon in the 7th House This New Moon takes place in your house of primary relationships. How will you let yourself get closer to another person? What will you say to encourage closeness?
Sagittarius or New Moon in the 6th House This New Moon takes place in your house of health and habits. What is one small thing you can do every day to connect to your body? Can you thank your body for that connection?
Capricorn or New Moon in the 5th House This New Moon takes place in your house of creativity and fun. How are you yearning to express yourself?
Aquarius or New Moon in the 4th House This New Moon takes place in your house of home and family. What will you do to welcome in a new feeling at home?
Pisces or New Moon in the 3rd House This New Moon takes place in your house of learning and communication. Do you believe that a breakthrough comes to you or that you have to invite it in? What would you do to invite it in?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here.
The Cancer waxing quarter Moon forms part of a Cardinal Grand Cross. The message? Time to act with integrity and compassion, says Jennifer Racioppi…Collage: Seana Gavin
Waxing Quarter Moon :: April 3 2017 :: 2/39pm EST :: 14 degrees Cancer
This Cancer waxing quarter Moon, in the sign that represents the feminine, family, and home, brings more than just a regular Sun/Moon square—it forms part of a Cardinal Grand Cross in the sky. Before I go down the rabbit hole of explaining this fancy terminology, let me express this: this moon offers all of us an initiation, should we choose to see it as such. An opportunity to rise to the next level of our creative power, claim the truth of who we are, and cut away that which does not align with our most vivid and desired outcomes for our soul. Are you up for the challenge? Cause the Universe is sending us a massive dare!
So what’s a Cardinal Grand Cross?!
An astrology chart with this configuration looks like a box with a cross in the center of it. It occurs when four planets “square,” or form a conflicting 90-degree angle, in the “cardinal” signs of the Zodiac, creating two sets of oppositions.
In this particular case, the Sun at 14 degrees of Aries, squares the Moon at 14 degrees of Cancer, while simultaneously squaring Pluto in Capricorn at 19 degrees. The Sun opposes Jupiter in Libra also at 19 degrees while the Moon also opposes Pluto and squares Jupiter.
And this cosmic showdown happens in the fierce, assertive, and get shit done cardinal signs.
:: The Sun :: The Sun, now halfway through the 30 degrees of Aries, holds the match to the fire that’s smoldering. Over the last few weeks the cosmos endured an enormous emphasis on the element of fire, and on the opening quarter of this lunation, the Sun in get-it-started Aries pushes us to think about what seeds we want to sow, and what crops we wish to cultivate right now! Opposite Jupiter in Libra, the emphasis is on standing our ground in our collaborations with others.
:: The Moon :: The Moon travels through her own domain in the sign of Cancer, the sign she rules. Here, she asks us to reach down into the depths of emotion, and our feminine force from within. She asks us to feel our needs, connect with our capacity to nurture ourselves, and others, and grant ourselves the dignity of our Queendom. Her opposition to Pluto may bring forth an awareness of the places in which we’ve subconsciously given away our power to please others.
:: The Square :: This Cancer waxing quarter Moon brings a focus on emotionally driven action. Given this quarter Moon’s status within the Cardinal Grand Cross, compassion and wisdom are a non-negotiable! At the same time, the Sun hovers around the same degree of Aries where Venus initiated her retrograde cycle on March 4: meaning this waxing quarter moon and Cardinal Grand Cross will likely highlights lessons of the current Venus retrograde period. Simultaneously, Mercury in his shadow prepares to go retrograde, too, on the 9th. While this cardinal, action oriented Moon asks us to lunge forward, it also presents us with a fierce point of reflection. Embrace the duality and lean in to both.
:: The Message :: If we embrace the tension and mystery of this Cancer waxing quarter Moon, we may just find our voice and rise. Yet, it’s essential to witness and digest what emerges before acting. Staying in the place of the observer allows us to understand how we want to proceed. Allows us to genuinely hear and listen to the call from within, so we can set clear and compassionate boundaries with others. Will it feel smooth? Probably not. However, if we can pause and choose our words and actions with intent, this potent waxing quarter Moon offers an opportunity to awaken and integrate. Worthy of the work, see any tension as a pathway to a higher consciousness. Rise, baby rise.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit To learn more about how to work with each Moon phase, join our community of likeminded spiritual activists at Moon Club!
The Taurus waxing quarter Moon asks you to tend to your innate need for material comfort and security, to gather strength to rocket into the future—says Jennifer Racioppi…Collage: Bethany Harper-Walsh
Waxing Quarter Moon :: Feb 3 2017 :: 11.18pm EST :: 15 Degrees Taurus
Following the last Aquarius New Moon, this Taurus Quarter Moon asks us to take a look where our rebellious nature conflicts with our desire for stability, pleasure, and security. This opening quarter moon also occurs one week before the upcoming lunar eclipse in Leo. Like furniture about to be rearranged, eclipses sweep through our lives with force, offering us new positions for the décor of our existence. So get ready, because this quarter moon prepares us for the sweeping change February 2017 (a month with two eclipses) will likely bring. Fortunately, the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse boasts some pretty bad-ass aspects. Nice.
But before we jump to the eclipses, let’s dig into to this opening square between two fixed signs: Aquarius and Taurus!
::THE SUN:: With the Sun in Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer, rousing our progressive spirits, and the sky temporarily free of retrograde planets, we are pushed to align with our values. While Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion stations to go retrograde on Feb 5th, and Venus, who will go retrograde next month in Aries, already in her shadow, this Taurus waxing quarter moon emphasizes a moment where we can reflect on our gains so far in 2017. Thanks to the upcoming eclipses and pending Venus retrograde cycle, our values (and our truth) will push us to transcend the surface, reaching for greater depths within. Fortunately, the Sun in courageous Aquarius supports us nicely as we prep for the winds of change ahead! Allow the Sun in Aquarius to guide you in the direction of your progressive ideals.
::THE MOON:: Yet, the Taurus waxing quarter moon at 15 degrees (halfway through the second decant of this fixed Earth sign) resists change, instead clinging to what feels comfortable. Taurus, known for having a stubborn state of mind, helps us to tend to the practical details of our life, and can’t be forced into change. So while the Moon moves through this fixed Earth sign our emotional needs may require some pampering and deep soul nurturing. A craving for routine and luxury may stall us taking a risk on behalf of our progressive ideals. With so much upheaval happening in the political landscape, take the time to tend to your inner needs at this time.
::THE SQUARE:: With the sun in rebellious Aquarius, a fixed air sign, squaring the Moon in security-driven Taurus, progressive forces conflict with the desire for stability. The Taurus moon prompts us towards safety, security, and luxury, yet the sun in Aquarius pushes us to reject routine, the status quo and take a risk. Like a rubber band stretched to its max in two directions, this Taurus waxing quarter Moon we are asked to reconcile our desire for safety, security, and luxury, in the context of our changing ideals and progressive needs. This clash between the desire for comfort and the need for change forces us to take a deeper look at our values (something we’ll be doing a lot of when the ruler of Taurus, Venus, goes retrograde on March 4th for almost six weeks).
::THE MESSAGE:: As we find ourselves amidst eclipse season things may swiftly change. The spirit of the sun in Aquarius prompts us to follow our progressive inclinations, yet the moon in Taurus wants us to nourish our inner, emotional needs. The Moon deserves our quiet attention. Take some time this Taurus waxing quarter Moon to give it just that—tender loving care of it’s emotional needs. With the full moon lunar eclipse right around the corner (occurring in the sign of Leo—ruled by the Sun), and having just acclimated to 2017 (a Universal 1 year in numerology) we stand on the precipice of receiving our new marching orders. With change happening at the speed of light, don’t override your emotional needs. Stay grounded, stay nourished and tend to your comfort. This will help to bolster our resilience: our secret weapon during tenuous political times and eclipse season!
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit
Embrace your shadow and be led into the light, says Jennifer Racioppi in her reading for the Scorpio waning quarter moon…Artwork: Bethany Harper-Walsh
Waning Quarter Moon :: January 19, 2017 :: 5.13pm EST :: 0 degrees Scorpio
As the moon sheds her light, she invites us to shed barriers to our truth. Waning moon cycles help us connect deeply with our intuition so we can eliminate what’s not working within and access our marching orders before the next New Moon. This particular waning moon phase feels extra potent—as Mercury clears his shadow it represents a rare time in the sky when there are NO planets in retrograde. Things may happen fast. Embrace change, and allow the process of dissemination to bring you closer to your truth as we prepare for the upcoming new moon in Aquarius.
:: THE SUN:: The sun in community driven, alternative-minded Aquarius, asks us to transcend the boundaries of our limited thinking and embrace new ways and new beginnings. As we enter the post-Capricorn phase of 2017 (Capricorn represents our drive and determination to be our absolute best) the sun in Aquarius ushers us into our internal revolution. Aquarius represents rebellion and revolution—so no wonder we no longer feel driven by the discipline of the Capricorn sun. If you feel keen to shaking things up, explore it! The Aquarian influence might just lead you to something better. Embrace your friends, have fun, and don’t shy away from technology while the sun travels through Aquarius until Feb 18th.
:: THE MOON:: In astrology, the moon represents our subconscious and our feminine side. With the moon moving through the fixed water sign of Scorpio, our attention drifts inward. Psychological truths and secrets pull us into our emotional depths. It behooves us to allow our emotions to rise to the surface. Bust out your journal and get your secrets off your chest. Embrace your shadow side! Indulge your sexuality while embracing intimacy, and exploring the shadows of your mind.
:: THE SQUARE:: With the sun in the fixed air sign of Aquarius squaring the waning Scorpio Moon, we can expect to feel a bit at odds with ourselves. On the one hand, we have the Aquarius sun asking us to embrace our community, and to push forward with agendas for change. Yet the moon in Scorpio drives us deep within ourselves. While the Aquarian influence wants us on social media connecting with our tribe via technology, the Scorpio moon prefers a journal, and perhaps a cathartic conversation with a close friend who guards secrets like a rabid watchdog. It’s up to us to reconcile our need for privacy and intimacy while staying connected to our tribe this quarter moon.
:: THE MESSAGE:: It’s by investigating our shadow that we find our light. With one week before the Aquarius New Moon, and all the planets direct, this waning moon phase provides us a precious opportunity to look within and clean out any resistance before we embrace the first New Moon of the new year. The moon in Scorpio urges us to pull back and look within—as uncomfortable as this may feel. Remember, the moon moves fast and soon she’ll be in upbeat Sagittarius, making a great and resourceful sextile. Until then, she travels through Scorpio, a place she goes to deep to excavate an essential truth. Don’t resist the darkness this Scorpio waning quarter moon—it’s leading you precisely where you need to go.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit
Passion and drive are running high as we begin the new year, says Jennifer Racioppi in her reading for the Aries waxing quarter moon…Collage:Bethany Harper-Walsh
The Waxing Quarter Moon :: January 5, 2017 :: 12.47pm EST :: 14 Degrees Aries
2017 kicks off with a waxing moon. Between now and the upcoming Full Moon on January 12th, the moon gains light, amplifying her power, while adding energy to the intentions we set with the last new moon late December. As the Sun and Moon form a square, smack in between the last New Moon and the upcoming Full Moon, we have the opportunity to consciously integrate our growth.
Pay close attention to the details of your life and prepare for a cosmic shift in focus. The upcoming Full Moon occurs at 22 degrees of Cancer, forms a Grand Cardinal Cross between the sun, the moon, Jupiter, and Eris. A Grand Cardinal Cross reinforces evolutionary adjustments, realignments, and initiations, asking us to surrender our ego (as needed) on behalf of our (and the planet’s) highest good.
:: THE SUN :: The sun in productive Capricorn pushes us to do our best, and stay hard-working. Currently, the sun lags behind powerhouse Pluto by two degrees. With the sun in industrious, stalwart, Capricorn on her way to meet Pluto (they conjoin on the 7th) we can expect to feel focused as this position amplifies vigilance and intensity. Even with Mercury retrograde, the possibility of great gains keeps us highly motivated. Stay driven to do your best but be willing to surrender too. Pluto teaches us how to turn things over to God, and often has a humbling impact! So don’t hesitate to surrender as needed, and ask for Divine support!
:: THE MOON :: With the moon traveling through the cardinal sign of fiery Aries, an energizing influence imbues the cosmos. The moon represents our subconscious world, our emotions, and our feminine nature. Aries, on the other hand (much less concerned with feelings), wants results—and fast. While the moon is in Aries, we feel driven, maybe even impatient (particularly since she’s meeting up with erratic Uranus—a planet famously known for surprise changes). So be careful not to override your emotional sensibility. Stay connected to your inner voice and intuition. Give yourself ample time for self-care so that you can stay in-tune with you—your truth.
:: THE SQUARE :: With the sun in go getter Capricorn squaring the moon in impatient Aries, kindness remains paramount. Determination, innovation, intense focus and the need for change dominate this particular lunar influence. That said, don’t let it override your connection to yourself and others. Because the cosmic influence remains extremely action oriented and bold, yet simultaneously unpredictable and humbling, stay pure of heart. Hold a high vision. Connect to your deepest wisdom and stay generous with others.
:: THE MESSAGE :: Don’t become overly fixated on what you want. Lead with patience and kindness. Let your highest self triumph over your ego. Leave room for surprises, and ask for help. Prepare to overcome all obstacles as they arise through wisdom and collaboration. Watch out for self-absorption, or even arrogance, and stay willing to co-create with the Divine. Life happens for you, not too you. We are all in this together.
For more Moon wisdom or to book a coaching session with from Jennifer visit
The Capricorn New Moon is here to fuel our resolutions for the coming year, and she wants you to succeed in all your goals, says Sandra Sitron…
Get a PDF workbook for the coming Moon Phase when you sign up for Moon Club!
New Moon :: December 29th 2016 :: 1:54am EST :: 8 degrees Capricorn
A New Moon is a time for fresh intentions. An old cycle has ended, and a new one begins. Imagine that you are planting seeds at this time. Over the course of the next two weeks the seeds will grow to full bloom. What seeds will you plant?
The Capricorn New Moon is achingly practical. She wants you to grow to your full potential. She wants you to use all of your skills, be responsible, be productive and be your own authority. This Moon reminds of the cold hard truth—if the foundation isn’t strong, there will be problems later on. And yet, the Capricorn New Moon message is empowering—make a good plan, cover all your bases and believe in your own ability to succeed. You can show up for this challenge by deciding what you want and making choices that align with your desires.
The Capricorn New Moon happens annually around the time of the New Year. As you set your 2017 resolutions, you are actually crafting a good old-fashioned Capricorn plan! Capricorn helps us structure and produce. So get out your calendar and start sketching out some goals. What will your focus be for each quarter over the next year? What will your focus be each month? Start with the big projects and break it down from there.
The Capricorn New Moon whispers in our ear with a firm and steady voice. She takes a serious tone, but know that she wants the world for us. She wants us to feel the satisfaction of achievement. She says, “I want the best for you. I want you to build something good. You have to do it on your own, but I am supporting you. So show up. Be consistent. Take responsibility. Shoulder the burden. Choose which mountain you are going to climb and then begin. Be determined and diligent. Integrity, responsibility and authority will help you climb your mountain.”
The Moon and it’s message Exploring underground caves.
You’re a spelunker. You are moving through caves because it is time for you to examine the architecture of your life. This adventure requires bravery and diligence. As you assess the caverns, you must determine if they are stable before you venture in. The symbolic message of the caves is twofold; first, that you must make space for your deepest emotions. Without processing your deepest emotions, you won’t be able to make a conscious plan. Your choices will be too clouded by subconscious fear or anger. Second, that you are revisiting your past. You have to backtrack and rethink past decisions. New information will be revealed during this time. You will make discoveries that inspire you to form a new approach.
Moon Conjunct Mercury (Retrograde) The rules of the game. The tendency is to be very exact. To know the rules of the game. By all means play by the rules, but leave a little room for adjustment, when necessary. It will soothe your mind to have some kind of “rule book” that you are abiding by. Structure is your friend. Just be careful not to be too rigid.
Moon Conjunct Pluto The phoenix rises. You are ready to be born anew. An old cycle is ending. You must let go. You must let everything burn away. This requires bravery and trust. Let something die to make room for the new. Acknowledge the emotions that come up and give yourself empathy. Help the old pain heal.
Moon Sextile Mars and Neptune The boomerang comes back. You are able to move forward and backward through time. What is time? Does it even exist? Return in your memory to your child self at different ages and shower them with unconditional love. This is a way to begin to heal yourself. Find ways to venture through “the veil” between the the physical and non-physical realms. Deepen your meditation practice. Practice shamanic journeying. Create art or music. In your daily life, take action only when you’re inspired. All of these practices will support your ability to be productive and help you meet your goals.
Summary: Although this moon is highly practical, there is a strong emotional tone to it as well. The message is to keep looking at any old fears objectively and see what you are ready to let go of now. Notice what you’re ready to set a new intention around. Be an architect. Re-design your life, based on your desires and not your fear, or what you believe is expected of you. You’re in charge now. You’re the grown-up.
The following suggestions for self-inquiry by sign are designed to help you get deeper into your Capricorn New Moon ruminations. You can get a more accurate insight by checking where 8 degrees Capricorn falls in your birth chart, and also reading for that house.
Aries or 10th house What in your career is ready to shift? Spend some time journaling about your vision for your career, and list all the steps it will take to get there.
Taurus or 9th house How can you actively inspire yourself? What practical things will help expand your sense of wonder about the world?
Gemini or 8th house In what area of your life are you ready to let go of control? If you did so, how might that feel? What hidden desires rise to the surface?
Cancer or 7th house What relationship patterns are you aware of? When you’re in this pattern how does it feel? How would you like to feel instead? Can you lean into this feeling?
Leo or 6th house What healthy habits will you prioritize this month? In what ways might this inspire you to also be of service?
Virgo or 5th house How would you like to expand your creativity? What idea has been on the back-burner that you are ready to begin work on now?
Libra or 4th house How can you make your home more graceful and elegant? How would this affect your mood? And your productivity?
Scorpio or 3rd house If you were going to take a class or attend a workshop, what would it be about? Is it possible to make that happen?
Sagittarius or 2nd house What is blocking you from realizing your self worth? What limiting beliefs are behind any instances of poverty consciousness (“I am not enough / There is never enough”?)
Capricorn or 1st house What is blocking you from saying “yes”? What is blocking you from saying “no”? List the thoughts or emotions that comes up, and then ask yourself, “is that actually true?”
Aquarius or 12th house What is the dominant feeling surfacing for you right now? What’s it like to feel this way? Journal on this feeling and then ask yourself: What can I let go of in order to heal?
Pisces or 11th house Which part of your life are you ready to share with the world? How have your unique experiences equipped you with the insight to make a real difference?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra Sitronhere or follow her on Instagram. PLUS get a PDF workbook with coaching exercises for each week of the coming moon phase when you sign up for Moon Club! Discover more at