This week, I’ve been mainly bonding with my baby nephew Henry – prompting some way deep realizations about reincarnation…


The epiphany officially occurred six weeks ago at Erin Telford’s Cancer New Moon breathwork circle. It was one of those psychedelic experiences that’s hard to convey in words – but lemme have a go! Fittingly, with the moon in family-orientated Cancer, towards the end of the breathing section of the workshop, which is designed to bring deep seated emotions, memories and fears to the surface to be healed, I experienced a full mind-body-soul understanding that not only am I linked to my family by my DNA – I actually am them.

I just GOT, on a numinous level, the fact that since our physical being is formed of our parents’ cells (and therefore of their parents’, and their parents’, and so on), our ancestors literally LIVE ON through us. Since new strands of DNA are constantly being added to the mix, the bigger realization was that ALL HUMANITY is connected in this way! And all this accompanied by a beautiful visual of atomic rainbows of particles, swirling together to form image resembling my mother, then my brother, and his brand new baby boy. Not bad for a stone, cold sober Friday night in Greenpoint, I think you’ll agree.

It got me thinking a lot about reincarnation, obvs, especially when we fast-forward to this week which I have mainly spent bonding with my new nephew Henry in London. I decided at about age five that I didn’t want kids of my own, and as much as I’m 100% happy with my choice, my recent revelation had left me feeling like perhaps this life is the end of the line for my soul (whoa, deep). And then along comes Henry, who looks so much like me as a baby there’s just no denying that a part of me will live on in HIM.

Baby Henry, baby me
Baby Henry, baby me

Reincarnation is the belief that the soul itself leaves the physical body at the end of biological life, to begin a new life in a new body. But my experiences lately have given me a new appreciation of the soul contracts we share with our families – karmic lessons we have for each other, which we continuously reincarnate together in this dimension in order to learn or heal. Clear this karma, the theory goes, and your soul will ascend to a new level of enlightenment when you reincarnate the next time around.

It’s a belief system I’ve chosen to subscribe to, not least because it’s meant making a commitment to nurturing and healing my family relationships NOW – which, in my experience, has been the truest way to find fulfilment, and an authentic, stable, sense of self. in other words, to find happiness – a theory that’s actually backed up by the findings of Shawn Achor, the happiness expert I worked with on my recent project for Buick.

In Shawn’s research, the breadth, depth and meaning of our relationships – beginning with our families – was the biggest predictor of long-term happiness, and can have as much impact on our overall health and longevity as smoking, high blood pressure or obesity. In my (mystical) book, this is all a wake-up call to dig deep into what the soul contracts with YOUR tribe might be – and to prioritise working them out in this life, so that we can all ascend together.

Do you believe in reincarnation? Connect with us and share your thoughts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.


This week, Numi founder Ruby Warrington witnessed the birth of two very special (Leo!) projects and learned all about the Rainbow Warriors…

Numinous founder Ruby Warrington shot by Jennifer Medina for The Numinous My Mystical Week Rainbow Warriors

I went out on the road (to happiness). I was in LA most of this week for the launch of a project I’ve been working on for Buick – the 24 Hours of Happiness Test Drive. And seriously, how progressive of a major corporation like them to focus on wellbeing as one of their core values going forward, the “red thread” that will run through their communications going forward. My role was to help them create content for the campaign – namely this podcast on how happiness is a choice from Harvard happiness researcher Shawn Achor; a custom, mood-elevating in-car scent blended by Moon Juice founder Amanda Chantal Bacon; a 10-minute pre or post-drive guided meditation by Jeff Kober; a pressure point massage technique to ease tension behind the wheel by Dr. Dot (one of the most amazing women I’ve ever met btw); and even an in-car yoga sequence by Maroon 5 and One Direction’s on-tour instructor, Chad Dennis.

We’re talking serious high vibes! And besides this being kind of a groundbreaking concept for the motoring industry (right?!), how amazing to get the opportunity to put these potentially life-changing tools into the hands of mainstream drivers all over America. And my feeling that this was actually some lightwork in action was confirmed 100 per cent at the launch event. Themed around colour therapy, the ACE Museum in Hollywood was transformed into a factual RAINBOW of mood elevating hues for the night (see entrance below), and if you’ve been following our Instagram account, you might have noticed how I’ve been feeling about rainbows recently. If not, read on ‘cos you’re gonna love this…


I learned more about the Rainbow Warriors. A month or so ago, I began seeing rainbows EVERYWHERE. Like everywhere. In the shower, on my yoga mat, while I was doing the dishes. On billboards, and hey, all over Facebook, as everybody rainbow’ed up their profile picture to celebrate #LOVEWINS! When I mentioned this to my friend Aly, she told me about the Rainbow Warriors, a prophecy from Native American tradition that a generation of children would one day be born whose destiny it was to bring in light and love for the healing of planet Earth.

Um, WOW. You can read more about the Rainbow Warrior prophecy here, but as I was chatting to Amanda from Moon Juice about this at the Buick event, we simultaneously broke out in goosebumps over the fact that here was a car company channelling the rainbow message loud and strong. Because you could say, OMG, cars = pollution = BAD. But let’s just get real for a second. Cars are a FACT OF MODERN LIFE, and if you ever drive, use Uber, or even hitch rides places, please climb down from your high horse. (Plus, the motoring industry is not NEARLY as big a polluter as the commercial meat production industry. Something else to think about.) As Amanda and I both agree, real progress always begins with LOVE. And in my eyes, with their happiness campaign Buick are showing some serious love for their drivers, and therefore our planet.

I party-hopped over to Yoho House. A.K.A. the brand, spanking new Wanderlust center in Hollywood. And wow, serious WOW! Housed in the site of the old Golden Bridge, we’re talking four-floors of pimped-to-perfection yogic bliss, from the 200-person studio space, shaded patio and farm-to-table restaurant on the ground floor, up to a custom pine-clad roof terrace, via cosy library hangout, intimate, candlelit workshop spaces…it’s enough to make you wanna move to LA. (Oh, wait, I’m kind of manifesting that one anyway…if you’re listening, Universe.)

The center opens to the public this weekend, and you can find out all about how to become a member at

(More rainbows on the wristband to get into the party too…! #rainbowwarriors)



In a new weekly dispatch from the front lines of the Now Age, Numinous founder Ruby Warrington reports on a very mystical week…

Numinous founder ruby warrington shot by Jennifer Medina my mystical week july 17 the numinous

I got sick after I took my Reiki 1. This time last Friday, I was having the magical healing powers of Reiki put into my hands at at workshop in our Temple of Venus. I only realized a couple of weeks ago that Reiki is something anyone can do – opposed to this mystical gift you have to be born with – and once I learned that it was kind of like, duh, why wouldn’t you learn how to channel the Universal source energy for the healing of all?!

During the training they talk about this “21-day detox” that happens afterwards, as your chakras open up to receive the Reiki – which, in me, decided to manifest in a mutha of a summer cold. I know it was the Reiki ‘cos I never get sick, and lo, when I posted about this on Instagram, it seemed I was not the only one! So lesson no. 1 of this mystical week, when you do your Reiki training book it for a time when you can just, y’know, lay low and absorb it all for a few days afterwards.

I restocked my supply of Unburdened by Alexis Smart. There was a phase a year ago or so when I was heavily into having custom flower essences blended for me by the wonderful Kerri Aab. You can read more about why I love working with the flowers here, but if you’ve ever had a good experience with Bach’s Rescue Remedy, imagine that, but designed to address all the anxieties and stresses specific to YOU in the same subtle-yet-profound way.

Alexis Smart is Kerri’s West coast counterpart, and when I told her about the crazy-but-good juggling / balancing act that is basically my life right now, she sent me a bottle of an off-the-shelf blend called Unburdened. It hit me like floral valium, and so I wasn’t surprised to learn that it actually contains lots of the same flowers that Kerri used to put in my custom blends. New favorite thing to bulk order online in moments of summer-cold-induced anxiety and stress.

I finally met the beauty behind Benshen. Speaking of herbal alchemists, natural beauty line Benshen by Desiree Pais is seriously blowing up right now. I’ve been using her mantra-infused Serum No. 1 for a couple of months and we’d been trying to get a juice date in, but there was the aforementioned crazy-but-good juggling / balancing act that is basically my life, and then she was at the Summer Solstice Sadhana (she’s a serious Kundalini yoga head), and so it only just happened.

I loved hearing Desiree’s story, as she’s the definition of the word ‘seeker’ to me. A true Scorpio (determined, intense, and seriously sexy), Benshen is the result of its creator’s own search for a meaningful and lasting solution to her own skin issues, which has also led to a total re-evaluation of her diet, wellness practises, and even her relationships. I mean, this girl has done the work and then some, and so it’s no wonder the cosmos is lending its support to the success of her new line.

What did you discover about yourself and the cosmos this week? Connect with me and share on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

Benshen serum no. 1 featured on the numinous
Benshen Serum No. 1, $70


Move over astrology, I’ve got a favorite new tool / toy for personal development thanks to – the site where you can get your free numerology chart today. Images: Traugott Collection by Fluttuo.

'TRAUGOTT COLLECTION' BY FLUTTUO as numerology found on

It’s a little known fact that before Agyness Deyn became “Agyness, Supermodel” (and now Agyness, Actress, with two indie flicks under her belt and two Hollywood blockbusters in post-production), she was l’il old Laura Hollins. But luckily for our Aggie her mom was well-versed in the wisdom of numerology, and when it was suggested that a more noticeable name might be a good idea, she helped her daughter come up with something that would have a cosmic impact on her catwalk career.

Becoming Agyness meant going from an intellectually focussed Seven Expression Number, to a smiling, adventurous Three – aligning her outward expression with her sociable Three Life Path Number. Just perfect for a girl with her sights on charming the entire fashion industry and becoming the fun-loving face of her generation!

I knew about the name change but since a dude called Victor Temprano reached out last week to tell me about the free numerology chart calculator he’s just launched, I know know the details. And yes, I’ve been having all sorts of fun plugging in my names (I was born Ruby Shepheard) and birth deets, as well as those of my family, friends, and quite a few celebrities I have met or interviewed over the years.


Because you can begin to see how numerology is an intriguing tool to play with. Unlike astrology, where your chart is decided the minute you’re born and written like a cosmic blueprint in the stars, your numerology chart, when it comes to the numbers in your name at least, can go through many twists and turns.

Why do some people choose to change their name by deed pole? Why are some women adamant about keeping their maiden name when they get married? And what would going double-barrelled do for your numbers?

What’s interesting in my case, is that adopting my husband’s surname has meant my Life Path Number (a bit like your Sun sign in astrology) stayed an Eight. But the Four Heart’s Desire Number I was born with, the Four that craved stability and reliability, became a Nine once I found this in my marriage, making me more generous with my own time when it comes to helping others.

Ugh, endless numerological ribbit holes and HOURS-OF-F-U-N. So yes, dear Numis, you might want to clear your diary and check

What did you find in your numbers? Connect with us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to share.
