Seven of Crystals brings us back to center, in a week where we’re invited to come home into our body, says Lindsay Mack…
The Numinous
The Cancer Full Moon opens a portal of transformation, if we can process our feelings, get inspired, and stay present in the now, says Sandra Sitron.

Wolf Moon :: January 12 2017 :: 6.36am EST :: 22 degrees Cancer
This Moon is like a lullaby. She sings, “Find the softest part of your psyche. Open there just a little bit more. Somewhere there is a vulnerable part of you that is ready for a change. It’s time to heal. Shed a protective layer. Turn a wall into a ladder.”
You are in a moment of incredible growth. The Cancer Full Moon is offering you an opening. It’s transformational. The Cancer Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Capricorn. Capricorn is ambition and Cancer is nurturance. The Moon is the ruler of Cancer and she is nice and comfy in her sign right now. Yet this energy can feel so loud. Emotions come to their full blossom or their full boil. And the Cancer Full Moon chart is packed with heightened astrological energy. Let’s delve in…
The Moon and It’s Message
Pine trees in the moonlight.
Trees standing straight and tall, like you. The trees house an internal drama. There is a veil of peace and serenity, yet within each tree is a Universe. Cells multiply. Moss grows and birds sing. Sap flows and insects die. For the tree, time is different. Maybe it’s more like a series of rings and less like a straight line. Your message is to root yourself down and hold yourself up. Remind yourself that nothing is as it seems. The Cancer Full Moon wants you to remember that everything is more complex and more simple than you think. Capricorn Sun is Father and Cancer Moon is Mother. Hold yourself like a baby and let yourself truly experience the mysteries of the world. On this first Full Moon of the year, you are an infant. Let yourself be in awe of the enigma.
Moon Inconjunct Saturn.
The Moon is in her own sign and inconjunct Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn. Your feelings may get hurt. The squishy, vulnerable parts of you may feel like they are spotted by everyone. You can’t hide. Your old stuff is ready to be drawn out and healed. But the process may be downright frustrating. Find a structure for your emotions. Here’s one:
Step 1: Forgive yourself. If your emotions are causing behaviors you aren’t too proud of, accept it.
Step 2. Define your feelings. What is this feeling called?
Step 3: Identify the pattern. When was the first time you felt this way (high school or before)? If you can’t answer that, try this one. Name three character traits of the person(s) involved. Who else in your formative years also had these traits? A parent? Yourself?
Step 4: Go back and hug the child/teenager part of yourself that needs the hug. You are an adult now. You can nurture that inner child and tell them it’s going to be okay. Sit the little imaginary version of you on your lap and rock them.
Step 5: Process. This could mean different things… journaling, apologizing, writing an affirmation about how you would like to feel, or talking about it.
This 5-step process can be used whenever high emotions feel frustrating. Keep at it. It brings together the nurturing nature of the Moon and the structural energy of Saturn and the Capricorn Sun.
The Grand Cross Pattern
Stuck in a doorway.
The Grand Cross pattern is made up of Sun and Pluto opposite the Cancer Full Moon and squaring the opposition of Jupiter Uranus. Two oppositions. 4 squares. It looks like a giant square in the sky with a cross in the center. It’s a cardinal grand cross. The cardinal energy is initiative. Cardinal means “hinge,” which describes walking through a doorway into a new beginning. A new door opens. But the grand cross itself can feel like stuck energy. It’s like you being pulled in four different directions. Whatever portal you need to walk through on your healing journey, this is you standing in the doorway.
You’ve got your arms and legs outstretched and clutching to the door-jam. It may feel scary. It may feel like there is something on the other side that you shouldn’t see. Something will either push you through or you will retreat. Who’s to say which is better for you at this moment? The important thing for now is that you honor your experience in this moment. Your arms and legs are the grand cross. There is a sense of being pulled in many directions. How do you stand in the middle of this storm? How do you hold your center? How do you breathe through it? You need an anchor. It needs to be spiritual. It needs to be inspiring.
Which brings us to our next clue…
Venus Conjunct Neptune
A magic wand.
Venus is exactly conjunct Neptune. These two are buddying up and creating a Thor’s Hammer aspect pattern with the Moon and Jupiter. Don’t underestimate the powerful energy that you are emitting at this very moment. You’re sending out vibrational beams that are attracting more of the same to you right now. Find a way to funnel your energy. Make yourself into a magic wand.
Enchanting, lovely Venus and Neptune together can help you to transcend. If the balance is out of whack for you right now, you may find yourself locking into the lower vibes of Neptune—drugs, alcohol, bewilderment. Keep yourself inspired. The verb “to inspire” means both to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence, and to draw in air.
Do both. Focus on your breathing. And then find something that inspires you by engaging your sense of purpose. Use this inspiration to funnel your thoughts and emotions. This is how you activate the power of the magic wand that the Cancer Full Moon chart is presenting you with. How to connect with your higher-self. Probably you do this through meditation. Maybe you listen to inspiring music. Maybe you create something. You will have to get out of your typical thinking-cycle for a handful of moments. Keep leading yourself away from the swirling thoughts. You will keep returning, but you can keep leading yourself away. Focus on the moment. Like when you’re making your coffee in the morning. Or washing your hands. There is so much magic in the moment. The “now” will help you move through the doorway to the next stage of your healing journey.
Summary: This is a powerfully energetic time. Allow your feelings. Get ready to change and heal. If you feel stuck, pulled in four different directions, vulnerable, or confused—that’s okay. You will move through the doorway by processing your feelings, inspiring yourself and staying present in the now.
The below suggestions are for self-inquiry by sign to help you work more deeply with the energies of the Cancer Full Moon. For a more accurate reading, check where 22 degrees Cancer falls in your birth chart, and also read for that house…
Aries or 4th house.
In what area of your life do you wish for more security? How old is the part of you that wants security? Can you give more empathy to that part of you?
Taurus or 3rd house.
What would you like to be able to believe in? What is stopping you?
Gemini or 2nd house.
What are you building in your life? What is your most valuable asset when it comes to this task?
Cancer or 1st house.
What would you like to say “Yes” to? What would you like to say “No” to? What is blocking you from asserting your desires?
Leo or 12th house.
Ask yourself, “what feeling am I not allowing myself to acknowledge?” What comes up?
Virgo or 11th house.
What are your hopes for the future? Who in your community will support you?
Libra or 10th house.
What are the structure or systems in your life that you are ready to simplify?
Scorpio or 9th house.
Can you make a commitment to explore a new place or philosophical idea this week?
Sagittarius or 8th house.
Where in your life can you let go of control? What does the idea of spiritual surrender mean to you?
Capricorn or 7th house.
Who do you think you could be more open with? How might that change the relationship?
Aquarius or 6th house.
Is something stopping you from feeling grounded? If so, what?
Pisces or 5th house.
What can you do to bring more playfulness and lightness into your life?
On the eve of Numinous Founder Ruby’s OFF THE RÖCKS event in her home town, Helen Morris shares a high vibe guide to London…Main image: Aslan Arzaghi
London town conjures images of high tea, royal weddings, and quaintly charming flowerbeds. Yet the energy of this surging, diverse metropolis is as invigorating and potentially draining as that of any world capital. And while London’s still playing catch up with conscious cities like New York, Sydney and L.A., the wellness revolution is alive and vibing—with a new crop of healing-focused events, communities, and spaces blossoming as naturally as English roses.
Below, Helen Morris shares her itinerary for a day of sober raves, crystal cleansing, soul soothing relaxation, and mind expansion—all infused with London’s distinctive “keep calm and carry on” vibrations.
9AM :: Sober morning rave with Morning Gloryville
Pioneers of conscious clubbing, Morning Gloryville are on “a soul-shaking mission to expand hearts and minds by turning clubbing culture upside down.” In place of alcohol, you’ll find free hugs, yoga, cacao shots, smoothies, glitter, and guest DJs (FatBoy Slim among them). Their mission goes way beyond the dance floor with #thegloryvilleeffect raising funds to support refugee camps, divided communities, and poverty-stricken areas.

11AM :: Brunch at The Detox Kitchen
Fuel up for the day ahead with some delicious, seasonal food at The Detox Kitchen’s deli off Carnaby Street, the place to be in the Swinging 60s. With changing daily specials, and a not-your-average salad bar complete with colorful ingredients and creative flavor combinations (think miso eggplant, and kale with apricot, tahini, and coriander), The Detox Kitchen shows that clean eating doesn’t have to be the least bit boring.
1PM :: Vedic meditation at Will Williams Meditation
Fast becoming Europe’s biggest meditation hub, Vedic meditation teacher Will Williams and co-creator Jess Cook host regular introductory talks on Vedic meditation—a simple yet profound technique that’s rooted in the most ancient spiritual texts from India. Step into their gorgeous Soho HQ, grab yourself an herbal tea, and dive into discovering more about this perfect antidote to the stresses of 21st century living.

2PM :: Raw delights at Rawligion
Freshly opened in Central London, Rawligion provides tasty plant-based offerings that include Sweet Apple Cinnamon Chia, Liquid Gold Juice, and Chi Lime Pie. AND it has its own raw chocolate room.
3PM :: Inspirational speakers at Alternatives
Sign-up for seminars and master classes from the world’s spiritual greats at this space in Piccadilly. Mixing healing giants Marianne Williamson and Eckhart Tolle with cutting-edge spiritual teachers, including Rebecca Campbell and Kyle Gray, Alternatives is the hub for transformative learning.
6PM :: Crystals at She’s Lost Control
Filled to the brim with mystical potions, crystals, distinctive candles (check out Mama Moon), clothes, books, and trinkets, this Hackney boutique is a veritable treasure trove of spiritual gemstones. SLC also hosts regular workshops and circles with some of London’s best healers, including Wolf Sister and Chloe Isidora.

7PM :: RevaYoga
This little piece of India finds its home among the independent bookshops, grocers, and restaurants of Broadway Market’s canal-side locale. Influenced by owner Nina Deely’s far-Eastern travels and ashram life, RevaYoga is a true sanctuary in the city that holds regular yoga and Pilates classes, workshops, sound ceremonies, and visiting teachers from around the world, including The Numinous’ very own Madeleine Giles.
8:30 PM :: Nightcap at Wild Food Cafe
Tucked into color-saturated, holistically-focused, Neal’s Yard alley, this innovative wellbeing oasis is a welcome reprieve from the bustle of Theatreland. Sample organic wines and beers, or go alcohol free with their salted caramel mylkshake, kombucha, or medicinal mushroom hot chocolate- all served up by a super-friendly staff.

9:30 PM :: Stargazing on Primrose Hill
Finish off your evening with a romantic jaunt to picturesque Primrose Hill. This leafy urban village is home to many a celebrity, and offers one of the most beautiful views of London’s skyline. If it’s a clear night, you’ll also catch a stunning glimpse of the moon—a magically mystical end to a day fit for a high-vibe queen!
Helen Morris is a London-based writer, yoga teacher, and marketing consultant for conscious brands. You can find her on Instagram and on her blog, Follow Your Bliss.
Numinous weekly horoscopes direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A frog swims gracefully underwater, it’s arms and legs stretched long. Frogs are always transformational. This is a transformative time for you. You are looking for something outside yourself to augment your transition. Maybe this thing you seek will nourish you. Maybe it will challenge you. You can reach out in hopes of understanding a different perspective. Your partnership zone is lit up with emotion this week. It can be hard to stretch yourself to make room for another person. It can be hard to be vulnerable. It can be hard to compromise. Stretching to make room for someone else is the thing that will help you grow.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Scratching at the sand. Scratching. You are drafting something. There’s a sense here that you’re working something out. You’re coming up with different solutions to the problem you are trying to solve. Making a draft, rubbing it out, trying again. Can you stay really grounded right now? There’s a reason that you are doing this problem solving / drafting / creating on the earthy sand and not on a chalkboard or paper. Tend to the organization of your environment. Make sure that your body is nourished with the right nutrients. Drink water. Stretch. These little things will help you work out the problem you’re trying to solve. Don’t rush the solution. Let it unfold, piece by piece.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Blowing bubbles. Creating something beautiful. The bubble shimmers and floats. It’s iridescent in the moonlight. What is the meaning of this? Is it about hope? Is it about love? Satisfaction? Play? It’s all of theses things. Creating something big, shimmering and bold. Believing in it fully, even though you know that eventually, it’s going to pop. Watching it pop and then simply blowing another one. Investing in the creation of it, and then letting go of the outcome. Playing.What is play? Being totally present in the moment, with of lightness. Where do you need to bring in more lightness? Play, have fun, show off, shimmer, be light, be full, and gracefully let it go.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Running fox. The fox is you, Aries. There’s a lot of activity happening at your base. It may feel unsettling, as if you have to stay in motion. You have to keep on the move, figuring it out as you go along. Make sure to remind yourself that you are safe. Emotional security is available to you. You have all of the support, tools and resources that you need. All you need to do is allow them. When a situation or environment is difficult, try a new approach. Look for a broader perspective. Try to see the forest and not just the trees.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A prism. Watching light shine through a prism. It creates a rainbow on the wall. The angles of the prism caused the light to shift and the result is breath-taking. Be adaptable right now. You will be making adjustments and coming up with new conclusions. You can’t always set out on a course and know with certainty where you’ll end up. Sometimes fear or anxiety can arise when you hold on too much to a certain outcome. That pressure can stop you from even beginning. Let go of the outcome. Put your heart into rainbow trust. The result may be unexpected, but more beautiful than you can imagine right now.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A caterpillar munching on a leaf. You’ve got so much eating and storing and growing to do. Sustenance. You need to be able to keep going for a long time. The caterpillar’s body shape is long too. The energy for you right now is step-by-step. Segment by segment. Building. Working at a slow and steady pace. Having a vague idea of the goal. Knowing that you can’t do it all today, but you can do a little bit. You can have patience. Remember that you don’t yet have the full picture. Someday, you may turn into a beautiful butterfly. But you can’t know about that yet. For now, your task is to keep building from where you are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A match burns. The match represents your singularity of purpose. And the energy that you can use to achieve it. Light yourself up this week. Find your inspiration. You must focus. And you must take action. The action that you take should be just for you and for no-one else. Say yes to what you want. Say no to what you don’t want. Live fully. You don’t need to focus this way every single moment. But at the right moments, gather your attention, strike your match, and light a fire within yourself. Burn bright.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising
Reaching your hand into a hole. This is a mystery. You are reaching for something you can’t see right now. It can feel risky to reach into the darkness. What is waiting for you on the other side? Honor the power of your subconscious mind. There is so much that you have yet to understand. Try to reach in. Go under. Go deep within yourself. Let go of what you can see on this side of the veil and travel deep into your subconscious. Investigate your dream world. Meditate, keep a dream journal, try hypnosis. You need to explore. Let go of your conscious reality for a moment. Dive in and learn more about the hidden patterns of your mind. Discover greater depths.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Pac-man’s universe. Back and forth. Eating, being hunted. Constantly encountering the same foe. It’s a game of skill. If you succeed, the game gets more challenging. It seems like you need to get out of this rat-race. Your future can be so much more than just survival and small rewards. What is your greater purpose? What are your hopes for the future? Who is your community that will support you? You don’t have to be all alone out there. You aren’t locked into a maze filled with glowing enemies. Start seeing opportunities in every problem. Create solutions that are bigger than you are. Find ways that you can be of service. Activate your hopes and dreams.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Washing walls. You are taking care of the structures that you’ve created. There are some basic chores you need to do. Maintenance. It’s time to set yourself up really well. So that you can achieve great heights. Get all of your systems into place. Be a great manager for your life. Automate as many things as you can. You need be able to serve on a high level. Get structured. This will all mostly have to do with your career. If you can get your career systems structured and aligned, you will advance rapidly. Get to work.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A flame thrower. Bam. Wow. What is going on? Why are you throwing flames, dear Scorpio? It’s time to take your personal “fire” and propel it outside of yourself. Your fire is your passion, your creativity, your individuality, your courage, and your inspiration. Get out there in the world, and light it up. Explore. Share your spirit. Don’t stand in the shadows right now. Your experiment is to be a little more wild and free. Dance if you need to. Be like Katniss Everdeen in the twirling fire dress. Loud, bold, and relentlessly unapologetic.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Child’s pose. How much more can you surrender? How much more deeply can you bow? Do you think that you have to do all of it all by yourself? Do you think that you’re not supported? That’s just a mental block. That can be dissolved. Use your gratitude to dissolve it. You are held. You are supported. The more that you let go of control, the more space you will open up for healing waters to cleanse you. It can feel good to give up—if giving up is an act of faith. Try it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
The Earth needs empowered feminine energy like never before in 2017. How will you connect to the many faces of the feminine essence?
2016 was a wildly challenging ride through womanhood. As we enter the New Year, we sat down with Sarah Durham Wilson and Jessica Sevapreet Hesser to explore how you can activate all of the faces of your feminine in 2017—from awakening your creative force to making friends with death.
To show up as a woman in the world, you have to understand that first and foremost you are WOMAN. Imagine what it would be like to feel worthy, beautiful, loved, and important without needing to change or maintain anything. What if no matter what you did, no matter how you looked, no matter what happened to you, you understood that these essential things were always yours?
Activation: Grace of God Meditation
Mantra: Bhand Jammee-ai
Crystals: Chrysocolla, Ruby, Larimar, Rose Quartz
I didn’t really find the Goddess, she found me. Many years ago I had an experience of my god dying. It really came out of the blue, and this idea of a Christian male godhead started to disintegrate within me. At first I really grieved this loss, but then things started to move in a different way—Jessica
Activation: Finding the goddess is really just about connecting with the parts of you that feel beautiful and graceful. A perfect way to do this is through dancing. Put on music and just let it move you. Raise the vibration even higher by wearing something silky or adorning yourself with jewelry. Start with this Goddess Playlist.
Mantra: Adi Shakti
Crystals: Moonstone, Mother of Pearl, Sapphire
Women hold the death energy because we are always changing, like the Moon and like the seasons. When we remove ourselves from death and darkness it leaves us very incomplete and disempowered. In working with the Faces of Feminine we can come back into integrity with the beautiful wholeness, which is our birthright and the source of our power—Jessica
Making friends with death is about inviting back all the parts of ourselves we have exiled. It’s an invitation back into integrity and into wholeness. Explorations into this dark space can start by just allowing yourself to really be in the unknown.
Activation: Sit in silent meditation, unmoving, with your eyes closed for 20 minutes per day. See what comes up with curiosity, rather than fear.
Mantra: Kal Akal
Crystals: Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Black Fluorite

Once a woman understands the cycles of the earth and phases of the Moon, she can understand herself better. She doesn’t feel so alone because she is one with the Mother, which is where we feel best; it’s where we feel most natural, most feminine, most alive, most nurtured, abundant, and empowered—Sarah
Dark of the Moon—Let yourself be emptied. Have a day of silence. Turn off your phone, computer, and TV and just experience being only with yourself, alone and quiet.
Waxing Moon—Make a list of all the new things you want to do for the next year and then go do one! Go on an adventure. Explore. Listen to music that enlivens your spirit.
Full Moon—Get creative. Paint, draw, or cook a fabulous meal.
Waning Moon—Self care. Take a bath. Get a massage. Do some slow yoga. Let yourself eat in a way that really feels nourishing.
When I reside in the unhealthy masculine, I’m chasing, not receiving. I’m pushy, rushed, and faithless. When I lose touch with feminine energy, I lose touch with the best parts of myself. Re-finding the balance between the two serves not just me but everyone around —Sarah
We all have feminine and masculine energy. The key is to know when each is useful. Masculine energy is essential in order to manifest your creativity and turn your feminine force into action and form. But too much masculinity can show up as disconnection, rigidity, aggression, or irritation. Too much femininity arises through overly-emotional reactions, indecisiveness, confusion, or an inability to take action. If you’re experiencing either of these, it’s time to call your neglected side back to the table.
FEMININE ACTIVATION: Try reading or writing poetry, dancing, or singing. Focus on receiving. Do a few minutes of left nostril breathing.
Mantra: Adi Shakti
Crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Rose Quartz
MASCULINE ACTIVATION: Get physical — go for a run, take a kickboxing class or do a few minutes of Sat Kriya or right nostril breathing.
Mantra: Har
Crystals: Black Lava or Tiger’s Eye
Woman is always the creative essence, whether through giving birth to children, ideas, businesses, art, words, or any other form you put into the world. The Maiden energy is full of vitality and energy. But when we stay there too long, the opposite actually happens: we are drained of our energy and we are stripped of our power. The Maiden doesn’t quite yet know what being woman is, but the Mother embodies it completely—Jessica
MAIDEN ACTIVATION: The gift of the maiden is innocence. If you feel a loss of vitality in life or are lacking passion and enthusiasm, you may need to connect to your maiden energy. Engage in something new—go on a road trip, check out a class you’ve always wanted to take, have an adventure day.
Mantra: Ardas Bahee
Crystals: Aura Quartz, Citrine, Spirit Quartz
MOTHER ACTIVATION: The gift of the mother is grace. If you find yourself really concerned with what other people think of you or are wrapped up in appearances, you could do with a good dose of Mother energy. Connect with Mother Earth. Go outside, walk barefoot, lay in the grass, pick wildflowers. Try the Maaa Meditation.
Mantra: Beautiful, Bountiful and Blissful
Crystals: Mother of Pearl, Celestine, Aquamarine

I know that the Goddess is the missing piece in so many women living in a patriarchal culture—these are tools I wish my mother had had, the self love and intuition and feminine alignment of cycles and seasons in our lives. When I had a feminine awakening, it literally saved my life and I wanted to share the gifts I’d been shown with every woman I possibly could. I didn’t just want to, it felt like a mission that Goddess had handed me—Sarah
The first step to working with other women is to be willing to get over yourself! Allow yourself to really enjoy the things that other women bring to the table without needing to compete or compare. Every woman has her own gifts and when we join forces our power is exponential.
Activation: Explore lunar wisdom by joining the Moon Club or The Faces of the Feminine.
Crystals: Blue Lace Agate, Blue Chalcedony, Turquoise
2017 will be the year of the woman. There is a huge awakening in response to a call felt deep in the heart of every woman, a call put out by a planet which is suffering. Women are rising up, ready to be sacred activists, ready to be protectors of the earth and its people, ready to be the saviors we have been waiting for—Jessica
Becoming a sacred activist means first coming into integrity and alignment with your own values. Take a look at the things you find yourself impassioned about. How much energy do you use that you don’t need to? What do you “make war on,”attack, or hate in your own life or in yourself? Where do you sell yourself as a woman—where do you abdicate your power? After you dig into questions like these, the work you can offer the world shows up really clearly.
Activation: Find an activist group near you or online. Practice the Meditation to Invoke Your Inner Light.
Mantra: Magnificent Mantra
Crystals: Vanadinite, Jasper, Carnelian, Pyrite, Amazonite
Join Sarah Durham Wilson of DOTIGIRL and Jessica Sevapreet Hesser for FACES OF THE FEMININE, a four-weeks online women’s study course, with guidance, virtual circles, rituals and Kundalini Yoga starting January 8th. Find out more and register here.
Want to make a difference in 2017? Numinous Founder Ruby Warrington shares 8 ways to be a spiritual activist…
“Are you going on the Women’s March?” It’s the question doing the rounds as we come around from the collective anesthesia of the holidays and it all comes flooding back. The Trump regime. This is happening. Time to get back to work. Considering a lot of what I talk about on this platform involves the words “spiritual activism,” it may come as a surprise to learn that the answer from me is “no.” At the time of writing this I do not have plans to join the 200,000 + protestors who will march on Washington Jan 21, the day after the inauguration.
And it’s not because I don’t think that it’s necessary to vocalize our anger with the incoming administration. It’s not because I believe that humans mobilizing en masse doesn’t have any impact—just look at Standing Rock. But just as each individual birth chart maps a unique life path—a unique dharma—it seems to me that vocal protest is but one of many, many, many small and different ways that each and every one of us is being called to be of service in 2017.
When I launched our #TuneInPeaceOut event in September last year, it was because I had identified my big message for the world as being: PLEASE CAN EVERYBODY JUST STOP FIGHTING! WE’RE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM, FFS! “I guess I’m a massive pacifist,” I told the life coach who helped me boil it down. So it makes sense that when I think about my personal contribution going forward, it’s less about fighting against the system, and more about putting all my energy and ingenuity into creating a new way of seeing and doing things. A way that works for everybody.
Read on for 8 ways to practice spiritual activism in 2017…
1. DON’T HATE, CREATE. I equate creativity with spirituality, and so for me the term “spiritual activism” speaks to action that is an expression of our desire to create—create new conversations, create conscious businesses, create works of art that shake up the status quo, create babies who will grow to be future spiritual activists!
2. COMPASSION INTO ACTION. It also means taking action from a place of compassion and empathy—knowing that we are all connected. Like I said, we’re all on the same team—meaning, as humans, we all have the exact same needs (love, material security, freedom, to be heard and understood), and the exact same fears (pain, hunger, abandonment). Yes—even the President elect. Knowing this, the more our actions are about giving each other what we need, the better.
3. TEAMWORK. So, we’re all connected. Which means that working with others who share our goals is way more impactful that going it alone—as this creates a cosmic domino effect. Marches and protests are one amazing example of this! But also look at the impact of the online group Pantsuit Nation. Who’s doing stuff you see making a positive difference? Ask how can get involved.
4. CONSCIOUS COMPUTING. The Age of Aquarius has given us this amazing tool called the internet, which means we are literally all connected. Sadly it didn’t come with any instructions for how to use it to get everybody to stop fighting. It really is on us to a) figure out ways to use this tool to create good stuff, to get educated, to learn compassion, and to give each other more of what we need, and b) not get sucked into the shadow side of online life (misinformation, fear-mongering, and comparison/separation).
5. CONSUME BETTER AND LESS. In relation to spiritual activism, the message of conscious consumption is two-fold. Firstly, yes, every dollar you spend is a vote for the kind of world you believe in. Don’t believe in the objectification of women? Don’t buy fashion brands who objectify women in their ad campaigns! Obvious right? But we do it all the time without even thinking. Second, a lot of the times when we buy more stuff and eat and drink more stuff it’s a way to distract us from the stuff our soul came here to do. Consume less + feel more = get inspired to act (as uncomfortable as this can feel). Oh and all that money you spend on “stuff”? Could also be donated to causes and charities where it’s really needed.
6. SEE A SPIRIT FIRST. This is about seeing past what a person says and does, past what they believe, past what job they do, past what country or body they were born in, and looking for the human spirit underneath. And going from there. Also, making it your business to interact with people who are not “like you” on the outside, as a way to practice seeing the spirit on the inside.
7. RESPOND DON’T REACT. If the Donald has taught us anything, it’s how ridiculous and childish it is to go with your knee-jerk reaction to anything which could be perceived as a “threat” to you and / or your beliefs. Yoga and meditation are a physical way to build the spiritual resilience it takes to listen and digest first—making it possible to choose the right next course of action. The “right” action being the one that works for you, and for everybody else.
8. LISTEN. Everybody’s got an opinion. Everybody wants their opinion to be heard. And everybody says what they think will get the biggest reaction because everybody also wants their opinion to get liked on social media. But it can be the people with the quietest voices who need to be heard the most. Not to mention the least “likable” truths. So just be quiet and listen for a minute. Maybe ask a question, something along the lines of: what do you really need? This way, your next action can truly be of value to a fellow human spirit.
Read more about spiritual activism from our Moon Club founding members! We have curated a line-up of humans who are committed to creating good stuff for humanity, and who will be on hand to offer additional support and guidance to our members. Meet them here and read more about Moon Club and sign up here.
A new year horoscope for your sign, direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
Sitting quietly in peaceful meditation. Breathe in and breathe out. Your goal early this week is to tune into your breath. Connect with your center. This is the simple stuff that is so often overlooked. It may seem boring, or as if there isn’t any time for meditation. But right now it’s critical for you. Find your flow. Let rigidity in your mindset melt away. You are ready to perceive reality in a new way. And if you want to make any progress, you must first attune with your inner self. You can’t keep pushing in the same old way. If you try, you’ll find yourself bewildered and confused. Tune in. Sit quietly. Breathe. Take your foot off the gas. Feel your way to a new approach. It’s time to change the way you think.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
A frozen pond. All the life and abundance of a pond waits silently, under a layer of ice. Waiting for winter to end. Waiting, but knowing that it’s perfectly on time. There is nothing happening, yet that is just as it should be in the natural order of things. You’re waiting too. Especially when it comes to your finances, your sense of security, or your relationship with abundance. You need to relax. You need to remember that there is a natural order to things. Sometimes it’s not easy to understand how to take action. Sometimes you can push and push and nothing gives. That means that it’s time to stop pushing and instead accept the perfection of the natural cycle. Enjoy the perfect place that you’re in.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Tadpoles. Major transition. It’s a slippery transition. Meaning—are the changes happening to you, or are you in control of the changes? Maybe it’s hard to tell. You’re growing fast. Legs and arms are appearing out of nowhere on your little tadpole body. How is this happening? Are you welcoming this massive change? Are you allowing for the growth, or are you calling it something else? See anything that’s uncomfortable in your life as an opportunity for growth. Allow it. Welcome it. Recognize that you’re building your identity. It may be completely unexpected. But really, it’s just you becoming more yourself. The tadpole becoming the frog.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising
Roasting food on an outdoor fire in the darkness. It’s time to recharge. The bonfire represents energy. The food cooked on the fire is another energy source. You need to gather in this emotional and physical energy. Because this is happening at night, it means that you need a subconscious recharge. This can happen when you put to rest an issue that has been bothering you on a deeper level. Something unresolved. It’s taking up energy. Ask yourself who you need to make amends with. Ask yourself what the best way to do that is. Maybe you write a letter that you never send. Maybe you have a long overdue conversation. It’s time to clear the energetic channels so that you feel nourished and energized. There are busy times ahead.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
Dust settles. It’s time to process what just happened. How do you feel now? How would you like to feel in the future? Can you lean into the feeling you would like to have? Check in. Form a new vision for the future. Let this new vision be innovative. Make sure it follows your greatest hopes and aspirations. Make sure that it stops at nothing. Now that the crisis is over, it’s time to dream. Even if the crisis isn’t really over, something feels different now. So use your intuition to discover your new priorities. And then stubbornly defend them. Don’t let fearful thinking stop you from living your dream.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
Going down a rabbit hole. You are receiving a symbol of alternate reality, and there is planetary action in your career zone. What can this mean? You need to view something about your career quite differently. The issue is in your perception of the facts. Trust yourself. Trust what you’ve been working for. Peer through the looking glass. What if everything is different than it seems? It’s time for a new construct. Tell yourself that the things you are convinced are hard will be easy. Take a potion that can make you much bigger than you are. Embody success. Turn your world upside down. You will end up feeling much more aligned.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
A bird swooping down for a landing. Follow your emotions. They may take you on a journey. You may land in a new location. This landing spot can be thought of as a mission statement or a manifesto. It’s a platform. This platform will be something that you can keep coming back to. It’ll help you make good decisions. Because you’ll know where you stand. It will provide you with a sense of elevation in challenging times. It’s a spiritual truth. You are going to need to know what you believe in. Find this new platform by following your intuition. Don’t try to force it. Ask for guidance and land when the moment is right.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising
A forest covered in ice crystals. The trees are wearing cloaks of ice and snow. They glitter. They allow. A cycle is just another opportunity for them. You are getting more comfortable with this idea as well. Witnessing creation, pro-creation and death on the third dimension. Your instinct is to hold on. Your lesson is to let go. Sit quietly and feel the moment swell. This is all there is. Knowing that, what can you release? Control is an illusion. Winter and death are our teachers. Go as far away from ego as you can go. Even if it’s only for 10 seconds, let that part of you die away. Merge with your higher self. The practice of letting go will open a portal for you.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Big sky. On the other side of the sky you will find your other half. You’ve projected unwanted parts of yourself to the far horizon. Call them back. Own the stuff that you don’t want. Until you own it, it will keep showing up to you in the form of other people. Own your anger. Own your fear. Own your joy. Own your power. Name the things about yourself that you know to be true. Now name their opposites. Call those in. Are you very nice? Maybe it’s time to be a little more nasty. Are you very disorganized? Maybe it’s time to clean up your act. Don’t box yourself in to a previous self-conception. Free yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising
Pushing aside reeds in a marsh. Systematic searching. In the bog. In the reeds. You’re neither here nor there. You’re not on solid ground or in water. You’re in-between. And yet, you search. Looking for order in chaos. Start with the small things. Manage the things that can be managed and the rest will solidify from there. Small steps toward self-care. Maybe you can only change one thing. Maybe that’s fine. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You can’t do it all when you aren’t even sure how to stay afloat. Make micro-changes.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
Opening a book. A new book, a new chapter, a new page. It’s time to take creative action. This is your moment of discovery. The book is in your heart. When you open it, a light shines out, and that light is you. Show the world your light. The past is over. Your moment is now. Make something. Don’t think about it. Just do it instinctually. If you open the channel, the creativity will flow through easily. If you try to block the channel right now, you’ll feel confused and bewildered. Shine your light and feel the certainty and satisfaction of creation.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Canadian geese flying high. While you’re on your journey, you need to protect yourself. You need to shelter yourself from the wind. Be creative in your approach to this problem. One of the ways that you can conserve energy is to give yourself empathy. Allow yourself to feel all your feelings. Another way to take care of yourself is to send healing love to your inner child. Take lots of time in a quiet cove, out of the windstorm. You don’t need to rush around. You are on an emotional journey. You are headed home. When you arrive home, you’ll find that your journey has brought you back to yourself. Your destination is the sunny warmth of self-acceptance.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cast and channeled by Lindsay Mack, using The Starchild Tarot
Ace of Swords, rx
Ace of Swords reversed might not be the sexiest card to kick the new year off with, but it is arguably the most valuable. You are moving through some deeply important shifts this month, Capricorn, ones that will have an effect on the remainder of your year. Ace of Swords reversed is inviting you to get clear on where you might be self sabotaging, resisting your expansion, or letting yourself be swayed by negative, low vibrational energy. You are on the verge of a HUGE expansion, loves, one that will powerfully transform your life for the better. You cannot really move forward into that expansion without inquiring about whether your thoughts and impulses are in alignment. Even if the untrue thoughts continue to swirl around, it’s okay—you will be clear, and that will make all the difference.
It is time for an intentional pause in your life, one that will enable you to truly take stock of any areas in which you are living in fear as opposed to truth. To do so will be tough, maybe intense, but the fear is worse than the reality. In other words, Capricorn, your brain is taking you for a little bit of a ride. It might be whispering stories of fear or dread to help keep you smaller, or throwing you off the trail with projects, endeavors and collaborations that are just a distraction for what you really want to do, or from the discomfort of the unknown. You might not be able to see it, or even identify it until you take that pause. If you can give yourself the gift of that, you will be able to get off that ride sooner than you think, opening your life to clarity and expansion.
Ace of Swords rx is one of those cards that can be flipped from reversed to right side up very easily, as long as we inquire. Once you take that step, Capricorn, the month’s energy will shift; what was confusing will become extremely clear, powerful and abundant. Ace of Swords is really a lightning rod for clear connection with Source, allowing us to manifest our brilliant ideas. It is a place of great power, which is why it’s so important for us to be clear when we are in this card. No more forcing, pushing or fear based actions. Take the time to get clear, Capricorn, and everything will start flowing.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Oppression/The Devil
Upon starting to write this Tarotscope for you, Aquarius, Spirit popped in my ear quite loudly and said, “They know what this means already.” So, there you go. I think all of you probably understand why The Devil has come to call on you this month. I think it is showing up for all of you differently at this time—some of you may in fact be lapsing into old addictions, some of you might be experiencing visits from your shadow self, some of you might be in a big cycle of brain chemistry contraction, locked in old thoughts, beliefs or anxieties. Either way, it’s not permanent; you are moving through a process of liberation.
The Devil doesn’t show up because we took a wrong turn, nor does it show up because we get sucked into a cycle of poor judgement and low vibe energy. Far from it. Even if you are engaged in some shadow behavior, there’s a root reason in there somewhere, a cry for that’s going unanswered. That cry might even be the desire to be free, to allow yourself to experience this shadow behavior without self judgement. You are going deep with The Devil this month, Aquarius. There’s nothing to fear—you will learn more about yourself, your brain, and the nature of your addictive cycles than you ever have before. Knowledge is power, so make sure you show up to class.
The Devil is a call to liberation, to free ourselves from the bonds of judgement, guilt, shame and self flagellation when we drift down an old path of addictive energy. The question isn’t, “How can I avoid this? How did I get back here?” The question is, can you let yourself be human? Can you answer the call of that cry within you? Can you forgive yourself? Can you honor the ebbs of flows of this human life, Aquarius? Can you let yourself be perfectly human? Can you allow yourself to be honest, raw, shining in all of your imperfection? If you can bow your head to the cycle that The Devil is highlighting for you, you are already free. The Devil is starting your year off with an incredibly powerful, soul level invitation to love, accept, and honor yourself as you are, Aquarius, however you are. Give yourself the support you need to move through any cycles of addiction, and cut the chain of identification.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Six of Cups
You are moving into the new year on such a beautiful, tender energy, Pisces. Six of Cups has the potential to deeply transform the whole flow of your year—it’s invitation to you is to open your heart, speak your truth, and express yourself vulnerably and courageously. You might be called to revisit old memories, flowing back into a time of nostalgia, whether painful or beautiful. Be willing to look at everything that arises, gently and kindly taking care of your inner child as you do so. There is the potential for much healing and emotional releasing this month, which is wonderful. It can enable us to become even more intimate with ourselves and our inner children, as well as to free up space within us to receive new experiences.
This great wave of expression, truth and experience will dictate the flow of your month, Pisces. You may swirl back and forth from the present moment to the past—there may even be moments where the two seem like they are getting confused with one another. If things become unclear, you can always come back to your heart, to the truth that resides there. If you tune in with that place, the truth of your current experience will always be clear to you. If you withdraw, the month will be more difficult for you. If you lean into your heart and your truth, so much love, support, and abundance will flow your way. Be the fish that you are; go for a deep swim, come back to the shores of your life, reporting on what you’ve seen there, then dive back in.
Six of Cups is an emotional rebirth, in many ways. It can take us back down memory lane, but it’s true invitation is to return to the purity of a child’s heart: free, open, unafraid. It is the place we all lived before we were burdened with heartbreak, sadness, trauma, or grief. For you Pisces, the nostalgia piece is important; there will be a great wisdom in the emotions and memories that flow back up to the surface. Rather than closing up or letting them take you completely under, feel them and tune into what medicine or messages they might have to offer your expansion at this time. Become a deep sea diver of your heart and soul, bringing back treasures to share with everyone in your life.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Wheel of Fortune, rx
Happy new year, Aries! What a powerful month you have ahead of you. Simply put, Wheel of Fortune reversed is inviting you to stay centered in the present moment, supporting you in creating the best possible foundation for your intentions to flourish. If you can shift your focus out of the future and into the here and now, you will set the tone for an incredibly abundant year. When delays or confusions arise, consider them little mindfulness bells, bearing messages from Source. Try to find a lightness and curiosity with those moments.
Ask yourself, what needs my attention now? Before you make that million dollars, do you need to open a business banking account? Before you meet your soulmate, do you need to work on receiving? Don’t limit this to romantic love with a partner. What about receiving compliments? Receiving help at work? This isn’t about getting what you want, but rather preparing you for what you have asked for. The more you drift into the future this month, Aries, the more banana peels Wheel of Fortune will slip under your feet to attempt to bring you back to the present moment. The banana peels don’t exist to screw with you—they exist to help you see things from a different perspective. We go from walking on two legs to flat on our back in a moment! There is a treasure here; it is the Universe trying to get your attention.
Your biggest invitation, Aries, is to not miss these signs. If we don’t consider the gift of the banana peel, we will continue to get caught in delay and distraction, not to mention victimhood and story. If we can honor the initial feelings that arise as we lay there, then actually find a way to laugh about it—we have succeeded in working with the moment! Then, perhaps, we might open our eyes and see a beautiful sunset that we weren’t noticing because we were lost in the future. We might even fold our hands behind our head, silently thanking the banana peel for the reminder that we need to rest, opening up to the fullness of the moment. In other words, Aries, your response to the present moment is dictating your future outcome, so be here now. If you can work with the complex energy of the Wheel of Fortune reversed, you will have a very bountiful year on your hands.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Knight of Wands
Damn, Taurus! What an crackling energy to set the tone of the new year! Knight of Wands is ruled by fire and air. This card’s electric energy brings with it a heart centered heat, leaving a trail of passion, sexuality and joy wherever it goes. This energy loves to be seen, to feel itself, to be front and center—to take action and look good doing it. Your invitation this month, Taurus, will be to plug into this frequency and allow it to permeate into your life. Knight of Wands energy could show up for you professionally, personally, and/or romantically. No matter what, don’t limit yourself.
Let this month be the alchemical shift it is meant to be for your whole sign’s expansion. Your only task, and it is a big one, is to blow past any fear or resistance to these energies and to courageously step up into your fullest expansion. No more playing small, being afraid to take up space, or dimming your light down for others. Blast off, Taurus—2017 is your year! Knight of Wands is a card of action, so no matter what area of your life this card shows up in, it is going to take you somewhere. USE this energy, Taurus. The medicine of the card showing up in the month of January is actually setting the tone for your whole year—it is important to embrace it’s power.
You can start by taking a gentle appraisal of all the ways that you keep yourself a little smaller, or in outdated patterns, whether consciously or unconsciously. It might be time for some big steps, might be time for small ones. Either way, expect some beautiful shifts to your life. Is it time to raise your rates, move across the country, or release certain people from your life? Is it time to launch the product, events or workshops you’ve been dreaming of? If so, do it fearlessly and joyfully. When and if discomfort or resistance arises, take it as a sign that you are on the right track—nothing aligned ever comes without contraction. Trust in that wise discomfort as you move forward this month, closer and closer to your dreams. Step forward, Taurus. Be willing to be seen in all your glory. It is time to shed the old layers that have so beautifully shielded you from shining in your fullness.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
The Empress, rx
The Empress reversed is getting real on you this month, Gemini. It is time for a change in the way you choose to move through the world on all levels—romantically, interpersonally, creatively, professionally, energetically and beyond. The Empress is divine feminine, divine Mother, divine receiving, the pure essence of Yin energy. She is comfortable, relaxed, dropped in with her sexuality, her creativity and her intuition. The Empress is also a Major Arcana energy, which is akin to a thunderstorm, or the curl of a wave; there is very little we can do to control these energies, and like the weather or the elements, it is best to bend with them, rather than against them. January’s invitation to you will be to surrender to this softer place within yourself.
It is time to evolve past the busy doing and over thinking that robs you of the wellspring of your vitality, and come back home to Empress energy. She has been calling to you for several months now, and I know a lot of you are feeling a lack of her in one way or another, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. You will create and manifest a lot more through restoration and reconnection with your sense of play, receiving, and sensuality, Gemini. It is time to drop back into yourself, past the mind and into the body. The body is your refuge and your temple; you have to start treating it that way. 2017 is truly a year that isn’t going to let up on you until you are courageous enough to choose softness, rest, and a renewed sense of self care in the face of your mental contractions.
And by the way, this isn’t because you are doing anything wrong, or making mistakes. Far from it! The Empress reversed is here because you deserve better, and it is time to look at the old patterning and fear that keeps you from moving into this place of upgraded receiving. You can start by communicating your feelings, or moving into a willingness to accept help when it’s offered to you. You don’t have to be comfortable—you just have to be willing. Instead of getting swept away with your brain’s chatter, tune into what your body is communicating to you. A whole Universe of knowledge is contained within you, past the storm of your thoughts and patterning. Rest, listen deeply, come home to yourself.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Ten of Pentacles, rx
January is a month of limbo for you, Cancer, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It fact, it’s powerfully aligned. If you can flow with the unknown and move into quiet, focused inner work, much will be manifested out of this time. This period of your life is best served by looking inward, rather than to material or external gains. The time spent in review will aid you in refining your goals, preparing you beautifully for where the next few months are going to be leading you. It will be immensely important to take stock of your aspirations during this time. You have to be willing to honest with yourself, to shift your life if some aspect of your path is no longer in alignment. Don’t let this scare you—these changes will only yield more abundance, joy and clarity in your life.
Ten of Pentacles when not reversed is a pretty perfect card. It heralds a time of completion, harvest, abundance, rich rewards for hard work. It also can be a time when we are birthing something new into the world. The reversal is a little heads up that some aspect of our lives is out of alignment, and thus is keeping us from this harvest, from manifesting all that we desire. Your job this month, Cancer, will be to clarify just what that is. It’s a little like driving a car that’s making a noise. It could be that your oil needs a change, it could be that your transmission is failing. The most important step is to cultivate the courage to go to a mechanic and have it looked at.
Either way, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Either your car will be good as few for a few bucks, or you could trade it in for a totally new car. The one thing you cannot do anymore is drive your car around while it’s making that noise. Muster up the bravery and come face to face with your truth. Hard as it might be to hear, it’s going to bring only better, not worse, to your life. Once you move through that, you are free to make the essential changes that can bring Ten of Pentacles out of a reversal and into it’s aligned place, flooding your life with the gifts that are hovering right above you, ready to flow into your life.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Page of Wands
You literally could not get a more powerful, positive card for the start of your 2017, Leo! Page of Wands is joyful evidence that sets the tone for a profound shift in your life, markedly moving you from a year of hatching to one where you are fully out of the cocoon. You are ready to go, and the energy of the month is going to take you to your dreams and beyond. 2016 was a year full of ass kickings for your whole sign—profound, transformative, and full of blessings to be sure, but most certainly a tough ride in moments. This has been important for many reasons: to temper ego, to help you to trust life, to slow you down a bit, to get you more centered on the foundation than the outcome, to reconnect you with your intuition.
All of it was important and vital—but it is done. Whether you were aware of it or not, you passed the big tests. You waited. You paused when it felt excruciating. You trusted life even when it felt impossible to do so. You did the work even when you didn’t know it. You let yourself be lost and confused. You were willing, even through discomfort, to evolve. Evolution is exactly what’s been happening to you, Leo—moving from caterpillar to butterfly. The simplicity and the power of that is enough to crack your whole heart open. The truly, truly hard stuff is over, and what it’s left within you is a readiness, an openness, a richness and a wisdom of spirit that is priceless.
The Universe has been waiting for you to be open enough to receive the blessings, gifts and invitations that it wants to grace you with—you were so busy in your own stories and agendas that you weren’t able to do this until now. Bow to yourselves; you have come through a full rebirth. Page of Wands is your guide for this new era of your lives, lighting the flame, bestowing upon you a kind of grounded, rooted confidence that will propel you through your year ahead. This card’s energy has wrapped up the past, has shifted the impulsive way they used to do things, and is now moving in a way that is tethered to reality, allowing much to be manifested along the way. This month is the beginning of BIG transformation for you, Leo. You are ready—so leap.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Five of Swords
You have choice this month, Virgo. With Five of Swords, there is always a choice. You can choose victimhood or empowerment, to get sucked into an old mental pattern, or to decline your brain’s invitation into contraction. You could go down the whirlpool of destruction, self sabotage, guilt, shame, rage or fury—or you could just recenter, calmly honoring the gifts of your situation and letting all of it unfold into a place of power and transformation. Five of Swords is a card that can have a sting to it, which is a part of it’s medicine. The sting helps to get our attention. This card is going to help you to see the ways in which you have locked yourself into a pattern or cycle of negativity or pain—once you see it, it will be possible for you to be liberated from it.
This is a month, Virgo, in which you are going to have to be on your toes with your brain chemistry. The fact that you’re in Five of Swords is a great thing and a good sign—the brain doesn’t really invite us here unless it knows that it is losing some measure of control over us. This is a month to practice extreme gentleness in the face of whatever arises—internally or externally. It is a time to go slowly, to make measured choices, and to drop any story we have about this cycle in our lives. If you are locked in a story about how you were wronged, or how life is unfair, drop it. Honor the feelings, and move into choice, into owning the truth of your situation. No more self flagellating or victimhood.
As foreboding as all this sounds, it will only hurt as much as you’re identified with your ego and victimhood. If that’s the case, you’re already in pain. You can only have more of what you’ve got, or to be liberated from the cycle. This freedom is exactly what’s possible for you this month, Virgo. To see yourself and the ways in which you’re staying locked in old, painful patterns, and rather than getting caught up in a story about that, to choose a recentering. If you are courageous enough to turn away from the brain’s invitation into victimhood and story, you will be clearer, wiser, freer and stronger than you’ve ever been.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Nine of Pentacles
January is a time of sweetness before a big transformation. You are getting ready for some major, major changes this year, Libra—all hugely expansive and abundant. You have been through some unbelievably intense cycles in the past year, moved through major resistance and fear, and evolved like your life depended on it. January is the start of a fresh time, a brand new path of growth, blessings, and gifts, all of which will be borne out of the hard work and self love you’ve been cultivating and nurturing. Nine of Pentacles is the sacred guide that will lead you toward all that you are prepared to receive with open arms. You are ready—now let it flow in.
Nine of Pentacles is a beautiful energy, a sweet culmination of a time of committed efforts, and of knowledge and blessings gained through those efforts. Look around you, Libra. Are you anywhere near where you were at this time last year? My hunch for most of you is no. Even if the physical, earthly aspects of your life have stayed the same, YOU are different. You are not the same. Bless yourself, bow to yourself, give thanks, love, and gratitude to yourself. 2016 was an extremely intense year that came with so many challenges, invitations and contractions for your whole sign—you moved through that beautifully, whether you were aware of it or not. Now, it is time to reap the rewards of that hard work, and to step forward into your next level of expansion from there.
There is a two fold invitation for you this month, Libra—to bask in the glow of the gifts, abundance and blessings in your life as a result of your committed growth, AND to prepare to step onto a new path of mastery. The master’s path is the only option you have now, Libra. It is time to step into that new place of purpose, and of creation, to shed any aspects of your life that are keeping you locked in struggle, pain or resistance. Take a BIG leap this month, and it will pay off. There is no rug to be ripped out from under you. You are out of the dark and fully in the light, Libra. Expect to be showered with blessings, opportunities and gratitude this month. Absorb, trust and receive them—then begin to get clear on your next steps.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Four of Wands
This is your second month in a row in Four of Wands, Scorpio! A first for these Tarotscopes! Whenever cards repeat themselves, especially in a setting like this, it is very special. Not only does it mean that there are still lessons to be learned, wisdom to be gained, and medicine to be absorbed from a card’s energy, it also means that your guides are trying hard to communicate with you. Some aspect of the Four of Wands is deeply important for you, Scorpio—it has to be to come up back to back. Beyond the channeled wisdom that I will go into here, I encourage you to go off book this month, and tune in with this card in a more personal way. Read everything you can about it, look at card imagery from lots of different decks, read about the numerology of the number 4, and consider what the energy of fire might have to bring to your lives. This is a beautiful practice to drop into whenever we get repeat cards. Something is trying to communicate with us, and it is lovely to open ourselves up to that in any way we can.
You are still moving through the beautiful invitation that Four of Wands brings, which is to celebrate and honor a cycle of completion in our lives. When we are in this card, it slices away seriousness, cools intensity and softens our focus. It transforms the tremendous fire exerted in the Wands, channeling it into joy and celebration. This card’s energy has come here for one of two reasons, Scorpio. See which one aligns most with you: 1) You have been actively ignoring the invitation of the card, plugging away at life on an empty tank, not truly taking the time to recharge and refill your well, or 2) You are taking the invitation of the card beautifully, and the continued recommendation is to keep moving through your life with that same sense of full hearted flow.
For those of you who find yourselves in choice one, it’s all good! Just drop into the energy of the Scorps who have been flowing in choice two—restore, realign, rejoice in your life. Blow off steam, laugh, honor the journey that’s led you to this point, and let the whole month be a celebration of all your work in the past year. You deserve it.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
Three of Wands
What a beautiful start to your 2017, Sagittarius! Your sign on a whole is on fire, truly stepping up as the powerful leaders that you are. It has been amazing to see this expansion blossom in all of you over the last few months. The energy of the coming year is only going to bring you higher, deeper and more fully into your mastery, and Three of Wands is helping you to kick off the journey in a truly potent way. The time has come to get clear, Sagittarius. Clearer than you’ve ever been. What do you want? Where do you feel called to live? Who do you feel called to be around? It might be time for some of you with tighter grips to let go of control, moving into a willingness to receive in a way that will ask you to surrender.
If you’ve been in the same situation for a few years, the latter is important medicine for you. In order for you to step up into this place of mastery, you have to allow January to help you clear out the old and plant anew. Three of Wands is such a powerful, potent, special energy. It truly heralds a time of transformation, shifts, and new groundwork. Your journey of expansion isn’t over—but you have leveled up. It will be very wise for you to take an inventory of yourself, your life, and the people with whom you teach, raise, serve and spend your time. Ask yourself if these relationships feel deeply nourishing to you, and how you could bring this higher level to the table for all of your relationships. The same goes for your job, your romantic attachments, your goals and dreams.
January is truly the start of a very exciting time for you, one that will ask you to really come forward with all of the gifts, knowledge and wisdom you’ve been quietly gaining over the last year. People need your wisdom now more than ever; it is time to share it at this new level. This may also be a time when you find yourself drawn to explore new avenues of service, learning, or experience. If you’ve been hungering for that, dive in. Three of Wands energy is all about new journeys, experiences, growth and knowledge, both gained and shared. Let it flow through your life and see how it effortlessly releases what doesn’t serve and brings more abundance in.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lindsay here and follow her on Instagram.
In the face of heart-wrenching challenges that left many of us feeling very troubled (read: angry, confused, and afraid) we remained committed to the deeply magical acts of connecting and co-creating. From transforming difficult emotions into empowered action, to the pure pleasure of crystal dildos, we give you the Best of The Numinous 2016. Cause we gotta have faith, cosmic crusaders…
1. A Message of Hope from Miki Agrawal: Thinx Founder Miki Agrawal shares her post-election thoughts for how to change hearts and minds.
2. Dream Project: The Story of the Dust II Onyx Tarot: When Courtney Alexander couldn’t find a deck that spoke to her on a soul level, she decided to create her own.
3. How to Work with Your Spirit Animal—A Total Guide: Wolf Sister teaches us to tap into the animal kingdom by learning to work with our spiritual beasts.
4. Holy F*ck: Holding Space for My Shadow Self. “Just like our sexual self doesn’t have much space to roam in this world, neither does our shadow self…” says Alexandra Roxo.
5. Why Are All the Lightworkers Moving to LA?: Fern Olivia breaks down why life on the Left Coast is calling.
6. Cosmic Calling—Astrology for Entrepreneurs: When it comes to astrology for entrepreneurs, it’s about knowing your cosmic career signature, and following a few hard and fast rules, says Rebecca Gordon.
7. Empowered Action in the Face of Trauma: Recent world events have stirred up many intense emotions. Louise Androlia shares her wisdom on how to use our feelings as a catalyst for empowered action.
8. Fashion as Self-Love: The Story Behind KE7H3R: “Everything, even fashion, is a transference of energy.” Janelle Corpuz Hethcot talks sartorial style as self-love with Ruby Warrington.
9. Hello Chakrubs: Yes, That’s a Crystal Dildo: Forget the battery-operated vibrator and pick up a high-vibe, soul-opening crystal sex toy. Chakrubs founder Vanessa Cuccia shares her story with Gabriela Herstik.
10. Casting My Spell—Confessions of a White Witch: “I see writing as a spell, decorating my home as a spell, singing as a spell. Whenever I express myself I am casting MY spell.” Shaheen Miro shares what it means to grow up and embrace being a white witch.
Want more Numinosity in 2017? Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Instagram and Facebook so you never miss a post.
Elyssa Jakim sits down with her hero, the Goddess Venus, for some lessons in love, sex, and relationships for 2017…

In the spring of 2012, I took a fated voyage to Italy. I toured Rome, Florence, and Venice for two weeks by myself without knowing any Italian except different variations of ciao and grazie. I had experiences that ranged in tint from enchanting to bizarre to intense to delicious to profound.
Of course, I visited the Uffizi Gallery in Florence: the must-see museum city’s must-see museum. After rounding a nondescript corner of this monolith, I found myself face-to-face with Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus. The sight was astonishing. Instantly, tears sprang to my eyes at the golden masterwork. I knew Venus. I looked like her. I was her.
Chills ran through my body. Identifying with Venus bundled me in a new layer of self-acceptance, like a warm cloak. The sight of that painting changed something in me.
This all happened before I had discovered that I was a latent medium. But, looking back on my emotional response, I believe this meeting with Venus sealed my future work with her—and my eventual ability to hear her. Since that trip, Venus (and that image of her) has entered my life in countless ways—not least with my Temple Of Venus column for The Numinous, in which I have discussed many ways to work with the energy of the Goddess Venus.
As this column prepares to transition in the New Year (stay tuned for its next incarnation), I decided that a perfect way to pay homage to our Venus would be to let her speak.
So as we close out 2016, I sat down with the Goddess Venus to get her tips on love and romance for the year ahead. And yes, by sitting down with the Goddess, I mean I went into deep meditation and had a conversation with my hero Venus!
“Hello Universe! It is a pleasure to be heard by you. Numinous readers have deep sensitivity. I hope they can feel my vibration through these words.”
ELYSSA JAKIM: What can you tell us about relationships in the current climate, Venus?
GODDESS VENUS: Recently, I have found I want more from my lovers and my standards are elevated, which means you mortals too have been more demanding in your relationships. It’s good to have high standards. But like anything, these high expectations must be balanced. So here is my tip for relationships in 2017: look at your closest relationships, especially with those family members who you perhaps spent more time with during the holidays.
Ask yourself: are my standards fair? Am I being too hard on the people around me? How can I receive the love that they are trying to give, even if they lack the right words? How can I appreciate the effort my loved ones make, even when it doesn’t land quite right? This will free you up into compassion.
EJ: Are the high standards also helpful?
GV: Yes! The shift into higher standards is very important for those wishing to break their relationship patterns and attract a new kind of love in the new year. If you know you are ready to change how you date and whom you date, start setting your new patterns without delay. Walk your talk. When the same type of person you always date with no positive results asks you out, decline. Cut a date short if you don’t feel honored. It is time to spend time with people who lift you up, enlighten you, who make you laugh, and who make you feel healthy. Be aware of the company you keep.
EJ: What’s your message to the world right now?
GV: Stay close to your heart. It’s easy to look outside of yourself to find the answers, and it is easy to look outside of yourself for despair too. But the thing that is truly sustaining is the energy of your own knowing. People know what is right for them so much more than they think. I see so many of you asking for advice when you don’t really need it.
Is it advice or is it permission you’re seeking? I give you permission right now to make your own decisions. Trust that you have all of the answers inside of you. Especially in this Internet age where there are so many answers. Before googling all the symptoms (physical and metaphysical) simply ask your self what you need.

EJ: What are your tips for sensuality in 2017?
GV: Get into your body, and get truly sensual! Challenge your lingerie choices. If you always wear a bra, forget it for a day. If you’re always flying free, try something structured and see how it makes you feel. Notice your body’s sensory reaction to clothes. What makes your genitals a little excited when you think about wearing it? What are your sensual fabrics? Read a book of erotica or a book about tantra and practice by yourself. Get intimate and cozy and hot inside to offset the frost. Winter’s dark mysteries can be pretty sexy.
EJ: Is January really a good time for a detox?
GV: We often indulge during the holidays, since emotions are running high, and being surrounded by family members can trigger this. A way to temper this is to make sure your self-care practices are also on high alert. In January, drink SOOOOO much water. Put crystals in the water to make it more fun! If you have a sweet tooth, perhaps try a spoonful of honey. It may be cold out, but fresh air will help you to re-group and re-ground.
This is not a time of denial. If you’re choosing to eat healthier in January, feel excited by this act of nourishment. Receive the sweetness you maybe crave from other things. From a warm hug. From a great wintery walk. From candles. From kisses in the snow. From romance.
EJ: You are the Goddess of romance, Venus. What does that word mean to you?
GV: It means saying your true feelings out loud. Whether this is a crush or a long-term lover, to me being bold can be really sexy. Remember when you wrote letters to people as a teen, Elyssa? I loved that! You might have been embarrassed, but I found it beautiful! Most importantly, be romantic for yourself. Light candles in your space and play music that feels sexy or heartwarming to you. Sit by the fire, take hot showers, seek heat and warmth. Put red roses or petals in your space. Write yourself a love letter. Cook yourself a nice meal. Take yourself out on your own perfect date. The ways to be romantic are limitless, it’s just important to remember to do it.
EJ: How can Numinous readers connect with you in 2017?
GV: My energy is awakening more and more on the planet right now and I invite any one reading this to spend time in meditation with me. And remember, I exist in many forms. I exist as honeybees. I am a planet, obviously. I am white buffalo calf woman. I am the earth. I am sensuality. I am the womb. I am your deep femininity. Please spend some time with me. Please put a red rose in your hair, light a white candle, wear something gold, anoint your body with oil, listen to music, sway, and think of me. I love you so much. Have fun and you will prosper!
Elyssa Jakim is available for intuitive readings that channel goddesses, guides, angels, ancestors as well as astral travel sessions, distance reiki, and more! Check out for details on how to work with her. And discover her on Instagram @temple_of_venus.
The Capricorn New Moon is here to fuel our resolutions for the coming year, and she wants you to succeed in all your goals, says Sandra Sitron…

New Moon :: December 29th 2016 :: 1:54am EST :: 8 degrees Capricorn
A New Moon is a time for fresh intentions. An old cycle has ended, and a new one begins. Imagine that you are planting seeds at this time. Over the course of the next two weeks the seeds will grow to full bloom. What seeds will you plant?
The Capricorn New Moon is achingly practical. She wants you to grow to your full potential. She wants you to use all of your skills, be responsible, be productive and be your own authority. This Moon reminds of the cold hard truth—if the foundation isn’t strong, there will be problems later on. And yet, the Capricorn New Moon message is empowering—make a good plan, cover all your bases and believe in your own ability to succeed. You can show up for this challenge by deciding what you want and making choices that align with your desires.
The Capricorn New Moon happens annually around the time of the New Year. As you set your 2017 resolutions, you are actually crafting a good old-fashioned Capricorn plan! Capricorn helps us structure and produce. So get out your calendar and start sketching out some goals. What will your focus be for each quarter over the next year? What will your focus be each month? Start with the big projects and break it down from there.
The Capricorn New Moon whispers in our ear with a firm and steady voice. She takes a serious tone, but know that she wants the world for us. She wants us to feel the satisfaction of achievement. She says, “I want the best for you. I want you to build something good. You have to do it on your own, but I am supporting you. So show up. Be consistent. Take responsibility. Shoulder the burden. Choose which mountain you are going to climb and then begin. Be determined and diligent. Integrity, responsibility and authority will help you climb your mountain.”
The Moon and it’s message
Exploring underground caves.
You’re a spelunker. You are moving through caves because it is time for you to examine the architecture of your life. This adventure requires bravery and diligence. As you assess the caverns, you must determine if they are stable before you venture in. The symbolic message of the caves is twofold; first, that you must make space for your deepest emotions. Without processing your deepest emotions, you won’t be able to make a conscious plan. Your choices will be too clouded by subconscious fear or anger. Second, that you are revisiting your past. You have to backtrack and rethink past decisions. New information will be revealed during this time. You will make discoveries that inspire you to form a new approach.
Moon Conjunct Mercury (Retrograde)
The rules of the game. The tendency is to be very exact. To know the rules of the game. By all means play by the rules, but leave a little room for adjustment, when necessary. It will soothe your mind to have some kind of “rule book” that you are abiding by. Structure is your friend. Just be careful not to be too rigid.
Moon Conjunct Pluto
The phoenix rises. You are ready to be born anew. An old cycle is ending. You must let go. You must let everything burn away. This requires bravery and trust. Let something die to make room for the new. Acknowledge the emotions that come up and give yourself empathy. Help the old pain heal.
Moon Sextile Mars and Neptune
The boomerang comes back. You are able to move forward and backward through time. What is time? Does it even exist? Return in your memory to your child self at different ages and shower them with unconditional love. This is a way to begin to heal yourself. Find ways to venture through “the veil” between the the physical and non-physical realms. Deepen your meditation practice. Practice shamanic journeying. Create art or music. In your daily life, take action only when you’re inspired. All of these practices will support your ability to be productive and help you meet your goals.
Summary: Although this moon is highly practical, there is a strong emotional tone to it as well. The message is to keep looking at any old fears objectively and see what you are ready to let go of now. Notice what you’re ready to set a new intention around. Be an architect. Re-design your life, based on your desires and not your fear, or what you believe is expected of you. You’re in charge now. You’re the grown-up.
The following suggestions for self-inquiry by sign are designed to help you get deeper into your Capricorn New Moon ruminations. You can get a more accurate insight by checking where 8 degrees Capricorn falls in your birth chart, and also reading for that house.
Aries or 10th house
What in your career is ready to shift? Spend some time journaling about your vision for your career, and list all the steps it will take to get there.
Taurus or 9th house
How can you actively inspire yourself? What practical things will help expand your sense of wonder about the world?
Gemini or 8th house
In what area of your life are you ready to let go of control? If you did so, how might that feel? What hidden desires rise to the surface?
Cancer or 7th house
What relationship patterns are you aware of? When you’re in this pattern how does it feel? How would you like to feel instead? Can you lean into this feeling?
Leo or 6th house
What healthy habits will you prioritize this month? In what ways might this inspire you to also be of service?
Virgo or 5th house
How would you like to expand your creativity? What idea has been on the back-burner that you are ready to begin work on now?
Libra or 4th house
How can you make your home more graceful and elegant? How would this affect your mood? And your productivity?
Scorpio or 3rd house
If you were going to take a class or attend a workshop, what would it be about? Is it possible to make that happen?
Sagittarius or 2nd house
What is blocking you from realizing your self worth? What limiting beliefs are behind any instances of poverty consciousness (“I am not enough / There is never enough”?)
Capricorn or 1st house
What is blocking you from saying “yes”? What is blocking you from saying “no”? List the thoughts or emotions that comes up, and then ask yourself, “is that actually true?”
Aquarius or 12th house
What is the dominant feeling surfacing for you right now? What’s it like to feel this way? Journal on this feeling and then ask yourself: What can I let go of in order to heal?
Pisces or 11th house
Which part of your life are you ready to share with the world? How have your unique experiences equipped you with the insight to make a real difference?
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra Sitron here or follow her on Instagram. PLUS get a PDF workbook with coaching exercises for each week of the coming moon phase when you sign up for Moon Club! Discover more at
The art of Laura Berger discovers communion in curious places. Below, she talks positive imagery, humanness, and making art as a healing practice.

Whether lounging under palm fronds or tucked inside rainbows, Laura Berger’s figures delight in their sheer nakedness. As they collide with the wondrous world and each other, they appear both freshly hatched and deeply wise. “I guess I’m often painting what I dream of,” says the artist and yogi. And what does she dream of? Chosen families, phones with cords, and the imperfectly perfect adventure of living.
On the healing journey: I think I’ve been on that journey for many years, ha! It’s an ongoing process for most of us, right? I think making things is a good way to generate natural healing vibes, and the themes I’m working with are very positive. So when you spend many hours working on positive imagery, I like to think it slowly, slowly sinks in and has an impact, both consciously and subconsciously.
On chosen families: My own family is now very small, so I have this very deep longing to be a part of a close-knit group of people who can fill in that void a little bit. Like a chosen family—a group where you can feel completely safe to be wholly who you are, and where you can experience a sense of true understanding and belonging. I don’t currently have that in my life, but I value it so much. I miss the old way of communicating. Let’s do handwritten letters and face visits and pony rides and get phones with cords that stay in our houses when we go out.
On surrendering to the experience: Life unfolds so randomly and imperfectly perfectly. I’m interested in the push and pull between trying to control our experiences and accepting what comes, and how this works. Questions that there’s no rigid answer to. I think a lot about death, ritual, adventure, and finding ways to honor ourselves and sit calmly in the center of all of these conflicting experiences that we have.
On discovering humanness: I feel like [making art and practicing yoga] just gets you closer to the experience of it: more aware of your own extremely complex human-ness and the equally complicated human-ness of others. Hopefully you find more compassion across the board, and more appreciation for and empathy towards this shared, insane experience of being a human that we are all swimming through.
On the most challenging part of the creative process: Sitting down and starting.
And the easiest: Anytime after I’ve actually started.
On the moments when you feel most alive: When I’m not trying to do anything but be alive.

Discover more about Berger’s work at and follow her @_lauraberger_
This piece was adapted from Aligned Magazine’s interview with the artist, originally published October 10, 2016.
A weekly horoscope for your sign, with a symbolic message direct from the third eye of Sandra Sitron—a.k.a. Strong Eye Astrology…
Capricorn :: Capricorn Rising
A dragon whipping it’s tail. You’re ready to go! A new start, a new world is yours. This is your annual reset. In the East, the dragon symbolizes self-confidence and power (among other things). It’s time for you to accept and affirm who you are. You have to do this for yourself. Nobody else can affirm you. Nobody else can convince you that you’re great, if you don’t believe it first. Envision yourself as the dragon, powerfully whipping your tail. You deserve to be here. You deserve to light up the world. Your individual spirit is a gift. Step into your own legacy with strength and a sense of wonder.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aquarius :: Aquarius Rising
Pinewood derby. In a pinewood derby racing event, each cub scout receives a block of wood and is responsible for carving and shaping it into an aerodynamic car. It’s about building something out of basic materials and understanding simple physics. You need to do some carving too, but of your mental patterns. It’s time to go back to the basics and restructure your subconscious thought patterns. You’re responsible for the shape of your thoughts and the momentum of your feelings. Slow down your thinking. When you have a thought pattern that isn’t lifting you up energetically you can say “cancel” or “delete.” Forgive yourself and the thought pattern. When you have a low-vibration thought about someone, retrace your steps and make amends. This is reprogramming! This practice will give you momentum in a direction that is enlivening. It’ll put you on track.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Pisces :: Pisces Rising
Quilt squares. A quilt tells a story. Each fabric patch has a history and meaning. It’s time for you to share your story with a broader audience. There is meaning and wisdom in what you have to share. Your story can teach each of us how we are special. You can be a model. Remember that you are connected in your community. Your may have to bring your community together in a new way. You may need to be with friends. Share ideas with your tribe. Use this time as an inspiring chance to connect through stories. Make sure to keep the conversation positive and nourishing.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Aries :: Aries Rising
The flame of a rocket. The rocket symbolizes success in career endeavors. It’s time to be noticed in your career. But, it’s also time to change your beliefs about what success is. Review your plans and update your agreements this week. These can be literal agreements or unconscious agreements. Is something ready to shift in your career? Are you ready for a different approach? If you aren’t sure, spend some time journaling. Become very clear about your vision for your career. It’s time for fresh intentions in this area of your life.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Taurus :: Taurus Rising
A deep belly laugh. How are you engaging with life? It’s time to practice being amused. This is your time to be in love with the life that you have. Look for ways to get inspired if you need to. Respond to life with a deep belly laugh. Create meaning even in difficult situations. All of this may be hard to hear, depending on the life situation you are working with. Notice resistance, give yourself empathy. And then laugh at life anyway. Practice a different kind of response. We are all just bozos on the bus. Clowns in the clown car. We are trying. Remember that you’re on a journey and it’s important to have fun in the moment. Laugh.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Gemini :: Gemini Rising
A few of your favorite things. Count your blessings. Be in a state of gratitude, some of the time. This New Moon positions you to forgive and let go. Acceptance is so close for you. But to get to this state, you also need to reckon with your need for control. This week, you may naturally find yourself reviewing the past. As you do so you will get a chance to feel feelings you weren’t able to feel before. Allow the feelings to flow through. Notice where you try to maintain control in order to keep yourself safe. Focus on gratitude and let go of the old stuff you don’t need to carry anymore.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Cancer :: Cancer Rising
Bracelets. A bracelet is symbolic of luck, prosperity and happy love affairs. This week’s New Moon lights up your house of relationship, so this symbol is auspicious. Lean into the feeling of comfort that prosperity can bring. Lean into the feeling of fulfillment that a drama-free relationship can bring. Without judging or questioning whether these are feelings you have right now, just imagine these feelings and relax into them. You might want to close your eyes and deepen your breath while you do this. Imagining that you feel a desired feeling is a magic spell. That’s it— magic! Why is this exercise important? Because right now you get a fresh start on your relationship patterns. It’s time to go back over old stories, process, release, and start anew. As you work with this process, remain aware of your vision for how you want to feel.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Leo :: Leo Rising
The spotlight. Take care of your body. Your spirit is shining through so bright. Like a beam. Like a spotlight. Yet, you need to make sure that healthy habits are supporting your spirit. Eat regular meals, drink lots of water, exercise, meditate. This all supports your creativity, which is a light for the world. Another thing to consider right now is the quality of the thoughts that you’re entertaining. To keep your vibration high you must monitor your thoughts and your words. This is another kind of practice. Stay vigilant about the types of conversations that you get into. Thoughts become things. Develop healthy practices that support your mental and physical health.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Virgo :: Virgo Rising
Swimming laps. Reaching out to your full length as you swim laps across the pool. Stretch out an arm, kick out a leg. It’s graceful and rhythmic. You need to create a routine that supports your maximum expansion out in the world. Set intentions this week about how you want to expand your creativity. It may seem counter-intuitive to have to plan out how to have fun or be creative. But it really is something that needs it’s own lane in the pool right now. It’s important to funnel yourself in the direction of creativity, joy and lightness.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Libra :: Libra Rising
A goddess in a shell. You are bringing elegance into your home life. Nest. Take care of your needs to be safe, rested and nurtured. It will make you feel good to bring a subtle awareness of grace into your daily life. Into your domestic life. If you are dining alone, light candles and bring out the good napkins. If you are working from home, set up a beautiful work space for yourself. If you are enjoying holiday festivities make your rituals both glamorous and comforting. On a deeper level, these practices remind your inner child that you are “worth it.” Being mindful of comfort and grace is deeply soothing to your spirit.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Scorpio :: Scorpio Rising
A kaleidoscope. Look into the kaleidoscope and see the colors and shapes morphing into a new arrangement. This is important right now because you are currently adapting. Your mindset is twisting into a new pattern of colors and shapes. Be ready to flow. You may be surprised by some of the changes. Invite them in. Throw open the door to growth. New, new, new. You can make your beliefs new and different. What belief is ready to get an update? (Clue, what part of your life feels stuck?) Just choose to believe something new. It will be amazing to see the images that emerge.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.
Sagittarius :: Sagittarius Rising
Fish eating leaves. The abundance of the Earth! The vast majority of the Earth teems with life. Deep in the sea there are strange creatures that are hard to even imagine. Animals live on the fringes of ice caps. There may even be life forms that inhabit sub-glacial lakes on the Earth’s poles. The creativity of life is endless. How does this affect you? You have this same abundant spirit within you. You are a creator and you are filled with possibility. The only thing is that your abundance can be hard to see sometimes, because it’s not always a concrete thought form. Now is the time to remind yourself that you are abundant and you are worthy. It might be hard to “prove it” to your conscious mind with “facts.” You may decide to feel it instead. Focus on the moment and feel your abundance now. Keep practicing. Keep focusing on the now and you will feel the abundance that you are.
Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Sandra here or follow her on Instagram.